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Full text of "History of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Illinois, ancient, free, and accepted masons : from the organization of the first lodge within the present limits of the state up to and including 1850"

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Ancient,  Free,  and  Accepted  Masons, 

From  the  Organization  of  the  first  Lodge  within 

the  present  limits  of  the  State,  up  to 

and  including  1850. 


W.  M.  Tyrian  Lodge  333, 

Deputy  Grand  Secretary. 





The  importance  of  preparing  a  history  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois 
was  first  suggested  by  M.  W.  Bro.  DILLS,  in  his  address  delivered  to  the 
Grand  Lodge,  October  5th,  1858,  as  follows  : 

"  I  have  obtained,  during  the  year,  the  following  information  relative  to  the 
existence  of  a  former  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  but  have  failed  to  find  any  of  the 
records,  although  I  have  sought  for  them  diligently.  I  visited  E.  W.  Henry 
^  H.  Snow,  who  was  D.  G.  Master  as  late  as  1826,  and  who  is  now  old  and  infirm 
He  informed  me  that  there  was  a  regular  Grand  Lodge  of  this  State  previous  to 
1827,  and  that  to  the  best  of  his  knowledge  the  time  of  its  annual  convocation 
was  in  December;  that  the  last  meeting  was  held  in  the  winter  of  1827-8;  that 
grand  officers  were  elected  at  that  time,  but  that  he  does  not  now  remember 
who  the  Grand  Secretary  was,  or  in  what  part  of  the  State  he  resided.  He  also 

V          stated  to  me  that  there  were  some  ten  or  twelve  Lodges  working  in  the  State  at 
the  time,  but  that  the  following  year,  during  the  fiery  persecutions  which  pre- 
vailed in  the  country,  the  Grand  Master  died  or  removed,  work  was  suspended, 
•    and  never  resumed. 

"  I  have  also  been  favored  with  a  copy  of  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri  for  the  years  1824  and  1825,  from  the  W.  M.  of  Franklin  Lodge  Is'o. 
25,  on  the  18th  page  of  which  I  find  that  their  Committee  on  Foreign  Corres- 
pondence recognized  an  existing  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois.  This  is  about  all  the 
information  I  have  been  able  to  obtain,  and  I  now  request  the  brethren  of  the 
.subordinate  Lodges  in  this  State,  or  any  brethren  out  of  it,  that  if  they  can  give 
any  information  which  pertains  to  the  early  history  of  Masonry  in  this  State,  to 
communicate  it  to  the  Grand  Secretary  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  by  whom  it  will  be 
.^l  N^  thankfully  received." 

In  speaking  of  the  action  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Maine,  in  providing 
3?     for  a  history  of  Masonry  in  that  State,  the  Committee  on  Correspondence 
of  1858  remarked  as  follows  : 

"It  seems  to  your  committee  that  something  of  the  kind  should  be  attended 
to  in  this  State. 

"Several  of  the  Lodges  on  our  present  registry  obtained  their  charters  from 
other  jurisdictions,  and  as  long  ago  as  1824  (and  how  long  before  we  do  not 
know),  a  Grand  Lodge  existed  in  this  State,  which  afterwards  went  down,  or  was 
dissolved.  After  its  dissolution,  several  Lodges  in  Marion,  Montgomery,  and 
other  counties  in  that  region,  became  identified  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mis 
souri,  and  constituted  a  district,  of  which  Bro.  Boyakin,  formerly  a  member  of 
our  State  Legislature,  as  late  as  1847  was  D.  D.  G.  M.  The  history  of  the  Lodges 


subordinate  to  this  Grand  Lodge,  since  its  organization,  might  be  obtained 
years  hence,  but  the  earlier  and  more  fragmentary  and  scattered  history  will 
soon  be  difficult  to  obtain  ;  and  may  be  very  difficult  in  some  instances  now." 

The  following  resolutions  were  adopted  at  the  session  of  1858  : 

Resolved,  That  the  materials  for  a  complete  history  of  Masonry  in  the  Terri- 
tory and  State  of  Illinois,  from  the  organization  of  the  first  Lodge  therein, 
together  with  such  biographical  sketches  and  personal  incidents  as  may  be 
worth  preserving,  ought  to  be  gathered  up  and  placed  in  our  archives,  so  that  a 
historical  volume  may  be  issued  when  the  Craft  may  desire. 

Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Master  appoint  a  suitable  person  for  that  service,  to 
be  styled  the  Illinois  Masonic  Historian,  who  shall  be  fully  authorized  to  gather 
such  materials  together,  and  to  call  to  his  aid  the  services  of  such  Masters, 
Wardens,  or  Secretaries,  as  may  be  able  to  render  him  any  service.  All  the 
reasonable  expenses  of  said  Historian  to  be  paid  by  this  Grand  Lodge. 

No  further  action  was  taken  until  1867,  when  M.  "W.  Bro.  GORIN: 
recommended  as  follows : 

"A  Grand  Lodge  was  formed  in  this  State  in  1820.  The  Hon.  Thomas  C. 
Browne,  then  and  until  1848  a  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court,  was  President  of 
the  Convention.  Gov.  Bond  was  the  first  Grand  Master,  and  Hon.  Wm.  H. 
Brown  was  Grand  Secretary.  This  body  virtually  died  in  1827.  These  distin- 
guished brethren,  with  most  others  then  engaged  in  the  formation  of  the  Grand 
Lodge,  are  dead.  The  records  of  the  first  Lodge  in  the  State,  and  a  portion  of 
the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  are  in  our  archives ;  a  portion  are  wanting. 
In  1827  the  Grand  Lodge  went  down,  and  charters  were  granted  to  the  Lodges 
by  the  Grand  Lodges  of  Kentucky  and  Missouri.  For  several  years  after  this 
Grand  Lodge  was  formed,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  held  jurisdiction  over 
several  Lodges  in  this  State,  and  had  a  District  Deputy  as  late  as  1846. 

"  The  history  of  the  old  Grand  Lodge,  of  the  Lodges  subordinate  to  it,  and 
those  subordinate  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  until  it  ceased  to  exercise 
jurisdiction  over  our  territory,  should  by  all  means,  and  at  any  cost,  be  rescued 
from  oblivion.  Several  years  since  our  Grand  Secretary  was  appointed  His- 
torian, but,  for  reasons  apparent  to  this  Grand  Lodge,  he  has  not  been  able  to 
perform  the  duties;  he  therefore  asks  to  be  discharged  from  that  duty,  and  I 
recommend  that  the  whole  matter  be  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  Grand  Master, 
with  full  power  to  employ  such  assistance  and  take  such  steps  as  he  may  deem- 
necessary,  with  power  to  draw  on  the  treasury  for  all  reasonable  expenses." 

The  Committee  on  Grand  Master's  Address  reported  as  follows : 

"In  relation  to  the  recommendation  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  in  reference 
to  the  history  of  Masonry  in  this  State,  and  that  the  matter  be  referred  to  the 
M.  W.  Grand  Master,  with  power  to  act,  and  to  draw  upon  the  treasury  for  all 
reasonable  expenses  incurred,  your  committee  recommend  that  the  said  sug- 
gestions of  the  M.  \V.  Grand  Master  be  adopted." 

Which  recommendation  was  adopted. 

On  the  10th  day  of  October,  1867,  the  following  appointment  was 
made : 


UECATUR,  ILL.,  October  10th,  A.  D.  1867. 

"  OFFICE  OF  THB  M.  W.  GRAND  MASTER  or  THE  Gr.  LODOF.  or  ILLINOIS,  1 

"  To  all  whom  it  may  concern: 

"At  the  last  annual  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  my  recom- 
mendation, that  a  suitable  person  be  appointed  to  rescue  from  oblivion,  as  far  as 
may  be  possible,  the  history  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  and  events  con- 
nected therewith,  was  approved,  and  the  recommendation  adopted. 

"Now,  therefore,  in  accordance  therewith,  and  by  virtue  of  the  authority 
thereby  conferred,  I  have  and  do  hereby  appoint  W.  Bro.  John  C.  Reynolds, 
Deputy  Grand  Secretary,  as  the  person  to  perform  said  work ;  and  I  would  fra- 
ternally request  a  hearty  co-operation  on  the  part  of  the  constituent  Lodges 
of  this  jurisdiction,  and  all  individual  brethren  to  whom  he  may  apply,  in  the 
work  he  has  undertaken. 

"  Witness  my  hand  and  seal,  the  day  and  date  above  written. 

(Signed)  "J.  R.  GORIN,  Grand  Master."  [Seal.] 

And  on  the  7th  day  of  October,  1868,  this  report  was  submitted. 

Many  have  been  the  difficulties  and  perplexities  attending  the  collec- 
tion of  material.  Regarding  the  old  Lodges,  it  was  necessary  to  keep 
constantly  in  sight  the  slightest  cue  as  to  their  location,  and  from 
whence  they  derived  their  powers,  and  then  pounce  down  upon  the 
Grand  Secretary  of  that  Grand  Lodge  for  information. 

As  to  some  of  them,  we  despaired  of  ever  obtaining  any  information 
at  all,  but  through  some  old  publication,  or  the  fortunate  entry  of  some 
literal  Bro.  Secretary,  a  cue  was  gained  and  the  Lodge  traced  up.  Two 
or  three,  however,  we  can  never  gain  any  information  of. 

Our  thanks  are  due  to  E.  W.  Breth.  GEO.  FRANK  GOULEY,  Grand  Sec- 
retary of  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri ;  WILLIAM  HACKER,  Past  Grand  Sec- 
retary Grand  Lodge  of  Indiana;  J.  M.  S.  McCoRKLE,  Grand  Secretary 
Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky;  A.  G.  HODGES,  editor  Kentucky  Freemason, 
and  Grand  Treasurer  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky;  JOHN  THOMSON,  Grand 
Secretary  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania;  and  JOHN  FRIZZELL,  Grand 
Secretary  Grand  Lodge  of  Tennessee. 

It  is  owing  to  the  literal  obedience  required  of  the  Lodges  to  be  paid 
to  that  portion  of  the  charter  requiring  them  to  send  up  copies  of  their 
records,  that  this  history  has  been  written.  Why  so  laudable  a  practice 
has  been,  discontinued  is  more  than  we  can  say,  and  it  is  not  for  us  to 
condemn  or  approve  the  same. 

From  E.  W.  Bro.  HOUGH,  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
New  Jersey,  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  for  1824, 
'25,  and  '26  were  procured.  He  has,  it  seems,  a  printed  copy — where  he 
procured  it  is  unknown  to  us.  He  kindly  furnished  the  Grand  Secretary 
with  this  copy  some  years  ago. 

The  indulgence  of  the  reader  is  asked,  as  this  is  the  effort  of  one  but 
little  versed  in  the  art  of  book  making.  The  work  when  undertaken 


seemed  to  be  of  huge  proportions,  and  we  must  confess  that  we  have  not 
been  disappointed  in  this  respect. 

We  could  not  close  this  introduction  without  returning  our  thanks  to 
Breth.  LEWIS  KEYOX,  of  Peoria,  JOHN  "W.  Ross,  of  Lewistown,  D.  D.  G.  M., 
and  Bro.  GEO.  H.  HARLOW,  Assistant  Secretary  of  State,  for  facilities 
afforded  us  in  the  compilation  of  this  volume. 
Fraternally  yours, 


W.  M.  Tyrian  Lodge  SSS, 

Deputy  Grand  Secretary. 


The  lirst  lodge  organized  within  the  present  limits  of  the  State  of  Illi- 
nois was  at  Kaskaskia,  in  the  year  1805,  by  virtue  of  a  dispensation  from 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania.  The  precise  date  of  the  settlement 
of  Kaskaskia  is  a  matter  of  uncertainty.  One  authority  places  it  during 
the  year  1673 — another,  twenty  years  later.  Lippineotts  "  Pronouncing 
Gazetteer"  informs  us,  under  the  head  of  Kaskaskia,  that  "  It  has  the 
distinction  of  being  the  oldest  town  in  Illinois,  or  perhaps  the  whole 
Western  States,  having  been  settled  by  the  French  about  the  year  1673." 

PERKINS  ("Western  Annals,"  Cincinnati,  1847),  has  the  following: 
"LA  SALLE'S  death,"  says  CHARLEVOIX,  in  one  place,  "  dispersed  the 
French  who  had  gathered  upon  the  Illinois;"  but  in  another,  he  speaks 
of  TONTI  and  twenty  Canadians  as  established  among  the  Illinois  three 
years  after  the  Chevalier's  fate  was  known  there.  This,  however,  is 
clear,  that  before  1693  the  reverend  Father  GRAVIER  began  a  mission 
among  the  Illinois,  and  became  the  founder  of  Kaskaskia,  though  in 
what  year  we  know  not;  but  for  some  time  it  was  merely  a  missionary 
station,  and  the  inhabitants  of  the  village  consisted  entirely  of  natives,  it 
being  one  of  the  three  such  villages,  the  other  two  being  Cahokia  and 
Peoria.  This  we  learn  from  a  letter  written  by  Father  GABRIEL  MAREST, 
dated  "Aux  Cascaskias,  autrement  dit  de  1'Immaculee  Conception  de  la 
Sainte  Vierge,  le  9  Novembre,  1712."  In  this  letter,  the  writer,  after 
telling  us  that  GRAVIER  must  be  regarded  as  the  founder  of  the  Illinois 
missions,  he  having  been  the  first  to  reduce  the  principles  of  the  lan- 
guage of  those  Indians  to  grammatical  order,  and  so  to  make  preaching 
to  them  of  avail — goes  on  near  the  close  of  his  epistle  to  say  :  "  These 
advantages  (rivers,  etc.,)  favor  the  design  which  some  French  have  of 
establishing  themselves  in  our  village." 

HOLMES,  in  his  "American  Annals,"  informs  us,  under  date  of  1703, 
that  "the  French  founded  the  town  of  Kaskaskia,"  and  cites  as  his 
authority  Vol.  XI.,  page  35,  American  State  Papers.  We  have  in  vain 
looked  for  that  statement  in  the  State  Papers  alluded  to,  there  being  no 
such  statement  or  shadow  for  it  in  said  volume. 


In  Bradford's  "  Encyclopedia  of  Geography  "  we  read  as  follows :  "Some 
settlements  were  made  on  the  Mississippi  by  the  French  from  Canada 
toward  the  close  of  the  17th  century,  at  which  time  Kaskaskia  and 
Cahokia  were  founded." 

"The  first  Europeans  who  are  certainly  known  to  have  discovered 
and  explored  this  river  (the  Mississippi),  were  two  Frenchmen,  Father 
MARQUETTE  and  M.  JOLIET,  in  the  year  1673.  MARQUETTE  was  a  native 
of  Picardy."  *  »  * 

"On  the  13th  of  May,  1673,  Father  MARO.UETTE  and  M.  JOLIET,  with 
five  other  Frenchmen,  embarked  in  two  canoes,  with  a  small  provision  of 
Indian  corn  and  smoked  meat,  having  previously  acquired  from  the 
Indians  all  the  intelligence  they  could  afford  respecting  their  proposed 
route."  (Sparks'  Am.  Biog.,  Vol.  X.)  The  biographer  then  goes  on  to 
give  an  account,  collated  from  the  writings  of  Father  MARyuETTE,  of 
their  journey  down  the  Mississippi,  until  they  arrived  at  the  mouth  of 
the  Arkansas,  and  their  subsequent  return  and  passage  up  the  Illinois. 

Accompanying  this  biography  is  a  copy  of  MARQUETTE'S  original  map, 
in  which  the  river  "  Kaskasquias"  is  laid  down.  It  was  probably  at 
this  time  that  the  missionary  station  was  founded,  as  the  establishment 
of  such  stations  was  the  object  of  the  voyages  and  discoveries  of  the 

We  find  no  more  mention  of  Kaskaskia  until  1721.  We  quote  from 
Perkins'  "Annals": 

"But  though  the  Company  of  the  West  did  little  for  the  enduring  welfare  of 
the  Mississippi  Valley,  it  did  something ;  the  cultivation  of  tobacco,  indigo, 
rice, and  silk,  was  introduced;  the  lead  mines  of  Missouri  were  opened,  though 
at  vast  expense  and  in  hope  of  finding  silver;  and,  in  Illinois,  the  culture  of 
wheat  began  to  assume  some  'degree  of  stability  and  of  importance.  In  the 
neighborhood  of  the  river  Kaskaskias,  Charlevoix  found  three  villages,  and 
about  Fort  Chartres,  the  headquarters  of  the  company  in  that  region,  the  French 
were  rapidly  settling." 

The  next  mention  is  in  the  same  work,  as  follows: 

"Of  the  ten  years  which  followed,  we  know  but  little  that  is  interesting  in  re- 
lation to  the  West,  and  of  its  condition  in  1750,  we  can  give  no  better  idea  than 
may  be  gathered  from  the  following  extracts  of  letters  written  by  Vivier,  a  mis- 
sionary among  the  Illinois  : 

"Writing  '  Aux  Illinois,'  six  leagues  from  Fort  Chartres,  June  8th,  1750,  Vivier 
says :  'We  have  here  whites,  negroes,  and  Indians,  to  say  nothing  of  crossbreeds. 
There  are  five  French  villages,  and  three  villages  of  the  natives,  within  a  space 
of  twenty-one  leagues,  situated  between  the  Mississippi  and  another  river  called 
the  Karkadiad  (Kaskaskias).  In  the  five  French  villages  are,  perhaps,  eleven 
hundred  whites,  three  hundred  blacks,  and  some  sixty  red  slaves  or  savages. 
(Alas  poor  Illinois!)  The  three  Illinois  (native)  towns  do  not  contain  more  than 
eight  hundred  souls,  all  told.' 


"Most  of  the  French  till  the  soil;  they  raise  wheat,  cattle,  pigs,  and  horses, 
and  live  like  princes.  Three  times  as  much  is  produced  as  can  be  consumed, 
and  great  quantities  of  grain  and  flour  are  sent  to  New  Orleans." 

"The  influence  of  the  French  settlers  upon  the  native  population,  despite  the 
efforts  of  the  missionaries,  seems  to  have  been  bad,  for  we  are  told,  that  of  the 
three  native  towns,  one  was  given  up  by  the  missionaries  as  being  beyond  hope, 
And  in  the  second  and  third,  but  poor  harvests  were  experienced  by  them,  all 
owing  to  the  '  bad  example  of  the  French,  and  the  introduction  by  them  of 
ardent  spirits.' "  *  *  * 

In  1770  Kaskaskia  contained  only  sixty-five  resident  families,  and 
Cahokia  only  forty- five  dwellings.  Still,  at  that  time  one  man  furnished 
the  King's  stores  from  his  crop — 86,000  pounds  of  flour.  *  * 

The  reason  for  this  decline  in  the  population  of  Kaskaskia  was  its  oc- 
cupancy by  the  English  and  the  emigration  of  the  inhabitants  to  the 
other  side  of  the  river,  which  was  then  under  Spanish  rule.  But  to  quote 
again:  In  Hutchins'  "Topography  of  Virginia,"  we  find  it  stated  that 
Kaskaskia  contained  80  houses,  and  nearly  1,000  white  and  black  in- 
habitants, the  whites  being  a  little  the  most  numerous.  Cahokia  is  stated 
at  50  houses,  and  300  white  inhabitants,  with  80  negroes.  This  last  calcu- 
lation is  made  for  1771,  and  although  Hutchins  did  riot  publish  his  work 
until  1778,  we  presume  his  calculations  all  apply  to  a  period  anterior 
to  the  commencement  of  the  Revolutionary  War. 

From  1775  until  the  expedition  from  Virginia  under  Colonel  Clark, 
by  authority  from  Patrick  Henry,  Governor  of  that  State,  nothing  is  re- 
corded regarding  the  Illinois  settlements,  beyond  the  following  extract 
from  a  report  made  by  a  Congressional  committee  in  June  1788: 

"Near  the  mouth  of  the  river  Kaskaskies  there  is  a  village  which  appears  to 
have  contained  nearly  eighty  families  from  the  beginning  of  the  late  revolution. 
There  are  twelve  families  in  a  small  village  at  la  Prairie  du  Rochers,  and  nearly 
fifty  families  at  the  Kahokia  village." 

As  has  been  before  stated,  Kaskaskia  was  at  this  time  (1778)  under 
British  rule,  having  been  ceded  by  France  to  Great  Britain  in  the  year 
1763.  Col.  George  Rogers  Clark  determined  to  drive  the  British  from 
their  western  posts,  and  represented  the  matter  in  such  terms  to  the 
House  of  Delegates  of  Virginia,  that  the  following  order  was  issued  : 

"  VIRGINIA,  Set.  In  council,  Williamsburg,  Jan.  2nd,  1778. 

"Lieutenant  Colonel  George  Rogers  Clark: — You  are  to  proceed  with  all  conven- 
ient speed,  to  raise  seven  companies  of  soldiers,  to  consist  of  fifty  men  each, 
officered  in  the  usual  manner,  and  armed  most  properly  for  the  enterprise;  and 
with  this  force  attack  the  British  post  at  Kaskasky. 

"  It  is  conjectured  that  there  are  many  pieces  of  cannon  and  military  stores,  to 
considerable  amount,  at  that  place:  the  taking  and  preservation  of  which  would 
be  a  valuable  acquisition  to  the  State.  If  you  are  so  fortunate,  therefore,  as  to 
succeed  in  your  expedition,  you  will  take  every  possible  measure  to  secure  the. 
artillery  and  stores,  and  whatever  may  advantage  the  State. 


"  For  the  transportation  of  the  troops,  provisions,  &c.,  down  the  Ohio,  you  are  to 
apply  to  the  commanding  officer  at  Fort  Pitt,  for  boats;  and  during  the  whole 
transaction  you  are  to  take  especial  care  to  keep  the  true  destination  of  your 
force  secret:  its  success  depends  upon  this.  Orders  are  therefore  given  to  Cap- 
tain Smith  to  secure  the  two  men  from  Kaskasky.  Similar  conduct  will  be 
proper  in  similar  cases. 

"It  is  earnestly  desired  that  you  show  humanity  to  such  British  subjects  and 
other  persons  as  fall  in  your  hands.  If  the  white  inhabitants  at  that  post  and 
the  neighborhood  will  give  undoubted  evidence  of  their  attachment  to  this  State 
(for  it  is  certain  they  live  within  its  limits),  by  taking  the  test  prescribed  by  law, 
and  by  every  other  way  and  means  in  their  power,  let  them  be  treated  as  fellow 
citizens,  and  their  persons  and  property  duly  secured.  Assistance  and  protec- 
tion against  all  enemies  whatever,  shall  be  afforded  them;  and  the  common- 
wealth of  Virginia  is  pledged  to  accomplish  it.  But  if  these  people  will  not 
accede  to  these  reasonable  demands,  they  must  feel  the  miseries  of  war,  under 
the  direction  of  that  humanity  that  has  hitherto  distinguished  Americans,  and 
which  it  is  expected  you  will  ever  consider  as  the  rule  of  your  conduct,  and 
from  which  you  are  in  no  instance  to  depart. 

"  The  corps  you  are  to  command  are  to  receive  the  pay  and  allowance  of  militia, 
and  to  act  under  the  laws  and  regulations  of  this  State,  how  in  force,  as  militia.  The 
inhabitants  at  this  post  will  be  informed  by  you,  that  in  case  they  accede  to  the 
offers  of  becoming  citizens  of  this  commonwealth,  a  proper  garrison  will  be 
maintained  among  them,  and  every  attention  bestowed  to  render  their  com- 
merce beneficial  ;  the  fairest  prospects  being  opened  to  the  dominions  of  both 
France  and  Spain. 

"  It  is  in  contemplation  to  establish  a  post  near  the  mouth  of  the  Ohio.  Cannon 
will  be  wanted  to  fortify  it.  Part  of  those  of  Kaskaskia  will  be  easily  brought 
thither,  or  otherwise  secured,  as  circumstances  will  make  necessary. 

"  You  are  to  apply  to  General  Hand,  at  Pittsburg,  for  powder  and  lead  necessary 
for  this  expedition.  If  he  can't  supply  it,  the  person  who  has  that  which  Captain 
Lynn  brought  from  Orleans  can.  Lend  was  sent  to  Hampshire  by  my  orders, 
and  that  may  be  delivered  you.  Wishing  you  success,  I  am,  sir,  your  humble 

"P.  HENRY." 

With  these  instructions,  and  twelve  hundred  pounds  in  the  depre- 
ciated currency  of  the  times,  Colonel  CLARK  started  (on  4th  February) 
for  Fittsburg.  His  intention  was  to  recruit  the  seven  companies  east  of 
the  Alleghanies,  but  was  unable  to  do  so,  the  people  of  that  section  of 
country  feeling  the  need  of  all  their  available  militia.  After  much  de- 
lay and  labor,  Colonel  CLARK  started  down  the  Ohio  with  three  com- 
panies instead  of  seven.  On  arriving  at  the  falls  of  the  Ohio  he  took 
possession  of  and  fortified  Corn  Island,  opposite  to  the  spot  now  occupied 
by  Louisville. 

On  the  fourth  of  July,  Clark  and  his  party  drew  near  Kaskaskia. 
Concealing  themselves  until  nightfall,  they  crossed  the  river  and  broke 
into  the  quiet  streets  of  that  place  like  a  troop  of  Indians  on  the  warpath, 
surprising  and  terrifying  the  people  beyond  description.  To  add  to  the 
terror  of  the  occasion,  the  people  had  been  led  by  the  British  to  believe 


that  the  Virginians  were  the  most  cruel,  bloodthirsty, and  vengeful  peo- 
ple on  the  earth.  Such  was  their  belief  in  this  statement  that  a  d"epu- 
tation  waited  upon  CLARK  and  asked  leave  to  assemble  in  the  church 
for  a  last  farewell,  previous  to  being  carried  into  captivity. 

The  upshot  of  the  whole  matter  was  that  CLARK  informed  them  that 
he  and  his  men  were  humane  and  not  savages,  and  explained  fully  the 
condition  of  affairs  between  the  States  and  the  mother  country.  They 
finally  became  so  pleased  with  CLARK  and  his  generosity,  that  they  not 
only  declared  themselves  adherents  of  the  State  of  Virginia,  but  per- 
suaded the  people  of  Cahokia  to  surrender  and  take  the  same  pledges. 

Thus,  without  the  loss  of  a  single  life,  and  no  bloodshed  whatever, 
Kaskaskia  passed  from  the  possession  of  the  English  into  that  of  Vir- 
ginia, thus  experiencing  a  second  change  of  masters.  How  different  a 
scene  took  place  that  very  night  in  the  beautiful  Valley  of  the  Wyoming. 
On  that  same  night,  while  the  soldiers  of  CLARK  scared  the  Kaskaskians 
with  pretended  ferocity,  the  Valley  of  Wyoming  echoed  with  real 
shrieks  of  rage  and  pain,  and  swam  with  blood  shed  by  white  men;  for 
the  leaders  in  that  massacre  were  Tories. 

In  October  following  the  reduction  of  Kaskaskia,  the  House  of  Dele- 
gates of  the  Virginia  Commonwealth,  taking  immediate  advantage  of 
the  same,  created  the  county  of  Illinois,  and  appointed  JOHN  TODI> 
Lieutenant  Colonel  and  Civil  Commandant,  and  on  the  23d  of  November, 
1778,  CLARK  and  his  men  received  the  thanks  of  the  House. 

In  the  year  1800,  the  Territory  of  Indiana  was  formed. 


On  the  9th  day  of  March,  1805,  the  following  letter  was  addressed  to 
the  E.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania: 

"  To  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Pcnnsylania— Greeting : 

"The  subscribers,  and  many  others  of  our  brethren  in  the  counties  of  St. 
Clair  and  Randolph,  beg  leave  to  approach  your  worshipful  body  and  state  to 
you  that  they  are  far  removed  from  those  social  enjoyments  which  they  once  as 
Masons  have  experienced ;  that  from  the  growth  of  population  many  worthy 
and  respectable  brethren  have  settled,  and  many  more  will  soon  come  to  this 
country;  and  that  your  suppliants,  from  a  sense  of  duty  incumbent  on  them  as 
Masons  and  as  men,  to  promote  their  mutual  happiness,  the  happiness  of  their 
neighbors,  and  as  far  as  in  their  power  lies,  humanize  society;  and  furthermore, 
to  impress  on  their  memory  what  has  long  been  written  on  their  hearts. 
Wherefore,  your  suppliants  thus  presume  to  approach  your  worshipful  body 
and  request  that,  if  in  your  councils  you  think  it  expedient,  your  worshipful 
body  will  grant  to  your  suppliants  a  warrant,  or  if  that  can't  be  obtained,  a  dis- 
pensation, authorizing  them  to  hold  a  regular  Lodge  in  the  town  of  Kaskaskia, 
appointing  such  of  your  suppliants  to  preside  therein  as  may  seem  proper  to 
your  worshipful  body,  sending  with  the  said  warrant  your  constitution,  all  other 
necessary  instructions,  and  the  amount  of  expenses  attending  the  same,  which 
will  be  duly  remitted  by  your  suppliants,  etc.,  etc. 

(Signed)  "  ROBERT  McMAHAN, 

Stanton,  No.  IS. 

St.  Andrews'  Lodge,  No.  $,  Quebec. 

Lodge  No.  9,  Philadelphia. 

No.  U5,  Pittsburg. 

No.  79,  Chambersburg. 

Roman  Lodge,  No.  82,  New  York. 
Stanton,  No.  IS. 
"INDIANA  TERRITORY,  KASKASKIA,  March  9th,  1805." 


To  this  letter,  or  petition,  the  following  answer  was  made : 

"  We,  Israel  Israel,  Esquire,  R.  W.  Grand  Master  of  Masons  in  and  for  the  Com- 
monwealth of  Pennsylvania,  and  Masonic  jurisdiction  thereunto  belonging: 
"  To  all  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  wherever  dispersed— Greeting  : 

"  Reposing  the  greatest  confidence  in  the  zeal,  fervor,  and  constancy  in  the 
Craft  of  our  worthy  and  beloved  Bro.  James  Edgar,  a  Past  Master,  Ancient  York 
Mason,  residing  at  Kaskaskia,  in  the  Indiana  Territory,  in  the  United  States, 
and  by  virtue  of  the  powers  and  authorities  vested  in  us,  we  do  hereby  author- 
ize and  empower,  and  request  him  to  call  to  his  assistance  a  sufficient  number 
of  known  and  approved  Master  Masons  to  open  a  Lodge  at  the  town  of  Kas- 
kaskia aforesaid,  and  then  and  there  INITIATE,  PASS,  and  RAISE  FREEMASONS 
according  to  the  most  ancient  and  honorable  custom  of  the  Craft  in  all  ages  and 
nations  throughout  the  KNOWN  WORLD,  and  not  contrarywise,  and  to  make  report 
to  us  hereon  endorsed  of  their  proceedings.  This  Dispensation  to  remain  in 
force  six  MONTHS  from  the  date  hereof,  and  no  longer. 

"Given  under  our  hand  and  the  seal  of  the  Grand  Lodge 

:  Seal  of  the  •  at  the  city  of  Philadelphia,  this  24th  day  of  September,  in 
:  Grand  Lodge  of  •  the  year  of  OUR  LORD  1805,  and  in  the  year  of  Masonry,  5805. 
:  Pennsylvania.  |  (Signed)  "  ISRAEL  ISRAEL,  Grand  Master. 

'•    "Attest:    (Signed)     GEO.  A.  BAKER,  Grand  Secretary." 

This  dispensation  being  received,  the  Lodge  was  regularly  organized, 
and  Freemasonry  planted  its  foot  for  the  first  time  on  the  soil  of  Illinois. 

"We  shall  now  go  to  the  record  of  the  Lodge  for  the  proceedings  under 
dispensation  : 


KASKASKIA,  Saturday,  14th  December,  1805,  A.  L.  5805.  f 

"  In  compliance  with  petition  from  sundry  members  addressed  to  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  a  dispensation  was  forwarded  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Pennsylvania,  dated  Philadelphia,  24th  September,  directed  to  Brother  James 
Edgar,  authorizing  him  to  take  to  his  assistance  a  sufficient  number  of  members 
for  the  purpose  of  holding  a  Lodge  in  the  town  of  Kaskaskia  and  vicinity,  and 
initiate  such  as  may  be  approved  by  the  members  thereof  into  the  mysteries  of 
Masonry,  according  to  the  Most  Ancient  and  Honorable  Custom  of  the  Craft. 

"  Upon  which  the  Worshipful  Master,  the  said  James  Edgar,  called  to  his  assist- 
ance Bros.  Rufus  Easton  as  Senior  Warden,  Michael  Jones  as  Junior  Warden, 
Robert  Robinson  as  Senior  Deacon,  Alexander  Anderson  as  Junior  Deacon,  and 
William  Arundel  as  Secretary,  all  of  whom  he  found  on  due  trial  to  be  Master 

"Whereupon,  the  Worshipful  Master,  and  others  above  named,  took  their 
seats,  and  an  Entered  Apprentice's  Lodge  was  opened  in  due  form. 
"On  motion, 

"Ordered,  That  the  naming  of  the  Lodge  be  submitted  to  Bros.  M.  Jones  and 
Rufus  Easton;  whereupon  it  was  agreed  that  this  Lodge  be  styled  and  known  by 
the  name  of  the  'Western  Star  Lodge,'  Kaskaskia. 
"On  motion  and  seconded, 

"  Ordered,  That  a  subscription  be  opened  for  the  purpose  of  raising  a  sum  suf- 
ficient to  enable  the  brethren  to  obtain  a  warrant  and  dispensation  to  institute  ft 
Lodge  of  Ancient  York  Masons  at  Kaskaskia,  to  be  styled  the  Western  Star 
Lodge.  The  sums  that  may  be  subscribed  by  the  brethren  to  be  placed  to  their 


respective  accounts  on  the  credit  side  of  the  same,  and  the  Lodge  to  be  debtor, 
which  sums  so  subscribed  to  be  discharged  in  due  proportion  out  of  the  first 
moneys  that  may  be  paid  into  the  treasury  from  initiation  fees  or  otherwise. 
The  said  subscription  to  be  presented  in  open  Lodge  only,  and  to  none  except 
such  as  now  are  or  may  become  members  of  this  Lodge. 
"On  motion, 

"  Requested,  That  Bros.  M.  Jones  and  R.  Robinson  be  a  committee  to  prepare 
rules  or  regulations  for  the  government  of  this  Lodge,  and  to  report  the  same 
from  time  to  time,  for  the  approbation  thereof. 

"  Whereupon,  the  Lodge  closed  in  harmony,  until  the  first  Saturday  in  January 
next,  unless  otherwise  found  necessary  by  the  Worshipful  Master." 

The  lodge  worked  under  the  dispensation  thus  granted  until  March 
24th,  1806,  holding  meetings  on  December  14, 1805  (which  is  given  in 
full  heretofore);  December  27, 1805,  at  which  no  business  was  transacted ; 
January  4,  1806,  at  which  meeting  the  petitions  of  Andrew  Henry, 
Walter  Fenwick,  and  George  Bullett,  of  Ste.  Genevieve,  Louisiana  Terri- 
tory, were  received  and  referred;  January  16, 1806,  at  which  a  regular 
code  of  by-laws  was  adopted.  There  is  nothing  of  more  than  ordinary 
character  in  these  by-laws,  and  might  be  well  adopted  by  some  of  our 
Lodges  of  the  present  dny.  The  following  signatures  are  appended  to  the 
same:  "James  Edgar,  Master;  Michael  Jones.  Senior  Warden;  James 
Gilbreath,  Junior  Warden;  R.  Robinson,  Alex.  Anderson,  Wm.  Arundel, 
Secy.;  Charles  Querey,  3rd  Feb.,  1806;  Walter  Fenwick,  17th  Feb.,  1806; 
George  Bullitt,  17th  Feb.,  1806  ;  John  Hays,  18th  Feb.,  1806  ;  John  Hay, 
18th  Feb.,  1806;  Francois  Vallee,  Louis  Lasouse  Moreau,  Stephen  Foster, 
and  George  Fisher,  1st  March,  1806;  A.  Henry,  24th  March,  1806;  James 
Moore,  1st  Nov.,  1806;  Henry  Dodge,  6th  Dec.,  1806;  Thomas  Oliver, 
6th  Dec.,  1806;  Benjamin  Young,  3rd  Jan.,  1807;  James  Dunlap,  3rd 
Jan.,  1807;  J.  Finney,  10th  Feb.,  1807;  David  Robinson,  Sr.,  10th  Feb., 
1807.  These  are  the  dates  of  their  several  initiations — commencing 
with  Charles  Querey — as  all  Entered  Apprentices  were  members  of  the 
lodge,  and  all  business  transacted  in  that  degree,  save  the  conferring  of 
the  second  and  third  degrees,  installation  of  officers,  and  trial  of  charge? 
against  members.  The  petitions  of  John  Hay  and  John  Hays,  of 
Cahokia,  were  received  and  referred  at  this  meeting,  and  officers  elected 
as  follows:  Michael  Jones,  Senior  Warden;  James  Gilbreath,  Junior 
Warden;  Robert  Robinson,  Treasurer,  and  William  Arundel,  Secretary, 
to  serve  during  the  dispensation.  Feb.  1st,  1806,  six  brethren  present 
and  three  visitors:  Francis, Moore,  of  Kentucky,  No.  1;  Robert  Terry 
and  John  Scott  of  Melchisidec  Lodge  No.  17,  New  Madrid,  Louisiana. 
Petitions  of  Charles  Querey  and  Stephen  Foster  received  and  referred. 
Walter  Fenwick,  George  Bullitt,  John  Hays,  John  Hay,  and  Charles 
Querey,  elected. 


February  3rd,  1806. — Six  brethren  present,  and  brethren  Moore  and 
Terry  visiting.  Charles  Querey  initiated,  which  was  the  first  initia- 
tion on  record  within  the  limits  of  our  State — sixty-two  years  ago. 

February  4th. — Six  brethren  piesent.  Charles  Querey  passed,  and, 
on  February  5th,  seven  brethren  being  present,  Brother  Querey  wa» 

February  17. — Five  brethren,  and  two  visitors,  viz;  Terry  and  William 
Hickman,  of  Lodge  No.  1,  Nashville,  present.  Walter  Fenwick  and 
George  Bullitt,  of  St.  Genevieve,  duly  initiated.  Petitions  of  Francois 
Vallee,  Louis  Lasouse  Moreau,  received  and  referred. 

February  18. — Seven  brethren  and  two  visitors  present.  John  Hay 
and  John  Hays,  of  Cahokia,  initiated. 

February  19. — Five  brethren  and  one  visitor  present.  Brethren  John 
Hay  and  John  Hays  passed. 

March  1st. — Stated  meeting.  Seven  brethren  and  one  visitor  present. 
Walter  Fenwick  and  George  Bullitt,  passed.  Petition  of  "Doctor  George 
Fisher,"  of  Kaskaskia,  received  and  referred.  Francois  Vallee,  Louis 
Lasouse  Moreau,  Stephen  Foster,  George  Fisher,  initiated. 

March  10th. — "  Extra  Lodge."  Seven  brethren  present.  George 
Fisher  and  Stephen  Foster  passed,  and  John  Hays  and  John  Hay  raised. 

March  16th. — "Extra  Lodge."  Seven  brethren  and  three  visitors  pres- 
ent. The  visitors  were  Robert  Terry,  "  Wm.  Mitchell,  of  Lodge  No.  7, 
Natchez",  Isaac  Darnielle  of  the  Lodge  George  No.  32,  State  of  Vir- 
ginia. Francois  Vallee,  Louis  Lasouse  Moreau,  passed. 

March  17th. — "  Extra  Lodge."  Five  brethren  and  one  visitor  (Isaac 
Darnielle)  present.  George  Fisher  and  Stephen  Foster  raised. 

March  24th. — '•'  Extra  Lodge."  Six  brethren  and  two  visitors  (Francis 
Moore,  and  "  Thomas  F.  Roddick,  Solomon  Lodge  No.  30")  present. 
Francois  Vallee,  Louis  Lasouse  Moreau,  raised,  and  Andrew  Henry 
initiated,  passed,  and  raised.  This  was  the  last  meeting  held  under  the 
dispensation.  The  next  meeting  was  held  September  13th.  In  the 
meantime  the  following  petition  had  been  prepared  and  forwarded: 

"  KASKASKIA,  April  13, 1806. 
"  To  the  fi.  H'.  Grand  Master  and  brethren  of  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Pa.: 

"BRETHREN: — We  the  subscribers,  members  of  a  Lodge  holden  at  Kaskaskia 
under  a  dispensation  granted  by  order  of  your  worshipful  body,  in  pursuance 
of  our  former  petition,  beg  to  solicit  a  fulfillment  of  your  promise  contained  in 
your  letter  accompanied  by  your  said  dispensation,  directed  to  Brother  James 
Edgar,  of  granting  a  warrant  and  dispensation  to  constitute  a  Lodge  at  Kaskas- 
kia, to  be  styled  the  Western  Star  Lodge.  Brothers  James  Edgar,  Michael  Jones, 
and  James  Gilbreath,  M.  M.,  and  formerly  members  of  Lodges  constituted  under 
the  authority  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania  (as  will  more  fully  appear 
by  a  reference  to  the  communications  made  to  your  worshipful  body,  by  the 
several  Lodges  of  which  they  have  been  members)  have  been  elected  officers  of 
this  Lodge,  for  the  time  being,  to  whom  ttie  warrant  may  issue.  Assurances 


having  been  given  by  Bro.  James  Edgar,  that  Bro.  Robert  Robinson  has  regularly 
passed  the  chair,  we  do  therefore  desire  that  the  dispensation  for  constituting 
the  Lodge  may  be  directed  to  him.  Your  dispensation  with  our  proceedings 
endorsed  thereon,  as  also  the  amount  of  your  fees,  you  will  find  herewith  en- 

"We  are  R.  W.  Sir  and  Brethren,  yours  fraternally, 

(Signed)  "  JAS.  EDGAR,  W.  M. 

ROBT.  ROBINSON,  Treasurer. 
WM.  ARUNDEL,  Secretary." 

The  following  recommendations  and  certificate  accompanied  this- 
petition : 

"  We  the  subscribers,  formerly  members  of  lodges  constituted  under  the  au- 
thority of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  and  present  members  of  Western 
Star  Lodge  at  Kaskaskia,  do  recommend  the  prayer  of  the  foregoing  petition  to 
the  consideration  of  the  W.  M.  and  members  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsyl- 

(Signed)  "JAS.  EDGAR, 

"Recommended  by 

"  ANDREW  WILSON,  P.  M.  No.  9. 
JOHN  BOYD,  P.  M.  No.  2. 
JAS.  WILKINS,  P.  M.  No.  9. 

"  We  do  certify  that  Bro.  Robert  Robinson  has  proved  himself  to  us,  a  P.  M.  of 
a  warranted  lodge  of  Ancient  Y.  M. 

(Signed)  "JAS.  EDGAR, 


The  action  taken  by  the  Grand  Lodge  was  as  follows : 

"The  return  to  a  dispensation  granted  by  the  late  R.  W.  Grand  Master  on  the 
2Hh  of  September  last,  directed  to  Bro.  James  Edgar,  authorizing  him  to  open 
and  hold  a  Lodge  at  Kaskaskia,  in  the  Indiana  Territory,  in  the  United  States, 
for  the  term  of  six  months  from  the  date  of  said  dispensation,  was  read;  also,  a 
letter  from  Bro.  Edgar,  dated  14th  April  last,  respecting  their  proceedings  under 
said  dispensation,  and  also  a  petition  from  Bro.  Edgar  and  several  other 
brethren  who  had  been  members  of  said  Lodge  held  under  the  aforesaid  dispen- 
sation, praying  for  a  warrant  for  holding  a  Lodge  at  Kaskaskia  aforesaid,  to  be 
called  the  Western  Star  Lodge,  and  that  Bro.  James  Edgar  might  be  named 
Master,  Bro.  Michael  Jones  Senior  Warden,  and  Bro.  James  Gilbreath  Junior 
Warden  of  the  same. 

"Which  petition  being  duly  recommended  according  to  the  regulations  of  this 
Grand  Lodge,  011  motion  made  and  seconded, 

"  Resolved,  That  the  prayer  of  the  petitioners  be  granted,  and  that  the  Grand 
Secretary  make  out  warrant  accordingly,  and  the  same  be  numbered  107." — 
[Extract  from  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  held  at  Philadel- 
phia, Monday,  June  3,  180>J. 


The  warrant  (or  charter)  was  accordingly  issued  and  forwarded,  ac- 
companied by  the  following: 

"We,  James  Milnor,  Esq.,  R.  \V.  Grand  Master  of  Masons  ill  and  for  the  Com- 
monwealth of  Pennsylvania,  and  the  Masonic  jurisdiction  thereunto  belonging: 
"  To  Bro.  Unfit.  ]!<:il>>:i*<iii,  a  Pnxf  J/KS/I /•  M'.I.VJH — (!r<itin<i: 

"Reposing  the  greatest  confidence  in  your  zeal,  fervor,  and  constancy  in  the 
Craft.  We  do,  by  virtue  of  the  Powers  and  Authorities  in  Us  vested,  hereby 
authorize  and  empower  you  to  call  to  your  assistance  a  sufficient  number  of 
known  and  approved  Past  Master  Masons  to  open  and  constitute  a  new  Lo'dgo 
at  Kasknskia,  in  the  Indiana  Territory,  in  the  U.  S.,  and  there  to  proceed  to  the 
Installation  of  our  worthy  Bro.  James  Kdgar,  Master  elect,  and  other  officers  of 
a  new  Lodge  there  to  be  established  and  (-(instituted,  to  be  called  the  "  Western 
Star  Lodge"  number  one  hundred  and  seven,  according  to  the  most  ancient 
honorable  custom  of  the  Royal  Craft  in  all  ages  and  amongst  all  nations  through- 
out the  known  world,  and  not  contrarywise,  and  make  report  to  us  hereon 
endorsed  of  your  proceedings.  This  dispensation  to  remain  in  force  three 
months  from  the  date  thereof. 

"Given  under  our  hand  and  the  seal  of  the  R.  W.  Grand 

:  .  ,  ,.  :  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  at  the  city  of  Philadelphia,  this 

:  l.-'th  dav  of  June,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  180i>,  and  of 
:  Grand  Lodge.  :  Mnsonry  580G. 

(Signed)  "  JAS.  MILNOR,  Grand  Master. 

"Attest :  OEO.  A.  BAKER,  Grand  Sccritnry." 

Accordingly,  on  Saturday,  13th  September,  1806,  A.  L.  5806,  tbe  Lodge 

Bro.  Robert  Robinson  in  the  chair,  who"  called  to  bis  assistance  broth- 
ers James  Gilbreath,  as  Senior  Warden;  and  William  Arundel,  Junior 
Warden;  when  a  Pcw.s-  Masters' Lodge  was  opened,  and  Brother  James 
Edgar  was  installed  the  Worshipful  Master  of  said  (Western  Star  Xo. 
107)  Lodge.  The  Pass  Masters'  [Lodge]  was  closed  and  by  virtue  of  a 
warrant  from  the  Right  Worshipful  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania 
dated  the  second  day  of  June,  1806,  creating  the  lodge  at  Kaskaskia,  in 
the  Indiana  Territory,  called  the  Western  Star  Lodge  No.  107,  a  Master 
Masons'  Lodge  was  opened  in  due  form." 

Bro.  Edgar  then  installed  Michael  Jones,  Senior  Warden;  James  Gil- 
breath,  Junior  Warden:  William  Arundel,  Secretary;  Robert  Robin- 
son, Treasurer  and  Senior  Deacon ;  George  Fisher,  Junior  Deacon  and 
Steward.  The  by-laws  under  dispensation  were  adopted  for  the  time 
being,  and  the  lodge  closed. 

On  the  twentieth  of  October  the  following  was  forwarded  : 

'•  WKSTKRX  STAR  LODGE,  No.  107. 

"Agreeably  to  the  within  dispensation  to  me  directed,  to  open  and  constitute 
a  new  Lodge  of  Ancient  York  Masons,  at  Kaskaskia,  and  to  install  the  \V.  M., 
Bro.  James  Edgar,  and  others,  the  officers  thereof,  on  the  13th  day  of  September, 
1806,  I  took  to  my  assistance  a  sufficient  number  of  known  and  approved  Past 
Master  Masons,  and  proceeded  to  open  and  constitute  a  new  Lodge  under  the 
warrant  of  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  bearing  date  of  the  second 
day  of  June.  1806,  to  the  brethren  here  granted ; 



"  Whereupon,  the  W.  M.,  Bro.  James  Edgar,  and  the  other  officers  of  this  Lodge 
in  the  said  warrant  mentioned,  were  duly  installed,  and  invested  with  the 
ensigns  of  their  respective  offices,  and  the  Lodge  closed  in  due  form. 


Appointed  to  constitute  Lodge  No.  107. 
KASKASKIA,  Oct.  20,  1806. 

October  4th. — Ten  brethren  and  one  visitor  present.  The  visitor  ou 
this  occasion  was  "  Shadrach  Bond,  Jr.,  of  Temple  Lodge  No.  26,  Regis- 
tcrstown,  Baltimore  county,  Maryland."  Petitions  of  "  Captain  James 
Moore,  of  St.  Clair  county,  Henry  Dodge  and  Thomas  Oliver,  of  Ste. 
Genevieve,  for  initiation,  and  Shadrach  Bond,  for  affiliation,"  received 
and  referred.  Breth.  Bullitt,  Jones,  Robinson,  Fisher,  Henry,  and 
Arundel,  "or  a  majority  of  them,"  were  appointed  a  Committee  on 

November  1st. — Four  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  first  degree, 
and  "  Captain  James  Moore  initiated." 

December  6th. — Seven  brethren  and  three  visitors  (Thomas  Fenwick, 
John  Scott,  and  "  Otho  Schrader,  of  Lodge  No.  84,  Somerset  county, 
State  of  Pennsylvania")  present.  Petition  of  Benjamin  Young  received 
and  referred.  The  first  election  under  the  charter  was  held  at  this 
meeting,  and  resulted  as  follows:  James  Edgar,  Worshipful  Master; 
Michael  Jones,  Senior  Warden:  Andrew  Henry,  Junior  Warden; 
Robert  Robinson,  Treasurer;  William  Arundel,  Secretary;  Francois 
Vallee,  Senior  Deacon;  George  Bullitt,  Junior  Deacon.  Henry 
Dodge  and  Thomas  Oliver  initiated,  and  George  Bullitt  raised.  Breth. 
Edgar,  Robinson,  and  Arundel  were  appointed  a  committee  of  arrange- 
inents  for  a  festival  on  St.  John's  Day. 

December  27th. — Thirteen  brethren  and  six  visitors  present.  The 
visitors  were  Robert  Terry,  Thos.  F.  Reddick,  Otho  Schrader,  "John 
Hapburn,  of  No.  12,  Maryland,"  "Dr.  A.  Elliott,"."  William  Mitchel, 
No.  23,  Ontario  Lodge,  State  of  New  York.''  Bro.  Shadrach  Bond  was 
elected  to  membership.  Petition  of  a  number  of  brethren  at  St.  Gene- 
vieve for  a  Lodge,  was  duly  recommended.  Of  this  Lodge  the  "Dr. 
A.  Elliott"  mentioned  above  was  the  first  Master;  Andrew  Henry 
Senior,  and  George  Bullitt  Junior  Wardens,  both  of  the  Lodge  at 
Kaskaskia,  but  residents  of  Ste.  Genevieve.  No  mention  is  made  of  the 
festival,  but  that  they  did  celebrate  St.  John's  day,  is  to  be  judged  from 
the  following  entry:  "Not  having  time  to  enter  sundry  proceedings, 
at  this  moment,  Ordered,  That  they  be  entered  at  length  on  record  by 
the  Secretary,"  which  that  officer  failed  to  do. 

January  3d,  1807. — Seven  brethren  and  one  visitor  ("Dr.  James  Dun- 
lap,  of  St.  Paul's  Lodge  No.  54,  or  64,  State  of  New  York")  present. 
Petition  of  James  Fiuney  for  initiation,  and  "  Doctor  James  Dunlap" 


for  affiliation,  received  and  referred,  the  latter  being  acted  on  instanter, 
and  Bro.  Dunlap  elected  to  membership.     Benjamin  Young  initiated. 
January  5th. — Six  brethren  present.     Benjamin  Young  passed. 
January  7th. — Eight  brethren  present.      Petitions  of  Henry  Connor 
and  Truman  Tuttle  received. 

February  10th. — Eight  brethren  present.  James  Finney  and  David 
Robinson  initiated.  In  the  record  of  this  meeting  is  the  first  record  of 
a  lecture  being  delivered  to  the  candidate :  "Also,  David  Robinson,  Sr., 
an  applicant  balloted  for  last  Lodge  night,  received  the  benefit  of  the 
first  step  in  Masonry,  returned  and  gave  thanks  for  the  same,  and  after 
a  wholesome  lecture,  the  Lodge  closed,"  etc. 

March  7th. — Twelve  brethren  and  one  visitor  ("  Josiah  Millard,  Frank- 
lin Lodge  No.  37,  Slate  of  New  York,  introduced  as  a  Master  Mason") 
present.  Breth.  Thomas  Oliver,  James  Finney,  and  David  Robinson, 
Sr.,  passed.  These  passings  were,  as  the  record  shows,  conducted  separ- 
ately, and  not  collectively.  Benjamin  Young  raised.  Petition  of  Jacob 
A.  Boyes  received  and  referred. 

March  21st. — Ten  brethren  present.  James  Finney  and  David 
Robinson,  Sr.,  raised. 

April  4th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Thomas  Oliver  raised,  and 
sundry  accounts  presented  and  allowed. 

April  13th. — Eight  brethren  present.  "Doctor  Truman  Tuttle"  ini- 

May  2d. — Eight  brethren  present.  No  business  of  importance  trans- 

June  6th. — Present:  James  Edgar,  W.  M. ;  Michael  Jones,  S.  W. ; 
Andrew  Henry,  J.  W. ;  R.  Robinson,  Treas. ;  James  Finney,  Sec.,  p.  t. ; 
Francois  Vallee,  S.  D. ;  George  Bullett,  J.  D. :  James  Gilbreath,  Louia 
Lasouse  Moreau ;  visitors,  Robert  Terry,  William  Hickman,  "Wharton 
Rector.  Henry  Dodge  passed  and  raised..  The  second  election  under 
charter  resulted  as  follows:  Michael  Jones,  W.  M. :  Robert  Robinson, 
S.  W. ;  and  James  Finney,  J.  W. 

June  15th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Josiah  Millard  visiting.  Jacob 
A.  Boyes  initiated.  Breth.  Robinson,  Gilbreath,  Dunlap,  Fisher,  and 
Finney  were  appointed  a  committee  to  arrange  for  celebration  of  St. 
John's  Day. 

June  24th. — St.  John's  Day.  Fifteen  brethren  and  two  visitors  present. 
Bro.  William  Atcheson  was  admitted,  upon  petition,  a  member  of  the 
Lodge.  A  L)dge  of  Past  Masters  having  been  opened,  the  Master  and 
Warden*  were  installed.  The  following  appointments  were  made: 
James  Dunlap,  Treasurer ;  James  Finney,  Secretary;  Francois  Vallee, 
Senior,  and  George  Bullitt,  Junior  Deacons;  George  Fisher,  Steward. 


"  The  brethren  moved  in  procession  from  the  lodge-room  to  Bro.  Doctor 
George  Fisher's  to  dinner;  returned,  and  the  Lodge  closed  in  harmony 
at  4  o'clock." 

July  4th. — Seven  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

August  1st. — Eight  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

August  2d. — Eight  brethren  present.  Henry  Connor  initiated,  and 
Jacob  A.  Boyes  passed. 

Sept.  5th. — Six  brethren  present.  A  Lodge  of  E.  A.  opened.  Petition 
of  Giles  Hull  received  and  referred. 

Sept.  19. — Seven  brethren  present.  A  communication  from  the  Grand 
Lodge  read,  but  what  the  nature  of  the  communication  was  is  not  stated. 

October  3d. — Eight  brethren  present.  Bro.  Alexander  Anderson  de- 
mitted,  and  ten  dollars  voted  to  the  Secretary  for  services. 

November  7th. — Nine  brethren  present.  The  members  of  the  Lodge 
residing  at  St.  Genevieve  were  demitte^,  they  having  cast  their  fortunes 
with  Louisiana  Lodge  No.  109,  which  was  the  first  Lodge  planted  on  the 
soil  of  Missouri,  the  dispensation  and  charter  for  which  (we  think)  ema- 
pated  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania. 

November  9th. — Eight  brethren  present.  "Doctor  Truman  Tuttle" 

November  20th. — Ten  brethren  present.  Bro.  Henry  Connor  passed, 
and  Truman  Tuttle  raised. 

December  5th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Third  charter  election;  the 
following  were  elected:  Michael  Jones  (re-elected),  W.  M. ;  Eobert 
Robinson,  Senior,  and  George  Fisher,  Junior  Wardens.  Upon  motion, 
the  Treasurer  and  Secretary  were  elected  by  ballot,  they  having  pre- 
viously been  appointed.  William  Arundel  was  elected  Secretary,  and 
Doctor  James  Dunlap,  Treasurer.  James  Finney  and  David  Robinson, 
Sr.,  were  appointed  Deacons. 

Petition  of  Joseph  McFerron  received  and  referred,  a  committee 
appointed  to  prepare  for  St.  John's  Day,  and  an  invitation  extended  to 
Louisiana  Lodge  to  partake  of  the  festivities  of  the  day  with  them. 

December  24th. — Seven  brethren  present.     Henry  Connor  raised. 

December  27th. — St.  John's  Day.  Ten  brethren  and  three  visitors  pres- 
ent. Lodges  of  E.  A.  and  F.  C.  were  opened  and  closed,  and  a  lodge  of 
Master  Masons  opened,  and  the  officers  installed.  This  is  the  first  in- 
stance of  the  installation  of  the  Master  without  a  lodge  of  Past  Masters 
having  been  opened.  The  lodge  of  M.  M.  was  then  closed  and  a  lodge 
of  F.  C.  opened.  Petition  of  "Thomas  Todd,  Esquire,"  received  and  re- 
ferred. By  a  unanimous  vote,  the  brethren  proceeded  to  the  house  of 
Bro.  Doctor  George  Fisher,  "  Clothed,"  and  there  partook  of  refresh- 
ments. No  mention  is  made  of  the  attendance  of  the  brethren  from  "the 
other  side." 



January  2nd,  1808. — Eight  brethren  present.  Messrs.  McFerron  and 
Todd  elected. 

February  6th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Bro.  "Uriah  Brooks,  "West- 
ern Star  Lodge  No.  59,  South  New  York,"  visiting.  Joseph  McFerron 
ami  Thomas  Todd  initiated.  Petition  of  "Doctor  Caldwell  Cairnes  " 
received  and  referred.  The  lodge  had  been  in  the  habit  of  immediately 
balloting  upon  petitions,  upon  which  committees  reported  instanter;  but 
at  this  meeting  resolved  that  all  Detitions  should  lie  over  from  one 
regular  meeting  to  another  before  balloting. 

February  10th. — Eight  brethren  present.      Joseph  McFerron  passed. 

March  5th. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Bro.  Thomas  Todd  passed, 
and  Bro.  Jacob  A.  Boyes  raised. 

March  17th. — Six  brethren  present.     Joseph  McFerron  raised. 

April  2nd  and  May  7th. — Six  brethren  present.  No  business  beyond 
•opening  and  closing. 

June  4th. — Present:  Jones,  Robinson,  Gilbreath,  Arundel,  Dunlap, 
Fiuney,  David  Eobinson,  Edgar,  Connor;  Jacob  Fisher,  visiting.  Fourth 
election — Robert  Robertson,  elected  W.  M.;  James  Gilbreath,  S.  W. ; 
George  Fisher,  J.  W. ;  James  Dunlap,  Treasurer;  William  Arundel, 
Secretary.  Petition  of  Philip  Fouke  received  and  referred.  "Distant 
members"  ordered  notified  to  attend  on  the  27th  June.  Immediately  fol- 
lowing this,  record  is  made  by  the  Secretary,  to  the  effect  that  notifica- 
tions for  brethren  Todd,  Bond,  Boyes,  and  Rector,  were  sent  by  Bro. 
Rector's  son,  June  13th.  Notifications  to  brethren  John  Hay,  John 
Hays,  William  Atcheson.  Dr.  Truman  Tuttle,  and  citations  to  brethren 
Benjamin  Young  and  Captain  James  B.  Moore,  sent  under  cover  to  Bro. 
John  Hays,  Cahokia,  by  "Mr.  Joseph  Charless,  printer,  on  his  way  to 
St.  Louis  to  purchase  material." 

June  23d. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  "Doctor  Caldwell  Cairnes" 
initiated,  and  Thomas  Todd  raised. 


June  24th. — St.  John's  Day.  Eighteen  brethren  and  three  visitors 
present.  The  visitors  were  "James  Henderson,  of  Lodge  No.  234,  County 
Tyrone,  Ireland — a  Sergeant  in  the  United  States  army — Master  Mason, 
and  Past  Master.  Michael  Immael,  of  Lodge  No.  79,  Chambersburgh 
(Pa.),  and  Jacob  Kimble,  Louisiana  Lodge  No.  109/'  both  lieutenants  in 
the  United  States  Army,  and  stationed  at  Fort  Chartres.  The  officers  were 
duly  installed  (a  Lodge  of  Master  Masons  being  opened),  and  it  is  pre- 
sumed a  banquet  was  held — but  no  mention  is  made.  A  code  of  by- 
laws was  adopted  at  this  meeting,  of  which  the  following  synopsis  is 

JOHN'S  DAY,  2lTH  JUNE,  A.  L.  5808,  AT  KASKASKIA: 

"  WHEREAS,  It  is  essential  to  the  Beauty,  Harmony,  and  Strength  of  our  Ancient 
Society  that  the  Laws  and  Regulations  for  the  government  of  every  Individual 
Lodge  be  established  agreeably  to  the  first  Principles,  and  also  that  those  first 
Principles  be  declared  in  the  Regulations,  as  well  to  keep  them  in  perpetual 
remembrance  by  the  members  of  the  Lodge,  as  to  give  information  to  all  who 
may  be  desirous  to  join  themselves  in  the  bond  of  Masonry: 

"Be  it  therefore  known.  That  to  become  a  Brother  of  our  Ancient  Craft,  a  belief  in 
the  ETERNAL  CJoo  as  the  Great  Architect  of  the  Universe  is  the  first  Great  Essential. 

"A  Mason  is  to  observe  the  moral  law,  and  in  no  case  to  act  against  the  great 
ID  ward  light  of  his  own  conscience. 

"  He  must  avoid  the  errors  of  bigotry  and  superstition,  making  use  of  his  own 
reason  according  to  that  liberty  wherewith  he  is  made  free. 

"He  must  allow  liberty  of  conscience  to  all  men  ;  having  Charity  and  Brotherly 
Love  for  all. 

"He  must  be  a  good  citizen  of  the  State  in  which  he  lives,  as  his  obligations 
thereto  will  be  greatly  enforced  by  his  duty  as  a  Mason.  He  is  to  be  a  lover  of 
quiet,  and  obedient  to  the  civil  powers,  so  far  as  they  infringe  not  his  bounds  of 

"  Treason  he  must  not  be  concerned  in,  nor  privy  to  plots  against  the  State,  but 
consider  the  welfare  of  his  country  the  peculiar  care  of  a  Mason.  He  must  be 
industrious,  and  not  eat  any  man's  bread  for  naught. 

"  He  must  endeavor  to  abstain  from  all  malice  and  slander,  and  cheerfully  obey 
those  set  over  him,  on  account  of  their  superior  qualifications,  however  they  may 
be  inwardly  ranked,  for  as  a  Free  and  Accepted  Mason,  pre-eminence  of  virtue 
and  knowledge  he  is  to  consider  as  the  only  standard  of  true  nobility. 

"He  must  know  himself  capable  of  keeping  secrets,  as  it  is  conferred  upon  him 
by  the  strongest  obligations. 

"  He  must  be  free  born,  of  the  age  of  twenty-one  years,  of  good  report,  of  suffi- 
cient natural  endowments,  with  the  sense  of  a  man,  with  an  estate,  office,  trade, 
or  occupation,  or  some  known  way  of  acquiring  an  honest '  livelyhood.'  He  must, 
be  upright  in  body,  not  deformed  or  dismembered,  but  of  hale  and  entire  limbs, 
as  a  man  ought  to  be. 

"And  for  the  more  immediate  well  ordering  and  conducting  of  this  Lodge,  it  is 
hereby  ordained  by  the  Muster,  Wardens,  and  brethren  thereof,  at  this  their 


Section  1.  Provides  that  the  meetings  shall  be  held  on  the  first  Satur- 
day of  each  month,  from  seven  to  ten  o'clock  between  March  25th  and 
September  25th,  and  from  six  to  nine  between  September  25th  and  March 

Si>c.  2.  Provides  for  election  of  officers — Worshipful  Master,  Senior  and 
Junior  Wardens,  and  Treasurer. 

Sec.  3.  Provides  that,  with  the  consent  of  the  Lodge,  the  W.  M.  may 
appoint  two  Deacons,  the  Secretary,  and  a  Steward,  and  provides  that  if 
either  of  the  brethren  so  appointed  shall  refuse  to  serve,  he  shall  pay 
one  dollar,  unless  he  had  served  in  a  similar  office  before,  in  which  case 
the  W.  M.  made  a  new  appointment. 

Sec.  4.  Provides  for  the  duties  of  the  Treasurer — all  the  receipts  of 
the  Lodge  being  paid  directly  to  him. 

Sec.  5.     In  a  like  manner  defines  the  duties  of  the  Secretary. 

Sec.  6.  Provides  for  proper  order  and  decorum  when  the  Master  takes 
the  chair,  and  while  the  Lodge  is  in  session. 

Sec.  7.  Provides  for  the  manner  of  putting  and  deciding  questions 
before  the  Lodge. 

Sec.  8.  Provides  that  a  brother  may  call  for  the  previous  question, 
and  the  question  put,  if  the  motion  is  seconded  and  thirded. 

Sec.  10.  ''No  brother  shall  rise  to  speak  or  interrupt  another  addressing 
the  Master,  unless  to  call  to  order;  or  if  any  shall  mock,  deride,  or 
endeavor  to  ridicule  any  brother  whilst  speaking,  or  while  the  Lodge  is 
sitting,  he  shall,  on  conviction  by  a  majority  of  the  members  present, 
forfeit  and  pay  for  the  first  offense  five  dollars,  and  ask  pardon  of  the 
Lodge  and  of  the  offended  brother  ;  for  the  second  offense  he  shall  forfeit 
and  pay  ten  dollars,  and  ask  pardon  of  the  Lodge  and  the  offended 
brother;  for  the  third  offense  he  shall  forfeit  and  pay  fifteen  dollars,  an<i 
ask  pardon  of  the  Lodge  and  the  offended  brother,  and  for  the  fourth 
offense  shall  be  expelled,  and  not  be  re-admitted  without  the  unanimous 
consent  of  the  Lodge,  to  be  given  either  by  ballot  or  otherwise,  as  the 
Lodge  shall  determine,  and  shall  pay  twenty  dollars  to  the  charity  fund  " 

Sec.  11.  Provides  that  the  Master  shall  be  the  judge  of  all  questions 
of  order. 

Sec.  12.  Provides  that  a  brother  cursing  or  swearing,  or  holding  an 
angry  dispute,  shall  be  subject  to  the  same  penalties  as  prescribed  in 
section  ten. 

Sec.  13.  That  no  brother  shall  improperly  harass  by  suit  or  suits  at 
law,  any  other  brother  of  this  or  any  other  Lodge,  but  shall  at  all  times, 
whenever  a  dispute  exists,  give  a  fair  and  reasonable  opportunity  of 
settling  the  same  in  an  amicable  manner. 

Sec.  14.  Provides  that  any  brother  revealing  any  of  the  transactions 
of  the  Lodge  shall  be  fined  fifteen  dollars,  or  be  expelled,  and  if  expelled, 
should  "  not  be  re-admitted  at  all." 


Sec.  15.  Provides  for  the  appointment  of  a  Tyler,  and  defines  bis 
duties.  In  the  Tyler's  absence  the  duty  devolved  upon  the  "youngest 
brother  present  to  tyle  the  Lodge,  who  shall  do  the  duty  of  Tyler  without 
reward,  under  the  penalty  of  five  dollars,  unless  sufficient  re;iM.m  bo 

Sec.  K).     Appropriated  all  fines  and  forfeitures  to  the  charity  fund. 

Sec.  17.  Provided  that  each  and  every  member  pay  one  dollar  and 
eighty-four  cents  at  each  festival  of  St.  John  the  Evangelist,  one  dollar 
for  the  Charity  Fund,  and  eighty-four  cents  for  the  Grand  Lodge.  The 
penalty  for  non-payment  of  dues  was  expulsion;  provided,  two-thirds  of 
the  members  present  concurred  in  such  motion.  Provides  for  the  with- 
drawal of  members,  and  serving  of  notices  on  members  delinquent. 

Sec.  IS.  Provides  that  every  brother  and  visitor  shall  pay  to  the  Treas- 
urer before  retiring  from  the  lodge  room,  twenty-five  cents  for  refresh- 
ments; and  every  absent  brother  was  liable  to  a  like  charge. 

Sec.  19.     In  regard  to  visiting  brethren. 

Sec.  20.  Provided  for  the  affiliation  of  members,  and  the  fees  therefor. 
If  a  Master  Mason  wished  to  affiliate,  the  fee  was  four  dollars :  if  an  F.  ('., 
eight  dollars  ;  if  an  E.  A.,  ten  dollars,  which  fee  in  the  latter  case  probably 
entitled  the  brethren  to  advancement;  one  half  of  such  fees  to  the  char- 
ity fund,  and  the  other  to  the  contingent  fund. 

See.  21.  Provided  for  the  reception,  referring,  report  upon,  and  balloting 
upon  petitions  for  initiation,  and  the  fees.  The  brother  initiated  paid  ti> 
the  charity  fund  eight  dollars,  to  the  contingent  fund  eight  dollars,  to  the 
Secretary  one  dollar,  one  dollar  to  the  Tyler,  and  one  dollar  for  the  Grand 
Lodge  clues — nineteen  dollars,  which  sum  it  is  supposed  included  the  de- 
grees of  F.  C.  and  M.  M. 

Sec.  22.  '•  Xo  monies  shall  ever  bo  taken  from  the  charity  fund  to  pay 
any  contingent  expenses  of  the  Lodge,  without  the  consent  of  two-thirds 
of  the  brethren  present." 

Sec.  23.  Whenever  the  charity  fund  exceeded  one  hundred  dollar?, 
it  was  to  be  loaned. 

Sec.  2-1.     Provided  for  the  amendment  or  alteration  of  these  By-Laws. 

Sec.  2."i.     Provided  that  every  member  shall  sign  the  By-Laws. 

Sec.  2(i.  ''All  motions  to  expel  a  member  shall  be  made  at  a  stated 
Lodge  night,  and  grounded  on  written  charges,  which  shall  be  laid  be- 
fore the  Lodge,  a  certified  copy  of  which  charge  shall  be  delivered  (if 
within  reach  of  the  Lodge)  at  least  one  month  before  the  question  shall 
be  taken  by  the  Lodge  thereon,  and  the  party  so  charged  shall  at  the 
same  time  be  notified  to  make  his  defense  iu  writing  (if  within  reach  of 
the  Lodge),  accompanied  with  such  proofs  as  he  may  think  necessary  to 
his  defense:  Provided,  however,  that  the  testimony  of  any  person  not  a- 
member  of  this  Lodge  shall  be  taken  before  a  judge  or  magistrate,  a 
member  of  this,  or  any  other  regular  Lodge,  and  in  presence  of  at  least 


two  disinterested  Masons  agreed  upon  and  nominated  by  the  parties, 
giving  the  opposite  party  a  reasonable  notice  (if  within  the  reach  of  the 
Lodge)  of  the  time  and  place  of  taking  such  testimony. 

" Provided, also,  That  if  a  member  be  reported  to  be  not  within  the  reach 
of  this  Lodge  (by  the  report  of  the  Secretary  in  conformity  to  the  above 
rule),  the  proceedings  shall  be  had  against  him,  as  though  he  were  within 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  Lodge." 

Signed  by  Michael  Jones.  W.  31.;  R.  Robinson,  S.  W.;  George  Fisher,  J.  W.; 
James  Dunlap,  Treasurer;  William  Afundel,  Sec.;  J.  Finney,  S.  D.;  David  Robin- 
son. J.  D.;  Jiimes  Edgar,  J.  Giibreath,  John  Hays,  _J_ames  Hall,  _Sr.,  John  Hay, 
Nathan  Davis,  T.  Tuttle,  James  Hall,  Jr.,  Shadrach  Bond,  Jr.,  Enoch  Paine, Henry 
Connor,  liyrd  Lockhart,  Jr.,  J.  A.  Boyes,  Thomas  C.  Browne,  Thos.  Todd,  Win. 
Bennett,  Wharton  Rector,  T.  G.  R.  Rhea,  Cald.  W.  Cairnes,  K.  Barton,  James  B. 
Moore,  Charles  McPherson,  Philip  Fouke,  Jesse  W.  Cooper,  W.  Fenwick,  Warren  t  , 
Jirovvn,  Wm.  C.  Greenupt  James  M.  Duncan.  L.  LaChapelle,*Samuel  Omelveny,  ypv 
Thomas  Ferguson,  Jacob  Feaman,  E.  Owen,  John  Bivins,  John  H.  Robinson, 
John  Gilliss,  \Vm.  McDonald,  Samuel  C.  Christy,  David  Scott,  3rd,  John  W.  Nel- 
son, Philip  Tramell,  John  Walls,  Thomas  C.  Patterson,  James  S.  Cheek,  Clement 
C.  Conway,  Henry  S.  Dodge,  Hipolite  Meuard,  Jeptha  Sweet,  Daniel  S.  Swearingen, 
Robert  Latty,  Philip  Rocheblave,  Thomas  Reynolds,  Samuel  Walker,  Samuel 
Smith,  David  Anderson,  Edmund  Roberts,  Wm.  Boon,  Josiah  T.  Belts,  William 
McBride,  Jesse  Griggs,  Seth  Converse,  Alexander  Phillips,  Wm.  Arundel,  Samuel 
Whiteside,  James  Clark,  Martin  Jones,  William  Alexander,  Beal  Greenup,  John 
N.  Robinson,  John  Atkins,  Ferdinand  Onjer,  Andrew  Buckham,  Thomas  Brady, 
John  Latty,  T.  J.  V.  Owen,  D.  C.  Taggart,  Amos  Anderson. 

July  2nd. — Eight  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Philip  Fouke  reported 
on,  but  ballot  postponed. 

August  6th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Nathan  Pusey  re- 
ceived and  referred.  Ballot  for  Philip  Fouke  again  postponed,  and 
charges  against  Bro.  Benjamin  Young  postponed,  and  the  Master  directed 
to  give  Bro.  Young  full  information  in  relation  thereto. 

September  2nd. — Eight  brethren  present.  Philip  Fouke,  initiated, 
and  Bro.  J.  B.  Moore  passed. 

October  1st.-  Six  brethren  present.  "A  communication  from  the  Grand 
Lodge,  read,  and  one  copy  ordered  to  be  forwarded  to  the  brethren  at 
Cahokia  for  their  information." 

November  5th.     Six  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

November  30th. — Eight  brethren  and  two  visitors  (Isaiah  C.  Dunn, 
and  Ezekiel  Fenwick,  of  Louisiana  Lodge  No.  109,  St.  Genevieve) 
present.  Bro.  Walter  Fenwick  raised  and  demitted,  in  order  to  join 
Louisiana  Lodge. 

December  3rd. — Eight  brethren  present.  The  petition  of  Nathan 
Pusey  was  ordered  returned,  on  ground  of  insufficient  acquaintance  with 
the  petitioner."  The  semi-annual  election  resulted  in  the  choice  of  James 
Giibreath,  W.  M.:  George  Fisher,  S.  W.:  James  Finney,  J.  W.;  and 
James  Dunlap,  Treasurer. 


December  17th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Philip  Fouke  passed  and 
raised.  Invitation  to  join  in  celebration  of  St.  John's  Day  (Dec.  27) 
tendered  by  the  Lodge  at  St.  Genevieve  accepted.  Petition  of  sundry 
brethren  at  Cahokia,  asking  a  recommendation  for  new  Lodge,  laid  over.* 

December  27th. — St.  John's  Day.  Seven  brethren  present.  A  Lodge  of 
Past  Masters  opened,  and  the  Master  installed,  after  which  a  Lodge  of 
Master  Masons  was  opened  and  the  Senior  and  Junior  Wardens  installed. 

January  7th,  1809. — Six  brethren  and  one  visitor  (Bro.  Terry)  present. 
James  B.  Moore  raised. 

February  4th. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Breth.  Henry  Connor  was 
appointed  Junior  Deacon,  Robert  Robinson,  Secretary.  Petition  of 
Robert  Patton  received  and  referred.  Breth.  Charles  Querey  and 
Stephen  Foster  expelled. 

March  4th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Robert  Patton  initiated,  and 
Caldwell  Cairnes  passed  and  raised. 

April  1st. — Nine  brethren  present.     Robert  Patton  passed. 

May  6th. — Eight  brethren  and  two  visitors  (Breth.  Ezekiel  Fenwick 
and  "  William  C.  Greenup,  of  Hirara  Lodge  No.  4,  Frankfort,  Ken- 
tucky,") present.  Charges  preferred  against  two  prominent  brethren  of 
•  the  Lodge,  of  defaming  the  character  of  the  Lodge  and  its  members, 
and  immoral  conduct,  which  were  referred  to  a  committee  for  inves- 

June  3d. — Six  brethren  present.  Among  the  brethren  present  at  this 
meeting  was  Bro.  Charles  Querey,  reported  as  expelled  at  a  former 
meeting.  We  are  led  to  suspect  that  the  term  "expelled"  used  in  the 
record  at  that  time  was  a  misnomer,  that  the  word  exclusion  was  in- 
tended. The  Lodges  at  that  time  were  in  the  habit  of  excluding  from 
all  participation  in  the  work  of  the  Lodge,  brethren  who  were  in  arrears, 
until  such  arrears  were  settled.  The  semi-annual  election  was  held, 
and  the  following  brethren  elected  :  James  Gilbreath,  W.  M. ;  James 
Finney,  S.  W. ;  Henry  Connor,  J.  W. ;  Michael  Jones,  Treasurer; 
Robert  Robinson,  Secretary;  Philip  Fouke,  Senior  Deacon  and  Stew- 
ard ;  and  Bro.  Robert  Patton,  Junior  Deacon.  "  Citations  "  issued  for 
the  two  brethren  against  whom  charges  were  preferred  at  the  previous 

June  16th. — Six  brethren  and  one  visitor  (Bro.  Greenup)  present. 
Robert  Patton  raised.  Invitations  fro7ii  the  Lodges  at  St.  Louis  and 
St.  Genevieve,  to  join  them  in  celebrating  St.  John's  Day,  received,  and 
the  latter  accepted.  The  word  "Tyler"  appears  at  this  meeting,  for 
the  first  time. 

*This  petition,  signed  by  brethren  "John  Hay,  Dr.  Truman  Tattle,  William 
Atcheson,  John  Hays,  and  Cftl dwell  Cairnes,  never  received  the  recommendation 
prayed  for,  owing  to  some  difficulties  in  regard  to  dues. 


June  24th. — Six  brethren  present.  Officers  installed,  Lodge  closed, 
and  brethren  proceeded  to  Ste.  Genevieve.® 

July  1st. — Seven  brethren  present.  Bro.  Greenup  visiting.  The 
Lodge  was  called  to  try  the  charges  previously  presented,  but  the  Sec- 
retary having  failed  to  issue  the  proper  notice,  the  Lodge  was  closed 
without  taking  any  steps  in  the  matter. 

August  5th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Called  for  the  same  purpose 
as  the  preceding  meeting,  and  with  the  same  result,  and  for  the  same 

September  2d. — Six  brethren  present.  The  same  remarks  concerning 
the  meeting  of  July  1st  will  apply  to  this. 

October  7th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Bro.  Greenup  visiting.  Same 
proceedings  as  at  the  meeting  of  July  1st. 

November  4th. — Ten  brethren  present.  Breth.  E.  Fenwick  and  "John 
Donohue,  Louisiana  Lodge  No.  109,  Ste.  Genevieve,"  visiting.  The 
Secretary  ordered  to  make  full  returns  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  Breth. 
Arundel,  Finney,  and  Fouke  appointed  a  "Finance  Committee." 

December  2d. — Ten  brethren  present.  Breth.  Greenup  and  Jacob 
Fisher  visiting.  One  of  the  brethren  against  whom  charges  were  pre- 
ferred presented  a  communication  to  the  Lodge  and  requested  that  the 
Lodge  at  St.  Louis  might  be  "deputised"  to  try  the  charges.  The 
document  was  referred  to  a  committee  of  five  to  report  upon  at  the  next 
meeting.  Bro.  William  C.  Greenup  was  admitted  upon  petition.  The 
semi-annual  election  resulted  in  the  choice  of  Breth.  George  Fisher, 
for  W.  M. ;  James  Finney,  S.  W. ;  William  Arundel,  J.  W.;  Henry 
Connor,  Treasurer.  An  invitation  was  ordered  to  be  sent  to  the  breth- 
ren at  Ste.  Genevieve  for  St.  John's  Day. 

December  27th. — Six  brethren  present.  W.  M.,  S.  and  J.  Wardens  in- 
stalled in  a  Lodge  of  Past  Masters.  Breth.  Greenup  appointed  Secretary, 
Fouke  S.  D.  and  Steward,  and  Bro.  Patton  Junior  Deacon.  No  mention 
of  the  celebration  of  the  day,  or  of  any  attendance  from  Louisiana 
Lodge,  is  made. 

January  6th,  1810. — Eight  brethren  present.  Committee  on  "  the 
charges  "  reported,  and  report  ordered  to  "lie  over  for  consideration." 

January  13th. — Eight  brethren  present.  No  business  beyond  the  ap- 
pointment of  a  Finance  Committee  transacted. 

February  3d. — Six  brethr&n  present.  Bro.  John  Hay  is  reported  as  a 
visitor,  although  there  is  no  record  of  his  demission.  Petition  of  Louis 
LaChappelle  received  and  referred.  Finance  Committee  granted  further 
time,  and  "  charges  "  laid  over  to  next  meeting. 

No  meeting  in  March. 

*There  is  no  record  (and  the  record  states  plainly  Worshipful  Master,  Senior 
and  Junior  Wardens),  at  any  time,  of  the  installation  of  any  officer  below  the 
Junior  Warden. 


April  7th. — Seven  brethren  present.  "All  business  postponed  to  next 
stated  Lodge  night." 

May  5th. — Eight  brethren  present.  John  Gordon,  of  Union  Lodge 
No.  1,  Ohio,  visiting.  Xo  business  of  any  importance  transacted. 

May  17th. — Eight   brethren   present.      Louis  LaChappelle   initiated. 

June2d. — Five  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  the  first  degree. 
"William  C.  Greenup  elected  W.  M. ;  James  Finney,  S.  "VV. ;  Philip 
Fouke,  J.  W.;  and  Thomas  Todd,  Treasurer.  In  consequence  of  their  all 
having  the  "chills,"  all  unfinished  business  was  "postponed."  Invita- 
tions to  the  Lodges  at  St.  Louis  and  Ste.  Genevieve  to  join  in  celebrating 
St.  John's  Day  were  ordered  to  issue. 

June  24th. — Ten  brethren  and  four  visitors  present.  The  visitors 
on  this  occasion  were  "Harvey  Lane,  late  of  Russellville  Lodge,  Ken- 
tucky; Benjamin  Stephenson,  late  of  Hagerstown  Xo.  33  (Maryland): 
Thomas  T.  Crittenden,  of  St.  Genevieve  Lodge  Xo.  I0',),s  and  Eobert 
Elliott,  late  of  a  Lodge  held  at  Carlyle,  Pennsylvania,  under  a  dispen- 
sation from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania."  A  Lodge  of  Past  Masters 
was  opened,  Shadrach  Bond  presiding,  when  the  Master  and  Warding 
were  installed.  This  being  done,  a  Lodge  of  Master  Masons  was  opened. 
The  following  appointments  were  made  :  William  Arundel,  Secretary ; 
George  Fisher  and  Robert  Patton,  Deacons,  "when  the  brethren  pro- 
ceeded in  procession  to  Bro.  P.  Fouke's,  and  partook  of  a  repast  there, 
and  returned  to  the  lodge-room  in  the  same  manner.  At  Bro.  P.  Fouke's 
the  brethren  were  visited  by  Bro.  Andrew  McCormick,  of  Lodge  Xo.  137, 
of  Loughbrickland,  of  Ireland,  Orange  Body,  and  introduced  as  a  Fellow 

July  7th. — Xine  brethren  present.  Bro.  Thos.  C.  Crittenden  visiting. 
The  Finance  Committee  were  "ordered"  to  report  at  next  meeting;  Bro. 
Tuttle  "ordered"  to  be  present  at  the  September  meeting,  and  petition 
of  Ezra  Owen  received  and  referred. 

August  4th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Breth.  McCormick,  Critten- 
den, and  "Major  Taylor,  Abraham  Lodge  Xo.  8,  Kentucky,  a  M.  M.," 
visiting.  Ezra  Owen  initiated.  The  brethren  against  whom  charges 
were  preferred  were  "cited"  to  appear  at  the  October  meeting.  The 
Finance  Committee  were  granted  further  time  to  report. 

September  —  (1st  Saturday). —  Seven  brethren-  present.  "  Bro.  David 
C.  Knox,  of  Xo.  19,  Philadelphia,  a  M.  M.,"  visiting.  Ezra  Owen 
passed.  All  unfinished  business  "  postponed  "  until,  next  meeting. 

October  6th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  "John  Robinson,  of  Lodge 
Xo.  13,  Virginia,  a  M.  M.,"  visiting.  Louis  LaChappelle  passed.  A 
Lodge  of  Master  Masons  being  opened,  Bro.  James  Edgar  "came  for- 
ward" and  answered  to  certain  charges  alleged  against  him,  and  having 

*This  is  a  mistake  in  the  record.    The  name  of  the  Lodge  was  Louisiana,  not 
St.  Genevieve. 


made  suitable  apologies,  a  fine  of  twenty-five  dollars,  previously  assessed 
against  him,  was  remitted.  "  Doctor  Truman  Tuttle"  was  expelled. 

November  3d. — Ten  brethren  present.  Breth.  John  Robinson  and 
"Thomas  "W.  Thrustou,  of  Abraham  Lodge  No.  8,  Kentucky,  an  E.  A.," 
visiting.  The  time  of  meeting  was  changed  from  Saturday  to  "  1st 
Thursday  of  each  month."  "The  Junior  Brethren  having  retired,  a 
Lodge  of  Master  Masons  opened,"  and  Bro.  Ezra  Owen  raised. 

November  Sth. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Bro.  Louis  LaChappelle 

December  6th. — Nine  brethren  present.  The  election  resulted  in  the 
choice  of  Bro.  James  Finney  for  W.  M.;  James  Gilbreath,  S.  W.;  Michael 
Jones,  J.  W.;  and  Ezra  Owen,  Treasurer. 

December  27th,  St.  John's  Day. — Ten  brethren  present.  The  following 
appointments  were  made:  William  Arundel,  Secretary;  David  Robinson, 
Senior  Deacon;  James  Edgar,  Junior  Deacon;  and  James  Gilbreath,. 
Steward.  A  Lodge  of  Master  Masons  was  then  opened,  and  all  the  officers 
installed,  being  the  first  instance  of  the  installation  of  any  officer  below 
Junior  Warden. 


January  13, 1811. — Five  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  the  Jfrxf 
•degree,  and  all  business  postponed  until  next  meeting. 

February  7th. — Nine  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

March  7th. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Breth.  Knox  and  "Thomas 
Ferguson,  of  Lodge  No.  87,  Yorktown,  South  Carolina,"  visiting.  Bro. 
Ferguson  was  admitted  a  member  upon  petition.  Dr.  Dunlap  "reported 
for  not  paying  up  Lodge  dues." 

April  5th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  The  only  business  before  the 
Lodge  was  the  consideration  of  "  Doctor  James  Dunlap's"  delinquency 
as  regarded  Lodge  dues,  the  consideration  of  which,  upon  motion  of  Bro. 
Todd,  was  "postponed  for  two  years." 

May  3d. — Seven  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

June  7th. — Nine  brethren  present.  "  Wm.  0.  Allen,  of  St.  Louis  Lodge 
No.  Ill,  a  M.  M.,"  visiting.  The  following  officers  were  elected  :  Win. 
C.  Greenup,  W.  M.;  John  H.  Eobinson,  S.  W.;  James  Edgar,  J.  W.; 
Michael  Jones,  Treasurer.  Petition  of  Wm.  McDonald,  "of  Harrison- 
ville,"  received  and  referred. 

June  15th. — Nine  brethren  present.  A  Finance  Committee  was  ap- 
pointed, and  steps  taken  towards  liquidating  the  liabilities  of  the  Lodge. 

June  24th,  St.  John's  Day. — Nine  brethren  present.  "Stated  Lodge 
night;  dues"  reduced  from  twenty-five  to  twelve  and  a  half  cents.  Bills 
to  the  amount  of  $150.07i  allowed.  What  these  allowances  were  for,  is 
not  stated,  except  in  one  instance,  viz.:  "  Eight  dollars  to  Bro.  D. 
Robinson,  for  a  sword,"  which  proves  conclusively  that  "the  grim  Tyler 
with  his  rusty  old  sword"  was  not  a  myth  in  those  days.  "The  Junior 
Brethren  having  retired,  a  Lodge  of  "Pass  Masters"  was  opened,  and 
Bro.  Greenup  duly  installed  W.  M.;  after  which,  a  Lodge  of  Master 
Masons  was  opened,  and  the  S.  and  J.  Wardens,  Treasurer,  and  the  fol- 
lowing appointed  officers  installed:  Wm.  Arundel,  Secretary;  David 
Eobinson  and  Louis  LaChappelle,  Deacons;  and  Jas.  Gilbreath,  Steward 
and  Tyler. 


July  6th. — Three  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  ihQ_ftrst  degree, 
but  no  business  transacted. 

July  25th. — Six  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  the  Jirst  degree, 
and  petition  of  David  Scott  received  and  referred. 

August  2nd. — Seven  brethren  present.  William.  McDonald  and  David 
Scott,  initiated. 

August  10th. — Seven  brethren  present.     David  Scott  passed. 

September  6th.  Six  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  the  first,  sec- 
ond, and  third  degrees,  and  Bro.  David  Scott  raised. 

October  4th. — Six  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  ihefirst  degree, 
but  no  business  transacted. 

October  16th. — Present:  Michael  Jones,  W.  M.,  pro  tern.;  James 
E<l:jar,  S.  ~Vf.,pro  tern.:  Philip  Fouke,  J.  W.,pro  tern.;  James  Gilbreath, 
S.  D.,pro  tern.;  George  Fisher,  J.  D.,pro  tern.;  James  Finney,  Secretary, 
pro  tern.  Brethren  John  II.  Eobinson  and  Benjamin  Stephenson.  The 
Lodge  was  called  for  the  purpose  of  attending  the  funeral  of  Bro.  Robert 
Robinson,  deceased — "  when  a  M.  Mason's  Lodge  was  opened  in  ample 
form,  and  proceeded  to  the  place  of  interment,  and  after  the  usiv^l 
solemnities  returned  and  closed  in  harmony,  etc."  This  is  the  first  record 
of  a  Masonic  funeral  in  the  State  of  Illinois.  This  funeral  took  place 
five  years  (lacking  two  months)  from  the  organization  of  the  Lodge,  and 
nearly  fifty-eight  years  ago.  Since  that  time  and  in  those  fifty-eight 
years,  the  Fraternity  grew  strong,  although  nearly  annihilated  by  the 
fierce  gusts  of  passion,  revenge,  and  ignorance  which  swept  over  it;  it 
is  to-day  proudly  triumphant,  and  holds  up  its  head  among  the  institu- 
tions of  the  earth.  And  in  that  time,  while  the  Fraternity  has  so  grown 
and  multiplied,  our  beautiful  funeral  service  has  been  listened  to  thous- 
ands of  times,  demonstrating  unerringly  that  "Earth  to  earth,  dust  to 
dust,  and  ashes  to  ashes,"  is  no  vain  utterance,  but  teaches  a  fearful  les- 
son "to  all  mankind,  but  more  especially  the  Mason." 

November  1st. — Four  brethren  present.  No  business  beyond  opening 
and  closing  on  the  second  degree  transacted. 

December  6th. — Nine  brethren  present.  "  Bro.  Seth  Converse,  of 
Franklin  Lodge  No.  6,  New  Hampshire,  introduced  by  Bros.  Bond  and 
Todd,  as  a  Master  Mason,"  visiting.  Bro.  John  II.  Robinson  granted  a 
certificate  of  "  dismissal"  in  order  to  join  the  Lodge  at  Ste.  Genevievc, 
and  Bro.  Thomas  Todd  allowed  to  "  withdraw,  he  having  assigned  satis- 
factory reasons  therefor."  The  following  officers  were  elected:  Philip 
Fouke,  W.  M.;  Win.  C.  Greenup,  S.  W.;  James  Edgar,  J.  W.:  Michael 
Jones,  Treasurer. 

December  27th. — St.  John's  Day.  Five  brethren  present.  Opened  on 
the  third  degree.  A  communication  from  St.  Louis  Lodge  No.  Ill,  re- 
garding the  expulsion  of  "  Doctor  Truman  Tuttle,"  was  received  and 
referred  to  brethren  Greenup,  Fouke,  Fisher,  and  Arundel.  "  The 


Lodge  was  called  from  labor  to  refreshment,  when  the  brethren  who 
were  not  Past  Masters  withdrew,  whereupon  the  Lodge  was  again  called 
to  labor,  -the  M.  M.  Lodge  closed,  and  a  Past  M.  Lodge  opened. 
Worshipful  Master  William  C.  Grecnup,  Master;  James  Edgar,  Senior 
Warden;  Michael  Jones,  Junior  Warden ;  when  the  Master,  Wardens, 
and  Treasurer  were  regularly  installed,  and  took  their  seats;  after  which 
the  Past  M.  Lodge  closed  and  a  Master  M's.  Lodge  opened,  and 
called  to  refreshment,  and  the  absent  brethren  called  in,  and  the  Lodge 
called  again  to  labor."  It  was  resolved  to  remove  the  Lodge  from  the 
house  of  Bro.  Edgar  to  that  of  Bro.  Greenup.  The  following  appoint- 
?nents  were  made,  but  the  officers  were  not  installed;  William  Arundel, 
Secretary;  James  Gilbreath  and  Ezra  Owen,  Deacons;  William  C. 
Grecnup,  Steward. 

January  3d,  1812. — Three  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

No  meeting  in  February. 

March  6th. — Four  brethren  present.  "The  lodge  was  opened  on  the 
first  degree.  The  minutes  of  the  last  stated  night  being  called  for,  it  was 
— found  that  no  lodge  was  held — that  the  earthquakes,  so  frequent  and 
alarming  at  the  time,  rendered  an  assemblage  of  the  members  almost 
impossible,  and  indeed  unsafe.  The  stone  house  in  which  the  lodge  was 
kept  was  considerably  shattered  by  the  frequent  concussions,  and  was  on 
that  evening  abandoned  by  its  proprietor,  Bro.  Greenup,  who  from  the 
hurry  of  the  moment,  in  moving  his  family,  forgot  to  make  any  arrange- 
ments. The  books  and  furniture  then  became  inaccessible  to  those  who 
had  met,  and  consequently  the  delinquency  on  the  part  of  the  lodge  in 
not  meeting  was  unavoidable." 

April  4th. — Five  brethren  present.  "Brother  Aaron  Burr,  Master 
Mason,  member  of  Union  Lodge  No.  40,  Connecticut,"  visiting.  The 
communication  from  the  Lodge  at  St.  Louis  was  answered,  but  what  the 
answer  was  can  not  be  stated,  as  no  record  of  it  was  made. 

May  1st. — Four  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

June  5th. — Four  brethren  present.  Bro.  William  Arundel  was  granted 
a  certificate  of  "  demission,"  he  donating  to  the  lodge  all  balances  due 
him.  This  certificate,  the  original  of  which  is  in  our  possession,  reads  as 
follows  : 

"  In  the  East  arose  a  light,  and  the  light  shineth  in  darkness,  and  the  darkness  compn  - 

hendcth  it  not. 

'•  We,  the  Master  and  Wardens  of  Western  Star  Lodge  No.  107,  Ancient  York 
Masons,  held  in  the  Town  of  Kaskaskin,  in  the  Illinois  Territory,  under  a  regu- 
lar charter  from  the  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  do  hereby  certify 
that  Brother  William  Arundel,  who  hath  signed  his  name  in  the  margin,  and 
unto  whom  we  grant  these  letters,  is  a  regular  and  duly  Registered  Master 
Mason,  and  has  performed  all  his  works  amongst  us  to  the  entire  satisfaction 


of  his  brethren.  We  therefore  pray  all  the  Worshipful  Lodges  and  all  Free 
and  Accepted  Masons  to  receive  him  into  Fellowship  wherever  Providence 
may  allot  his  abode  on  Earth. 

"  In  testimony  whereof  we  have  hereto  set  our  hands,  countersigned  by  our 
said  Brother  and  Secretary  (no  seal  for  our  Lodge  being  yet  provided),  at  Kas- 
kuskia,  this  twenty-second  day  of  June,  Anno  Lucis  5812,  Anno  Domino  1812. 

"P.  FOUKE,  Master, 

WM.  C.  GREENUP,  S.  Warden, 
"Mieii'L  JONES,  See\i/  P.  7'."  JAMES  EDGAR,  J.  Warden." 

Bro.  David  Scott  was  granted  a  like  certificate.  Officers  as  follows 
were  elected  :  Michael  Jones,  W.  M.;  James  Edgar,  S.  W.;  George  Fisher, 
J.  W  ;  Philip  Fouke,  Treasurer;  all  of  whom  had  at  some  time  presided 
over  the  Lodge. 

June  24th. — Four  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened  on  the  first,  second  r 
and  third  degrees.  The  Lodge  of  Master  Masons  was  then  closed,  and  a 
Lodge  of  Past  Masters  opened,  and  the  Master  installed.  This  Lodge  was 
then  closed,  a  Lodge  of  Master  Masons  opened,  and  the  absent  brother 
(Ezra  Owen)  recalled.  The  Senior  Warden  and  Treasurer  were  then  in- 
stalled. The  Junior  Warden  being  absent,  Bro.  Greenup  was  appointed 
to  act  until  he  should  be  installed.  Breth.  Owen  and  LaChappelle  were 
appointed  Deacons. 

No  meetings  were  held  during  the  months  of  July,  August,  and  Sep- 

October  2nd. — Six  brethren  present.  John  Caldwell,  of  Vincennes 
Lodge  No.  15,  Indiana  Territory,  visiting.  No  business  transacted. 

No  meeting  held  in  November. 

December  4th. — Seven  brethren  present.  The  Lodge  was  opened  on  the 
first  degree  in  "ample  form."  The  old  officers  were  re-elected. 

December  27th. — St.  John's  Day.  Seven  brethren  present.  Breth. 
John  Caldwell  and  Benjamin  Talbott,  F.  C.  of  Jerusalem  Lodge  No.  9, 
Kentucky,  visiting.  The  Lodge  was  opened  in  the  first  degree  and  closed, 
and  a  Lodge  of  Fellow  Crafts  opened.  Petition  of  George  W.  Frazier 
received  and  referred.  The  Master,  Wardens,  and  Treasurer  were  in- 
stalled, a  Lodge  of  Past  Masters  being  opened.  Breth.  Owen  and 
LaChappelle  were  re-appointed  Deacons,  and  Bro.  Greenup  appointed 
Secretary.  The  petition  of  "  Col.  Philip  Trammell"  received,  referred, 
report  instanter.  Candidate  elected  and  initiated. 

January  8th,  1813. — Six  brethren  present.  Petitions  of  Clement  C. 
Conway  and  Thomas  C.  Patterson,  received  and  referred,  and  after  the 
election  of  Geo.  W.  Frazier  for  initiation,  the  Lodge  was  closed. 

February  5th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Bro.  Daniel  S.  Swearingen 
visiting.  Thomas  C.  Patterson  and  Clement  C.  Conway  initiated.  Bro. 



Gilbreath  was  ordered  to  come  before  the  Lodge  at  its  next  meeting  and 
show  cause  why  he  neglected  to  attend  the  meetings  of  the  same. 

February  9th. — Six  brethren  present.     Thomas   C.  Patterson  passed. 

March  5th. — Seven  brethren  present.  "The  Lodge  was  opened  in  the 
first  step  of  Masonry,  according  to  the  Ancient  Custom.  When  on 
examination  of  Bro.  Conway,  who  prayed  to  take  the  step  of  a  Fellow 
Craft,  it  was  moved  the  said  brother  withdraw."*  The  brother  was 
then  passed.  Petitions  of  Leonard  White  and  John  McFerron  received 
and  referred. 

April  2d. — Six  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Thomas  Leavins  received 
and  referred. 

April  10th. — Five  brethren  present.     Clement  C.  Conway  raised. 

May  7th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Petition  of  "  Hypolite  (John.) 
Menard"  received  and  referred.  Bro.  Gilbreath  stated  his  reasons  for 
not  attending  the  meetings  of  the  Lodge,  which  were  deemed  reasona- 
ble, and  he  granted  a  demit.  The  case  of  Bro.  Dunlap,  which  was  laid 
over  two  years  before,  was  taken  up  and  indefinitely  postponed. 

June  4th. — Ten  brethren  present.  Daniel  S.  Swearingen,  "  late  of 
Mt.  Moriah  Lodge  No.  33,  Maryland,"  admitted  a  member  upon  petition. 
Bro.  Wm.  McDonald  "examined  as  to  his  progress,"  and  passed.  John 
McFerron  initiated.  William  C.  Greenup  was  elected  Master:  Philip 
Fouke,  Senior  Warden;  Thomas  Todd,f  Junior  Warden;  and  Ezra 
Owen,  Treasurer.  Breth.  Fouke,  McFerron, and  Greenup  were  appointed 
.a  committee  to  provide  "dinner"  for  St.  John's  Day. 

June  15th. — Nine  brethren  present.     Hypolite  (John)  Menard  initiated. 

June  24th. — St.  John's  Day.  Eleven  brethren  present.  Officers  in- 
stalled, and  the  following  appointments  made:  Michael  Jones,  Secre- 
tary; Daniel  S.  Swearingen,  and  Louis  LaChappelle,  Deacons;  Clement 
•C.  Conway,  Steward;  John  Menard,  Tyler.  Wharton  Rector,  a  member 
of  the  Lodge,  having  been  reported  by  the  Grand  Lodge  as  suspended  in 
December,  1805,  by  Winchester  Lodge  No.  14,  Virginia,  a  committee 
was  appointed  to  investigate  the  matter.  No  other  business  transacted. 

July  2d. — Eight  brethren  present.  John  McFerron  passed.  Petitions 
of  Philip  Rocheblave  and  Samuel  Walker  received  and  referred. 

August  6th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Wharton  Rector  was  "unani- 
mously expelled."  The  case  of  James  Dunlap  was  again  brought  up, 
and  he  "unanimously  expelled."  Petition  of  David  Anderson  received 
and  referred.  Philip  Rocheblave  and  Samuel  Walker  initiated.  Petitions 
of  William  Boon  and  Michael  Buyatte  received  and  referred.  Bro. 
Fouke  was  appointed  a  committee  to  procure  furniture,  and  all  delin- 
quents were  ordered  to  settle  their  dues. 

*This  is  the  first  record  of  any  examination  of  candidates  being  had. 
tit  will  be  recollected  that  Bro.  Todd  was  at  a  previous  meeting  allowed  to 
withdraw,  but  there  is  no  record  of  any  subsequent  affiliation. 


September  3d. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Philip  Rocheblave  passed, 
and  Thomas  C.  Patterson  raised.  Petition  of  Jesse  Griggs  received  and 
referred;  David  Anderson  elected  ;  William  Boon  and  Michael  Buyatte 

September  7th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Hypolite  (John)  Menard 
and  Philip  Rocheblave  raised. 

October  1st. — Seven  brethren  present.  John  McFerron  passed.  Pe- 
titions of  William  Boon  and  Michael  Buyatte  received  and  referred. 
Samuel  Walker  raised.  Committee  on  Furniture  discharged,  and  all 
consideration  of  that  subject  "  dispensed  with." 

November  5th.- — Eight  brethren  present.-  Michael  Buyatte  initiated. 
Bro.  Greenup,  the  Master,  expressed  a  desire  to  withdraw  from  the 
•Lodge.  His  communication  was  made  the  special  order  for  the  next 
stated  meeting. 

November  24th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  "  Colo.  Philip  Trammell 

November  27th. — Twelve  brethren  present.     Thomas  Ferguson  raised. 

December  3d. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  William  Boon  initiated. 
The  semi-annual  election  resulted  as  follows:  For  W.  M.,  Wm.  C. 
Greenup;  S.  W.,  Philip  Fouke;  J.  W.,  Clement  C.  Conway;  Treasurer, 
Philip  Rocheblave.  Brethren  Fisher,  Fouke,  and  Conway  were  appointed 
a  committee  to  prepare  dinner  on  St.  John's  Day. 

December  27th. — St.  John's  Day.  Fifteen  brethren  present.  Officers 
installed,  and  Michael  Jones  appointed  Secretary;  John  Menard  and 
Samuel  Walker,  Deacons:  John  McFerron,  Steward. 

*Tiiese  are  the  first  rejections  on  record. 



January  7th,  1814. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Petitions  of  Jacob 
Short,  Major  John  Mordock,  and  Dr.  Allen  Mann,  were  received  and 
referred.  Charges  were  preferred  against  a  brother  for  absconding  "to- 
the  great  injury  of  his  creditors  generally." 

February  14. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Jacob  A.  Boyce  "unani- 
mously expelled." 

March  4th.  Eleven  brethren  present.  Brethren  David  Anderson, 
Michael  Buyatte,  and  William  Boon,  "  separately"  passed. 

March  9th. — Eight  brethren  present.  John  McFerron,  and  William 
Boon,  raised. 

April  1st. — Twelve  brethren  present.  David  Anderson,  raised,  and 
petition  of  Allen  Mann  withdrawn. 

April  16th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  William  McDonald  raised, 
and  he  and  Bro.  Robert  Patton  granted  demits. 

May  6th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  Michael  Buyatte  raised,  and 
petition  of  John  Mordock  withdrawn.  Petitions  of  James  Hall,  Jr., 
and  John  Cochran  received  and  referred. 

June  2d. — Seven  brethren  present.  Michael  Jones  was  elected  W- 
M.;  Philip  Fouke,  S.  W.;  C.  C.  Conway,  J.  W.;  and  Philip  Rocheblave* 
Treasurer.  Petitions  of  Wm.  McBride,  John  Irwin,  and  David  Fulton, 
received  and  referred.  The  Master  was  authorized  to  purchase  "15 
aprons  and  sashes." 

June  24th,  St.  John's  Day. — Twenty-three  brethren  present.  Thomas 
Stewart,  of  Ark  Lodge  No.  127,  Philadelphia;  Benj.  Stephenson,  William 
Arundel,  and  Seth  Converse,  visiting.  The  officers  (W.  M.,  S.  and  J. 
Ws.)  were  installed,  and  the  following  appointments  made:  "  Breth. 
Win.  C.  Greenup,  Secretary,  John  Menard  and  Shadrach  Bond,  Deacons, 
Rtmuel  Walker,  Tyler,  and  John  McFerron,  Steward.  After  the  tran- 
saction of  business,  the  brethren  proceeded  to  the  "  House  of  Brother 
Philip  Fouke,"  and  partook  of  the  refreshments  prepared  for  them. 

(.  v 


July  1st. — Eight  brethren  present.  An  account  of  $26  for  aprons  and 
•sashes  was  allowed.  A  committee  appointed  at  a  previous  meeting,  t<> 
procure  a  room,  reported,  and  granted  still  further  time. 

August  5th. — Eight  brethren  present.  William  McBride  initiated, 
John  Cochran  elected,  and  ballots  as  to  John  Irwin  and  David  Fulton 

September  2d. — Nine  brethren  present.  David  Fulton  and  John  Irwin 
rejected.  Petitions  of  James  Clark  and  Robert  Foster  received  and  re- 

October  7th. — Six  brethren  present.  Petition  of  James  Hall,  Sr.,  re- 
ceived and  referred.  Notice  was  filed  of  an  intention  to  move  an  amend- 
ment "  to  a  certain  by-law,"  but  which  by-law,  or  what  the  amendment 
was,  does  not  appear  of  record. 

ss- November  4th.— Ten  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Elias  K.  Kane 
s\ it f^JVTn tLtjiiew  Duncan,  received  and  referred.  Robert  Foster  rejected 
Thomas  Leavins  initiated. 

December  2d. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  Petitions  of  Breth.  Seth 
Converse  and  William  Arundel,  for  affiliation,  received,  referred,  and  they 
elected.  William  McBride  passed.  The  old  officers  were  re-elected. 

December  13th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Thomas  Shannon,  of 
Jerusalem  Lodge  No.  9,  Kentucky,  visiting.  Bro.  Philip  Tramrnell 

—^Pecember  27th,vSt.  John's  Day. —Fifteen  brethren  present.  William 
C.  Greenup  was  appointed  Secretary;  John  H.  Menard,  and  Shadrach 
Bond,  Deacons ;  John 'McFerron,  Steward;  and  Samuel  Walker,  Tyler. 
The  elective  officers  were  installed,  and  Matthjejy_I)aucan  initiated. 

January  6, 1815. — Thirteen  brethren  "present.  Joshua  Nowell,of  Jeru- 
salem Lodge  No.  9,  Kentucky,  visiting.  A  matter  of  difference  having 
arisen  between  two  of  the  brethren,  Breth.  Arundel,  Greenup,  and  Edgar 
were  appointed  to  try  and  reconcile  the  same.  A  subscription  was  or- 
dered to  be  taken,  for  the  purpose  of  "  building  a  lodge-room."  Petition 
of  William  Alexander  received  and  referred. 

February  3d. — Ten  brethren  present.  The  committee  to  whom  that 
duty  had  been  intrusted,  reported  that  the  difficulty  between  the  two 
brethren,  heretofore  alluded  to,  had  been  amicably  adjusted,  to  the  satis- 
faction of  themselves  and  the  committee,  "whereupon  the  Worshipful 
Michael  Jones,  Master,  congratulated  them."  James  Clark  initiated, 
and  Matthew  Duncan  and  Thomas  Leavins  passed. 

March  3d. — Twelve  brethren  present.     William  McBride  raised. 

April  7th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  Archibald  Tanner,  Lodge  No. 
21,  Ohio,  visiting.  Petition  of  Nathan  Davis  received  and  referred. 
William  Alexander  initiated. 

April  9th. — Eleven  brethren  present.     James  Hall,  Sr.,  initiated. 


May  5th. — Ten  brethren  present.  A  committee  appointed  to  procure  a 
suitable  room,  and  committee  on  petition  of  Nathan  Davis,  granted 
further  time. 

May  16. — Twelve  brethren  present.    Wm.  Alexander  passed. 

June  1st. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Enoch  Paine  visiting.  Petition 
of  Byrd  Lockhart  received  and  referred.  Nathan  Davis  initiated.  The 
election  resulted  in  the  choice  of  Breth.  Shadrach  Bond  for  W.  M.;  Philip 
Fouke,  S.  W.;  James  Edgar,  J.  W.;  and  Clement  C.  Conway,  Treasurer. 
Breth.  Fouke,  McFerron,  and  Conway  were  appointed  a  committee  to 
prepare  for  St.  John's  Day,  and  directed  to  invite  Josiah  Randall  to 
"preach  a  sermon  on  that  day." 

June  24th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Bro.  Greenup  was  re-appointed 
Secretary;  Breth.  Walker  and  Menard,  Deacons;  D.  S.  Swearingen, 
Tyler,  and  John  McFerron,  Steward.  James  Hall  (Jr.)  initiated.  Breth. 
Edgar,  Walker,  and  Swearingen  were  appointed  a  committee  to  "instruct 
the  younger  brethren."  Officers  installed. 

7th.—  Nine  brethren  present.  Matthew  Duncan_raised.  Charges 
/  were  preferred  against  a  brother,  alleging  having  in  his  possession, 
cOv  making,  and  altering  forged  bank  notes,  and  associating  with  counter- 
\  feiters.  The  charges  were  referred  to  a  committee  to  "collect  testimony 

for  and  against  the  charges." 

August  4th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Enoch  Paine  having  peti- 
tioned, was  admitted  a  member.  James  Hall,  Sr.,  passed. 

August  5th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.     Thomas  Leavins  raised. 

August  24th. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Bro.  James  Gilbreath  was 
summoned  to  "appear  in  open  Lodge,"  which  appearance  the  record 
would  have  us  to  infer  was  put  in,  but  what  for  we  do  not  know,  as  the 
record  states  "that  having  gone  through  the  business  before  them,"  the 
Lodge  was  closed. 

September  1st. — Ten  brethren  present.  The  Finance  Committee  re- 
ported "  thirty-eight  dollars,  forty-eight  cents  "  in  the  treasury.  This  is 
the  first  instance  of  that  committee,  or,  in  fact,  any  committee,  except 
those  of  investigation,  making  any  reports.  The  charges  against  Bro. 
James  Gilbreath  "were  taken  as  confessed,  he  not  having  appeared  or 
made  any  defense,"  and  he  was  accordingly  "  unanimously  expelled  by 
a  unanimous  vote." 

September  3d. — Six  brethren  present.     Nathan  Davis  passed. 

In  this  month  Lawrence  Lodge  No.  34,  at  Shawneetown,  received  its 
dispensation  from  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky.  R.  W.  Bro.  Mc- 
Corckle,  Grand  Secretary  of  that  Grand  Lodge  informs  us:  •  "  Lawrence 
Lodge  No.  34,  at  Shawneetown,  Illinois,  dispensation  granted  September 
— ,  1815,  Daniel  Bradford  being  Grand  Master,  James  G.  Trotter,  Grand 
Secretary.  Chartered  August,  1816,  William  H.  Richardson  being  Grand 
Master,  Trotter,  Grand  Secretary.  Bro.  Meredith  W.  FisLer  was  the 


first  Master  of  the  Lodge.  It  continued  on  the  register  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Kentucky  until  1824,  when  it  was  dropped,  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Illinois  having  been  then  formed."  No  further  information  can  be  ob- 
tained, owing  to  the  fact  that  the  records  and  archives  of  the  Grand 
L  "Ige  of  Kentucky  were  destroyed  by  fire,  at  Lexington,  some  years  ago. 

October  fith. — Nine  brethren  present.  Bro.  E.  Hockersmith,  of  Rus- 
sellville  (Kentucky)  Lodge  No.  17,  visiting.  Byrd  Lockhart  initiated. 
Petition  of  John  Cooper  received  and  referred.  "The  lodge-room  being 
occupied  by  a  sick  person,  the  Lodge  removed  to  the  house  of  Bro.  Jones, 
by  consent,"  and  there  Bro.  Nathan  Davis  was  raised,  the  Lodge  closing 
at  12  M. 

October  28th. — Nine  brethren  present.     Byrd  Lockhart  passed. 

November  4th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Byrd  Loekhart  raised. 
Committee  on  petition  of  John  Cooper  granted  further  time.  Bro. 
Greenup  was  allowed  one  dollar  twelve  and  a  half  cents,  postage  on 
"one  communication  "  from  the  Grand  Lodge. 

December  2d. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Committee  on  petition  of 
John  Cooper  granted  still  further  time.  Shadrach  Bond  "  elected  Master 
pursuant  to  by-laws,"  Philip  Fouke,  "Seignor  Warden;"  Samuel  Walker, 
Junior  Warden;  and  Clement  C.  Con  way,  Treasurer.  Bretli.  Jones,  Fouke, 
and  Greenup  were  appointed  a  committee  to  make  arrangements  for  a 
"  Masonic  dinner  and  ball,"  on  St.  John's  Day,  and  it  was  "ordered" 
that  every  brother  who  attended  should  pay  two  dollars.  Petition  of 
Robert  Foster  received  and  referred. 

December  27th. — A  Lodge  of  Past  Masters  was  opened:  Shadrach 
Bond,  Master;  Philip  Fouke,  S.  W.;  M.  Jones,  J.  W.;  W.  C.  Greenup, 
Secretary  and  Tyler.  Shadrach  Bond,  W.  M.,  and  Philip  Fouke,  S.  W., 
were  installed,  when  the  Lodge  closed  and  a  Lodge  of  Master  Masons 
was  opened,  and  the  Junior  Warden  and  Treasurer  installed,  and  the 
Lodge  of  Master  Masons  closed  and  a  Lodge  of  Entered  Apprentices 
opened.  Seventeen  brethren  present.  William  Bennett,  of  Hiram  Lodge 
No.  25,  New  Jersey,  visiting.  D.  S.  Swearingen  was  appointed  Secretary  ; 
Ilypolite  Menard  and  David  Anderson,  Deacons;  Enoch  Paine,  Tyler, 
and  John  McFerron,  Steward.  Petition  of  Thomas  C.  Browne  was  re- 
ceived, referred,  and  reported  on  instanter,  and  the  candidate  initiated. 
The  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  house  of  Bro.  Fouke,  and  partook  of 
a  "  Festival  Dinner,"  and  "  returned  to  the  Lodge  in  order." 

January  2nd,  1816. — Ten  brethren  present.  James  Hall,  Jr.,  and 
Thomas  C.  Browne  passed. 

January  6th. — Ten  brethren  present.  Bro.  James  B.Edwards,  Friend- 
ship Lodge  No.  74,  Virginia,  visiting.  Robert  Foster  rejected.  Petition 
of  Jesse  Griggs  received  and  referred.  James  Clark  passed, and  Thomas 
C.  Browne  raised.  A  committee  was  appointed  to' inquire  into  the  needs 
of  the  familv  of  one  of  the  brethren  who  was  absent  from  home. 


January  23d. — Seven  brethren  present.  "  The  Worshipful 
uounced  to  the  brethren  the  melancholy  news  of  the  death  of  their 
worthy  brother  Thomas  Todd,  who  departed  this  life  on  Monday  even- 
ing about  6  o'clock,  the  15th  instant.  The  Treasurer  was  directed  to 
procure  crape  and  blue  ribbon  for  the  members,  the  crape  to  be  worn  on 
the  hats,  and  the  ribbon  at  the  third  button  hole  of  the  vest:  to  be  worn 
thirty  days. 

February  3d. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Bro.  LaChappelle  de- 
mitted  ;  also  Philip  Trammel!. 

March  2nd. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  James  Clark  raised.  Com- 
mittees on  petitions  of  Griggs  and  Cooper  granted  further  time.  Wil- 
liam Bennett  admitted  as  a  member  upon  petition.  Committee  on 
Finances  reported  $535. 65  due  the  Lodge.  Philip  Rocheblave  demitted. 
The  original  demit,  or  rather  diploma,  granted  Bro.  Rocheblave  is  in  our 
possession,  and  as  it  is  a  curiosity,  it  is  here  inserted: 

"  WESTERN  STARR  LODGE  No.  107. 
"To  all  Free  and  Accepted  Masons  ;   Union,  Health,  and  Hapiness  : 

"We  the  Masters  and  Wardens  of  Western  Starr  Lodge  No.  107,  held  at  Kasku.*- 
kia,  in  the  county  of  Randolph,  under  the  Grand  Warrant  of  Pennsylvania,  assem- 
bled in  Due  form  adorned  with  all  our  honors,  do  hereby  declare  and  attest  to  all 
men  enlightened  on  the  face  of  the  earth,  that  our  beloved  Bro.  Phillip  Roaehblave, 
who  hath  signed  his  name  in  the  margin,  hath  been  received  as  an  entered  ap- 
prentice, passed  as  a  fellow  Craft;  and  after  having  sustained  with  firmness, 
strength,  and  courage,  the  most  painful  works  and  wonderful  trials,  we  have 
given  to  him  as  a  recompence,  due  to  his  zeal,  diligence,  and  capacity,  the  HI!>- 
blime  degree  of  Master,  and  have  admitted  and  initiated  him  as  such  into  our 
misteries  and  secret  works  in  which  he  has  helped  us  with  his  talents,  skill  and  •* 
knowledge.  In  testimony  whereof,  we  have  granted  to  him  this  present  certifi- 
cate, signed  by  our  Master  and  Wardens,  and  attested  by  our  Secretary,  with  the 
private  seal  of  Hie  said  Lodge,  the  twenty-fifth  day  of  April,  in  the  year  of  Ma- 
sonry 6816,  and  of  Salvation  1816. 

"S.  BOND,  11".  M. 
P.  FOUKE,  S.  I!'. 
"  Attest.     D.  S.  SWEARINGEN,  Secretary." 

March  4th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Brethren  Joseph  McFerron, 
Sr.,  of  Orange  Lodge  No.  12,  Belfast,  Ireland,  and  Thomas  Towles,  of 
Jerusalem  Lodge  Xo.  9,  Kentucky,  visiting.  James  Hall,  Sr.,  raised. 

April  Oth. — Seventeen  brethren  present.  Committees  on  petitions  of 
Messrs.  Griggs  and  Cooper  reported,  but  no  ballot  was  taken. 

May  4th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Petition  of  William  Mears  re- 
ceived and  referred.  Jesse  Griggs  elected. 

June  1st. — Ten  brethren  present.  The  election  resulted  in  the  choice 
of  Bro.  Philip  Fouke  for  W.  M.;  Samuel  Walker,  S.  W.;  David  Anderson, 
J.  W.;  and  C.  C.  Conway,  Treasurer. 


June  24th. — Nineteen  brethren  present.  Bro.  \V.  Alexander  raised. 
Officers  elect  installed.  Swearingen  appointed  Secretary ;  Menard  and 
Paine,  Deacons  ;  McBride,  Tyler;  and  Conway,  Steward.  James  Edgar 

£*t  July  6th. — Nine  brethren  present.      Charges    were  preferred  against 
Bro.  Matthew  Duncan,  which  the  Lodge  unanimously  refused  to  receive. 
.lie  was  then  granted  a  demit. 
^-  August  3d. — Six  brethren  present.     Bro.  Greenup  demitted.  «— 

September — . — Six  brethren  present.  Lodge  was  removed  to  the 
house  of  Bro.  Paine.  No  other  business  transacted. 

October  5th. — Six  brethren  present.  The  Lodge  passed  a  resolution 
preventing  the  W.  M.  from  drawing  orders  on  the  Treasurer  until  the 
next  stated  meeting.*  Petition  of  Nicholas  G.  R.  Rhea  received  and  re- 
ferred. The  delinquents  were  notified  that  if  they  did  not  settle  by  the 
next  St.  John's  Day,  they  would  be  expelled.  Fifty  dollars  was  appro- 
priated for  refitting  the  lodge-room. 

November  2nd.  Ten  brethren  present.  "Warren  Brown,  of  Morning 
Star  Lodge,  New  York,  visiting.  Petition  of  William  Mears  withdrawn. 
N.  G.  R.  Rhea  elected. 

December  7th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  James  Dougherty,  of  Lex- 
ington Lodge  No.  1,  Kentucky,  visiting.  Bro.  Michael  Jones  was 
elected  W.  M.;  Samuel  Walker,  S.  W.;  David  Anderson,  J.  W.;  Enoch 
Paine,  Treasurer.  The  usual  committee  of  arrangements  for  the  cele- 
bration of  St.  John's  Day  was  appointed,  and  the  Secretary  directed  to 
advertise  the  same  in  the  "public  newspaper  printed  at  Kaskaskia." 
Nicholas  G.  R.  Rhea  initiated. 

December  27th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  "  David  Vought,  of  Law- 
rence Lodge  No.  34,  Shawneetown,"  visiting.  Shadrach  Bond  and  Philip 
Fouke  appointed  Deacons;  Swearingen,  Secretary ;  and  Paine,  Steward  , 
and  Tyler.  The  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  house  of  Bro.  William 
Bennett,  and  partook  of  dinner  "  and  other  refreshments  provided  by 
the  committee." 

*  Bros.  Fouke  and  Swearingen  wished  to  pay  the  Grand  Lodge  dues,  amounting 
to  some  $60,  which  some  of  the  brethren  did  not  wish  to  do,  in  view  of  the  con- 
dition of  the  finances  of  the  Lodge. 



January  4th,  1817. — Six  brethren  present.  C.  C.  Conway  demitted, 
which  was  all  the  business  transacted. 

February  1st. — Ten  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Jesse  W.  Cooper 
received  and  referred. 

March  1st. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Nicholas  G.  E.  Rhea  passed ; 
committee  on  petition  of  Jesse  W.  Cooper  granted  further  time,  and  Bre,th. 
Bennett  and  McFerron  fined  twenty-five  cents  each,  for  non-attendance 
at  the  previous  meeting. 

April  5th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  No  business,  beyond  continuing 
committee  on  petition  of  Jesse  W.  Cooper,  transacted,  yet  the  lodge  did 
not  close  until  10  o'clock  P.  M.,  having  opened  at  6  o'clock. 

May  3d. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  "  Joseph  Philips,  of  Cumberland 
Lodge,  Tennessee,"  visiting.  N.  G.  R.  Rhea  raised.  D.  S.  Swearingen 
was  granted  a  demit. 

June  7th. — Five  brethren  present.  Petitions  of  Kimber  Barton  and 
Charles  McPherson  received  and  referred.  No  election  held  at  this  meet- 
June  24th. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  No  business  transacted,  the 
day  being  celebrated  by  partaking  of  a  dinner,  at  the  house  of  Bro.  Ben- 

July  5th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Petition  of  James  Edgar,  for  affili- 
ation, received,  referred,  reported  on  instanter,  and  he  elected.  Jesse 
W.  Cooper  and  Kimber  Barton  elected,  and  the  latter  initiated. 

August  2d. — Twelve  brethren  present.  "John  Arquay,  of  Lod^e  No.  1 2, 
St.  Louis,  Missouri  Territory,"  visiting.  Charles  McPherson  initiated. 
Petition  of  James  M.  Duncan  received  and  referred. 

September  Gth.— Nine  brethren  present.  The  Lodge  having  received 
notice  of  the  death  of  Bro.  N.  G.  R.  Rhea,  it  was 

"Resolved,  That  the  members  of  this  Lodge  will,  as  a  token  of  their  grief  for 
the  death  of  their  deceased  brother,  N.  G.  R.  Rhea,  wear  a  piece  of  black  ribbon 
through  the  second  and  third  button-holes  of  their  coats  for  three  months." 


October  14th. — Eleven  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

November  1st. — Ten  brethren  present.  The  committee  on  the  petition 
of  James  M.  Duncan  were  granted  further  time  to  report,  "  by  reason  of 
the  death  of  Bro.  Edgar,  one  of  the  committee."  "The  Lodge  being 
informed  that  Bro.  James  Edgar,  a  member  of  this  Lodge,  departed  this 
life  on  the  morning  of  this  day,  passed  the  following  resolve  : 

"  Resolved,  That  the  members  of  this  Lodge  will  meet  at  the  lodge-room  on 
the  morrow  at  one  o'clock,  and  proceed  therefrom  to  the  house  of  their  deceased 
brother,  James  Edgar,  long  a  member,  and  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Lodge, 
and  attend  the  funeral,  and  pay  him  Masonic  honors;  and  that  the  members  of 
Louisiana  Lodge  No.  109,  at  Ste.  Genevieve,  be  invited  to  attend  at  Kaskaskia  at 
three  o'clock  on  to-morrow  evening,  and  that  a  special  messenger  be  engaged 
by  the  Treasurer  to  carry  the  notice  and  information  to  the  Louisiana  Lodge  in 
such  way  as  the  Worshipful  Master  may  direct." 

Petition  of  Antoine  Z.  Chenet  received  and  referred.  It  having  been 
represented  to  the  Lodge  that  the  "Mill  House,  lately  built  for  Gov. 
Edwards,  on  Mary's  river,  by  Bro.  Edward  Hockersmith,"  had  been 
carried  away  by  an  "  unusual  flood,"  whereby  Bro.  H.  lost  all  his  tools, 
the  Treasurer  was  directed  to  loan  Bro.  H.  whatever  sum  could  be  spared 
from  the  treasury. 

Sunday,  November  2, 1817. — Present:  "  M.  Jones,  W.  M. ;  S.Walker, 
S.  W.;  D.  Anderson,  J.  W.;  E.  Paine,  Treas.,  and  Tyler  p.  t.;  Wm.  C. 
Greenup,  visiting,  Sec'y  p.  t. ;  H.  Menard,  S.  D.  p.  t. ;  P.  Fouke,  J.  D. ; 
John  McFerron,  W.  McBride,  Michael  Buyatte.  Visitors:  John  Dona- 
hue, Henry  Kiel,  Nathan  Pusey,  E.  Roberts,  Sebastian  Butcher,  of 
Louisiana  Lodge  No.  109.  The  Lodge  was  opened  on  the  third  degree. 
The  brethren  then  proceeded  to  the  house  of  their  deceased  brother, 
James  Edgar,  and  thence  to  the  place  of  interment,  where  the  body  was 
buried  with  Masonic  honors. 

December  6th. — Ten  brethren  present.  "  Wm.  M.  Alexander,  of  Hay- 
market  Lodge  No.  57,  Virginia,"  visiting.  Petitions  of  George  Day  and 
Edward  Humphreys  received  and  referred.  The  Lodge  then  proceeded 
to  the  election  of  officers  for  the  ensuing  twelve  months,  with  the  fol- 
lowing result:  Samuel  Walker  was  elected  W.  M. :  Shadrach  Bond, 
S.  W. ;  Hypolite  Menard,  J.  W. ;  Enoch  Paine,  Treasurer. 

December  8th. — Ten  brethren  present.  "  Samuel  Smith,  of  Essex 
Lodge,  Massachusetts,"  visiting.  Jesse  W.  Cooper  initiated. 

December  27th. — Seventeen  brethren  present.  "Josiah  Belts,  M.  M. 
No.  46,  New  York,"  visiting.  The  officers  elect  were  installed,  and 
the  following  appointed :  E.  Paine,  Steward  ;  P.  Fouke  and  Wm.  Ben- 
nett, Deacons;  John  McFerron,  Secretary.  Petitions  of  Henry  S. 
Dodge  and  Samuel  Omelveny  received  and  referred.  The  Lodge  then 
proceeded  to  the  house  of  Bro.  Bennett  and  partook  of  dinner. 


January  3d,  1818.— Fourteen  brethren  present.  "  Thomas  Ramsay,  of 
Cincinnati  Lodge  No.  13,"  visiting.  Petition  of  Warren  Brown,  for 
affiliation,  received,  referred,  and  he  elected.  Petitions  of  Jacob  F«?a- 
man  and  John  Bivins  received  and  referred.  James  M.  Duncan  and 
Samuel  Otnelveny  initiated. 

January  6th. — Seventeen  brethren  present.  Jgmpa  M,,  Duncan  and 
Samuel  Omelveny  passed,  and,  on  January  8th,  eleven  brethren  being 
present,  the  same  brethren  were  raised. 

February  7th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  Jacob  Feaman  and  John 
Bivins  initiated.  Petitions  of  John  W.  Gillis,  Samuel  C.  Christy,  John 
Walls,  and  John  M.  Nelson,  received  and  referred.  Bro.  Jones,  "on  his 
way  to  the  Eastern  States,"  was  authorized  to  procure  jewels  for  the 
Lodge,  and  was  particularly  exhorted,  in  the  discharge  of  his  duty,  "  to 
have  regard  to  the  funds  of  the  Lodge." 

March  7th. — Eighteen  brethren  present.  "James  II.  Rolfe,  of  Ohio 
Lodge  No.  101,"  and  "John  W.  Comly,  of  Frankfort  Lodge  No.  102," 
visiting.  Committees  on  petitions  of  Dodge,  Day,  Humphrey,  and 
Chenet,  were  granted  further  time.  Petitions  of  James  Cheek  and 
James  B.  Robinson  were  received  and  referred.  John  W.  Gillis,  Samuel 
C.  Christy,  John  W.  Nelson,  and  John  Walls,  "separately"  initiated. 

March  14th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  John  Bivins,  Samuel  C. 
Christy,  and  John  Walls  passed. 

March  2lst. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  Jacob  Feaman,  John  W. 
Gillis,  and  John  W.  Nelson  passed. 

March  27th. — Seventeen  brethren  present.  "Thomas  Fuhlin,  Potosi 
Lodge  No.  39,  Missouri  Territory,  and  Thomas  G.  Plummer,  Philan- 
thropic Lodge  No.  50,  Maryland,"  visiting.  John  Walls  and  Samuel  C. 
Christy  raised. 

April  4th. — Twenty-two  brethren  present.    Charles  McPherson  passed. 

April  6th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  In  the  rank  of  the  brethren 
present,  Bro.  Edmund  Roberts,  a  visitor,  is  stated  to  be  a  "Mark  Mas- 
ter." Charles  McPherson  and  Jacob  Feaman  raised. 

April  llth. — Nineteen  brethren  present.  John  W.  Gillis  and  John  W\ 
Nelson  raised. 

April  18th. — James  S.  Cheek  passed,  and  Jlenry  Dodge  initiated. 

May  2d. — Eighteen  brethren  present.  A  difficulty  having  arisen  be- 
tween two  brethren,  they  were  ordered  to  appear  before  the  Lodge  and 
settle  the  matter.  James  S.  Cheek  raised.  Jesse  W.  Cooper  and  Henry 

"June  6th. — Sixteen  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Jephtha  Sweet 
received  and  referred.  Jesse  W.  Cooper  raised.  Breth.  Bond,  Brown, 
and  Duncan  were  appointed  a  committe  to  "  frame  an  oration  to  be  de- 
livered on  St.  John's  Day." 

June  9th. — Number  of  brethren  not  stated.     Henry  Dodge  raised. 


June  24th. — Thirty-eight  brethren  present.  Jephtha  Sweet  initiated. 
Petition  of  Robert  Lattey  received  and  referred.  The  Lodge  then  pro- 
ceeded to  the  Court  House,  and  listened  to  an  oration  by  Bro._JamesM. 
_Duncan,  and  thence  to  the  house  of  Bro.  Fouke,  and  partook  of  dinner 
"  and  other  refreshments." 

July  4th. — Eight  brethren  present;  but  no  business  transacted,  which, 
considering  the  day,  was  nothing  to  be  surprised  at. 

July  11  th. — Seventeen  brethren  present.     Jephtha  Sweet  passed. 

August  1st. — Twelve  brethren  present.     Jephtha  Sweet  raised. 

Two  pages  of  the  minutes  are  missing,  and  no  meetings  for  September 
and  October  appear. 

November  7th. — Eighteen  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Thomas  Rey- 
nolds, received  at  last  meeting,  was  reported  upon  and  the  candidate  in- 
itiated. Bro.  Sam'l  Smith  affiliated. 

December  5th. — Seventeen  brethren  present.  Thomas  Reynolds 
passed.  Officers  as  follows  were  elected :  Shadracb  Bond,  W.  M.;  P. 
Fouke,  S.  W.;  Samuel  C.  Christy,  J.  W.;  "Warren  Brown,  Treasurer.  It  was 
unanimously  agreed  to  meet  the  brethren  of  the  Lodge  at  St.  Genevieve, 
on  December  27,  and  assist  them  in  celebrating  the  day. 

December  23d. — Fourteen  brethren  present.    Thomas  Reynolds  raised. 

December  24th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.     Robert  Lattey  passed.* 

December  27th. — Sixteen  brethren  present.  "  David  Blackwell,  late  of 
Lebanon  Lodge  No.  5,  Kentucky,"  visiting.  Officers  elect  installed,  and 
the  following  appointed:  Thomas  Reynolds,  Secretary;  John  W.  Gill  is 
and  John  W.  Nelson,  Deacons;  Jephtha  Sweet,  Tyler  ;  Enoch  Paine, 

January  2d,  1819. — Eighteen  brethren  present.  "John  C.Rochester, 
of  Ark  Lodge,  Geneva,  New  York  ;  Daniel  D.  Smith,  Constellation  Lodge, 
New  York;  Benj.  A.  Porter,  Miami  Lodge  No.  46,"  visiting.  Petition  of 
Samuel  Lybarger  received  and  referred.  Petitions  of  Edmund  Roberts 
and  Josiah  T.  Betts  for  affiliation,  received,  and  they  elected.  A  commit- 
tee was  appointed  to  ascertain  if  Bro.  Jones  had  procured  a  set  of  jewels 
for  the  Lodge. 

February  6th. — Twenty-two  brethren  present.  Petitions  of  Martin 
Jones.  Samuel  "VVbiteside.  and  Alexander  Philips  received  and  referred. 
Jesse  Griggs  initiatecT 

March  6th. — Thirty  brethren  present.  "James  Gillis,  "Washington 
Lodge  No.  1,  Delaware,  John  Simmons,  Greenville  Lodge  No.  3,  Tennes- 
see," visiting.  Petition  of  Samuel  Lybarger  withdrawn.  Bro.  Michael 
Jones  was  allowed  fifty  dollars  for  a  set  of  jewels  and  a  carpet.  Bro. 
Lattey  raised.  Seth  Converse  and  Jesse  Cooper  demitted. 

*There  is  no  record  of  this  brother's  initiation. 


March  8th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  "  Bro.  P.  W.  Hight,  Nova  Sco- 
tia Lodge  No.  — ,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,"  visiting.  Alexander  Phillips,  Sam- 
uel Whiteside,  and  Martin  Jones,  "separately"  initiated. 

March  ]2th. — Twenty-four  brethren  present.  "James  J.  Ryan,  Erie 
Lodge  No.  19,  State  of  New  York,"  visiting.  Jesse  Griggs,  Alexander 
Phillips,  Samuel  Whiteside,  and  Martin  Jones  "separately"  passed. 

March  15th. — Twenty  brethren  present.  Martin  Jones  and  Alexander 
Phillips  raised. 

March  10th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Jesse  Griggs  and  Samuel 
Whiteside  raised. 

April  3d. — Eleven  brethren  present.  "  Henry  Woodworth,  of  Wayne 
Lodge  No.  124,  Erie,  Pennsylvania,"  visiting.  No  business  transacted 
beyond  appointing  a  committee  to  revise  the  by-laws. 

May  1st. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  "Samuel  Howe,  of  American 
Union  Lodge  No.  1,  Marietta,  Ohio,"  visiting.  Certain  charges  preferred 
against  Bro.  John  Bivins,  were  not  entertained.  No  further  business 

June  5th. — Eight  brethren  present.     William  Bennett  demitted. 

June  8th. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Committee  appointed  to  make 
arrangements  for  the  proper  observance  of  St.  John's  Day;  after  which 
the  Lodge  closed. 

June  12th. — Ten  brethren  present.  Committee  appointed  at  meeting 
of  June  8th  reported,  when  it  was  unanimously  resolved  to  invite  the 
Lodge  at  St.  Genevieve. 

June  24th. — Thirty-five  brethren  present,  seventeen  being  visitors. 
The  day  was  celebrated  by  partaking  of  dinner  at  the  house  of  Bro. 

July  3d. — Eleven  brethren  present. 

July  10th. — Eighteen  brethren  present. 

August  17th. — Six  brethren  present. 

September  14th. — Eleven  brethren  present. 

No  business  transacted  at  these  four  meetings. 

October  2d. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  Bro.  Michael  Jones  demitte<i. 
The  Lodge  passed  resolutions  of  regret  at  losTng  so  old  and  active  a 
member  as  Bro.  Jones,  and  appointed  a  committee  to  prepare  an  address 
to  Bro.  Jones  setting  forth  this  feeling.*  ^James_M.  Duncan  demitted. 

The  following  extracts  from  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Tennessee,  furnished  us  by  E.  W.  Bro.  Frizzell,  are  here  inserted  in 
order  that  the  chronology  may  be  followed  : 

"The  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master  reported  that  since  the  lost 
Grand  Annual  Communication  he  had  issued  a  dispensation  to  sundry 

*Hro.  Jones  had  removed  to  Gallatin  county,  and  the  visits  he  paid  his  Lodge 
must  have  cost  him  seventy-five  or  one  hundred  miles   travel. 


brethren  residing  at  or  near  Edwardsville,  Illinois,  by  name  of  Libanus 
Lodge  No.  29. 

"  Ordered  that  a  charter  issue  to  Libanus  Lodge  No.  29,  upon  receipt 
of  their  proceedings,  provided,  it  shall  appear  to  the  satisfaction  of  the 
Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master  that  their  work  has  been  in  conformity 
with  the  principles  of  Masonry." — [Proceedings  Grand  Lodge  of  Ten- 
nessee, A.  D.  1819.] 

November  6th. — Eight  brethren  present,  but  no  business,  beyond  the 
excusing  of  sundry  brethren  for  absence,  was  transacted. 

December  4th. — Nineteen  brethren  present.  "Charles  Boon,  Clark 
Lodge  No.  54,  Louisville ;  Francis  Browne,  St.  John's  Lodge,  Onondaga, 
New  York,  and  Michael  Jones,"  visiting,'  Edmund  Roberts  was  elected 
W.  M.;  Josiah  T.  Betts,  S.  W.;  W.  Brown,  J.  W.;  Jacob  Teaman,  Treas- 
urer. Petition  of  Beal  Greenup  received  and  referred. 

December  llth. — The  Lodge  was  called  to  consider  a  communication- 
from  Lancaster  Lodge  No.  43,  "  but  it  was  received  at  so  late  a  period  • 
that  no  order  was  taken."  Nine  brethren  present. 

December  27th. — At  8  o'clock  in  the  morning  brethren  Bond,  Fouke/ 
and  Walker,  assembled,  and  Bro.  Roberts,  Master  elect,  was  installed- 
in  a  Lodge  of  Past  Masters,  and  that  Lodge  closed,  and  a  Lodge  of  Mas-' 
ter  Masons  opened,  and  called  off  until  10  o'clock  A.  M.,  at  which  time" 
ten  brethren  were  present,  and  the  remainder  of  the  elective  officers  ' 
installed.  Bro.  Cheek  was  appointed  Secretary ;  Bro.  Sweet  and  Reynolds/ 
Deacons;  Brethren  Sweet  and  Gillis,  Stewards;  Bro.  Fouke,  Tyler.  All  for- 
mer committees  not  having  reported,  were  discharged,  and  new  ones  ap*- 
pointed.  A  committee  was  appointed  to  settle  with  the  Treasurers  of  1817, 
1818,  and  1819;  and  the  Secretary  ordered  to  make  proper  returns  to" 
the  Grand  Lodge;  in  the  performance  of  which  duty,  he  was  authorized 
to  "  employ  one  or  more  brethren  to  assist  him."  Lodge  closed  at  12 
o'clock  M. 



January  1st,  1820. — Ten  brethren  present.  Beal  Greenup  initiated  f 
John  M.  Robinson  elected,  and  the  committee  on  accounts  of  the  several 
Treasurers  of  1817, 1818,  and  1819,  made  a  partial  report  and  were  dis- 

January  17th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.     John  Bivins  raised. 

January  28th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  John  M.  Robinson  ini- 
tiated, and  Beal  Greenup  "advanced  to  the  degree  of  Fellow  Craft." 

February  2nd. — Fourteen  brethren  present.     Beal  Greenup  raised. 

February  5th. — Twelve  brethren  present.  "A.  R.  Griffin,  Independent 
Royal  Arch  Lodge  No.  2,  New  York ;  William  G.  Cunningham,  Forti- 
tude No.  82,  Brooklin,  Long  island;  John  H.  Burns,  Mt.  Holly  No.  18,. 
New  Jersey,"  visiting.  John  M.  Robinson  passed  and  raised.  Bro.  John 
Bivins  desired  to  demit,  "  and  referred  his  petition  to  the  votes  of  the- 
members  ;  which  being  taken,  was  found  to  be  unanimously  in  favor  of 
his  deruittance." 

February  19th.— Fourteen  brethren  present.     Robert  Lattey  demitted. 

March  5th. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  Petition  of  J.  S.  Davis  received 
and  referred.  The  Treasurer  and  Secretary  were  ordered  to  attend  at 
an  "adjourned  meeting  on  Saturday  night  next,  with  their  accounts 
properly  digested."  A  motion  was  made  to  adjourn, "which  being  put  to- 
vote,  was  unanimously  sanctioned;  whereupon  the  Lodge  closed  in  pence 
and  harmony,  at  9  o'clock  P.  M." 

March  llth. — "Met  pursuant  to  adjournment."  Twelve  brethren 
present.  Ephraim  Skinner,  of  Otsago  No.  40,  visiting.  Bro.  Warren 
Brown  introduced  the  following  amendment  to  the  by-laws.  "In  lieu 
of  the  nightly  dues,  as  heretofore  required  by  the  by-laws,  each  mem- 
ber living  within  ten  miles,  shall  pay  quarter-yearly,  one  dollar.  Every 
member  living  at  a  greater  distance  than  ten  miles,  shall  pay  half 
yearly,  one  dollar;  Provided,  That  any  member  living  within  ten  miles, 
being  necessarily  absent  on  a  journey,  or  by  reason  of  sickness,  for  the 


space  of  three  months,  shall,  upon  excuse  being  rendered  to  the  Lodge, 
be  charged  only  half  price."  Lodge  closed. 

April  1st. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Michael  Buyatte'demitted.  All 
business  postponed,  and  the  Lodge  adjourned  to  the  15th  April. 

April  loth. — "  Met  pursuant  to  adjournment."  Ten  brethren  present. 
The  late  Treasurer  "ordered"  to  attend  at  the  next  meeting,  and  Bro. 
Brown's  amendment  laid  over. 

May  (>th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  Committee  on  petition  of  J.  S. 
Davis  granted  still  further  time.  Committee  appointed  to  settle  with 
Bro.  Paine,  late  Treasurer,  and  Bro.  Brown's  amendment  again  laid 

June  3d. — Ten  brethren  present.  No  business  beyond  the  allowance  of 
sundry  bills  transacted. 

June  7th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Present:  Josiah  T.  Betts,  W.  M., 
pro  tern.;  Shadrach  Bond,  S.  W.,  -pro  tern.;  Samuel  Walker,  J.  W.,  pro- 
tern.:  Jacob  Feaman,  Treasurer ;  James  S.  Cheek,  Secretary  ;  Samuel  C. 
Christy,  S.  D.,pro  tern.;  Beal  Greenup,  J.  D.,  pro  tern.;  Philip  Fouke, 
Tyler.  Bro.  Clement  C.  Conway  visiting.  A  Lodge  of  Master  Masons 
was  duly  opened,  and  the  honors  of  Masonic  burial  accorded  to  the 
remains  of  Bro.  George  Fisher. 

June  24th. — "Anniversary  of  St.  John  the  Babtist."  Twenty-seven 
brethren  present.  Lodge  of  Entered  Apprentices  opened.  After  the 
Lodge  was  opened,  it  was  called  from  labor  to  enable  the  visiting  breth- 
ren present  an  opportunity  "  of  placing  a  piece  of  crape  on  their  arms, 
in  token  of  respect  for  and  regret  for  Bro.  George  Fisher."  Lodge  called 
on,  and  proceeded  to  the  house  of  Mr.  Cowles,  where  Bro.  Michael  Jones 
delivered  a  "Masonic  Oration,"  after  which,  "  marshaled  by  Bro.  E. 
Carter,  they  proceeded  to  the  house  of  Bro.  Fouke,  and  partook  of  the 
dinner  and  other  refreshments  provided,  for  the  occasion." 

The  following  extract  is  inserted  here  for  reasons  already  given  : 

"The  Grand  Secretary  reported  that  on  the  28th  of  June,  1820,  a  dis- 
pensation was  granted  to  Bros.  David  Blackwell  and  others  to  open  a  new 
Lodge  in  the  town  of  '  BellevilleTluinois,'  by  the  name  of  'Temple 
Lodge  No.  35.'"* — [Proceedings  Grand  Lodge  of  Tennessee,  A.  D.  1820.] 

July  1st. — Twelve  brethren  present.  "Orlando  Buckney,  Worcester 
Lodge,  Connecticut,"  visiting.  Lodge  opened  and  adjourned  to  the  Sat-* 
urday  following. 

July  8th. — Seven  brethren  present.  A  committee  was  appointed  to 
procure  another  lodge-room,  and  the  Lodge  closed. 

August  5th. — Eight  brethren  present.  "Charles  Marini,  St.  John's 
Lodge  No.  7,  Ancona,  Italy,"  visiting.  Lodge  opened,  and  adjourned  to 
meet  on  Thursday  following.  "N.  B. — The  Lodge  did  not  meet  pursuant 
to  adjournment. — Jas.  S.  Cheek,  Sec." 

*This  report  was  made  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  October  2, 1820. 



September  2d. — Nine  brethren  present.     Xo  business  transacted. 
We  here  insert  other  extracts  from  proceedings  Grand  Lodge  of  Ten- 
nessee : 

"  The  Grand  Secretary   reported    that  on   the   5th    of    October  last 

charters  were  issued  to  Lodges  Xos.  24,  26,  27,  28,  and  30,  and  on  the 

fith  day  of  the  same  month  to  Lodges  Xos.  25  and  29,  agreeably  to  the 

directions  of  the  Grand  Lodge  at  their  last  annual  communication." 

"Resolved,   That  the  Grand  Secretary  order,  as  soon  as  practicable, 

and   Temple    Lodge   Xo.    35,   working   under 

dispensation,  to  return  their  dispensations,  with  their  proceedings, 
to  the  E.  W.  Grand  Secretary,  to  be  laid  before  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master 
for  his  inspection,  the  former  within  thirty  days,  and  the  latter  within 
six  months,-  and  if  it  shall  appear  that  they  have  proceeded  regularly, 
charters  shall  be  issued  them  respectively.  If  they  fail  to  make  returns 
agreeably  to  this  resolution,  it  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  Grand  Master  to 
suspend  their  operations,  and  report  them  to  the  Grand  Lodge  at  the 
next  Grand  Annual  Communication." — [Proceedings  Grand  Lodge  of 
Tennessee,  A,  D.  1820. 

October  7th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Lodge  opened,  and  adjourned 
until  the  Saturday  following,  neither  the  Master  nor  Wardens  being 

October  9th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Xo  business  of  importance 

Xovember  4th. — Five  brethren  present.    Breth.  " Sheriden,  Union 

Lodge  No.  66,  N.  Y.;  II.  Harding,  Viucennes  Lodge  No.  1,  Indiana," 
-visiting.  Petition  of  Eussell  Larribee  received  and  referred.  v 

November  14th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Petitions  of  John  Atkins 
for  initiation,  and  Bro.  E.  Carter  for  affiliation,  received  and  referred — 
the  latter  reported  on  instanter,  and  he  elected.  The  Lodge^was  then 
•closed  on  the  first  degree,  and  opened  on  the  third,  and  the*"following 
was  passed  :  "  Moved  and  ordered,  That  there  be  a  committee  Appointed 
to  inquire  into  the  character  of  the  Lodge  in  general,  and  make~a  report 
at  the  next  stated  meeting.  Breth.  Beal  Greeuup,  Walker,  and  Carter 
were  appointed  a  committee  for  the  same." 

November  16th. — Sixteen  brethren  present.  "  X.  Hanson,  Libanus 
Lodge  Xo.  29,  Edwardsville,"  visiting.  "A  letter  from  our  brethren  at 
Libanus  Lodge  Xo.  29,  at  Edwardsville,  requesting  that  there  should  be 
measures  taken  with  the  several  Lodges  of  this  State  to  form  a  Grand 
Lodge.  Motion  made  and  carried  that  we  coincide  with  the  Libanus 
Lodge  to  confer  with  the  several  Lodges  of  this  State,  that  there  may  be 
measures  taken  to  establish  a  Grand  Lodge.  Resolved,  That  this  Lo<ige 
concur  with  Libanus  Lodge  Xo.  27  in  (the)  propriety  and  expediency 
of  establishing  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State,  and  that  there  be  a  com- 
mittee appointed  on  the  part  of  this  Lodge  to  confer  with  that  and  the 


-other  Lodges  on  the  subject,  and  in  case  of  general  concurrence  in  the 
establishment  of  such  Grand  Lodge,  with  power  to  fix  upon  a  certain 
number  of  delegates  from  each  of  the  several  Lodges  in  this  State,  to 
meet  in  convention,  as  also  upon  the  time  and  place  of  such  meeting  of 
such  Lodges,  and  forming  a  constitution  therefor.  Committee:  Bros. 
Dodge,  Reynolds,  and  Bond,*  to  confer  with  the  several  Lodges  of  this 
State,  to  make  necessary  arrangements  for  said  Grand  Lodge." 

December  2d. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Russell  Larabee  and  John 
Atkins  initiated.  Petitions  of  Jacob  Hyberger  for  initiation,  and  Wm.  C. 
jGreenup  for  affiliation,  received  and  referred.  Philip  Fouke  elected 
W7M.:  EfCarter,  S.  W.;  J.  W.  Gillis,  J.  W.;  Beal  Greenup,  Treasurer. 

December  9th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Clement  C.  Conway, 
for  affiliation,  received  and  referred,  reported  on  instanter,  and  he  elected. 
John  Atkins  passed. 

This  is  the  last  entry  upon  the  book  before  us.  That  the  Lodge  was 
in  existence  as  late  as  1829,  detached  papers  in  the  hands  of  the  Historian 
will  show,  and  which  will  appear  in  their  proper  place;  and  he  is  but 
partially  convinced  that  the  residue  of  the  records  of  this  old  Lodge  are 
irrevocably  lost,  but  like  the  record  of  the  organization  of  the  first  Grand 
Lodge,  when  some  good  brother  at  Kaskaskia  moves  from  his  "  old  house 
to  a  new  one,"  the  missing  record  will  turn  up.  We  trust  it  may. 

On  the  second  day  of  June,  A.  D.  1821,  a  number  of  brethren  residing 
at  Alton,  prepared  and  submitted,1  for  the  recommendation  of  Libanus 
(or,  as  the  certificate  has  it,  Mount  Libanus)  Lodge,  then  working  under 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Tennessee,  the  following  petition: 

"  To  the  Moat  Hlrshipful  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Mis- 
souri : 

"  The  petitioners  hereof  humbly  shew  that  they  are  Ancient,  Free,  and  Ac- 
cepted Master  Masons.  Having  the  prosperity  of  the  Fraternity  at  heart,  they 
are  willing  to  exert  their  best  endeavors  to  promote  and  diffuse  the  genuine 
principles  of  Freemasonry. 

"  For  the  convenience  of  their  respective  dwellings,  and  for  other  good 
reasons,  they  are  desirous  of  forming  a  new  Lodge  in  the  town  of  Alton,  county 
of  Madison,  and  State  of  Illinois,  to  be  named  '  Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  — .'  In 
consequence  of  this  desire,  and  the  good  of  the  Craft,  they  pray  for  a  dispensa- 
tion empowering  them  to  assemble  as  a  legal  Lodge,  to  discharge  the  duties  of 
Freemasonry  in  the  several  degrees  of  Entered  Apprentice,  Fellow  Craft,  and 
Master  Mason  in  a  regular  and  constitutional  manner,  according  to  the  ancient 
forms  of  the  Fraternity  and  the  laws  and  regulations  of  your  Grand  Lodge. 

•'That  they  have  nominated  and  do  recommend  Erastus  Brown  to  be  the  first 
Master;  Hezekiah  H.  Gear  to  be  the  first  Senior  Warden  ;  and  Henry  H.  Snow  to 
be  the  first  Junior  Warden  of  said  Lodge;  that  if  the  prayer  of  the  petition 
should  be  granted,  they  promise  a  strict  conformity  to  all  the  constitutional 
laws,  rules,  and  regulations  of  the  Grand  Lodge;  and  that  if  the  proceedings  of 

:  Henry  S.  Dodge,  Thomas  Reynolds,  and  Shadraeh  Bond. 


their  Lodge  shall  meet  the  approbation  of  the  said  Grand  Lodge,  at  the  next 
regular  meeting  of  that  Most  Worshipful  body,  they,  your  petitioners,  will  apply 
for  a  charter  or  warrant.     And  as  in  duty  bound  will  ever  pray. 

This  petition  bore  the  following  signatures  :  "  Erastus  Brown,  M.  M., 
Chad.  Brown,  M.  M.  M.,  Henry  II.  Snow,  M.  M.,  Nelson  Aldrich,  M.  M., 
Joel  Finch,  M.  M.  M.,  Daniel  Manross,  M.  M.,  Hezekiah  H.  Gear." 

And  the  following  certificate  of  recommendation  by  Mount  Libanus 
Lodge  No.  29  : 

'•  To  the  Most  Worshipful  the  Grand  Master  of  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of 
the  State  of  Missouri — Sheweth  : 

"That  this  petition  has  fora  long  time  been  under  consideration  of  Mount 
Libanus  Lodge,  opened  and  held  in  Edwardsville,  Illinois  ;  that  said  Lodge  have 
made  all  and  every  the  necessary  inquiries  respecting  the  qualifications  and 
respectability  of  the  petitioners,  as  also  the  locality  of  the  place  petitioned  for ; 
and,  after  calling  a  vote  on  the  subject,  it  was  carried  in  favor  of  the  petition 
being  granted  unanimously. 

"  Attest :  NICHOLAS  HANSON,  Sec'y  of  s'd  Lodge. 

"  EDWARDSVILLE,  19th  September,  1821." 

The  name  of  JOHN  WALLACE  appears  upon  the  petition,  and  was 
inserted  as  the  brother  whom  the  petitioners  wished  appointed  Senior 
Warden.  For  some  reason,  not  now  apparent,  his  name  was  stricken 
out  of  the  petition  entirely,  and  the  name  of  HEZEKIAH  II.  GEAR  sub- 
stituted. This  was  done,  evidently,  after  the  petition  had  received  the 
recommendation  of  Libanus  Lodge,  as  the  original  paper  before  us, 
signed  by  brethren  SNOW,  BROWN,  ALDRICH,  MANROSS,  CHAD.  BROWN,  and 
GEAR,  "deputes  and  appoints"  Bro.  JOEL  FINCH  for  and  in  their  behalf, 
"  to  erase  the  name  of  JOHN  WALLACE  "  [the  word  Bro.  had  been  written 
and  erased],  "  from  a  petition  to  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri,  for  letters  of  dispensation,  by  us  subscribed;  also,  as 
recommended  for  a  Seignor  Warden,  and  in  the  place  of  Bro.  WALLACE, 
as  recommended  aforesaid,  to  insert  the  name  of  Bro.  HEZEKIAH  H. 
GEA.II."  This  was  dated  at  Alton,  October  22d,  1821. 

On  the  thirtieth  day  of  October,  the  following  dispensation  was  issued: 

"Six  Lrx  ET  Lux  FUIT. 

"To  all  and  every  our  Right  Worshipful  and  loving  brethren  greeting : 

"  Know  ye  that  the  Most  Worshipful  Nathaniel  B.  Tucker,  Grand  Master,  at  the 
humble  petition  of  our  Right  Worshipful  and  well  beloved  brothers  Erastus 
Brown,  Hezekiah  H.  Gear,  Henry  H.  Snow,  and  several  other  brethren  residing 
at  and  near  the  town  of  Allton,  Madison  county,  State  of  Illinois,  of  the  ancient 
and  honorable  Fraternity  of  York  Masons,  and  for  certain  other  reasons  moving 
our  Worshipful  Grand  Master,  do  hereby  constitute  the  said  brethren  into  a 
regular  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  to  be  opened  in  the  town  of  Allton, 
by  the  name  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5.  At  their  said  request  and  of  the 


•great  trust  and  confidence  reposed  in  every  of  the  said  brethren,  the  Most  Wor- 
shipful Grand  Master  doth  hereby  appoint  Bro.  Erastus  Brown,  Worshipful 
Master,  Bro.  Hezekiah  H.  Gear,  Senior  Warden,  and  Bro.  Henry  H.  Snow, 

Junior  Warden  for  opening the  said  Lodge  and  governing  the  same. 

It  is  required  of  our  friend  and  brother  the  Worshipful  Erastus  Brown,  to  take 
special  care  that  all  and  every  of  the  said  brethren  of  your  Lodge,  as  well  those 
hereafter  to  be  admitted  into  our  body  by  your  Lodge,  be  regularly  made  Ma- 
sons; and  that  they  do  observe,  perform,  and  keep  all  the  rules  and  orders  con- 
tained in  our  book  of  Constitutions,  and  the  ancient  landmarks  be  strictly 
attended  to:  and  further,  that  you  cause  to  be  entered  in  a  book  kept  for  that 
purpose,  an  account  of  your  proceedings;  which,  when  done  you  are  required 

to  transmit  herewith  to  the  Grand Master  (with  a  list  of  those  initiated, 

passed,  and  raised,  or  otherwise  managed)  at  our  next  Grand  Semi-annual  Com- 

"Given  at  St.  Louis  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand 
Master,  this  30th  day  of  October,  A.  L,  5821  A.  D.  1821. 

"  N.  B.  TUCKER,  G.  M. 
"  WM.  REXSHA.W,  O.  Secy." 

In  the  mean  time  the  following  action  was  had  in  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Tennessee : 

October  1, 1821.—"  The  Grand  Secretary  reported,  *  that  *  * 
and  Temple  Lodge  No.  35,  have  surrendered  their  dispensations  without 
working  under  them."  Temple  Lodge,  it  will  be  remembered,  was 
iocated  at  Belleville,  David  Blackwell  being  first  Master.  On  referring 
to  the  minutes  of  Western  Star  Lodge,  at  their  meeting  of  December  27, 
1818,  Bro.  Blackwell  is  noted  as  a  visitor,  hailing  from 'Solomon  Lodgo 
No.  5,  Kentucky. 

November  7th,  1821.  —Olive  Branch  Lodge  having  received  its  dis- 
pensation, the  following  brethren  assembled  :  Erastus  Brown,  Hezekiah 
H.  Gear,  Henry  H.  Snow,  Chad.  Brown,  Nelson  Aldrich,  Daniel  Manross, 
Joseph  T.  Bennett,  and  James  W.  Whitney.  Appointments  were  made 
as  follows:  Chad.  Brown,  Secretary ;  Jos.  T.Bennett,  Treasurer :  Nel- 
son Aldrich  and  Daniel  Manross,  Deacons;  and  the  Lodge  was  then 
duly  opened  on  the  first  degree,  Erastus  Brown  presiding,  brethren  Gear 
and  Snow  being  Wardens.  The  Lodge,  after  it  was  regularly  opened, 
gave  the  appointments  made  as  above  stated  the  cold  shoulder,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  an  election  which  resulted  in  electing  Bro.  Joe^  Finch,  Treas- 
urer; Chad.  Brown,  Secretary.  The  nominations  for  Deacons  were  con- 
curred in.  Brethren  E.  Brown,  C.  Brown,  and  Snow  were  appointed  a 
committee  to  prepare  by-laws.  And  after  receiving  the  "application." 
of  Bro.  J.  W.  Whitney,  a  Fellow  Craft,  to  be  raised,  adjourned  to  the 
following  day. 

November  8th. — "Lodge  met  pursuant  to-adjournment.  Present  as  be- 
fore." The  committee  on  by-laws  reported,  and  their  report  was  adopted, 
amending  it  only  by  striking  out  six  o'clock  as  the  hour  of  meeting,  and 
inserting  "four  of  the  clock."  These  by-laws  were  carefully  drawn  up, 


are  short  and  right  to  the  point.  One  or  two  things  it  would  be  well 
perhaps  to  note:  The  first  election  for  officers,  W.  M.,  Wardens,  Treas- 
urer, and  Secretary,  was  to  be  held  in  the  May  following,  "  forever  after 
that,  semi-annually,  in  the  months  of  September  and  March."  The 
Master  was  to  decide  all  questions  of  order  which  came  before  the  Lodge, 
"  subject  to  an  appeal  to  the  Lodge  by  any  two  members."  The  Master 
"  might"  call  any  brother  to  preside.  In  the  absence  of  the  Master  and 
Wardens,  the  Lodge  could  not  be  opened,  but  if  the  Master  was  absent, 
the  "presiding  Warden"  might  take  the  East,  or  call  upon  the  oldest 
Past  Master  present  to  relieve  him.  Visiting  brethren  were  required  to 
pay  twenty-five  cents  after  the  first  visitation  "in  any  one  year."  The 
Tyler  was  entitled  to  fifty  cents  for  each  evenings'  service,  to  be  paid 
from  the  Treasury, and  to  collect  for  his  own  use,  twenty-five  cents  from 
every  candidate  initiated,  passed,  and  raised,  and  every  brother  affiliated. 
Entered  Apprentices  were  to  remain  as  such  three  months,  and  Fel- 
low Crafts  two  months,  before  advancement;  provided,  however,  that  if 
a  brother  became  thoroughly  acquainted  with  all  the  information  belong- 
ing to  his  degree,  he  might,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Lodge,  "be  advanced 
in  less  time."  All  amendments  were  to  be  proposed  and  seconded  by 
Master  Masons.  Brethren  Snow  and  Gear  were  appointed  a  "standing 
committee  on  investigations."  Bro.  James  W.  Whitney  was  raised. 
Petitions  of  Benjamin  Spencer,  Charles  Gear,  and  Augustus  Langworthy 
received  and  referred  to  the  standing  committee. 

November 20th. — Eight  brethren  present.  "Southard  Shaw"  visiting. 
"Voted  that  Bro.  Whitney  be  allowed  to  become  a  member  of  this 
Lodge  upon  signing  the  by-laws."  Bro.  Shaw  petitioned  for  the  degree 
of  Fellow  Craft,  which  was  conferred  upon  him.  Petition  of  J. 'B.  Fay 
received  and  referred. 

December  13th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Samuel  Ingraham  and 
William  Scott  visiting.  Petitions  of  Alexander  Hart,  Edward  Bishop, 
and  Benjamin  Harwood  received  and  referred.  Benjamin  Spencer,. 
Jonathan  B.  Fay,  and  Charles  Gear  initiated. 

On  the  20th  of  December  the  following  petition  was  drawn  up  and 
forwarded  to  Vincennes  Lodge  No.  1,  Indiana,  for  their  recommendation  : 

"  To  the  Bir/ht  Worshipful  Grand  Master,  Grand  Wardens,  and  Brethren  of  the  Grand 

Lodge  of  Indiana  : 

"  The  petition  of  your  brethren  undersigned,  respectfully  represents  that  they 
are  or  have  been  members  of  regular  Lodges;  that  having  the  prosperity  of  the 
Fraternity  at  heart,  they  are  willing  to  exert  their  best  endeavors  to  promote 
and  diffuse  the  genuine  principles  of  Masonry  ;  that  for  the  convenience  of  their 
respective  dwellings  and  for  other  good  reasons,  they  are  desirous  of  forming  a 
new  Lodge  at  Albion,  in  the  county  of  Edwards  and  State  of  Illinois,  to  be  named 
Albion  Lodge.  That  in  consquence  of  this  desire  they,  pray  for  letters  oPttis- 
pensation  or  a  warrant  of  constitution,  to  empower  them  to  assemble  as  a  legal 


Lodge  to  discharge  the  duties  of  Masonry  in  a  regular  and  constitutional  man- 
ner, according  to  the  original  forms  of  the  Order,  and  regulations  of  the  Grand 

••  That  they  have  nominated  and  do  recommend  James  O.  Wattles  to  be  the  first 
Muster,  John  B.  Johnson  to  be  the  first  Senior  Warden,  and  Arnold  B.  Dake  to  be 
the  first  Junior  Warden  of  said  Lodge.  That  if  the  prayer  of  their  petition 
should  be  granted,  they  promise  a  strict  conformity  to  all  the  constitutional 
law-;  and  regulations  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  in  duty  bound  will  ever  pray,  Ac. 

A.  B.  DAKE, 
"ALBION,  20th  December,  A.  L.  5821.  JAMES  HUTCH  ENS." 

January  17,  1822 — Olive  Branch  Lodge.  —  Ten  brethren  present. 
"  Doctor  Augustus  Langworthy  initiated,  and  Southard  Shaw  raised." 

January  10th. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Alexander  Hart  and  Ben- 
jamin Harwood  initiated.  Benjamin  Spencer  and  Charles  Gear  passed. 
Petitions  of  Levi  Roberts,  Ossian  M.  Ross,  and  Samuel  Rhodes,  received 
and  referred. 

January  24th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  Benjamin  Spencer  and 
Charles  Gear  raised. 

On  February  7th,  the  following  petition  was  presented  to  Libanus 
Lodge  No.  29,  for  recommendation,  which  was  granted  : 

''  To  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri : 

"Your  petitioners,  Master  Mason?,  being  domiciled  in  Vandalia  (the  seat  of 
Government),  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  respectfully  shevveth,  that  they  are  free 
and  accepted  Master  Masons  ;  that  they  have  been  members  of  regular  Lodges ; 
that  having  the  prosperity  of  the  Fraternity  at  heart,  they  are  willing  to  exert 
their  best  endeavours  to  promote  and  diffuse  the  genuine  principles  of  Masonry.; 
that  for  the  conveniency  of  their  respective  dwellings  (there  being  no  Lodge 
within  fifty  Miles),  and  for  other  good  reasons,  tKey  are  desirous  of  forming  a 
new  Lodge  in  the  Town  of  VandaliJ,  to  be  named  '  Vandalia  Lodge;'  that,  in 
consequence  of  this  desire,  they  pray  lor  Letters  of  dispensation,  or  a  warrant 
of  constitution,  to  empower  them  to  assemble  as  a  legal  Lodge,  to  discharge  the 
duties  of  Masonry  in  a  regular  and  constitutional  manner,  according  to  the 
original  forms  of  the  order  and  the  regulations  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  That  they 
have  nominated  and  recommend  James  M.  Duncan  to  be  the  first  Master ;  John 
Warnook  to  be  the  first  Senior  Warden;  and  William  L.  D.  Ewing  to  be  the  ftrst 
Junior  Warden  of  the  said  Lodge;  that  if  the  prayer  of  the  petition,  should  be 


granted,  they  promise  a  strict  conformity  to  all  the  constitutional  law*  and 
regulations  of  the  grand  Lodge. 


WM.  LEE  D.  EW1NG, 
E.  C.  BERRY." 

"  EDWARDSVILLE,  February  7th,  1822,  A.  L.  5822. 

"At  a  Regular  Meeting  of  Libanus  Lodge  No.  29,  the  foregoing  Petition  was 
presented.  It  was  unanimously  agreed  to  recommend  the  same  to  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri,  and  pray  that  a  Dispensation  or  charter  be  granted. 

'•JOHN  Y.  SAWYER,  Master. 
"Jons  TODD,  Secretary." 

February  14th  —  Olive  Branch  Lodge.  —  Fifteen  brethren  present. 
Breth.  John  Y.  Sawyer,  W.  M.  Libanus  Lodge,  William  Scott,  and 

Phinney,  visiting.  Petition  of  Edward  Bishop  withdrawn.  Levi 

Roberts  initiated. 

February  21st. — Sixteen  brethren  present.  Breth.  Fay  and  Lang- 
worthy  passed. 

February  25th. — Twelve  brethren  present.    Benjamin  Harwood  passed. 

On  the  first  of  March  the  following  recommendation  was  granted  : 

"VINCENNES  LODGE  No.  1,  March  1st,  A.  L.  5822,  A.  D.  1822. 

"  This  being  a  called  Lodge  by  order  of  the  W.  Master,  for  the  purpose  of 
taking  into  consideration  a  petition  from  a  number  of  brothers  residing  in  and 
near  Albion,  in  Edwards  county,  Illinois,  and  after  having  properly  examined 
Brothers  Jas.  O.  Wattles  and  A.  B.  Dake,  who  attended  with  said  petition,  and 
finding  them  well  skilled,  and  they  having  vouched  lor  the  remainder  of  the 

"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  this  Lodge  do  recommend  the  brothers  named  in  the  within 
petition  to  the  Most  Worshipful  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Indiana,  agreeably  to  the 
prayer  of  the  petition. 

"I,  Elihu  Stout,  Secretary  of  Vincennes  Lodge  No.  1,  do  hereby  certify  the 
above  to  be  a  true  copy  of  the  proceedings  of  said  Lodge  on  said  petition. 

"  In  witness  whereof  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affixed  the  seal  of 
Vincennes  Lodge  No.  1,  this  2d  day  of  March,  A.  L.  5822,  A.  D.  1822. 

(Seal.)  "E.  STOUT,  Sec'y  P.  L." 

This  petition  was  indorsed:  "Albion  Lodge,  12th  March,  1822.  Re- 
ceived 5.00  La  wrenceburgh  paper,"  and  was  accompanied  by  the  follow- 
ing letter : 

"  VINCENNES,  5th  March,  1822. 

"  DEAR  SIR:— At  the  request  of  Judge  Wattles,  I  forward  you  the  petition  of  a 
number  of  the  brethren  residing  in  Albion,  Illinois,  and  recommended  by  the  Vin- 
oennes  Lodge  No.  1.  They  are  desirous  of  having  a  letter  of  dispensation  for- 
warded to  me  immediately,  unless  some  business  might  induce  you  to  visit  this 


section  of  country.  The  officers  mentioned  in  the  petition  are  very  expert 
workmen,  and  their  prospects  of  success  quite  flattering.  I  was  not  properly 
«ware  of  the  amount  of  funds  necessary  to  accompany  the  petition,  but  believing 
it  to  be  five  dollars,  they  left  that  sum  in  my  hands,  which  I  now  inclose  to  you. 
Please  forward  the  dispensation  without  delay,  as  they  have  a  room  prepared, 
and  are  very  anxious  to  be  installed  as  soon  as  possible. 
"  With  respect,  yours  fraternally, 


•'  P.  8. — Be  so  good  as  to  advise  me  of  any  arrangements  which  are  or  may  be 
made  for  the  organization  of  a  Grand  Chapter  in  this  State. 

"John  Sheets,  Esq.,  Madison,  Indiana." 

March  7th — Olive  Branch  Lodge. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Ossian 
M.  Ross  initiated. 

March  14th. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  Jonathan  B.  Fay  raised. 
Petitions  of  Charles  W.  Hunter  and  Samuel  Slater  received  and  referred. 

March  15th. — Sixteen  brethren  present.     Bro.  Hibbard  visiting. 

AflV   Breth.  Langworthy  and  Harwood  raised. 

Si.  *  March  27th. — Thirteen   brethren    present.     The    Finance  Committee 

t  reported  the  receipts  of  the  Lodge  to  be  $155.83;  due  the  Lodge,  $11.17; 

paid  out  for  dispensation,  furniture,  Ac.,  $119.83 ;  balance  in  treasury, 

On  the  4th  of  April,  1822,  the  following  petition  was  presented  to 
Libanus  Lodge  No.  29  for  their  recommendation,  and  the  recommenda- 
tion granted : 

"  To  the  Worshipful  Grand  Master,  Deputy  Grand  Master,  Grand  Wardens,  and  breth- 
ren of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons  of  the  State  of  Missouri  : 
"  Your  petitioners  respectfully  beg  leave  to  represent  that  they  are  Free  and 
Accepted  Master  Masons,  that  they  have  been  members  of  regular  Lodges,  and 
having  the  prosperity  of  the  Fraternity  at  heart,  are  willing  to  exert  their  best 
endeavors  to  promote  and  diffuse  the  genuine  principles  of  Masonry.  That  for 
the  conveniency  of  their  respective  dwellings,  and  for  other  good  reasons,  are 
desirous  of  forming  a  new  Lodge  in  the  town  of  Springfield,  county  of  Sangamon , 
and  State  of  Illinois,  to  be  called  Sangamon  Lodge  No.  — ;  and  that  in  conse- 
quence of  this  desire,  they  pray  for  letters  of  dispensation  from  your  honorable 
body  (there  being  no  Grand  Lodge  in  said  State  of  Illinois)  to  empower  them  to 
assemble  as  a  legal  Lodge,  to  discharge  the  duties  of  Masonry  in  a  regular 
and  constitutional  manner,  according  to  the  original  forms  of  the  Order,  and  the 
regulations  of  your  Grand  Lodge.  That  they  have  nominated  and  do  recommend 
Stephen  Stillman  to  be  the  first  Master,  Gershom  Jayne  to  be  the  first  Senior 
Warden,  and  John  Moore  to  be  the  first  Junior  Warden  of  the  said  Lodge.  That 
if  the  prayer  of  your  petitioners  should  be  granted,  they  promise  a  strict  con- 
formity to  all  the  constitutional  laws  and  regulations  of  the  Grand  Lodge. 



"LIBANUS  LODGE  No.  29,  April  4th,  1822,  A.  L.  5822. 

"The  within  petition  from  sundry  brother  Masons  of  Sangamon  County,  pray- 
ing to  be  recommended  by  this  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  for  letters 
of  dispensation,  was  presented  and  read,  and  each  petitioner  being  properly 
vouched  for,  it  is  ordered  that  this  Lodge  do  recommend  said  petitioners  as 
prayed  for. 

"  JOHN  TODD,  Secretary.  JOHN  Y.  SAWYER,  Master. 

"A  true  copy  from  the  record.  JOHN  TODD,  Secretary." 

And  on  the  fifth  of  April  the  following  dispensation  was  issued : 


"  To  all  and  every,  our  Right  Worshipful  and  Loving  Brethren — Greeting: 

"Know  ye,  that  the  most  Worshipful  Nathaniel  B.  Tucker,  Graiid  Master,  at 
the  humble  petition  of  our  Right  Worshipful  and  well  beloved  brethren,  Stephen 
Stillman,  Gershom  Jayne,  John  Moore,  and  several  others  residing  at  and  near 
the  town  of  Springfield,  county  of  Sangamo,  State  of  Illinois,  of  the  Ancient  and 
Honorable  Fraternity  of  York  Masons,  and  for  certain  other  reasons  moving  our 
Worshipful  Grand  Master  do  hereby  constitute  the  said  brothers  into  a  regular 
Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  to  be  opened  in  the  town  of  Springfield,  by 
the  name  of  Sangamo  Lodge  No.  9.  At  their  said  request,  and  of  the  great  trust 
and  confidence  reposed  in  every  of  the  said  brethren,  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand 
Master  doth  hereby  appoint  Bro.  Stephen  Stillman,  Master,  Bro.  Gershom  Jayne, 
Senior  Warden,  and  Bro.  John  Moore,  Junior  Warden,  for  opening  the  said  Lodge 
and  governing  the  same.  It  is  required  of  our  friend  and  brother,  the  Worship- 
ful Stephen  Stillman,  to  take  special  care  that  all  and  every  of  the  said  brethren 
of  your  Lodge,  as  well  those  hereafter  to  be  admitted  into  our  body  by  your 
Lodge,  be  regularly  made  Masons,  and  that  they  do  observe,  perform,  and  keep 
all  the  rules  and  orders  contained  in  our  Book  of  Constitutions,  and  the  ancient 
landmarks  be  attended  to:  and  further,  that  you  cause  to  be  entered  in  a  book 
kept  for  that  purpose,  an  account  of  your  proceedings,  which,  when  done,  you 
are  required  to  transmit  herewith  to  the  Grand  Master  (with  a  list  of  those  in- 
itiated, passed,  and  raised,  or  otherwise  managed)  at  our  next  Grand  Annual 

"Given  at  St.  Louis,  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand 
Master,  this  5th  day  of  April,  A.  L.  5822,  A.  D.  1822. 

"TH.  DOUGLASS,  = : 

"D.  G.  M.,  and  O.  M.  pro.  tern.  ;8F;^Lj 

"Attest:  WM.  RENSHAW,  G.  Sec'y." 

April  13th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — Seventeen  brethren  present, 
"  together  with  the  W.  M.,  Wardens,  and  brethren  of  Libanus  Lodge  No. 
29."  "  Lodge  opened  on  the  first  degree,  when  a  message  was  sent  to 
the  members  of  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  assembled 
in  an  adjoining  room,  who  appeared  and  took  their  seats.  Worshipful 
George  H.  C.  Melody  produced  a  letter  from  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri  authorizing  him  to  consecrate  this  Lodge  and  install 
the  officers."  The  Lodge  was  then  regularly  constituted,  and  the  officers 
installed,  as  will  be  seen  bv  the  annexed  certificate  : 


"ALTON,  15th  April,  1822. 

"  Bro.  G.  H.  C.  Melody  produced  his  authority  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mis- 
souri, to  consecrate  and  install  the  officers  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5.  The 
Lodge  was  opened  on  the  first  degree  of  Masonry.  Present:  M.  W.  G.  H.  C. 
Melody,  G.  M.,  pro  tern.;  R.  W.  Lewis  C.  Beck,  D.  G.  M.,  pro  tern.;  W.  John  Y. 
Sawyer,  G.  S.  W.,  pro  tern.;  W.  James  Watts,  G.  J.  W.,  pro  tern.;  W.  R.  T.  McKen- 
ney,  G.  S.,  pro  tern.;  W.  D.  T.  Evans,  G.  T.,  pro  tern.  The  Grand  Secretary  read  the 
charter  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri.  A  Past  Master's  Lodge  was  then 
opened,  and  the  degree  of  Past  Master  was  conferred  on  Bro.  Erastus  Brown. 
The  Past  Master's  Lodge  was  closed  in  due  form.  The  Lodge  was  consecrated, 
and  the  following  officers  were  installed  by  the  M.  W.  G.  Master.  Erastus 
Brown,  W.  Master;  Hezekiah  Gear, S.  Warden;  Henry  H.  Snow,  J.  Warden;  Joel 
Finch,  Treasurer ;  Benjamim  Spencer,  Secretary;  Nelson  Aldrich,  S.  Deacon ; 
Daniel  Manross,  J.  Deacon  ;  Augustus  Langworthy  and  Benjamin  Harwood,  Stew- 
ards; C.  Gear,  Marshal;  Southard  Shaw,  Tyler.  The  Lodge  was  closed  in  due 
and  ample  form. 

"G.  H.  C.  MELODY,  W.  M. 
"  R.  T.  McKENXEY,  G.  Secretary." 

The  brethren  then  proceeded  to  the  "  schoolhouse,  where  an  oration 
was  delivered  by  Bro.  Lewis  C.  Beck,  of  St.  Louis.'*  On  returning  to 
the  ball,  brethren  Brown,  Snow,  and  Langworthy  were  appointed  a 
committee  to  procure  the  publication  of  Bro.  Beck's  oration.  Bro. 
Melody  was  voted  fifteen  dollars.  i 

April  17th. — Eleven  brethren  present.  The  committee  intrusted  with 
that  business  reported  that  Bro.  Beck  declined  furnishing  a  copy  of  his 

April  22nd. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  Samuel  W.  Rhodes  an$ 
Samuel  Slater  initiated.  Petition  of  Jonathan  Haskill  received  and 
referred.  A  dispensation  having  been  received  on  the  26th  of  April, 
1822,  the  following  brethren  met  at  Vandalia,  viz:  James  M.  Duncan, 
John  Warnock,  W.  L.  D.  Ewing,  Joseph  Enos,  John  C.  Kellogg,  Moses 
K.  Botsford,  and  E.  C.  Berry.  Of  these  we  recognize  but  two, fames' M. 
Duncan, of  Western  Star  Lodge,  and  E.  C.  Berry,  who  visited  that  Lodge 
June  24,  1818,  and  July  10,  1819.  The  dispensation  was  presented 
by  Bro.  Melody,  when  it  was  ascertained  that  the  name  of  one  of 
the  petitioners  (Green  P.  Rice)  had  been  stricken  off.  After  consul^ 
tation,  the  dispensation  was  accepted,  and  "  twenty-three  dollars  in  spe- 
cie paid  Bro.  Melody,  for  the  same."  The  brethren  then  separated,  to 
meet  again  on  the  morrow  at  11  o'clock. 

April  27th. — Same  brethren  as  before,  with  the  addition  of  brethren 
L.  C.  Beck  and  Wjlliam  Hughes,  of  Missouri  Lodge  No.  1.  Petitions  of 
John  S.  Duncan,  and  W.  II.  Brown  received,  referred,  and  reported  on 
unstanter,  and  both  initiated,  and  John  S.  Duncan  passed. 

April  29th.— Eight  brethren  present.  George  H.  C.  Melody,  Grand 
Visitor,  presiding.  Petitions  of  Russell  Botsford,  Frederick  Hollman, 


and  Robert  Baird  received  and  referred.  William  II.  Brown  passed  and 
raised.  Russell  Botsford  initiated. 

April  30th. — Same  brethren  present  with  the  addition  of  Bro.  Brown. 
Petition  of  Waters  Baugh  received  and  referred.  Robert  Baird,  Fredrick 
Hollman,  and  Waters  Baugh  initiated.  Russell  Botsford  passed.  Peti- 
tion of  Nathaniel  Sanburn  received  and  referred. 

May  1st. — Ten  brethren  present.  Nathaniel  Sanburn  initiated.  Rus- 
sell Botsford  raised.  Committee  on  by-laws  reported,  and  report  adopt- 
ed. These  by-laws  are  much  the  same  as  at  the  present  day,  although 
one  or  two  passages  might  cause  amusement  now  : 

Section  16  authorized  a  Master  to  fine  a  brother  for  misconduct,  in  or 
out  of  the  Lodge. 

Section  12  provided  that  at  the  initiation  of  a  candidate,  he  should  be 
presented  with  a  plain  white  apron  and  a  copy  of  the  by-laws,  a  cus- 
tom which  Lodges  at  the  present  day  would  do  well  to  imitate. 

Section  18  provided  that  every  brother  should  be  examined  before  ad- 
vancement, which  section  we  opine  was  suspended  on  divers  occasions. 

Section  22:  "Be  it  further  ordained,  that  no  member  of  this  Lodge 
below  the  degree  of  Master  Mason  shall  be  permitted  to  vote  on  any  ques- 
tion which  may  come  before  the  Lodge."  This  is  the-  first  Lodge  in  the 
West,  that  we  are  aware  of,  to  take  this  step.  Frederiak  Hollman,  Rob- 
ert Baird,  Waters  Baugh,  and  Nathaniel  Sanburn  passed.  Hollman  and 
Baugh  were  passed  together,  Sanburn  and  Baugh  in  tie  same  way. 

May  2d. — "  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment."  Petitions  of  Rowland 
R.  Holmes  and  James  Hull  received  and  referred.  A  resolution  of 
thanks  to  Breth.  Melody,  Beck,  and  Hughes,  for  their  assistance,  was 

May  5th. — Seven  brethren  present.  Breth.  Hdmes  and  Hull  ini- 
tiated. Robert  Baird  raised.  Bill  for  expenses  of  Breth.  Melody,  Hughes, 
and  Beck,  amounting  to  $76.40,  allowed,  and  ordered  paid.  .E.  C.  Berry 
was  appointed  Secretary;  M.  K.  Botsford  and  JolmC.  Kellogg,  Deacons; 
Jos.  Enos,  Tyler;  W_m.  H.  Brown,  elected  Treasurer., 

May  6th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  NoT  b. — Twelve  brethren  present.  S. 
P.  Hibbard,  visiting.  No  business  transacted. 

May  8th — Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8. — Seven  brethren  present.  Rowland 
R.  Holmes,  and  James  Hull  passed. 

May  9th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  On 
motion  of  Bro.  Whitney,  the  Lodge  went  into  election  <cby  general 
ticket."  On  the  first  ballot,  for  Master,  Bro.  Eirastus  Brown  received  4 
votes;  H.  H.  Snow,  3 ;  Nelson  Aldrich,  1.  For  Senior  Warden,  H.  II. 
Gear  had  2  votes;  H.  H.  Snow,  2;  Nelson  Aldrich,  2;  Benj.  Spencer,  2; 
and  Charles  Gear,  1.  For  Junior  Warden,  Nelson  Aldrich  had  5  votes; 
II.  II.  Snow,  2;  Charles  Gear,  1 ;  B.  Spencer,  1.  For  Treasurer,  II.  II. 
Gear  had  5  votes;  Joel  Finch,  4.  For  Secretary,  Benj.  Spencer  had 


5  v«fces ;  A.  Langworthy,  3;  and  J.  W.  Whitney,  1.  The  result  was 
that  Nelson  Aldrich  was  declared  elected  Junior  Warden;  II.  H. 
Gear,  Treasurer;  and  Benjamin  Spencer,  Secretary;  leaving  the  Master 
an-fi  Senior  Warden  to  be  elected.  On  the  next  ballot  Bro.  Snow  re- 
ceived 6  votes,  and  was  delared  elected  W.  M.;  no  S.  W.  elected.  Where- 
upon it  was  again  tried,  and  still  no  election.  Whereupon  Bro.  Aldrich 
WOT  elected.  As  he  had  just  been  elected  Junior  Warden,  the  first  elec- 
tion was  declared  void,  and  Bro.  Aldrich  declared  elected  Senior  Warden. 
Upon  motion,  both  elections  (S.  and  J.  Wardens)  were  declared  void, 
and  the  Lodge  proceeded  to  do  what  had  ought  to  have  been  done  be- 
fore— vote  for  these  offices  separately.  The  result  was  that  Bro.  Aldrich 
was  elected  S.  W.;  and  Charles  Gear,  J.  W.  Breth.  Langworthy  and 
Shaw  were  appointed  Deacons;  Hart  and  Harwood,  Stewards.  Petition 
«f  S.  P.  Hibbard,  for  affiliation,  received  and  referred.  Petition  of  C.  W. 
Hunter  withdrawn.  Officers  elect  installed. 

May  10th. — Twelve  brethren  present.     Jonathan  Haskill  initiated. 

On  the  29th  May,  1822,  the  following  petition  was  presented  to  Unity 
Lodge  No.  6,  Jackson,  Missouri,  for  recommendation,  which  recommen- 
dation was  granted  : 
•"  To  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

"We  the  undersigned  Free  and  Accepted  Master  Masons,  being  at  present  and 
having  been  members  of  regular  Lodges,  and  having  the  prosperity  of  the  Frater- 
nity at  heart,  are  willing  to  exert  our  best  endeavors  to  promote  and  diffuse  the 
genuine  principles  of  Masonry.  And  for  the  conveniency  of  our  respective  dwell- 
ings and  for  other  good  reasons,  we  are  desirous  of  forming  a  new  Lodge  in  the 
town  of  Jonesborough,  Union  county  and  State  of  Illinois,  to  be  named  "Union 
Lodge,"  and  in  consequence  of  this  desire  we  pray  for  letters  of  dispensation  or 
a  warrant  of  constitution  to  empower  us  to  assemble  as  a  legal  Lodge,  to  dis- 
charge the  duties  of  Masonry  in  a  regular  and  constitutional  manner,  according 
to  the  original  forms  of  the  Order  and  the  regulations  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  And 
we  have  nominated,  and  do  recommend  Richard  J.  Hamilton  to  be  the  first 
Master,  James  Finney  to  be  the  first  Senior  Warden,  and  William  M.  Alexander 
to  be  the  first  Junior  Warden  of  the  said  Lodge.  And  if  the  prayer  of  the  peti- 
tion should  be  granted,  we  promise  a  strict  conformity  to  all  the  constitutional 
laws  and  regulations  of  the  Grand  Lodge. 





"At  a  special  meeting  of  Unity  Lodge  No.  G,  held  in  the  town  of  Jackson,  State 
of  Missouri,  on  Wednesday  evening  the  29th  of  May,  A.  L.  5822  — .  On  applica- 
tion of  sundry  Masons  of  Jonesborough,  Union  county,  State  of  Illinois,  to  be 
admitted  to  form  a  Lodge  in  the  above  town.  Ordered  that  the  brothers  named 
in  the  said  petition  be  recommended  to  the  Grand  Lodgo  of  Missouri,  for  dis- 

"  C.  BUCKNER,  W.  M. 
J.  FRIZEL,  J.  If." 


"  I  certify  the  above  to  be  a  true  copy  from  the  records  of  Unity  Lodge  No.  G, 
State  of  Missouri.  Given  under  my  hand  and  private  seal,  there  being  no  Lodge 
seal  yet  provided. 

"  H.  NEALE,  Secretary." 

In  James  Finney,  Win.  M.  Alexander,  and  Jeptha  Sweet  we  recognize 
familiar  names.  They  were  all  three  made  in  Western  Star  Lodge,  at 

June  1st — Vnndalia  Lodge  No.  8.— Seventeen  brethren  present.  Joseph 
May,  of  Hiram  Lodge,  Bridgeport,  Connecticut,  visiting.  John  S.  Dun^ 
n.in_ra.ised.  -  Petition  of  Cyrus  Birge  and  Horatio  Newhall,  of  Greenville, 
received  and  referred. 

June  4th. — Ten  brethren  present.  Waters  Baugb,  Frederick  Hollman, 
Nathaniel  Sanburu  raised.  Breth.  Russell  Botsford  and  Hollman 
appointed  Stewards.  The  Lodge  resolved  to  celebrate  St.  John's  Day. 

June  4th. — The  following  dispensation  was  issued.  The  date  (May  4) 
is  an  evident  mistake,  as  the  petition  was  not  recommended  until  the 
29th  of  May,  and  was  not  forwarded  until  the  30th  of  the  same  month  , 
as  will  be  seen  by  the  accompanying  letter  : 


"  To  nil  and  every  our  Right  Worshipful  and  loving  Brethren  Greeting: 

"Know  ye,  that  the  Most  Worshipful  Nathaniel  Beverly  Tucker,  Grand  Mas- 
ter, at  the  humble  petition  of  our  Right  Worshipful  and  well  beloved  Brothers 
R.  J.  Hamilton,  James  Finney,  William  M-  Alexander  and  several  other  brethren 
residing  at  and  near  Jonesborough,  Union  county,  State  of  Illinois,  of  the  an- 
cient, and  honorable  Fraternity  of  York  Masons,  and  for  other  reasons  moving 
our  Worshipful  Grand  Master,  do  hereby  constitute  the  said  brethren  into  a 
regular  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  to  be  opened  in  the  town'bf  Jones- 
borough,  county  and  State  aforesaid,  by  the  name  of 'Union  Lodge  No.  10.'  At 
their  said  request  and  of  the  great  trust  and  confidence  reposed  in  every  of  the 
said  brethren,  .the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master  doth  hereby  appoint  Bro. 
Richard  J.  Hamilton,  Worshipful  Master,  Bro.  James  Finney,  Senior  Warden, 
and  Bro.  William  M.  Alexander,  Junior  Warden  for  opening  the  said  Lodge  and 
governing  the  same.  It  is  required  of  our  friend  and  brother  the  Worshipful 
Richard  J.  Hamilton,  to  take  special  care  that  all  and  every  of  the  said  brethren 
of  your  Lodge,  as  well  those  hereafter  to  be  admitted  into  our  body  by  your 
Lodge,  be  regularly  made  Masons,  and  that  they  do  observe,  perform,  and  keep 
all  the  rules  and  orders  contained  in  our  book  of  Constitutions  and  the  ancient 
landmarks  be  strictly  attended  to:  and  further,  that  you  cause  to  be  entered 
in  a  book  kept  for  that  purpose,  an  account  of  your  proceedings,  which  when 
done  you  are  required  to  transmit  herewith  to  the  Grand  Master  (with  a  list  of 
those  initiated,  passed,  and  raised,  or  otherwise  managed),  at  our  next  Annual 

"  Given  at  Saint  Louis  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand 
Master  this  fourth  day  of  May,  A.  L.  5822,  A.  I),  isi'2. 

"N.  B.  TUCKER,  G.  M.  -V. 
"Attest.     WM.  RKXSHAW,  G.  Secretary."1 


"Jo.NESBORouGH,  ILL.,  30th  May,  1822. 
••  .1/W    Worshipful  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

"DEAR  SIR:— We  have  forwarded  to  you  a  petition  and  recommendation  for 
a  dispensation  or  warrant  of  Constitution,  and  should  you  be  pleased  to  grant 
it,  be  so  good  as  to  inform  us  of  the  amount  at  Jonesborough,  Illinois,  for  the 
fee,  and  it  shall  be  forwarded  immediately  and  much  oblige. 

"Yours,  very  Respectfully, 


June  Sth — Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8. — Fifteen  brethren  present.  J.  Pew, 
Montgomery  Lodge  No.  23,  Ky.,  and  Benjamin  Mills,  Astrea  Lodge  No. 
85,  Virginia,  visiting.  Rowland  R.  Holmes  raised. 

June  J3th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — Eleven  brethren  present. 
Bro.  Langworthy  reported  that  he  had  prevailed  on  Bro.  Beck  to  present 
the  Lodge  with  a  copy  of  his  address  before  the  Lodge  at  its  consecration, 
and  that  Mr.  Orr,  printer,  at  St.  Louis,  offered  to  print  fifty  copies  for 
$25.00,  to  be  paid  in  Illinois  State  paper.  Bro.  Langworthy  was  author- 
ized to  have  the  printing  done.  On  motion  of  Bro.  Spencer,  the  petition 
of  Major  C.  W.  Hunter  was  again  taken  up,  and  on  motion  of  Bro.  E. 
Brown,  the  Lodge  was  called  from  labor  to  refreshment  for  "one  half 
hour,"  at  the  expiration  of  which  time  the  Lodge  was  called  on,  and  Mr. 
Hunter's  petition  laid  on  the  table. 

June  15th — Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8. — Twelve  brethren  present.  Robert 
Montgomery,  Franklin  Lodge  No.  14,  Ohio,  visiting.  An  amendment  to 
the  by-laws  was  proposed,  and  laid  over,  to  the  effect  that  when  a  candi- 
date received  either  of  the  degrees  at  a  special  communication,  he  should 
pay  five  dollars  in  addition  to  the  regular  fees.  The  Lodge  then  closed. 

June  20th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — Nine  brethren  present.  Bro. 
Samuel  Slater  passed.  S.  P.  Hibbard  affiliated. 

June  21st. — Eight  brethren  present.  Petition  of  C.  W.  Hunter  taken 
from  table,  he  elected  and  initiated. 

June  22d. — The  dispensation  having  been  received,  Union  Lodge  No. 
10  was  organized  on  the  twenty-second  day  of  June,  1822.  The  following 
brethren  were  present  at  the  first  meeting  :  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  W.  M.; 
Abner  Field,  B.  W.  Brooks,  James  S.  Smith.  Breth.  Finney,  S.  "W.,  and 
Win.  M.  Alexander,  J.  W.,  were  not  present.  Breth.  Field  and  Smith 
were  appointed  to  serve  in  their  places.  Lodge  opened  on  the  third 
degree,  which  was  closed,  and  a  Lodge  of  F.  C.  opened,  whereupon  Bro. 
Humphrey  B.  Jones,  a  Fellow  Craft  of  Hopkiusville  Lodge  No.  37,  Ky., 
was  admitted  as  a  visitor.  A  committee,  consisting  of  Breth.  Field  and 
Brooks,  was  appointed  to  prepare  by-laws. 

June  23d. — Six  brethren  present.  Breth.  Jacob  Hunsaker,  of  Union 
Lodge  No.  — ,  Pennsylvania,  and  H.  B.  Jones  were  admitted  as  members 


upon  a  motion  made  to  that  effect.  B.  W.  Brooks  was  appointed  Sec- 
retary, and  Abner  Field,  Treasurer.  H.  B.  Jones  was  raised. 

June  24th — Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8. — Eighteen  brethren  present. 
Martin  Jones  and  Seth  Converse,  of  Western  Star  Lodge,  visiting. 
CHIP'S  M-T)ni^°"  delivered  an  oration,  and  the  Lodge  partook  of  a 
dinner  provided  by  Bro.  Hollman. 

June  24th — Union  Lodge  No.  10. — Seven  brethren  present.  Rev.  and 
Bro.  G.  "W.  Wolf  was  appointed  Chaplain,  and  delivered  a  sermon  at 
twelve  o'clock.  The  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  house  of  "  M.  Collins, 
Esq.,"  "  and  partook  of  a  sumptuous  repast." 

June  25th. — Same  brethren  present  as  on  the  day  previous.  Petitions- 
of  Winstead  Davy,  Samuel  Hunsaker,  Sr.,  Richard  M.  Young,  George 
Hunsaker,  John  C.  Collins,  Charles  Dunn,  and  James  F.  Bond  received 
and  referred.  A  committee  was  appointed,  and  directed  to  procure  the 
following  articles  :  "  Five  Lodge  tables,  three  gavels,  two  pillars,  three 
benches,  and  a  ballot  box." 

June  26th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — Six  brethren  present.  Geo.  H. 
C.  Melody,  Grand  Visitor,  presiding.  An  examination  of  the  affairs  of 
the  Lodge  and  the  records  was  had. 

June  26th. — The  following  petition  was  prepared  and  forwarded  to 
Missouri  Lodge  No.  1,  for  its  recommendation,  which  recommendation, 
as  appears  from  an  indorsement  on  the  petition  by  the  Grand  Secretary, 
was  granted : 

"  To  the  Most  Worshipful  the  Grand  Master  and  Brethren  of  the  Most  Worshipful 

the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

"Your  petitioners,  inhabitants  of  the  town  of  Covington  and  its  vicinity,  all 
have  been  regularly  entered,  passed,  and  raised  to  the  degree  of  Master  Mason 
in  regular  constituted  Lodges,  and  at  present  reside  at  so  great  a  distance  froin 
any  Lodge,  that  they  are  cut  off  from  most  of  the  advantages  of  this  ancient 
Order,  and  being  desirous  of  diffusing  the  genuine  principles  of  the  Order,  and 
rendering  themselves  useful  to  the  Craft,  do  pray  a  warrant  of  dispensation  or 
charter  constituting  them  a  new  Lodge  at  the  town  of  Covington,  in  the  State  of 
Illinois,  by  the  name  of"  Eden  Lodge,"  authorizing  them  to  assemble  and  work 
as  Ancient  York  Masons,  and  they  do  nominate  John  Smith  for  their  first  Master, 
Charles  Mullikin  for  their  first  Senior  Warden,  and  Thomas  G.  Gazley  for  their 
first  Junior  Warden  of  said  new  Lodge,  and  your  petitioners,  as  in  duty  bound, 
will  ever  pray,  &c. 

"  COVINGTOX,  June  2Gth,  1822." 


Two  of  the  brethren  on  this  petition  are  old  acquaintances — Jos. 
Phillips  and  Daniel  S.  Swearingen,  both  formerly  of  Western  Star  Lodge. 

June  23th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  Xo.  5. —  Eight  brethren  present.  Xo 
business  transacted. 

June  30th. — The  following  dispensation  was  granted  : 


"  To  nil  and  every  our  Right  Worshipful  and  Loving  Brethren— Greeting : 

"Know  ye,  that  the  Most  Worshipful  Nathaniel  B.  Tucker,  Grand  Master,  at  the 
humble  petition  of  our  right  worshipful  and  well  beloved  brothers,  John  Smith, 
Charles  Mullikin,  Thomas  G.  Gazley,  and  several  other  brethren  residing  at  and 
near  the  town  of  Covington,  State  of  Illinois,  of  the  Ancientand  Honorable  Frater- 
nity of  York  Masons,  and  for  certain  other  reasons  moving,  our  Worshipful  Grand 
Master  do  hereby  constitute  the  said  brethren  into  a  regular  Lodge  of  Free  and 
Accepted  Masons,  to  be  opened  in  the  town  of  Covington,  by  the  name  of  Eden 
Lodge  No.  11.  At  their  said  request,  and  of  the  great  trust  and  confidence  re- 
posed in  every  of  the  said  brethren,  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master  doth 
hereby  appoint  Bro.  John  Smith,  Worshipful  Master;  Bro.  Charles  Mullikin, 
Senior  Warden ;  and  Bro.  Thomas  G.  Gazley,  Junior  Warden,  for  opening  the 
said  Lodge  and  governing  the  same.  It  is  required  of  our  friend  and  brother, 
the  Worshipful  John  Smith,  to  take  special  care  that  all  and  every  of  the  said 
brethren  of  your  Lodge,  as  well  those  hereafter  to  be  admitted  into  our  body 
by  your  Lodge,  be  regularly  made  Masons,  and  that  they  do  observe,  perform, 
and  keep  all  the  rules  and  orders  contained  in  our  Book  of  Constitutions,  and 
the  ancient  landmarks  be  strictly  attended  to :  and  further,  that  you  cause  to  be 
entered  in  a  book  kept  for  that  purpose,  an  account  of  your  proceedings,  which, 
when  done,  you  are  required  to  transmit  to  the  Grand  Master  herewith  (with  a 
list  of  those  initiated,  passed  and  raised,  or  otherwise  managed),  at  our  next 
Grand  Annual  Communication. 

•'Given  at  .St.  Louis,  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand 
Master,  this  thirtieth  day  of  June,  A.  L.  5822,  A.  D.  1822. 

"TH.  DOUGLASS,  D.  G.  M.,       •"""  : 
in  the  absence  of  the  M.  W.  G.  M.  •:.".:. 

"Attest:  WM.  REXSHAW,  G.  Sec'y." 

July  Cth — Vandalia  Lodge  Xo.  8. — Seven  brethren  present.  John- 
York  Sawyer,  W.  M.  of  Libanus  Lodge  Xo.  29,  visiting.  Xo  business 

July  llth — Olive  Branch  Lodge  Xo.  5. — Eleven  brethren  present. 
Petitions  of  "  Capt.  George  Hewitt,  Mr.  Henry  P.  Rundel,  Edward 
Bishop,  and  George  W.  Britton,  Esq.,"  received  and  referred.  Breth. 
Jonathan  Haskill  and  C.  W.  Hunter  passed,  and  Samuel  Slater  raised. 

July  13th. — "By  virtue  of  a  dispensation  granted  by  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri,  constituting  a  Lodge  to  be  held  in  Covington,  to  be  called  the 
Eden  Lodge  Xo.  11.  said  Lodge  met  in  the  town  of  Covington,  on  Satur- 
day evening,  the  same  being  the  13th  day  of  July,  A.  L.  5822,  A.  D. 
1822.  Present:  John  Smith.  M.  W.  Master:  Charles  Mullikin,  Senior 
—  5 


Warden  :  Philo  Beers,  Junior  Warden,  pro  tern.  ;  James  Turney,  Secre- 
tary, pro  tern. ;  Brother  James  Burnside,  visitor,  Senior  Deacon  and 
Treasurer,  pro  tern.;  Daniel  S.  Swearingen,  Junior  Deacon,  pro  tern,: 
Isaac  Hughson,  Tyler,  pro  tern."  Petition  of  James  C.  Adams  received 
and  referred.  Breth.  Mullikin,  Beers,  and  Turney  were  apointed  a 
committee  to  prepare  by-laws. 

July  15th — Union  Lodge  No.  10. — Ten  brethren  present.  Geo.  H.  C. 
Melody  and  W.  B.  Morris,  Union  Lodge  No.  2,  Indiana,  visiting.  Rich- 
ard M.  Young  initiated. 

July  16th — Same  brethren  present. — William  Hickum  and  John  C. 
Collier  initiated.  Richard  M.  Young  passed  and  raised. 

July  17th — Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — Eleven  brethren  present. 
Levi  Roberts  passed. 

July  17th — Union  Lodge  No.  10. — Ten  brethren  present.  Jacob  Hy- 
berger  rejected.  William  Hickum  passed.  George  Hunsaker  initiated. 

July  18th. — Ten  brethren  present.  By-Laws  adopted.  John  C.  Collier 
and  George  Hunsaker  passed  and  raised.  Vote  of  thanks  tendered  Bro. 

July  27th — Eden  Lodge  No.  11. — Eleven  brethren  present.  "  Visiting 
brethren,  Wilton  and  Dow."  By-laws  adopted.  Petitions  of  Joel 
Potter,  Henry  Neeley,  John  Adams,  Benjamin  Smith,  and  Benjamin 
Leving,  received  and  referred. 

July  28th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Petition  of  James  Temple  re- 
ceived and  referred. 

August  3d — Vandalia,  No.  8. — Six  brethren  only  being  present,  the 
JLodge  was  not  opened. 

August  8th — Oiive  Branch,  No.  5. — Ten  brethren  present.  Petitions 
of  E.  J.  West,  Thomas  Cummings,  and  George  Hackett  received  and 
referred.  George  Hewitt,  P.  Rundel,  Edward  Bishop,  and  George  W. 
Britton  initiated  "  separately  and  in  the  order  named." 

August  10th — Vandalia,  No.  8. — Eleven  brethren  present.  Thojjias 
Moore  rejected. 

August  10th — Union,  No.  10. — Ten  brethren  present.  Charles  Dunn 

August  llth. — Ten  brethren  present.  Petition  of  Michael  Harm  an 
for  initiation,  and  Joseph  Duncan  for  affiliation,  received  and  referred. 

August  19th — Olive  Branch,  No.  5. — Eight  brethren  present.  Samuel 
Rhodes  passed.  The  Lodge  refused  to  concur  in  the  amendment  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  By-Laws,  creating  a  Grand  Lecturer,  and  fixing  his  fees, 
and  did  concur  in  the  amendment  relieving  visiting  brethren  from  con- 
tributions at  each  visitation.  In  regard  to  collecting  subscriptions  for 
the  Temple,  this  Lodge  responded  as  follows  : 


"  To  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri : 

"The  undersigned,  who,  by  a  resolution  of  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge 
adopted  at  the  last  Grand  semi-annual  communication,  were  constituted  a  'com- 
mittee to  procure  subscriptions  and  donations  for  the  purpose  of  erecting  a 
Masonic  Hall  in  the  Town  of  St.  Louis,'  beg  leave  to  report: 

"That  they  have  attended  to  the  duty  assigned  them,  as  far  as  practicable,  but 
have  not  been  able  to  obtain  anything  for  the  contemplated  object. 

"  Which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

"HENRY  H.  SNOW,  Master, 
NELSON  ALDRICH,  S.  Warden, 

"ALTON,  August  l!Hh,  1822.  "Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5." 

August  20th. — Eleven  brethren  present.     Emanuel  J.  "West  initiated. 

August  22d. — Ten  brethren  present.  Nothing  beyond  "lecturing" 

August  31st. — Eleven  brethren  present.     Ossian  M.  Eoss  passed. 

August  31st — Union  No.  10. — Eight  brethren  present.  Petition  of 
Bro.  Henry  L.  Webb,  late  of  Hudson  Lodge  No.  13,  N.  Y.,  received  and 

August  31st — Eden  Lodge  No.  11. — Six  brethren  present.  Joel 
Protter  (or  Potter),  rejected.  Benjamin  Leving  and  James  Temple 

August  31st. — Sangamo,  No.  9  : 


"AUGUST  31,  A.  L.  5822. 

"  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  notice  being  given,  at  the  lodge-room  in  Springfield. 
Brethren  present:  Stephen  Stillman,  W.  M.;  Gershom  Jayne,  8.  W. ;  John 
Moore,  J.  W.;  Moses  Broadwell,  Treas.;  James  C.  Stephenson,  Sec'y;  Oramel 
Clark,  S.  D. ;  Thomas  Constant,  J.  D. 

"Lodge  opened  on  the  first  degree  of  Masonry  in  due  form;  no  business 
before  this.  Lodge  closed,  and  that  of  a  fellow  craft  opened  ;  no  business  being 
presented,  the  Lodge  closed,  and  that  of  a  Master  Mason  opened.  A  form  of 
by-laws  was  presented,  which  were  adopted  and  signed  by  the  brethren. 

"  Moved  and  seconded  that  Brother  John  Moore  furnish  three  small  stand 
tables,  pedestals,  rods,  &c.,  for  the  use  of  the  Lodge. 

"  No  further  business  being  before  the  Lodge,  it  was  closed  in  harmony. 

"STEPHEN  STILLMAN,  Jl".  .17. 

"JAMES  C.  STEPHEXSON,  Secretary." 

Matters  went  wrong  with  the  Lodge  at  "  Sangarno  c.  h.,"  and  the  fol- 
lowing letter  was  forwarded  with  the  minutes  just  given  : 

"  To  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Ancient,  Free,  and  Accepted  Masons  of  the  State  of  Mis- 

"The  Sangamon  Lodge,  through  their  Secretary,  most  respectfully  report  that 
on  the  31st  day  of  August,  A.  D.  1822,  A.  L.  5822,  the  Lodge  convened  agreeable 
to  previous  notice,  at  Springfield,  and  formed  their  by-laws,  rules,  and  regula- 
tions for  the  government  and  conduct  of  the  said  Lodge,  which  are  herewith 
transmitted  for  the  examination  and  approbation  of  your  ancient  and  honorable 


"Your  brethren  at  Sangamon  most  respectfully  offer  an  extenuation  of  their 
apparent  paralytic  feelings  for  the  advancement  of  Masonry,  the  following 
excuses,  viz.: 

"1st.  Springfield  being  in  its  infancy,  there  was  no  convenient  and  safe  place 
for  them  to  convene. 

"2d.  Our  Worshipful  Master,  S.  Stillman,  undertook  to  erect  a  building  that 
would  temporarily  answer  our  purposes,  but  the  wet  season  kept  the  Sanganio 
river  high  until  a  late  period,  which  embarrassed  his  proceeding  so  as  to  enable 
them  to  commence  work  until  the  sickly  season  came  on,  since  which  the 
necessary  absence  of  some,  and  sickness  of  others,  has  rendered  it  out  of  our 
power,  with  one  exception,  to  convene  the  requisite  number  to  transact  business. 

"Your  brethren  at  Sangamon  feel  desirous  to  obtain  a  charter,  and  humbly 
ask  your  honorable  body  to  look  on  their  past  neglect  as  not  wholly  faults  wil- 
fully resting  in  them,  but  with  so  many  grains  of  allowance  as  to  authorize  your 
feelings  to  grant  us  a  charter,  which  we  deem  essential  in  this  place  for  the 
advancement  of  Freemasonry  and  the  good  of  mankind;  and  in  case  your 
honorable  body  cannot  grant  us  a  charter,  we  respectfully  ask  a  renewal  of  our 

"By  order  of  the  W.  M.,  Wardens,  and  brethren. 

"JAMES  C.  STEPHEXSON,  Secretary." 

The  by-laws  of  this  Lodge  we  insert  in  full  : 


"Section  1st.  Be  it  ordained,  that  the  stated  meetings  of  this  Lodge  shall  bo 
on  the  Saturday  preceding  the  full  moon  in  each  month,  at  two  o'clock  p.  jr., 
unless  the  moon  fulls  on  Saturday,  in  which  case  the  Lodge  shall  meet  on  that 

"Sec.  2d.  Any  person  desirous  of  being  initiated  into  the  secrets  of  Masonry 
in  this  Lodge,  shall  petition  for  that  purpose  at  a  stated  meeting,  and  be  recom- 
mended by  at  least  two  Master  Masons,  said  petition  to  be  accompanied  with 
five  dollars  ;  five  dollars  before  being  passed,  and  five  dollars  before  being  raised 
to  the  sublime  degree  of  Master  Mason;  upon  which  a  committee  of  three  shall 
be  appointed,  being  Master  Masons  belonging  to  the  Lodge,  neither  of  which 
were  of  the  recommending  brethren.  The  committee,  or  any  two  of  them,  shall 
proceed  to  inquire  into  the  character  of  the  petitioner,  and  report  the  same  in 
writing  at  the  next  stated  meeting,  and  if  the  report  be  found  favorable  to  the 
petitioner,  he  shall  be  balloted  for  the  same  evening,  and  if  the  ballot  be  found 
clear  he  may  be  initiated  at  the  same  meeting;  but  if  one  or  more  be  found 
against  him  he  shall  be  rejected. 

"Sec.  3d.  Any  Master  Mason  wishing  to  become  a  member  of  this  Lodge 
shall  make  known  his  request  in  wiiting  to  the  Lodge  at  a  stated  meeting,  who 
shall  appoint  a  committee  to  inquire  into  the  character  of  the  brother,  who,  if 
found  worthy,  shall  be  admitted  at  the  next  regular  meeting,  by  paying  the 
Secretary  one  dollar. 

"Sec.  4th.  If  a  candidate,  after  having  petitioned,  shall  neglect  or  fail  to 
attend  (without  good  cause  shown),  within  three  months,  he  shall  forfeit  the 
sum  accompanying  his  petition,  and  be  dealt  with  as  if  never  having  petitioned. 

"Sec.  5th.  No  brother  shall  be  advanced  to  the  second  or  third  degree  until 
he  has  made  suitable  proficiency  in  the  preceding  degree  or  degrees,  for  ascer- 


taining  which  he  shall  be  examined  by  the  Master  or  presiding  officer  in  open 
Lodge,  then  a  decision  to  be  had  by  a  majority  of  the  brethren  present. 

"Sec.  6th.  In  cases  of  emergency,  these  by-laws  may  be  dispensed  with, 
three-fourths  of  the  members  present  agreeing  thereto. 

"Sec.  7th.  Each  member  shall,  for  every  regular  meeting,  pay  to  the  Secre- 
tary twenty-five  cents,  to  defray  the  expenses  of  the  Lodge,  and  for  other 

"See.  8th.  The  regular  Lodge  night  next  preceding  the  festival  of  St.  John 
the  Evangelist,  shall  be  the  election  of  officers  for  the  year  ensuing,  provided 
that  in  case'of  failure, 'the  Master  shall  be  authorized  to  call  a  meeting  for  that 
purpose  previous  to  the  festival ;  and  no  member  shall  be  permitted  to  vote  or 
hold  an  office  who  has  not  paid  all  dues,  fines,  and  arrearages. 

"Sec.  9th.  The  Worshipful  Master,  Senior  and  Junior  Wardens,  Treasurer 
and  Secretary,  or  a  majority  of  them,  shall  be  a  standing  committee  of  charity, 
and  for  settling  the  accounts  of  the  Treasurer  and  Stewards. 

"  Sec.  10th.  The  Secretary,  on  application,  shall  deliver  to  any  member  a  diplo- 
ma drawn  up  in  proper  form,  provided  said  member  obtains  the  consent  of  the 
majority  of  the  members  ipresent  at  some  regular  meeting,  provided  his  dues 
and  arrearages  are  paid.  In  all  cases  the  member  applying  shall  pay  to  the 
Secretary  the  sum  of  one  dollar  for  the  use  of  the  Lodge. 

"  Sec.  llth.  In  all  processions  any  one  appointed  to  fill  any  office  pro  tern.,  shall 
hold  the  same  until  the  procession  returns  to  the  Lodge  or  place  from  whence 
it  set  out. 

"  Sec.  12th.  Any  brother  who  shall  be  guilty  of  irregular  or  unmasonic  con- 
duct, shall  be  publicly  reprimanded  by  the  Master  in  open  Lodge,  or  suspended 
or  expelled,  as  a  majority  of  the  brethren  shall  think  proper.  But  whoever  shall 
dare  to  disturb  the  congregation  of  the  brethren  by  intemperance  or  profanity, 
shall,  by  order  of  the  Master,  be  led  out  of  the  Lodge  and  not  be  permitted  to 
return  without  making  satisfactory  amends;  for  a  second  offense  he  shall  be 
suspended  the  privileges  of  the  order. 

"  Sec.  13th.  No  monies  shall  be  paid  out  of  the  Treasury  except  by  order  of 
the  Master  or  other  presiding  officer,  with  the  consent  of  the  brethren.  The 
Treasurer  shall  exhibit  an  account  of  all  the  money  by  him  received  and  paid 
out  during  the  year,  at  the  regular  time  of  electing  officers. 

"  Sec.  14th.  All  business  of  the  Lodge,  so  far  as  can  masonically  be  permitted, 
shall  be  done  in  a  Master's  Lodge,  and  no  Mason  below  the  degree  of  Master  Ma- 
son shall  be  allowed  to  vote  in  any  case. 

"Sec.  loth.  When  a  motion  is  made  for  altering  or  amending  these  by-laws, 
it  shall  be  presented  in  writing,  stating  the  alterations  or  amendments,  which 
being  read  and  seconded,  shall  lie  over  until  the  next  regular  meeting  for  the 
consideration  of  the  Lodge,  when  the  same  may  be  debated  and  a  decisive  vote 
taken  thereon. 

Sec.  IGth.  "Any  brother  failing  to  attend  at  the  regular  meeting,  shall  forfeit 
and  pay  unto  the  Treasurer  the  sum  of  seventy-five  cents  in  addition  to  his 
regular  evening  dues,  unless  a  reasonable  excuse  be  tendered  to  the  satisfaction 
of  a  majority  of  the  brethren  present." 

*  September  1st — Eden  No.  11. — Eight  brethren  present.  Petitions  of 
Robert  G.  Adams  and  William  S.  Adams  received  and  referred. 


September  7th. — Five  brethren  present.  John  Adams  and  Benjamin 
Smith  initiated. 

September  12th — Olive  Branch  No.  5. — Sixteen  brethren  present. 
Nathaniel  Buckmaster  visiting.  Nelson  Aldrich  was  elected  W.  M., 
Charles  Gear,  S.  W.;  Benjamin  Spencer,  J.  W.;  II.  H.  Gear,  Treasurer; 
and  Aug.  Langworthy,  Secretary.  Breth.  Shaw  and  Slater  were  ap- 
pointed Deacons.  A  communication  from  Libanus  Lodge  No.  29,  was 
received  and  referred  to  the  Secretary  for  answer.  The  minutes  are 
silent  as  to  what  this  communication  was,  but  as  it  was  at  this  time  a 
move  was  being  made  regarding  the  formation  of  a  Grand  Lodge,  it  is 
supposed  that  it  related  to  that  matter. 

September  13th. — Eight  brethren  present.  Petitions  of  Thomas  Cum- 
mings  and  George  Hacket  received  and  referred.  George  Hewitt  and 
Emanuel  J.  West  "severally"  passed,  and  George  Hewitt  raised. 

September  14th — Union  Lodge  No.  10. — Eight  brethren  present.  "Vis- 
iting brother,  Honorable  Thomas  C.  Browne,  of  Lawrence  Lodge  No.  27, 
Ills."*  Petitions  of  Henry  L.  Webb  and  Nat.  W.  Chamberlane  received 
and  referred.  Bills  for  furniture  to  the  amount  of  $28  allowed. and  or- 
dered paid,  "when  the  state  of  the  treasury  would  justify  it."  Michael 
Jlarman  initiated,  and  Charles  Dunn  passed  and  raised. 

September  15th. — The  W.  M.  was  appointed  representative  to  the 
Grand  Lodge,  and  a  petition  for  a  charter  drawn  up  as  follows  : 

"  To  the  Most  Worshipful  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

"We,  your  petitioners,  beg  leave  to  present  that  we  are  Free  and  Accepted 
Masons;  that  we  are  at  present  members  of  Union  Lodge  No.  10,  in  the  town  of 
Jonesborough,and  State  of  Illinois,  working  under  letters  of  dispensation  granted 
by  the  Most  Worshipful  N.  B.  Tucker,  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Missouri.  That  for  many  good  motives  of  diffusing  and  promoting  the  genuine 
principles  of  Masonry,  we  pray  that  your  Most  Worshipful  Body  grant  us  a  charter 
of  constitution,  securing  to  us  the  rights  and  privileges  of  a  regularly  constituted 
Lodge,  and  that  a  person  be  appointed  to  install  our  officers;  and  if  our  prayer 
for  a  charter  be  granted,  we  promise  strictly  to  conform  to  all  the  constitutional 
laws  and  regulations  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  the  constitutions  of  Masonry  ;  and 
we,  your  petitioners,  as  in  duty  bound,  will  ever  pray,  &c. 

"  B.  W.  BROOKS, 
H.  B.  JONES, 


Accompanying  this  petition  was  the  following: 

Lawrence  Lodge  No.  34,  at  Shawneetown. 


"7'u  the  Most  Worshipful  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

'•  Your  memorialists,  the  Worshipful  Master,  Wardens,  and  brethren  of  Union 
Lodge  No.  10,  of  Illinois,  working  under  a  dispensation  granted  by  your  Honor- 
able Body,  would  respectfully  represent:  That,  whereas,  Win«tead  Davie,  a 
young  gentleman  whose  profession  is  that  of  a  clerk,  a  citizen  of  Jonesborough, 
Illinois,  is  very  much  deformed  in  his  legs  and  lower  extremities,  from  his 
nativity,  but  otherwise  duly  qualified,  being  a  man  of  good  mind  and  information, 
genteel  manners,  and  possessing  an  unexceptionable  character  for  liberality  of 
mind  and  feeling  towards  mankind  generally,  attention  to  business,  and  of  the 
most  temperate  habits,  has  presented  to  our  Lodge  a  petition  in  due  form  for 
initiation,  which  said  petition  has  been  read  and  disposed  of  in  regular  order, 
and  an  order  made  in  our  Lodge,  as  per  reference  to  the  minutes  (the  same  will 
fully  and  at  large  appear),  that  his  case  be  referred  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mis- 
souri for  their  instruction,  soliciting  a  warrant  of  dispensation  authorizing  us  to 
initiate  him  into  the  mysteries  of  Freemasonry.  Your  memorialists  would 
further  represent  to  your  Most  Worshipful  Body  that  we  are  conscious  that  Mr. 
Davie  has  no  sinister  views  in  wishing  to  become  a  member  of  our  Institution, 
as  he  is  a  man  of  considerable  property,  unembarrassed,  and  fully  able  and 
capable  to  make  an  independent  living  by  his  own  exertions,  either  in  the  capa- 
city of  clerk  or  schoolmaster,  for  both  of  which  stations  he  is  well  qualified,  and 
has  had  considerable  experience  in  each,  with  profit  to  himself  and  satisfaction 
to  his  employers;  and,  therefore,  believe  him  to  be  actuated  by  the  purest 
motives  of  good  will  and  a  high  opinion  entertained  for  the  Fraternity,  and  hope 
that  your  Most  Worshipful  Body  will  attend  to  our  petition  in  his  behalf  made, 
and  grant  said  dispensation  thereupon,  and  your  memorialists,  as  in  duty  bound, 
will  ever  pray,  ic. 

"  In  behalf  of  Union  Lodge  No.  10,  at  their  special  request. 

"  JOXESBOROUGH,  ILLINOIS,  Sept.  21  st,  1822,  A.  L.  5822. 

"  P.  S. — Enclosed  you  will  find  the  petition  of  Mr.  W.  Davie  to  Union  Lodge  No. 
10,  accompanied  with  the  necessary  recommendation,  and  the  report  of  the 
Committee  of  Character. 

•'  B.  W.  BROOKS,  Sec'y." 

The  Committee  on  Lodges  Under  Dispensation  reported  as  follows: 

"  To  the  Grnnil  Lodye  of  the  State  of  Missouri : 

"The  Standing  Committee  for  the  examination  of  the  work  and  proceedings 
of  subordinate  Lodges  working  under  this  jurisdiction,  and  to  whom  was  referred 
the  bye-laws  and  proceedings  of  Union  Lodge  No.  10,  at  Jonesborough,  beg  leave 
to  report  that  they  have  examined  the  same  and  found  them  conformable  with 
the  constitution  and  bye-laws  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  Your  committee  overlook 
some  imperfections  in  the  bye  [laws]  and  work  of  said  Lodge,  from  the  conviction 
that,  they  are  inadvertencies  that  will  be  readily  corrected  on  the  suggestion  of 
the  Grand  Lecturer,  who  will  shortly  visit  said  Lodge.  Your  committee,  there- 
fore, recommend  the  following  resolutions  : 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Lodge  approve  of  the  bye-laws  and  proceedings  of 
Union  Lodge  No.  10. 

••/i';?«.'rt'?.  That  a  charter  i<*ue  to  Union  Lodge  No.  10,  at  Jonesborough. 

"A.    GAMBLE, 
G.  H.  C.  MELODY." 


September  24th — Vandalia  Lodge  Xo.  8. — Nine  brethren  present.  "A 
communication  from  Libanus  Lodge  No.  29,  of  Edwardsville,  was  received 
and  read,  on  the  subject  of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  at  Vandalia,  proposing 
a  meeting  of  delegates  from  the  different  Lodges  in  this  State,  in  this 
place,  during  the  sitting  of  the  next  General  Assembly.  On  motion  of 
Bro.  Brown,  it  was  ordered,  that  the  Secretary  of  this  Lodge  reply  to  the 
communication  from  Libanus  Lodge  No.  29,  informing  them  that  their 
proposition  would  be  met  by  this  Lodge  so  soon  as  it  received  its  charter." 
Bro.  John  Warnock  was  requested  to  prepare  an  oration  for  the  conse- 
cration of  the  Lodge.  The  W.  M.  (Bro.  James  M.  Duncan)  was  appointed 
delegate  to  the  Grand  Lodge. 

September  28th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Charles  Slade,  F.  C.,  of 
Libanus  Lodge  No.  29,  visiting.  The  members  contributed  $22  towards 
paying  the  expenses  of  the  delegate  to  Grand  Lodge,  and  "thirteen 
dollars  in  specie"  was  appropriated  as  charter  fee.  Committee  appointed 
to  procure  furniture,  and  the  Lodge  closed. 

September  28th  —  Eden  Lodge  No.  11.  —  Eight  brethren  present. 
Robert  G.  Adams  and  William  S.  Adams  initiated. 

Of  Albion  Lodge  we  have  nothing  definite,  beyond  the  information 
already  obtained,  except  the  following: 

"  To  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  Indiana : 

"A  dispensation  from  the  Most  Worshipful  John  Sheets,  Esq.,  Grand  Master- 
was  granted  on  the  12th  March,  1822,  to  a  number  of  petitioners  residing  in 
Albion,  Illinois,  authorizing  them  to  open  and  hold  a  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted 
Ancient  York  Masons  at  Albion,  to  be  known  and  designated  by  the  name  of 
Albion  Lodge,  and  naming  Bro.  James  O.  Wattles,  Master;  John  B.  Johnson, 
Senior,  and  Arnold  B.  Dake,  Junior  Wardens,  which  being  enclosed  to  me,  with 
directions  to  organize  the  Lodge,  I  proceeded  on  the  13th  of  April  to  install  the 
officers  named  in  the  dispensation,  with  the  other  subordinate  officers  which  had 
been  chosen  for  that  purpose.  The  good  effect  produced  by  the  solemnities  of 
a  public  installation  were  so  visible  in  the  vicinity  of  Carlisle  Lodge,  that  the 
brethren  of  Albion  were  very  desirous  to  have  their's  in  public.  As  it  was  only 
a  dispensation,  I  had  some  doubts  as  to  propriety  of  the  measure,  but  upon 
consulting  with  the  brethren  of  this  place,  we  concluded  there  would  be  no  im- 
propriety in  it.  Mr.  Twigg,  the  brother  appointed  by  the  Albion  Lodge  to  attend 
the  Grand  Lodge  with  the  dispensation  and  a  copy  of  the  proceedings  of  the 
Lodge,  will  be  able  to  give  any  information  that  may  be  thought  necessary  as  to 

the  installation.  Respectfully-, 


"NOTE. — As  these  are  the  only  returns  I  have  ever  made,  you  will  please  to 
excuse  informality,  and  should  they  not  be  sufficiently  explicit,  you  will  please 
gi  ve  me  notice  of  the  same. 

"  YINCEXNES,  Sept.  30,  1822.      • 

"DEAR  SIB:— The  bearer  of  this,  Mr.  Twigg,  is  a  member  of  the  Albion  Lodge, 
has  a  copy  of  proceedings,  and  wishes  to  get  their  dispensation  renewed.  Any- 
thing you  can  do  for  him  will  be  reciprocated  by  your  friend, 

"J.  T.  MOFKATT." 


October  3d — Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — Twelve  brethren  present. 
Breth.  C.  W.  Hunter  and  Emauuel  J.  West  raised. 

October  12th. — Five  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

October  14th. — Nine  brethren  present.  No  business,  beyond  allowing 
sundry  accounts,  transacted. 

October  19th. — Nine  brethren  present.  Three  pages  of  quarto  record 
are  used  in  detailing  the  discussion  and  motions,  pro  and  con,  on  a  bill 
of  Bro.  Hibbard,  amounting  in  the  whole,  to  ^12.25.  A  contract  for  rent 
of  Lodge-room  for  one  year,  at  "  twelve  dollars  in  specie  per  annum,  or 
thirty  dollars  in  State  paper,"  was  authorized  to  be  made. 

October  25th. — Bro.  Gouley,  Grand  Secretary  of  Missouri,  has  kindly 
forwarded  to  us,  together  with  sundry  other  papers,  the  original  charter 
of  Sangamon  Lodge  No.  9,  issued  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri.  This 
charter  is  of  the  same  form  now  used,  except  that  the  names  of  all  the 
charter  members  are  not  inserted.  It  was  granted  to  Stephen  Stillman, 
Gershom  Jayne,  and  John  Moore,  "and  several  others"  (of  these  three, 
Bro.  Stillmau  was  Master;  Gershom  Jayne,  Senior  Warden;  and  John 
Moore,  Junior  Warden),  and  was  granted  October  twenty-fifth,  A.  D. 
1822,  and  was  (or  rather  is)  signed  by  N.  B.  Tucker,  Grand  Master; 
Thompson  Douglass,  Deputy  Grand  Master;  and  attested  by  Wm.  Ren- 
shaw,  Grand  Secretary. 

November  5th — Olive  Branch  No.  5. — Fourteen  brethren  present. 
George  Hacket  initiated. 

November  14th. — Nine  brethren  present.  "  W.  N.  Aldrich,  Master,  pre- 
sented a  circular  letter  from  the  Vandalia  Lodge  requesting  the  concur- 
rence of  this  Lodge  to  certain  resolutions  of  Vandalia  Lodge,  soliciting 
this  Lodge  to  send  delegates,  to  meet  delegates  from  the  several  Lodges 
in  this  State,  at  Vandalia,  on  the  second  Monday  of  December  next,  for 
the  purpose  of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State. 

"Resolved,  that  the  same  be  concurred  in,  and  that  a  delegation  be  accordingly 
appointed  for  that  purpose. 

"Which  was  agreed  to.  On  motion  of  Bro.  H.  H.  Gear,  Chas.  Gear,  S.  W.; 
Benj.  Spencer,  J.  W.;  James  W.  Whitney,  E.  J.  West,  C.  W.  Hunter,  Aug. 
Langworthy,  and  Erastus  Brown  were  appointed  as  delegates  according- 
ly." Petitions  of  Cyrus  Hibbard,  Culver  Woodburn,  and  John  Twichell, 
were  received  and  referred.  H.  P.  Rundel  and  Edward  Bishop  passed.  A 
matter  of  difficulty  between  two  brethren  was  referred  to  a  committee, 
consisting  of  Breth.  Langworthy,  Spencer,  and  Charles  Gear,  to  be  ad- 
justed "without  the  intervention  of  the  Lodge." 

December  4th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.     No  business  transacted. 

On  Monday,  the  9th  day  of  December,  A.  D.  1822,  a  number  of  dele- 
gates assembled  at  Vandalia,  and  proceeded  to  organize  a  convention. 
The  following  letter  will  explain  how  the  proceedings  of  this  conven- 


tion,  and  constitution  adopted  thereat,  come  into  possession  of  the  Grand 
Secretary : 

"  PLEASANT  HILL,  Pike  Co.,  June  1, 1859. 

"DEAR  BROTHER  :— I  wrote  some  days  since  to  you  a  few  lines,  that  I  had  made  a 
discovery  among  some  old  papers,  of  a  copy  of  a  Grand  Lodge  Constitution, 
also  a  copy  of  the  proceedings  of  a  Masonic  Convention,  dated  December  9th, 
1822,  A.  L.  5822. 

"These  papers  were  copied  by  me  at  the  time  the  convention  met  in  Vandalia, 
from  the  originals,  as  the  doings  of  that  convention,  and  I  have  no  doubt  they 
are  accurate  and  correct. 

"  Knowing  that  you  are  engaged  in  collecting  materials  for  a  history  of  the- 
Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  I  have  considered  it  of  some  importance  to  copy  them 
and  transmit  such  copy  to  you. 

"  I  showed  these  old  papers  to  Bro.  Noyes,  our  Worshipful  of  Pittsfield  Lodge 
55  [56],  who  thinks  it  would  be  well  to  make  a  fair  copy  and  deposit  the  same  in 
Pittsfield  Lodge,  for  the  inspection  and  examination  of  the  brethren        *       * 
"  Very  truly  and  fraternally  yours,  <fec., 

"J.  W.  WHITNEY. 
"  Bno.  H.  G.  REYNOLDS, 

Grand  Secretary." 


"  At  a  meeting  of  the  brethren  consisting  of  the  delegates  of  the  dif- 
ferent Lodges  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  on  Monday,  December  9th,  A.  L. 
5822,  Bro.  Thomas  C.  Brown  was  'appointed  Chairman,  and  Bro.  "Wm. 
H.  Brown,  Secretary. 

"The  following  brethren  produced  their  certificates  and  were  recog- 
nized as  delegates,  viz.: 

"  From  Libanus  Lodge  No.  29. — Richard  J.  McKinney,  Dennis  Rockwell,  John 
Y.  Sawyer,  Nathaniel  Buckmaster,  William  H.  Hopkins,  and  David  Pricket. 

"  From  Western  Star  Lodge  No.  107. — Thomas  Reynolds  and  Shadrach  Bond. 

"  Frj>m  Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. — James  W.  Whitney,  Charles  Gear,  and 
Charles  W.  Hunter. 

"From  Albion  Lodge. — Benjamin  J.  Mills  and  Gilbert  T.  Pell. 

"  From  Eden  Lodge  No.  11. — James  Turney. 
•^"  From  Union  Lodge  No.  11  [10].— Abner  Field  and  Charles  Dunn. 

"  From  Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8.— William  H.  Brown.  Jam><^f.  Duncan,  ^ohn  S. 
Duncan,  Russell  Botsford,  ^E.  C^Bcrry.  John  WarnockT 

"From  Lawrence  Lodge  No.  3k. — Thomas  C.  Brown  and  James  Hall. ' 

"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  be  appointed  to  form  a  constitution  for  a  Grand 
Lodge,  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  that  that  committee  report  to-morrow  at 
4  o'clock. 

"  Bros.  T.  Reynolds,  C.  W.  Hunter,  G.  T.  Pell,  James  Turney,  Abner 
Field,  Wm.  H.  Brown,  James  Hall,  and  John  Y.  Sawyer  were  appointed 
that  committee. 


"  On  motion,  Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Lodge  be  located  at  Vandalia. 
"  The  convention  then  adjourned  until  to-morrow,  at  4  o'clock  P.  M. 

"  December  10th,  A.  L.  5822. 

"'  The  convention  again  assembled.  Bro.  Sawyer,  from  the  committee 
appointed  to  draft  a  Constitution  for  a  Grand  Lodge,  reported  the  fol- 
lowing Constitution,  which  was  read  section  by  section  and  adopted  : 



"Be  it  ordained  that  the  Grand  Lodge  shall  consist  of  a  Grand  Master,  a  Deputy 
Grand  Master,  Grand  Senior  and  Grand  Junior  Wardens,  a  Grand  Chaplain,  a 
Grand  Treasurer,  a  Grand  Secretary,  and  Deputy  Grand  Secretary,  two  Grand 
Deacons,  a  Grand  Marshal,  a  Grand  Tyler,  two  Grand  Stewards,  a  Grand  Sword 
Bearer,  a  Grand  Pursuivant,  the  Masters  and  Wardens  for  the  time  being  of  the 
several  Lodges  under  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  all  Past  Grand  offi- 
cers of  this  [Grand]  Lodge,  and  all  Past  Masters  of  regular  Lodges,  under  the 
jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  who  continue  members  of  any  regular  Lodge, 
are  likewise  considered  members  of  and  admitted  to  vote  in  this  Grand  Lodge, 
also,  those  members  who  are  present  at,  and  signed  the  instrument  drawn  up 
and  agreed  upon  at  the  convention  for  the  formation  of  this  Grand  Lodge> 
whilst  they  continue  members  of,  and  pay  'dues  to,  any  regular  Lodge  in  this 

"Sec.  2nd.  The  Grand  Lodge  so  organized  shall  be  styled  and  known  by  the 

"Sec.  3d.  The  Grand  Lodge  shall  hold  annual  communications,  and  the 
Grand  Master,  or  his  Deputy  incase  of  his  absence,  may  on  '.very  urgent  occasions 
call  special  meetings. 

"  Sec.  4th.  When  any  officer  of  a  subordinate  Lodge  can  not  attend  the  Grand 
Lodge,  he  may  depute  any  brother  of  equal  or  superior  rank  to  himself,  to  act 
for  him  in  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  such  deputation  shall  be  under  the  hand  and 
seal  of  the  brother  deputing.  When  the  Master  and  Wardens  of  any  subordi- 
nate Lodge  depute  the  same  brother  to  represent  them,  he  must  have  attained 
at  least  the  rank  of  a  Past  Master. 

"Sec.  5th.  The  grand  officers  may  hold  offices  in  subordinate  Lodges,  and 
this  shall  not  deprive  them  of  any  privilege  they  might  claim  in  the  Grand 
Lodge  as  Past  Grand  officers. 

"Sec.  6th.  The  Grand  Master,  Grand  Senior  and  Junior  Wardens,  Grand 
Treasurer  and  Grand  Secretary  shall  be  annually  elected  by  ballot.  The  Grand 
Master  and  Grand  Secretary  shall  appoint  their  deputies,  respectively,  and  until 
the  Grand  Lodge  shall,  by  its  by-laws  otherwise  provide,  the  Grand  Master 
shall  appoint  all  other  officers. 

"Sec.  7th.  In  all  questions  which  shall  come  before  the  Grand  Lodge  for  its 
decision,  every  subordinate  Lodge  shall  be  entitled  to  three  votes,  which  shall 
not  be  separated;  but  the  brethren  representing  such  Lodge,  shall  agree  among 
themselves  on  which  side  the  vote  shall  be  given,  and  every  Present  or  Past 
Grand  Officer,  and  all  Past  Masters  being  members  of  this  Grand  Lodge  shall 
be  entitled  to  one  vote  individually,  and  the  Grand  Master  and  [or]  his  Deputy* 
when  presiding,  shall,  whenever  necessary,  give  the  casting  vote. 


"Sec.  8th.  The  Giand  Lodge  shall  have  power  to  constitute  new  Lodges  l>y 
letters  patent,  under  their  seal ;  to  establish  an  uniform  mode  of  working  through- 
out the  State,  strictly  adhering  to  the  ancient  landmarks,  usages  and  customs  of 
Masonry,  and  to  require  from  the  several  Lodges  under  their  jurisdiction,  such 
annual  dues  as  they  shall  deem  necessary,  to  be  appropriated  for  the  benefit  of 
the  Craft;  to  hear  and  determine  all  appeals  from  subordinate  Lodges,  and  to 
decide  all  disputes  between  different  Lodges  under  this  jurisdiction  ;  to  demand 
such  fees  as  may  be  deemed  just  and  reasonable  upon  granting  charters  consti- 
tuting new  Lodges;  to  make  such  by-laws  as  may  be  necessary  for  their  good 
government  and  not  inconsistent  with  this  Constitution;  and  finally  to  do  all 
things  heretofore  accustomed  to  be  done  by  other  Grand  Lodges  which  are 
within  the  ancient  landmarks  and  usages  of  the  Craft. 

"See.  9th.  That  in  addition  to  the  officers  enumerated  in  the  first  clause  of 
this  Constitution,  there  may  be  annually  appointed  one  or  more  Grand  Lectur- 
ers, whose  duty  it  shall  be  at  least  once  in  every  year  to  visit  all  the  subordinate 
Lodges  under  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge  lor  the  purpose  of  establish- 
ing an  uniform  mode  of  working,  and  of  correcting  any  errors  which  may  have 
obtained  among  them. 

"Sec.  10th.  No  alteration  shall  take  place  in  this  Constitution  except  in  the 
following  manner:  every  amendment  shall  be  proposed  in  writing  at  a  regular 
communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  a  fair  copy  of  which  shall  be  sent  by  the 
Grand  Secretary  to  each  of  the  subordinate  Lodges,  who  shall  pass  or  reject  the 
same;  and  certify  their  proceedings  to  the  regular  communication;  when  if 
it  appears  that  two-thirds  of  the  subordinate  Lodges  have  agreed  to  pass  the 
same,  it  shall  become  a  part  of  this  Constitution. 

"  Formed  and  signed  upon  this  9th  [10th]  day  of  December,  A.  L.  5822. 

Signed  by  Richard  T.  McKinney,  Dennis  Rockwell,  John  Y.  Sawyer, 
Nathaniel  Buckmaster,  William  H.  Hopkins,  and  David  Pricket,  from  Libanus 
Lodge  No.  29;  Thomas  Reynolds  and  Shadrach  Bond,  from  Western  Star  Lodge 
No.  107;  James  W.  Whitney,  Charles  Gear,  and  Charles  W.  Hunter,  from  Olive 
Branch  Lodge  No.  5;  Benjamin  J.  Mills  and  Gilbert  T.  Pell,  from  Albion  Lodge; 
James  Turney,  from  Eden  Lodge  No.  11;  Abner  Field  and  Charles  Dunn,  from 
Union  Lodge  No.  11  [10];  William  H.  Brown,  James  M.  Duncan,  John  S.Duncan, 
Russell  Botsford,  E.  C.  Berry,  and  John  Warnock,  from  Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8; 
Thomas  Brown  and  James  Hall,  from  Lawrence  Lodge  No.  34. 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  Dunn, 

"Resolved,  That  the  delegates  from  each  Lodge  take  a  copy  of  the  constitution 
and  transmit  the  same  to  their  respective  Lodges. 

"Adjourned  until  to-morrow  at  4  o'clock  P.  M. 

"  WEDNESDAY,  December  llth,  A.  L.  5822. 
"  The  convention  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 
"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Hall,  the  following  resolution  was  adopted : 

"  Resolved,  That  we  proceed  forthwith  to  the  nominations  of  persons  to  fill  the 
offices  of  Grand  Master,  Grand  Wardens,  Grand  Secretary,  and  Grand  Treasurer, 
which  nominations  shall  be  presented  to  the  several  Lodges,  with  the  constitu- 


tion  recommended  for  their  adoption  ;  and  if  a  majority  of  the  Lodges  approve 
of  said  nominations,  the  persons  so  nominated  shall  be  considered  as  duly 

"Resolved,  That  it  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  several  Lodges,  immediately  upon 
the  ratification  or  disapproval  by  them  of  the  proceedings  of  this  convention,  to 
transmit  notice  of  the  same  to  the  Grand  Master  elect,  and  if  it  appear  that  a 
majority  of  the  Lodges  concur  in  the  proceedings  of  the  convention,  then  the 
Grand  Lodge  shall  be  considered  as  duly  organized,  and  the  Grand  Master  shall 
order  the  first  meeting  of  the  same  at  such  time  as  he  shall  think  proper. 

"Whereupon,  the  convention  proceeded  to  ballot  for  officers,  when, 
upon  counting  the  ballots,  it  appeared  that  Shadrach  Bond  was  elected 
Grand  Master:  John  Y.  Sawyer,  Grand  Senior  Warden;  Wm.  M.  Alex- 
ander, Grand  Junior  Warden;  Richard  T.  McKinney,  Grand  Secretary; 
James  0.  Wattles,  Grand  Treasurer. 

"' On  motion  of  Bro.  Hall, 

"Resolved,  That  a  copy*t>f  the  minutes  of  the  convention  be  made  out  by 
the  Secretary,  and  countersigned  by  the  Chairman,  and  that  a  copy  of  the  cort- 
stitution  now  formed  be  deposited  in  Vandalia  Lodge  until  the  Grand  Lodge  is 

"The  convenion  then  adjourned  sine  die.. 

(Signed)  "  THOMAS  C.  BROWN,  Chairman. 

"Wji.  H.  BROWN,  Secretary." 

December  12th — Olive  Branch,  No.  5. — Ten  brethren  present.  John 
Twitchell  affiliated.  Culver  Woodburn  initiated,  Jonathan  Haskell 
raised,  and  petition  of  Daniel  McFain  received  and  referred. 

December  3d. — Six  brethren  present.     Cyrus  Hibbard  initiated. 

Minutes  had  been  partially  made  of  meetings  of  No.  5  on  the  26th  and 
27th  of  December,  but  nothing  seems  to  have  been  done.  The  meeting 
of  the  26th  was  opened  on  the  third  degree,  and  there  the  record  closes. 
At  the  meeting  of  the  27tb,  the  Lodge  does  not  appear  to  have  been, 


January  9th,  1823 — Olive  Branch  No.  5. — Fifteen  brethren  present. 
Samuel  W.  Rhodes  and  Edward  Bishop  raised.  Cyrus  Hibbard  passed. 

January  10th. — Ten  brethren  present.  Resolution  introduced  by  Bro. 
Whitney  to  prohibit  smoking  in  the  Lodge;  laid  over  to  regular  meeting 
for  consideration.  Twenty  dollars  appropriated  to  "  procure  benches." 

February  llth. — Nine  brethren  present.  Lodge  had  met  for  instruc- 
tion, and,  after  lecturing  on  the  third  degree,  closed. 

February  13th. — Twenty-three  brethren  present.  Horatio  Newhall 
and  Henry  P.  Rundle  raised. 

February  14th. — Fourteen  brethren  present.  Cyrus  Hibbard  raised. 
Bro.  Whitney's  resolution  to  prohibit  "smoking  in  the  Lodge"  was 

February  18th. — Ten  brethren  present.     George  Hackett  passed. 

February  20th. — Thirteen  brethren  present.  Petition  of  "Samuel 
Gates  of  Green  county,"  received  and  referred.  George^Hackett  raised. 

February  — .—Fourteen  brethren  present. 

March  10th. — Ten  brethren  present. 

March  12th. — Ten  brethren  present. 

No  business  of  importance  transacted  at  these  meetings.  For  the 
months  of  April  and  May,  1823,  we  have  no  information  whatever,  and 
can  gain  none.  The  following  is  all  we  have  for  June. 

"  Pursueant  to  a  charter  granted  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  and  by 
authority  of  the  Deputy  Grand  Master  (the  Grand  Master  being  absent)  to  Georgo 
H.  C.  Melody,  to  consecrate,  dedicate,  and  enstall  Sangamon  Lodge  No.  9,  and 
in  pursuance  of  said  authority,  on  the  24th  day  of  June,  A.  L.  5823,  A.  D.  1823,  the 
f)rnnd  Lodge  wns  opened  at  Springfield,  Sangamon  county,  Ills.  Present: 
George  H.  C.  Melody,  Dep.  G.  M.,  p.  t.;  Asa  S.  Shaw,  S.  Warden,  p.  t.;  James 
Adams,  G.  Sec'y,  p.  t.,  and  Grand  Chaplain,  p.  t.  Whereupon,  Lodge  JS'o.  9 
was  consecrated  and  dedicated  to  the  Holy  St.  Johns,  and  the  following  officers 
enstalled,  t-o-wit :  Bro.  Stephen  Stillman  being  absent,  Bro.  John  More,  being  a 


Past  Master,  and  one.  of  the  officers  named  in  the  charter,  was  enstalled  Master, 
proxy;  Bro.  Gershom  Jayne,  Senior  Warden;  Bro.  John  Moore,  Junior  Warden, 
being  the  same  brother  who  was  enstalled  Master,  proxy. 

"G.  H.  C.  MELODY. 
"  Attested  :    J.  ADAMS,  G.  Sec\u,  p.  t." 

For  the  months  of  July,  August,  and  September,  we  are  unable  to  pre- 
sent any  information  as  to  the  doings  of  the  Lodges.  From  a  return  to 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  we  ascertain  that  the  officers  of  Olive 
Branch  Lodge  No.  5,  Upper  Alton,  for  1823,  were  as  follows  :  Nelson  Al- 
-drich,  W.  M.;  Emanuel  J~  West,  S.  W.;  Southard  Shaw,  J.  W.;  Henry  P. 
Rundle,  Treasurer;  Alexander  Hart,  Secretary;  Benjamin  Spencer,  S. 
D.;  Benjamin  Harwood,  J.  D.;  Culver  Woodburn,  Steward;  William 
Heath,  Tyler;  and  that  the  members  were  :  Erastus  Brown,  Chad  Brown, 
Edward  Bishop,  Geo.  W.  Britton,  Joel  Finch,  Hezekiah  H.  Gear,  Charles 
Gear,  Charles  W.  Hunter,  Jonathan  Haskill,  George  Hewett,  George 
Hackett,  Aug.  Langworthy,  Daniel  Monross,  Samuel  W.  Rhodes,  Henry 
H.  Snow.  Samuel  Slater,  John  Twichell,  James  W.  Whitney,  Horatio  New- 
hall,  Samuel  P.  Hibbard,  Jonathan  B.  Fay,  Cyrus  Hibbard.  We  have 
also  the  original  return  of  Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8,  which  is  given  here 
entire  : 


OCT.  6,  1S23. 

"Xamcs  of  Members.—  William  H.  Brown,  Master;  Senior  Warden  vacant  ;  Junior 
Warden  suspended  ;  John  C.  Kellogg,  Senior  Deacon  ;  Robert  H.  Peebles,  Junior 
Deacon;  Benjamin  Mills,  Secretary;  Frederick  Hollman,  Treasurer;  Joseph 
Enos,  Tyler  ;  Robert  Latty,  Nathaniel  Sanburn,  Robert  K.  McLaughlin,  William 
McFatridge,  Master  Masons. 

"Members  admitted  since  last  Communication.  —  Robert  K, 

passed,  and  raised;  Horatio  New  hall,  initiated  and  passed;  Robert  H.  Peebles, 
initiated,  passed,  and  raised;  Wm.  McFatridge,  initiated,  passed,  and  raised; 
Cyrus  Birge,  initiated  ;  Wm.  Johnson,  initiated. 

"Demitted.  —  John  Warnock,  John  S.  Duncan,  Moses  K.  Botsford,  Russel  Bots- 
ford.  •  *' 

"Suspended.—  William  L.  D.  Ewing  and  Elijah  C.  Berry. 

"Struck  from  the  list  of  members  for  neglect  vf  payiny  Lodge  dues.  —  James  Hull. 

"Members  of  Vandalia  Lodge  icho  have  removed,  and  are  out  the  power  of  t/ii* 
Lodge.  —  Robert  Beard,  Rowland  R.  Holmes,  Waters  Baugh. 

"  WM.  H.  BROWN,  M." 

The  officers  of  Union  Lodge  No.  10  were  as  follows:  B.  W.  BROOKS, 
Sec'y;  GEORGE  HDNSAKEU,  Treasurer;  Jacob  HYBERGER,  S.  D.;  AUGUSTUS 

In  order  to  show  how  trials  were  conducted  in  "  those  days,"  we  give 
the  following  document  verbatim,  excepting  the  name  of  the  party  con- 
•cerned  ; 


"ALTON,  November  13th,  A.  L.  5823.  > 
OLIVE  BRANCH  LODGE  No.  5.        j 

"  Charges  and  specifications  against  Bro. was  read,  viz :  (f'liarge,  unma- 

sonic  conduct.  Specification  1st. — Having  absconded  with  his  family  secretly 
while  indebted  to  a  number  of  his  fellow  citizens,  to  whom  he  was  under  promises 
to  pay  them  at  a  certain  time,  while  he  was  privately  preparing  to  depart,  in 
violation  of  his  engagements.  Specification  2d. — Having  violated  all  faith  which 
ought  to  be  held  sacred  as  a  man,  and  more  particularly  as  a  Mason,  by  swindling, 
under  pretence  of  borrowing  or  buying  a  horse,  saddle,  and  bridle,  to'make  his 
escape  with.  Specification  3d. — In  purchasing  a  large  amount  of  property  from  a 
number  of  citizens  with  an  intent  to  defraud  them,  as  has  been  fully  developed  by 
his  subsequent  conduct.  Specification  kth. — Having  left  the  Lodge  without  paying 
his  dues,  and  having  defrauded  many  brethren  of  what  he  was  indebted  to  them ); 
and  separately  carried  in  the  affirmative;  when,  on  motion  of  Bro.  Alex.  Hart, 

seconded  by  Bro.  Chas.  W.  Hunter,  it  was  resolved  unanimously  that  Bro. 

be  expelled  of  the  privileges  of  Masonry. 

"A  true  copy  of  the  record.  ALEXANDER  HART,  Stc. 

"  T.  DOUGLAS,  Sec.  of  the  <?.  L.  of  Missouri." 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  charges  and  specifications  were  read,  and  the 
brother  was  expelled  immediately  after,  upon  motion. 

The  return  of  Eden  Lodge  No.  11  reported  JOHN  SMITH  as  W.  M.; 
CHARLES  MULLIKEN,  S.  W.;  and  THOMAS  G.  GARI.KY,  J.  "W.  It  also  re- 
ports that WHITE,  WM.  G.  BROWN,  JOEL  POTTKR,  and  T.  MOORE  were 

initiated. HARVICK,  —  —  HOLDEN  passed,  and  —   —  HOLDEN, — 


Our  data  for  the  year  1824  from  which  to  proceed  is  very  scant,  until 
we  shall  come  to  the  month  of  December. 

In  April,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  having  become  a  fixed  fact,  the 
constitution  adopted  in  December,  1822,  having  been  ratified,  Vandalia 
Lodge  took  the  initiative,  and  addressed  the  following  letter  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

"  VANBALIA,  April  2, 1824. 
"M.   W.  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri : 

"  By  a  resolution  of  Vandalia  Lodge  No.  8,  I  am  instructed  to  inform  you  that 
in  consequence  of  the  formation  of  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State,  this  Lodge  is 
desirous  of  withdrawing  from  your  jurisdiction,  as  it  has  attached  itself  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois.  With  sentiments  of  respect, 

"I  am  M.  W.  brother,  yours,  <tc., 

"WM.  H.  BROWN, 

"Sec'y.  of  V.  L.  No.  5." 

'•'Eden  Lodge  No.  11,  reported  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  the  fol- 
lowing work  done  during  the  year  1824  :  Hollingread, Wilton, 

and Hanan  initiated.       Hollingread, Moore, Wilton, 

and  Brown  passed.     Hollingread, Moore,  and Adams 

raised,  and   Charles  Slade  admitted. 


The  officers  and  members  of  Union  Lodge,  for  1824,  were  as  follows : 
James  S.  Smith,  W.  M.;  John  Hunsaker,  S.  W.;  John  Whitaker,  J.  W.; 
B.  "VV.  Brooks,  Secretary;  George  Hunsaker,  Treasurer;  John  Boltzell, 
S.  D.;  A.  Eichburn,  J.  D.;  John  C.  Collier,  Steward  and  Tyler;  Eichard 
M.  Young,  James  Finney,  Abner  Field,  Henry  S.  "Webb,  David  II.  Moore, 
Edmund  Vancil,  Jesse  Echols,  M.  M.,  Henry  Lyerly,  and  Allen  Penrod, 
Entered  Apprentices.  The  following  communication  from  Olive  Branch 
Lodge  we  present  entire  : 

ALTON,  December  llth,  1824.     / 
"  To  the  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri : 

"  BROTHER: — Conformably  to  a  resolution  of  this  Lodge  it  has  become  my  duty 
to  present  you  with  a  description  of ,  late  a  member,  and  by  this  Lodge  ex- 
pelled on  the  13th  November,  A.  L.  5823.  Said was  born  in  Connecticut,  aged 

about  45  years,  near  six  feet  high,  light  complexion  and  hair,  blue  eyes,  and  by 
profession  a  farmer  and  drover.  He  was  made  a  Master  Mason  in  the  Morning 
Starr  Lodge  No.  47,  in  the  town  of  Oxford,  Connecticut.  It  is  reported  he  is  now 
living  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  I  have  the  the  honor  to  be  with  great  respect, 

"Yours,  fraternally, 



The  letter  of  Union  Lodge  No.  10,  asking  leave  to  withdraw,  is  also 
presented : 

"  JONESBOROUGH,  ILL.,  4th  Nov.  1824. 
"  To  the  Most  Worshipful,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

"  Whereas,  a  Grand  Lodge  has  been  recently  established  in  the  State  of  Illinois, 
and  our  Lodge,  formerly  'Union  Lodge  No.  10,'  having  attached  itself  to  it 
under  the  title  of  'Union  Lodge  No.  8,' by  said  Grand  Lodge. 

"  Wherefore,  we  the  members  of  Union  Lodge  are  desirous  of  withdrawing  our- 
selves from  the  jurisdiction  of  your  Grand  Lodge,  if  agreeably  to  your  will  and 
pleasure,  and  request  that  the  Grand  Secretary  would  have  the  goodness  to 
transmit  us  by  mail,  the  amount  of  the  balance  of  our  fees,  dues,  &c.,  remaining 
due  and  unpaid  to  your  Grand  Lodge,  and  the  money  shall  be  remitted  as  soon 
as  possible. 

"Yours  very  affectionately  and  fraternally, 

"  B.  W.  BROOKS,  Secretary, 

"Union  Lodge  No.  8." 

On  the  sixth  day  of  December,  A.  D.  1824,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois 
assembled  for  the  first  tipie  of  which,  there  exists  any  record.  The  Grand 
Lodge  did  meet  in  December  1823,  when  it  was  formally  organized,  and 
the  officers  installed  by  E.  W.  Bro.  George  H.  C.  Melody,  D.  G.  Master 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri.  No  record  of  this  meeting  can  be  found. 
We  are,  therefore,  under  the  necessity  of  presenting  what  we  have  : 

"  At  the  Annual  Communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of 
Illinois,  held  at  Vandalia,  on  Monday,  the  6th  day  of  December,  A.  L. 



"  Present :  James  Hall,  D.  G.  M.  and  G.  M.  pro  tern.;  George  H.  C.  Melody,  D. 
G.  M.  pro  tern.;  John  Y.  Sawyer,  G.  S.  W.;  William  M.  Alexander,  J.  G.  W.;  William 
H.  Brown,  D.  G.  Secretary ;  James  O.  Wattles,  G.  Treasurer ;  James  jVLjHincar^, 
G.  S.  D.;  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  G.  J.  D.;  Emanuel  J.  West.^ST  TylerTpro  iem. 

"DELEGATES. — Albion  Lodge,  Jesse  B.  Brown  and  Henry  J.  Mitls;  Union  Lodge, 
James  S.  Smith,  W.  M.,  Henry  S.  Webb,  P.  M.;  Vandalia  Lodge,  Robert  H.  Peebles, 
W.  M.,  Nathaniel  Sanburn,  J.  W.,  Wm.  H.  Brown,  P.  M.;  Lawrence  Lodge,  James 
Hall  and  Thomas  C.  Browne  ;  Hiram  Lodge,  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  W.  M.;  Western 
Starr  Lodge,  Thomas  Reynolds. 

"  VISITING  BRETHREN.— Alexander,  Philips,  John  M.  Robinson,  of  Western  Starr 
Lodge;  Nicholas  Hansen  and  Thomas  J.  McGuire, of  Libanus  Lodge;  William 
Twigg,  of  Albion  Lodge  ;  Daniel  Hay,  of  Lawrence  Lodge;  Curtis  Blakeman,  of 
St.  Andrews  Lodge,  N.  Y.;  Aaron  Knapp,  of  Homer  Lodge,  N.  Y. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Senior  Warden, 

"  Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  examine  the  credentials 
of  delegates  attending  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  Whereupon,  Brethren  Sawyer,  Wattles,  and  J.  B.  Brown  were  ap- 
pointed that  committee. 

"  The  credentials  of  the  delegates  from  Albion  Lodge  were  read  and 
referred  to  the  Committee  on  Credentials. 

"The  report  from  Union  Lodge  was  read  and  referred  to  the  last  men- 
tioned committee. 

"The  petition  of  Jacob  C.  Bruner  was  read,  and  on  motion  of  Brother 
Grand  Treasurer,  referred  to  a  select  committee  consisting  of  Brethren 
Wattles,  Hamilton,  and  J.  B.  Brown. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Junior  Warden, 

"  Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  five  be  appointed  to  inquire  how  far  the  subor- 
dinate Lodges  within  this  State  are  affected  by  the  resolution  declaring  that 
'the  Lodges  which  assisted  at  the  formation  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  shall  be  con- 
sidered as  within  our  jurisdiction,'  and  what  is  the  operation  of  said  resolution 
in  regard  to  such  Lodges. 

"  Brethren  Alexander,  Field,  Hamilton,  Wattles,  and  Dunn  were  ap- 
pointed that  committee. 

"  The  following  committees  were  appointed  by  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master 
pro  tern.,  viz.: 

"To  examine  the  accounts  of  the  Treasurer:  Breth.  Webb  and  Ham- 

"  To  examine  the  books  and  papers  of  the  Secretary:  Breth.  Reynolds 
and  J.  B.  Brown. 

"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  adjourn  until  to-morrow  afternoon  at  2 

"  TUESDAY,  December  7. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 
"  Present :  The  same  as  yesterday,  with  the  addition  of  Breth.  James 
Watts,  of  Libanus   Lodge;    Frederick  Hollman,  of  Vandalia   Lodge  ; 


James  Adams,  of  Skaneatles  Lodge,  N.  Y.;  Stephen  Stillman,  of  Sanga- 
mo   Lodge;  Richard   M.  Young,  of  Union  Lodge :    Joseph    Dnnran,  nf 
Hiram  Lodge:  and  David  Coons,  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge. 
"  The  Committee  on  Credentials  made  the  following  report: 

"'The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  examination  of  credentials,  re- 
port that  the  credentials -of  all  the  Lodges  represented  here  are  in  form,  with 
"the  exception  of  Albion  Lodge,  which  has  appointed  delegates  instead  of  their 
being  appointed  by  the  officers  of  the  Lodge  as  proxies,  your  committee,  there- 
fore, beg  leave  to  introduce  the  following  resolution : 

"  'Resolved,  That  the  delegates  from  Albion  Lodge  be  allowed,to  take  their  seats 
in  this  Grand  Lodge.' 

"  Which  report  and  resolution  were  concurred  in. 

•'<  Bro.  Wattles,  from  the  select  committee  on  the  petition  of  Jacob  C. 
Bruner,  reported  favorably  to  the  prayer  of  the  petitioner,  and  recom- 
mended the  adoption  of  the  following  resolution,  viz.: 

"Resolved,  That  Jacob  C.  Bruner,  who  has  been  expelled  from  Libanus  Lodge, 
be  restored  to  his  membership  in  the  same,  and  to  the  privileges  of  Masonry; 
but  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be  so  construed  as  to  prevent  the  said 
Lodge  from  proceeding  to  the  trial  of  the  charges  exhibited  against  him. 

"  Which  report  and  resolution  were  ordered  to  lie  on  the  table. 
"  The  Grand  Senior  Warden  made  the  following  report: 

"'In  the  absence  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master,  the  Grand  Senior  Warden  reports 
that  a  charter  has  been  granted  to  Albion  Lodge,  and  a  dispensation  to  Hart  Fel- 
lows and  others,  of  Carrollton,  in  the  county  of  Greene,  during  the  vacation, 
with  orders  to  return  it  to  this  grand  communication.' 

"The  M.  W.  Grand  Master  pro  tern,  appointed  Breth.  Mills,  McGuire, 
and  Hamilton  the  standing  Committee  on  Reports  of  Lodges. 

"The  reports  of  Hiram  and  Vandalia  Lodges  were  read  and  referred 
to  the  last  mentioned  committee. 

"The  committee  appointed  to  examine  the  Secretary's  books  and  pa- 
pers, report  that  they  have  performed  that  duty,  and  find  them  correct, 
except  in  one  instance,  where  the  names  of  the  visiting  brethren  were 
omitted  to  be  inserted. 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  Deputy  Grand  Secretary,  the  following  resolution 
was  adopted: 

"Resolved,  That  the  Committee  on-Reports  from  Lodges  be  required  to  exam- 
ine and  report  whether  the  Lodges  under  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge 
have  complied  with  the  by-laws,  in  the  payment  of  their  dues. 

"  On  motion, 
"Resolved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  adjourn  till  to-morrow  at  2  o'clock  P.  M. 

"  WEDNESDAY,  December  8. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 
"  Present,  as  before. 


"  The  Grand  Treasurer  begs  leave  to  report  that  during  the  past  year 
he  has  received  from  Palestine  Lodge  five  dollars  towards  payment  for 
the  dispensation  granted  from  the  Grand  Secretary,  and  no  more;  mak- 
ing in  all  six  dollars,  which  remains  in  his  hands,  subject  to  the  disposal 
of  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"  The  committee  appointed  to  inquire  how  far  the  subordinate  Lodges 
are  affected  by  the  formation  of  this  Grand  Lodge  with  the  Grand  Lodges 
they  formerly  or  now  work,  made  a  report,  which  was  concurred  in. 

"  The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  reports  of  the  subordinate 
Lodges,  made  a  report,  which  was  concurred  in. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Junior  Grand  Warden, 

"  Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  draft  a  memorial  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  to  inquire  into  the  causes  which  have  induced 
that  Grand  Lodge  to  suspend  the  Western  Star  Lodge,  at  Kaskaskia. 

"  Breth.  Alexander,  Hamilton,  and  Sawyer  were  appointed  that  com- 

"  The  report  from  Albion  Lodge  was  read  and  referred  to  the  Commit- 
tee on  Reports  from  Lodges. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Reynolds,  the  petition  of  Jacob  C.  Bruner  was 
taken  up, read, 

"And  on  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Junior  Warden,  the  following  resolu- 
tion was  adopted : 

"Resolved,  That  as  Libanus  Lodge  is  working  under  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Ten- 
nessee, this  Grand  Lodge  can  take  no  cognizance  of  said  petition. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Senior  Warden,  the  following  resolution 
was  adopted  : 

"  Resolved,  That  the  subordinate  Lodges  who  assisted  at  the  formation  of  this 
Grand  Lodge,  and  have  neglected  to  surrender  their  charters  from  other  Grand 
Lodges,  and  taken  charters  from  this  Grand  Lodge,  be  allowed  a  further  time  of 
six  months  to  perform  that  duty. 

"  Resolved,  That  the  Lodges  neglecting  the  requisitions  of  the  preceding  reso- 
lution, be  stricken  from  the  roll  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  that  these  Lodges  be 
immediately  furnished  with  a  copy  of  these  resolutions. 

"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  an  election  for  grand  officers  of  this  Grand  Lodge  be  held  this 
evening  at  7  o'clock,  and  that  the  officers  so  elected  be  publicly  installed  to- 
morrow, at  2  o'clock  in  the  afternoon. 

''  A  communication  from  E.  C.  Berry  was  received,  and,  on  motion  of 
Bro.  Grand  Junior  Warden,  it  was  referred  to  a  select  committee  consist- 
ing of  Breth.  Alexander,  Duncan,  and  Reynolds. 

"  The  Committee  on  Reports  from  Lodges  made  a  report,  accompanied 
by  the  following  resolution,  both  of  which  were  concurred  in  : 

"Resolv&i,  That  the  delegates  from  Albion  Lodge  are  entitled  to  all  the  privi- 
leges and  rights  of  members  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  The  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  election  of  grand 
officers  for  the  ensuing  year,  when,  upon  counting  the  ballots,  it  appeared 


that  Bro.  James  Hall  was  elected  M.  W.  Grand  Master  ;  Bro.  John  York 
Sawyer,  R.  "VV.  Grand  Senior  Warden  :  Bro.  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  R.  W. 
Grand  Junior  Warden;  Bro.  James  0.  Wattles,  R.  W.  Grand  Treasurer; 
Bro. "William  II.  Brown,  R.  W.  Grand  Secretary. 

"The  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  till  to-morrow  afternoon  at 
2  o'clock. 

"THURSDAY,  December  9. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 

"A  Lodge  of  Past  Master  Masons  was  opened. 

"  Present:  R.  W.  George  II.  C.  Melody,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  Henry  L.  Webb, 
G.  S.  W.;  R.  W.  James  0.  Wattles,  G.  J.  W.;  Bro.  James  Watts,  G.  S.  D.: 
Bro.  Robert  H.  Peebles,  G.  J.  D.;  Bro.  James  S.  Smith,  G.  Tyler. 

"And  after  some  business  done  therein,  the  Lodge  was  closed,  and  a 
Lodge  of  Master  Masons  opened. 

"  M.  W.  James  Hall,  G.  Master  elect ;  R.  W.  John  Y.  Sawyer,  G.  S.  W.; 
R.  W.  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  G.  J.  W.;  R.  W.  James  0.  Wattles,  G.  Treas.: 
R.  W.  WJliiain_H.  Brown,  GL Secretary  ;  Bro.  Thomas  Reynolds,  G.  S.  D., 
pro  tern.;  Bro.  Emanuel  J.  West,  G.  J.  D.,  pro  tern.;  Joseph  Enos,  G. 
Tyler,  pro  tern.  Breth.  Watts,  Dunn,  and  others,  visiting  brethren. 

"  The  grand  officers  elect  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of 
Illinois,  were  then  installed  in  due  form,  by  the  R.  W.  George  II.  C.  Mel- 
ody, Deputy  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Senior  Warden, 

"Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  this  Grand  Lodge  be  presented  to  Bro.  Melody 
for  his  polite  attention  and  fraternal  kindness  in  attending  the  present  Annual 
Grand  Communication,  and  for  the  aid  he  has  rendered  in  the  performance  of 
our  duties. 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  be  appointed  to  wait  on  Bro.  Melody  and  present 
to  him  the  above  resolution,  and  request  him  to  receive  the  sum  of  twenty  dollars, 
to  discharge  the  expenses  of  his  visit  to  us,  which  sum  the  Grand  Treasurer  is 
hereby  authorized  to  pay  over  to  said  committee. 

"Ordered,  That  Breth.  Sawyer,  Webb,  and  Reynolds  be  the  committee. 

"  The  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  till  to-morrow  at  two  o'clock 
in  the  afternoon. 

"  FRIDAY,  December  10th. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 

"Present:  M.  W.  James  HaU,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  John  York  Sawyer, 
G.  S.  W.;  R.  W.  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  G.  J.  W.;  R.  W.  James  0.  Wattles, 
G.  Treas.;  R.  W.  WUJjam  H.  Brown,  G.  Sec.;  Bro.  Robert  H.  Peebles, 
G.  S.  D.,  pro.  tem.-JSro.  Charles  Dunn,  G.  J.  D.,  pro.  tern.;  Bro.  Joseph 
Enos,  G.  Tyler,  pro.  tern.;  Breth.  Whiteaker,  Webb,  H.  J.  Mills,  Norton, 
Twigg,  Smith,  Utter,  and  Adams,  members  and  visitors. 

"The  M.  W.  Grand  Master  made  the  following  appointments,  viz.:  Bro. 
Henry  H.  Snow,  Deputy  Grand  Master;  Bro.  Robert  II.  Peebles,  Grand 


Senior  Deacon ;  Bro.  Emanuel  J.  West,  Grand  Junior  Deacon ;  John 
Whiteaker,  Grand  Marshal ;  Bro.  Thomas  Reynolds,  Grand  Sword 
Bearer;  Charles  Dunn,  Grand  Pursuivant;  Breth.  James  S.  Smith  and 
John  "Warnock,  Grand  Stewards;  Bro.  Joseph  Enos,  Grand  Tyler. 

"  The  Grand  Secretary  appointed  Bro.  Thomas  L.  Posey,  Deputy  Grand 
Secretary  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Treasurer, 

"Resolved,  That  all  the  subordinate  Lodges  in  this  State  shall  receive  charters 
so  soon  as  they  have  discharged  their  dues  to  the  Grand  Lodges  under  which 
they  have  hitherto  held,  and  withdrawn  from  the  jurisdiction  of  such  Grand 
Lodges,  on  application  to  the  M.  \V.  Grand  Master,  and  surrendering  to  him 
their  former  charters. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Senior  Deacon,  the  following  preamble  and 
resolution  were  adopted : 

"  WHEREAS,  The  Vandalia  Lodge  has  paid  to  Col.  William  Berry  the  sum  of 
forty  dollars,  as  a  compensation  for  the  loss  of  his  sword,  destroyed  by  the  con- 
flagration of  the  State  House,  after  the  meeting  of  this  Grand  Lodge  in  1823, 

"Resolved,  That  the  dues  owing  by  said  Lodge  to  this  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  for 
the  present  year  be  remitted. 

"  The  by-laws  of  Union  Lodge  were  presented  and  referred  to  the 
Committee  on  Reports  from  Lodges. 
"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Dunn, 

"Resolved,  That  it  be  recommended  by  this  Grand  Lodge  to  each  of  the  Lodges 
subordinate  thereto,  to  transact  the  ordi'nar3r  business  of  the  Lodge  in  an  Entered 
Apprentice's  Lodge,  and  to  receive  and  act  upou  all  petitions  for  membership, 
or  any  degree  in  Masonry,  in  a  Master's  Lodge  only ;  and  that  the  Grand  Secretary 
transmit  a  copy  of  this  resolution  to  each  of  the  subordinate  Lodges. 

"  The  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  till  to-morrow  afternoon, 
two  o'clock. 

"A  Past  Masters'  Lodge  was  then  opened,  and  Breth.  Snow,  Peebles, 
Dunn,  West,  Reynolds,  Whiteaker,  Smith,  Warnock,  and  Enos  were  duly 
installed  in  their  respective  offices. 

"The  Past  Masters'  Lodge  was  then  closed  in  peace  and  harmony. 

"  TUESDAY,  December  14th. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.* 

"  Present,  as  before. 

"  Bro.  Guy  W.  Smith  presented  the  dispensation  granted  in  vacation 
to  certain  brethren  residing  in  Palestine  :  also  a  return  from  said  Lodge, 
which  was  received. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Treasurer,  a  charter  was  granted  to  Pales- 
tine Lodge,  and  time  was  given  them  till  the  next  Grand  Communication 
to  pay  the  fees  due  for  said  charter. 

*  There  was  no  meeting  on  Saturday,  the  llth.  The  Grand  Lodge  was  ad- 
journed to  that  time,  met,  was  not  opened,  and  adjourned  to  Tuesday,  December 
"14,  at  2  o'clock  P.  M. 


"  Bro.  Reynolds,  from  the  committee  appointed  upon  the  memorial  of 
E.  C.  Berry,  made  a  report,  which  was  adopted,  and  the  Grand  Secretary 
ordered  to  forward  a  copy  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  immediately. 

'•Ordered,  That  the  dispensation  heretofore  granted  to  the  brethren  residing  at 
Oarrollton  be  renewed,  and  continued  in  full  until  the  next  Annual  Communica- 
tion of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  Union  and  Vandalia  Lodges  having  paid  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Missouri  the  dues  owing  to  said  Grand  Lodge,  and  having  surrendered 
their  charters  to  this  Grand  Lodge,  it  is  ordered  that  charters  be  issued 
to  said  Union  Lodge  as  Union  Lodge  No.  7,  and  Vandalia  Lodge  as  Van- 
dalia Lodge  No.  5. 

"  On  motion, 

"Ordered,  That  Breth.  Peebles  and  Brown  be  a  committee  to  confer  with  Mr. 
Bullard  on  account  of  the  rent  of  this  room  for  the  use  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  adjourned  till  the  first  day  of  January 
next,  and  a  Lodge  of  Past  Masters  opened,  when  Bro.  Guy  W.  Smith  was 
introduced  and  duly  installed  Master  of  Palestine  Lodge,  in  ample  form. 

"  The  Lodge  of  Past  Masters  was  then  closed  in  peace  and  harmony. 

"JANUARY  1st,  A.  L.  5825. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 

"  Present:     M.  W.  James  Hall,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  Henry  H.  Snow,  Deputy 

G.  M.;   R.  W.   John  Y.  Sawyer,  G.  S.  W.;    R.  W.  Robert   \V.  Peebles, 

/G.  J.  W.,  pro.  tern.;  R.  W.  James  0.  Wattles,  G.  Treasurer;  R.  W.  Benj. 

Mills,  G.  Secretary,  pro.  tern.;    Bro.  Benjamin   Twigg,  G.  S.   D.;  Bro. 

Emanuel  J.  West,  G.  J.  D.;  Joseph  Enos,  G.  Tyler. 

"A  report  from  Olive  Branch  Lodge  was  presented,  read,  and  accepted. 

"  Bro.  Grand  Junior  Deacon  presented  the  following  resolution,  which 
was  adopted : 

"Resolved,  That  the  R.  W.  Deputy  Grand  Master  of  this  Grand  Lodge  be  and  he 
is  hereby  authorized  and  required  to  visit  each  and  every  Lodge  under  the  juris- 
diction of  this  Grand  Lodge  once  in  each  year. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Junior  Deacon, 

"That  the  thanks  of  this  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  be  presented,  through  the  M.  W. 
Grand  Master,  to  the  Honorable  Senate  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  for  the  polite  offer 
of  the  use  of  the  senate  chamber  for  the  use  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  The  R.  W.  Grand  Senior  Warden  presented  a  memorial,  which,  upon 
his  motion,  was  adopted  as  a  substitute  for  the  one  presented  upon  the 
petition  of  E.  C.  Berry,  and  ordered  to  be  forwarded  to  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Grand  Senior  Deacon, 

"  Ordered,  That  the  sum  of  four  dollars  be  appropriated  for  the  payment  of 
John  Billiard,  for  the  use  of  his  chamber. 



"  On  motion  of  the  R.  W.  Deputy  Grand  Master, 

"  Ordered,  That  upon  the  presentation  of  their  work,  Constitution  and  By-laws 
to  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master,  or  his  Deputy,  a  charter  be  granted  in  vacation  to 
Green  Lodge  as  No.  11. 

"On  motion  of  Brother  Grand  Treasurer, 

"  Ordered,  That  the  sum  of  seven  dollars  be  allowed  to  Bro.  Joseph  Enos,  for 
his  services  as  Tyler;  and  that  the  Grand  Treasurer  be,  and  he  is  hereby  au- 
thorized to  pay  over  to  Bro.  Enos,  said  sum,  out  of  any  money  in  the  Treasury 
not  otherwise  appropriated. 

"  No  further  business  appearing  before  the  Grand  Lodge,  it  was  closed 
in  peace  and  harmony. 

"  WM.  H.  BROWN,  Grand  Secretary." 

Immediately  following  the  proceedings,  is  an  abstract  of  the  returns 
of  the  several  Lodges  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge  for  the 
year  1824,  which  we  here  present: 

"  Abstract  of  the  return  of  Lodges  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  for  the 

year  182U. 










r  • 


























Olive  Branch  No.  4  






Vandalia  No  5  






Union  No  6   .        






Eden  No.  7  






Albion  No  0  








Greene  No.  11  


"NOTE. — The  Lodges  at  Kaskaskia,  Shawneetown,  and  Edwardsville;  the  old- 
est in  the  State,  and  the  Sangamo  Lodge  at  Springfield,  have  not  yet  dissolved 
their  connections  with  the  Grand  Lodges  under  whom  they  obtained  charters, 
and  united  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois." 

In  the  meantime,  Western  Star  Lodge,  at  Kaskaskia,  was  making 
strenuous  efforts  to  sever  its  connection  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Penn- 
sylvania, by  whom  its  charter  had  been  arrested,  and  effect  an  affilia-  - 
tion  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois.  The  following  letter  will  explain, 
in  a  manner,  the  difficulties  that  the  Lodge  at  Kaskaskia  was  laboring 

"  *Samuel  S.  Crafton — about  23  years  of  age,  light  hair,  heavy  made,  about  5 
feet  9  inches  high,  by  occupation  a  farmer. 
"  t  William  G.  Shade— no  description  given. 


"  KASKASKIA,  ILLINOIS,  Oct.  20th,  1825. 

"SiR  AND  BROTHER  :— Your  letter  of 'the  22d  ult.  is  now  before  me.  The  solici- 
tude which  I  feel,  to  have  the  perplexing  business  of  the  late  Western  Star 
Lodge  closed  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  prompts  me  to  use  every 
endeavor  to  facilitate  its  accomplishment. 

"  I  am  satisfied  that  the  misunderstanding  has  not  been  sought  or  intended. 
The  Western  Star  Lodge  found  itself  much  embarrased  by  circumstances  which 
it  could  not  well  control.  The  deranged  state  of  the  currency  of  the  Country, 
about  the  year  1823,  arising  from  a  mistaken  policy  of  State  legislation,  based  as 
was  alleged,  upon  the  general  depression  of  the  country,  paralyzed  everything,  the 
enforcement  of  contracts  was  suspended,  and  nothing  but  a  depreciated  paper 
system  was  transacted.  The  Lodge  had  previously  made  contracts,  and  pay- 
ments from  it  became  due,  and  in  consequence  of  the  general  embarrasment, 
its  means  of  collection  were  limited,  and  what  was  effected,  was  so  far  depre- 
ciated that  it  had  to  sacrifice  considerable  to  meet  its  engagements.  When 
the  proposition  was  made  to  the  Grand  Lodge  to  close  the  accounts,  it  was  cal- 
culated that  it  could  be  effected,  but  in  that  it  was  disappointed.  Coercive  mea- 
sures were  adopted  (which,  although  painful  under  the  peculiar  circumstances 
of  the  times)  and  put  into  a  train  of  operation,  which  were  arrested  by  the  recall 
of  the  charter,  leaving  no  means  for  their  completion.  A  little  before  that  time, 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  was  constituted,  and  a  general  solicitude  was  felt  to 
become  a  branch  of  it,  a  resolution  was  adopted  by  that  institution,  to  solicit 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania  to  permit  the  Western  Star  Lodge  to  withdraw 
with  its  funds  and  furniture,  and  work  under  the  Illinois  jurisdiction,  but  the 
unfortunate  destruction  of  the  books  and  archives  of  the  Illinois  Grand  Lodge 
shortly  after,  by  the  conflagration  of  the  capital  where  they  were  deposited,  pre- 
vented as,  I  am  informed,  its  being  communicated  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Penn- 
sylvania. In  reference  to  that  proposal  were  based  the  remarks  contained  in 
communication  from  W.S.  L.  in  April  1824,  and  was  not  a  proposition  originating 
from  the  Western  Star  Lodge. 

"  In  my  communication  of  the  28th  August  last,  I  suggested  the  expediency 
of  a  special  agency  to  close  the  business,  it  was  the  only  method  I  could  then 
devise,  but  since  that  time  another  expedient  has  occurred  to  me.  Let  a 
resolution  be  adopted  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania  to  restore  the  war- 
rant of  W.  S.  L.  until  it  can  complete  the  collection  of  the  outstanding  dues  from 
its  members,  and  take  measures  againsc  the  delinquents  by  suspension  or  expul- 
sion according  to  its  bye-laws;  and  to  make  its  remittances  and  returns  to  the 
•  Grand  Lodge,  and  upon  its  being  made  satisfactory  to  appear  to  the  R.  W.  G.  M., 
that  the  same  has  been  done  as  far  as  practicable,  that  he  grant  privilege  for  the 
W.  S.  Lodge  to  surrender  its  charter  and  retain  the  jewels,  furniture,  &c.,  and  be 
at  liberty  to  unite  with  such  Grand  Lodge  as  it  may  deem  expedient. 

"It  is  evident  from  the  books  of  the  Lodge  that  a  much  larger  sum  is  due  to  it 
from  its  members  than  is  sufficient  to  pay  the  balance  due  the  Grand  Lodge, 
but  no  authority  is  now  vested  to  collect  it,  and  unless  it  be  soon  attended  to,  the 
dues  will  be  in  all  probability  lost,  some  of  which,  I  am  satisfied,  has  already 
become  so.  I  am  fully  pursuaded  that  considerable  collections  can  be  effected 
if  authorized  either  by  agency  or  the  restoration  of  the  charter.  I  wish  it  to  be 
fully  understood  that  I  feel  no  disposition  to  dictate  a  course  for  the  Grand 
Lodge,  but  my  solicitude  for  the  adjustment  of  the  affairs  in  the  present  de- 
ranged and  embarrased  condition,  induces  me  to  offer  for  the  consideration  of 


the  Grand  Lodge  and  its  officers,  such  projects  as  seem  to  me  best  calculated  to 
bring  about  the  accomplishment  of  the  desired  object.  The  subject  is  an  un- 
fortunate and  an  unpleasant  one,  and  I  heartily  desire  its  termination  in  the 
most  cordial  and  satisfactory  manner,  believing  as  I  do  that  it  has  not  been 
wantonly  sought  or  intended,  but  growing  solely  out  of  circumstances  misunder- 

'•  Fraternally  your.^, 

"  WM.  C.  GREEXUP." 

After  several  other  letters,  none  of  which  we  have  in  our  possession, 
the  following  was  received  : 

COMMUNICATION,  PHILADELPHIA,  21st  Nov.,  18^5.     / 

"Resolved,  that  as  soon  as  it  shall  satisfactorily  appear  to  the  R.  W.  Grand 
Master,  that  the  debts  of  Lodge  Xo.  107  are  collected,  and  remittances  thereof 
are  made  to  the  Grand  Treasurer  as  far  as  practicable,  he  sha.ll  be  and  he  is 
hereby  authorized  to  grant  permission  to  said  Lodge  to  surrender  its  warrant, 
retain  its  jewels  and  property,  and  apply  for  a  new  warrant  to  the  R.  W.  Grand 
Lodge  of  Illinois. 

"  Extract  from  the  minutes. 

T    :  "SAMUEL  H.  THOMAS, 

:  i£AL-  =  '•  Grand  Secretary:'' 

"  In  pursuance  of  the  power  vested  in  us  by  virtue  of  a  resolution  of  the  R.  W. 
Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  adopted  on  the  21st  day  of  Xovember,  A.  D.  1825, 
A.  L.  5825,  we  do  hereby  authorize  and  empower  the  W.  M.  and  brethren  of 
Lodge  Xo.  107,  to  surrender  the  warrant  thereof  tc  us  and  to  apply  to  the  R.  W. 
Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  to  hold  a  Lodge  under  a  warrant  from  that  Grand  Lodge. 

"Given  under  our  hand  and  seal  this  30th  day 

of  Xovember,  A.  I).  182ti,  A.  L.  5826. 
:    SEAL.    ;  I(TH    K1TTERAj 

"Grand  Master." 

"Attest,        SAMUEL  H.  THOMAS, 

"Grand  Secretary." 

This  was  accompanied  by  the  following  letter  : 

"  PHILAD.,  16th  Dec.,  1820. 
"  KASKASKIAS— C.  C.  Conway,  Esq.: 

"  W.  SIR  AND  BRO.: — Your  favour  of  4th  Xovember  came  duly  to  hand,  and  I 
regret  that  the  absence  of  the  R.  W.  Grand  Master  from  the  city  prevented  an 
earlier  acknowledgement. 

"I  am  directed  to  state  that  everything  which  has  been  done  by  your  Lodge 
since  the  restoration  of  its  warrant  is  satisfactory  to  the  officers  of  the  Grand 
Lodge,  and  they  wish  you  every  success  in  the  connection  which  your  Lodge 
may  form  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois.  I  shall  write  to  you  again  in  a  few 
days,  and  in  the  mean  time  subscribe  myself  your  obedient  servant  and  brother, 

"SAM.  H.  THOMAS,  Grand  Sec'y. 



"At  a  special  communication  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State 
of  Illinois,  held  at  the  State  House,  in  the  town  of  Vandalia,  on  Monday, 
the  third  day  of  January,  A.  L.  5826 — 

"  Present :  M.  W.  James  Hall,  G.  M.;  M.  W.^j-drach^Bond,  P.  G.  M.; 
R.  W.  Henry  H.  Snow,  D.  G.  M.;  R.  W.  Henry  L.  "vfcebbTG.  S.  W.,^ro  tern.; 
R.  W.  Henry  J.  Mills,  G.  J.  W.,pro  tern.;  R.  W.  J.  0.  Wattles,  G.  Treas.; 
R.  W.  Win.  H.  Brown,  G.  Secretary;  Bro.  John  Whitaker,  G.  Marshal; 
Bro.  Joseph  Enos,  G.  Tyler.  Bro.  J.  Ewing,  of  Vandalia  Lodge;  Breth. 
A.  Hart,  P.  M.,  and  David  E.  Cuyler,  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge;  Bro.  Mc- 
Roberts,  of  Vandalia  Lodge;  Breth.  A.  Field  and  Henry  L.  Webb,  of 
Union  Lodge;  Breth.  S.  Dewey  and  Ossian  M.  Ross,  of  Frontier  Lodge; 
Bro.  George  Webb,  of  Winchester  Lodge,  Ky.;  Levi  Roberts,  of  Olive 
Branch  Lodge;  Valentine  G.  Bradley,  of  Vincennes  Lodge;  Israel 
Seward,  of  Hamilton  Lodge,  Ohio;  William  Ross,  of  Mystic  Tie  Lodge, 
Massachusetts:  Bro.  Willis  Hargrave,  of  Lawrence  Lodge,  and  Bro. 
Nicholas  Hansen. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  D.  G.  Master, 

"Resolval,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  examine  the  credentials 
of  representatives  attending  this  Grand  Lodge  from  subordinate  Lodges. 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  examine  the  returns  of 
subordinate  Lodges. 

"  Breth.  Hay,  Hart,  and  Whitaker  were  appointed  a  committee  on  the 
first,  and  Breth.  Snow,  Peebles,  and  Wattles  a  committee  on  the  second 

"  The  Grand  Secretary  made  the  following  report : 

'"The  Grand  Secretary  reports  that  during  the  vacation  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
he  has  received  the  following  communications,  viz.: 

"'The  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky,  of  the  District  of  Colum- 
bia, of  Indiana,  Tennessee,  North  Carolina,  and  Mississippi. 

"  'A  communication  from  the  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky, 
with  a  list  of  officers  for  the  year  5825. 


ings  in  relation  to  resolutions  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  New  Hampshire  and 
New  York,  proposing  the  erection  of  a  monument  at  Mt.  Vernon,  to  the  memory 
of  our  illustrious  Bro.  G.  Washington.  A  communication  from  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri,  containing  a  report  of  their  proceedings  in  the  eases  of  Bros.  Wm. 
L.  D.  Ewing  and  E.  C.  Berry.  A  letter  from  the  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  New  York. 

'"  In  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  your  committee  find 
the  following  resolutions: 

"'Resolved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  recognize  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Illi- 
nois, and  that  Bro.  Grand  Secretary  correspond  with  the  said  M.  W.  Grand 
Lodge,  and  transmit  regularly  an  abstract  of  the  proceedings  of  this  Grand 

"'Resolved.  That  any  arrearages  which  may  be  due  from  any  Lodge  subordi- 
nate to  this  Grand  Lodge,  located  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  be,  and  the  same  are 
hereby  remitted  to  said  Lodge. 

'"Your  committee,  while  they  state  with  regret  and  surprise,  that  this  is  the 
only  acknowledgment  of  the  receipt  by  any  Grand  Lodge  of  the  communications 
addressed  to  them,  and  the  only  formal  notice  of  recognition,  can  not  avoid 
expressing  their  sense  of  the  candid  and  frank  reception  which  our  newly  es- 
tablished Grand  Lodge  has  met  from  our  brethren  in  Kentucky,  and  their  hope 
that  this  Grand  Lodge  will  promptly  acknowledge  and  reciprocate  the  brotherly 
feeling  which  has  been  thus  evinced. 

"  'They  also  find  a  very  fraternal  letter  from  the  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  New  York,  expressing  the  surprise  of  the  members  of  that  Grand 
Lodge,  at  their  not  having  received  any  communication  from  us  of  the  causes 
and  events  which  led  to  the  establishment  of  this  Masonic  institution,  and  re- 
questing such  information.  This  letter,  in  the  opinion  of  your  committee,  is 
entitled  to  immediate  attention,  and  should  be  referred  for  reply  to  the  suitable 
officers  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  either  to  the  Grand  Master  or  Grand  Secretary. 

"'  From  the  reports  of  several  of  the  Grand  Lodges  before  us.  it  appears  that 
active  exertions  are  in  operation  among  the  Craft,  to  obtain  subscriptions  for 
the  erection  of  a  Masonic  monument  to  the  memory  of  Washington,  and  that 
several  of  the  Grand  Lodges  of  the  U.  S.  have  adopted  measures  to  effect  this 
object.  Your  committee  in  noticing  this  subject  can  not  withhold  the  expres- 
sion of  their  entire  approbation  of  any  measure  which  may  evince  our  respect 
for  the  virtues,  and  affection  for  the  name,  of  the  illustrious  chief,  whom  \ve  have 
been  proud  to  numberamong  our  brothers,  and  submit  the  further  consideration 
thereof  to  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"'In  reply  to  a  memorial  of  this  Grand  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mis- 
souri, soliciting  a  reconsideration  of  the  cases  of  Wm.  L.  D.  Ewing  and  Elijah 
C.  Berry,  we  have  received  an  abstract  of  their  proceedings,  by  which  it  appears 
that  Bro.  Ewing  has  been  restored  to  his  Masonic  privileges;  but  that  in  the 
opinion  of  that  Grand  Lodge,  the  case  of  E.  C.  Berry  does  not  merit  a  recon- 
sideration. Your  committee  are  aware  of  the  delicacy  of  a  further  interference 
on  our  part  in  relation  to  this  subject;  but  they  can  not  pass  it  over  without  re- 
marking that  they  are  far  from  feeling  satisfied,  either  with  the  decision  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  or  with  the  reasons  upon  which  that  decision  seems  to 
be  grounded.  It  will  be  for  the  Grand  Lodge  to  decide  whether  any,  and  if  any, 
what  further  steps  should  be  taken  in  this  affair. 

"  'The  rest  of  the  communications  before  us,  contain  only  the  ordinary  reports 
and  interchanges  of  Masonic  information,  none  of  which  seem  to  demand  any 
particular  notice  from  this  committee.' 


"A  communication  from  E.  C.  Berry  was  presented  and  read,  and 
"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Wattles,  it  was 

"Ordered,  That  the  said  communication,  with  the  accompanying  documents,  be 
referred  to  a  committee  of  three. 
"Ordered,  That  the  committee  consist  of  Bros.  Wattles,  West,  and  T.  C.  Brown. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  D.  G.  Master, 

"  Resolved,  That  all  members  of  this  Grand  Lodge  shall  be  only  entitled  to  one 
vote  as  such,  and  one  as  representative  from  subordinate  Lodges,  when  serving 
as  such.* 

'•'The  Grand  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  ballot  for  officers  of  the  Grand 
Lodge,  for  the  ensuing  year,-  when  the  following  persons  were  declared 
duly  elected  :  James  Hall,  M.  W.  G.  M;  John  Y.  Sawyer,  R.  W.  G.  S. 
W.:  Benjamin  Mills,  R.  W.  G.  J.  W.;  Wm.  H.  Brown,  R.  W.  G.  S.;  James 
0.  Wattles,  R.  W.  G.  T. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  J.  0.  Wattles, 

"  Resolved,  That  the  installation  of  the  officers  elect,  take  place  on  to-morrow 

"  Ordered,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  stand  adjourned  until  to-morrow  evening  at 
7  o'clock. 

"BENJAMIN  MILLS,  G.  S.  pro  tern. 

"  R.  W.  GRAND  LODGE,  January  5,  A.  L.  5826. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  opened  pursuant  to  adjournment. 

"Present:  The  same  officers  and  members  aslast  evening,  with  the 
addition  of  Bro.  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  Bro.  Webb,  and  Wm.  H.  Brown, 
Grand  Secretary. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  dispensed  with,  and  a  Lodge  of  Past 
Masters  then  opened,  when  the  following  Grand  officers  were  duly  in- 
stalled, viz  : 

"  Bro.  James  Hall,  M.  W.  G.  M.;  Bro.  John  Y.  Sawyer,  R.  W.  G.  S.  W.; 
Bro.  Benjamin  Mills,  R.  W.  G.  J.  W.;  James  0.  Wattles,  R.  W.  G.  Treas- 
urer; William  H.  Brown,  R.  W.  G.  Secretary,  by  the  M.  W.  Shadrach 
Bond,  P.  G.  M.,  aided  by  the  R.  W.  D.  G.  M.,  Henry  H.  Snow  ;  when  the 
Lodge  of  Past  Master  Masons  was  dispensed  with,  and  a  Lodge  of  Mas- 
ter Masons  was  opened,  the  grand  officers  in  their  respective  places. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Wattles, 

"  Resolved.  That  a  Grand  Orator  be  appointed  to  deliver  an  address  to  this 
Grand  Lodge  and  the  public,  at  the  next  annual  communication  of  this  Grand 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  G.  J.  Warden, 

"  Resolved,  That  a  committee  be  appointed  to  inquire  what  articles  are  ne- 
cessary to  be  procured  for  the  use  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  that  they  report  to- 
morrow evening. 

"  Ordered,  That  Breth.  B.  Mills,  Wattles,  and  Hamilton  be  that  committee. 

"  The  R.  W.  G.  Lodge  then  adjourned  till  to-morrow  evening  at  7 

*  Which  resolution  was  a  plain  violation  of  the  Constitution,  which  provided 
that  each  Lodge  should  be  entitled  to  three  votes. 


ings  in  relation  to  resolutions  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  New  Hampshire  and 
New  York,  proposing  the  erection  of  a  monument  at  Mt.  Vernon,  to  the  memory 
of  our  illustrious  Bro.  G.  Washington.  A  communication  from  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri,  containing  a  report  of  their  proceedings  in  the  cases  of  Bros.  \Vm. 
L.  D.  Ewing  and  E.  C.  Berry.  A  letter  from  the  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  New  York. 

"'  In  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  your  committee  find 
the  following  resolutions: 

" '  Resolved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  recognize  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Illi- 
nois, and  that  Bro.  Grand  Secretary  correspond  with  the  said  M.  W.  Grand 
Lodge,  and  transmit  regularly  an  abstract  of  the  proceedings  of  this  Grand 

"'Resolved.  That  any  arrearages  which  may  be  due  from  any  Lodge  subordi- 
nate to  this  Grand  Lodge,  located  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  be,  and  the  same  are 
hereby  remitted  to  said  Lodge. 

'"Your  committee,  while  they  state  with  regret  and  surprise,  that  this  is  the 
only  acknowledgment  of  the  receipt  by  any  Grand  Lodge  of  the  communications 
addressed  to  them,  and  the  only  formal  notice  of  recognition,  can  not  avoid 
expressing  their  sense  of  the  candid  and  frank  reception  which  our  newly  es- 
tablished Grand  Lodge  has  met  from  our  brethren  in  Kentucky,  and  their  hope 
that  this  Grand  Lodge  will  promptly  acknowledge  and  reciprocate  the  brotherly 
feeling  which  has  been  thus  evinced. 

" '  They  also  find  a  very  fraternal  letter  from  the  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  New  York,  expressing  the  surprise  of  the  members  of  that  Grand 
Lodge,  at  their  not  having  received  any  communication  from  us  of  the  causes 
and  events  which  led  to  the  establishment  of  this  Masonic  institution,  and  re- 
questing such  information.  This  letter,  in  the  opinion  of  your  committee,  is 
entitled  to  immediate  attention,  and  should  be  referred  for  reply  to  the  suitable 
officers  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  either  to  the  Grand  Master  or  Grand  Secretary. 

"'  From  the  reports  of  several  of  the  Grand  Lodges  before  us,  it  appears  that 
active  exertions  are  in  operation  among  the  Craft,  to  obtain  subscriptions  for 
the  erection  of  a  Masonic  monument  to  the  memory  of  Washington,  and  that 
several  of  the  Grand  Lodges  of  the  U.  S.  have  adopted  measures  to  effect  this 
object.  Your  committee  in  noticing  this  subject  can  not  withhold  the  expres- 
sion of  their  entire  approbation  of  any  measure  which  may  evince  our  respect 
for  the  virtues,  and  affection  for  the  name,  of  the  illustrious  chief,  whom  we  have 
been  proud  to  number  among  our  brothers,  and  submit  the  further  consideration 
thereof  to  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"'In  reply  to  a  memorial  of  this  Grand  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mis- 
souri, soliciting  a  reconsideration  of  the  cases  of  Win.  L.  D.  Ewing  and  Elijah 
C.  Berry,  we  have  received  an  abstract  of  their  proceedings,  by  which  it  appears 
that  Bro.  Ewing  has  been  restored  to  his  Masonic  privileges;  but  that  in  the 
opinion  of  that  Grand  Lodge,  the  case  of  E.  C.  Berry  does  not  merit  a  recon- 
sideration. Your  committee  are  aware  of  the  delicacy  of  a  further  interference, 
on  our  part  in  relation  to  this  subject;  but  they  can  not  pass  it  over  without  re- 
marking that  they  are  far  from  feeling  satisfied,  either  with  the  decision  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  or  with  the  reasons  upon  which  that  decision  seems  to 
be  grounded.  It  will  be  for  the  Grand  Lodge  to  decide  whether  any,  and  if  any, 
what  further  steps  should  be  taken  in  this  affair. 

'•'The  rest  of  the  communications  before  us,  contain  only  the  ordinary  reports 
and  interchanges  of  Masonic  information,  none  of  which  seem  to  demand  any 
particular  notice  from  this  committee.' 


"A  communication  from  E.  C.  Berry  was  presented  and  read,  and 
"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Wattles,  it  was 

"Ordered,  That  the  said  communication,  with  the  accompanying  documents,  be 
referred  to  a  committee  of  three. 
"Ordered,  That  the  committee  consist  of  Bros.  Wattles,  West,  and  T.  C.  Brown. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  D.  G.  Master, 

"Resolved,  That  all  members  of  this  Grand  Lodge  shall  be  only  entitled  to  one 
vote  as  such,  and  one  as  representative  from  subordinate  Lodges,  when  serving 
as  such.* 

'•'The  Grand  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  ballot  for  officers  of  the  Grand 
Lodge,  for  the  ensuing  year;  when  the  following  persons  were  declared 
duly  elected  :  James  Hall,  M.  W.  G.  Mj  John  Y.  Sawyer,  R.  W.  G.  S. 
W.;  Benjamin  Mills,  R.  W.  G.  J.  W.,-  Wm.  H.  Brown,  R.  W.  G.  S.;  James 
0.  Wattles,  R.  W.  G.  T. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  J.  0.  Wattles, 

"Resolved,  That  the  installation  of  the  officers  elect,  take  place  on  to-morrow 

"  Ordered,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  stand  adjourned  until  to-morrow  evening  at 
7  o'clock. 

"BENJAMIN  MILLS,  G.  S.  pro  tern. 

"  R.  W.  GRAND  LODGE,  January  5,  A.  L.  5826. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  opened  pursuant  to  adjournment. 

"Present:  The  same  officers  and  members  aslasfc  evening,  with  the 
addition  of  Bro.  Richard  J.  Hamilton,  Bro.  Webb,  and  Wm.  H.  Brown, 
Grand  Secretary. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  dispensed  with,  and  a  Lodge  of  Past 
Masters  then  opened,  when  the  following  Grand  officers  were  duly  in- 
stalled, viz  : 

"  Bro.  James  Hall,  M.  W.  G.  M.;  Bro.  John  Y.  Sawyer,  R.  W.  G.  S.  W.; 
Bro.  Benjamin  Mills,  R.  W.  G.  J.  W.;  James  0.  Wattles,  R.  W.  G.  Treas- 
urer; William  H.  Brown,  R.  W.  G.  Secretary,  by  the  M.  W.  Shadrach 
Bond,  P.  G.  M.,  aided  by  the  R.  W.  D.  G.  M.,  Henry  H.  Snow ;  when  the 
Lodge  of  Past  Master  Masons  was  dispensed  with,  and  a  Lodge  of  Mas- 
ter Masons  was  opened,  the  grand  officers  in  their  respective  places. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Wattles, 

"  Resolved.  That  a  Grand  Orator  be  appointed  to  deliver  an  address  to  this 
Grand  Lodge  and  the  public,  at  the  next  annual  communication  of  this  Grand 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  G.  J.  Warden, 

"  Resolved,  That  a  committee  be  appointed  to  inquire  what  articles  are  ne- 
cessary to  be  procured  for  the  use  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  that  they  report  to- 
morrow evening. 

"  Ordered,  That  Breth.  B.  Mills,  Wattles,  and  Hamilton  be  that  committee. 

"  The  R.  W.  G.  Lodge  then  adjourned  till  to-morrow  evening  at  7 

*  Which  resolution  was  a  plain  violation  of  the  Constitution,  which  provided 
that  each  Lodge  should  be  entitled  to  three  votes. 


JANUARY  6,  A.  L.  5826.      j 

"  Present:  M.  W.  James  Hall,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  Henry  II.  Snow,  D.  G.  M.; 
R.  W.  John  Y.  Sawyer,  G.  S.  W.;  R.  W.  Benjamin  Mills,  G.  J.  W.;  R.  W. 
James  0.  Wattles,  G.  T.;  R.  W.  Wm.  H.  Brown,  G.  S.;  Bro.  R.  H.  Pee- 
bles, G.  S.  D.;  Bro.  0.  M.  Ross,  G.  J.  D.,pro  tern.;  Bro.  Joseph  Enos,  G. 
Tyler.  Visiting  brethren,  Jotham  Jayne,*  A.  Philleo. 

"  The  R.  W.  G.  J.  Warden,  from  the  committee  appointed  last  evening, 
to  ascertain  what  articles  are  necessary  for  the  use  of  this  Grand  Lodge, 
made  a  report  which  was  concurred  in.  The  G.  J.  W.  also  presented  an 
engraved  seal,  and  the  following  note  : 

"'Horatio  Ball  begs  leave  to  present  to  the  members  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
the  State  of  Illinois  an  engraved  seal,  which  he  forwards  by  J.  O.  Wattles,  Esq. 
(Signed)  "'HORATIO  BALL. 

" '  VANDALIA,  January  Cth,  1826.' 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  Mills, 

"Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  this  Grand  Lodge  be  presented  to  Bro.  Horatio 
Ball  for  the  seal  presented  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  the  same  be  adopted  as  the 
seal  thereof. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Wattles, 

•'  Resolved,  That  any  fees  due  by  Bro.  Ball,  to  this  Grand  Lodge,  if  any  there 
be,  be  and  the  same  are  remitted. 

"  Bro.  Wattles,  from  the  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  reports 
of  subordinate  Lodges,  made  the  following  report : 

" '  That  the  following  Lodges,  to-wit :  Olive  Branch,  Union,  Vandalia,  Palestine, 
Greene,  Hiram,  Illion,  and  Frontier,  have  made  their  annual  reports,to  the  Grand 
Lodge,  which  appear  satisfactory  to  the  committee,  so  far  as  a  disposition  to 
conform  to  our  regulations  and  the  rules  of  Masonry,  is  manifested.  But  your 
committee  feel  constrained  to  say  that  in  several  of  the  communications  there 
is  much  inaccuracy,  and  a  failure  to  comply  with  all  the  regulations  of  the  by- 
laws, and  on  the  part  of  the  several  Lodges,  a  total  neglect  to  comply  with  their 
provisions,  either  by  making  their  reports  or  sending  their  dues.  But  your 
committee,  believing  this  neglect  to  be  owing  to  a  want  of  information  on  the 
part  of  delinquent  Lodges,  than  to  willful  neglect,  beg  leave  to  offer  the  follow- 
ing resolution: 

"  Resolved,  That  Bro.  Henry  H.  Snow  be  appointed  an  agent  on  the  part  of  this 
Grand  Lodge,  whose  duty  it  shall  be  to  visit  all  the  subordinate  Lodges  to  in- 
troduce a  uniform  mode  of  working  ;  to  examine  the  by-laws  and  proceedings 
of  such  Lodges;  to  settle  the  accounts  of  each  with  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  to 
'receive  the  balances  due,  and  make  report  at  the  nest  grand  annual  communi- 

"  Which  report  and  resolution  was  concurred  in. 
"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Snow, 

"  PcKo'ved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  disapprove  of  a  resolution  adopted  in  Olive 
Branch  Lodge  No.  4.  on  the  day  of  their  last  election,  allowing  visiting  brethren 
to  vote  in  said  election. 

"Gershom  Jayne,  of  Sangamo  Lodge. 


"  The  following  appointments  were  made  by  the  Grand  Master  : 
"  Bro.  Henry  H.  Snow,  D.  G.  M.;  Bro.  Robert  H.  Peebles,  G.  S.  D.;  Bro. 
Erastus  Brown,  G.  J.  D.;  Bro.  E.  J.  West,  G.  Marshal ;  Bro.  Guy  "W. 
Smith,  G.  S.  B.;  Bro.  Charles  Dunn,  G.  Pursuivant;  Bro.  Hart  Fellows 
and  Bro.  John  Whitaker,  Grand  Stewards;  Bro.  Joseph  Enos,  G.  Tyler; 
Bro.  Benjamin  Mills,  G.  Orator. 

"The  Lodge  in  the  third  degree  of  Masonry  was  dispensed  with,  and 
a  Lodge  of  Past  Master  Masons  opened,  when  Breth.  Snow,  Whiteaker, 
and  Enos  were  duly  installed  in  their  respective  offices.  The  Lodge  of 
Past  Master  Masons  was  then  dispensed  with,  and  the  Lodge  in  the  third 
degree — Masonry  resumed;  when  the  Grand  Lodge  adjourned  till  to- 
morrow evening  at  7  o'clock. 

"  WM.  H.  BROWN,  <7.  Secretary* 

"  JANUARY  7,  A.  L.  582CV 

"  The  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  opened  pursuant  to  adjournment. 
"  Present :  M.  W.  James  Hall,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  Henry  H.  Snow,  D.  G.  M.;: 
R.  W.  R.  J.  Hamilton,  G.  S.  tern.;  R.  W.  Benjamin  Mills,  G.  J. 
W.;  R.  W.  James  0.  Wattles,  G.  T.;  R.  W.  William  Brown,  G.  S.;  Bro.  J. 
Whiteaker,  G.  J.  D.  pro  tern.;  Bro.  E.  J.  West,  G.  M.  Visiting  brethren, 
and  members  L.  M.  Roberts,  C.  Slade,  Diamond,  and  James. 

"  Bro.  Snow,  from  the  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  communi- 
cations from  individuals,  made  the  following  recort,  which  was  con- 
curred in  : 

"  '  To  the  Right  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Illinois  : 

'"The  committee,  to  whom  was  referred  the  communications  from  individuals 
addressed  to  this  Grand  Lodge,  have  had  under  consideration  a  communication 
from  the  Worshipful  Master  of  Western  Star  Lodge  No.  107,  together  with  a  pe- 
tition from  a  number  of  Master  Masons  residing  in  and  near  the  town  of  Kas- 
kaskia,  praying  for  letters  of  dispensation,  and  beg  leave  to  make  the  following 

" '  The  object  of  the  communication  is,  to  ask  from  this  Grand  Lodge  a  charter 
of  constitution.  It  appears  from  documents  in  possession  of  your  committee, 
that  T.  J,  V.  Owen  is  an  officer  of  Western  Star  Lodge  No.  107,  and  that  he  is 
also  recommended  as  one  of  the  officers  of  the  proposed  Lodge.  Conceiving  it 
incompatible  with  the  general  regulations  of  our  institution,  and  contrary  to  the 
principles  inculcated  in  the  Book  of  Constitutions,  that  a  Mason  should  be  a 
member  of  more  than  one  Lodge  at  the  same  time,  your  committee  beg  leave 
to  offer  the  following  resolution  : 

"  'Rcsn'vc'l,  That  the  prayer  of  the  petitioners  from  Kaskaskia,  praying  for  a 
dispensation  or  charter,  ought  not  to  be  granted.' 

"  Bro.  West,  from  the  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  memorial 
of  E.  C.  Berry,  made  the  following  report,  accompanied  with  a  resolu- 
tion : 



"'The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  petition  of  E.  C.  Berry,  with  the 
accompanying  documents,  report  that,  after  a  careful  examination  of  the  sub- 
ject, they  have  arrived  at  the  conclusion  which  they  are  about  to  submit :  Your 
committee  are  fully  aware  of  the  delicacy  with  which  the  decision  of  a  neigh- 
boring Grand  Lodge  deserves  to  be  treated,  and  of  the  impropriety  of  adhering 
with  too  much  pertinacity  to  our  opinions.  But  from  all  the  documents  before 
them,  they  can  not  but  believe  that  the  petition  had  been  treated  unkindly  in  be- 
ing denied  a  re-consideration  of  proceedings  which  seem  to  them  to  have  been 
irregular;  and  when  it  is  recollected  that  the  effect  of  this  denial  is  to  brand  the 
character  of  tho  petitioner  with  disgrace,  and  to  exclude  him  forever  from  his 
Masonic  privileges,  they  fetl  it  a  duty  incumbent  on  them  to  advise  another 
effort  on  the  part  of  this  Grand  Lodge  in  his  behalf.  In  making  this  recommen- 
dation, your  committee  have  taken  into  consideration  the  high  standing  of  the 
petitioner  as  a  citizen,  his  unblemished  reputation  as  a  man,  the  entire  ab- 
sence of  any  offense  in  his  Masonic  or  private  deportment,  other  than  that  now 
under  discussion.  A  character  so  fair  (in  all  other  respects)  entitles  the  peti- 
tioner to  an  indulgent  hearing  on  this  occasion,  and  the  sacredness  of  his  situ- 
ation as  the  head  of  a  numerous  family,  gives  him  an  imposing  claim  as  well 
•upon  the  justice  as  the  sympathy  of  his  brethren.  Your  committee,  therefore, 
while  they  freely  disclaim  any  right  on  the  part  of  this  Grand  Lodge  to  condemn 
the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  or  any  intention  on  their  part 
so  to  do;  and  while  they  cheerfully  concede  the  principle  that  the  jurisdiction 
of  that  Grand  Lodge  over  the  subject  matter  is  sole  and  sovereign,  believe  that 
the  case  of  E.  C.  Berry  imperiously  calls  for  some  further  exertion  in  his  behalf 
by  this  Grand  Lodge.  They,  therefore  recommend  the  adoption  of  the  follow- 
ing resolution : 

"'Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  two  be  appointed,  whose  duty  it  shall  be  to 
correspond  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  upon  the  subject  of  the  proceedings 
of  the  Vandalia  Lodge  and  that  Grand  Lodge  in  the  case  of  E.  C.  Berry,  to  ex- 
plain to  them  the  views  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  to  ask  for  such  relief  as  they 
may  deem  right,  and  that  Grand  Lodge  may  be  willing  to  concede.' 

"  Which  report  and  resolution  were  adopted. 

"  Ordered,  That  Breth.  Sawyer  and  West  be  that  committee. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Brown, 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  be  appointed  to  take  into  consideration  the  ap- 
plication of  Bro.  John  Diamond  for  relief,  and  report  on  Monday  evening. 
"  Ordered,  That  Breth.  Snow  and  Whiteaker  be  that  committee, 

"  Bro.  Snow,  from  the  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  reports  of 
subordinate  Lodges,  and  the  application  of  brethren  residing  in  and  near 
the  county  of  Pike  for  a  charter,  made  a  report  that  the  prayer  of  the 
petitioners  ought  to  be  granted,  which  report  was  concurred  in. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  West, 

"  Resolved,  That  the  R.  W.  Grand  Secretary  of  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  be  and 
he  is  hereby  required  to  deliver  over  to  the  committee  appointed  by  this  Grand 
Lodge,  to  correspond  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  in  case  of  E.  C.  Berry, 
all  the  papers,  records,  and  documents  relative  thereto;  and  that  the  committee 
return  the  same  to  this  Grand  Lodge,  together  with  the  correspondence  and  re- 
port, at  its  next  grand  annual  communication. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  until  Tuesday  evening,  at  7  o'clock. 

"  WM.  H.  BROWN,  G.  Secretary. 


"TUESDAY  EVENING,  January  10,  A.  L.  582(5. 

"  The  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  convened  pursuant  to  adjournment. 

"  Present:  M.  W.  James  Hall,  G.  M.:  R.  W.  J.  Y.  Sawyer,  G.  S.  W.; 
R.  W.  Benjamin  Mills,  G.  J.  W.;  R.  W.  William  H.  Brown,  G.  Secretary  ; 
Bro.  R.  H.  Peebles,  G.  S.  D.;  Bro.  0.  M.  Ross,  G.  J.  D.,  pro  tern.;  Bro. 
Joseph  Enos,  G.  Tyler.  Visiting  brethren  and  members,  Breth.  Webb, 
Phillips,  Whiteaker,  West,  D.  Prickett,  Wright,  Ball,  Newhall,  Wilton, 
D.  Blackwell,  and  T.  C.  Browne. 

"The  committee  to  whom  we're  referred  the  application  of  Bro.  John 
Diamond  for  relief,  reported  that  the  applicant  was  worthy  of  relief,  but 
from  the  situation  of  the  funds  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  they  reported  the 
following  resolution,  which  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  That  a  private  subscription  be  opened  for  the  relief  of  our  said 
Bro.  John  Diamond,  and  that  the  members  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  other  Ma- 
sons, be  requested  to  aid  to  the  relief  of  Bro.  Diamond. 

"  Bro.  Snow,  from  the  Committee  on  Subordinate  Lodges,  made  the 
following  report,  which  was  accompanied  with  a  resolution  : 

"'The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  returns  of  subordinate  Lodges, 
beg  leave  to  report  that  the  dispensation  granted  Illion  Lodge  No.  12  and  Fron- 
tier Lodge  No.  13,  in  the  recess,  have  been  returned,  together  with  their  by-laws 
and  copies  of  their  proceedings  under  that  dispensation ;  that  they  received 
their  dispensations  and  acted  under  them  for  the  first  time  on  the  3d  day  of  De- 
cember, 1825,  and  that  their  by-laws  and  proceedings  appear  to  have  been  correct 
and  strictly  conformable  to  Masonic  usage,  with  one  exception.  It  is  the  opinion 
of  your  committee  that  the  brethren  of  that  Lodge  have  advanced  candidates  from 
one  degree  to  another,  and  even  for  initiation  with  too  much  rapidity,  thereby 
leaving  too  little  time  either  to  become  acquainted  with  the  lectures  in  the  pre- 
ceding degree,  or  for  a  strict  inquiry  into  the  character  of  the  applicants.  They 
therefore  beg  leave  to  offer  the  following  resolution: 

"'Resolved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  disapproves  of  the  practice  of  advancing 
candidates  to  any  degree  until  they  shall  have  acquired  a  competent  knowledge 
of  the  preceding  degree. 

"  'Resolved,  That  a  charter  be  granted  to  Frontier  Lodge  No.  13  and  Illion  Lodge 
No.  12. 

"  Which  resolution  was  adopted,  and  the  report  agreed  to. 

"The  petition  of  Bro.  George  Webb,  praying  an  investigation  into 
certain  charges  preferred  by  Bro.  Webb  against  Bro.  James  0.  Wattles 
for  unmasonic  conduct,  was  read,  and  on  motion  of  Bro.  G.  S.  Warden, 

"  Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  required  to  furnish  Bro.  Wattles  a 
copy  of  the  charges  preferred  against  him  by  Bro.  George  Webb,  and  that  a  sum- 
mons issue  against  Bro.  Wattles,  requiring  him  to  appear  before  the  next  regular 
annual  communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  to  answer  the  charges  aforesaid, 
preferred  by  Bro.  Webb. 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  Brown, 

"  Resolved,  That  a  charter  be  granted  to  Illion  Lodge  No.  12  and  Frontier  Lodge 
No.  13,  upon  payment  of  the  sum  due  by  the  by-laws  for  the  issuing  of  a  charter, 
with  the  fees  due  the  officers  for  the  dispensations  and  charters  of  these  Lodges 


"On  motion  of  Bro.  Mills,  and  amended  by  Bro.  West, 

"  'Resolved,  That  HO  much  of  the  8th  section  of  the  By-Laws  of  this  Grand 
Lodge  as  requires  the  payment  of  one  dollar  from  visiting  brethren  be,  and  the 
same  is  hereby  repealed,  and  that  from  and  after  the  adoption  of  this  resolution 
seventy-five  cents  only  shall  be  exacted  only,  in  lieu  of  that  sum  in  that  part  of 
the  By-Laws  of  this  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge,  hereby  repealed,  mentioned. 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  Snow, 

On  motion, 

"  Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  authorized  to  pay  the  account  of  Bro. 
Grand  Tyler  for  his  services  and  necessaries  furnished  this  Grand  Lodge  at  its 
present  grand  annual  communication. 

"Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  this  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  be  presented  to  the 
Honorable  Senate  for  the  accommodation  furnished  the  Grand  Lodge,  in  the  use 
of  their  chamber,  during  the  present  grand  annual  communication. 

'•'  No  further  business  appearing  before  the  Grand  Lodge,  it  was  closed 
in  peace  and  harmony. 

"  WILLIAM  II.  BROWN,   Grand  Secretary." 

The  Lodges  which  at  this  time  were  working  under  the  jurisdiction  of 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  were  Western  Star  No.  1,  Laurence  No.  2, 
Libanus  No.  3,  Olive  Branch  No.  4,  Vandalia  No.  5,  Union  No.  6,  Eden 
No.  7,  Hiram  No.  8,  Albion  No.  9,  Palestine  No.  10,  Greene  No.  11,  Illion 
No.  12,  Frontier  No.  13,  LaFayette  No.  14,  Sangamon  No.  15. 

The  Lodges  were  located  as  follows:  No.  1,  at  Kaskaskia;  No.  2,  at 
Shawneetown ;  No.  3,  at  Edwardsville ;  No.  4,  at  Upper  Alton ;  No.  5,  at 
Vandalia;  No.  6,  at  Jonesboro;  No.  7,  at  Covington;  No.  9,  at  Albion; 
No.  11,  at  Carrollton;  No.  13,  at  Lewistown  (Fulton  co.),  and  No.  15,  at 
fc  pringfield.  As  to  the  location  of  Nos.  8, 10,  12,  and  14,  we  have  no 
knowledge,  and  only  know  that  such  Lodges  did  exist.  We  can  obtain 
no  information  regarding  them  whatever. 

For  some  cause  to  us  at  this  time  unknown,  the  charter  of  Sangamon 
Lodge  was  arrested  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri.  We  have  in  our 
possession  two  communications  from  brethren  then  residing  at  Spring- 
field, which  we  present.  The  probable  cause  for  the  arresting  of  this 
charter  was  the  failure  of  the  Lodge  to  ask  dismissal  from  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri,  and  failure  to  pay  its  dues  thereto.  Bro.  CONSTANT, 
who  signed  the  first  letter,  was  at  the  time  Master  of  the  Lodge : 


"  DR.  SIR: — I  am  informed  that  the  charter  is  taken  from  the  Springfield  Lodge, 
and  that  the  members  will  be  expelled,  in  consequence  of  their  not  paying  up  their 
dues.  I  just  lernt  from  some  of  the  members  that  at  a  meeting  of  part  of  the 


Lodge  last  Spring,  they  agreed  to  pay  their  proportion  of  the  amount  due  the 
Grand  Lodge,  on  condition  the  Grand  Lodge  would  not  expell  them.  This,  to 
me,  is  extraordinary  proceedings.  Mr.  Broadwell  and  myself  paid  between  six 
and  seven  dollars  each  to  members  of  the  Lodge  who  had  paid  out  money  for 
our  charter.  I  have  paid  my  dues  regular,  and  when  I  was  Master  of  the  Lodge, 
I  still  continued  to  pay  my  dues,  although  I  was  not  bound  so  to  do.  Mr.  Broad- 
well  has  been  very  punctual  in  paying  his  dues,  when  he  could  attend  our  meet- 
ings. The  reason  I  mention  Mr.  Broadwell  is,  he  was  away  from  home,  and  have 
just  returned,  and  perhaps  he  has  not  yet  heard  of  the  proceeding  of  a  part  of 
the  members  of  this  Lodge.  You  will  find  by  examining  the  Lodge  books  that 
the  Lodge  stands  charged  with  the  amount  due  Mr.  Broadwell  and  myself,  and 
I  suspect  there  is  money  in  the  hands  of  (*  *  *  *  *)  belonging  to  the 
Lodge,  unless  you  drew  it  out  when  last  here:  Is  it  just  under  those  circum- 
stances that  we  should  be  expelled  and  those  members  excused,  when  the  Lodge 
was  indebted  to  us  more  than  our  proportion  of  the  dues  due  the  Grand  Lodge, 
and  all  this  done  without  my  having  any  knowledge  of  it  until  after  the  Grand 
Lodge  had  their  Spring  session.  None  of  the  members  will  dare  deny  but  that 
I  have  as  great  exertion  as  any  other  member,  if  not  the  greatest,  to  keep  up  the 
credit  of  the  Lodge,  uiifl  I  can't  think  I  have  been  treated  as  I  ort  to  of  been. 
I  would  of  paid  my  portion  of  the  dues  at  any  time,  and  urged  it  often  while  1 
was  Master  of  the  Lodge,  but  all  did  not  appear  to  be  disposed  to  pay  anything 
out  of  their  pockets  towards  paying  that  debt.  You  will  confer  a  favour  to  inform 
me  what  is  done,  and  how  I  shall  proceed  to  get  clear  of  the  difficulty  I  have  got 
into  by  the  misconduct  of  others.  Please  write  as  soon  as  possible,  as  I  have  to 
go  a  trip  to  Ohio  in  September. 

"  Respectfully  yours, 

"  Mr.  G.  H.  C.  MELODY,  W.  G.  M." 

Bro.  LATHAM,  who  signs  the  second  letter,  was  one  of  the  petitioners 
for  the  dispensation. 

"SPRINGFIELD,  28th  June,  182G. 

"  DEAR  SIR  AND  BROTHER:— I  have  been  informed  that  the  charter  is  taken  from 
Sangamon  Lodge,  and  my  name  is  among  a  list  of  the  members.  I  merely 
became  a  member  for  the  establishment  of  the  Lodge,  after  which  I  considered 
myself  as  not  being  a  member,  and  requested  of  the  Lodge  not  to  consider  me 
as  such — on  account  of  my  deafness  I  could  receive  no  satisfaction  in  sitting  in 
the  Lodge.  I  therefore  wish  that  I  may  be  excused  from  expulsion,  iu  case  your 
Lodge  should  expel  any  of  the  members. 

"  Respectfully  yours, 

"Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

"  N.  B. — Please,  if  my  excuse  is  considered  insufficient,  let  me  know  before 
you  proceed  in  the  business.  I  did  not  sign  my  name  to  the  bye-laws,  but  it 
was  done  without  my  consent. 


Of  all  the  Lodges  heretofore  enumerated,  we  have  no  further  know- 
ledge, with  the  exceptions  of  Western  Star  and  Olive  Branch. 

That  Olive  Branch  Lodge  was  in  existence  late  in  1826,  papers  in  the 
hands  of  the  historian  go  to  prove.  These  papers  are  not  of  sufficient 


importance  to  reproduce  here,  but  they  are  of  importance,  insomuch  as 
they  establish  the  existence  of  the  Lodge.  They  consist  of  the  original 
petition  for  initiation  of  Matthew  Johnson,  dated  January  31, 1826  ;  the 
report  of  a  committee  appointed  to  procure  a  suitable  conveyance  for 
Bro.  Hanson,  to  Pike  county;  Tyler's  bill,  dated  Oct.  9th,  and  the  peti- 
tion of  Bro.  H.  S.  Summers,  for  a  demit  dated  Oct.  14th,  1826. 

The  Grand  lodge  met  in  1827,  on  the  3d  day  of  January.  The  only 
copy  of  the  proceedings  which  were  known  to  be  extant,  were  destroyed 
by  the  fire  which  consumed  the  archives  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Ken- 
tucky. We  extract  from  the  "  History  of  Masonry  in  Kentucky,"  pub- 
lished by  Bro.  A.  G.  Hodges,  the  following  information  regarding  that 
meeting : 

"The  state  of  Masonry,  it  was  said,  presented  the  most  flattering  and  encour- 
aging prospects.  The  changes  proposed  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Maine,  in  ad- 
mitting mutilated  persons,  was  viewed  with  solicitude;  and  it  was  decided 
that  no  one  thus  made  should  be  recognized  in  Illinois.  Reports  of  suspen- 
sions, expulsions,  and  rejections,  should  no  longer  be  made  public.  Six  Lodges 
were  represented." 

Western  Star  Lodg-5  still  continued  to  exist,  and  experienced  con- 
siderable difficulty  in  severing  its  connection  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Pennsylvania.  The  permission  granted  by  that  Grand  Lodge,  to  affili- 
ate with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  was  not  acted  upon  until  the  27th 
of  January,  1827,  when  the  following  action  was  had : 

KASKASKIA,  Saturday,  Jan.  27th,  A.  D.  1827,  A.  L.5827.     j 

"  Present:  C.  C.  Con  way,  W.  M.;  L.  W.  Cooper,  S.  W.;  Th.  J.  V.  Owen,  J.  W. 
and  Tyler  p.  t.,  and  J.  D.  p.  t,;  Wm.  C.  Greenup,  Secretary  ;  P.  Fouke,  Tr.  p.  t.; 
Jacob  Feamon,  S.  D.;  Shadrach  Bond,  P.  Master.  John  Atkins,  visiting  brother 
M.  M.  The  Lodge  was  solemnly  opened  in  the  first  step  of  Masonry,  according 
to  ancient  form. 

"  No  business  appearing  in  the  first  [degree]  of  Masonry,  it  was  closed,  and  a 
Fellow  Crafts  Lodge  was  opened,  and  no  business  appearing  before  the  Lodge  in 
the  Fellow  Crafts  Lodge,  it  was  closed  and  a  Master  Masons  Lodge  was  opened. 

"The  Worshipful  Master  laid  before  the  Lodge  a  copy  of  the  resolutions  of 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  adopted  on  the  21st  November,  A.  L>.  1825, 
authorizing  the  Right  W.  Grand  Master  to  grant  permission  to  this  Lodge  to 
surrender  its  warrant  and  procure  another  under  the  Right  Worshipful  Grand 
Lodge  of  Illinois,  when  he  shall  be  satisfied  that  all  practicable  collections  and 
payments  shall  be  made,  accompanied  by  the  assent  of  the  R.  W.  Grand  Mas- 
ter, bearing  date  the  30th  November  last,  and  a  letter  from  the  Grand  Secretary 
of  the  IGth  of  December  last,  which  were  severally  read. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Wm.  C.  Greenup,  and  seconded  by  Bro.  Bond,  it  was 

"Resolved,  That  application  he  immediately  made  by  the  Worshipful  Master 
of  this  Lodge,  to  the  Right  Worshipful  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Illinois,  for  a  warrant  or  charter  under  that  Grand  Lodge,  and  that  when  at- 
tained, that  the  present  warrant  of  this  Lodge,  under  the  Grand  Lodge  of 


IVnnsylviinia,  be  surrendered  to  the  Right  Worshipful  Grand  Master  of  the 
lirund"  Lodge  of  Illinois,  with  a  request  that  he  transmit  the  same  to  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  and  inform  that  Grand  Lodge  of  the  new  installation  of 
this  Lodge. 

"  Re>olvc'l,  That  it  be  recommended  to  the  Bight  Worshipful  Grand  Master 
of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  that  the  name  of  this  Lodge  be  called  in  the 
new  warrant 'The  Western  Star  Lodge.' 

"  Resoloctl,  As  the  opinion  of  this  Lodge  that  the  warrant  now  asked  from  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  ought  to  be  given  gratis,  except  the  Grand  Secretaries 
foes  for  making  out  the  warrant,  which  this  Lodge  will  cause  to  be  paid  at  the 
time  of  installation. 

"  Resolved,  That  this  Lodge,  will  state  by  ballot  at  the  present  meeting,  suit- 
able members  to  be  named  in  the  new  warrant,  and  recommends  them  to  be 
named  as  Master  and  Wardens. 

"  !i  ••,')!  oed.  That  a  copy  of  the  proceedings  of  this  meeting  be  made  out  and 
certified  by  the  Secretary  and  transmitted  by  the  Worshipful  Master,  together 
with  copies  of  the  last  communication  from  the  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Pennsylvania,  to  the  Right  Worshipful  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 

"A  petition  was  received  from  Bro.  Jacob  Feamon,  praying  to  demit  from 
this  Lodge,  which  being  read,  on  motion  and  seconded,  said  brother  has  leave  to 
demit  from  this  Lodge,  he  having  paid  up  all  his  dues. 

"The  Lodge  then,  pursuant  to  the  4th  resolution,  adopted  at  this  meeting, 
proceeded  to  choose  by  ballot,  suitable  members  to  be  recommended  as  fit  per- 
sons to  be  named  as  Master  and  Wardens  in  the  warrant  to  be  applied  for  from 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  and  the  same  being  severally  taken,  Bro.  Shadrach 
Bond  was  chosen  Master,  William  C.  Greenup,  Senior  Warden,  and  Thomas  J.  V. 
Owen,  Junior  Warden. 

"The  Lodge  closed  in  due  order  and  harmony,  &c. 

"  WM.  C.  GREENUP, 


Accompanying  this  was  the  following  letter,  addressed  to  Bro.  Snow, 
then  Deputy  Grand  Master,  and  acting  Grand  Master: 

"  KASKASKIA,  Feb.  oth,  1827. 
"Right  Worshipful  Sir  and  Brnther: 

"'You  will  perceive  by  the  p/ . ••  eding  copies  of  the  minutes  of  the  late  special 
meeting  of  the  Western  Star  Lodge  No.  107,  and  the  copies  of  the  resolutions  of 
the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  the  declaration  of  the  R.  W.  Grand 
Master  of  that  Grand  Lodge,  and  the  letter  of  the  Grand  Secretary,  I  am  directed 
to  transmit  them  to  you  and  apply  for  a  new  warrant  from  the  R.  W.  Grand 
Lodge  of  Illinois. 

"  In  November  a  memorial  was  transmitted  by  the  Master  and  Wardans  of 
this  Lodge  and  laid  before  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  at  the  last  Grand 
Communication,  requesting  a  resolution  to  be  passed  authorizing  the  issue  of  a 
warrant  to  this  Lodge  gratis,  Secretaries  fees  excepted,  which  resolution  was 
passed  as  I  arn  informed  by  a  member  (by  letter)  authorizing  you  to  grant  the 
same  upon  bein^  satisfied  that  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania  con- 
sented thereto.  That  consent  we  now  have,  and  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy. 

" '  The  resolutions  of  this  Lodge  contain,  as  far  as  occurs  to  me,  the  views  and 
desires  of  the  Lodge,  except  a  request  of  the  members  expressed  to  me  of  hav- 
ing an  early  installation,  and  if  consistent,  in  as  public  a  manner  as  the  case  will 
permit.  It  would  afford  us  particular  pleasure  if  you  could  find  it  convenient 
to  be  personally  present,  and  that  we  could  have  certain  previous  information 
of  the  time,  so  that  soiiie  preparations  may  be  made  to  afford  time  to  invite  as 
many  of  the  craft  to  be  present  as  circumstances  may  permit. 


"  I  shall  esteem  it  a  particular  favor  to  receive  from  you  as  early  as  you  can 
find  it  convenient,  an  answer  containing  your  determinations. 

"i  am  with  due  respect,  your  obedient  servant  and  brother, 

"\VM.  C.  GREEXIT. 
"  R.  W.  Bro.  H.  H.  SNOW." 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  in  existence  in  the  year  1828,  as  is  evident 
from  a  paper  which  we  here  present: 

"KASKASKIA,  April  10,  18^0. 

"Sin: — The  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  having  granted  a  warrant  to  the  members 
of  W.  S.  Lodge  No.  107,  formerly  held  under  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  and 
the  new  Lodge  having  been  installed  on  the  21th  June  last,  I  herewith  enclose 
you  the  warrant  of  Lodge  No.  107. 


"Late  W.  M.  W.  S.  Lodge  107. 
"  To  the  R.  W.  Grand  Sec.  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania." 

From  this  time,  until  1835,  all  is  a  blank  as  regards  Freemasonry  in 
Illinois.  Fiery  persecutions  came,  brother  was  arrayed  against  brother, 
foul-mouthed  slander  stalked  abroad;  enmity  was  engendered  in  the 
hearts  of  the  people,  and  if  those  who  held  firmly  to  the  teachings  of  the 
Fraternity  held  any  meetings  whatever,  it  was  done  so  secretly,  and  in 
such  manner,  that  the  outside  world  knew  nothing  of  it. 

The  Grand  Lodge  went  down,  and  with  it,  its  constitution.  The  last 
to  doff  its  armor,  was  Western  Star,  the  Alpha  of  Freemasonry  in  Illinois 
and  Missouri,  and  for  the  time  the  Omega,  as  far  as  our  own  State  is 

Had  the  brethren,  with  that  patience  which  characterized  Masons 
during  those  stormy  years,  held  on  only  three  or  four  years  longer,  th  e 
Lodge  which  was  organized  in  the  year  1805  would  to-day  rank  among 
the  Lodges  of  not  the  weak  Grand  Lodge  of  1826,  but  the  strong,  healthy, 
matured  giant  of  1868,  the  fourth  Grand  Lodge  on  the  face  of  the  earth. 
But  alas  ! 

"  The  best  laid  plans  of  mice  and  men  gang  aft  aglee." 


This  Lodge  (now  No.  1  on  our  register)  was  named  after  Thomas 
Bodley,  who  was  one  of  the  three  representatives  of  Lexington  Lodge 
No.  1,  in  the  convention,  September  8th,  1800,  which  organized  the  Grand 
Lod^e  of  Kentucky,  and  was  clerk  of  the  convention.  He  was  ap- 
pointed Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  Oct.  16,  1800,  at  which  time  he 
was  Senior  Warden  of  Lexington  Lodge.  February  9th  he  was  appointed 
Grand  Secretary,  pro  tern.,  in  the  absence  of  James  Russell,  Gr.  Scn'y,  at 
which  time  he  represented  Lexington  Lodge  as  Master.  He  was  Grand 
Secretary  at  the  October  session  of  1801,  and  also  served  as  Junior 


Grand  Warden  pro  tern,,  in  the  absence  of  C.  L.  Clarke.  He  was  then  ap- 
pointed Grand  Secretary,  and  appeared  as  such  at  the  April  and  October 
sessions  of  1802,  in  which  year  he  was  re-appointed,  being  succeeded  in 
1803  by  Daniel  Bradford.  He  was  one  of  the  clerks  of  the  convention 
which  met  December  13th,  1793,  which  recommended  to  the  United 
States  government  the  seizure  and  control  of  the  Mississippi  river,  alleg- 
ing that  as  Spain  was  then  engaged  in  a  war  which  taxed  all  her 
energies,  the  seizure  of  the  Spanish  country  might  be  easily  made,  and 
easily  held. 

On  December  6th,  1834,  Breth.  Daniel  Harrison,  Daniel  Whipple, 
Henry  King,  Samuel  W.  Rogers,  J.  N.  Ralston,  Joshua  Streeter,  John 
Wood,  Hiram  Rogers,  H.  L.  Montandon,  A.  Miller,  Henry  Asbury,  J.  T. 
Holmes,  Nathaniel  Pease,  Michael  Most,  Salmon  Cogswell,  Richard  M. 
Young,  and  Samuel  Alexander,  met  at  Quincy,  for  the  purpose  of  taking 
into  consideration  the  propriety  of  establishing  a  Lodge.  As  to  the 
transactions  at  that  meeting,  we  will  use  the  words  of  the  record : 

"  On  motion  it  was  unanimously 

"  Resolved,  that  a  petition  be  sent  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky,  praying  the 
grant  of  a  Dispensation,  or  a  Charter  for  a  Lodge,  and  that  Brother  Daniel  Har- 
rison be  recommended  as  Master;  Bros.  Daniel  Whipple  and  H.  King,  Wardens. 

"Whereupon  a  petition  was  drawn  up,  and  signed  by  the  following 
Breth.,  viz :  [The  names  are  those  already  given.] 
"  And  it  was 

"  Resolved,  that  each  Brother  pay  to  Daniel  Harrison  the  sum  of  two  dollars,  to 
be  appropriated  towards  paying  the  expenses  of  said  Dispensation  or  Charter." 

"After  which  the  convention  adjourned  sine  die." 

Nothing  further  was  done  until  the  19th  of  October,  1835,  nearly  one 
year  after  the  meeting  of  the  above  convention.  On  that  day  the  follow- 
ing record  was  made  : 

"  Notice  having  been  given  that  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  had  at 
t.heir  annual  communication,  held  in  Louisville,  on  the  31st  day  of 
August,  A.  L.  5835,  granted  a  Dispensation  for  a  Lodge  to  be  held  in 
Quincy,  111.,  to  be  styled  Bodley  Lodge  U.  D.,  to  continue  one  year,  and 
that  the  R.  W.  Richard  Apperson  G.  M.  G.  L.  K.  had  deputised  Bro. 
H.  H.  Snow  to  install  the  several  officers  named  in  the  said  warrant 
of  Dispensation,  to  set  the  Craft  to  work,  <fcc ;  and  that  October  19,  A.  L. 
1835,  had  been  appointed  for  that  purpose,  the  brethren  met  agreeably 
to  appointment. 

"  Present :  Daniel  Harrison,  Henry  King,  J.  M.  Whitney,  J.  Harris,  J. 
T.  Holmes,  H.  Rogers,  Michael  Most,  J.  N.  Ralston  and  Henry  Asbury. 
The  several  officers  were  then  duly  installed  by  Bro.  II.  H.  Snow,  as  fol- 
lows :  Daniel  Harrison,  W.  M. ;  J.  M.  Whitney,  S.  W.,  pro  tern.; 
Henry  King,  J.  W.;  J.  T.  Holmes, Treas. :  H.  Rogers,  Sec.;  J.  N.  Ralston, 
S.  D.;  Michael  Most,  J.  D.;  Henry  Asbury,  Tyler. 


"  The  Lodge  being  opened  in  the  Entered  Apprentice's  degree,  on  mo- 
tion it  was 

"Resolved,  That  the  Worshipful  Master  appoint  a  committee  of  four,  to  draft  a 
code  of  by-laws,  and  report  the  same  at  our  next  meeting. 

"Bros.  Holmes,  Ealston,  King,  and  Rogers  were  appointed  said  com- 

"  No  further  business  appearing,  the  Lodge  was  closed,  to  meet  again 
Nov.  3,  at  6  o'clock  P.  M." 

The  "J.  M.  Whitney"  alluded  to  in  this  record,  was  J.  W.  "Whitney, 
formerly  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge,  and  then  living  in  Pike  county.  Of  the 
others,  we  have  been  unable  to  obtain  any  information  as  to  where  they 
were  made.  Bros.  Asbury  and  John  Wood  are,  we  believe,  the  only 
brethren  living  who  assisted  in  the  formation  of  Bodley  Lodge. 

"  Meetings  were  held  November  3d,  at  which  Bro.  Whitney  was  in- 
troduced as  a  member  of  LaFayette  Lodge  No. ,  and  appointed  S. 

W.  pro  tern.  The  committee  on  by-laws  reported,  and  their  report  was 
adopted,  but  no  record  of  the  by-laws  appears ,-  on  December  5th,  at  which 
no  business  was  transacted,  and  on  December  26,  at  which  meeting  the 
following  officers  were  elected :  S.  Alexander,  Treas.;  S.  W.  Rogers, 
Sec.;  H.  Rogers,  S.  D.;  J.  N.  Ralston,  J.  D.,  and  A.  Miller  and  S.  Cogges- 
well,  Stewards.  During  the  year  1836,  meetings  were  held  as  follows  : 

January  2d. — At  which  no  business  was  transacted. 

February  7th. — At  which  the  petitions  of  Lytle  Griffin  for  initiation, 
and  James  Murphy  and  J.  W.  Whitney,  for  affiliation,  were  received. 

March  5th. — Bro.  Whitney  was  affiliated,  Lytle  Griffin  elected,  and 
petition  of  James  Murphy  laid  over. 

April  2nd. — Bro.  Murphy's  petition  again  laid  over,  and  initiation  of 
Lytle  Griffin  postponed,  for  want  of  a  suitable  room. 

April  12th. — Lytle  Griffin  was  initiated,  Bro.  Henry  King  presiding. 

May  7th. — Petition  of  James  Murphy  again  laid  over,  and  Griffin 
elected  for,  and  passed  to  the  second  degree. 

June  5th. — Bro.  S.  Coggeswell  was  elected  Tyler. 

June  14th. — Griffin  raised. 

June  24th. — The  Lodge  proceeded  to  the  Congregational  church,  where 
a  sermon  was  delivered  by  the  Rev.  P.  Boring,  after  which  they  returned 
to  the  lodge-room,  where  the  petitions  of  A.  W.  Harris,  Charles  Brown, 
and  J.  C.  Downer,  for  affiliation,  and  James  McClain,  for  initiation,  were 

July  2nd. — Petition  of  Harrison  Dills  received,  and  the  Lodge  unamin- 
ously  resolved  to  petition  the  Grand  Lodge  for  a  charier.  James 
McClain  initiated,  and  petition  of  Louis  Bigwood  received. 

July  25th. — The  Lodge  buried  with  Masonic  honors  the  remains  of 
Brother  Nathaniel  Pease. 


August  6th. — Harrison  Dills  and  Louis  Bigwood  initiated.  Petition 
of  Anthony  Tuslin,  a  Fellow  Craft,  received,  he  elected  and  raised. 
James  McClain  passed.  Committee  on  petitions  for  affiiliation,  received 
at  meeting  of  June  24th,  were  granted  further  time.  Petitions  of  Henry 
L.  Simmons  and  Thomas  Carter  received. 

On  the  22d  October,  the  charter  was  received,  and  accepted.  This 
charter  was  granted  to  them  as  Bodley  Lodge  No.  97.  Louis  Bigwood 
was  examined  in  ope.n  Lodge,  elected  and  passed  to  the  degree  of  Fellow 

November  5th. — Petitions  of  E.  Conyers  and  Martin  Ladnor  for  initia- 
tion, Joseph  Orr  for  second  degree,  and  E.  Turner  for  affiliation  were 
received.  Thomas  Carter  and  H.  L.  Simmons,  initiated.  Harrison  Dills 
passed,  James  McClain  raised,  James  Murphy  affiliated,  and  one  hundred 
copies  by-laws  ordered  to  be  printed. 

December  3d. — Martin  Ladnor  and  Enoch  Conyers  initiated.  H. 
King  demitted.  Breth.  Brown  and  Turner  affiliated.  Petitions  of  T. 
Monroe  and  J.  Grant,  for  affiliation,  and  John  G.  Driskill,  for  initiation, 
received,  and  Louis  Bigwood  raised. 

December  6th. — Brother  Samuel  Alexander  was  buried  with  Masonic 
honors,  and  resolutions  of  sorrow  and  regret  passed. 

December  27th. — Breth.  Monroe  and  Grant  affiliated,  and  officers  as 
follows  elected :  J.  N.  Ealston,  W.  M.;  H.  Rogers,  S.  W.;  D.  Harrison, 
J.  W.;  A.  Miller,  Treas.;  H.  Ashbury,  Sec.;  James  Murphy,  S.  D.;  J.  Grant, 
J.  D.;  and  S.  Cogswell,  Steward  and  Tyler. 


"  On  the  25th  day  of  August,  1836,  Breth.  Harvey  S.  Summers,  John  A. 
Maxsey,  Alexander  Hart,  Henry  P.  Rundel,  Benjamin  Walker,  Wm. 
Wilkinson,  Jacob  Smith,  and  J.  C.  Bruner,  petitioned  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri  for  a  new  Lodge  at  Alton,  to  be  named  Franklin.  This 
petition  was  recommended  by  St.  Louis  Lodge  No.  20,  and  a  dispensa- 
tion, in  the  usual  form,  signed  by  John  D.  Daggett,  Dep.  Grand  Master, 
and  Richard  B.  Dallam,  Grand  Secretary,  was  issued  on  the  9th  of  De- 
cember, 1836. 

"Alexander  Hart  was  named  as  Master;  Benjamin  Walker,  Senior; 
and  Jacob  C.  Bruner,  Junior  Wardens. 

"  Of  these  brethren,  Hart,  Summers,  Rundel,  and  Walker,  we  recog- 
nize as  former  members  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge.  Bro.  Bruner  was  a 
member  of  Libanus  Lodge. 

Of  the  proceedings  of  this  Lodge  during  the  year  1836,  we  have  no 



BODLEY  LODGE  No.  97. 

January  7. — Petitions  of  Colman  Talbot,  J.  W.  Chenoweth,  and  Wil- 
liam Jacobs  received.  Enoch  Conyers  and  Thomas  Carter  passed,  and 
Breth.  Miller,  Ralston  and  Asbury,  were  appointed  a  committe  to  con- 
fer with  the  trustees  of  the  Methodist  church,  and  see  upon  what  terms 
the  Lodge  would  be  allowed  to  fit  up  a  room  in  the  "garret"  of  said 
church,  for  Masonic  purposes,  and  also  to  make  same  inquiry  of  the 
County  Commissioners  as  to  the  Court  House,  then  building. 

February  4th. — 2  o'clock  P.  M.  Petition  of  Colman  Talbot  withdrawn. 
J.  "W.  Chenoweth  initiated.  Petition  of  A.  G.  Driskill  [John  G.]  with- 
drawn. Petition  of  John  Woolffor  initiation,  received.  H.  L.  Simmons 
passed,  and  Harrison  Dills  raised. 

February  18th. — Thomas  Carter  and  Enoch  Conyers  raised. 

April  15th.— A.  W.  Harris  affiliated. 

April  21st. — Petition  of  Stephen  Tusliu  received.  J.  "W.  Chenoweth 
passed,  and  H.  L.  Simmons  raised. 

May  1st. — Stephen  Tuslin  affiliated.  Petition  of  John  H.  Holton  for 
affiliation  received.  J.  W.  Chenowith  raised. 

The  following  was  passed: 

"  Resolved,  That  the  members  of  this  Lodge  celebrate  the  anniversary  of  St. 
John  the  Baptist,  and  that  Bros.  Jnnies  Murphy,  James  McClain,  S.  W.  Rogers, 
J.  N.  Ralston,  and  Thorns  Carter  be  the  committe  of  arrangements,  with  full 
power  to  provide  a  dinner,  an  orator  and  a  preacher  to  officiate  on  said  occasion  ; 
to  invite  our  brothers  of  Palmyra  and  elsewhere  to  attend ;  and  most  respect- 
fully to  invite  the  ladies,  to  partake  of  the  festivities  of  the  occasion;  in  short, 
all  acts  for  the  comfort,  convenience,  and  good  order  of  the  occasion." 

The  following  was  also  passed : 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  tl; 
lodges  in  this  state  are  organized,  j: 
ilinois,  to  be  held  in  the  town  of  Qu 

Breth.  Asbury,  Young,  and  Rogers  were  appointed. 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  ascertain  how  many 
Lodges  in  this  state  are  organized,  preparatory  to  orgai,;:'.ing  a  Grand  Lodge  of 
Illinois,  to  be  held  in  the  town  of  Quincv." 


June  3rd. — J.  H.  Holton  affiliated.  The  resolution  regarding  celebra- 
tion of  St.  John's  day,  was  "rescinded,"  and  an  invitation  from  Palmyra 

July  1st. — John  Woolf  passed,  and  officers  elected  as  follows:  Henry 
Asbury,  W.  M.;  E.  Turner,  S.  W.;  H.  Dills,  J.  W.;  A.  Miller,  Treas.;  J. 
N.  Ralston,  Sec.;  L.  Griffin,  S.  D.;  Jas.  McClain,  J.  D.;  H.  L.  Simmons, 

August  5th. — John  "Woolf  raised,  and  Harrison  Dills  appointed  a  com- 
mittee to  procure  a  lock  for  the  outer  door.. 

September  2nd. — Petitions  of  James  H.  Luce  and  William  S.  Walton, 
presented  by  Bro.  Dills,  and  received.  Bretti.  Eogers  and  Dills  were  ap- 
pointed a  committee  to  inform  a  certain  brother  that  the  "Lodge  had 
witnessed  with  pain  his  habits  of  intemperance,  and  that  the  said  com- 
mittee admonish  him  of  his  errors  in  a  brotherly  manner." 

October  7th. — James  H.  Luce  initiated,  and  A.  W.  Harris  demitted. 

December  2d. — James  H.  Luce  passed. 

December  27th. — Petitions  of  Joseph  Kelly,  John  G.  Driskill,  James 
S.  Logan,  and  P.  W.  Martin  received.  Breth  Ralston,  Rogers,  Cheno- 
weth,  Tuslin,  and  Miller  were  appointed  a  committee  to  nominate 
officers  for  the  ensuing  six  months.  James  H.  Luce  raised.  The  com- 
mittee on  nominations  reported  "that  after  duly  considering  upon  the 
subject  they  believe  it  will  better  comport  with  our  by-laws,  to  have 
some  brother  in  open  Lodge,  to  nominate  any  one  he  may  think  proper." 
The  election  resulted  in  the  choice  of  the  following :  J.  N.  Ralston,  W. 
M.;  J.  H.  Holton,  S.  W.;  L.  Griffin,  J.  W.;  A.  Miller,  Treas.;  Henry  As- 
bury, Sec.;  H.  Rogers,  S.  D.:  H.  Dills,  J.  D.;  L.  Bigwood,  Steward  and 

The  only  record  we  have  relating  to  Franklin  Lodge,  is  the  following : 

April  18th,  A.  D.  1837,  A.  L.  5837.   / 

"  la  open  Lodge,  working  in  the  third  degree  of  Masonry. 

"  Brother  Worshipful  Alexander  Hart  tendered  his  resignation  as  Master  of 
this  Lodge,  which  was  accepted,  subject  to  the  consent  of  the  M.  W.  G.  Lodge. 

"  Brother  Benjamin  Walker,  Senior  Warden,  tendered  his  resignation,  which 
was  accepted,  subject  to  the  consent  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge. 

•'  On  motion, 

"  Resolved,  That  the  Lodge  now  proceed  to  the  election  of' Worshipful  Master 
and  Senior  Warden,  to  fill  the  vacancies  occasioned  by  the  resignation  of  Bros. 
Hart  and  Walker. 

"  Whereupon  a  ballot  was  taken,  and  Brother  Charles  Howard  was  duly  elected 
Worshipful  Master,  and  Brother  Henry  P.  Bundle  was  duly  elected  Senior 

"  On  motion, 


"Resolved,  That  the  Secretary  be  requested  to  transmit  to  the  officers  of  the 
Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  at  St.  Louis,  respectfully  soliciting  their  advice 
and  consent  to  the  appointment  of  Brother  Charles  Howard,  Worshipful  Master; 
Brother  Henry  P.  Rundel,  Senior  Warden,  and  that  Brother  Jacob  C.  Bruner  be 
continued  Junior  Warden  of  their  Lodge.' 

"  I,  Samuel  C.  Pierce,  Secretary  of  Franklin  Lodge,  at  Alton  Illinois,  working 
under  a  dispensation  from  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge,  of  the  State  of  Missouri,  do 
certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  from  the  proceedings  of  said  Lodge. 

"Given  under  my  hand  and  private  seal,  as  Secretary,  this  19th  day  of  April, 
A.  D.  1837,  A.  L.  5S37. 

"S.  C.  PIERCE,  Secretary." 

Upon  receipt  of  this,  a  new  dispensation,  signed  by  S.  W.-Bv.Carnegy, 
Grand  Master,  and  Richard  B.  Dallatn,  Grand  Secretary,  wi^s  issued, 
bearing  date  May  10th,  1837,  and  in  which  Charles  Howard  was\named 
as  W.  M.,  Henry  P.  Rundel,  S.  W.,  and  Jacob  C.  Bruner,  J.  W.  Of  this 
Lodge,  we  have  no  records  for  1837.  ^~ 


On  the  third  day  of  October  1837,  a  petition  for  a  Lodge  at  Jackson- 
ville, Illinois,  signed  by  thirteen  brethren,  was  presented  to  St.  Louis 
Lodge  No.  20,  for  recommendation,  which  was  granted. 

This  petition  was  signed  as  follows  : 

"John  T.  Jones,  late  of  Miami  No.  45,  Ohio;  W.  B.  Warren,  late  of 
Mt.  Vernon  No.  14,  Kentucky;  A.  Dunlap,  late  of  Murray  -No.  35,  Ken- 
tucky; Wm.  S.  Vance,  late  of  Murray  No.  35,  Kentucky;  P.  Coffman, 
late  of  Davis  No.  22,  Lex.,  Ky.;  James  L.  James,  late  of  Brearly 
Lodge  No.  9,  New  Jersey;  Samuel  M.  Prosser,  late  of  Mt.  Olivet,  Va.; 
George  Henry,  late  of  Lexington  No.  1,  Kentucky;  Mat.  Stacy, Hopkins- 
ville,  Ky.;  George  Hackett,  Illion  No.  24,  111.;  Benj.  Harvey,  late  of 
Lexington  No.  1,  Kentucky;  Richard  Henry,  late  of  Lexington  No.  1, 
Kentucky  :  Dennis  Rockwell,  Illion  No.  24,  Illinois." 

Bro.  John  T.  Jones  was  named  as  Master,  W.  B.  Warren  as  S.  W., 
and  Alexander  Dunlap  as  J.  W.  Although  this  dispensation  was  recom- 
mended on  the  3rd  day  of  October,  1837,  it  was  not  received  until  No- 
vember 30, 1838. 


The  petition  for  the  dispensation  for  Egualitv.. Lodge  is  not  .in  existence, 
having  been  destroyed  by  the  fire  in  which  the  records  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Kentucky  were  consumed.  The  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  was 
held  April  7th,  1837. 

We  will  present  the  record  of  the  first  meeting  entire  : 
"  Pursuant  to  a  dispensation  granted  by  Wm.  Brown,  Jr.,  Grand  Mas- 
ter of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Kentucky,  bearing  date  the 

day  of ,  A.  D.  1836,  A.  L.  5836,  granting  to  certain   members  of  the 

honorable  Fraternity  of  Ancient  York  Masons,  the  privilege  of  opening 


a  Lodge  in  the  town  of  E^ualitj,  in  the  county  of^Gallatin  and  State  of 
Illinois,  a  number  of  the  craft  by  previous  [appointment]  met  at  the 
Court  House  in  said  town,  on  the  7th  day  of  April,  A.  D.  1837,  A.  L. 

"  Present:  W.  James  C.  Weller,  of  Clinton  Lodge  No.  82,  M.;  H.  P. 
Williams,  of  same,  S.  W.;  A.  B.  Dake,  formerly  of  Shawneetown  Lodge 
^•o.  — )  j.  W.;  Absalom  Ashby,  of  Cumberland  Lodge  No.  8,  Secretary; 
Willis  Hargrave,  Treasurer;  Israel  Towles,  S.  D.,-  C.  C.  Lockett,  of  Clin- 
ton Lodge  No.  82,  J.  D.;  Thomas  Pruett,  of  same,  S.  and  T.  Edward 

"The  Lodge  was  opened  in  the  3d  degree  according  to  ancient  form 
and  usage. 

"  After  which  the  Lodge  moved  in  procession  to  the  Court  House,  at 
which  time  the  W.  M.  James  C.  Weller  installed,  according  to  ancient 
rites,  A.  B.  Dake,  Master  ;  William  Siddall,  S.  Warden ;  Edward  Levell, 
J.  Warden;  Absalom  Ashby,  Secretary;  Willis  Hargrave,  Treasurer; 
Israel  D.  Towles,  S.  Deacon;  William  Burnett,  J.  Deacon;  S.  D.  Hawke, 
S.  and  Tyler. 

"  The  Rev.  James  Alexander,  by  previous  appointment  and  request, 
proceeded  to  pronounce  the  funeral  service  of  our  departed  and  much 

lamented  worthy  brother,  Tyler  D.  Hewitt,  formerly  of Lodge  No. 

-,  after  which  a  procession  was  formed  and  proceeded  to  the  grave, 

where  the  usual  ceremonies  observed  on  such  occasions  were  performed 
by  the  W.  M. 

'.'The  Lodge  from  thence  proceeded  to  Mr.  Lane's,  to  partake  of  a  col- 
lation prepared  for  the  occasion,  and  then  proceeded  to  the  Lodge  room. 

"  Lodge  was  then  closed  in  due  form  and  harmony,  at  4  o'clock  P.  M. 


Then  follows  the  code  of  by-laws,  in  which  we  see  nothing  strange 
to  extract. 

The  Clinton  Lodge  No.  82,  above  alluded  to,  was  situated  at  Princeton, 
Kentucky,  as  was  also  Cumberland  Lodge  No.  8. 

Bro.  A.  B.  Dake  was  Junior  Warden  of  Albion  Lodge  at  its  organization, 
and  still  later  became  a  member  of  Lawrence  Lodge  No.  34,  at  Shawnee- 

The  next  meeting  was  held  April  llth,  at  which  the  petitions  of  AVm. 
J.  Gatewood,  S.  R.  Rowan,  Tarlton  Dunn,  James  W.  Hamilton,  Andrew 
Musgrave,  and  Valentine  J.  Evins,  for  initiation,  and  T.  Levell,  for  the 
third  degree,  were  received.  Bro.  Levell  was  elected  instanter,  and 
raised  the  same  evening. 

April  29 — The  following  petitions  were  received :  Wm.  T.  Hewitt,  for 
affiliation;  Edward  Dobbins,  for  second  degree;  Joseph  E.  Watkins,  for 
initiation.  May  6— J.  W.  Hamilton,  A.  W.  Pool,  V.  F.  Evins,  S.  R 


Rowan,  elected  to  first  degree;  Edward  Dobbins  to  second,  and  "Wm.  F. 
Hewut  for  affiliation.  May  8— J.  W.  Hamilton;  May  11,  A.  W.  Pool, 
and  on  May  13,  V.  F.  Evins,  were  initiated.  May  17 — Edward  Dobbins, 
and  on  May  22,  A.  W.  Pool  and  J.  W.  Hamilton  were  passed.  May 
26 — Edward  Dobbins  raised,  E.  Jones  demitted,  and  petitions  of  Robert 
T.  Hopper,  Daniel  F.  Boswell,  and  Lee  Hargrave  for  initiation,  and 
Samuel  Gary,  of  Clinton  No.  9,  Ohio,  for  the  second  degree,  received. 
May  27— J.  W.  Hamilton  raised.  May  29 — A.  W.  Pool  raised.  May 
31 — Wm.  J.  Gatewood  and  Joseph  E.  Watkins,  and  on  June  1,  Tarlton 
Dunn,  were  initiated.  June  3 — Petition  of  L.  "VV.  Hargrave  received, 
and  Daniel  F.  Boswell  initiated.  June  6 — Robert  T.  Hopper  and  Lee 
Hargrave  initiated.  June  7 — Watkins  and  Dunn  elected,  and  Lodge 
closed  until  next  morning  at  8  o'clock,  at  which  time  Gatewood  was 
elected,  and  the  Lodge  called  off  until  2  o'clock  P.  M.,  when  Gatewood, 
Dunn,  Watkins,  and  Boswell  were  passed.  June  10 — Hopper  passed. 
June  12 — Gatewood  and  Dunn,  and  on  June  14,  Boswell  and  Watkins, 
were  raised.  June  17 — Petitions  of  E.  H.  Gatewood,  Solomon  Holt, 
Moses  Thompson,  and  Moses  Fowler  received.  Committee  appointed  to 
"  restore  harmony  between  Breth.  Gatewood  and  Hamilton,  and  Breth. 
Hawke  and  Dobbins."  Hopper  raised,  and  Isaac  D.  Towles  demitted. 
June  19 — L.  W.  Hargrave  and  Lee  Hargrave  passed.  June  20 — Solomon 
Holt  and  Moses  Thompson  initiated,  and  L.  W.  Hargrave  and  Lee 
Hargrave  raised.  June  24 — Twenty-one  brethren  present.  H.  Wilson 
and  Leonard  White  visiting.  The  Lodge  having  proceeded  to  an 
election,  the  following  result  was  arrived  at:  Arnold  B.  Dake  was 
elected  W.  M.;  A.  W.  Pool,  S.  W.;  Tarlton  Dunn,  J.  W.;  William  J. 
Gatewood,  Secretary  ;  Robert  T.  Hopper,  Treasurer ;  J.  E.  Watkins,  S.  D.; 
T.  H.  Levell,  J.  D.;  and  S.  D.  Hawke,  Tyler.  The  officers  were  then 
installed,  when  "they  were  called  from  labor  to  refreshment,  and  the 
brethren  repaired  from  the  lodge-room  to  the  house  of  Mr.  S.  R.  Rowan, 
where  they  were  again  called  on,  and  a  regular  procession  was  formed, 
according  to  ancient  usage.  Bro.  Watkins,  Marshal.  The  Lodge  then 
proceeded  to  the  Court  House,  and  heard  a  sermon  delivered  by  the  Rev. 
James  Alexander,  and  prayer  by  Rev.  Benjamin  Bruce,  after  which  they 
proceeded  to  the  house  of  Mr.  Lewis  Reed,  joined  by  the  clergy  and 
ladies,  where  they  partook  of  an  excellent  collation  prepared  for  the 
occasion."  June  27 — Ephraim  II.  Gatewood  initiated,  and  on  the  28th 
passed  to  the  "  honorable  degree  of  a  Fellow  Craft."  June  3 — S.  Garey 
passed.  Petition  of  James  Williams  received,  and  he  initiated,  and 
E.  H.  Gatewood  raised.  July  27 — Stephen  R.  Rowan  initiated.  August 
5 — Bro.  Absalom  Ashby  demitted,  and  committee  appointed  to  collect 
dues,  and  pay  off  the  debts  of  the  Lodge.  August  8 — Sundry  bills 
allowed.  Settlement  had  with  Bro.  Ashby  as  Secretary.  Rev.  J.  C. 
Alexander  voted  ten  dollars  for  services  as  Chaplain  on  St.  John's  Day. 


Petition  of  Thos.  J.  Lindsey  received,  and  twenty  dollars  voted  Bro. 
Wm.  J.  Gatewood, "  in  view  of  his  recent  misfortune."  August  10 — Thos. 
J.  Lindsey  initiated.  The  following  letter  was  drawn  up  by  Wm.  J. 
Gatewood,  and  forwarded  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  : 

"  EQUALITY  LODGE  U.  D.,  \ 

SATURDAY,  Aug.  5,  A.  I).  1837,  A.  L.  5837.  J 

"Philip  Swigert,  O.  Sec.  O,  L.  of  Kentucky: 

"SiR ;— Accompanying  this  communication  please  receive  the  return  of  Equality 
Lodge  U.  D.,  held  in  Equality,  Gallatin  county,  State  of  Illinois. 

"  It  will  be  perceived  from  the  return  that  since  the  7th  of  April  last,  the  date 
of  the  installation  of  this  Lodge,  many  new  members  have  been  made,  and  much 
business  done,  and  that  with  almost  unprecedented  rapidity ;  but  I  am  instructed 
to  say  that  this  appearance  will  not,  it  is  hoped,  prejudice  the  application  of  this 
Lodge  to  the  G.  L.  of  Kentucky  for  a  charter. 

"The  long  suspension  of  almost  all  Lodges  in  the  western  country  from  labor, 
occasioned  by  a  circumstance  occurring  several  years  since  in  one  of  the  eastern 
States,  and  well  known  to  Masons,  has  just  so  long  left  many  friendly  to  Masonry 
without  the  means  of  becoming  members  until  the  opening  of  this  Lodge;  and 
it  is  believed  that  this  will  furnish  a  sufficient  apology,  if  any  be  needed,  for  the 
celerity  with  which  work  has  been  done  here. 

"  I  am  instructed  also  to  state  that  in  every  instance  of  a  deviation  from  the 
bye-laws,  they  have  been  formally  and  by  unanimous  vote  dispensed  with;  and,, 
also,  that  in  all  the  cases  of  new  members,  they  have  long  been  intimately- 
acquainted  with  the  elders ;  and,  further,  that  in  almost  every  instance  when  the 
bye-laws  have  been  dispensed  with,  it  has  appeared  to  be  a  case  of  some  emer- 

"  Not  knowing  whether  it  be  necessary  to  send  with  this  return  a  copy  of  the 
bye-laws  of  this  Lodge,  it  is  not  sent;  but  this  Lodge  works  under  a  literal  copy 
of  the  bye-laws  of  Clinton  Lodge  No.  82,  Kentucky. 

"Accompanying  this  please  also  receive  the  dispensation  of  the  G.  L.  of  Ken- 
tucky to  this  Lodge. 

"Please  also  receive  enclosed  fifteen  dollars  for  the  dispensation,  and  balance 
remitted  for  charter  of  this  Lodge. 

"I  am  also  instructed  to  make  direct  application  to  the  G.  L.  of  Kentucky,  in 
this  mode,  for  a  charter  to  this  Lodge,  by  the  name  of  Equality  Lodge  No.  — . 

"  It  is  supposed  the  sum  remitted  will  be  sufficient,  if  not,  the  remainder  will 
be  sent  on  the  first  notice. 

"  It  would  be  acknowledged  as  a  favor  if  you  would  inform  the  Secretary  of 
this  Lodge  what  would  be  the  probable  cost  of  jewels,  well  made  and  reasonably 
heavy,  for  a  Master's  Lodge. 

"  With  sentiments  of  great  respect,  and  due  consideration,  I  am,  respectfully, 
your  obedient  servant, 

"  WM.  J.  GATEWOOD, 

"  Sec.  Equality  Lodge  U.  D. 

"P.  S.— This  Lodge  was  installed  April  7, 1837,  by  J.  C.  Weller,  of  Clinton  Lodge 
No.  82,  Kentucky." 

The  Lodge  was  duly  constituted  as  No.  102,  on  the  twenty-second 
September,  1837,  by  James  C.  Weller,  D.  G.  M. 


The  Lodge  from  that  time  until  the  close  of  the  year  received  three 
petitions,  viz.:  Joseph  Choisser,  Joel  Holliday,  and  Lorenzo  D.  Atkins. 
Of  these,  Choisser  was  initiated  November  4th.  The  twenty-seventh  of 
December  was  duly  observed  by  partaking  of  dinner  at  the  house  of  Bro. 
Benjamin  Lafferty.  On  this  day  officers  were  elected  to  serve  the  Lodge 
for  the  ensuing  six  months,  who  were  as  follows  :  Arnold  B.  Dake,  "W.  M.; 
A.  W.  Pool,  S.  \V.;  Tarlton  Dunn,  J.  W.;  E.  T.  Hopper,  Treasurer;  Wm. 
J.  Gatewood,  Secretary;  W.  H.  Siddall  and  T.  H.  Leavell,  Deacons;  and 
James  Hamilton,  Tyler.  Bro.  William  F.  Hewitt  was  demitted  on  the 
fourth  November. 



BODLEY  LODGE  No.  97. 

During  this  year  the  following  brethren  were  raised  :  John  G.  Driskill, 
May  5 ;  James  Magorian,  June  2 ;  Joseph  Kelly,  June  25 ;  W.  S.  Walton, 
July  7;  E.  M.  Davis  was  affiliated  December  27. 

The  twenty-fourth  of  June  was  duly  celebrated,  the  Lodge  forming  a 
procession  and  proceeding  to  the  Congregational  Church,  where  an  address 
was  delivered  by  J.  H.  Holton.  From  thence  they  proceeded  to  the 
"  Land  Office  Hotel,  where  dinner  was  duly  served  up."  On  their  return 
to  the  Lodge,  John  H.  Holton  was  elected  W.  M.j  J.  N.  Ralston,  S.  W.; 
J.  H.  Luce,  J.  W.;  A.  Miller,  Treasurer;  Hiram  Rogers,  Secretary; 
E.  Turner,  S.  D.;  T.  Monroe,  J.  D.;  Harrison  Dills,  Steward  and  Tyler. 

At  the  meeting  of  October  3d,  Breth.  Asbury,  Dills,  Turner,  and  Luce 
were  appointed  a  committee  to  procure  a  "lot  of  ground"  for  the  purpose 
of  building  a  lodge-room  thereon;  and  it  was  resolved  that  they  should 
proceed  immediately  to  build  said  hall. 

November  3d,  a  petition  from  sundry  brethren  at  Columbus,  asking 
a  recommendation  to  their  petition  for  a  Lodge,  was  granted. 

On  the  first  of  December,  Martin  Ladnor,  J.  W.  Chenoweth,  and 
Joseph  Kelly  were  expelled  for  taking  leave  without  notifying  their 
creditors  of  their  intention  to  do  so.  These  brethren  are  fully  described 
in  the  record,  and  among  other  matters,  Bro.  Chenoweth  was  stated  to 
be  by  "  occupation  a  blacksmith  and  Methodist."  At  the  same  meeting 
Bro.  Ralston  introduced  the  following : 

"Resolved,  That  it  is  expedient  for  this  Lodge  to  relinquish  its  charter  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  at  its  next  annual  communication." 

Which  was  laid  over  to  the  next  communication. 

At  the  meeting  of  December  27th,  the  Building  Committee  reported 
that  a  building  20  by  35  feet,  two  stories  high,  would  cost  sixteen  hundred 


dollars,  and  that  they  had  subscriptions  to  the  amount  of  $600.  It  was 
decided  not  to  proceed  further  during  that  season. 

Bro.  Ralston's  resolution  was  laid  over  to  January,  1839,  when  the 
Lodge  went  into  an  election  of  officers,  making  choice  of  the  following: 
J.  N.  Ralston,  W.  M.;  Hiram  Rogers,  S.  W.;  H.  Dills,  J.  W.;  J.  H.  Luce, 
Sec.;  T.  Monroe  and  Enoch  Conyers,  Deacons;  J.  Woolf,  Steward  and 
Tyler.  No  record  appears  of  an  election  of  Treasurer. 


The  following  were  raised  in  this  Lodge  during  the  year  :  Joseph 
Choisser,  Jan.  10;  Thomas  J.  Lindsey,  Mar.  4;  J.  M.  Burnett,  June  2; 
Samuel  S.  Scudder,  June  6  ;  James  Bennett,  June  21 ;  A.  Irvin,  July  24. 

Equality  Lodge  was  the  first  to  perform  the  ceremonies  of  laying  a 
corner-stone  within  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  for  this  reason  we  give  the 
record  concerning  that  act  in  full: 

";EQUALITY  LODGE  No.  102,  \ 
Feb.  19,  A.  D.  1838,  A.  L.  5838.   j 

"Present:  A.  B.  Dake,  W.  M.;  A.  \V.  Pool,  S.  W.;  T.  Dunn,  J.  W.;  W.  J.  Gate- 
wood,  Secretary ;  L.  W.  Hargrave,  Treasurer,  p.  t.;  J.  E.  Watkins,  8.  D.,  p.  t.;  T. 
H.  Leavell,  J.  D.;  J.  Hamilton,  Tyler;  S.  Scudder,  Entered  Apprentice. 

"  The  Lodge  opened  in  the  first  degree  of  Masonry,  and  on  motion,  ordered 
that  Bro.  T.  Dunn,  Gatewood,  and  Pool  report  arrangements  with  officers  for 
the  celebration  of  laying  the  corner-stone  of  the  public  work  at  Shawneetown, 
on  the  24th  inst.,  which  was  adopted  as  follows  : 

"  Bro.  J.  E.  Watkins,  Marshal ;  E.  H.  Gatewood,  Assistant  Marshal ;  Edward 
Jones,  Orator;  Rev.  B.  F.  Spilman,  Chaplain.  Edward  Leavell,  William  Burnett, 
Willis  Hargrave,  bearers  of  corn,  wine,  and  oil;  Bro.  Lee  Hargrave  and  Ed.  Dob- 
bins, Stewards  White  Rod ;  Jos.  Choisser  and  Lee  Hargrave,  Black  Rod. 

"  The  Lodge  then  closed  in  this  degree,  and  opened  in  the  third  in  regular 
form,  when  the  Worshipful  Master  called  off  until  Friday,  the  23d  inst.,  at  8 
o'clock,  at  Shawneetown. 

"SHAWNEETOWN,  Feb.  23d,  A.  D.  1838,  A.  L.  5838. 

"The  Lodge  was  called  from  refreshment  to  labor. 

"Present:  A.  B.  Dake,  W.  M.;  W.  J.  Gatewood.  S.  W.,  p.  t.  and  Sec.;  W.  Hewett, 
J.  W.  and  Treas.,  p.  t;  I.  D.  Towles,  S.  and  J.  D.,  p.  t.;  J.  Hamilton,  Tyler;  A. 
Flanders,  Master  Mason. 

"  The  Lodge  was  then  called  from  labor  to  refreshment  until  to-morrow  at  11 
o'clock,  at  the  lodge-room  in  Shawneetown. 

"  SHAWNEETOWN,  Feb.  24, 1838,  A.  L.  5838. 

"Present:  A.  B.  Dake,  W.  M.;  A.  W.  Pool,  S.  W.;  Visiting  Bro.  Calvin  Gold, 
J.  W.,  p.  t.;  W.  J.  Gatewood,  Sec.;  R.  T.  Hopper,  Treas.;  Wm.  Burnett,  S.  D.,  p.  t; 
I.  D.  Towles,  J.  D.,p.  t.;  Visiting  Breth.  A.  Kirkpatrick,  Jno.  Marshall,  and  Bro. 
Edward  Savill,  bearers  of  corn,  wine,  and  oil ;  Bro.  J.  Choisser  and  visiting  Bro. 

Anderson,  of  Ohio,  Stewards  with  Black  Rods ;  Bros.  Flanders,  Towles,  and 

Hewitt,  M.  M.,  and  Bennett,  E.  A.,  Musicians;  E.  H.  Gatewood,  Marshal;  L. 
White,  Bearer  of  the  Bible  ;  Bro.  F.  Crafts  Lindsy  and  Geary ;  Bros.  E.  A.  William 
Choisser,  S.  Scudder,  and  Jno.  M.  Burnett. 


"After  forming,  the  procession  proceeded  to  the  upper  end  of  the  work,  and 
there  laid  the  corner-stone  of  the  public  work  in  due  and  ancient  form,  after  which 
they  repaired  to  the  hotel  of  Mr.  Wagoner,  in  Shawneetown,  and  partook  of  an  ex- 
cellent repast  prepared  for  the  occasion.  The  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  lodge- 
room  in  Shawneetown,  and  called  from  labor  to  refreshment,  to  meet  at  the 
lodge-room  in  Equality,  on  Feb.  26th,  1838." 

March  3d,  Daniel  F.  Boswell  was  expelled.  His  description,  like 
those  of  B  )dley  Lodge,  appears  in  full  upon  the  record.  He  is  described  as 
"neat  in  dress,  handsome  in  visage,  quick  spoken,  rather  forward,  and 
not  very  learned"  etc. 

"  Bro.  William  Siddall  demitted  June  16. 

"June  2i,  Bro.  Dake  was  re-elected  W.  M.,  there  being  no  opposition; 
for  Senior  Warden  there  were  two  candidates,  "  Bro.  T.  Dunn  receiving 
8  votes  to  1  for  Bro.  Pool ;"  T.  Levell  was  elected  J.  W.;  E.  Jones,  Sec'y ; 
R.  T.  Hopper,  Treasurer;  J.  E.  Watkins  and  S.  S.  Scudder,  Deacons; 
T.  J.  Lindsey,  Tyler.  July  24th,  Bro.  H.  Wilson  was  admitted. 

"  On  the  27th  December,  Bro.  A.  W.  Pool  was  elected  W.  M.;  Thomas 
H.  Levell,  S.  W.;  James  W.  Hamilton,  J.  W.;  Robert  T.  Hopper,  Secre- 
tary; William  Siddall,  Treasurer;  J.  E.  Watkins  and  S.  S.  Scudder, 
Deacons ;  and  J.  T.  Lindsey,  Tyler. 


On  the  30th  day  of  June,  a  dispensation  was  granted  to  Breth.  William 
Hodge  as  Master,  John  D.  Gorin  as  Senior  Warden,  and  Nathaniel  M. 
McCurdy  as  Junior  Warden,  to  open  and  hold  Temperance  Lodge,  at 
Vandjdia.  The  Lodge  did  no  work  under  this  dispensation,  and  at  the 
meeting  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  held  in  October,  it  was  re- 
newed. The  first  dispensation  was  signed  by  John  D.  Daggett,  D.  G. 
M., attested  by  Richard  B.  Dallam,  Grand  Secretary.  The  second,  which 
was  dated  October  3d,  was  granted  to  the  same  officers,  and  was  signed 
by  the  same  grand  officers.  The  Lodge  did  no  work  during  the  year 


The  record  of  the  preliminary  meeting  of  this  Lodge  we  present  en- 
tire : 

"At  a  meeting  of  the  following  brethren  of  the  Masonic  family, 
held  in  Columbus,  October  19th,  1838,  present:  Lytle  Griffing,  Daniel 
Harrison,  Stephen  Tousalin,  John  G.  Driskill,  Anthony  Tousalin,  S.  H. 
B.  Clarkson,  James  McGorian,  John  Neal,  A.  Jonas. 

"  Bro.  S.  H.  B.  Clarkson  was  appointed  Chairman,  and  Bro.  A.  Jonas, 

"  On  motion, 

"  Resoloed,  That  an  application  be  made  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  for  a 
dispensation  for  a  Lodge  in  Columbus,  to  be  called  Columbus  Lodge,  Adams 


county,  Illinois,  and  that  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  carry  the  same 
into  effect— and  that  Bros.  Harrison,  Jonas,  and  Griffing  be  said  committee. 

"Resolved,  That  A.Jonas  be  recommended  as  the  first  Master;  Daniel  Harrison 
as  the  first  Senior  Warden,  and  J.  G.  Driskill,  as  the  first  Junior  Warden  of  said 

"Resolved,  That  application  be  made  to  the  Quincy  Lodge  at  their  next  meet- 
ing, for  recommendation  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  of  the  petition  for  a 
dispensation,  and  that  Bros.  Harrison,  McGorian,  Driskill,  Griffing,  S.  and  A. 
Tousalin  be  a  committee  to  attend  to  the  same. 

"Resolved,  That  Bros.  Griffing,  Driskill,  and  Jonas  be  a  committee  to  consult 
with  Mr.  Ledder  Davis  on  the  subject  of  a  lodge-room,  and  report  to-morrow 
evening,  the  20th  instant. 

"Resolved,  That  each  one  of  the  petitioners  for  a  dispensation  agree  to  lend 
the  new  Lodge  $10  each,  to  be  repaid  whenever  the  Lodge  has  the  means  of  so 

"Resolved,  That  the  meeting  adjourn  to  meet  again  to-morrow  evening  at  the 
same  place.  Attest. 

"Agreeable  to  adjournment,  the  meeting  convened  on  Saturday  even- 
ing. Present,  Bros.  Lytle  Griffing,  J.  G.  Driskill,  A.  Touzalin,  D.  Har- 
rison, J.  Neal  and  A.  Jonas. 

"And  on  motion, 

"  Daniel  Harrison  was  appointed  Chairman.  The  committee  ap- 
pointed to  communicate  with  Mr.  Ledder  Davis,  on  the  subject  of  a 
lodge-room,  reported  that  the  room  could  be  obtained  at  $7  per  month, 
and  that  the  room  should  be  finished  in  a  proper  manner,  and  the  ex- 
pense be  deducted  out  of  rent. 

"Ordered,  That  same  committee  enter  into  contract  in  writing  with  Mr.  Davis 
to  that  effect. 

"It  was  further  resolved  that  the  same  committee  have  full  power  and 
authority,  after  the  contract  is  made,  to  have  the  work  done  and  com- 
pleted on  the  best  terms,  and  at  the  most  reasonable  rates. 

"The  meeting  then  adjourned,  to  meet  on  Wednesday  evening. 


Lytle  Griffing  was  the  first  raised  in  Bodley  Lodge,  and  in  fact,  all 
but  Harrison,  Clarkson,  and  Jonas,  were  made  in  that  Lodge.  Daniel 
Harrison  was  the  first  Master  of  Bodley  Lodge.  This  Lodge  was  recom- 
mended by  Bodley  Lodge  on  the  3rd  of  November.  The  dispensation 
was  not  received  until  the  6th  of  June  of  the  following  year,  conse- 
quently this  Lodge  did  no  work  during  1838. 


This  Lodge  was  constituted  on  the  30th  day  of  November,  1838,  as  the 
following  certificate  will  show: 

"  To  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master,  Deputy   Grand  Master,  and  Wardens  of 

the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri : 

"In  obedience  to  a  deputation  from  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master,  em- 
powering me  as  Deputy  Grand  Master  for  the  time  being,  to  install  the  officers 
of  Harmony  Lodge  No.  21,  Jacksonville,  I  did  on  the  30th  day  of  November,  A. 


D.  1838,  A.  L.  5838,  proceed  to  and  did  install  Bro.  Jno.  T.Jones,  as  Master;  W.  B. 
Warren,  Sr.  Warden;  A.  Dunlap,  Jr.  Warden;  D.Rockwell,  Sec'y.;  M.  Stacey, 
Treas.;  J.  L.  James,  Sr.  Deacon  ;  W.  S.  Vance,  Jr.  Deacon  ;  A.  L.  Dixon,  S.  and  T.; 
of  said  Harmony  Lodge  No.  24,  in  form  after  the  ancient  usages  of  the  order. 

"Given  under  my  hand  and  private  seal  at  Jacksonville,  the 

:    „,    .     •        day  and  date  above  written. 

"W.  B.  WARREN, 

"D.  G.  M.  G.  L.  tern." 

This  Lodge  held  four  meetings  during  the  year  1838,  the  proceedings 
of  one  of  which  have  just  been  given.  On  December  3rd  the  Lodge  met, 
when  Bro.  John  Gregory,  a  Fellow  Craft,  was  raised.  Dennis  Rockwell 
was  elected  Secretary,  and  Matthew  Stacy,  Treasurer,  James  L.  James 
and  William  S.  Vance  were  appointed  Deacons. 

December  27th,  the  Lodge  again  met  and  opened  on  the  first  degree. 
An  address  was  delivered  by  the  W.  M.,  "much  to  the  edification  and 
instruction  of  those  present."  An  election  was  then  held,  resulting  as 
follows :  John  T.  Jones,  W.  M.,-  Wm.  B.  Warren,  S.  W.;  Alex.  Dunlap, 
J.  W.;  Dennis  Rockwell,  Secretary;  Mat.  Stacy,  Treasurer;  A.  C.  Dick- 
son,  Tyler.  Breth.  James  and  Vance  were  re-appointed  Deacons,  and 
Vance  and  H.  W.  Osburn  were  elected  Stewards.  Petition  of  James  T. 
Sigler,  for  affiliation,  was  received.  Bro.  Stacy  was  directed  to  procure 
"two  dozen  white. Lambskin  aprons,  and  two  turned  collums." 

December  28,  Bro.  Wm.  D.  McCord  was  passed  and  raised. 


December  29th,  1838,  the  following  petition  was  forwarded  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri : 

"  GALENA,  29th  Dec.,  A.  L.,  5838. 
•'  To  the  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mo. :  . 

"  We,  the  undersigned  brethren  residing  in  the  town  of  Galena,  Jo  Daviess 
county,  State  of  Illinois,  are  desirous  of  forming  ourselves  into  a  Lodge  of  'An- 
cient York  Masons,'  to  be  styled  and  known  by  the  name  of  'Far  We*.,'  and 
must  beg  of  you  to  lay  this  our  petition  before  the  Worshipful  Master,  Wardens 
and  members  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mo.,  and  pray  them  to  grant  us  a  charter 
in  the  names  of  Charles  Gear,  W.  M.;  Edward  W.  Turner,  S.  W.;  Samuel  McLean, 


J.  W.    As  there  is  no  Lodge  in  this  place  or  district  of  country,  we  must  refer 
you  to  Bro.  Wm.  Hempstead,  of  St.  Louis. 

"  Permit  us  to  subscribe  ourselves,  yours  fraternally, 

E.  W.  TURNER, 

J.  E.  SMITH, 
A.  T.  CROW, 
H.  H.  GEAR, 
M.  F.  AULETT, 

Two  of  the  names  on  this  petition  are  familiar,  Charles  and  H.  H. 
Gear,  who  were  both  members  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  5. 
This  Lodge  did  no  work  during  the  year  1838. 




The  members  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  this  year,  were  as  follows  : 
H.  F.  Main,  Sept.  3rd;  H.  F.Thompson,  Sept.  30th;  F.  G.  Johnston,  and 
John  Crockett,  Dec.  14th. 

At  the  meeting  of  January  5th,  a  motion  was  made  to  adopt  Bro.  Ral- 
ston's  resolution  regarding  the  surrender  of  the  charter,  but  after  much 
discussion,  it  was  laid  over  until  the  meeting  in  March.  Bro.  Asbury 
was  demitted  Feb.  5th.  March  6,  Bro.  Ralston's  resolution  to  surrender 
the  charter  was  taken  up  and  pressed  to  a  vote,  the  result  being  'Ayes, 
3,  iToes,  13."  So  ended  that  matter.  At  this  meeting  Bro.  S.  Tuslin 
was  demitted. 

At  the  meeting  of  April  2,  the  question  of  building  a  hall  was  again 
brought  up,  and  a  committee  of  five  appointed  to  inquire  into  the 
feasibility  of  the  matter.  Twenty  dollars  was  voted  the  Trustees  of  the 
Methodist  Church,  which  leads  us  to  believe  that  the  room  in  the 
"garret"  was  fitted  up. 

June  4th,  the  Committee  on  Building  reported  adversely  to  such 
project,  and  reported  that  they  had  procured  a  suitable  room  in  the 
second  story  of  Brother  Most's  two  story  building,  "  on  the  Square,  at 
$60."  The  by-laws  were  so  amended  at  this  meeting  as  to  provide  for 
elections  annually,  "  according  to  ancient  usage." 

June  24th,  Breth.  Harrison,  Tuslin,  and  GrifSng  were  demitted  to 
assist  in  forming  Columbus  Lodge.  Officers  as  follows  were  elected : 
H.  Rogers,  "W.  M. ;  H.  Dills,  S.  W.;  E.  M.  Davis,  J.  W. ;  A.  Miller, 
Treas. ;  J.  H.  Luce,  Sec'y ;  T.  Monroe  and  H.  L.  Simmons,  Deacons ; 
M.  Most,  Steward  and  Tyler.  The  following  we  quote:  "  Bro.  Ralston 
read  a  letter  from  Harmony  Lodge  No.  24,  at  Jacksonville,  relative  [to] 
forming  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State.  The  following  resolution  was, 
after  some  discussion,  passed  :  Resolved,  That  we  deem  it  expedient  to 
form  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State,  and  Bros.  Ralston  and  Rogers  were 


appointed  a  committee  to  answer  said  letter  on  the  subject  of  the  Grand 

August  17th,  Bro.  Louis  Bigwood  was  demitted.  Sept.  3d.,  Bro. 
Asbury  affiliated.  December  2d,  W.  S.  Walton  expelled. 

Notwithstanding  the  Lodge  had  resolved  to  elect  officers  for  twelre 
months,  "according  to  ancient  usage,"  on  the  27th  of  December  it  went 
into  an  election,  which  resulted  in  the  choice  of  the  following  breth- 
ren: J.  N.  Ralston,  W.  M.;  H.  Asbury,  S.  W. ;  T.  Monroe,  J.  W. ; 
A.  Miller,  Treasurer;  E.  M.  Davis,  Secretary.  -Bro.  Holton  was  elected 
Secretary,  but  was  allowed  to  decline.  In  all  this  time  it  is  perhaps 
proper  to  say  that  all  business  was  transacted  in  the  first  degree,  and 
the  Lodge  almost  invariably  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 


The  work  (raisings)  done  by  this  Lodge  during  this  year  was  as  fol- 
lows :  Beverly  R.  Young,  Feb.  1;  S.  Gary,  March  4;  Solomon  Holt, 
Oct.  2:  James  Williams,  Oct.  6  ;  John  Howard,  Dec.  7. 

The  last  meeting  at  which  Bro.  Dake  was  present  was  on  August  4th, 
and  among  the  proceedings  of  the  meeting  of  January  5th,  1839,  we  find 
the  following  entry  : 

"Ordered,  That  Brother  William  Siddall  be  allowed  twenty  dollars  and  thirty- 
seven  cents  for  crape,  etc..  furnished  at  the  burial  of  deceased  Brothers  William 
F.  Hewitt  and  A.  B.  Dake." 

This  is  the  first  intimation  of  the  death  of  these  brethren,  there  being 
no  record  as  to  their  death  or  their  burial,  previous  to  the  entry  quoted. 

May  4th,  Bro.  Scudder  was  allowed  one  dollar  for  "  trimming  the 
bier  of  deceased  Brother  A.  B.  Dake." 

On  the  17th  of  May  the  officers  elected  in  December,  1838,  for  six 
months,  were  installed. 

June  13th,  Moses  Thompson,  an  Entered  Apprentice,  was  expelled. 

June  24th,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  A.  W.  Pool,  W.  M. ; 
Thos.  H.  Leavell  (or  Levell),  S.  W.;  Jas.  W.  Hamilton,  J.  W.:  William 
Siddall,  Treas.;  R.  T.  Hopper,  Sec.,-  J.  E.  Watkins  and  S.  S.  Scudder, 
Deacons ;  Thomas  J.  Lindsey,  Tyler.  The  day  was  then  properly 

July  6th,  Breth.  Siddall,  Leavell,  and  Hamilton  were  appointed  a 
committee  to  settle  a  difficulty  between  Brethren  Dunn  and  Hopper. 

July  20th,  a  request  was  received  from  the  "  Bank  of  Illinois,"  at 
Shawneetown,  asking  the  Lodge  to  lay  the  corner-stone  of  their  "new 
banking  house,"  which  was  done  "  according  to  ancient  form."  Bro. 
Wm.  J.  Gatewood  delivered  the  oration  on  that  occasion. 

On  the  17th  of  October,  "Brother  Matthew  Hammond,  aged  about  35 
years,  a  member  of  Trinity  Lodge  No.  37,  New  York,"  having  died,  was 
buried  with  Masonic  honors. 


November  19th,  the  following  resolution  was  passed  : 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  [consisting]  of  Brothers  William  J.  Gatewood, 
Edmund  Jones,  and  Tarlton  Dunn,  be  appointed  to  correspond  with  all  the  sub- 
ordinate Lodges  of  this  State,  with  a  view  to  reorganizing  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
the  State  of  Illinois." 

December  27th,  the  officers  for  the  ensuing  six  months  were  elected, 
which  resulted  in  the  choice  of  the  following  brethren :  Harrison 
Wilson,  W.  M. ;  Edmund  Jones,  S.  W. ;  Jas.  W.  Hamilton,  J.  W.;  Solo- 
mon Holt,  Secretary;  William  Siddall,  Treas.;  Thos.  J.  Lindsey  and 
B.  C.  Crow,  Deacons  ;  Beverly  R.  Young,  Tyler.  The  day  was  observed, 
the  Lodge  partaking  of  dinner  at  the  house  of  Brother  Leave!!.  Bro. 
Crow  was  admitted  on  the  5th  of  August.  On  December  7th  Breth. 
Lindsey,  Scudder,  and  Young  asked  demits,  which  were  granted.  Bro. 
Holt  asked  for  a  demit  at  the  same  meeting,  which  was  refused.  These 
demits  did  not  seem  to  have  affected  the  relations  of  the  brethren  to 
the  Lodge  to  any  great  degree,  as  at  the  next  meeting  three  of  the 
brethren  were  elected  to  offices,  and  there  is  no  record  of  their  having 
been  re-admitted. 


January  7th,  petition  of  John  E.  Denny  received  and  referred. 

February  4th,  Bro.  J.  T.  Sigler  affiliated.  At  this  meeting  the  fol- 
lowing was  passed  :  "  On  motion,  it  was  voted  that  twenty  dollars  be 
appropriated  out  of  the  funds  of  this  Lodge  for  the  relief  of  a  Mr. 
Elder,  a  poor  person,  who  has  had  the  misfortune  to  have  his  legs 
broken."  In  addition  to  this  appropriation,  an  individual  subscription 
was  taken,  which  resulted  in  the  collection  of  ten  dollars,  there  being 
ten  brethren  present.  March  4th,  Breth.  Francis  Robertson  and  Clark 
Roberts  were  affiliated,  and  Bro.  Osburn  demitted. 

March  llth,  Josiah  M.  Lucas  was  initiated,  and  on  the  10th  of  June 
passed.  At  the  regular  meeting  in  September  (no  date  given),  Cornelius 
Ludlum  was  initiated,  and  petition  of  A.  V.  Putnam  referred.  The 
Lodge  held  no  further  meetings  until  after  the  session  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  in  October. 


January  27th  the  following  brethren  signed  a  petition  addressed  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  asking  for  a  dispensation  to  open  and  hold  a 
Lodge  at  Springfield,  viz. :  "J.  Adams,  late  a  member  of  the  Lodge  at 
Skaneatles,  N.  Y.,  No.  not  recollected ;  James  R.  Gray,  late  a  member  of 
Vesper  Lodge,  Ky. ;  Alex'r  Lindsay,  late  a  member  of  Star  Lodge  No. 
197,  Pennsylvania;  Henry  Colestock,  Perseverance  Lodge  No.  21,  Ilar- 
risburg,  Pa. ;  Philo  Beers,  Montgomery  Lodge,  N.  Y. :  L.  S.  Corn  well, 
Lodge  No.  73,  of  Bowling  Green,  Ky. ;  Martin  Doyle,  Lodge  No.  39, 


Ireland;  J.  R.  Braucher,  Lodge  No.  33,  Circleville,  Ohio;  Bela  "Webster, 
Whitesboro  Lodge,  N.  Y.,  No.  315;  James  Maxcy,  Lodge  No.  73, 
Bowling  Green,  Ky."  This  petition  being  duly  recommended  by 
Harmony  Lodge  No.  24,  a  dispensation,  bearing  date  February  25, 
1839,  and  signed  by  S.  W.  B.  Carnegy,  Grand  Master,  attested  by  Richard 
B.  Dallam,  Grand  Secretary,  was  issued.  Brother  Adams  was  named  as 
Master  ;  James  R.  Gray,  Senior,  and  Alexander  Lindsay,  Junior  Warden. 
Bro.  Adams  was  a  visitor  at  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  in  1826,  and 
Bro.  Beers  was  a  charter  member  of  Eden  Lodge  No.  11. 

The  minutes  of  the  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  we  give  in  full. 

"At  a  meeting  of  Master,  Wardens,  and  Brethren  of  Springfield  Lodge,  No. — 
held  at  the  "American  House,"  on  Saturday  evening,  April  20th,  A.  D.  1839,  A.  L. 

"  Opened  on  the  Master's  degree. 
"  Brethren  present :    JAMES  ADAMS,  W.  M. 

"  M.  Doyle,  James  Maxcy,  Samuel  L.  Hesser,  James  Zwisler,  Jr.,  Joseph  Firey, 
M.  A.  Kelly,  Wm.  Cudmore,  and  Love  S.  Cornwell. 
"  Bro.  James  Adams,  M.  in  the  chair. 
"On  motion  of  Bro.  A.  Lindsay, 

"  Resolved,  That  the   members  present  now  organize,  so  far  as  to  elect  their 
officers  for  the  ensuing  year. 
"On  motion  of  Bro.  Firey, 
"That  the  officers  bo  elected  viva  voce. 
"  Whereupon  the  following  were  elected  unanimously: 
"  LOVE  S.  CORNWELL,  Secretary. 
MAURICE  DOYLE,  Treasurer. 
JAMES  MAXCY,  Tyler. 
"  And  appointed  by  the  W.  M. : 

WM.  CUDMORE,  J.  D. 
M.  HELM,  1st  M.  C. 
M.  A.  KELLY.  2d  M.  C. 
"On  motion  of  Bro.  Lindsay, 

"Resolved,  That  we  invite  Bro.  Helm  to  install  the  officers  of  this  Lodge. 
"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Gray, 

"That  we  meet  Thursday  evening  (25th  inst,)  at  half  past  6  o'clock,  for  the 
purpose  of  installing  the  officers. 
"On  motion,  adjourned. 

"  J.  ADAMS,  Master. 
"  L.  S.  CORJTWELL,  Secretary." 

The  brethren  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  the  year  are  as  follows : 
John  S.  Killaly,  Oct.  29th;  Josiah  Wickersham,  Nov.  14th;  J.  S. 
Roberts,  Nov.  18th.  April  25th,  the  officers  were  duly  installed  by  Bro. 
Meredith  Helm.  On  the  13th  May,  Breth.  W.  Harvey  and  W.  W.  Wat- 
son were  present  as  visitors,  also  Bro.  John  Uhler,  of  Friendship  Lodge, 


Maryland.  July  25th,  Bro.  Uhler  was  affiliated,  and  is,  we  believe,  the 
only  member  now  living  who  was  present  at  that  meeting,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  Bro.  Maxcy.  Oct.  28th,  the  Lodge  was  duly  constituted,  the 
following  brethren  being  present :  A.  B.  Chambers,  G.  M.;  \V"m.  B.  War- 
ren, D.  G.  M.;  Wm.  S.  Vance,  S.  G.  W.;  M.  Helm,  J.  G.  W.;  M.  J.  Kelley, 
S.  G.  D.;  W.  Cudmore,  J.  G.  D.;  James  Zwisler,  Gr.  Tyler;  James  Adams, 
James  R.  Gray,  J.  R.  Braucher,  Joseph  Firey,  B.  C.  Webster,  S.  L.  Hesser, 
J.  Wickersham,  W.  Briggs,  J.  S.  Killaly,  and  J.  F.  Reed. 

On  the  record  of  November  18th,  we  find  the  following  entry  : 

"On  motion,  Bros.  Helm,  Adams  and  Lindsay  were  appointed  a  com- 
mittee to  represent  this  Lodge  at  a  convention  of  the  Lodges  of  this  State, 
to  be  holden  in  Jacksonville,  on  the  27th  day  of  December  proximo,  for 
the  purpose  of  conferring  together  as  to  the  propriety  of  establishing  a 
Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  determining  the  place  of  hold- 
ing the  same." 

December  25th,  Bro.  W.  Harvey  was  admitted,  and  the  following  list 
of  officers  elected :  M.  Helm,  Master ;  A.  Lindsay,  S.  W.;  J.  Adams, 
J.  W.;  M.  Doyle,  Treas.;  L.  S.  Cornwell,  Sec.;  James  Maxcy,  Tyler. 
These  officers  were  then  installed  and  the  following  appointed :  M.  J. 
Kelly  and  J.  S.  Killaly,  Deacons ;  Wm.  Harvey  and  J.  R.  Braucher, 
first  and  second  Masters  of  Ceremonies. 

A  committee  of  five  was  appointed  to  procure  a  silver  cup,  to  cost  not 
less  than  twenty  dollars,  which  was  to  be  presented  to  Bro.  Adams  as  a 
"token  of  respect  and  esteem." 


We  present  the  minutes  of  the  first  meeting  entire  : 

"At  a  meeting  of  Temperance  Lodge,  under  dispensation  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri,  held  at  their  lodge-room  at  Vandalia,  Illinois,  on 
Thursday,  the  10th  day  of  January,  A.  L.  5839,  A.  D.  1839— 

"  Present :  Wm.  Hodge,  W.  M.;  John  D.  Gorin,  S.  W.;  N.  M.  McCurdy, 
J.  W.;  R.  K.  McLaughlin,  Treas.,  p.  L:  Wm.  Prentiss,  Sec.,  p.  t.;  Thos. 
B.  Hiclcman,  S.  D.,  p.  t.;  Moses  Philips,  J.  D.,  p.  t.,  and  Tyler,  p.  t.; 
Breth.  Thomas  C.  Kirkman  and  Asahel  Lee,  M.  M.;  visiting  brethren — 
James  Adams,  M.  M.,  late  of  Schenatalus  Lodge  No.  — ,  N.  Y.;  Alvan 
Washburn,  M.  M.,  late  of  Miami  Lodge  No.  46,  Ohio;  W.  McFarlane, 
M.  M.,  of  Franklin  Lodge  No.  22,  Alton,  Missouri;  W.  J.  Gatewood, 
M.  M.,  of  Lodge  No.  — ,  Equality,  Illinois;  James  M.  Duncan,  M.  M., 
late  of  Lodge  No.  — ,  Vandalia,  Illinois. 

"The  Lodge  was  opened  in  the  first  degree  of  Masonry,  according  to 
ancient  form. 

"  The  Worshipful  Master  laid  before  the  Lodge  a  dispensation  from  the 
Most  Right  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  together  with  a  com- 


munieation  from  the  Grand  Secretary  enclosing  the  same,  which  were 
read  and  ordered  to  be  filed  and  recorded. 

"The  Worshipful  stated  briefly  the  proceedings  by  which  the  dispen- 
sation had  been  procured. 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  Prentiss, 

"Ordered,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  report  rules  for  the  gov- 
ernment of  this  Lodge,  and  that  Breth.  Prentiss,  Gorin,  and  McCurdy  be  that 

"  No  further  business  appearing  in  this  degree,  the  Lodge  was  closed, 
and  opened  in  the  second  degree,  and  after  some  time  spent  in  a  lecture, 
the  Lodge  was  closed  in  due  order  and  harmony,  at  8  o'clock  P.  M." 

The  raisings  reported  by  this  Lodge  during  this  year  are  as  follows: 
Henry  C.  Remann,  April  11;  David  B.  Ifodge,  April  17;  C.  B.  Block- 
burgher,  June  4;  James  M.  Peery,  July  10;  Asa  Dilley,  June  5;  Willard 
T.  Hopkins,  June  12;  John  S.  Bradford,  November  16;  A.  Bourland, 
November  28.  Bro.  Samuel  Winterode  was  admitted  August  12.  Bro. 
Asa  Dilley  was  demitted. 

The  minutes  from  which  we  are  now  extracting  the  information 
regarding  this  Lodge,  are  the  neatest  we  have  ever  seen,  and  were 
written  by  William  C.  Greenup,  formerly  of  Western  Star  Lodge,  whom 
we  had  lost  sightofsilicel829. 

The  record  (we  allude  above  to  the  original  record  sent  us  by  Bro, 
Gouley)  seems  to  have  been  written  by  the  Master  (Bro.  Hodge)  himself; 
it  is  quite  neat,  but  crowded  all  together. 

At  the  meeting  of  February  18,  Bro.  Thomas  Moore,  "late  of  Eden.. 
Lodge,"  was  present  as  a  visitor.     The  following  resolution  was  passed  : 

"Rcxolved,  That  this  Lodge  will  not  receive  petitions  for  initiation  or  ballot 
thereon  in  any  other  than  the  third  degree." 

At  the  meeting  of  June  3,  Breth.  Jacob  C.  Bruner,  o'f  Franklin  Lodge; 
Harry  Wilton,  of  the  late  Lodge  No.  — ,  at  Carly le,  Illinois,  and  Nathaniel 
Buckmaster,  late  of  Libanus  Lodge  No.  29,  were  visiting/- 

We  are  inclined  to  the  opinion  that  Illion  Lodge,  of  which  it  is  im- 
possible to  find  any  trace,  was  located  at  Carlyle.  f^Hiram  Lodge,  we 
have  good  reason  to  believe,  was  located  at  Brownsville. 

At  the  meeting  of  June  4^Mathew  Duncan,  "  late  of  the  Western  Star 
Lodge  No.  107,"  Kaskaskia,  Illinois,  and  Guy  W.  Smith,  "late  R.  W. 
Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,"  were  visiting.  Bro.  Smith 
was  Master  of  a  Lodge  at  Palestine  in  1825,  and  was  probably  elected 
Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  at  its  last  meeting  in  1827,  of  which 
meeting  we  have  no  record. 

At  the  meeting  of  June  10,  we  find  the  following  entry: 

"  The  Worshipful  Master  laid  before  the  Lodge  a  communication  from 
a  committee  of  Harmony  Lodge  No.  24,  at  Jacksonville,  Illinois,  on  the 


subject  of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State,  which  was  read,  and  on 
motion,  ordered  to  be  laid  upon  the  table." 

July  8th,  the  communication  was  taken  from  the  table,  and  referred 
to  Breth.  Gorin,  McCurdy,  and  McLaughlin. 

September  9th,  the  following  action  was  hadj 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Greenup,  the  following  resolution  was  offered  and 
adopted : 

"•Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  to  prepare  a  memorial  or 
address  to  the  several  Lodges  held  in  this  State,  inviting  them  to  send  delegates 
to  a  Masonic  Convention,  to  be  held  at  Vaadalia,  on  the  27th  day  of  December 
next,  for  the  purpose  of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State  of  Illinois,  and 
report  the  same  to  this  Lodge,  at  the  adjourned  meeting,  to  be  held  on  Friday 

"  Whereupon,  Breth.  Greenup,  Hickman,  and  Lee  were  appointed  that 

November  llth,  the  Lodge  was  constituted  under  charter  as  No.  27J 
and  at  the  same  meeting  the  following  was  adopted,  "  Bro.  Asahel  Lee 
being  in  the  chair": 

"  The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  resolution  'to  correspond 
with  the  several  Lodges  held  in  this  State,  inviting  them  to  send  dele- 
gates to  a  Masonic  Convention,  to  be  held  at  Vandalia,  on  the  27th 
December  next,  for  the  purpose  of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State 
of  Illinois,'  asked  to  be  discharged  from  the  further  consideration  thereof; 
and  the  Bro.  Worshipful  moved  that  Vandalia  be  stricken  out,  and 
Jacksonville  be  inserted  instead  thereof.  Agreed  to.  The  chair  appointed 
Bro.  Worshipful  a  committee  of  one  to  perform  the  duties  of  the  above 
named  committee,  and  was  also  appointed  a  delegate  to  the  convention 
to  be  held  at  Jacksonville,  on  the  27th  December  next." 

December  8th,  the  following  officers  were  elected :  Wm.  Hgdge,  W.  M.; 
N.  M.  McCurdy,  S.  W.;  T.  B.  Hickman,  J.  W.;  A.  Washburn,  Treas.; 
D.  B.  Hodge,  Sec.;  II.  C.  Reraann  and  W.  T.  Hopkins,  Deacons;  and 
John  S.  Bradford,  Tyler. 

December  27th,  the  officers  were  installed,  and  the  day  celebrated. 


The  first  meeting  is  as  follows : 

"  GALENA,  March  23,  A.  L.  5839. 

"  Meeting  of  Far  West  Lodge  pursuant  to  notice. 

"Present:  Brothers  Charles  Gear,  W.  M.;  E.  W.  Turner,  S.  W.; 
Dan'l  Wann,  J.  W.,  pro  tern.:  A.  T.  Crow,  S.  D. ;  II.  H.  Gear,  J.  D. ; 
Geo.  M.  Mitchell,  Treas.,  pro  tern.;  J.  E.  Smith,  Secretary;  M.  Faucet, 
Tyler;  Brothers  John  Sherman,  Samuel  Smoker,  C.  P.  Burrows,  Rich'd 
Pattison,  J.  C.  Legate,  E.  F.  Ogden. 

"  Lodge  opened  in  due  form  on  the  first  degree  of  Masonry. 


"  Brother  E.  F.  Ogden  presented  the  letter  of  dispensation  from  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  which  being  read,  it  was  moved  that  it  he 
received  and  worked  under. 

"  Brothers  A.  T.  Crow,  Dan'l  Wann,  and  E.  W.  Turner  appointed  a 
committee  to  draft  a  constitution  and  by-laws  for  the  government  of  the 

"  Brothers  Geo.  M.  Mitchell,  A.  T.  Crow,  and  H.  H.  Gear  appointed  a 
committee  to  procure  suitable  furniture  and  implements. 

"Brother  J.  E.  Smith  was  requested  to  procure  the  jewels  for  the 

"  On  motion  it  was 

"Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  the  Lodge  be  tendered  to  Brother  E.  F.  Ogden 
for  his  attention  in  procuring  a  dispensation  for  this  Lodge,  and  furthermore, 
that  he  be  admitted  a  member  of  this  Lodge  free  of  the  usual  admittance  fee. 

"  On  motion,  the  Lodge  adjourned  until  Friday  evening,  the  29th  inst." 

The  following  are  the  names  signed  to  the  by-laws  of  this  Lodge : 
Charles  Gear,  E.  W.  Turner,  Sam'l  McLean,  A.  T.  Crow,  H.  II.  Gear, 
J.  E.  Smith,  T.  P.  Farnsworth,  M.  Faucet,  T.  C.  Legate,  Geo.  M.  Mitchell, 
Dan'l  Wann,  Richard  Pattison,  Samuel  Smoker,  John  Sherman,  J.  Clark, 
R.  Thompson,  E.  F.  Ogden,  C.  P.  Burrows. 

The  Lodge  conferred  the  Master's  degree  upon  the  following  brethren 
during  the  year  1839  :  A.  J.  Jackson,  June  22;  John  Turney,  Aug.  31  ; 
John  M.  Stanley,  Sept.  2. 

There  is  nothing  in  the  minutes  of  this  Lodge  for  1839  to  merit  any 
special  note. 


On  the  26th  of  July  a  petition  signed  by  a  number  of  brethren  asking 
for  a  dispensation  to  open  a  Lodge  at  Hillsboro,  to  be  called  Mount 
Mori  ah,  was  recommended  by  Temperance  Lodge  U.  D.,  at  Vandalia. 
The  names  signed  to  this  petition  are :  "  C.  B.  Blockburger,  of  Temper- 
ance Lodge  U.  D.,  Illinois;  M.  P.  Nicholson,  of  Mount  Moriah  Lodge 
No.  27,  N.  C. ;  Martin  Kinsley,  Union  Lodge  No.  10,  North  Providence, 
R.  I.;  Hail  Kingsley,  Washington  Lodge  No.  3;  Aaron  Knapp,  Homer, 
N.  Y.,  137;  M.  L.  Stinson,  Vale  of  Tempe  No.  45,  Tenn.;  Stephen 
Abbott,  Genessee  Union  No.  332;  Harry  Wilton,  of  Eden  Lodge  No.  7, 
last  W.  M." 

The  dispensation  was  granted  August  17th,  1839,  and  is  signed  by 
"A.  B.  Chambers,  G.  S.  W.,"  attested  by  "  Rich'd  B.  Dallam,  Gr.  Sec'y." 
In  this  dispensation  C.  B.  Blockburger  was  named  as  Master;  Hail 
Kingsley,  S.  W.,  and  Martin  Kinsley,  J.  W.  Bro.  Blockburger  was 
raised  in  Temperance  Lodge. 

The  first  meeting  of  which  we  have  any  record  is  August  31,  which 
seems  to  be  an  adjourned  meeting.  The  minutes  of  the  first  are  not  in 


our  possession.  The  raisings  reported  by  this  Lodge  are  as  follows: 
Allan  Carriker,  Oct.  2;  H.  P.  Gay,  Oct.  3;  J.  H.  Ralston,  Nov.  30; 
Joseph  Brookfield,  Dec.  14;  Jacob  Lingofelter  and  Nicodemus  Brown, 
Dec.  27. 

The  dispensation  under  which  this  Lodge  labored  was  renewed  at  the 
meeting  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  in  1839. 


The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  gran  ted  by  Bro.  S.  W.  B.  Carnegy, 
Grand  Master,  and  was  dated  June  3d,  1839;  naming  Breth.  Abraham 
Jonas,  Master;  Daniel  Harrison,  S.  W.,  and  John  G.  Driskill,  J.  W. 

The  following  letter  from  Bro.  Carnegy  accompanied  the  dispensa- 
tion : 

"  PALMYRA,  3d  JUNE,  1839. 

"  To  Bros.  Jonas,  Harrison,  Driskill,  Clarkson,  Neil,  Touzalin,  Touzalin,  McGorian. 
and  Griffin,  petitioners  for  a  dispensation  to  form  a  Lodge  at  Columbus  Ills.,  <tc. 

"  GENTLEMEN  : — The  dispensation  for  which  you  have  petitioned  is  herewith 
enclosed,  and  I  avail  myself  at  the  same  time  of  this  opportunity  to  express  to 
you  my  brothers,  and  through  you  to  those  who  may  in  future  be  associated 
with  you  in  the  glorious  undertaking  in  which  you  have  embarked,  the  very 
heartfelt  pleasure  which  I  have  in  contributing  my  little  aid  for  the  advance- 
ment of  the  ancient  fraternity  of  Masons.  Allow  me,  my  brothers,  at  the  same 
time  to  express  my  great  solicitude  for  the  honor  and  happiness  of  the  Craft. 
Those  that  bear  the  high  honor  of  being  members  among  those  who  have  entered 
into  covenant  with  the  fraternity,  passed  the  square,  and  seen  suspended  the 
initial  of  the  name  of  our  celestial  G.  M.,  and  been  raised  to  the  honor  of  bearing 
the  emblem  of  power,  and  of  using  the  trowel— those,  permit  me  to  say,  should 
be  holy,  harmless,  and  undefiled.  Having  separated  themselves  from  the  com- 
mon mass  of  men,  and  taken  their  stand  in  front  ranks  of  those  who  would  be 
useful,  charitable,  and  moral,  let  me  urge  you  by  every  consideration,  the  honor 
of  the  name  of  Mason — the  claims  of  our  fellow  men  upon  us,  for  examples  of 
charity,  frugality,  temperance,  fortitude,  justice  and  patriotism — by  our  high  and 
holy  origin — our  honorable  connections  here,  and  our  glorious  destiny  here- 
after— to  guard  well  the  entering  in  of  the  sanctuary,  and  house  of  Masonry.  Let 
no  one  that  is  immoral,  or  in  the  least  degree  predisposed  to  intemperance,  so- 
much  as  enter  even  the  outer  courts  of  your  glorious  temple.  There  are  but- 
very  few  in  the  world  worthy  of  a  knowledge  of  our  art,  and  there  ought  to  be 
but  few  Masons,  therefore,  and  so  long  as  we  are  but. few  in  number,  and  consist 
of  the  true,  the  moral,  and  temperate,  we  are  safe,  and  may  be  happy.  The  best 
evidence  of  speedy  ruin  to  any  Lodge,  is  that  they  increase  very  fast — that  they 
are  very  numerous. 

"  Hoping  that  none  but  the  worthy  will  ever  receive  from  your  Lodge  admis- 
sion into  our  mysteries,  and  that  you  may  now  in  this  far  western  hemisphere 
and  newly  settled  country,  in  this  favored  region,  far  removed  from  the  storm  of 
anti-Masonry  which  has  with  so  much  bigotry,  hatred,  and  zeal  swept  over  the 
eastern  Lodges,  so  lay  the  foundation  of  the  edifice,  deep  and  strong,  that  in 
due  time  we  may  "bring  forth  the  cape  stone  with  shouting  and  praise,"  that  we 



may  receive  the  appellation  of  "good  Master"  each  for  himself,  that  may  at  last 
in  that  character  "lay  aside  the  level  and  plumb-line,  the  gavel  and  trowel,  the 
compass  and  square,"  and  be  greeted  and  welcomed  to  the  Temple  of  God,  not 
made  with  hands,  eternal  in  the  heavens,  is  the  anxious  wish  of  your  friend  and 

(Signed.)  "S.  W.  B.  CARNEGY." 

The  record  of  the  first  meeting,  aside  from  the  letter  just  given,  is 
of  no  more  than  ordinary  interest. 

"  Breth.  J.  S.  Logan,  Nov.  23d,  M.  S.  Uudnall  and  A.  J.  Short,  Dec.  30th, 
were  raised  during  the  year  1839. 

The  following  action  was  taken  on  the  22d  June: 

"A  communication  was  produced  by  the  W.  M.  from  the  Jacksonville 
•  Lodge  of  Illinois,  on  the  subject  of  the  formation  of  a  Grand  Lodge  for 
this  State,  which  having  been  read,  was  referred  to  a  committee  of  the 
W.  Master,  Treasurer,  and  Junior  Deacon." 

The  committee  were  Breth.  Jonas,  W.  D.  McCann,  and  J.  Magorian. 

July  27th,  the  committee  reported  as  follows  : 

"The  committee  on  the  Jacksonville  communication  reported  that  they  agree 
in  opinion  with  their  brethren  of  Harmony  Lodge,  as  to  the  propriety  of  form- 
ing  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  your  committee  trust  that  on 
that  subject,  so  important  to  the  interests  of  Masonry,  there  will  be  no  diver- 
sity of  opinion  among  the  Craft.  At  the  same  time,  your  committee  would 
suggest,  that  the  final  location  of  the  Grand  Lodge  should  be  determined  on 
by  the  delegates  from  different  Lodges,  after  consultation  on  the  subject.  Your 
committee  believe  that  Jacksonville  would  be  a  favorable  point  for  the  first 
meeting  and  organization  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  but  differ  with  the  members 
of  Harmony  Lodge  as  to  the  time  of  the  meeting — the  27th  of  December  is  an 
unpleasant  season  of  the  year  for  traveling,  and  your  committee  believe  that 
but  few  could  be  induced  to  attend  at  Jacksonville  at  that  time,  and  your  com- 
mittee believe  that  the  meeting  should  either  take  place  earlier  in  the  fall,  or 
postponed  until  next  spring. 

"  Entertaining  those  views,  your  committee  would  recommend  the  adoption 
of  the  following  resolutions: 

"  Resolved,  That  this  Lodge  approve  of  the  views  expressed  by  their  commit- 
tee, and  will  co-operate  with  the  other  Lodges  of  this  State  in  the  design  of 
forming  a  Grand  Lodge,  and  will  appoint  delegates  to  the  same,  as  soon  as  the 
time  and  place  is  determined  on. 

"  Resolved,  That  the  Secretary  transmit  to  Harmony  Lodge  No.  24,  a  copy  of 
this  report  and  resolutions. 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

(Signed)  "  A.  JONAS,  1 

W.  D.  McCANN,       V Committee" 

From  a  report  made  to  Springfield  Lodge  Xo.  4  (which  is  given  below), 
we  learn  that  on  the  27th  December,  1839,  a  convention  was  held  at 
Jacksonville,  to  take  into  consideration  the  subject  of  the  formation  of  a 
Grand  Lodge.  The  report  is  here  given  : 


"The  committee  appointed  to  attend  the  Masonic  convention  at  Jacksonville, 
•on  27th  December,  1839,  respectfully  report: 

"That  they  attended  the  sittings  of  the  convention,  and  participated  in  its 
deliberations,  at  the  time  and  place  appointed.  There  was  not  a  general  attend- 
ance of  delegates  from  the  different  Lodges  of  the  State,  though  letters  were 
read  from  nearly  all  not  represented,  approving  of  the  object  of  the  convention. 
After  consultation  it  was  unanimously  determined  that  a  Grand  Lodge  should 
be  formed  for  the  State  of  Illinois.  The  first  Monday  of  April  next  was  fixed 
upon  as  the  day  for  the  assembling  of  another  convention  at  Jacksonville,  when 
it  is  expected  the  Lodges  generally  will  be  represented,  the  place  for  the  per- 
manent location  of  the  Grand  Lodge  will  be  selected,  the  officers  elected,  and 
the  Grand  Lodge  finally  constituted. 

"All  which  is  respectfully  submitted 
(Signed)  "  M.  HELM,       ") 

A.  LINDSEY,    Y Committee." 
J.  ADAMS.        J 




It  will  be  remembered  that  the  delegates  of  Springfield  Lodge  re- 
ported that  the  convention  of  Dec.  27, 1839,  had  adjourned  to  the  first 
Monday  in  April,  1840,  then  to  meet  and  organize  the  Grand  Lodge.  For 
some  reason  not  now  apparent,  the  convention  assembled  on  the  20th 
January,  A.  D.  1840,  when  the  following  proceedings  were  had  : 

"At  a  convocation  of  Masons  composed  of  delegates  from  several  of 
the  subordinate  Lodges  in  Illinois,  held  in  Masonic  hall,  in  the  town  of 
Jacksonville,  on  the  20th  day  of  January,  A.  D.  1840,  A.  L.  5840,  it  was 

"Resolved.  That  it  is  expedient  and  proper  that  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State 
of  Illinois  be  established  upon  principles  consistent  with,  and  subordinate  to 
the  general  regulations  and  ancient  constitutions  of  Freemasonry,  and  that 
Bros.  W.  B.  Warren  and  W.  S.  Vance  of  Jacksonville,  and  J.  Adams  and  M. 
Helm,  of  Springfield,  be  a  committee  to  correspond  with  the  several  Lodges  in 
this  State  and  ask  their  co-operation  and  assistance,  and  request  their  attend- 
ance by  representative  or  proxy,  at  a  convocation  to  be  holden  at  Jacksonville, 
on  the  6th  day  of  April,  A.  D.  1840,  A  L.  5840,  for  the  purpose  of  discussing  the 
propriety  of  establishing  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  deter- 
mining the  best  place  for  locating  the  same." 

In  regard  to  this  matter,  Bodley  Lodge  took  the  following  action: 
"It  was  moved  by  Bro.  Holton,  that  the  "W.  Waster  and  Wardens  be 
our  representives  to  the  convention  of  Lodges  to  be  held  in  Jacksonville, 
on  the  first  Monday  in  April  next,  relative  to  forming  a  Grand  Lodge 
in  this  State.     It  was  then  moved  that  Bro.  Luce  and  Secretary  [E.  M. 
Davis]  be  a  committee  to  correspond  with  the  other  Lodges  on  the  sub- 
ject of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State." 
The  action  in  Equality  Lodge  was  as  follows : 

"Ordered,  That  John  T.  Jones,  of  Jacksonville,  111.,  be  appointed  proxy  for  this 
Lodge  in  the  convention  of  Masons,  to  be  held  in  this  State,  and  that  he  be 
requested  to  vote,  as  such  proxy,  for  the  town  of  Springfield,  as  the  place  of  hold- 
ing the  meetings  of  a  Grand  Lodge  in  this  State." 

Rather  queer  that,  asking  a  brother  to  represent  a  Lodge,  and  then  to 
vote  against  his  own  town. 


Temperance  Lodge  took  no  action  regarding  the  matter.  Springfield 
Lodge  passed  the  following: 

"On  motion,  the  W.  M.,  Sr.  and  Jr.  Wardens  were  appointed  a  com- 
mittee to  attend  the  adjourned  convention  that  met  in  Jacksonville  on 
the  27th  December  last,  and  Bros.  Gray,  Webster,  and  Killaly  were 
apointed  to  fill  any  vacancy  which  may  occur  in  said  committee." 

Columbus  Lodge  passed  the  following : 

"  A  letter  from  the  brethren  of  Jacksonville  Lodge,  respecting  the 
formation  of  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State  of  Illinois,  was  read,  and 
ordered  to  be  filed,  when  Bro.  Chapman  offered  the  following  resolutions, 
which  were  accepted : 

"Resolved,  By  the  Columbus  Lodge,  that  the  W.  Master  and  Wardens  be  and 
hereby  are  a  committee  to  attend  a  meeting  of  delegates  from  the  several  Lodges 
of  this  State,  at  Jacksonville,  on  the  4th  day  of  April  next,  approving  of  the  ex- 
pediency of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  of  this  State. 

"Resolved,  That  Quincy,  in  Adams  county,  be  recommended  as  a  suitable  place 
for  the  location  of  said  Grand  Lodge. 

"Besolced,  That  in  case  the  Master  and  Wardens  should  not  be  able  to  attend 
said  meeting  of  delegates,  that  they  be  hereby  authorized  to  appoint  some  suit- 
able member  of  this  Lodge  to  attend  said  meeting." 

On  Monday,  the  sixth  of  April,  delegates  and  proxies  met  in  Jackson- 
ville. We  shall  use  the  record  as  printed,  correcting  such  mistakes  as 
occur  therein. 

"  In  pursuance  to  said  correspondence  [alluding  to  the  action  of  Jan- 
uary 20th,]  a  convocation  was  held  at  Masons'  Hall,  in  the  town  of 
Jacksonville,  on  the  6th  day  of  April,  A.  D.  1840,  A.  L.  5840. 

"  Present :    J.  T.  JONES,  W.  M., 

W.  B.  WARREN,  S.  W., 

A.  DUNLAP,  J.  W., 

A.  V.  PUTNAM,  Sec., 

S.  W.  LUCAS,  Treas., 

W.  S.  VANCE,  S.  D., 

J.  M.  LUCAS,  J.  D., 

A.  C.  DIXON,  S.  and  S.,* 

"  Bro.  James  Adams  appeared  as  representative  of  Springfield  Lodge  No.  26. 
"  H.  Rodgersf  and  H.  Dill.J  of  Bodley  Nodge  No.  29.g 
"  W.  D.  McCann,  Columbus  Lodge  No.  20. 
"  J.  T.  Jones,  proxy,  Equality  Lodge  No.  102. 
"  D.  Rockwell,  Far  West  Lodge  No.  29. 
"  W.  B.  Warren  and  A.  Dunlap,  Harmony  Lodge  No.  24. 

"A  Lodge  of  Master  Masons  was  opened,  according  to  ancient  form 
and  usage. 

*  Tyler,    t  Rogers.    J  Dills.    gXo.  97. 


"  On  motion,  a  committee  of  Breth.  Vance,  Adams,  and  Rodgers*  were 
appointed  to  examine  the  credentials  of  delegates  and  proxies,  and  report 

"  The  committee  reported  the  following  Lodges  to  be  regularly  repre- 
sented: Bodley,  Springfield,  Columbus,  Far  West,  and  Harmony;  and, 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Rodgers,  Equality  was  admitted  by  its  proxy. 

"  The  object  of  the  meeting  having  been  fully  considered,  it  was  unani- 

"Resolved,  That  the  several  subordinate  Lodges  of  Ancient  Free  Masonry  in 
the  State  of  Illinois  here  assembled,  represented  by  delegates  and  proxies 
properly  authorized,  consider  it  as  a  matter  of  right,  and  as  conducive  to  the 
general  benefit  of  Masonry,  that  a  Grand  Lodge  be  established  in  the  State  of 
Illinois,  and  that  they  now  proceed  to  establish,  organize,  and  locate  the  same 
accordingly,  to  be  known  and  designated  by  the  name  of  the  GRAND  LODGE  OF 

"On  motion,  Breth.  Warren,  Jones,  and  McCann  were  appointed  a 
committee  to  draft  and  report  a  Constitution  and  By-Laws  for  the  gov- 
ernment of  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"  On  motion,  a  ballot  was  had  for  the  purpose  of  locating  the  Grand 
Lodge,  which  resulted  in  no  choice. 

"  On  motion,  the  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  from  labor  to  refresh- 

"3  o'clock  P.  M. — The  Grand  Lodge  was  called  from  refreshment  to 
labor.  Present,  the  same  officers  and  brethren  as  in  the  morning. 

"The  committee  to  draft  a  Constitution  and  By-Laws,  reported  that 
they  had  performed  that  duty. 

"  The  Constitution  and  By-Laws  having  been  amended,  were  adopted. 

"  A  ballot  was  then  had  upon  the  location  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  which 
was  decided  in  favor  of  Jacksonville. 

"  On  motion,  the  Grand  Lodge  then  went  into  a  ballot  for  officers, 
whereupon  the  following  officers  were  elected,  viz.: 

"  M.  W.  ABRAHAM  JONAS,  G.  M., 
R.  W.  JAMES  ADAMS,  D.  G.  M.; 
W.  W.  S.  VANCE,  G.  S.  W., 
H.  ROGERS,  G.  J.  W., 
W.  B.  WARREN,  G.  Sec., 
A.  DUNLAP,  G.  Treas. 

"  On  motion,  Breth.  Warren,  Vance,  and  Dunlap  were  appointed  a 
committee  to  have  the  Constitution  and  By-Laws  printed. 

"  On  motion,  the  Grand  Secretary  was  authorized  to  procure  a  seal  for 
the  Grand  Lodge;  when, 

"On  motion,  the  Grand  Lodge  was  called  from  labor  to  refreshment 
until  the  last  Tuesday  in  April,  instant,  2  o'clock  P.  M. 

*  Rogers. 


"  TUESDAY,  April  28th,  A.  D.  1840,  A.  L.  5840. 
"  The  Grand  Lodge  was  called  from  refreshment  to  labor. 
"  Present :    R.  W.  JAMESl  ADAMS,  D.  G.  M., 

w.  w.  s.  VANCE,  G.  s.  w., 

SAMUEL  W.  LUCAS,  G.  J.  W., 

W.  B.  WARREN,  G.  S., 

A.  DUNLAP,  G.  T., 

P.  COFFMAN,  G.  S.  D., 

A.  V.  PUTNAM,  G.  J.  D., 

A.  C.  DIXON,  G.  S.  and  T. 

"  The  following  representatives  appeared  and  took  their  seats,  viz. : 
<;  Brothers  James  Adams,  of  Springfield  Lodge  ; 
"  W.  B.  Warren  and  A.  Dunlap,  of  Harmony  Lodge; 
"  J.  T.  Jones,  proxy,  Equality  Lodge; 
"  W.  S.  Vance  and  D.  Rockwell,  proxy,  Far  West  Lodge. 

"  Visiting  Brethren.— J.  T.  Sigler,  C.  Ludlum,  J.  Gregory,  of  Harmony  Lodge, 
and Dawson,  St.  Louis  Lodge  No.  20. 

"On  motion,  all  but  Past  Masters  having  retired,  a  convocation  of 
Past  Masters  was  declared,  and  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  installed  by 
proxy,  and  the  grand  honors  paid  him  agreeably  to  ancient  form  and 
usage.  The  convocation  was  then  dissolved,  and  the  M.  W.  Grand 
Lodge  was  called  from  labor  to  refreshment  until  to-morrow  morning  at 
8  o'clock. 

"  WEDNESDAY  MORNING,  8  o'clock. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  was  called  to  labor  again.      Present — the  same 
officers  and  members  as  yesterday. 
.    "The  R.  W.  Grand  Master  appointed  Brothers 

"  P.  Coffman,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  S.  D. ;  I.  R.  Gray,  of  Springfield,  G.  J.  D. ;  Rev . 
H.  W.  Osborn,  of  Morgan  county,  G.  C. ;  M.  Helm,  of  Springfield,  G.  M. ;  A.  C. 
Dixon,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  S.  and  T. 

"The  officers  were  then  installed  agreeable  to  ancient  form  and  usage. 
"  Springfield  Lodge  then  surrendered  the  charter  under  which  she  had 
been  working,  and  received  one  from  this  Grand  Lodge  as  No.  4. 
"  Harmony  Lodge  surrendered  her  charter  and  received  one  as  No.  3. 
"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  authorized  to  issue  charters  to  the  fol- 
lowing Lodges,  viz.:  To  Bodley  Lodge  as  No.  1,  Equality  as  No.  2,  Far  West  as 
No.  5,  and  Columbus  as  No.  6. 

"Resolved,  That  Brother  Grand  Secretary  be  directed  to  make  inquiry  of  the 
officers  of  the  late  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  what  disposition  was  made  of  the 
jewels  and  furniture  of  said  Lodge. 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  authorized  to  have  the  proceedings  of 
this  convocation  printed,  and  transmit  copies  to  the  several  Grand  Lodges  in  the 
United  States,  the  Canadas,  and  Texas,  and  request  a  correspondence  with  them. 

"No  further  business  appearing,  the  Grand  Lodge  was  closed  in  due 
form  and  harmony. 

"JAMES  ADAMS,  D.  G.  M. 
"Attest :     W.  B.  WAHREN,  Grand  Secretary." 



"At  a  Grand  Annual  Convocation  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  held 
at  Jacksonville,  on  Monday,  the  20th  day  of  October,  A.  D.  1840,  A.  L. 

Present :      M.  W.  A.  JONAS,   G.  M. 

R.  W.  J.  ADAMS,  D.  G.  M. 
W.  S.  W.  LUCAS,  G.  S.  W.,  pro  tern. 
H.  DILLS,  G.  J.  W.,  pro  tern. 
W.  B.  WARREN,  G.  Sec. 
A.  DUNLAP,  G.  Treas. 
P.  COFFMAN,  G.  S.  D. 
M.  STAGEY,  G.  J.  D.,  pro  tern. 
M.  HELM,  G.  M. 
C.  LUDLAM,  G.  P. 
A.  C.  DIXON,  G.  S.  and  T. 
«'  Representatives  :    No.  1,  HARRISON  DILLS,  W.  M. 

No.  3,  A.  DUNLAP,  S.  W.  LUCAS,  and  JOHN  GREGORY. 
No.  4,  M.  HELM,  JAMES  ADAMS. 
No.  6,  A.  JONAS. 

"VISITING  BRETHREN. — J.  T.  Sigler,  J.M.Lucas,  A.  V.  Putnam,  Willis  Tandy, 
and  B.  Wherrit. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  opened  in  the  third  degree  of  Masonry, 
according  to  ancient  form  and  usage. 

"  On  motion,  the  W.  Master  was  authorized  to  appoint  the  following 
standing  committees,  to-wit : 

"  On  Returns  of  Lodges,  Petitions  and  Grievances,  Finance  and  Ac- 
counts, To  examine  Visiting  Brethren, 

"  A  petition  from  several  brethren  residing  at  or  near  Peoria,  was  re- 
ceived and  read  by  brother  G.  Secretary,  and  referred  to  the  Committee 
on  Petitions  and  Grievances. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Dunlap,  all  Master  Masons  in  good  standing  are 
invited  to  visit  the  Grand  Lodge  at  its  present  communication. 

"  On  motion,  the  Lodge  was  called  from  labor  to  refreshment  until 
half-past  2  o'clock  this  afternoon. 

"MONDAY  EVENING,  Half  Past  2  o'clock  P.  M. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  was  called  from  refreshment  to  labor.     The  same 
officers  and  members  as  this  morning. 

"The  M.  W.  Grand  Master  announced  the  following  committees  : 

"On  Returns  of  Subordinate  Lodges. — Breth.  Adams,  Helm,  and  Gregory. 
"On  Petitions  and  Grievances. — Breth.  Dills,  Dunlap,  and  Stacy. 
"On  Finance  and  Accounts. — Breth.  Lucas,  Ludlum,  and  Coffman. 
"To  Examine  Visiting  Brethren. — Breth.  Helm  and  Gregory. 


"  On  motion,  the  Grand  Lodge  then  went  into  a  ballot  for  the  election 
of  officers  for  the  ensuing  year,  and  until  their  successors  shall  he  duly 
elected  and  installed,  when  the  following  officers  were  declared  duly 
elected,  to-wit : 

"M.  W.  A.  JONAS,  of  Columbus,  G.  M. 
R.  W.  JAS.  ADAMS,  of  Springfield,  D.  G.  M. 
W.  A.  DUNLAP,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  S.  W. 
W.  H.  DILLS,  of  Quincy,  G.  J.  W. 
W.  W.  B.  WARREN,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  Sec. 
W.  P.  COFFMAN,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  Treas. 
Rev.  H.  W.  OSBORN,  of  Morgan  co.,  G.  Chap. 
S.  A.  DOUGLAS,  of  Springfield,  G.  Orator. 

"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  appoint  the  balance  of  the  Grand 
Officers  of  this  Grand  Lodge, 

"  Who  signified  his  pleasure  to  do  ao  on  to-morrow  morning. 
"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  Harmony  Lodge  No.  3,  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4,  and  Columbus 
Lodge  No.  6,  be  required  to  pay  Grand  Lodge  dues  for  the  last  six  months,  and 
that  Bodley  Lodge  No.  1  be  excused  from  paying  dues  for  the  past  six  months, 
said  Lodge  not  having  surrendered  her  former  charter  until  the  month  of  August 

"  On  motion,  the  Grand  Lodge  was  called  from  labor  to  refreshment 
until  to-morrow  morning,  at  11  o'clock. 

MORNING,  10  o'clock  A.  M. 
"The  Grand  Lodge  was  called  to  labor. 

"Present:    M.  W.  A.  JONAS,  G.  M. 

R.  W.  J.  ADAMS,  D.  G.  M. 
W.  A.  DUNLAP,  G.  S.  W. 
H.  DILLS,  G.  J.  W. 
W.  B.  WARREN,  G.  Sec. 
P.  COFFMAN,  G.  Treas. 
M.  STACY,  G.  S.  D. 
M.  HELM,  G.  J.  D. 
C.  LUDLUM,  G.  M. 
A.  V.  PUTNAM,  G.  P. 
A.  C.  DIXON,  G.  S.  and  T. 
"Representatives  of  subordinate  Lodges  the  same  as  yesterday. 

"The  M.  W.  Grand  Master  made  the  following  appointments,  in  pur 
suance  of  a  resolution  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  viz.: 


"Breth.  W.  D.  McCANN,  of  Columbus,  D.  G.  S. 
M.  HELM,  of  Springfield,  G.  S.  D. 
J.  CROCKER,*  of  Quincy,  G.  J.  D. 
S.  W.  LUCAS,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  M. 
C.  LUDLUM,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  Tyler. 
LUCIEN  B.  ADAMS,  of  Springfield,  \r  0 
T.  G.  JOHNSON,t  of  Quincy,  |u'  b< 

L.  GRIPPING,  of  Columbus,  G.  S.  B. 
JOHN  GREGORY,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  P. 

"On  motion,  the  following  amendments  were  offered  to  the  By-Laws 
of  the  Grand  Lodge,  viz.:" 

As  these  amendments  are  of  but  little  importance  at  this  time,  a 
synopsis  will  be  given  instead  of  the  original. 

The  first,  which  was  an  amendment  to  Section  2,  provided  that  no 
visitor  should  be  permitted  to  vote,  nor  to  speak,  without  permission 
first  had. 

The  second,  an  amendment  to  Section  3,  By-Laws,  provided  that  no 
brother  should  be  eligible  to  the  offices  of  Grand  or  Deputy  Grand  Master, 
unless  he  had  passed  the  chair  in  a  regular  Lodge,  "  unless  in  case  of 

The  third  amended  Section  12  by  providing  that  an  expelled  Mason 
could  not  be  restored  except  by  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  that  such  restora- 
tion did  not  restore  him  to  membership,  without  the  unanimous  consent 
of  the  brethren  of  the  Lodge  affected. 

The  fourth  was  to  strike  out  Sections  14  and  15.  Section  14  provided 
that  upon  the  demise  of  a  Lodge,  its  books,  papers,  jewels,  etc.,  were  to 
be  transmitted  to  the  Grand  Secretary.  Section  15  conferred  jurisdiction 
in  matters  of  discipline  over  all  non-affiliated  Masons,  within  the  terri- 
torial limits  of  the  Lodge. 

Number  five  related  to  amendments  to  the  Constitution  and  By-Laws, 
and  embodied  much  the  same  law  that  now  exists.- 

The  sixth  provided  for  the  appointment  by  the  Grand  Master  of  a 
Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges,  to  consist  of  three  members; 
a  Committee  on  Petitions  and  Grievances;  a  Committee  on  Finance  and 
Accounts,  to  consist  of  three  members  each ;  and  a  Committee  to  Exam- 
ine Visitors,  to  consist  of  two  members. 

Amendments  to  the  Constitution,  providing  for  the  election  of  officers 
on  the  2nd  day  of  the  Annual  Communication,  giving  to  each  Lodge 
"one  vote  collectively  from  its  representation,  agreed  on  amongst  them- 
selves," the  Grand,  Deputy  Grand  Masters,  one  vote  each,  and  Past 
Grand  Masters  and  Past  Masters,  one  vote  collectively,  and  adding  to 
the  list  of  officers,  "Grand  Orator,"  were  introduced.  All  these,  as  well 
as  a  motion  to  strike  the  word  "Jacksonville"  from  the  by-laws  and  in- 

*  Crockett,    t  F.  G.  Johnston. 


sert  "Springfield,"  were  laid  over  until  the  next  communication  of  the 
Grand  Lodge.     But  to  resume  : 

"  The  committee  upon  Returns,  upon  leave  given,  made  the  following 
report : 

"  '  The  Committee  upon  Returns  beg  leave  to  report:  That  they  have  exam- 
ined the  proceedings  of  Lodges  Nos.  1,  3,  4,  and  6,  and  find  them  correct,  and 
dues  paid.  Lodges  No.  2  and  5  are  not  represented  at  this  communication,  and 
have  not  sent  any  returns.  Your  committee  would  recommend  the  adoption  of 
the  following  resolution,  viz.: 

"  'Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  directed  to  correspond  and  ascertain 
why  they  have  failed  to  be  represented  at  this    communication,  and  have  sent 
no  returns. 
"'All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

" '  M.  HELM, 

"The  Committee  upon  Petitions  and  Grievances  made  the  following  re- 

"  '  The  Committee  on  Petitions  and  Grievances  beg  leave  to  submit  that  they 
have  had  under  consideration  the  petition  of  sundry  Masons  at  Peoria,  for  a  dis- 
pensation to  work,  and  find  that  they  have  not  complied  with  the  sixth  section 
of  the  by-laws  of  this  Grand  Lodge.  They  would  therefore  beg  leave  to  recom- 
mend said  petition  to  the  favorable  consideration  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  that 
the  Grand  Secretary  be  directed  to  grant  them  a  dispensation  whenever  the  6th 
section  of  the  By-laws  shall  be  complied  with. 

"'All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

"'A.  DUNLAP, 
H.  DILLS.' 

"  On  motion,  the  above  suggestion  was  adopted  by  the  Grand  Lodge, 
and  Bro.  D.  G.  Master  directed  so  to  inform  the  petitioners. 
"The  committee  on  Finance  made  the  following  report,  to-wit: 

'"  The  undersigned,  one  of  the  Committee  on  Finance,  begs  leave  to  report 
that  he  has  examined  the  account  of  the  Grand  Secretary,  and  finds  it  correct, 
and  supported  by  the  proper  vouchers. 

'"C.  LUDLTJM.' 

"  All  but  Past  Masters  having  retired,  a  convocation  of  Past  Masters 
was  declared. 

"  The  M.  W.  Abraham  Jonas,  Grand  Master  elect,  was  introduced,  and 
installed  according  to  ancient  form  and  usage.  Also,  R.  W.  James 
Adams,  as  D.  Grand  Master  elect,  was  introduced  and  installed.  The 
Convocation  of  Past  Masters  was  dissolved,  and  the  Grand  Lodge  stood 
open  in  the  Master's  degree,  when  Alexander  Dunlap,  G.  S.  W.;  H.  Dills, 
G.  J.  W.;  W.  B.  Warren,  Gr.  Sec.;  P.  Coflman,  G.  Treas.;  M.  Helm,  G.  S. 
D.;  S.  W.  Lucas, G.  M.;  C.  Ludlum,  G.  T.— officers  elect— were  installed  and 


received  their  respective  jewels,  when  the  Grand  Master,  Deputy  Grand 
Master,  and  Grand  Wardens  received  the  congratulations  of  the  breth- 

"  On  motion,  brother  Grand  Secretary  was  directed  to  have  the  pro- 
ceedings of  this  communication  printed  and  distributed. 


Grand  Master. 
"W.  B.  WARREX, 

Grand  Secretary." 

The  whole  membership  reported  to  the  Grand  Lodge  was  ninety-seven. 
Add  to  this  thirty  for  Equality  and  Far  West  Lodges,  not  returned,  and 
the  total  number  owing  allegiance  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois, in  1840, 
was  one  hundred  and  twenty-seven.  Bodley  Lodge  numbered  thirty-two. 
Their  names  we  here  give  :  H.  Dills,  Hiram  Rogers,  Thaddeus  Monroe, 
J.  H.  Luce,  Andrew  Miller,  John  Crockett,  Jos.  Hedges,  Michael  Most, 
Jos.  Ralston,  J.  W.  Whitney,  J.  H.  Holton,  Rev.  C.  L.  Daubert,  Charles 
Brown,  David  Whipple,  Enoch  Conyers,  James  Murphy,  Richard  M. 
Young,  Edward  Turner,  H.  L.  Simmons,  John  Woolf,  E.  M.  Davis, 
Henry  F.  Maire,  Henry  T.  Thompson,  Christian  F.  Ruoff,  F.  G.Johnston, 
Thomas  Jasper,  Thomas  C.  King,  Damon  Hauser,  Thomas  Carter,  J. 
Greenwell,  Jno.  Wood,  and  Samuel  Jonas. 

Harmony  Lodge  numbered  21,  as  follows  :  Alexander  Dunlap,  S.  W. 
Lucas,  John  Gregory,  A.  V.Putnam,  C.  Ludlum,  P.  Coffman,  W.  B.  War- 
ren, A.  C.  Dixon,  George  Henry,  George  Hackett,  Richard  Henry,  James 
T.  Holmes,  John  T.  Jones,  Dennis  Rockwell,  James  A.  McDougall, 
Clark  Roberts,  Francis  Robinson,  William  S.  Vance,  Mathew  Stacy, 
John  T.  Sigler,  and  Josiah  M.  Lucas. 

Springfield  No.  4  numbered  29,  viz.:  M.  Helm,  Alexander  Lindsey, 
James  Adams,  L.  S.  Corn  well,  M.  Doyle,  M.  J.  Kelly,  J.  S.  Killaly,  James 
Maxey,  James  R.  Gray,  Philo  Beers,  B.  C.  Webster,  W.  Cudmore,  Sam'l. 
L.  Hesser,  Joseph  Firey,  Isaac  R.  Braucher,  Win.  Harvey,  Francis 
Springer,  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  James  Zwisler,  Alexander  Shields,  James 
F.  Reed,  J.  Wickersham,  John  Uhler,  James  Briggs,  John  S.  Roberts,  L. 
B.  Adams,  F.  A.  McNeil!,  James  Shepherd,  Henry  Carrigan. 

Columbus  Lodge  returned  14  members,  as  follows :  Abraham  Jonas, 
Daniel  Harrison,  J.  G.  Driskill,  A.  Tousalin,  W.  D.  McCann,  James 
Magorian,  A.  J.  Short,  G.  W.  Thompson,  James  S.  Logan,  Moses  S.  Hud- 
nal,  W.  H.  Chapman,  Cyrus  N.  Williams,  William  Bayne,  David  P. 


The  following  members  were  added  to  this  Lodge  during  1S40  :  Thomas 
Jaeper,  Jan.  4;  James  Hedges  and  Damon  Hauser,  Jan.  14;  Samuel 


Jonas  and  C.  F.  Ruoff,  Feb.  3;  T.  C.  King,  Mar.  16;  Jacob  Gruell,  July 
13;  C.  L.  Daubert,  Sept.  7;  John  Steinagle,  Oct.  5;  William  Coyne,  Oct. 
19 ;  Joshua  B.  Ijahms,  Nov.  2.  Brothers  Jonas,  Daubert,  and  Steinagle 
were  affiliated — the  rest  raised.  McClain,  Asbury,  and  Murphy  were 
demitted,  and  H.  F.  Thompson  and  J.  W.  Whitney  suspended;  the  latter, 
however,  being  soon  after  re-instated. 

April  20,  Brother  Rogers  made  report  of  the  organization  of  the 
Grand  Lodge. 

June  24,  semi-annual  election.  Bro.  Dills  (having  been  summoned  to- 
attend  the  meeting),  was  elected  W.  M. ;  Hiram  Rogers,  S.  W. ;  T.  Mon- 
roe, J.  W.;  A.  Miller,  Treas. ;  J.  H.  Luce,  Sec'y. 

July  6,  the  committee  of  finance  reported  that  there  was  in  the  hands 
of  the  treasurer,  in  notes,  $83.65;  due  on  account,  $84.18;  that  "the 
Lodge  owes  about  $63.25 ;  in  the  treasurer's  hands,"  ninety-three  cents. 
The  elected  officers  were  duly  installed. 

July  13,  the  following  committees  (standing)  were  appointed:  "On 
Grievances,  Ralston,  Monroe,  Johnston;  on  Accounts,  Jonas,  Rogers, 
Thompson,  and  King;  on  Charity,  Dills,  Luce,  Jasper,  and  Miller;  on 
Inquiry,  Holton,  Crockett,  Conyers,  and  Hedges."  Bro.  C.  L.  Daubert 
was  appointed  a  delegate  to  attend  "  the  annual  communication  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  for  1840."  John  Crockett  and  John  Steinagle 
appointed  Deacons;  H.  F.  Maire,  Tyler. 

Sept.  7,  the  W.  M.  and  Wardens  were  appointed  delegates  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  to  be  held  in  October. 

October  12,  Bro.  Dills  made  his  report  of  the  doings  of  the  Grand 
Lodge,  and  on  Nov.  2  the  charter  granted  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illi- 
nois was  accepted,  and  the  Secretary  directed  to  inform  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Kentucky  of  the  fact.  This  brings  us  under  the  necessity  of  chang- 
ing our  title  from  Bodley  Lodge  No.  97,  to 


December  7th,  the  Lodge  resolved  to  celebrate  St.  John's  Day,  and 
"every  brother  was  requested  to  bring  with  him  a  lady." 

December  27th,  9  o'clock  A.  M.,  the  following  officers  were  elected  : 
J.  H.  Holton,  W.  M. ;  J.  N.  Ralston,  S.  W.;  John  Crockett,  J.  W.;  T. 
Monroe,  Treasurer;  and  William  Coyne,  Secretary.  The  officers  were 
then  publicly  installed  by  Grand  Master  Jonas,  who  also  delivered  an 
oration,  whereupon  "  the  procession  was  then  re-formed,  with  the  ladies 
of  the  brethren  in  front,  and  having  conducted  them  to  the  hotel,  they 
partook  of  the  refreshments  provided." 


But  two  brethren  were  raised  by  this  Lodge  in  the  year  1840,  viz. : 
William  Forrester,  March  4;  and  John  R.  Smoote,  March  7. 


In  the  record  of  March  4,  we  find  the  following  entry  :  "After  some 
alarm  at  the  door  for  the  first  time,  by  Cowans,  the  Lodge  was  closed." 

June  6,  the  following  article  of  the  by-laws  was  enforced,  as  to  a 
brother  who  had  been  guilty  of  profanity  :  "  The  Master  shall  publicly 
reprimand  any  of  the  brethren  who  shall  commit  any  irregularity  or 
indecorum  in  open  Lodge.  But  as  drunkenness  and  profanity  are 
atrocious  and  intolerable,  whoever  shall  dare  violate  the  congregation  of 
the  brethren  in  either  of  these  ways,  shall,  by  order  of  the  W.  M.,  be 
led  out  of  the  room,  and  not  permitted  to  enter  without  making  proper 
concession  to  the  Lodge."  The  brother  thus  punished  was  at  the  time 
Junior  Warden. 

June  17,  the  Lodge  resolved  to  celebrate  St.  John's  Day,  and  ordered 
the  fact  published  in  the  "  Western  Review,  and  Gallatin  Republican." 

June  24,  the  following  officers  were  elected :  A.  W.  Pool,  W.  M.  ; 
James  W.  Hamilton,  S.  W.;  R.  T.  Hopper,  J.  W.;  S.  Holt,  Secretary: 
William  Siddall,  Treasurer;  J.  E.  Watkins  and  J.  R.  Smoote,  Deacons; 
Beverly  R.  Young,  Tyler.  After  an  oration  by  Bro.  Edmund  Jones,  the 
day  was  celebrated  by  a  dinner  at  the  house  of  Bro.  Hopper. 

August  5,  Bro.  Willis  Stewart,  of  Louisville,  was  appointed  to  repre- 
sent the  Lodge  in  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky. 

December  — ,  the  Lodge  elected  officers.  The  W.  M.,  S.  W.,  Treasurer, 
S.  D.,  and  Tyler,  were  re-elected.  Thos.  H.  Leavell  was  elected  J.  W. ; 
R.  T.  Hopper,  Sec'y;  John  M.  Burnett,  J.  D. 

We  have  no  records  of  this  Lodge  for  1840. 


The  members  added  to  this  Lodge  by  raising  during  1840,  are  as  fol- 
lows :  James  Briggs,  Feb.  13 ;  J.  F.  Reed,  March  12 ;  Alexander  Shields, 
April  22;  Lucien  B.  Adams,  May  1;  Francis  Springer,  May  13;  Stephen 
A.  Douglas  and  Francis  A.  McNiell,  June  26 ;  James  Shepherd  and 
Henry  Carrigan,  June  29  ;  John  B.  Broadwell,  Dec.  7;  William  T.  Pride 
and  William  Mitchell,  Dec.  21;  Daniel  Turney,  Dec.  23. 

Feb.  13,  the  silver  cup  ordered  for  Bro.  James  Adams  was  presented. 

Feb.  26,  Bro.  Alexander  Shields  asked  leave  to  demit,  and  on  March 
12  it  was  decided  that  as  he  was  "an  Entered  Apprentice  only,  his 
request  was  out  of  order." 

April  22,  the  petition  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas  was  presented,  and 
referred  to  Breth.  Doyle,  Harvey,  and  Roberts. 

May  1,  the  delegates  to  the  convention  which  organized  the  Grand 
Lodge  reported  as  follows : 


"  The  committee  appointed  to  attend  the  convocation  to  be  held  at  Jackson- 
ville on  the  first  Monday  in  the  month  of  April,  1840,  for  the  purpose  of  organ- 
izing a  Grand  Lodge  in  and  for  the  State  of  Illinois,  respectfully  report  that  they 
attended  at  Jacksonville  at  the  time  aforesaid,  and  then  and  there  acted  in  the 
said  convocation,  with  the  delegates  from  the  respective  Lodges  there  repre- 
sented, and  then  and  there,  in  conjunction  with  the  said  Lodges,  made  a  consti- 
tution and  by-laws  for  the  government  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  proceeded  to 
an  election  of  the  officers  for  the  regular  Masonic  organization  of  a  Grand 
Lodge,  the  location  of  which  to  be  at  Jacksonville,  Illinois. 

(Signed)  "J.  ADAMS,  ) 

J.  R.  GRAY,  I  Delegates." 


On  May  4,  the  charter  granted  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  was 
received  and  accepted,  consequently  we  will  hereafter  designate  this 
Lodge  as 


June  llth,  Stephen  A.  Douglas  was  initiated,  and  on  June  24th 
passed.  July  15th,  the  following  action  was  had  : 

"  It  appearing  that  Thomas  M.  Neale  is  a  brother  Mason,  and  now  ly- 
ing very  ill,  and  although  he  is  not  a  member  of  this  Lodge,  yet  it 
appearing  that  his  family  is  in  want  of  some  necessaries,  it  is  ordered 
that  the  committee  of  Charity  be  authorized  to  appropriate  the  sum  of 
$20  for  the  use  of  the  family,  at  the  discretion  of  said  committee." 

September  7th,  Bro.  Killaly  offered  the  following  preamble  and  resolu- 
tion, which  were  laid  over  until  the  next  meeting  : 

"  WHEREAS,  At  a  meeting  of  delegates  from  various  Lodges  of  this  State,  held 
nt  Jacksonville  in  December  last,  to  consider  and  decide  upon  the  propriety  and 
expediency  of  forming  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  to  adopt 
such  preliminary  measures  as  might  be  deemed  necessary  towards  the  organi- 
zation of  a  Grand  Lodge,  it  was  unanimously  agreed  that  the  permanent  location 
of  said  Grand  Lodge  should  be  determined  by  a  majority  of  the  subordinate 
Lodges  in  this  State,  each.  Lodge  having  one  vote;  and 

••WHEREAS,  At  the  subsequent  .meeting  of  delegates  in  April  last,  which  con- 
stituted the  present  Grand  Lodge,  its  location  was  decided  upon  in  a  manner 
different  from  that  agreed  upon  at  the  preliminary  meeting  aforesaid,  and  giving 
to  some  Lodges  an  undue  preponderance  over  others  in  said  decision;  and 

"  WHEREAS,  This  Lodge  believes  that  the  only  fair  and  equitable  mode  of 
settling  that  question,  involving  the  convenience  and  interest  of  all  the 
subordinate  Lodges,  and  of  each  equally,  is  by  the  vote  of  the  said  Lodges,  as 
such,  each  Lodge  having  one  vote;  and 

"  WHEREAS,  This  Lodge  will  never  be  satisfied  with,  or  silently  acquiesce  in 
the  decision  of  said  question,  not  procured  in  this  or  some  similar  way ;  there- 

"  Resolved,  That  this  Lodge  does  hereby  protest  against  the  decision  aforesaid, 
and  instructs  its  delegates  to  the  approaching  annual  communication  to  have 
said  decision  annulled,  and  the  question  of  the  permanent  location  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  determined  by  a  majority  of  the  votes  of  all  the  subordinate  Lodges,  or 
in  some  other  mode  equally  calculated  to  secure  to  each  Lodge  its  due  share  of 

September  15th,  the  above  preamble  and  resolution  were  passed,  and 
the  Secretary  directed  to  write  to  the  Lodges  at  Hillsboroand  Vandalia, 


and  request  them  to  withdraw  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  and 
unite  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois. 

December  21st,  "Bro.  William  Mitchell,  of  Peoria,"  made  application 
for  the  second  and  third  degrees.  Bro.  Mitchell  was  afterwards  Grand 
Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge. 

December  28th,  officers  as  follows  were  elected  :  Meredith  Helm,  "W. 
M.;  Love  S.  Cornwell,  S.  W.;  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  J.  W.;  Maurice  Doyle, 
Treasurer;  Francis  A.  McNeill,  Secretary;  Francis  Springer,  Chaplain  ; 
S.  L.  Hesser,  Tyler.  Breth.  Zwisler  and  L.  B.  Adams  were  appointed 
Deacons,  and  Bro.  Harvey  Master  of  Ceremonies.  The  officers  being 
installed,  the  Lodge  was  closed. 

The  visitors  to  Springfield  Lodge  during  this  year  were  numerous. 
Among  them  were  William  Hodge,  of  Temperance  Lodge;  Hart  Fellows, 
of  Carrollton ;  Wm.  S.  Vance,  No.  3  (J.  G.  W.) ;  D.  McMurphy,  A.  V.  Put- 
nam, and  A.  C.  Dickson,  of  Harmony  Lodge ;  John  Bennett  (now  W.  M. 
No.  19  at  Petersburg) ;  John  Logan,  John  S.  Bradford  (now  a  member  of 
No.  333) ;  John  Turney,  formerly  of  Eden  Lodge  No.  11;  Wm.  J.  Gatewood, 
of  Equality  Lodge;  Harry  Wilton,  of  Mt.  Moriah  Lodge;  William  Stad- 
den,  John  T.  Jones,  of  Harmony  Lodge ;  J.  A.  McDougall  and  R.  J. 
Hamilton,  the  latter  formerly  of  Union  Lodge  No.  10. 


The  members  added  by  raising  to  this  Lodge,  during  this  year,  are 
as  follows:  J.  C.  Wheeler,  Jan.  13;  A.  S.  Thompson,  Feb.  10;  Zophar 
Case,  Feb.  19;  Q.  C.  Alexander,  March  8;  E.  A.  Haden,  March  30;  Jo- 
siah  T.  Bradley,  April  13;  Henry  Scott,  April  24;  Jeremiah  Abbott, 
April  29;  Henry  H.  Neely,  Dec.  3.  June  24,  St.  John's  Day  was  duly 
celebrated  at  the  "  Inn"  of  Bro.  Greenupj  thirty-six  brethren  being  pres- 
ent. July  13,  the  following  officers  elected  June  15  were  installed*: 
Asahel  Lee,  W.  M.;  H.  C.  Remain,  S.  W.;  D.  B.  Hodge",  J.  W.;  AlVin 
Washburn,  Treasurer;  William  Hodge,' Secretary ;  A.  Boudafad  and  A. 
S.  Thompson,  Deacons;  Jeremiah  Abbott,  Tyler.  September  8,  Bro.' VJ. 
M.  Peery  was  buried  with  Masonic  honors.  September  14,  the  Lodge  at 
Carlyle  was  recommended.  December  18,  the  following  offic'ers  wete 
elected:  John  D.  Gorin,  W.  M.;  H.  C.  Remann,  S.  W.;  Williafn  Hodge, 
J.  W;  Q.  C.  Alexander,  Secretary;  -Thos.  H.  Kirkman,  Treasurer;  A.  S. 
Thompson  and  A.  Bourland,  Deacons;  Moses  Phillips,  Tyler. 


The  raisings  by  this  Lodge  we  can  give  only  from  October,  as  the 
records  from  September  27th,  1839,  to  that  time,  are  not  in  our  possession. 

Francis  J.  Dunn  was  raised  October  21st,  which  was  all  the  work  done 
by  the  Lodge  in  1840,  that  we  have  any  knowledge  of. 



The  following  were  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  this  year :  A.  J. 
Short,  Jan.  7th  ;  C.  N.  Williams,  May  25th ;  William  Bayne,  June  24th  ; 
D.  P.  MeNeall,  Dec.  28th.  April  3d,  W.  D.  McCann  was  appointed  a 
delegate  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois.  Dec.  28th,  the  following  officers 
were  elected  :  Lytle  Griffing,  W.  M.;  W.  D.  McCann,  S.  W.;  J.  S.  Logan, 
J.  W.;  A.  Tousalin,  Secretary;  G.  W.  Thompson,  Treasurer;  M.  L.  Hud- 
nail  and  C.  X.  Williams,  Deacons ;  Wm.  Bayne  and  D.  P.  McNeall, 
Stewards ;  A.  J.  Short,  Tyler. 


This  Lodge  still  remained  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri,  having  sent  no  delegate  to  the  convention  for  forming  the 
Grand  Lodge,  nor,  as  far  as  the  records  of  the  Lodge  show,  taken  any 
notice  of  such  convention,  or  the  Grand  Lodge  which  was  organized 

The  raisings  reported  by  this  Lodge  during  1840,  we  here  present:: 
J.  B.  Collins,  March  4;  C.  J.  Eicheson  and  Ira  Boone,  April  1;  D.  D. 
Shumway,  Sept.  2 ;  B.  Kelly,  Sept.  20  ;  C.  B.  Hartwell,  Nov.  4.  January 
18,  the  lodge  allowed  sundry  bills,  and  ordered  the  W.  M.  to  send  to- 
St.  Louis  for  a  "  box  of  candles,  if  there  is  sufficient  funds  in  the  treasury 
to  pay  for  the  same."  The  Lodge  at  this  meeting  resolved  to  build  a. 
hall,  "  over  the  shop  of  the  W.  M."  Bro.  H.  P.  Gay  was  elected  Secretary 
for  the  remainder  of  the  term  for  which  Bro.  Stinson  was  appointed. 
August  5,  Robert  Crow  was  affiliated.  Oct.  3,  the  M.  W.  was  appointed 
"  representative  to  the  Grand  Lodge  in  the  State  of  Missouri,  at  St. 
Louis."  Nov.  4,  the  charter  was  received,  and  on  the  same  day  the 
Lodge  constituted  as  No.  33.  The  hall  which  the  Lodge  had  ordered 
built  was  evidently  so  built,  as  at  the  meeting  of  December  2  the  Lodge- 
was  not  opened,  owing  to  the  inclemency  of  the  weather  and  the  un- 
finished condition  of  the  hall. 


Oct.  10 — A  dispensation  authorizing  Zophar  Case,  Joshua  T.  Bradley, 
Edmund  A.  Haden,  Henry  Scott,  Franklin  Hervey,  M.  McLaughlin, 
Wm.  Kelly,  H.  Wilton,  Oliver  Dunn,  W.  C.  White,  and  Thomas  Whitton, 
to  open  and  hold  a  Lodge  in  the  town  of  Carlyle,  was  granted  by  M.  W. 
P.  H.  McBride,  Grand  Master  of  Missouri.  This  Lodge  was  not  organ- 
ized until  January  20,  1841. 

This  Lodge  did  no  work  during  this  year. 




The  record  of  the  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  we  here  present: 

"  At  a  meeting  of  Ancient  York  Masons,  held  in  the  town  of  Dixon,  on 
6th  November,  A.  D.  1840,  A.  L.  5840,  the  following  brethren  were 
present,  viz.:  Samuel  Johnston,  Thomas  Dexter,  John  Van  Arnam, 
Isaac  Robinson,  M.  P.  Kerr,  Jacob  "Whipple,  Henry  Brewer,  W.  A. 
Merritt,  and  G.  A.  Martin. 

"The  dispensation  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  was  received 
and  read,  authorizing  this  Lodge  to  work  under  the  name  of  Friendship. 

"  The  following  officers  were  appointed  in  said  dispensation :  Bro. 
Samuel  Johnston,  W.  M.;  E.  G.  Nichols,  Senior,  and  Wm.  A.  Merritt, 
Junior  Wardens. 

"The  Lodge  proceeded  to  the  election  of  officers  for  the  ensuing  year, 
when  the  following  brethren  were  duly  elected  &nd  proclaimed  accord- 
ingly, viz.:  G.  A.  Martin,  Sec.;  John  Van  Arnam,  Tr.;  M.  P.  Kerr,  S.  D.; 
.Alvin  Humphry,  J.  D.;  Isaac  Robinson,  Tyler. 

"  Bro.  Samuel  Johnston,  W.  M.  elect,  was  then  introduced,  and  in- 
stalled according  to  ancient  form  and  usage.  Breth.  Wm.  A.  Merritt, 
J.  W.;  G.  A.  Martin,  Sec.;  John  Van  Arnam,  Tr.;  M.  P.  Kerr,  S.  D.;  and 
Isaac  Robinson,  Tyler,  were  installed.  Breth.  E.  G.  Nichols,  S.  W.;  and 
Alvin  Humphry,  J.  D.,  were  not  present.  Breth.  M.  P.  Kerr,  S.  W., 
•pro  tern.;  H.  Brewer,  S.  D.,pro  tern.;  and  J.  Whipple,  J.  D.,pro  tern, 

"The  Entered  Apprentice's  Lodge  was  then  opened,  and  entered  upon 

"  Bro.  Samuel  Johnston  offered  the  following  resolution,  which  was 
read  and  adopted,  viz.: 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  be  appointed  to  prepare  a  code  of  by-laws  for 
Friendship  Lodge,  with  instructions  to  report  at  the  next  regular  meeting  the 
result  of  their  labor. 

"  Whereupon,  Breth.  Robinson,  Van  Arnam,  and  Martin  were  appointed 
said  committee. 

"  Bro.  Van  Arnam  offered  the  following  resolution,  which  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  That  the  regular  communication  of  Friendship  Lodge  shall  be 
holden  on  Thursday  on  or  the  next  preceding  every  full  moon,  in  the  town  of 
Dixon,  at  the  hour  of  1  o'clock  P.  M. 

"  Bro.  Samuel  Johnston  offered  the  following  resolution,  which  was 
adopted : 

"Resolved,  That  if  any  of  the  members  of  this  Lodge  choose  to  advance  (or  loan) 
money  for  the  purpose  of  buying  indispensible  materials,  said  money  shall  be 
returned  to  the  creditor  the  first  received  (if  required). 

"  Whereupon,  Breth.  John  Van  Arnam  advanced  $5,  Isaac  Robinson, 
$2,  which  was  paid  over  to  the  Treasurer  forthwith. 


"  There  being  no  further  business,  the  Lodge  was  closed  in  peace  and 
harmony,  according  to  ancient  form  and  usage,  until  the  next  regular 


"G.  A.  MARTIN,  Secretary." 

This  Lodge  held  but  one  other  meeting  during  the  year,  at  which 
by-laws  were  adopted. 


The  following  information  regarding  this  Lodge  we  obtained  from 
Bro.  McCorkle,  Grand  Secretary  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  : 

"Ottawa  Lodge  Xo.  114,  at  Ottawa,  Illinois,  dispensation  granted  December  19, 
1839,  George  Breckenridjre  being  G.  Master,  Swigert,  G.  Secretary.  Chartered 
September,  1840,  Abner  Cunningham  being  G.  Master,  Swigert,  G.  Secretary. 
John  R.  Hall  was  the  first  Master.  It  was  authorized  to  unite  with  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Illinois,  in  September,  1841." 

The  records  of  this  Lodge  for  1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843,  and  1844,  we 
are  informed  by  R.  W.  Bro.  Easton,  can  not  be  found. 




The  Grand  Lodge  met  at  Jacksonville,  Monday,  October  4. 

The  following  grand  officers  were  present:  M.  W.  Abraham  Jonasr 
Grand  Master;  Alexander  Dunlap,  Senior  Grand  "Warden;  Harrison 
Dills,  Junior  Grand  Warden ;  W.  D.  McCann,  Dep.  Grand  Secretary  ,- 
P.  Coffman,  Grand  Treasurer;  Meredith  Helm,  Grand  Senior  Deacon; 
John  Crockett,  Junior  Grand  Deacon;  A.  V.  Putnam,  Grand  Marshal, 
pro  tern.;  John  Gregory,  Grand  Pursuivant;  M.  J.  Kelly,  Grand  Sword 
Bearer,  pro  tern.;  A.  C.  Dixon,  Grand  Tyler,  pro  tern. 

Five  Lodges  were  represented,  as  follows  :  Bodley,  No.  1,  by.  Harrison 
Dills  and  John  Crockett;  Harmony,  No.  3,  by  John  Gregory,  Mat.  Stacy, 
and  G.  Hackett;  Springfield,  No.  4,  by  M.  Helm  and  P.  J.  Shepherd; 
Columbus,  No.  6,  by  W.  D.  McCann;  and  Macon  U.  D.,  at  Decatur,  by 
Geo.  A.  Patterson.  Equality  and  Far  West  Lodges  were  not.represented. 

The  following  visiting  brethren  were  present:  Henry  Carrigan,  Z.  P. 
Cabiniss,  Chas.  W.  Chatterton,  Sam'l  Matlack,  L.  B.  Adams,  M.  Lindsay, 
Samuel  L.  Hesser,  A.  Y.  Ellis,  Harrison  A.  Hough,  M.  J.  Kelly,  and 
Maurice  Doyle,  of  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4;  Chapin  Allen  and  George 
Hackett,  of  Harmony,  No.  3 ;  and  V.  B.  Holmes,  of  Randolph  Lodge, 

Petitions  for  dispensations  for  Lodges  at  Joliet,  Chicago,  and  "Dixon, 
were  referred,  also  the  returns  and  work  of  Macon  Lodge  U.  D. 

The  following  committees  were  appointed  : 

"  On  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges,  Breth.  Dills,  Shepherd,  and  Stacy 

"  On  Petitions  and  Grievances,  Breth.  Helm,  Crockett,  and  Hackett. 

"  On  Finances  and  Accounts,  Breth.  Dunlap,  Doyle,  and  Dickson. 

"To  Examine  Visiting  Brethren,  Breth.  Gregory  and  Patterson." 

The  Grand  Secretary  was  authorized  to  have  the  Constitution  re- 
printed, and  three  copies  sent  to  each  Lodge. 


The  committee  appointed  to  inform  Bro.  Stephen  A.  Douglas  of  his 
election  as  Grand  Orator,  reported  that  owing  to  the  inability  of  that 
brother  to  be  present  and  perform  the  work  assigned  him,  they  had 
selected  Bro.  James  A.  McDougall,  who  had  signified  his  acceptance  of 
the  post. 

Bro.  Helm  having  moved  an  amendment  to  the  By-Laws  giving  the 
Grand  Wardens  one  vote,  collectively;  and  to  strike  out  the  word  "Jack- 
sonville," and  insert  "Springfield,"  and  full  power  given  the  Grand 
Marshal  to  arrange  for  a  procession  when  the  officers  were  installed. 
The  Grand  Lodge  was  called  off  until  Tuesday  morning. 

On  Tuesday,  the  Grand  Lodge  again  assembled.  Present  as  on  the 
day  previous. 

The  Committee  on  Returns  and  work  of  Lodges  made  the  following 
report : 

"  The  Committee  upon  Returns  and  Work,  beg  leave  to  make  the  fol- 
lowing report — That  they  have  examined  the  returns  of  the  following 
Lodges,  viz.: 

"  Nos.  1,  3,  4  and  6,  and  find  the  work  and  returns  of  Lodges  NOB.  1,  3, 
and  6  to  be  correct,  and  in  accordance  with  the  ancient  usages  of  Masonry. 
The  returns  of  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4,  the  majority  of  the  committee 
think  to  be  incorrect,  in  not  showing  the  date  of  the  reception  of  peti- 
tions, for  initiation,  passing,  and  raising  of  candidates,  as  laid  down  in 
the  form  of  returns  to  be  observed  by  subordinate  Lodges.  Your  com- 
mittee had  before  them  the  records  of  said  Lodge  No.  4,  and  find  that 
the  Lodge  has,  in  several  instances,  received  the  petition  and  initiated 
the  candidate  on  the  same  evening,  and  also  have  passed  and  raised 
•candidates  at  the  same  sitting  of  the  Lodge — which  course  of  work  the 
majority  of  your  committee  believe  to  be  in  violation  of  the  spirit  of 

"  The  majority  of  your  committee  would  further  report  that  they  have 
examined  the  returns  and  work  of  Macon  Lodge,  and  report  tjiat  said 
Lodge, in  receiving  petitions  and  initiation  of  candidates, and  passing  and 
raising  of  candidates,  have  fallen  into  the  same  error  as  Springfield  Lodge 
No.  4.  Your  committee  would  recommend  that  said  Lodge  have  its  dis- 
pensation continued  for  one  year.  Your  committee  would  further  recom- 
mend that  Macon  Lodge  pay  to  this  Grand  Lodge  the  sum  of  five  dol- 
lars, agreeably  to  the  By-laws  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  also  a  charity 
fund  of  three  dollars. 

"  WESTERN  STAR  LODGE. — Your  committee  would  further  report  that, 
from  the  returns  of  this  Lodge  they  have  no  means  whereby  to  judge  of 
the  work  of  said  Lodge ;  but  would  recommend  that  the  dispensation 
of  said  Lodge  be  continued  for  another  year  by  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  Your  committee  would  recommend  the  adoption  of  the  following 
resolutions  : 


"Resolved,  \.  That  this  Grand  Lodge  instruct  all  the  subordinate  Lodges 
under  its  jurisdiction  to  not  act  on  any  petitions,  unless  the  same  has  laid  over 
at  least  one  month,  or  from  one  stated  meeting  until  the  next  regular  stated 
meeting  of  the  Lodge. 

"  2.  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  directed  to  furnish  each  Lodge  under  the 
jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  with  at  least  two  copies  of  the  Constitution 
and  By-Laws  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  also  with  at  least  a  like  number  of  copies 
of  the  proceedings  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  3.  That  no  subordinate  Lodge  ought  to  receive  the  petition  of  any  applicant, 
whose  known  place  of  residence  is  nearer  some  other  Lodge  than  the  Lodge  to 
which  the  application  is  made,  without  the  Lodge  in  his  circuit  shall  recom- 
mend his  petition. 

"  All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

Bro.  Shepherd  made  the  following  minority  report : 

"  The  minority  of  the  committee  appointed  to  examine  the  returns 
and  work  of  the  subordinate  Lodges,  beg  leave  to  report  that  we  are 
under  the  necessity  of  differing  with  a  majority  of  your  committee. 
First,  as  it  regards  the  work  of  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4,  and  are  not  pre- 
pared to  make  a  difference  of  opinion  as  a  Lodge  (as  it  regards  the  re- 
ceiving of  members  of  which  the  Lodge  should  be  the  judge),  a  violation 
of  the  spirit  of  Masonry,  and  therefore  beg  leave  to  differ  in  opinion 
with  the  majority  of  your  committee  on  this  point. 

"Second,  the  minority  beg  leave  to  differ  also  with  the  majority  of  the 
committee  in  their  report  on  the  Macon  Lodge,  and  would  recommend 
that  they  be  granted  a  charter  by  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"The  minority  are  prepared  to  agree  with  the  majority  of  the  com- 
mittee on  the  other  matter  in  their  report. 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted  by 


"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Helm, 

"The  reports  were  laid  upon  the  table  until  2  o'clock." 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  "Rev.  Mr.  Todd's  Church," 
where  Bro.  McDougall  delivered  an  oration. 

Upon  the  return  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  charters  were  voted  to  the  Lodges 
at  Dixon,  Chicago,  and  Joliet,  upon  compliance  with  section  six  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  By-Laws. 

The  following  grand  officers  were  then  elected  :  M.  W.  A.  Jonas,  of 
Columbus,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  M.  Helm,  of  Springfield,  D.  G.  M.;  W.  A.  Dun- 
lap,  of  Jacksonville,  S.  G.  W.;  W.  H.  Dills,  of  Quincy,  J.  G.  W.;  M.  R.  F. 
A.  McNeill,  of  Springfield,  G.  C.;  James  Shields,  of  'Springfield,  G.  0.; 
W.  B.  Warren,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  Sec.;  P.  Coffman,  of  Jacksonville,  G. 
Treas.;  G.  Hackett,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  T.,  when  the  Grand  Lodge  was 
called  off  until  2  o'clock  P.  M.,  at  which  time  it  again  met,  when  the 
following  appointments  were  announced:  John  Crockett,  of  Quincy,  S. 
G.  D.;  Saml.  Matlack,  of  Springfield,  J.  G.  D.;  W.  D.  McCann,of  Colum- 
bus, D.  G.  Sec.;  A.  C.  Dickson,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  M.;  John  Gregory,  of 


Jacksonville,  G.  P.;  James  Magorian,  of  Columbus,  and  A.  V.  Putnam,  of 
Jacksonville,  G.  Stewards;  M.  Doyle,  of  Springfield,  G.  S.  B.  The 
elective  officers  were  then  duly  installed,  the  Grand  and  Deputy  Grand 
Masters  being  installed  in  a  Lodge  of  Past  Masters,  and  the  remainder 
in  the  Master's  degree. 

The  report  of  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  was  then  taken  up, 
and  the  following  action  had  : 

"On  motion  of  brother  Dills,  the  report  of  the  Committee  on  Returns 
and  Work  of  Lodges  was  taken  up  in  committee  of  the  whole,  Brother  J. 
T.  Jones,  P.  M.,  in  the  chair. 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  having  spent  some  time  in  committee  of  the 
whole,  on  motion,  the  committee  rose  and  reported  progress. 

"The  question  being  on  the  adoption  of  the  1st  resolution  in  the  re- 
port, when  Brother  Helm  offered  the  following  amemdment: 

"  Except  in  case  of  emergency,  by  the  unanimous  consent  of  the  mem- 
bers present:  and  when  there  is  no  reason  to  believe  that  any  absent 
brother  has  an  objection  to  the  candidate;  and  when  each  member  shall 
have  been  previously  notified  of  the  application." 

"  After  some  discussion,  the  question  on  the  amendment  was  rejected . 

"And  on  motion,  the  resolution  was  adopted. 

"  On  motion  of  Brother  Dills,  the  second  resolution  was  adopted. 

"  The  3d  resolution  was  then  taken  up.  Brother  J.  T.  Jones  offered 
the  following  substitute,  which  was  read  and  adopted: 

"  Resolved,  That  subordinate  Lodges  be  cautious  how  they  act  upon  petitions 
of  persons  residing  remote  from  the  place  of  application:  And  provided,  the  ap- 
plicant lives  within  twenty-five  miles  of  a  Lodge,  not  to  entertain  said  petition 
without  a  recommendation  from  the  same. 

"  Brother  Jones  offered  the  following  resolution,  which  was  read  and 
adopted : 

"Resolved,  That  from  the  explanation  made  by  Brother  Patterson,  that  the 
irregularity  in  the  work  of  Macon  Lodge,  referred  to  by  the  committee  on  that 
.subject,  be  overlooked,  and  that  a  charter  be  granted  to  said  Lodge." 

Bro.  Dunlap  moved  to  strike  out  of  the  By-laws,  the  words  "First 
Monday  in  October,"  and  insert  "First  Monday  in  August." 

The  report  of  the  Finance  Committee  showed  that  the  Grand  Secretary 
had  received  $124,  which  amount  had  been  paid  to  the  Treasurer.  After 
directing  the  Grand  Secretary  to  communicate  with  delinquent  Lodges, 
notifying  them  to  be  represented  at  the  next  annual  convention,  or  their 
charters  would  be  forfeited,  and'providing  for  the  publication  of  rejec- 
tions, expulsions,  etc.  The  Grand  Lodge  closed. 

Bodley  Lodge  reported  34  members,  Harmony  23,  Springfield  39, 
Columbus  17,  Macon  U.  D.  10.— Total  123. 

The  Constitution,  By-laws,  and  the  oration  of  Bro.  McDougall,  are 
printed  with  the  proceedings  of  this  year. 



Raised  in  1841  as  follows:  Henry  D.  Dills,  March  8;  J.  M.  Pitman, 
March  9.  January  4,  the  Finance  Committee  reported  debts  due  the 
Lodge  to  amount  to  $220.99  ;  cash  in  Treasury,  $8.75;  debts  due  by  the 
Lodge,  $154.49.  June  23,  officers  as  follows  were  elected  :  J.  H.  Holton, 
W.  M.;  Hiram  Rogers,  S.  W.;  J.  H.  Luce,  J.  W.;  "Wm.  Coyne,  Sec.;  T. 
Monroe,  Treas.  The  following  were  appointed  :  J.  M.  Pitman  and  Har- 
rison Dills,  Deacons;  J.  Steinagle,  Steward  and  Tyler.  At  this  meeting, 
"a  communication  was  received  from  John  C.  Bennett  and  others,  of 
the  city  of  Nauvoo,  asking  this  Lodge  to  recommend  to  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  the  State,  certain  individuals  whose  names  were  therein  contained, 
to  be  appointed  Master  and  Wardens  of  a  Lodge  to  be  established  at  said 
city ;  but  as  those  persons  were  unknown  to  this  Lodge  as  Masons,  it  was 
thought  prudent  not  to  do  so.  The  letter  was  returned  to  Bro.  H.  Rogers 
with  instructions  how  to  act  upon  it."  November  8,  the  Lodge  buried, 
with  the  honors  of  Masonry,  the  remains  of  Bro.  Daniel  Whipple. 
December  6,  a  petition  for  a  Lodge  at  Warsaw  was  presented,  and  the 
Secretary  directed  to  correspond  with  the  petitioners,  and  directing  "  one 
petitioner  to  examine  the  rest  and  report  to  the  Lodge;"  and  on  Decem- 
ber 20,  the  petition  of  the  brethren  in  and  about  Warsaw  was  recom- 
mended. Officers,  as  follows,  were  elected  on  December  27 :  Hiram 
Rogers,  W.  M.;  J.  H.  Holton,  S.  W.;  J.  N.  Ralston,  J.  W.;  T.  Monroe, 
Treasurer;  William  Coyne,  Secretary;  Pitman  and  Davis,  Deacons ;  J. 
Hedges,  S.  and  Tyler. 


This  Lodge  did  no  work  during  this  year. 

At  the  meeting  of  April  3,  Brethren  Wm.  J.  Gatewood,  Jos.  E.  Wat- 
kins,  and  Edmund  Jones  were  appointed  "a  committee  to  correspond 
with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky."  What  the  object  of  this  corres- 
pondence was  is  not  stated,  but  we  presume  it  was  in  relation  to  severing 
the  connection  of  the  Lodge  with  that  Grand  Lodge,  in  order  to  unite 
with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois. 

June  24,  the  following  brethren  were  elected  officers :  Wm.  J.  Gate- 
wood,  W.  M. ;  A.  W.  Pool,  S.  W.;  J.  E.  Watkins,  J.  W. :  Wm.  Siddall, 
Sec.;  John  R.  Smoote,  Treas.:  J.  W.  Hamilton  and  R.  T.  Hopper, 
Deacons;  Beverly  R.  Young,  Tyler. 

June  28,  the  petition  of  sundry  brethren  at  Shawneetown  for  a  new 
Lodge  was  recommended. 

November  12,  the  remains  of  "  Bro.  Thomas  Holland  Leavell,  aged  43 
years,"  were  interred  with  the  solemn  funeral  service  of  the  Fraternity. 



The  raisings  reported  by  this  Lodge  during  this  year  are  as  follows: 
James  Shields,  Jan.  4;  W.  B.  Egan,  Jan.  25;  Braxton  Parrish,  Jan.  27; 
Willis  Allen  and  J.  M.  Kelly,  Feb.  3;  J.  Steinfield,  Feb.  4;  Morris 
Lindsay  and  John  Dougherty,  Feb.  15;  S.  H.  Treat  and  Stephen  G. 
Hicks,  Feb.  17:  Joseph  W.  Ormsbee,  A.  Y.  Ellis,  and  Michael  Glynn, 
Feb.  24;  George  R.  Webber,  March  1 ;  Z.  P.  Cabanis,  April  19;  Ebenezer 
Stout,  June  7;  Charles  W.  Ohatterton,  Aug.  2  ;  Augustus  Hays,  Sept.  15. 

Feb.  22  was  observed  as  follows  : 

"Monday,  Feb.  22,  the  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment. 

"Members  present:  M.  Helm,  W.  M.;  L.  S.  Cornwell,  S.  W.;  S.  A. 
Douglas,  J.  W.;  M.  Doyle,  Treasurer;  F.  A.  McNeill,  Secretary;  Jas. 
Zwisler,  S.  D. ;  L.  B.  Adams,  J.  D. ;  L.  S.  Hesser,  Tyler;  the  members 
of  the  Lodge  generally,  and  many  visiting,  all  properly  accredited. 

"  A  Master  Mason's  Lodge  was  opened  in  due  form.  The  Lodge 
was  then  called  from  labor  to  refreshment  until  4  o'clock  P.  M.  In 
the  meantime  a  procession  was  formed,  agreeably  to  previous  arrange- 
ments, of  all  the  brethren  present,  who  repaired  in  Masonic  order  to  the 
State  House,  where  they  listened  to  an  excellent  Masonic  address  by 
Bro.  Woodson,  of  the  House  of  Representatives,  after  which  the  brethren 
formed  again  in  procession  and  marched  to  the  Globe  Inn,  where  they 
partook  of  an  excellent  dinner  provided  for  the  occasion.  The  pro- 
cession being  again  re-formed,  returned  to  the  Lodge,  where,  at  the 
appointed  hour,  the  Graft,  were  again  called  from  refreshment  to  labor. 
No  further  business  appearing  for  the  benefit  of  Masonry,  the  Lodge 
was  then  adjourned  till  to-morrow  evening  at  the  usual  hour." 

At  the  meeting  of  Feb.  23,  Bro.  Woodson  was  requested  to  furnish  his 
oration  for  publication. 

April  19,  Bro.  S.  A.  Douglas  resigned  his  station  as  Junior  Warden, 
and  Bro.  James  Shepherd  was  chosen  to  fill  the  vacancy.  At  this 
meeting  Bro.  Helm  offered  the  following  resolution,  which,  on  his 
motion,  was  laid  on  the  table  until  the  next  meeting  of  the  Lodge  : 

"WHEREAS,  In  the  judgment  of  this  Lodge,  circumstances  which  are  incom- 
patible with  the  peace,  harmony,  and  well-being  of  the  Lodge,  and  which  are 
otherwise  incurable;  therefore,  be  it 

"Resolved,  That  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4  be  and  it  is  hereby  dissolved,  and 
that  it  cease  to  exist,  work,  or  act  in  any  manner  or  form  from  and  after  the  close 
of  the  present  meeting. 

"  Resolved,  Sd.  That  the  Secretary  be  directed  to  return  to  the  Secretary  of 
the  Urand  Lodge  our  charter,  together  with  a  copy  of  the  foregoing  resolutions, 
signed  by  the  Master,  and  countersigned  by  the  Secretary." 

April  22,  the  question  on  the  adoption  of  Bro.  Helm's  resolution  came 
up,  when  the  following  action  was  had: 


"  Bro.  J.  Adams  moved  an  amendment  to  the  above  resolution,  viz. : 
That  the  resolutions  be  laid  on  the  table  until  the  next  regular  meeting, 
which  was  accepted  by  the  original  mover.  The  resolution  was 

"  Moved,  that  the  preamble  and  resolutions  be  laid  on  the  table  for 
the  present.  Carried. 

"Moved,  that  if  the  brethren,  members  of  this  Lodge  who  are  willing 
to  withdraw  and  form  a  new  Lodge,  shall  do  so,  this  Lodge  hereby 
agrees  to  recommend  the  petition  of  said  brethren  for  a  dispensation, 
and  to  pay  them  seventy-five  dollars  out  of  the  funds  of  this  Lodge  to 
assist  them  in  the  formation  of  their  new  Lodge. 

"  The  following  amendment  was  proposed,  to-wit :  '  The  said  seventy- 
five  dollars  to  be  paid  at  the  regular  meeting  of  this  Lodge  in  the  month 
of  June  next.' 

"The  question  was  put  upon  the  passage  of  the  amendment.    Carried. 

"The  question  was  put  upon  the  passage  of  the  resolution  as  amended. 

On  April  26,  the  following  action  was  had  : 

"Bros.  Alexander  Lindsay,  Morris  Ltndsay,  Alexander  Shields,  J.  R. 
Braucher,  George  R.  Webber,  L.  B.  Adams,  and  W.  T.  Pride  asked  leave 
to  withdraw  as  members  of  this  Lodge,  which  was  granted. 

"A  petition  to  the  Grand  Master  for  a  dispensation  to  form  a  new 
Lodge,  signed  by  the  above  brethren,  was  then  presented  for  a  recom- 
mendation by  this  Lodge.  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  this  Lodge  recommend  said  petition  to  the  favorable  consid- 
eration of  the  Grand  Master. 

"Resolved,  That  so  much  of  the  first  section  of  the  9th  Art.  of  the  by-laws  as 
requires  members  withdrawing  from  the  Lodge  to  pay  dues  for  the  quarter 
current,  be  suspended,  and  that  they,  the  brethren  who  have  withdrawn  to- 
night, be  remitted  their  dues  for  the  present  quarter.  Passed  unanimously. 

"  Whereupon  the  Deputy  Grand  Master  addressed  the  Lodge,  and 
after  having  given  the  Lodge  various  wholesome  advice,  concluded  by 
assuring  them  that  in  future  he  would  refrain  altogether  from  taking 
part  in  the  ordinary  business  of  the  Lodge." 

The  dispensation  thus  recommended,  was  not  granted. 

June  24th,  Bro  Helm  resigned  his  station  as  W.  M.,  whereupon  Bro. 
Love  S.  Cornwell  was  elected  to  fill  the  vacancy. 

June  28th,  a  petition  for  a  new  Lodge  at  Decatur,  signed  by  Breth. 
Leonard  Ashton,  George  A.  Patterson,  William  LaForge,  Elijah  League, 
Henry  Prather,  Joseph  King,  and  James  Ashton,  was  recommended. 
At  this  meeting  the  following  was  passed  : 

"  Bro  James  Shields  presented  the  following  preamble  and  resolution, 
which  on  motion  were  unanimously  adopted  : 


"WHEREAS,  Dr.  M.  Helm,  late  Master  of  this  Lodge,  has  felt  it  his  duty  to  resign 
the  office  which  he  so  long  exercised  with  distinguished  ability  and  universal 
satisfaction ;  and 

"  WHEREAS,  It  is  just,  proper,  and  Masonic  that  genuine  merit  should  always 
be  appreciated  and  openly  approbated  by  the  enlightened  brotherhood  of  Free- 
masons; therefore 

"  Resolved,  That  the  brethren  of  this  Lodge  unanimously  tender  to  Dr.  M. 
Helm,  our  late  Worshipful  Master,  thereof,  their  sincere  and  grateful  thanks,  for 
the  able,  efficient,  and  satisfactory  manner  in  which  he  discharged  his  trust 
while  acting  as  Master,  and  for  his  disinterested,  untiring,  and  successful  efforts 
in  the  cause  of  Freemasonry." 

Sept.  27th,  Bro  Cornwall  resigned  as  W.  M.,  and  Bro.  Helm  was 
elected  to  fill  the  vacancy.  Dec.  27th,  the  following  officers  wers  elected  : 
James  Shepherd,  W.  M.;  William  Harvey,  S.  W.;  James  Zwisler,  J.  "W.; 
Edward  Jones,  Sec.;  M.  Doyle,  Treas.;  F.  Springer,  Chaplain ;  James 
Maxcy,  Tyler;  and  the  following  were  appointed :  Samuel  Matlack, 
M.  of  C.;  George  R.  Weber  and  John  Uhler,  Deacons. 


Raised  as  follows,  during  this  year:  Joseph  Doplar,  Dec.  4th.;  J. 
Stewart,  Dec.  27th.  The  following  officers  were  elected  at  the  last 
named  meeting:  Charles  Gear,  W.  M. :  John  Turney,  S.  W.;  John  Mc- 
Nulty,  J.  W.;  Daniel  Wann,  Treasurer;  James  Rice,  Secretary;  R. 
Pattison  and  M.  Faucet,  Deacons ;  J.  Stewart  and  J.  Doplar,  Stewards ; 
Joseph  Dunlap,  Tyler. 

We  have  no  information  regarding  this  Lodge  during  the  year. 


Raised  as  follows :  C.  N.  Halstead,  May  10th ;  Alex.  H.  Barnes,  Dec. 
13th.  May  7th,  the  Lodge  buried,  with  the  forms  of  our  ritual,  all  that 
remained  of  Bro.  A.  Bourland,  Junior  Deacon  of  the  Lodge  at  the  time. 
Angust  9th,  the  officers  that  should  have  been  elected  June  24th,  previous, 
were  elected  "to  serve  from  the  24th  June  last,"  as  follows :  N.  "M. 
McCurdy,  W.  M.;  D.  B.  Hodge,  S.  W.;  A.  S.  Thompson,  J.  W.;  T.  C. 
Kirkman,  Treas. ;  Q.  C.  Alexander,  Secy. ;  H.  C.  Remann  and  Wm. 
Hodge,  Deacons:  Moses  Philips,  Tyler. 

Dec.  13,  the  Lodge  again  elected  officers,  with  the  following  result : 
D.  B.  Hodge,  W.  M.;  H.  C.  Remann,  S.  W. ;  W.  T.  Hopkins,  J.  W. ; 
J.  D.  Gorin,  Treas. ;  Q.  C.  Alexander,  Sec. ;  N.  M.  McCurdy  and  Wm. 
Hodge,  Deacons;  Moses  Phillips,  Tyler. 


Raised  during  1841  the  following:  Horace  Preston,  James  Campbell, 
James  McKinney,  June  17;  T.  H.  March,  June  23;  Smith  Gilbraith, 


Richard  Loveland,  A.  Morehouse,  July  31;   D.  B.  McKinney,  Stephen 
Fuller,  August  29. 

May  28,  eight  dollars  was  appropriated  as  balance  due  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Kentucky  for  the  dispensation.  June  3,  the  following  officers 
were  elected:  Samuel  Johnston,  W.  M.;  G.  A.  Martin,  S.  W.;  W.  A. 
Merritt,  J.  W.;  John  Van  Arnarn,  Treasurer;  Isaac  Robinson,  Tyler. 
The  Lodge  at  this  meeting  resolved  to  celebrate  St.  John's  Day.  June  17, 
the  committee  of  arrangements  for  St.  John's  Day  reported  that  they  had 
procured  the  upper  room  of  the  Court  House,  for  the  purpose  of  having 
an  oration  delivered  by  Bro.  J.  B.  Crist,  of  Oregon.  James  Campbell 
and  James  McKinney  were  appointed  Deacons.  June  23,  the  Lodge  re- 
solved to  apply  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  for  a  charter.  June  24, 
the  day  was  celebrated,  and  the  officers  installed  by  Bro.  \Vm.  J.  Mix, 
of  Oregon,  when  an  oration  was  delivered  by  Bro.  J.  B.  Crist,  also  of 
Oregon.  August  29,  the  committee  appointed  to  draw  up  a  petition  to 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  for  a  charter,  reported,  and  the  petition 
drawn  by  them  was  approved;  whereupon,  the  Lodge  was  closed  until 
the  charter  was  received 


The  record  of  the  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  we  here  present,  remark- 
ing that  the  dispensation  (which  is  recorded  in  full)  is  omitted,  being 
in  the  usual  form  of  such  documents  : 


"  The  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  previous  notice  and  appointment,  at  their 
hall  in  Decatur,  on  the  17th  day  of  July,  A.  L.  5841,  A.  D.  1841. 

"Present:  G.  A.  Patterson,  W.  M.;  Joseph  King,  S.  W.;  Wm.  Laforge, 
J.  W.;  Henry  Prather,  Sec.  and  T.,  p.  t.;  Elijah  League,  S.  D.,  p.  L; 
Leonard  Ashton,  J.  D.,  p.  t.;  James  Ashton,  S.  and  T.,  p.  t. 

"The  Lodge  was  called  to  order  by  the  W.  M.,  and  proceeded  to  busi- 
ness in  due  and  ancient  form  by  opening  on  the  Master's  degree. 

"  Bro.  Henry  Prather  presented  a  code  of  by-laws  for  the  regulation  of 
this  Lodge,  which  being  read,  on  motion  of  Bro.  L.  Ashton,  the  same 
was  unanimously  adopted  as  the  by-laws  of  this  Lodge. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  King,  the  blank  in  the  dispensation  was  filled  by 
inserting  the  word  'Macon/  by  which  the  dispensation  now  reads 
'  Macon  Lodge.' 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  King,  the  name  of  'Elijah  Laforge'  in  the  dis- 
pensation, which  was  so  written  by  mistake,  was  altered  so  as  to  read 
'  Elijah  League.' 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  King,  the  name  of  Henry  Prather,  one  of  the 
petitioners  for  the  dispensation,  which  was  omitted  in  the  dispensation 
by  mistake,  was  inserted. 


"On  motion  of  Bro.  King,  the  dispensation,  as  amended,  was  ordered 
to  be  spread  upon  the  records  as  part  of  the  records  of  the  Lodge. 

"  Bro.  Prather  presented  the  petition  of  W.  \V.  Oglesby,  praying  for 
the  benefits  of  Masonry,  recommended  by  James  Ashton  and  vouched 
for  by  Jos.  King;  whereupon,  the  W.  M.  appointed  Breth.  H.  Prather 
and  L.  Ashton  a  committee  on  said  petition. 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  L.  Ashton,  that  section  of  the  by-laws  requiring  a 
petition  to  lie  over  for  one  month  was  dispensed  with,  and  the  committee 
on  the  petition  of  W.  W.  Oglesby  instructed  to  report  forthwith. 

"  Whereupon,  the  committee,  after  consultation,  reported  favorably. 
A  ballot  was  then  taken,  and  found  clear. 

"  Bro.  Prather  then  presented  the  petition  of  Henry  Hummel,  praying 
for  the  benefits  of  Masonry,  recommended  by  E.  League,  and  vouched 
for  by  If.  Prather;  whereupon,  the  W.  M.  appointed  Joseph  King  and 
L.  Ashton  a  committee  on  said  petition. 

"  On  motion  of  L.  Ashton,  so  much  of  Sec.  1,  Art.  5,  of  the  by-laws,  as 
requires  a  petition  to  lie  over  one  month  for  consideration,  was  dispensed 
with,  and  the  committee  on  the  petition  of  H.  Hummel  instructed  to 
report  forthwith.  After  consultation,  the  committee  reported  favorably, 
wherepon,  a  ballot  was  taken  on  the  petition  of  H.  Hummel,  and  found 

"No  further  business  appearing  in  this  degree  for  the  benefit  of  Ma- 
sonry, the  Lodge  closed,  and  a  Lodge  of  Entered  Apprentices  was  opened 
in  due  form. 

"  W.  W.  Oglesby  and  H.  Hummel  being  in  waiting,  were  severally 
initiated  as  Entered  Apprentice  Masons. 

"  The  Lodge  was  then  called  from  labor  to  refreshment  until  Monday 
evening,  19th  inst." 

This  dispensation  was  granted  to  Breth.  George  A.  Patterson,  Joseph 
King,  "William  LaForge,  Leonard  Ashton,  James  Ashton,  Elijah  League, 
and  Henry  Prather,  and  was  recommended  by  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4. 
Bro.  Patterson  was  named  as  Master,  Joseph  King,  S.  W.,  and  William 
LaForge,  J.  W.  The  dispensation  was  dated  July  1, 1841,  and  signed  by 
Abraham  Jonas,  G.  M.,  and  attested  by  W.  B.  Warren,  G.  Sec.  The 
following  brethren  were  raised  during  the  year:  W.  W.  Oglesby,  July 
19  ;  Henry  Hummel  and  Joel  S.  Post,  August  28:  Charles  II.  Pringle, 
A.  S.  Williams,  and  Jerome  B.  Gorin,  Oct.  18;  William  Bosworth,  De- 
cember 27. 

October  20,  the  charter  granted  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  was 
delivered  to  the  Lodge  by  the  W.  M.,  whereupon  an  election  was  held 
which  resulted  as  follows  :  G.  A.  Patterson  was  elected  W.  M.;  Joseph 
King,  S.  W.;  Henry  Prather,  J.  W.;  A.  S.  Williams,  Treas.;  J.  R.  Gorin, 
Sec.;  James  Ashton,  Steward  and  Tyler. 


ST.  JOHN'S   LODGE,  U.  D. 

We  present  the  record  of  the  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  entire  : 

"August  7th,  A.  L.  5841. — Under  a  dispensation  granted  by  the  M.  "W. 
G.  Lodge  of  Illinois,  received  and  accepted  by  the  petitioners,  they  as- 
sembled at  their  lodge-room  on  Saturday,  7th  of  August,  A.  L.  5841,  pro- 
ceeded to  open  and  organize  a  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons, 
under  the  style  and  name  of  St.  John's  Lodge. 

"Present:  Bro.  Luther  Woodward,  W.  M.;  Bro.  Andrew  Kirkpatrick, 
S.  W.;  Bro.  Mathias  J.  Ross,  J.  W.;  Bro.  Asa  Holdridge,  M.  M.;  Bro. 
Samuel  Norton,  M.  M.;  Bro.  Angus  McMillen,  E.  P. 

"A  committee  was  appointed  to  draft  and  report  a  code  of  By-Laws 
for  the  government  of  this  Lodge,  consisting  of  Breth.  Woodward,  Kirk- 
patrick, Ross,  and  Potter. 

"  Breth.  Kirkpatrick  and  Holdridge  were  appointed  a  committee  to 
procure  jewels  and  furniture  for  this  Lodge. 

"  Lodge  adjourned  to  meet  again  on  Saturday,  two  weeks  from  this 
day,  at  4  o'clock  P.  M." 

The  Lodge  did  no  work,  beyond  initiating  Stephen  W.  Pain,  during  the 


During  the  year  1841,  this  Lodge  conferred  the  Master's  degree  upon 
the  following  brethren  .  John  S.  Hillis,  Feb.  3.;  A.  Stotesberry,  March 
13 ;  Josiah  C.  McHenry  and  M.  J.  Blockburger,  April  10 ;  William  II. 
High,  April  12;  William  Wood,  Artemus  H.  Knapp,and  McKenzie  Tur- 
ner, May  13  ;  William  Shawn,  May  22  ;  C.  S.  Canaday  and  Daniel  Spain- 
hour,  May  29  ;  Thomas  A.  Gray,  June  3  ;  Thomas  H.  Cory  and  John  D. 
Cline,  June  21;  A.  McMellon,  June  22;  Horace  Mansfield,  July  10  ;  Eli- 
sha  Bass,  August  3 ;  John  Carriker,  August  7;  Jeremiah  Hart,  August 
28;  Reuben  Ross,  September  4. 

February  22,  the  Lodge  "  at  the  desire  of  the  citizens  of  Hillsboro 
and  vicinity,  joined  in  the  celebration  of  the  birthday  of  George  Wash- 
ington." June  12,  "  Dr.  William  B.  Herrick"  was  elected  to  receive  the 
degree  of  Entered  Apprentice,  and  on  June  16,  he  was  initiated,  and  on 
June  21  was  passed. 


We  present  the  record  of  the  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge,  which  was 
held  at  Carlyle : 

"  On  the  evening  of  January  20th,  A.  L.  5841,  the  Lodge  was  organized. 

"  Present:  J.  T.  Bradley,  W.  M.;  Zophar  Case,  S.  W.;  Henry  Scott,  J. 
W.;  F.  Henry,  Oliver  Dunn,  William  Kelly,  and  Michael  McLaughlin. 


"  Lodge  on  Entered  Apprentice's  degree  opened.  No  business  in  this 
degree  ;  dispensed  with,  and  Master's  Lodge  opened  instead  thereof. 

"  There  not  being  any  Treasurer,  Secretary,  or  Deacons,  the  Master 
appointed  p.  t.  Bro.  M.  McLaughlin,  Treasurer;  W.  Kelley,  Secretary  ; 
McLaughlin,  S.  D.;  0.  Dunn,  J.  D.;  Franklin  Henry,  Tyler.  A  code  of 
Bye- Laws  for  the  government  of  this  Lodge  were  introduced  by  Bro. 
Bradley,  which  being  read  and  amended,  were  adopted  for  the  govern- 
ment of  this  Lodge.  Bro.  Scott  presented  the  petition  of  Mr.  W.  II. 
Maddox,  for  initiation,  which  was  referred  to  a  committee  of  Bros.  Henry, 
Dunn,  and  Kelley.  Bros.  Bradley,  Case,  Scott,  and  Henry  were  ap- 
pointed a  committee  to  fix  a  lodge-room.  Bros.  McLaughlin  arid  Scott, 
a  committee  on  Furniture.  No  further  business,  Lodge  was  closed.  En- 
tered Apprentice's  Lodge  closed." 

This  Lodge  conferred  the  third  degree  upon  the  following  brethren 
during  the  year  1841  :  W.  H.  H.  Barnes  and  John  A.  Goudy,  Nov.  16: 
Franklin  D.  Taylor,  Nov.  17. 

March  8,  the  following  officers  were  appointed  :  Thomas  Moon,  Trea- 
surer ;  Harry  Wilton,  J.  Deacon.  In  the  record  of  this  meeting  we  find 
the  following  entry: 

"Bro.  Dunn  departed  this  life  at  Thomas  Bond's  house,  on  the  18th 
February,  1841,  5841,  of  winter  fever." 

November  16,  the  Lodge  was  duly  constituted  as  No.  39,  by  R.  W.  Bro. 
A.  T.  Douglas,  Grand  Visitor  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  and  the  following 
officers  installed  :  J.  T.  Bradley,  W.  M.;  Zophar  Case,  S.  W.;  Henry  Scott, 
J.  W.;  0.  H.  P.  Maxey,  Treasurer;  C.  N.  Halstead,  Secretary;  William 
Kelley,  S.  D.;  Thomas  Melton,  J.  D.;  S.  Henry,  Tyler. 

We  present  the  petition  of  this  Lodge  for  a  charter,  with  the  accom- 
panying letter,  in  order  to  show  how  cautious  the  brethren  of  those  days 
were  in  certain  matters,  and  as  a  contrast  to  the  speed  and  celerity 
with  which  they  made  Masons. 

•'  To  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Missouri: 

"  The  petitioners  hereof  humbly  show  that  they  have  heretofore  obtained  from 
said  Grand  Lodge  a  dispensation  for  a  Lodge  in  this  town,  and  have  nominated 
and  appointed  for  the  first  Master,  Joshua  T.  Bradley.  There  being  some  dif- 
ference of  opinion  among  the  brethren  composing  our  Lodge,  whether  he  could 
preside  in  a  legal  manner  without  having  first  taken  the  degree  of  Past  Master, 
we  therefore  pray  your  Worshipful  Lodge  to  appoint  some  suitable  person  as 
Deputy  Grand  Master  in  this  region  to  assemble  a  Lodge  of  Past  Masters,  for 
the  purpose  of  conferring  this  degree  upon  our  worthy  brother,  Joshua  T.  Brad- 
1  ey,  and  would  nominate  our  Brother  Michael  McLaughlin,  a  Past  Master,  to 
your  Worshipful  Lodge  for  that  purpose,  and  as  in  duty,  4c.,  will  ever  pray. 


"  CLISTOX  LODGE,  CARLTLE  ILLS.,  Jan.  9th,  1841. 


"  CAKLTLE,  Jan.  9th,  1841. 
"£.  B.  Dallam,  Esq.  : 

"  SIR  : — The  petition  on  the  other  page  we  wish  attended  to,  and  will  say  that 
we  proceed  very  cautiously,  and  some  are  of  opinion|that  Mr.  Bradley  cannot  legally 
preside  without  having  first  taken  the  degree  of  Past  Master.  We  wish  him  to- 
take  that  degree  in  order  to  keep  peace  and  harmony.  Should  you  think  it  not 
necessary,  you  will  please  state  the  same  to  us,  and  if  you  think  it  is,  we  wish,  to 
save  trouble,  to  have  some  person  deputised  to  assemble  a  Lodge  Past  Masters, 
for  that  purpose,  and  will  refer  you  to  Mr.  Melody,  Ezram  Owens,  and  others, 
some  of  whom  sat  in  the  Chapter  with  Mr.  Laughlin,  in  either  the  month  of  May 
or  June,  1838. 

"I  am  sir.  very  respectfully  yours, 



We  have  received  from  Bro.  Gouley,  Grand  Secretary  Grand  Lodge  of 
Missouri,  the  proceedings  of  this  Lodge  for  1837-'38-'40  and  1841,  which 
proceedings  were  not  reported  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  until 

We  shall  here  give  a  synopsis  of  these  proceedings  from  1838  to  1831 : 
Jan.  6th,  the  W.  M.  communicated  to  the  Lodge  the  intelligence  of  the 
death  of  Alexander  Hart,  late  W.  M.  The  usual  resolutions  of  sorrow 
and  respect  were  passed.  The  petitions  of  David  P.  Berry,  A.  Botkins, 
Thomas  R.  Wilson,  and  W.  Steine  were  received  and  referred.  Bro.  S. 
C.  Pierce,  S.  W.,  resigned,  whereupon  Bro.  McFarland  was  elected  to  fill 
the  vacancy.  Feb.  3d,  Wilson  and  Steine,  and  on  Feb.  10th,  A.  Botkins, 
were  initiated.  Feb.  23d,  Bro.  Richard  Rogers,  a  "strange  brother,"  was 
buried  with  the  usual  solemnities.  March  10th,  Wilson  and  Steine 
passed,  and  petition  of  John  W.  Vance  received.  March  17th,  Bro.  Ber- 
ry was  passed.  There  is  no  record  of  his  initiation.  April  7th,  petition 
of  Henry  Ilohoff  received,  and  John  W.  Vance  initiated.  May  12th, 
Hohoff  initiated.  Bro.  Howard  resigned  as  Master,  and  S.  C.  Pierce  was 
elected  to  fill  the  vacancy.  July  7th,  Bro.  Berry  raised.  July  22d,  Bro. 
Longdon  was  buried  with  Masonic  honors.  Nov. — ,  the  following 
officers  were  elected  :  Charles  Howard,  W.  M.; •  Wilkinson,  S.  W.; 

—  Collet,  J.  W.;  S.  C.  Pierce,  Sec.;  Jacob  C.  Bruner,  Treas.; Berry, 


The  Lodge  held  no  meetings  in  1839  and  1840.  May  29th,  1841,  the 
brethren  were  summoned  to  attend  a  special  communication  "at  the 
new  Court  House  in  the  City  of  Alton,"  but  the  meeting  was  not  held. 
Sept.  1st,  the  following  petition  was  prepared  and  forwarded  to  the  Grand 
Lodge : 

"  To  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Matter,  Grand   Wardens,  and  brethren  of  the  G.  L. 
of  Missouri : 

"BRETHREN: — The  undersigned,  the  only  remaining  members  of  Franklin 
Lodge  No.  22,  now  residing  in  Alton,  beg  leave  to  make  a  plain  and  unvarnished 
statement  of  the  facts  in  regard  to  our  Lodge,  which  is  now  under  the  censure  of 
this  Grand  Lodge : 


"  We  sent  a  delegate  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  at  its  regular  communication  in 
October,  1838,  with  a  transcript  of  our  work  for  the  preceding  year.  Also  the 
amount  of  our  Grand  Lodge  dues  up  to  that  time.  That  transcript  was  made  out 
by  an  aged  and  paralytic  (but  very  worthy)  brother,  hence  its  illegibility.  The 
dues,  it  appears,  were  not  paid.  As  our  work  was  not  received,  we  presume  our 
delegate  thought  it  best  to  retain  the  money. 

"  We  have  done  no  woik  since  Nov.,  1838,  owing  to  the  death  of  several  of  our 
most  efficient  members,  the  removal  of  others,  and  the  entire  pecuniary  prostra- 
tion of  all.  We  have  nothing  left  to  work  upon.  Nothing  but  zeal  for  the  cause, 
and  love  for  the  fraternity.  And  we  respectfully  ask  of  the  Grand  Lodge  that 
they  will  not  hold  the  few  who  remain,  and  who  are  poor,  accountable  for  the 
past  dues  of  our  Lodge.  Brethren,  in  all  frankness  and  sincerity,  we  say  we  are 
not  able  to  pay  you  without  serious  injury  to  our  families. 

"'We  therefore  beseech  you  brethren,  by  your  bowels  of— charity  to  for- 
give the  past.' 

"We  are  now  ready  to  go  to  work  again,  and  under  favorable  circumstances 
and  trust  that  hereafter  no  just  cause  of  complaint  will  be  found  against  us. 
(Signed  by)  "  CHAS.  HOWARD, 

J.  C.  BRUNER, 
J.  W.  COLLETT." 
"  Sept.  1st  A.  L.  5841,  A.  D.  1841. 

Sept.  3d,  A.  T.  Douglas,  Grand  Visitor  presiding.     The  petitions  of 

Daniel  M.  Kittinger,  for  initiation,  and Dolbee,  for  affiliation,  were 

received.    The  Lodge  did  no  further  work  during  the  year. 


The  following  is  the  only  information  we  are  able  to  give  concerning' 
this  Lodge : 

"  To  all  and  every  our  Right  Worshipful  brethren.  We  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand 
Master  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  Abraham  Jonas,  send 
greeting :  , 

"  Know  ye,  that  we,  at  the  petition  of  our  Right  Worshipful  and  well  beloved 
Brethren  R.  B.  Servant,  John  W.  Gillis,  James  Roberts,  and  sundry  others,  re- 
siding at  or  near  the  town  of  Kaskaskia,  in  our  State  of  Illinois,  do  hereby 
constitute  the  said  brethren  into  a  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  to  be 
opened  at  the  aforesaid  town  of  Kaskaskia,  by  the  name  of  Western  Star  Lodge, 
under  dispensation.  And  do  further,  at  the  said  petition,  and  of  the  great  trust 
and  confidence  reposed  in  the  above  named  brethren,  hereby  appoint  Brother 
R.  B.  Servant,  Master ;  Jno.  W.  Gillis,  S.  W.,  and  James  Roberts,  J.  W.,  for  open- 
ing the  said  Lodge,  with  power  to  confer  the  degrees  of  Entered  Apprentice, 
Fellow  Craft,  and  Master  Mason,  until  the  next  grand  annual  convocation  of  the 


Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  and  no  longer.  And  we  do  hereby  require  you,  the  said 
R.  B.  Servant,  to  take  special  care  that  all  and  every,  the  said  brethren  are,  or 
have  been  regularly  made  Masons,  and  that  they  do  perform  and  observe  all  the 
laws,  rules,  and  regulations  contained  in  the  book  of  constitutions.  And  further, 
that  you  do  cause  a  book  to  be  kept,  in  which  from  time  to  time  you  cause  to  be 
entered,  an  account  of  your  proceedings  in  the  Lodge,  together  with  all  the 
regulations  which  may  be  made  for  the  government  thereof,  a  copy  of  which 
you  are  in  no  wise  to  omit  laying  before  the  Grand  Lodge,  together  with  this 
dispensation,  at  our  next  grand  annual  convocation. 

"  Given  under  our  hand  and  seal  of  Masonry,  at  Jacksonville,  this  March  Gth, 
A.  D.  1811,  A.  L.  5841. 

"  W.  B.  WAKREN,  (?.  S." 

"  JACKSONVILLE,  March  6th,  1841. 
"  Col.  Servant : 

"  DEAR  SIR: — Enclosed  I  send  you  a  dispensation  in  accordance  with  your 
request.  It  would  have  been  sent  sooner,  but  from  the  fact  that  it  had  to  be 
recommended  by  a  Lodge,  and  none  of  our  members  being  acquainted  with 
you  Masonically,  it  was  some  time  before  we  could  acquire  the  necessary  infor- 
mation. In  mailing  your  letter  back  and  forth  it  has  been  mislaid,  consequently 
the  names  of  Brethren  8.  and  J.  Wardens,  and  name  of  Lodge  I  have  left  blank, 
and  must  request  of  you  the  favor  of  filling  the  blanks.  Our  regulations  require 
the  fee  for  dispensation  to  accompany  the  petition,  but  have  on  my  own  respon- 
sibility entered  yours  as  paid,  and  you  can  remit  the  amount  to  me.  You  will 
perceive,  by  a  copy  of  the  by-laws  which  I  send  you,  that  the  charge  is  dispensa- 
tion, $15,00;  Secretary  fee,  $2,00 ;  seal,  $2,00.— Total  $19,00. 
"  Very  respectfully  yours, 

"W.  B.  WARREN." 




The  Grand  Lodge  met  at  Jacksonville,  on  Monday,  Oct.  3,  A.  D.  1842, 
A.  L.  5842. 

The  following  grand  officers  were  present:  M.  W.  Abraham  Jonas, 
G.  M. ;  R.  W.  Meredith  Helm,  D.  G.  M.;  Alexander  Dunlap,  S.  G.  W.  ; 
Joseph  N.  Ralston,  J.  G.  W.,  pro  tern.;  Win.  B.  Warren,  G.  Secretary; 
Matthew  Stacy,  G.  Treasurer;  J.  H.  Luce,  S.  G.  D.;  J.  S.  Post,  J.  G.  D. : 
A.  C.  Dickson,  G.  M. ;  John  Gregory,  G.  P. ;  George  Hackett,  G.  T. 

The  following  Lodges  were  represented :  No.  1,  J.  N.  Ralston,  R.  M. 
Young,  J.  H.  Luce;  No.  3,  Geo.  Hackett,  M.  Stacy,  A.  V.  Putnam;  No. 
4,  M.  Helm;  No.  6,  A.  Jonas;  No.  8,  Henry  Prather,  J.  S.  Post;  Rising 
Sun,  U.  D.,  Daniel  C.  Davis;  Rushville,  U.  D.,  L.  Lusk;  Nauvoo,  U.  D., 
II.  Sherwood,  L.  N.  Scovill. 

The  Grand  Lodge  having  been  opened,  and  the  reading  of  the  pro- 
ceedings of  the  last  communication  dispensed  with,  the  Grand  Master 
appointed  committees  as  follows  : 

On  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges. — Bros.  M.  Helm,  J.  N.  Ralston,  and 
Henry  Prather. 

On  Finance  and  Accounts. — Bros.  Shepherd,  Harvey,  and  Ludlum. 

To  Examine  Visiting  Brethren. — Bros.  M.  Stacy  and  W.  W.  Happy. 

The  following  visiting  brethren  were  present:  George  Henry,  W.  W. 
Happy,  James  T.  Holmes,  of  Harmony  Lodge  No.  3 ;  J.  B.  Broadwell. 
A.  Y.  Ellis,  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4;  John  Daley,  Virginia  Lodge,  U.  D.  ; 
and  Timothy  B.  Foot,  Nauvoo  Lodge,  TJ.  D. 

The  Grand  Master  reported  that  he  had  granted  dispensations  to  form 
new  Lodges  at  Virginia,  Oass  county;  at  Vermilionville,  LaSalle  county; 
Rushville,  Schuyler  county;  Shawneetown,  Gallatin  county;  Peoria ; 
Nauvoo,  Hancock  county;  and  Moutrose,  Lee  county,  Iowa  Territory. 


At  the  afternoon  session,  Breth.  Zwisler  and  James  Shepherd  appeared 
as  representatives  of  No.  4. 

The  amendment  to  the  by-laws  offered  at  the  last  session,  giving  the 
Grand  Wardens  one  vote  collectively,  was  taken  up  and  adopted. 

The  Committee  on  Eeturns  and  Work  of  Lodges  reported  that  they 
had  examined  the  returns  and  work  of  Rushville  Lodge  U.  D.,  and 
found  it  correct,  with  the  exception  of  some  hastiness  in  initiations, 
which  being  explained  by  Bro.  Lusk,  it  was  ordered  that  a  charter  issue 
to  Rushville  Lodge  No.  9.  Whereupon,  upon  motion  of  Bro.  Warren, 
Bro.  Lusk  was  invited  to  take  his  seat  as  the  representative  of  that 

At  this  juncture  the  following  additional  visiting  brethren  were  ad- 
mitted: H.  J.  Armstrong,  William  Harvey,  William  Lavely,  and  J.  H. 
Matheny,  all  of  No.  4. 

M.  W.  Bro.  Jonathan  Nye,  Past  Grand  Master  of  Vermont,  was 
received  with  the  grand  honors. 

Bro.  H.  J.  Armstrong,  of  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4,  was  recognized  as 
the  representative  of  Macon  Lodge  No.  8,  he  holding  the  proxy  of  Bro. 
Patterson,  the  W.  M.  of  that  Lodge. 

A  petition  from  a  number  of  brethren  in  Mason  county,  asking  for  a 
dispensation  for  a  new  Lodge,  was  presented  by  Bro.  Shepherd. 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  off  until  Wednesday  morning,  at 
which  time  it  again  assembled.  Present,  as  on  the  day  previous. 

The  reports  of  the  Grand  Secretary  and  Treasurer  were  referred  to  the 
Finance  Committee. 

On  motion  of  Bro.  Helm,  a  committee  on  "Foreign  Relations"  was 
appointed,  to  whom  were  referred  all  foreign  correspondence.  The 
committee  were  Breth.  Lusk  and  Dunlap. 

A  communication  from  a  convention  of  Masons,  held  at  Washington 
City,  presented  by  Bro.  Lusk,  was  referred  to  this  committee.  The 
annual  election  was  then  held,  resulting  in  the  election  of  the  following 
brethren  :  M.  W.  Meredith  Helm,  of  Springfield,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  Alexan- 
der Dunlap,  of  Jacksonville,  D.  G.  M.;  W.  Levi  Lusk,  of  Rushville,  S.  G. 
W.;  Joseph  N.  Ralston,  of  Quincy,  J.  G.  W.;  W.  B.  Warren,  of  Jackson- 
ville, G.  Sec.;  Philip  Coffman,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  Treas.:  J.  H.  Matheny, 
of  Springfield,  G.  Orator;  F.  A.  McNeill,  of  Springfield,  G.  C.;  George 
Hackett,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  T. 

The  following  appointments  were  made:  Samuel  Matlack,  of  Spring- 
field, S.  G.  D.;  Henry  Prather,  of  Decatur,  J.  G.  D.;  Edward  Jones,  of 
Springfield,  D.  G.  Sec.;  A.  C.  Dickson,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  M.;  John 
Gregory,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  P.;  A.  V.  Putnam,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  S.; 
J.  P.  Zwisler,  of  Springfield,  G.  S.  B.  The  Grand  Lodge  then  repaired  to 
the  "Rev.  Mr.  Todd's  Church,"  where  the  officers  were  installed,  and 
an  oration  delivered  by  M.  W.  Bro.  Jonas.  The  Grand  Lodge  then  re- 


turned  and  was  called  off  until  3  o'clock,  at  which  time  it  was  again 
•called  to  labor. 

The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  reported  the  Returns  and  "Work 
of  Rising  Sun  Lodge  correct,  and  recommended  the  granting  of  a  char- 
ter as  No.  12,  which  was  done,  and  Breth.  Davis  and  "Williams  admitted 
as  representatives  of  that  Lodge.  Upon  the  recommendation  of  the 
same  committee,  a  charter  was  granted  to  Cass  Lodge  as  No.  11,  and 
Bro.  Thompson  admitted  as  its  representative. 

The  following  resolution,  offered  by  Bro.  Jonas,  was  adopted: 

"Resolved,  That  in  the  opinion  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  no  subordinate  Lodge 
should  permit  a  petition  for  admission  or  initiation  to  be  withdrawn  after  a 
committee  has  been  raised  to  inquire  into  the  character  and  qualifications  of 
the  candidate." 

The  amendment  to  the  By-Laws  offered  at  the  previous  communica- 
tion by  Bro.  Dunlap,  changing  the  time  of  meeting  from  October  to 
August,  was  taken  up  and  lost.  Breth.  Thompson,  of  Cass  Lodge,  and 
Armstrong,  of  Decatur,  were  granted  leave  of  absence.  The  following 
resolution,  offered  by  Bro.  Jonas,  was  adopted : 

"Resolved,  That  from  and  after  the  adoption  of  this  resolution,  the  Grand 
Treasurer  and  Grand  Secretary  be  annually  required  to  give  bond,  with  approved 
security,  payable  to  the  Grand  Master  for  the  time  being— for  the  faithful  and 
lawful  disposition  of  all  moneys  that  may  come  into  their  hands  belonging  to  the 
Grand  Lodge." 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  off  until  7£  o'clock.  The  Grand 
Lodge  being  again  called  to  labor,  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work 
reported  the  returns  of  Lodges  Nos.  1, 3,  4,  6  and  8  correct,  and  recom- 
mended granting  of  a  charter  to  St.  John's  Lodge  as  No.  13,  and  its 
removal  from  Vermilionville  to  Peru,  which  was  accordingly  done.  On 
motion  of  Bro.  Jonas,  the  vote  granting  a  charter  to  Cass  Lodge  was  re- 
considered, and  its  returns  and  records  recommitted  to  the  committee 
having  those  matters  in  charge. 

The  following  amendment  was  offered  by  Bro.  Lusk,  and  laid  over 
to  the  next  communication  : 

"SEC.  18.  No  Lodge  acting  under  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge  shall 
knowingly  receive  any  candidate  in  either  of  the  degrees  of  Masonry  that  has 
been  rejected  by  any  other  Lodge,  without  first  receiving  the  unanimous  consent 
of  the  Lodge  that  rejected  him." 

The  majority  of  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  made  the  follow- 
ing report  on  the  returns  and  work  of  Nauvoo  Lodge,  U.  D: 

"  The  Committee  on  Return  and  Work  of  Lodges  ask  leave  to  report  that  they 
have  examined  the  returns  of  Nauvoo  Lodge,  under  dispensation,  together  with 
the  papers  and  correspondence  referred  to  your  committee  connected  therewith. 

"Your  committee  regret  that  the  original  records  of  the  work  of  said  Lodge 
have  not  been  sent  up,  as  was  required  by  the  M.  \V.  G.  Master  in  his  order  sus- 
pending the  labor  of  said  Lodge;  but  from  the  report,  as  well  as  the  transcript 


of  the  proceedings  of  the  Lodge  exhibited,  the  work  appears  to  conform  to  the 
requirements  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

•'  It  appears,  however,  from  documentary  and  other  evidence  before  the  com- 
mittee, that  there  is  some  reason  to  fear  that  the  intention  and  ancient  landmarks 
of  our  Institution  have  been  departed  from,  to  an  inexcusable  extent.  The  facts 
in  the  case,  however,  your  committee  are  of  opinion  can  only  be  satisfactorily 
ascertained  by  a  careful  inspection  of  the  original  records,  and  thorough  investi- 
gation of  the  whole  proceedings.  Such  a  course,  your  committee  believe,  is  due 
as  well  to  the  brethren  of  Nauvoo  Lodge,  as  to  this  Grand  Lodge  and  the  Craft 
generally;  and  should  our  fears  prove  groundless,  as  the  committee  still  hope 
they  will,  none  will  be  more  benefited  by  the  investigation  than  the  Lodge  under 
consideration ;  but  should  they  in  any  considerable  degree  be  realized,  the  sooner 
the  facts  are  ascertained  the  better. 

"  It  appears  from  the  records  that  the  dispensation  was  granted  October  15, 
5841,  and  the  Lodge  installed  and  set  to  work  on  the  15th  March,  A.  L.  5842,  by 
the  M.  W.  G.  Master.  Up  to  the  llth  August,  at  which  time  their  labor  was  sus- 
pended, the  Lodge  initiated  286  candidates,  and  passed  and  raised  nearly  as 

"In  view  of  all  the  circumstances  connected  with  this  subject,  the  committee 
would  respectfully  recommend  the  adoption  of  the  following  resolutions  : 

"1st.  Resolved,  That  the  injunction  suspending  the  labors  of  Nauvoo  Lodge 
U.  L\,  be  continued  until  the  next  regular  communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"2d.  Resolved,  That  a  special  committee  be  appointed,  whose  duty  it  shall  be 
to  examine  the  original  minutes  of  Nauvoo  Lodge,  and  diligently  inquire  into 
any  irregularity  or  misconduct  alleged  to  have  been  committed  by  said  Lodge, 
and  report  the  facts  at  the  next  regular  communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"J.  N.  RALSTON, 
M.  HELM." 

The  minority  made  the  following  report: 

"The  minority  of  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges  would  re- 
spectfully state  that  they  have  examined  the  returns  of  Nauvoo  Lodge  U.  D., 
together  with  all  the  papers  referred  to  them  on  the  subject  of  the  said  Lodge, 
as  well  as  other  testimony  that  have  come  before  them,  and  would  respectfully 
say,  that  to  the  minority  of  the  committee,  there  appears  no  evidence  by  which 
the  committee  can  establish  any  irregularity  or  departure  from  the  original 
landmarks  of  the  Order,  but  having  reasons  to  apprehend  that  irregularities  can 
be  established,  we  would  respectfully  concur  with  the  majority  in  recommending 
the  adoption  of  the  resolutions  the  majority  have  reported. 
"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 


"  Bro.  P.  G.  M.  offered  a  substitute  to  the  above  resolutions,  as  follows  : 

"Resolved,  That  a  special  committee  be  appointed,  whose  duty  it  shall  be  to 
repair  to  Nauvoo  forthwith,  and  examine  the  original  minutes  of  Nauvoo  Lodge, 
and  diligently  inquire  into  any  irregularity  or  misconduct  alleged  to  have  been 
committed  by  said  Lodge,  and  to  examine  persons  and  papers  connected  with 
the  subject,  and  report  the  facts  to  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master,  and  if  he  should 
deem  them  of  such  character  as  to  justify  such  a  course,  he  shall  either  direct 
the  injunction  suspending  the  work  of  said  Lodge  to  be  continued  until  the  next 
regular  communication,  or  direct  the  dispensation  granted  by  Grand  Master 
Jonas  to  be  continued,  and  the  Lodge  be  permitted  to  work  under  the  same  until 
the  next  Grand  Annual  Communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  that  said  com- 
mittee be  allowed  a  reasonable  compensation  for  their  expenses. 

3N,  I  Committee." 
t.     J 


"  Which  was  concurred  in,  and  the  report  and  resolution,  as  amended, 
was  laid  on  the  table  for  the  present." 
In  the  matter  of  Feoria  Lodge,  the  following  report  was  made : 

'•  The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges  respectfully  report  that  they 
have  considered  the  case  of  Peoria  Lodge,  U.  D.,  whose  delegate,  Bro.  Davis,  is 
here  without  the  returns  of  his  Lodge,  they  having  unavoidably  been  left  behind, 
under  peculiar  circumstances,  already  detailed  to  the  Grand  Lodge  by  the 
explanatory  statement  of  Bro.  Davis,  and  now  recommend  the  adoption  of  the 
following  resolution: 

"Resolved,  That  the  Peoria  Lodge  U.  D.  be  required  to  hand  in,  as  soon  as 
practicable,  the  return  and  minutes  of  their  proceedings  to  the  G.  M.  for  his 
inspection,  and  that  if  he  shall  approve  the  same,  a  charter  shall  then  be  granted 
to  said  Lodge,  upon  their  paying  to  the  Grand  Secretary  their  proper  amount  of 
dues  and  charges. 

"M.  HELM, 

The  following  action  was  had  in  the  matter  of  Cass  Lodge  : 

"The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work,  to  whom  was  re-committed  their 
report  on  Cass  Lodge,  would  beg  leave  to  report  that  they  have  examined  all  the 
testimony  before  them  in  relation  to  the  action  of  said  Lodge  upon  a  petition, 
the  petitioner  having  been  previously  rejected  by  Springfield  Lodge,  and  find 
that  Cass  Lodge  did  initiate  a  candidate  after  he  had  been  rejected  by  Springfield 
Lodge,  and  that  they  (Cass  Lodge)  were  apprised  of  the  fact;  and  that  subse- 
quently to  the  initiation,  that  Cass  Lodge  was  informed  by  the  W.  M.  of  Springfield 
informally  of  the  fact,  and  afterwards  the  same  person  was  passed  and  raised. 
Your  committee  are  not  prepared  to  sanction  such  actions  as  usages  of  Masonry, 
and  regret  that  the  subject  was  not  brought  before  them  while  the  delegate  of 
Cass  Lodge  was  present.  We  would  therefore  recommend  the  following  resolu- 

"Resolved,  That  at  present  a  charter  be  refused  Cass  Lodge,  and  that  their 
dispensation  be  continued  until  the  Grand  Annual  Communication  of  the  Grand 

"M.  HELM,  1 

J.  N.  RALSTON, }- Committee." 
H.  PRATHER.      J 

Brother  Grand  Secretary  offered  a  substitute  to  the  above  resolutions, 
as  follows : 

"Resolved,  That  the  W.  Grand  Master  be  authorized,  whenever  a  sufficient 
explanation  shall  be  made  to  him  by  the  officers  of  Cass  Lodge,  to  direct  the 
Grand  Secretary  to  issue  a  charter  to  said  Lodge. 

"  Which,  on  motion,  was  lost,  and  the  original  resolution  was  adopted." 
Bro.  Jonas  offered  the  following,  which  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  That  Bro.  Grand  Secretary  communicate  with  Cass  Lodge  on  the 
conduct  of  Bro.  John  Daley,  of  that  Lodge,  and  request  that  they  take  said 
brother  under  dealing,  and  act  thereon  accordingly." 

Bro.  Lusk  offered  the  following,  which  was  laid  over  temporarily  : 

"1st.  Resolved,  That  no  Lodge  under  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge 
shall  be  allowed  to  ballot  for  a  candidate  for  initiation  except  at  a  stated  meeting, 
nor  in  a  shorter  time  than  one  lunar  month  from  the  reception  of  the  petition, 
except  by  dispensation  from  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master. 


"2d.  Resolved,  That  a  Lodge  ought  not  to  confer  more  than  one  degree  on  a 
candidate  in  a  shorter  time  than  from  one  regular  meeting  to  another,  except  in 
cases  of  emergency,  of  which  they  are  to  be  the  judges,  and  in  which  unanimity 
shall  be  required." 

A  dispensation  was  granted  Bro.  John  Bennett  and  six  others  to  form 
and  open  a  Lodge  at  Petersburg,  Menard  county,  under  the  name  of 
Clinton.  This  is  the  petition  referred  to  as  being  presented  by  Bro. 

Rising  Sun  Lodge,  Iowa  territory,  was  granted  one  year  in  which  to 
pay  its  dues  and  charter  fee. 

Resolutions  of  thanks  to  Breth.  McNeill,  Grand  Chaplain,  Jonathan 
Nye,  Past  Grand  Master  of  Vermont,  the  Trustees  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church,  and  to  the  "gentlemen  who  officiated  as  Musicians"  were 

The  amendment  to  the  By-Laws,  offered  by  Bro.  Helm,  to  change  th'e 
location  of  the  Grand  Lodge  from  Jacksonville  to  Springfield,  "  was 
taken  up  and  debated,  the  previous  question  being  called  by  Bro.  Prather, 
was  sustained  by  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  the  amendment  lost." 

The  report  of  the  majority  of  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work, 
relating  to  Nauvoo  Lodge,  was  taken  up  and  adopted  by  a  vote  of  Lodges, 
the  vote  standing  "Ayes  10,  Nays  1." 

P.  G.  M.  Nye,  the  Grand  Secretary,  and  Bro.  Rogers,  of  Quincy,  were 
appointed  a  committee  raised  by  the  adoption  of  the  report.  It  was  not 
very  long  after  this  that  Bro.  Warren  visited  Nauvoo  in  a  totally  differ- 
ent character,  appearing  as  the  agent  of  an  insulted  and  outraged  peo- 
ple, and  carrying,  as  it  were,  the  proclamation  of  Gov.  Ford  in  one  hand 
and  the  sword  in  the  other,  instead  of  the  olive  branch. 

The  following  resolutions,  offered  by  Bro.  Samuel  H.  Davis,  of  Peoria, 
were  adopted : 

"Resolved,  That  in  all  cases  where  regular  Lodges,  now  holding  dispensations 
or  charters  from  other  Grand  Lodges,  shall  make  application  to  come  under  the 
jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  no  other  fee  shall  be  charged  than  the  Secre- 
tary's, and  the  W.  Grand  Master  be  authorized  to  issue  them  without  waiting  for 
the  action  of  the  next  annual  communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"Resolved,  That  the  M.  W.  Jonathan  Nye,  P.  G.  M.  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Ver- 
mont, be  admitted  an  honorary  member  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  be  permitted 
at  all  times  a  seat  in  the  same  as  such." 

The  report  of  the  committee  on  the  proceedings  of  Nauvoo  Lodge  was 
authorized  to  be  published  with  the  proceedings.  Bro.  Davis  offered 
the  following,  which  was  laid  over  one  year  : 

"Amendment  to  By-Laws:  Each  subordinate  Lodge  shall  have  authority  to  fix 
its  own  fees  for  conferring  the  three  degrees  and  for  membership,  but  no  Lodge 
shall  charge  a  less  sum  than  twenty  dollars,  nor  more  than  thirty  for  the  former 
and  not  less  than  two,  nor  more  than  five  for  the  latter:  provided,  that  no  charge 
of  membership  shall  be  made  against  those  who  have  received  the  three  degrees 
in  the  Lodge. 

Bro.  Shepherd,  of  No.  4,  offered  the  following,  which  was  laid  over  to 
the  next  annual  communication  : 


"WHEREAS,  There  have  been  several  attempts  made  to  remove  the  Grand 
Lodge  from  Jacksonville  to  Springfield,  and  have  as  often  failed;  and, 

"WHEREAS,  The  brethren  and  others  of  Springfield  are  anxious  to  have  the 
Grand  Lodge  to  hold  its  meetings  in  their  city,  and  believing  in  the  parable  of 
the  poor  woman  in  the  Scriptures;  therefore, 

"Resolved,  That  the  first  section  of  the  By-Laws  of  the  Grand  Lodge  be  amended 
by  striking  out  the  word  'Jacksonville,'  and  inserting  'Springfield'  in  its  stead." 

The  Grand  Lodge  refused  to  adopt  a  motion  to  refund  the  dues  of  Ma- 
con  Lodge. 

Bro.  Davis  offered  the  following,  which  was  laid  over : 

"Amendment  to  By-Laws:  Whenever  the  members  in  any  subordinate  Lodge 
shall  exceed  fifty,  such  Lodge  shall  be  divided;  and  whenever  the  average 
members  in  attendance  during  a  year  shall  be  less  than  ten,  then  such  Lodge 
shall  cease  to  exist,  and  shall  surrender  its  charter  or  dispensation  to  the  Grand 

The  following  preamble  and  resolution,  offered  by  Bro.  Jonas,  were 
adopted  : 

"WHEREAS,  It  has  been  represented  to  this  Grand  Lodge  that  there  are  several 
subordinate  Lodges  in  this  State  working  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri;  and, 

"  WHEREAS,  This  Grand  Lodge  is  in  a  state  of  infancy,  whilst  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri  is  in  a  state  of  affluence— and  not  doubting  her  willingness  to  extend 
the  hand  of  friendship  and  assistance  to  her  sister  Grand  Lodge;  and  believing, 
moreover,  that  it  would  be  conducive  to  the  interests  of  Masonry  that  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  each  State  should  govern  and  control  the  Masonic  family  within  its 
bounds;  therefore, 

"Resolved,  That  Bro.  Grand  Secretary  be  requested  to  visit  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Missouri  at  its  next  annual  communication,  and  request  said  Grand  Lodge  (as 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  has  done)  to  dissolve  the  connection  existing 
between  themselves  and  the  subordinate  Lodges  in  the  State  of  Illinois ;  and, 
further,  to  tender  to  said  Grand  Lodge  the  best  wishes  of  this  Grand  Lodge  for 
her  Masonic  success,  and  our  desire  for  an  interchange  of  those  social  relations 
which  have  characterized  our  Fraternity  for  so  many  ages." 

Also  the  following: 

"Resolved,  That  hereafter  no  Lodge  acting  under  authority  of  this  Grand  Lodge, 
either  under  dispensation  or  charter,  be  authorized  to  confer  either  of  the 
degrees  of  Masonry,  or  anything  connected  therewith,  until  the  officers  of  the 
same  shall  be  installed  by  the  Grand  or  Deputy  Grand  Master,  or  some  Past 

The  resolutions  offered  by  Bro.  Lusk,  regarding  the  laying  over  of 
petitions  one  lunar  month,  and  conferring  of  degrees  in  a  shorter  time 
than  should  elapse  from  one  regular  meeting  to  another,  were  taken  up, 
and  the  first  adopted,  the  second  lost. 

The  Committee  on  Finance,  by  Bro.  Shepherd,  made  the  following 

"The  Committee  on  Finance  report  that  they  have  had  the  financial  concerns 
of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  under  consideration,  and  find  them  to  be  as  fol- 

"In  the  hands  of  the  Grand  Treasurer $28  25  State  Bank  Paper. 

"  "  "  "      Secretary 290  00      "         "         " 

"Total  State  Bank  Paper $318  25 


"Also  in  hands  Grand  Secretary $43  00  Par  Funds. 

"  "  "  "  27  50  Gold. 

14  50  Specie. 

"Total  Amount  of  par  funds $85  00 


"A  balance  due  from  said  Lodge  to  J.  Adams  of. .'. $109  00 

"Supposed  expenses  of  printing  Minutes  of  Grand  Lodge 30  00 

"Services  of  the  Grand  Secretary  during  communication 20  00 

"Services  of  Sexton  of  church 1  00 

"  To  cash  paid  out  for  trimming  lamps,  oil,  an  J  candles  by  Tyler 2  12% 

"Services  of  Tyler  for  tyling  Grand  Lodge 4  00 

"Total  amount  of  liabilities $166  12J^ 

"  Your  committee  not  having  as  much  time  to  make  out  their  report  as  would 

allow  them  to  go  into  matters  in  detail,  therefore  offer  the  following  resolutions: 

"1st.    Resolved,  That  the  debt  due  from  the  Grand  Lodge  to  James  Adams, 

late  D.  G.  M.,  be  paid  to  him  at  the  close  of  the  next  communication,  with  12  per 

cent,  interest  from  this  date. 

"2d.    Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  and  Treasurer  be  allowed  the  privi- 
lege, and  required,  if  possible,  to  loan  all  the  State  Bank  paper  for  one  or  more 
years,  at  its  face,  with  or  without  interest,  to  good  men  and  approved  securities. 
"3d.    Resolved,  That  hereafter  the  Grand  Lodge  will  only  receive  from  the 
subordinate  Lodges  par  funds  for  all  moneys  paid  to  the  Grand  Lodge. 
"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 


"N.  B.— Balance  of  available  means,  after  meeting  the  supposed  liabilities,  is 
$237.12%  calling  all  the  funds  par  funds." 

"Resolved,  That  should  the  Grand  Master  deem  it  his  duty,  after  receiving  the 
report  of  the  Nauvoo  committee,  to  continue  the  dispensation  to  Nauvoo  Lodge, 
it  shall  be  the  duty  of  said  Lodge  to  pay  up  the  balance  of  their  Lodge  dues, 
before  they  are  permitted  to  proceed  with  work. 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Master  draw  on  the  Treasurer  to  pay  the  expenses 
of  the  Nauvoo  committee,  and  Bro.  Secretary's  expenses  in  visiting  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri." 

The  Grand  Secretary  and  Treasurer  reported  as  follows: 

"  W.  B.  WARREN,  Grand  Secretary,  in  account  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois. 
"1842.  -DR. 

"This  amount  on  hand  to  purchase  jewels,  <fec $64  37 

"Rec'd  from  Macon  Lodge  U.  D.  for  dispensation 15  00 

"      Peoria,  do 15  00 

"       "      Virginia,  do 15  00 

"        "       Shawneetown,  do 15  00 

"        "      Vermilion,  do  in  part 1300 

"        "       Nauvoo,  dispensation  and  dues  in  part 115  00 

"       Rushville,  do 27  50 

Rising  Sun,  do. 2625 

"        "      Springfield,  dues 33  00 

"        "       Columbus,  do.., 12  00 

"       "      Macon,  do...., 17  25 

"       Bodley,  do.... 18  75 

"        "      Clinton,  for  dispensation 15  00 

Cass,  for  dues... 0  00 

"       "       Harmony,  do 16  50 

"$427  62 



'By  4  aprons  furnished  this  communication $4  00 

"Grand  Secretary's  fees  received  by  G.  Lodge  last  communication.. ..12  00 

"  Ribbons  for  jewels 3  75 

"Postage  and  Stationery 2  43 

"Services  and  expenses  to  Nauvoo,  on  the  requisition  of  the  Grand 

Master,  6  days 25  00—47  18 

"In  hands  and  G.  S.  due  Grand  Lodge $380  44 

"JACKSONVILLE,  ILL.,  Oct.  5, 1842. 
•'  To  the  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 

"The  undersigned,  Treasurer  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  would  most 
respectfully  report  that  he  received  from  the  Grand  Secretary,  on  the  4th  of 
October,  1841,  $129.  That  he  paid  to  Bro.  James  Adams,  by  order  of  the  Grand 
Master,  4th  October,  1841,  $50 ;  that  he  paid  for  printing  Constitution,  By-Laws, 
and  oration  by  Bro.  McDougall,  $50.75,  the  vouchers  for  which  I  hereby  submit, 
making  in  the  whole,  $115.25.  This  sum  being  deducted  from  the  amount  re- 
ceived from  the  Grand  Secretary  (129),  leaves  the  sum  of  $18.25  in  my  hands. 
"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted  to  the  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois. 


The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  recommended  the  granting  of  a 
charter  to  Warren  Lodge  as  No.  14,  which  was  concurred  in.  The  Com- 
mittee on  Foreign  Communications  reported  as  follows: 

"The  Committee  on  Foreign  Communications  ask  leave  to  report  that  they 
have  examined  the  proceedings  of  the  following  named  Grand  Lodges,  viz.: 
The  Grand  Lodges  of  Kentucky,  for  the  year  1841;  Missouri,  1840  and  1841; 
Indiana,  1841;  North  Carolina,  1840;  Mississippi,  1842,  and  also  a  Masonic  Cal- 
endar of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  Republic  of  Texas,  containing  a  list  of  the  grand 
officers  and  the  Lodges  subordinate  thereto,  and  also  a  constitution  of  said  Grand 
Lodge.  These  are  all  the  communications  that  have  been  received  from  Grand 

"  Your  committee  have  not  been  able  to  find  anything  therein  that  requires  the 
immediate  action  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  or  of  general  interest,  except  the  action 
of  some  of  the  Grand  Lodges  above  named  upon  the  proceedings  of  a  Masonic 
Convention,  holden  in  Baltimore,  in  March,  1842,  which  your  committee  have 
had  under  consideration,  and.  after  mature  deliberation,  have  been  unable  to 
bring  themselves  to  any  definite  conclusion  as  to  the  course  that  this  Grand 
Lodge  ought  to  pursue,  and  therefore  recommend  that  the  proceedings  of  said 
convention  be  read  in  open  Lodges. 

"Your  committee  offer  the  following  resolution  : 

"Resolved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  reciprocate  the  courtesy  of  the  Grand  Lodges 
from  which  communications  have  been  received,  and  that  the  Grand  Secretary, 
as  soon  as  convenient,  transmit  one  copy  of  the  proceedings  of  this  Grand  Lodge 
at  its  present  communication  to  each  Grand  Lodge  in  the  United  States,  and  to 
such  foreign  Grand  Lodges  as  he  may  have  the  address  of.  . 

"L.  L\JSK, 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  from  labor  until  7  o'clock  P.  M., 
when  it  again  assembled,  and  the  report  of  the  Committee  on  Foreign 
Communications  was  adopted. 


The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  having  reported  that  no  returns 
had  been  received  from  Dixon  No.  7,  Juliet  No.  8,  Ottawa  and  Kaskas- 
kia  U.  D.,  the  Grand  Secretary  was  /directed  to  correspond  with  these 
Lodges,  and  ascertain  their  reasons  for  not  doing  so. 

The  following  resolutions  were  adopted: 

"Resolved,  As  the  opinion  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  that  it  is  contrary  and  incon- 
sistent with  the  ancient  usages  and  precepts  of  our  Order  to  withdraw  from  .1 
subordinate  Lodge  without  some  good  cause,  or  to  reside  in  the  neighborhood 
of  a  subordinate  Lodge  without  becoming  a  member  thereof. 

"Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  this  Grand  Lodge  be  presented  to  our  worthy 
P.  W.  G.  M.  Jonas,  for  the  courtesy  with  which  he  has  presided  over  the  Grand 
Lodge,  and  for  the  truly  Masonic  light  and  knowledge  which  he  has  on  all 
occasions  disseminated  in  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  On  motion  of  D.  G.  M.,  it  was  resolved  that  a  commitee  be  appointed  to 
apply  for  an  act  of  incorporation  to  the  next  session  of  the  Legislature 
of  Illinois,  when  the  following  committee  was  appointed  :  M.  W.  G. 
Master,  D.  G.  Master,  and  Bro.  Shepard." 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  closed. 

The  report  of  the  committee  appointed  to  investigate  the  affairs  of 
Nauvoo  Lodge  U.  D.,  is  appended  to  the  proceedings,  and  is  here  given: 


"To  the  Most   Worshipful  Meredith  Helm,  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Illinois : 

"The  committee  appointed  to  proceed  to  Nauvoo  and  investigate  the  charges 
of  irregularity  which  had  been  preferred  against  Nauvoo  Lodge,  U.  D.,  have 
performed  that  duty,  and  beg  leave  respectfully  to  report,  that  after  a  careful 
and  laborious  examination  of  both  persons  and  papers,  they  have,  with  due 
•deference,  concluded  to  submit  the  following  suggestions  and  resolutions : 

"The  principal  charges  which  had  been  made  against  the  Lodge,  your  com- 
mittee found  groundless,  and  without  proof  to  sustain  them.  Irregularities  have 
obtained  in  the  work  of  the  Lodge,  which  your  committee  think  strike  at  once 
at  the  vital  principles  of  our  Order,  and  the  correction  of  which  should  not  be 
passed  over  in  silence:  1st.  The  practice  of  balloting  for  more  than  one  appli- 
cant at  one  and  the  same  time. 

"  The  privilege  of  balloting  for  or  against  an  applicant,  your  committee  think 
one  of  the  inalienable  rights  of  our  time-honored  Institution.  The  Lodge  has 
no  right  to  introduce  within  its  walls  any  applicant  who  may  be  obnoxious  to 
any  one  of  its  members.  Neither  has  it  the  right  to  inquire  into  the  motive 
which  actuated  or  influenced  the  ballot  of  any  member. 

"Should  a  member  (forgetful  of  those  Masonic  principles  so  often  inculcated 
within  our  sacred  walls)  reject  a  worthy  applicant  out  of  private  pique  or  malice, 
the  wrong  is  his  own,  and  to  his  God  alone  is  he  accountable.  And  better  far  is 
it,  in  the  estimation  of  your  committee,  that  worthy  applicants  should  be  rejected 
time  and  again,  than  that  the  sacredness  of  the  ballot  box  should  be  invaded. 

"  2d.  On  one  occasion  an  applicant,  of  at  least  doubtful  character,  was  received 
on  a  promise  of  reformation  and  restitution,  with  the  view  of  holding  his  future 
conduct  in  check,  and  making  him  a  worthier  and  a  better  man.  In  this  instance 
the  motive,  your  committee  do  not  doubt,  was  good,  but  whilst  they  applaud  the 
motive,  they  must  condemn  the  practice,  as  one  fraught  with  too  much  danger 
to  the  Craft  ever  to  be  indulged  in. 


"In  review  of  the  whole  subject,  your  committee  find  much  to  regret,  much 
to  deplore — yet  they  can  not  bring  themselves  to  believe  that  the  good  of  the 
Fraternity  requires  that  the  injunction  should  be  perpetual;  but  on  the  con- 
trary, that  justice  should  be  tempered  with  mercy,  and  therefore  beg  leave 
to  submit  the  following  resolution: 

"Resolved,  That  the  dispensation  of  Nauvoo  Lodge,  U.  D.,  be  continued  until 
the  next  Grand  Annual  Communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  and 
should  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  approve  our  suggestions,  that  some  brother  be 
appointed  to  attend  at  some  given  time,  to  remind  the  brethren  of  the  irregu- 
larity of  their  proceedings,  and  admonish  them  in  the  most  friendly  manner  to 
avoid  all  such  in  future. 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted  by  the  committee. 

"JONATHAN  NYE,)  _,    ...     „ 
W.  B.  WARREN.   I09™"11"66" 

Following  this  is  the  order  of  Grand  Master  Helm,  which  we  also 

"  Whereas,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  at  its  late  regular  annual  communica- 
tion, appointed  a  committee  to  repair  to  Nauvoo,  and  there,  by  examination  of 
persons  and  papers,  diligently  to  inquire  into  certain  alleged  irregularities  or 
misconduct  of  Nauvoo  Lodge,  U.  D.;  and,  whereas,  the  said  committee  having 
discharged  the  duty  assigned  them,  have  reported  to  me  that  the  principal 
charges  against  said  Lodge  are  entirely  groundless,  and  that  certain  irregulari- 
ties in  the  work  of  said  Lodge,  which  have  been  practiced  in  some  instances, 
proceeded,  in  the  opinion  of  the  committee,  from  error  of  judgment  rather  than 
of  intention;  and,  whereas,  the  said  committee,  after  a  full,  patient  and  laborious 
investigation  of  the  case,  and  in  view  of  all  the  facts  before  them  in  connection 
therewith,  have  unanimously  recommended  that  the  legal  existence  of  said 
Lodge  be  continued;  and,  whereas,  the  high  moral  character,  general  intelli- 
gence, and  extensive  Masonic  information  and  experience  of  the  brethren 
composing  said  committee,  entitle  their  opinion  and  recommendations  to  my 
entire  confidence,  and  should  remove  from  the  minds  of  all  any  fears  that  may 
have  been  entertained  respecting  the  motives  and  designs  of  Nauvoo  Lodge. 

"  Now,  therefore,  I,  Meredith  Helm,  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the 
State  of  Illinois,  by  virtue  of  the  authority  vested  in  me,  do  hereby  order  and 
adjudge  that  the  injunction  suspending  the  work  of  Nauvoo  Lodge  be  removed, 
that  the  dispensation  granted  to  it  by  our  late  Grand  Master  A.  Jonas  be  con- 
tinued, and  the  said  Lodge  be  and  hereby  is  authorized  and  empowered  to 
resume  work  under  said  dispensation,  as  a  regular  Lodge,  and  carefully  avoiding 
the  mistakes  heretofore  committed,  and  adhering  to  the  ancient  landmarks  of 
the  Order,  with  the  most  scrupulous  accuracy,  to  continue  in  operation  till  the 
next  regular  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  to  be  held  on  the  first  Monday 
of  October  next,  at  Jacksonville,  Illinois,  when  and  where  the  said  Lodge  is 
hereby  required  to  appear,  by  its  legal  representatives,  with  a  copy  of  its  pro- 
ceedings, under  the  authority  herein  contained. 

"  Given  under  my  hand  and  seal,  at  Springfield,  this  2d  day  of  November,  A.  D. 
1842,  A.  L.  5842. 

"MEREDITH  HELM,  G.  M.  O.  L.  S.  I.  JSEAL: 

The  membership  reported  by  the  several  Lodges,  at  the  Annual  Com- 
munication of  1842,  we  here  give:  Bodley  No.  1,  25  ;  Harmony  No.  3, 
23  :  Springfield  No.  4,  43 ;  Columbus  No.  6, 16 ;  Macon  No.  8,  22;  Juliet 


No.  10,  25;  Rushville  U.  D.,  20;  Western  Star  U.  D.,  23 ;  Cass  U.  D.,  12; 
St.  Johns  U.  D.,  10  ;  Nauvoo  U.  D.,  253  ;  Warren  U.  D.,  8.  Total  report- 
ed, 480. 


But  one  raising  is  reported  by  this  Lodge  during  1842,  which  was  that 
of  Bro.  H.  S.  Cooley,  on  the  third  day  of  January.  April  4th,  a  brother 
who  had  been  suspended,  was  reinstated,  and  the  following  reasons  are 
assigned  for  the  reinstatement :  "that  he  had  made  ample  satisfaction  to 
the  brother  with  whom  he  was  at  variance,  and  had  also  become  a  sober, 
temperate  and  reformed  man,  and  has  joined  the  Washingtonian  Tem- 
perance Society,  in  which  he  has  pledged  his  sacred  honor,  to  abstain 
from  that  beverage  which  never  failed  to  destroy  the  qualities  of  a  good 
Mason."  May  2d,  "A  letter  was  received  and  read  from  Nauvoo  Lodge, 
U.  D.,  inviting  Bodley  Lodge  No.  1  to  participate  with  them  in  celebrat- 
ing the  aniversary  of  St.  John,  the  24th  of  June ;  and  on  motion  it  was 
resolved  that  the  Secretary  be  directed  to  answer  the  communication, 
declining  to  accept  of  the  invitation,  on  account  of  the  great  distance, 
and  of  our  present  pecuniary  exigence,  and  that  the  Secretary  also  say 
in  his  letter,  that  Bodley  Lodge  regrets  that  anything,  extraneous  from 
pure  Masonry,  should  be  coupled  with  this  communication,  it  having 
been,  throughout  all  ages,  the  peculiar  characteristic  of  Masonry,  that, 
she  has  sent  forth  her  pure  flame  of  living  light,  before  the  world,  un- 
contaminated  by  political  doings,  and  untinged  by  religious  distinc- 

To  this,  we  heartily  respond  amen  ! 

Bro.  Coyne,  the  Secretary,  was  demitted,  and  Bro.  Cooley  appointed 
in  his  stead. 

June  3d,  it  was  resolved  that  the  correspondence  between  Bodley  and 
Nauvoo  Lodges  be  laid  before  the  Grand  Lodge  at  its  next  communication. 
The  semi-annual  election  was  then  had,  resulting  in  the  election  of 
Breth.  Harrison  Dills,  W.  M.;  Thomas  Jasper,  S.  W.;  T.  C.  King,  J.  W.; 
T.  Monroe,  Treas.;  H.  S.  Cooley,  Sec.;  J.  N.  Ralston  and  J.  M.  Pitman, 
Deacons ;  D.  Hauser,  Steward  and  Tyler. 

July  16th,  special  meeting.  Present : — H.  Dills,  W.  M.;  T.  Jasper,  S. 
W.;  T.  C.  King,  J.  W.;  T.  Monroe,  Treas.;  H.  S.  Cooley,  Sec.;  J.  M.  Pit- 
man, S.  D.;  J.  N.  Ralston,  J.  D.;  D.  Hauser,  Steward  and  Tyler,  and  Bros. 
Davis,  Maire,  Rogers,  Johnston,  Swarthout,  Conyers. 

The  W.  M.  stated  the  object  of  the  meeting  to  be,  to  take  into  considera- 
tion, the  charges  made  against  Nauvoo  Lodge,  U.  D.  After  remarks^by 
Bros.  Rogers,  Ralston,  Conyers,  Swarthout,  and  Davis,  the  following 
preamble  and  resolutions  were  read : 


"  WHEREAS,  It  has  come  to  the  knowledge  of  Bodley  Lodge  No.  1,  of  Quincy, 
from  sources  of  information  which  can  not  be  doubted,  that  Nauvoo  Lodge  U. 
D.  have,  siuce  the  granting  of  their  dispensation,  conducted  in  a  manner  un- 
Mnsonic,  and  highly  dangerous  and  injurious  to  our  beloved  institution,  to 
subvert  and  destroy  the  great,  good,  and  beneficial  influences  of  Masonic  prin- 
ciples ;  therefore 

'  Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  this  State,  be  re- 

of  said  charges  into  consideration,  and  dispose  of  the  same  in  such  manner  as 
they  shall  deem  essential  to  the  ends  of  justice,  and  the  welfare  and  prosperity 
of  the  institution  of  Masonry. 

"  And  unanimously  adopted.  On  motion,  Bros.  Davis  and  Ralston 
were  appointed  a  committee  to  furnish  the  Grand  Master  with  the  above 
information.  The  following  resolution  was  offered  and  adopted: 

"  Resolved,  That  Bodley  Lodge  No.  1,  of  Quiney,  request  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
the  State  of  Illinois,  that  a  committee  be  appointed  at  the  next  annual  meeting 
of  said  Lodge,  to  make  inquiry  into  the  manner  the  officers  of  the  Nauvoo  Lodge, 
IT.  D.,  were  installed,  by  the  Grand  Master  of  this  State,  and  by  what  authority 
the  Grand  Master  initiated,  passed,  and  raised  Messsrs.  Smith  and  Rigdon  to  the 
degrees  of  Entered  Apprentice,  Fellow  Craft  and  Master  Mason,  at  one  and  the 
same  time,  and  that  the  proceedings  of  the  committee  be  reported  for  the  bene- 
fit of  this  Lodge." 

All  this  goes  to  prove,  first,  that  the  Lodge  at  Nauvoo  had  became 
involved  in  the  same  brawl  as  the  "saints,"  and  second,  that  the  right 
of  the  Grand  Master  to  make  Masons  at  sight  (a  right  we  doubt)  was  not 
known  in  Illinois  in  1842. 

Sep.  7th,  the  W.  M.  and  Wardens  were  appointed  representatives  to 
the  Grand  Lodge.  Sept.  18th,  a  communication  was  received  from 
Nauvoo  Lodge,  TJ.  D.,  which  was  ordered  to  be  laid  before  the  Grand 
Lodge.  Oct.  3d,  Bro.  Dills  resigned  his  office  as  W.  M.  No  election  was 
had  to  fill  the  vacancy.  Dec.  5th,  an  amendment  to  the  by-laws  was 
introduced,  providing  that  the  elections  should  take  place  annually  on 
27th  December,  and  at  the  meeting  of  Dec.  26th,  the  amendment  was 
lost.  Dec.  26th,  officers  as  follows  were  elected  :  J.  B.  Conyers,  W.  M.; 
F.  G.  Johnston,  S.  W.;  Daniel  Stahl,  J.  W.;  Damon  Hauser,  Trcas.: 
James  H.  Luce,  Sec. 


This  Lodge  still  held  under  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky,  although 
borne  on  the  list  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  as  No.  2. 

J.  F.  Goulding,  Feb.  5th;  John  M.  Leech,  Dec.  3d;  Valentine  F. 
Evans,  Dec.  10th,  were  the  only  brethren  raised  during  this  year. 

Jan.  15th,  the  Lodge,  being  informed  of  the  death  of  Bro.  W.  J.  Gate- 
wood,  met  and  passed  the  customary  resolutions. 

Jan.  17th,  the  Lodge  proceeded  to  New  Haven,  Gallatin  county,  and 
there  interred  the  remains  of  Bro.  William  Goss,  of  Brandon  Lodge 
No. ,  Vermont. 


March  5th,  Breth.  Watkins  and  Jones  were  appointed  a  committee  to 
correspond  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  relative  to  procuring  a 
charter  from  that  body. 

May  7th  the  following  action  was  had  : 

"  The  business  next  claiming  the  attention  of  the  Lodge,  and  which 
was  called  for  by  the  W.  M.,  was  the  report  of  the  Corresponding  Com- 
mittee with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  this  State  (appointed  the  5th  March 
last),  in  regard  to  obtaining  a  charter  from  them,  and  surrendering  our 
present  charter. 

"  In  reply  to  this  call,  Brother  Jos.  E.  Watkins,  the  only  member  of 
the  committee  present,  handed  to  the  Secretary  a  letter  from  Brother  W. 
B.  Warren,  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  which,  as 
directed,  was  read  in  the  Lodge,  at  the  conclusion  of  which,  Bro.  Jos.  E. 
Watkins  made  a  motion,  which  was  seconded,  that  the  charter  proffered 
to  us  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  in  his  letter  just  read,  be  ac- 
cepted. But  before  any  definite  or  final  action  was  had  on  this  motion, 
Brother  W.  Siddall  made  a  motion  for  arrest  of  action,  believing,  as  he 
said,  that  we  were  about  to  act  prematurely  or  unadvisedly.  Brother 
Watkins  then  withdrew  his  motion,  when  a  new  motion  was  made  that 
the  same  Corresponding  Committee  till  then  in  existance,  be  continued, 
to  carry  on  a  correspondence  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky,  with 
the  view  of  ascertaining  upon  what  terms,  with  honor  and  credit  to  our- 
selves, we  could  separate  from  her  and  attach  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Illinois.  Upon  this  motion  the  W.  M.  would,  and  did,  appoint  a  new 
committee,  composed  of  Bros.  Jos.  E.  Watkins,  W.  Siddall,  and  J.  T. 

June  24th,  officers  as  follows  were  elected:  A.  W.  Pool,  W.  M.;  J. 
W.  Hamilton,  S.  W.;  John  M.  Burnett,  J.  W.;  J.  T.  Goulding,  Treasurer; 
William  Siddall,  Secretary;  Jos.  E.  Watkins  and  John  R.  Smoote,  Dea- 
cons; John  Howard,  Tyler.  Upon  motion,  the  election  of  Treasurer  and 
Secretary  were  reconsidered,  whereupon,  Breth.  Goulding  and  Siddall 
exchanged  places.  It  was  resolved  at  this  meeting  to  suspend  all  who 
were  in  arrears,  that  did  not  pay  within  two  weeks,  but  owing  to  the 
stringency  of  the  times,  better  counsels  prevailed  and  Bro.  Goulding 
offered  the  following,  which  was  "unanimously  carried"  :  "Moved,  that 
the  Lodge  nullify  the  resolution  of  the  24th  June,  so  far  as  regards  sus- 

Nov.  5th,  the  Lodge  received  a  communication  from  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Kentucky,  authorizing  the  surrender  of  the  charter  from  that  Grand 
Lodge,  and  the  acceptance  of  one  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois. 

Bro.  Goulding,  the  Secretary,  waxed  eloquent  over  what  he  termed  the 
"truly  fraternal  exertions"  of  M.  W.  Bro.  Philip  Swigert,  for  the  interest 
he  manifested  in  furthering  the  request  and  desires  of  Equality  Lodge. 


But  as  the  record  can  state  in  better  language  the  state  of  the  Brother 
Secretary's  feelings  at  the  time,  than  we  could  possibly  do,  we  reproduce 
the  action  had,  simply  remarking,  that  it  is  extremely  doubtful  if  Bro. 
Swigert  ever  received  such  a  vote  of  thanks,  as  this,  before  or  since  : 

"  The  Secretary  also  read  a  letter  from  the  Grand  Secretary  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky,  covering  the  proceedings  before  mentioned, 
at  the  conclusion  of  which  Bro.  Hamilton  suggested  the  propriety  of 
manifesting  in  some  way,  our  respect  and  thanks  to  Bro. Swigert  for  the 
part  taken  by  him,  in  our  behalf,  in  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"  J.  T.  Goulding  now  offered  the  following: 

"  WHEREAS,  in  the  preamble  and  resolution  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky, 
at  its  recent  convocation,  in  relation  to  Equality  Lodge  No.  102,  just  now  read, 
as  the  spirit  breathed  throughout  the  letter  accompanying  paid  preamble  and 
resolution,  we  cannot  but  note  with  feelings  of  unmixed  gratitude,  the  zealous 
fraternal  regard  and  deep  interest  manifested  by  our  much  estemed,  "true  and 
trusty"  friend  and  brother  Philip  Swigert,  in  the  welfare  and  prosperity  of  our 
Lodge ;  therefore 

"Resolved,  That  we  tender  to  our  distinguished  friend  and  brother,  Philip. 
Swigert,  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky,  our  warmest  hand  of 
fellowship,  in  conjunction  with  our  unsophisticated  thanks,  for  his  late  urbane- 
and  truly  fraternal  exertions  in  our  behalf,  and  beg  him  to  accept  our  assurances,, 
that  "tho"  far  awa,"  he  shall  ever  be  held  by  us  as  he  ought. 

"  Resolved,  That  the  Secretary  be  directed  to  forward  a  copy  of  the  foregoing 
to  our  Bro.  Philip  Swigert,  Grand  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky. 

"  Which  preamble  and  resolutions  being  read  aloud  by  the  Secretary,, 
were  unanimously  adopted." 

Dec.  27th,  the  regular  annual  election  was  held,  resulting  in  the 
election  of  the  following  brethren :  A.  W.  Pool,  W.  M.;  William  Sid- 
dall,  S.  W.;  James  W.  Hamilton,  J.  W.;  J.  M.  Leech,  Treas.;  J.  T. 
Goulding,  Sec.;  Watkins  and  Hopper,  Deacons ;  John  Howard,  Tyler. 

The  Lodge  had  all  this  time  been  waiting  patiently  for  the  "promised 
charter,  on  parchment,"  as  the  record  has  it,  but  the  year  1842  closed 
without  the  sight  of  that  instrument  gladdening  their  eyes. 


We  have  no  records  of  this  Lodge  for  1842,  and  consequently  are  noi 
able  to  state  anything  in  regard  to  it,  except  presenting  the  return  made 
to  the  Grand  Lodge,  which  met  in  October,  1842,  by  which  we  learn  that 
the  following  brethren  were  the  officers :  George  Hackett,  W.  M. ; 
C.  Ludlum,  S.  W.,-  A.  V.  Putnam,  J.  W.;  W.  W.  Happy,  Treas.;  W.  B. 
Warren,  Sec.:  J.  A.  McDougall,  S.  D. :  J.  T.  Sigler,  J.  D. ;  M.  Stacy, 
Steward  and  Tyler. 

The  members  were  John  T.  Jones,  Alexander  Dunlap,  Philip  Coffman, 
John  Gregory,  S.  W.  Lucas,  Richard  Henry,  George  Henry,  Dennis 
Rockwell,  J.  M.  Lucas,  J.  T.  Holmes,  Clark  Roberts,  Adolphus  Cerrill, 
A.  C.  Dickson,  A.  L.  Underwood,  F.  C.,  and  Aaron  Dickerson,  E.  A. 

The  only  work  done  during  the  year  was  one  initiation.      Of  the 

members  and  officers  given  above,  Bro.  Dunlap  was  Deputv  Grand  Mas- 
1  O 


ter;  Warren,  Grand  Secretary;  Coffman,  Grand  Treasurer;  Hackett, 
Grand  Tyler;  Dickson,  Grand  Marshal;  Gregory,  Grand  Pursuivant; 
and  Putnam,  Grand  Steward. 


This  Lodge  increased  its  membership,  by  raisings  during  the  year 
1842,  as  here  given:  M.  McXamara,  Jan.  24;  C.  W.  Matheny,  March 
21;  James  H.  Matheny,  April  18;  William  Lavely  and  E.  S.  Frazier, 
June  fi  ;  Martin  S.  Morris,  June  22;  William  Walters,  Dec.  12. 

January  9,  the  Lodge  buried  the  remains  of  Bro.  William  J.  Gate- 
wood,  at  the  time  of  his  decease  Master  of  Equality  Lodge  No.  102. 
The  record  in  this  case  we  transfer  entire  : 

"  The  Springfield  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  upon  their 
return  this  day  from  the  funeral  of  the  late  Hon.  William  J.  Gatewood, 
•whose  remains  had  been  attended  to  the  place  of  interment  by  the 
brethren  of  the  said  Lodge  in  procession,  and  interred  according  to  the 
ancient  rites  and  customs  of  the  Fraternity,  passed  the  following  reso- 

"  WHEREAS,  We  have  just  witnessed  the  last  sad  and  solemn  obsequies  of  our 
late  worthy  brother,  the  Hon.  William  J.  Gatewood,  who  died  suddenly  in  this 
city,  at  11  o'clock  last  evening,  therefore, 

'•Resolved,  That  we  deeply  regret  and  deplore  the  death  of  our  late  worthy 
brother,  whose  remains  we  have  so  recently  committed  to  the  silent  tomb,  and 
that  we  unite  with  heartfelt  sympathy  with  his  friends  and  family  in  their 
present  affliction. 

"Resolved,  that  as  a  testimony  of  respect  to  the  metnory  of  the  deceased,  each 
of  the  brethren  of  this  Lodge  shall  wear  crape  on  his  left  arm  for  the  space  of 
ten  days. 

"Resolved,  That  in  the  further  testimony  of  respect  for  his  memory,  and  of 
profound  sympathy  with  his  bereaved  family,  a  committee  of  three  members  of 
this  Lodge  be  directed  to  transmit  a  copy  of  these  resolutions  to  the  widow  of 
our  deceased  brother,  the  Hon.  William  J.  Gatewood,  and  that  the  editors  of  the 
Springfield  papers  be  requested  to  publish  them. 

"  Whereupon,  Breth.  Brown,  Shields,  and  Treat  were  appointed  that 

"  On  motion,  the  Lodge  adjourned." 

February  25,  the  Lodge  bore  to  their  last  resting  place  the  remains  of 
Br.o.  Marcellus  Eastham,  a  member  of  the  Lodge. 

April  18,  the  petition  of  William  Lavely  was  received  and  referred, 
and  on  May  23  he  was  elected  and  initiated.  June  1,  Bro.  Lavely  was 

June  28,  the  Lodge  proceeded  to  an  election,  which  resulted  as  follows  : 
James  Shepherd  was  elected  W.  M. ;  William  Harvey,  S.  W. ;  James 
Zwisler,  J.  W. ;  Maurice  Doyle,  Treasurer;  Edward  Jones,  Secretary; 
Francis  Springer,  Chaplain;  James  Maxcy,  Tyler. 

Sept.  19,  Bro.  Harvey,  S.  W.,  resigned,  when  Bro.  James  Zwisler  was 
elected  to  fill  the  vacancy;  this  promotion  of  Bro.  Zwisler  caused  a 


yacation  of  the  station  of  the  J.  W.,  which  was  filled  by  the  election  of 
Francis  Springer. 

Nov.  28,  Breth.  Philo  Beers,  J.  R.  Gray,  James  Briggs,  James  Firey, 
and  Daniel  Turney  were  stricken  from  the  roll  for  non-payment  of  dues. 

The  following  officers  were  elected  on  St.  John's  Day,  Dec.  27  :  Francis 
A.  McNeill,  W.  M.;  James  Zwisler,  S.  W. :  George  R.  Weber,  J.  W.; 
Maurice  Doyle,  Treasurer;  Edward  Jones,  Secretary;  James  Maxcy, 
Tyler.  Breth.  Garland  and  Chatterton  were  appointed  Deacons,  and 
James  Shepherd  Master  of  Ceremonies. 


This  Lodge  still  held  its  charter  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri, 
although  borne  upon  the  books  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  as  No.  5. 

The  report  before  us  extends  from  Sept.  25, 1841,  to  Sept.  24, 1842,  and 
from  it  we  gather  that  the  following  were  raised  during  1842,  or  rather 
up  to  September  24th  of  that  year:  J.  M.  Sullivan,  May  21;  S.  Alex, 
and  D.  B.  Whitesides,  June  24;  L.  Peyton  and  J.  B.  Latham,  July  28. 

There  is  not  much  to  note  in  the  minutes  before  us,  as  they  are  a  very 
short  abstract  of  the  doings  of  the  Lodge,  excepting  that  on  August 
20th,  1842,  a  petition  for  a  Lodge  at  Dubuque,  Iowa  Territory,  was  recom- 

The  return,  or  so  much  of  it  as  relates  to  the  officers  and  members,  we 
present  here  in  full : 

"  Officers. — Charles  Gear,  Master;  James  Rice,  Senior  Warden;  A.  C. 
Davis,  Junior  Warden  :  Daniel  Wann,  Treasurer;  John  Turney,  Secre- 
tary ;  A.  T.  Crow,  Senior  Deacon ;  James  Stewart,  Junior  Deacon ;  J.  E. 
Smith  and  R.  Pattison,  Stewards;  Robert  Dunlap,  Tyler. 

"  Master  Masons. — Thomas  C.  Legate,  E.  W.  Turner,  Matthew  Fawcett, 
W.  F.  Franklin,  F.  J.  Dunn,  T.  B.  Farnsworth,  A.  J.  Jackson,  John 
McNulty,  Wm.  B.  Whiteside,  Sam'l  Alex,  John  S.  Crawford,  E.  F. 
Ogden,  Thomas  Clark,  R.  Long,  D.  B.  Morehouse,  David  Wells,  T.  Fan- 
ning, H.  H.  Gear,  Sam'l  Smoker,  M.  J.  Sullivan,  Geo.  W.  Cummings, 
Lucien  Peyton,  Sam'l  McLean,  W.  H.  Hooper,  Wm.  Campbell,  Gideon 
Low,  Dan'l  F.  Hitt,  G.  M.  Mitchell,  Robt.  Thompson,  Jos.  Doplar,  J.  B. 
Latham,  N.  Nadeau. 

"Fellow  Craft  Masons. — Michael  Wall,  John  Flanagan,  James  B. 
Ooble,  H.  C.  McGraw. 

"  Entered  Apprentices. — John  French,  John  McNulty,  Jr.,  J.  T.  Temple. 

"  Initiations.— W.  B.  Whitesides,  Feb.  5:  M.  J.  Sullavan,  Feb.  19; 
J.  B.  Latham,  March  20;  S.  Alex,  May  21;  G.  W.  Cummings,  May  21 : 
N.  Nadeau,  June  10:  H.  C.  McGraw,  June  24:  John  French,  J.  B. 
Ooble,  and  Lucien  Peyton,  July  16 :  John  Flanagan,  July  28  :  John  T  . 
Temple,  Sept.  24. 


"Admissions. — T.  Fanning,  Jan.  22;  David  Wells,  June  18;  J.  S, 
Crawford,  June  18. 

"Deaths. — John  Sherman,  died  abroad  in  the  winter  of  1841-2. 
"  Rejections. — Miles  M.  Vineyard,  of  Wisconsin,  Sept.  24." 


As  regards  this  Lodge,  we  must  be  content  with  presenting  the  returns, 
of  the  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  in  1842  : 

"  MEMBERS. — Abraham  Jonas,  W.  M.;  Samuel  Smith,  S.  W.;  Abner  J, 
Short,  J.  W.;  Anthony  Touzalen,  Tyler ;  W.  D.  McCann,  Sec.;  Thomas 
Durant  and  James  S.  Logan,  Stewards;  Lytle  Griffing,  S.  D.;  David  P. 
McNeal,  J.  D.;  Cyrus  N.  Williams,  Tyler. 

"MASTER  MASONS. — Daniel  Harrison,  Lytle  Griffing,  George  W. 
Thompson,  W.  D.  McCann,  Wm.  Bayne,  Willis  H.  Chapman,  D.  P. 
McNeal,  T.  Durant,  Minus  L.  Williams,  A.  J.  Short,  Anthony  Touzalen, 
S.  Smith,  J.  S.  Logan,  C.  M.  Williams,  M.  L.  Hudnel." 


The  Lodge  conferred  the  Master's  degree  upon  the  brethren  named1 
below  during  the  year  1842  :  Abram  Brown,  March  25  ;  J.  E.  Sawyer, 
May  5;  Wilkinson,  June  3;  Wm.  Rodgers  and  L.  L.  Scott,  June  23. 

March  24,  tha  Lodge  met  in  the  upper  room  of  the  Dixon  Hotel,  when 
the  following  brethren  were  present:  Samuel  Johnson,  G.  A.  Martin, 
William  A.  Merritt,  Horace  Preston,  Stephen  Fuller,  Nathan  Morehouse, 
Isaac  Robinson,  Smith  Gilbraith,  D.  B.  MoKenney,  R.  B.  Loveland, 
James  McKenney,  T.  H.  March,  James  Campbell.  The  charter  granted 
by  the  Grand  Lodge  was  received,  and  the  Lodge  duly  constituted  as 
Friendship  Lodge  No.  8,  which  as  will  be  hereafter  seen  was  a  mistake, 
as  far  as  the  number  was  concerned.  The  following  officers  were  then 
duly  installed  :  Samuel  Johnson,  W.  M.;  G.  A.  Martin,  S.  W.:  William 
A.  Merritt,  as  proxy  for  John  VanArnam,  J.  W.;  R.  B.  Loveland,  Sec.; 
James  McKenney,  Treas.;  Horace  Preston,  S.  D.;  T.  H.  March,  J.  D.;  T. 
H.  March  and  D.  B.  McKenney,  Stewards;  and  S.  Gilbraith,  Tyler. 

May  5,  the  Lodge  voted  to  celebrate  St.  John's  Day,  which  on  the  24th 
of  June  was  duly  carried  out.  The  following  visiting  brethren  were 
present  at  this  celebration  :  Mathew  McKenney,  N.  G.  Reynolds,  Wil- 
liam A.  Weston,  Henry  Maxwell,  J.  B.  Morton,  S.  McFarland,  and  Na- 
than Whitney.  July  21,  Charges  of  "  violation  of  the  laws  of  the  land" 
were  preferred  against  a  brother,  who  was  thereupon  suspended,  during 
the  investigation  of  the  case.  This  Lodge  did  not,  as  was  the  custom  in 
the  majority  of  the  Lodges  of  that  day,  elect  officers  semi-annually. 



The  brethren  whose  names  are  given  below  were  raised  during  1842, 
by  this  Lodge  :  John  P.  Tenbrook,  Jan.  22  ;  H.  J.  Armstrong,  Feb.  21 ; 
J.  J.  Peddicord,  April  6  ;  J.  T.  Braden  and  A.  Edmunds,  April  28 ;  D. 
E.  Kails  and  Preston  Butler,  June  15;  H.  Robinson,  Sept.  17.  June  15, 
being  the  regular  time  for  election,  it  was  on  motion  of  Bro.  Oglesby, 
resolved  that  the  present  officers  retain  their  places  until  the  next  regu- 
lar election,  which  was  a  very  easy  way  of  electing  officers,  besides  a  great 
saving  of  time  and  wear  of  mind  consequent  upon  the  mental  reflection 
necessary  to  be  exercised  in  as  to  whom  should  be  elected. 

June  24,  was  celebrated  by  laying  the  corner-stone  of  their  "  future 
Masonic  Hall."  Unless  misinformed,  this  Hall  is  still  in  the  future. 
Twenty-one  members  of  the  Lodge  were  present,  and  the  following  from 
Springfield  Lodge  No.  4:  C.  W.  Matheny,  J.  H.  Matheny,  James  Shep- 
herd, A.  Y.  Ellis,  M.  F.  Wickersham,  William  Harvey,  Edward  Jones, 
Geo.  R.  Weber,  Samuel  Matlack,  Z.  P.  Cabanis,  James  Zwisler,  L.  Hes- 

ser,  Henry  Carrigan,  S.  H.  Treat, Johnson,  M.  Helm  (who  acted  as 

Grand  Master)  J.  B.  Broadwell,  John  Bennett,  M.  S.  Morris,  F.  A. 

McNeil,  John  Uhler, Read,  Francis  Springer,  N.  A.  Garland,  C.  W. 

Chatterton,  Aug.  Hays,  and  E.  Stout.  Breth.  John  D.  Goriu  and  Q.  C. 
Alexander,  of  Vandalia,  were  also  present.  After  the  laying  of  the 
corner-stone,  the  Lodge  was  duly  constituted  as  Maeon  Lodge  No.  8,  this 
making  the  second  Lodge  in  the  State  bearing  that  number.  The  offi- 
cers installed  at  that  time  were  :  G.  A.  Patterson,  W.  M.;  J.  King,  S. 
W.;  H.  Prather,  J.  W.;  J.  R.  Gorin,  Sec.;  A.  S.  Williams,  Treas.;  E. 
League,  S.  D.;  J.  S.  Post,  J.  D.;  James  Ashton,  Tyler. 

July  17,  we  observe  the  first  record  made  by  M.  W.  Bro.  Gorin,  twenty- 
six  years  ago.  He  wrote  a  much  better  hand  then  than  now,  which 
to  us  is  a  matter  of  congratulation,  as  it  is  easily  read,  whereas,  if  Bro. 
Gorin  had  written  it  at  the  present  day,  it  would  be  somewhat  a  matter 
of  doubt  whether  we  should  have  attempted  to  read  it  at  all.  There  is 
in  the  whole  western  country  but  one  man,  or  rather  brother,  who  can 
bear  off  the  palm  over  Bro.  Gorin  for  rapid,  undecipherable  chirography, 
and  that  is  one  who  has  enjoyed  a  like  eminence  in  the  councils  of 
the  Craft  in  a  neighboring  State,  and  to  make  it  perfectly  sure,  we  will 
call  it  Iowa. 

,  September  17,  the  delegates  to  the  Grand  Lodge  were  directed  to  vote 
for  Springfield,  as  the  place  of  meeting  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  A  com- 
munication from  Nauvoo  Lodge  was  ordered  to  lie  on  the  table.  Dec. 
17,  officers  as  follows  were  elected  :  Henry  Prather,  W.  M.;  Charles  H. 
Pringle,  S.  W.;  Warner  W.  Oglesby,  J.  W.;  Wm.  B.  Bosworth,  Sec.;  H . 


J.  Armstrong,  Treas.;  Geo.  A.  Patterson,  Chaplain;  Henry  Hummel,  S. 
and  Tyler. 


From  R.  "W.  Bro.  Bagby  we  learn  that  the  old  records  of  this  Lodge 
were  destroyed  by  fire,  when  the  lodge- room  in  the  town  of  Rushville  was 
burned.  We  are  therefore  unable  to  give  any  information  concerning 
the  Lodge,  other  than  can  be  gleaned  from  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand 
Lodge.  From  the  returns  of  this  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  in  1842,  we 
find  that  the  officers  and  members  were  as  follows  :  Levi  Lusk,  W.  M.; 
James  L.  Anderson,  S.  W.;  John  Todhunter,  J.  "W.;  James  McCroskey, 
Treas.:  Adams  Dunlap,  Sec.;  John  B.  Seeley,  S.  D.;  William  Edgar,  J. 
D.;  Thomas  J.  Garrett,  Tyler.  The  members  in  addition  to  the  above 
named  officers,  were  Samuel  McHatton,  William  Davis,  Abner  McDow- 
ell, Josiah  Parrott,  Lewis  Horton,  Henry  Murray,  James  H.  Chick,  Rens- 
salaer  Wells,  Marshall  Smith,  Alexander  Brazleton,  Nathan  Brooks, 
Hart  Fellows ;  Andrew  LaCroix,  Isaac  E wing,  Isaac  Grier,  George  Edgar, 
Joseph  Montgomery,  William  A.Richardson,  Fellow  Crafts;  and  Peter  C. 
Vance,  Solomon  C.  Waid,  Tydence  W.  Lane,  and  George  Rogers,  Entered 
Apprentices.  The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  by  Grand 
Master  Jonas,  after  the  close  of  the  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
in  1841,  but  the  precise  date  we  have  been  unable  to  ascertain. 


Whence  the  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  emanated,  we  have  been  unable 
to  learn,  but  are  inclined  to  the  opinion  that  it  was  granted  by  M.  W. 
Bro.  Jonas.  The  first  mention  made  of  this  Lodge  is  in  the  proceedings 
of  1841,  at  which  grand  communication  a  petition  was  presented  from 
this  Lodge  praying  for  a  charter.  That  it  had  been  in  existence,  and 
that  the  word  "  Charter"  was  not  a  mistake  for  the  word  "  Dispensation," 
is  plainly  to  be  seen  by  the  very  next  entry,  wherein  a  petition  was  pre- 
sented for  a  new  Lodge  at  Chicago,  which  petition  was  recommended 
by  Juliet  Lodge.  We  have  been  unable  to  obtain  any  further  informa- 
tion concerning  this  Lodge,  than  is  afforded  in  the  proceedings  of  the 
Grand  Lodge.  The  returns  to  the  Grand  Lodge  for  1842,  we  here  pre- 

"  Members  of  Juliet  Lodge  No.  10,  Juliet. — Norman  Hawley,  W.  M.; 
Thomas  J.  Wade,  S.  W.;  Joel  George,  J.  W.;  Fenner  Aldrich,  Treas,.: 
Justus  Finch,  Jr.,  Sec.;  Orange  Chancy,  S.  D.;  Thomas  J.  Kinney,  J.  D.; 
D.  L.  Gregg  and  James  Broady,  Stewards  ;  Jared  Runyon,  Tyler.  Mas- 
ter Masons,  E.  Haveris,  Hiram  Blanchard,  Myron  K.  Brownson,  Joshua 
Rucker,  Joel  A.  Matteson,  William  B.  Peck,  Joshua  Smith,  E.  Weather- 


bee,  Thomas  Williams,  Robert  G.  Cook,  Henry  G.  Brown,  N.  S.Anderson, 
William  E.  Little,  Samuel  Anderson,  David  -Parish." 

This  Lodge  was  chartered  as  No.  10  in  1841,  but  was  not  represented  at 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  1842. 


The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  by  Bro.  Jonas,  in  the 
year  1842,  and  at  the  Grand  Lodge  of  that  year  a  charter  was  voted  as 
No.  11,  but  was  at  the  same  meeting  reconsidered  and  the  Lodge  con- 
tinued under  dispensation.  We  have  no  record  of  this  Lodge  while 
under  dispensation,  and  can  only  give  its  return  to  the  Grand  Lodge  for 
1842,  which  is  as  follows  : 

"Members  of  Cass  Lodge,  U.  D.,  at  Virginia. — P.  Underwood,  Jr.,  W. 
M.;  Amos  Bonney,  S.  W.;  William  Bassett,  J.  W.;  Ezra  J.  Dutch,  Treas.; 
N.  B.  Thompson,  Sec.  Master  Masons,  James  Knowles,  Alfred  Dutch, 
S.  C.  Lyon,  C.  S.  VanAlstine,  Thomas  Eyre,  James  Logan,  John  Daley." 

The  initiating,  passing,  and  raising  of  the  latter  brother,  (who  had 
been  rejected  by  Springfield  No.  4,)  was  the  cause  that  led  the  Grand 
Lodge  to  reconsider  its  action  granting  a  charter. 


The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  has  already  been  given.  It  was  not 
represented  at  the  Grand  Lodge  in  1842,  and  no  action  beyond  directing 
the  Grand  Secretary  to  call  upon  the  Lodge  for  its  returns  was  had  in 
regard  to  it,  but  it  was  suffered  to  work  quietly  under  its  dispensation. 
The  return  for  1842,  which  was  received  after  the  closing  of  the  Grand 
Lodge,  is  here  given  : 

"Members  of  Western  Star  Lodge,  U.  D.,  Kaskaskia. — R.  B.  Servant, 
W.  M.;  G.  W.  Staley,  S.  W.;  G.  W.  Entler,  J.  W.;  B.  P.  Simmons,  Sec.; 
Jacob  Feaman,  Treas.;  Ignatius  Spriggs,  S.  D.;  J.  L.  P.  Perry,  J.  D.;  A. 
Keefer,  Tyler.  Master  Masons,  Michael  Buyatte,  James  Roberts,  Fer- 
dinand Onjer,  J.  W.  Gilliss,  D.  C.  Jones,  M.  L.  Brooks,  W.  E.  Jones, 
Samuel  F.  Ashby,  William  Jackson,  William  Koker,  George  Brush, 
Passal  Craddok,  John  Yarantzy,  Benjamin  Wittsheir,  Gustavus  Hol- 
land." Of  these  Breth.  Buvjitte^  Roberts,  Onjer,  and  Gillis  will  be  re- 
cognized as  members  of  old  Western.  Star  Lodge  !No.  10V,  as  early  as 


•  The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  in  1842,  to  a  number  of 
brethren  residing  in  Montrose,  Lee  county,  Territory  of  Iowa.  Although 
the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  reported  that  they  had  examined 
the  returns  and  work  of  this  Lodge,  yet  no  returns  appear  in  the  pub- 
lished proceedings.  This  Lodge  is  not  now  in  existence. 



The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  Oct.  15,  1841,  and  set  to 
work  by  Grand  Master  Jonas,  on  the  15th  March,  1842.  From  March 
15, 1842,  up  to  the  sitting  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  this  Lodge  initiated  286 
candidates,  and  raised  243;  and  we  must  therefore  be  excused  from 
giving  the  names.  If  the  Lodge  had  been  suffered  to  work  two  years 
longer,  every  Mormon  in  Hancock  county  would  have  been  initiated. 
The  officers  of  this  Lodge  were  as  follows:  George  Miller,  "W.  M.;  Hy- 
rum  Smith,  S.  W.;  Lucius  N.  Scovill,  J.  W.;  William  Clayton,  Sec.; 
Newel  K.  Whitney,  Treas.;  Charles  Allen,  S.  D.;  Heber  C.  Kimball,  J. 
D.;  Wm.  Felshaw  and  Hyrum  Clark,  Stewards;  Samuel  Rolfe,  Tyler." 

We  will  have,  further  on  in  this  History,  more  to  say  in  regard  to 
this  Lodge  and  the  men  who  composed  it. 

ST.  JOHN'S  LODGE   NO.  13. 

But  one  brother  was  raised  in  this  Lodge  during  the  year  1842,  viz: 
Stephen  W.  Paine,  March  31.  January  30,  Bro.  M.  J.  Boss,  who  died 
January  28,  was  buried  with  the  honors  of  Masonry.  Bro.  Ross  was  one 
of  the  founders  of  the  Lodge.  September  22,  the  Lodge  resolved  to  ap- 
ply to  the  Grand  Lodge  for  a  charter,  and  passed  the  following  resolu- 

"Also  voted,  That  on  account  of  the  retired  situation  of  Vermilionville,  and 
by  the  advice  of  a  number  of  brethren  of  Peru,  we  after  mature  consideration, 
think  it  for  the  interest  of  the  Institution  to  remove  this  Lodge  to  that  place, 
and  ask  the  Grand  Lodge  to  grant  a  charter  for  this  Lodge  at  that  place." 

At  the  meeting  of  October  13,  the  name  of  Warren  Brown  appears 
among  the  members.  After  a  careful  examination  and  considerable  in- 
quiry, we  find  that  it  is  the  same  Bro.  Warren  Brown  that  was  at  one 
time  Secretary  of  Western  Star  Lodge  Xo.  107.  December  15,  officers  as 
follows  were  elected  :  L.  Woodward,  W.  M.;  Harmer  Whitehead,  S.  W.; 
Samuel  Norton.  J.  W.:  Hennessy,  Treas.;  O'Connor,  Sec.;  War- 
ren Brown,  S.  D.;  A.  Kirkpatrick,  J.  D.;  A.  Holdridge,  Tyler. 


The  record  of  the  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  we  here  present : 
"  Pursuant  to  a  dispensation  granted  by  A.  Jonas,  M.  W.  Grand  Mas- 
ter of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  bearing  date  the  16th  day  of  July, 
A.  D.  1841,  A.  L.  5841,  granting  to  certain  members  of  the  honorable 
fraternity  of  Ancient  York  Masons,  the  privilege  of  opening  a  Lodge  in 
Shawneetown,  in  the  county  of  Gallatin  and  State  of  Illinois,  a  number 
of  the  Craft  by  previous  arrangement  met  at  their  lodge-room  in  said 
town,  on  the  6th  day  of  August,  A.  D.  1842,  A.  L.  5842. 


"Present:  Jos.  J.  Johnson,  D.  G.  M.  p.  t.;  11.  Wilson,  of  Equality 
Lodge  No.  102  ;  J.  R.  Sraoot,  of  Equality  Lodge  No.  102;  George  Darab, 
of  Randolph  Lodge  No.  87,  Tennessee;  Alex.  Kirkpatrick,  S.  S.  Scudder, 
of  Equality  Lodge  No.  102;  George  Cobb,  E.  H.  Gatewood,  of  Equality 
Lodge  No.  102 ;  Wm.  H.  Davidson,  P.  Slater,  Eobert  H.  Marron,  of  Rich- 
mond Randolph  Lodge,  Virginia.  The  Lodge  was  opened  in  the  3d  de- 
gree according  to  ancient  form  and  usage,  at  which  time  the  W.  M., 
Joseph  Johnson,  installed  according  to  ancient  rite,  R.  H.  Marron,  W. 
E.  H.  Gatewood,  S.  D.;  Geo.  Webb,  J.  D.;  Geo.  Darah,  Sec.;  A.  Kirkpat- 
rick, Treas.;  S.  S.  Scudder,  S.  D.;  J.  R.  Smoot,  J.  D.;  II.  Wilson,  Tyler. 

"Resolved,  On  motion,  that  the  By-Laws  of  Equality  Lodge  be  substituted  for 
the  government  of  this  Lodge,  so  far  as  applicable  for  the  present,  until  other- 
wise directed. 

"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  Bro.  Johnson  and  Kirkpatrick  be  appointed  to  revise  the  By- 
Laws  of  Equality  Lodge  for  the  consideration  of  this  Lodge,  and  report  at  our 
first  regular  Communication. 

"  On  motion, 

"Resolved,  That  our  first  regular  Communication  be  on  Saturday  week  next, 
the  13th  inst.  No  further  business  appearing,  this  closed  in  due  and  ancient 

(Signed)  "  ROBERT  MARRON,  W.  M. 

"  Test,  GEO.  DARAH,  Sec^y." 

The  following  is  a  list  of  raisings  by  this  Lodge  during  1842:  J.  H. 
Johnson,  Sept.  28;  E.  Bogardus  and  J.  B.  Caldwell,  Oct.  27;  J.  L.  Camp- 
bell and  William  Hilburne,  Nov.  24;  T.  G.  S.  Herod,  F.  M.  Leech,  Nov. 
26 ;  J.  W.  Tunnell  and  Robert  Kirkham,  Dec.  1 ;  J.  M.  Jones  and  D.  N. 
Hamilton,  Dec.  3;  M.  Y.  Johnson, Dec.  5;  J.  H.  Hart,  Dec.  8;  John  Gal- 
laher  and  James  Melvin,  Dec.  10;  John  G.  Stewart,  Dec.  15;  E.  R.  Roe 
and  G.  J.  Barrett,  Dec.  22 ;  C.  R.  Smith,  Dec.  26.  September  28,  Bro. 
John  T.  Jones,  of  Jacksonville,  was  appointed  to  represent  the  Lodge  at 
the  next  session  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  At  the  meeting  of  December  1, 
the  Steward  was  "  directed  to  provide  a  strictly  temperance  lunch  for 
each  Lodge  evening  unless  otherwise  instructed." 

December  27,  the  charter  granted  by  the  Grand  Lodge  was  received 
and  accepted,  and  the  Lodge  constituted  as  No.  14.  At  this  meeting  the 
following  officers  were  elected:  Joseph  Johnson,  W.  M.;  E.  H.  Gate- 
wood,  S.  W.;  E.  Bogardus,  J.  W.;  A.  Kirkpatrick,  Treas.;  J.  L.  Campbell, 
Sec.;  S.  S.  Scudder,  S.  D.  and  Senior  Steward  ;  J.  B.  Caldwell,  J.  D.  and 
Junior  Steward  ;  William  Hilborn,  Tyler.  The  officers  were  then  duly 
installed  "at  the  Presbyterian  Church,  where  an  oration  was  delivered 
by  Bro.  Jos.  Johnson."  The  date  of  dispensation  given  in  the  record  of 
the  first  meeting  is  an  error;  it  should  have  read  July  16,  1842  and  not 
1841.  Of  the  members  whose  names  appear  on  the  record  as  officers, 


Gatewood,  Scudder,  and  Smoot  were  made  in  Equality  Lodge.    Bro.  Wil- 
son joined  that  Lodge  by  affiliation,  and  was  at  one  time  its  Master. 


As  the  record  of  the  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  expresses  much  better 
than  we  could  do  the  proceedings  at  its  organization,  we  here  give  them 
entire,  as  well  as  the  preliminary  record,  remarking  that  the  record  of 
the  dispensation,  which  is  recorded  in  full,  is  omitted,  as  it  is  almost 
exactly  similar  to  the  form  now  used  : 

"  In  the  month  of  September,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  forty,  ten  brethren  residing  in  Peoria,  in  the  county 
of  Peoria  and  State  of  Illinois,  and  the  neighborhood,  met  in  the  second 
story  of  the  house  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Adams  Streets,  in  said  town 
of  Peoria,  and  after  consultation,  agreed  to  make  application  to  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  the  said  State  of  Illinois  for  a  dispensation.  Their 
names  were  as  follows :  Samuel  H.  Davis,  Augustus  0.  Garrett,  John 
King,  George  Farrell,  James  Mossman,  Xathaniel  Chapin,  George  H. 
Quigg,  Frederick  Semelroth. 

"  They  recommended  Samuel  H.  Davis  as  Master,  Augustus  0.  Garrett 
as  Senior  Warden,  and  John  King  as  Junior  Warden.  The  application 
was  vouched  for  by  the  Ottawa  Lodge,  and  forwarded  to  the  Grand 
Lodge  to  be  laid  before  that  body  at  its  meeting  in  that  or  the  ensuing 
month.  The  case  came  before  the  Grand  Lodge,  but  as  that  body  knew 
nothing  of  the  Ottawa  Lodge,  (the  latter  working  under  a  foreign  dis- 
pensation) the  application  could  not  be  granted,  and  thus  the  matter 
rested  till  December,  A.  D.  1841.  In  that  month  it  became  known  that 
the  Grand  Lodge  were  satisfied  with  the  regularity  of  the  Ottawa  Lodge, 
and  accordingly  accepted  its  recommendation  for  a  petition  ,•  upon  ap- 
plication therefor,  a  dispensation  was  granted. 

"  Under  this  dispensation,  a  number  of  brethren  met  at  Garrett's  Hotel, 
in  the  town  of  Peoria  aforesaid,  in  a  suitable  room  therein  provided,  on 
the  night  of  January  the  8th,  A.  D.  1842.  Present:  Samuel  H.  Davis, 
W.  M.:  Augustus  0.  Garrett,  S.  W.;  James  Mossman,  J.  W.,  pro  tern.; 
William  Mitchell,  Sec.,  pro  tern.;  Peter  Sweat,  Treas.,  pro  tern.;  Andrew 
Hunt,  S.  D.,  pro  tern.;  Frederick  Semelroth,  J.  D.  and  Tyler,  pro  tern.; 
George  Farrell.  Visitors  :  Samuel  Rodecher,  Ottawa  Lodge  ;  William 
Mitchell,  Palatine  Lodge,  Sunderland,  England;  Peter  Sweat,  Andrew 
M.  Hunt,  Hannibal  Lodge,  Oswego  county,  N.  Y.  Entered  Apprentice's 
Lodge  opened  in  due  form.  Fellow  Craft's  Lodge  opened  in  due  form. 
Master  Mason's  Lodge  opened  in  due  form. 

"  The  following  brethren  made  application  for  membership,  and  it 
being  declared  by  the  Lodge  a  case  of  emergency,  they  were  forthwith 
balloted  for  and  admitted,  viz.:  Peter  Sweat,  Samuel  Rodecken,  Andrew 


M.  Hunt,  and  William  Mitchell.  The  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  elec- 
tion of  such  officers  as  were  not  appointed  in  the  dispensation,  when  the 
following  persons  were  unanimously  elected  :  William  Mitchell  as  Sec- 
retary, and  Frederick  Semelroth,  as  Tyler.  Breth.  Andrew  M.  Hunt, 
Peter  Sweat,  and  Frederick  Semelroth  were  appointed  a'  committee  to 
procure  the  necessary  furniture  for  the  Lodge. 

"Breth.  Mitchell,  Garret,  and  Mossman  were  appointed  a  committee  to 
draft  Bye-Laws  for  the  Lodge.  The  W.  M.,on  motion,  was  added  to  this 

"On  motion, 

"Rf.wlved,  That  such  of  the  brethren  as  can  make  it  convenient,  will  attend  at 
the  Lodge  every  Saturday  evening,  at  half  past  six  o'clock,  for  instruction,  and 
that  the  monthly  meetings  be  determined  by  the  committee  appointed  on  the 

"Closed  in  due  form  (i.  e.  severally  in  the  three  degrees.)" 

The  dispensation  was  granted  to  Breth.  Samuel  H.  Davis,  Augustus  0. 
Garrett,  John  King,  "  and  several  other  brethren."  Bro.  Davis  was 
named  as  the  Master;  Garrett  as  S.  W. ;  and  King,  as  J.  W.  It  was 
granted  January  3,  1842,  by  Bro.  Jonas,  Grand  Master. 

Geo.  W.  Rodecker,  March  12 ;  Chester  Hamlin  and  Ralph  Hamlin, 
March  15;  George  T.  Metcalfe,  March  19;  Thomas  J.  Hurd,  March  22; 
Isaac  Underbill,  March  26 ;  J.  D.  Finch,  March  29 ;  Rodol-phus  Rouse, 
April  1 ;  C.  D.  Powell  and  Leonard  Knott,  April  14 ;  Wanton  Parker, 
July  16  ;  Frederick  Parker,  July  30;  Joseph  Tnmstine,  Sept.  12;  Charles 
E.  Mason,  Sept.  17 — were  raised. 


The  brethren  upon  whom  the  third  degree  was  conferred  by  this_ 
Lodge  during  the  year  1842,  are  as  follows  :  Julian  Hulaniski,  June-22  ; 
R.  H.  Pill,  Aug.  16  ;  John  R.  Hall,  Aug.  24. 

June  13,  the  following  officers  were  elected:  D.  B.  Hodge,  W.  M. ; 
H.  C.  Remann,  S.  W. ;  W.  T.  Hopkins,  J.  W. ;  the  Secretary,  Treasurer, 
Deacons,  and  Tyler  were  re-electedr 

Sept.  26,  the  following  was  passed  :. 

"WHEREAS,  It  is  deemed  expedient  and  proper  that  Lodges  within  the  several 
States  should  be  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  respective  Grand  Lodges  of  those 
States;  therefore, 

"Resolved,  That  our  representative  to  the  next  annual  communication  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  be  instructed  respectfully  to  ask  leave  on  the  behalf 
of  this  Lodge  to  be  relieved  from  the  jurisdiction  of  said  Grand  Lodge,  for  the 
purpose  of  becoming  subordinate  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois." 

Dec.  21,  the  following  record  was  made : 

"Since  the  last  meeting  (Oct.  10),  this  Lodge  discharged  all  dues  to 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  and  received  a  discharge  from  its  juris- 


diction,  and  an  application  was  made  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois, 
through  the  M.  W.  G.  M.  Meredith  Helm,  for  a  charter. 

"This  charter  was  received  this  day,  the  21st  Dec.,  and,  on  motion, 
the  charter  was  accepted,  and  the  blanks  filled  in  accordance  with  the 
instructions  of  the  Grand  Secretary  of  Illinois,  and  the  charter  and 
letter  of  the  Grand  Secretary  ordered  to  be  spread  upon  the  records  of 
this  Lodge,  and  that  the  Secretary  be  required  to  procure  some  safe  mode 
of  keeping  the  same  in  the  Lodge,  and  for  the  convenience  of  visitors. 


"JACKSONVILLE,  Dec.  13th,  1842. 
•'  D.  B.  Hodge,  Esq. : 

"DEAR  SIR  AND  BROTHER  :— By  this  day's  mail  I  send  you  a  charter.  You  will 
perceive  that  the  names  of  the  petitioners,  Senior  and  Junior  Wardens,  and 
name  of  the  Lodge  are  left  blank,  in  consequence  of  my  having  no  means  of 
filling  their  place.  Please  insert  them  yourself.  The  charter  would  have  been 
sent  at  an  earlier  day,  but  I  still  thought  I  should  meet  with  some  private 

"  With  great  respect,  I  am  Fraternally  yours, 

"W.  B.  WARREN. 

"The  W.  M.,  D.  B.  Hodge,  filled  the  blanks  in, the  charter,  and  the 
Lodge  resolved  to  accept  the  same  and  ordered  it  to  be  recorded,  the 
Lodge  being  open  on  the  third  degree  of  Masonry." 

Then  follows  the  charter,  which  being  of  the  same  form  as  those  used 
at  the  present  day,  we  will  omit. 

Temperance  Lodge  No.  27  was  then  closed,  and 


opened.  "  Present:  D.  B.  Hodge,  W.  M. ;  H.  C.tRemann,  S.  W.;  John 
R.  Hall,  J.  W.,  pro  tern.;  J.  D.  Gorin,  Treas. ;  Q.  C.  Alexander,  Sec.: 
N.  M.  McCurdy,  S.  D.;  William  Hodge,  J.  D. ;  Moses  Phillips,  Tyler: 
R.  H.  Pill,  M.  M."  / 

The  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  an  election  of  officers,  which  resulted  in 
the  election  of  the  following  brethren:  Henry  C.  Remann,  W.  M  : 
William  Hodge,  S.  W.;  John  R.  Hall,  J.  W.;  R.  H.  Pill,  Treas.;  D.  B. 
Hodge,  Sec.;  Moses  Philips,  Tyler. 

Dec.  27,  the  Lodge  assembled  for  the  purpose  of  installing  the  officers 
and  constituting  the  Lodge,  but  the  proxy  of  the  Grand  Master  (Bro. 
McCurdy),  refused  to  perform  that  duty,  whereupon  the  installation  and 
constitution  was  postponed  until  the  Grand  Master  could  be  corres- 
ponded with. 




Breth.  Leonard  B.  Adams,  Jan.  25th;  D.  F.  Wendell,  June  10th,  were 
raised.  There  does  not  appear  any  entries  of  sufficient  importance  to 
merit  especial  mention,  except  that  at  the  meeting  of  Sept.  7th  the 
Lodge  was  moved  to  Upper  Alton,  and  that  on  the  17th  December  the 
following  officers  were  elected  :  Charles  Howard,  W.  M.;  R.  McFarland, 
S.  W.;  J.  A.  Maxey,  J.  W.;  H.  S.  Summers,  Treas.;  H.  P.  Rundle,  Sec.; 
D.  F.  Wendell,  Tyler. 


We  have  the  following  information  concerning  this  Lodge  for  1842  : 

Oct.  15th,  Bro.  H.  C.  McGrew  was  raised.  Dec.  17th,  Nicholas  Wall 
raised.  Dec.  27th,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  Charles  Gear, 
W.  M.;  James  Rice,  S.  W.;  H.  H.  Gear.  J.  W.;  John  Turney,  Treas.; 
Richard  Pattison,  Sec.  The  following  appointments  were  made:  H.  C. 
McGrew,  S.  D.;  John  E.  Smith,  J.  D.;  William  Campbell,  Tyler. 

This  Lodge  was  formerly  called  Mount  Moriah,  but  was  chartered  as 
Hillsboro.  The  Master's  degree  was  conferred  on  seven  brethren  during 
1842,  viz. :  John  P.  Frame,  Jan.  28th  ;  William  B.  Herrick,  Jan.  29th  : 
Augustus  Knight,  Jan.  31st:  R.  W.  Wellington  and  James  Harriott, 
May  20th  ;  John  W.  Canaday,  Aug.  25th ;  William  H.  Roberts,  Dec. 

Aug.  18th,  Bro.  Blockburger,  W.  M.,  tendered  his  resignation,  and 
asked  a  demit.  Both  the  resignation  and  request  were  laid  on  the  table 
until  August  25th,  and  a  committee  appointed  to  take  the  matter  into 
consideration.  Aug.  25th,  the  matter  was  taken  up,  when  "the  charge 
given  to  the  Master  at  his  installation  was  read,"  whereupon  Bro. 
Blockburger  (who  had  refused  to  take  the  East),  withdrew  his  resig- 
nation and  request  for  a  demit,  and  assumed  his  place.  Sept.  15th, 
officers  as  follows  were  elected:  Alfred  Durant,  W.  M.;  Ira  Millard,  S. 
W.;  M.  J.  Blockburger,  J.  W.;  John  S.  Hillis,  Treas.;  J.  H.  Ralston,  Sec.; 
P.  W.  Millard,  S.  D.;  Jeremiah  Hart,  J.  D.;  C.  J.  Richardson,  Tyler. 


Ten  brethren  were  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  the  year  1842,  viz. : 
E.  N.  Norton  and  A.  Crane,  Feb.  7th;  William  Wilcox,Feb.  8th;  M.  W. 


Hall,  Feb.  14th  :  II.  S.  Mills,  April  oth  :  Charles  Peters,  May  9th  ;  Wil- 
liam Morton,  June  13th;  -  -  Mills,  July  2oth;  Henderson  P. 
Bojakin,  Aug.  9th;  Elias  S.  Dennis,  Oct.  28th. 

Jan.  llth,  the  dues  of  Bro.  Thos.  Moon  were  remitted,  and  it  was 
"  Ordered  That  he  pp.y  no  further  dues,  owing  to  his  indigent  circum- 
stances, age,  and  respectability  as  a  worthy  ancient  Mason."  Feb.  14th, 
the  Lodge  resolved  to  celebrate  St.  John's  day,  (June  24th,)  and  invite 
all  the  surrounding  Lodges,  and  the  Secretary  was  directed  to  secure  the 
services  of  Br».  X.  M.  McCurdy.  of  Vandalia,  to  deliver  an  oration.  May 
9th,  on  motion  of  Bro.  Case,  the  following  resolution  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  By  thi<  Lorl^,  ','ifit  we  deem  the  drinking  of  ardent  spirits  un- 
masonic,  ami  should  not  be  tolerated  among  Masons. 

June  24th.  St.  John's  Day  was  duly  celebrated,  seventeen  members  of 

the  Lodge  being  present.     The  visitors  were  numerous,  and  among  them 

were  C.  B.  Biockburger,  W.  M.  No.  33;  "Doctor  Wellington,"  Henry  P. 

Gay.  J.  S.  Hillis,  and  A.  Durant,  of  the  same  Lodge;  D.  B.  Hodge,  W. 

M..  V.  M.  McCurdy,  and  Julian  Hulaniski,  of  Temperance  Lodge  ;  Wil- 

'nort,  of  Franklin  Lodge;  Jacob  Harden,  of  St.  Joseph  Lodge, 

•William  Woodburn,  Cumberland  Lodge  No.  61,  Kentucky;  Jas. 

M.  Rogers,  of  Coleman  Lodge  No.  40,  Missouri;  James  Clark  and  Daniel 

Han  i  a _'U>n,"  transient  brethren."  July  llth,  a  petition,  signed  by  "Breth. 

.  Hall,  Barnes,  Moon,  Hicks,  Johnson,  Baker,  and  Barnes,"  asking 

•;endation  for  new  Lodge  at  Salem,  Marion  county,  was  granted. 

Nov.  19th,  1841,  a  petition,  signed  by  John  Hay,  P.  W.  Handle,  T. 
.ill,  L.  D.  Turner,  William  Adams,  Joseph  Bennett,  John  C.  Theill, 
in  Cox,  J.  L.  Corse,  F.  V.  Schrader,  and  P.  Smith,  praying  for  :i 
nation  to  form  and  open  a  Lodge  at  Belleville,  St.  Clair  county, 

.is  presented  to  Naphtali  Lodge,  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  for  recommenda- 
tion, which  was  granted,  and  on  the  12th  of  February,  1842,  the 
dispensation  was  granted.  Joseph  Bennett  was  appointed  W.  M.;  J.  C. 
Theill,  S.  W.;  and  Herman  Cox,  J.  W.  Feb.  12th,  the  Lodge  held  its 
urst  meeting.  A  committee  was  appointed  to  prepare  by-laws,  and  the 
petition  of  J.  L.  D.  Morrison,  an  "Entered  Apprentice  of  Western  Star 
Lodge,"  received  and  referred. 

In  Bro.  John  Hay,  (the  first  name  on  the  petition),  we  recognize  one 
i hat  was  made  in  Western  Star  Lodge  among  the  very  first,  and  in  the 
year  1806. 

The  Lodge,  during  1842,  conferred  the  Master's  degree  upon  J.  L.  D. 
Morrison  and  C.  G.  Y.  Taylor,  March  9th:  Seth  Catlin,  Oliver  Green, 
and  W.  E.  Chittenden,  March  10th  :  C.  F.  Flamuff  and  Alexander 
Eaney,  March  llth;  Nathan  Todd,  May  3d ;  Ralph  Crabb,  May  17th; 


David  "Wilver  and  George  W.  Hook,  May  25th;  Jonathan  Moore  and 
Richard  Handle,  July  12th;  Jarvis  M.Jacks,  Sept.  6th  ;  Julius  Raith, 
Dec.  6th. 

Oct.  16th,  Bro.  John  Hay  was  buried  with  the  solemnities  appropriate 
to  the  occasion. 

Oct.  25th,  the  Lodge  was  duly  constituted  as  No.  60,  by  A.  T.  Douglas, 
Grand  Visitor  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  and  the  officers,  as  here  given, 
were  installed:  Joseph  Bennett,  W.  M.;  J.  C.  Theill,  S.  W.;  P.  "W. 
Randle,  J.  W.;  Alexander  Beany,  Treas.;  C.  G.  Y.  Taylor,  Sec.;  Oliver 
Green,  S.  D.;  L.  D.  Turner,  J.  D.;  J.  Rankin,  Tyler. 

Dec.  13th,  officers  elected,  viz.:  J.  C.  Theill,  W.  M.;  P.  W.  Randle,  S. 
W.;  C.  G.  Y.  Taylor,  J.  W.:  Alexander  Reany,  Sec.;  J.  Bennett,  Treas.; 
Oliver  Green,  S.  D.;  G.  W.  Hook,  J.  D.;  J.  Rankin,  Tyler ;  W.  G.  Goforth, 

On  the  seventh  of  July,  1842,  a  petition  was  prepared  by  a  number  of 
brethren  residing  in  the  town  of  Salem,  county  of  Marion,  praying  for  a 
dispensation  to  open  and  hold  a  Lodge  at  that  place.  July  llth,  the 
petition  was  duly  recommended,  and  on  the  fourteenth  of  July  a  dis- 
pensation was  granted  by  Joab  Bernard,  Deputy  Grand  Master  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri,  attested  by  Richard  B.  Dallam,  Grand  Secretary. 
The  petition  was  signed  by  Breth.  John  A.  Goudy,  W.  H.  H.  Barnes,  A. 
H.  Barnes,  Mathew  W.  Hall,  B.  W.  Baker,  Thomas  Moon,  S.  G.  Hicks, 
and  Noah  Johnson. 

This  Lodge  conferred  the  Master's  degree  upon  Breth.  Justice  R.  Ry- 
man  and  A.  K.  King,  Sep.  26th.  Oct.  27th,  Bro.  Douglas  constituted  the 
Lodge  as  No.  59,  and  installed  John  A.  Goudy,  as  W.  M.;  W.  H.  H. 
Barnes,  S.  W.;  Alexander  H.  Barnes,  J.  W.;  Mathew  W.  Hall,  Treas. 



The  third  grand  communication  of  the  present  Grand  Lodge  was  held 
at  Jacksonville,  commencing  Monday,  Oct.  2d,  1843.  Present:  M.  W. 
Meredith  Helm,  G.  M.;  R.  W.  Alexander  Dunlap,  D.  G.  M.;  W.  Levi 
Lusk,  S.  G.  W.;  W.  Wm.  Hodge,  J.  G.  W.  pro  tern.;  W.  Wm.  B.  Warren, 
G.  Sec.,-  "W.  Maurice  Doyle,  G.  Treas.  pro  tern.;  W.  John  Bennett,  G.  S.  D.; 
W.  Thos.  L.  Harris,  G.  J.  D.;  W.  S.  W.  Lucas,  G.  Pursuivant;  W.  A.  C. 
Dickson,  G.  Marshal  j  W.  Geo.  Hackett,  G.  Tyler. 

The  following  Lodges  were  represented  : 

Bodley  No.  1,  J.  B.  Conyers  ;  Equality  No.  2,  W.  B.  Warren,  (proxy) ; 
Harmony .  No.  3,  A.  V.  Putnam;  Springfield  No.  4,  Maurice  Doyle; 
Rushville  No.  9,  Levi  Lusk;  Rising  Sun  No.  12,  L.  N.  Scovill,  (proxy) ; 
Temperance  No.  16,  W.  Hodge;  Macomb,  U.  D.,  James  Chandler;  La- 
Fayette,  U.  D.,  L.  C.  Kercheval ;  Clinton,  U.  D.,  John  Bennett;  Hancock 
U.  D.,  Lewis  Evans  ;  Warsaw,  U.  D.,  A^J.  Chittenden  :  Milwaukee,  U.  D., 
L.  C.  Kercheval;  Nauvoo,  U.  D.,  S.  Roundy;  Helm,  U.  D.,  J.  S.  Myers; 
Nye,  U.  D.,  J.  S.  Myers ;  Eagle,  U.  D.,  L.  N.  Scovill. 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  opened  in  ample  form,  and  with  prayer  by  the 
M.  W.  Grand  Master. 

Columbus  Lodge  No.  6,  Friendship  No.  7,  Macon  No.  8,  Juliet  No.  10, 
St.  Johns  No.  13,  Warren  No.  14,  and  PeoriaNo.  15,  were  not  represented 
on  the  morning  of  the  first  day. 

The  M.  W.  Grand  Master  read  the  following  message: 

"BRETHREN: — We  have  assembled  together  this  morning  on  an  interesting  and 
important  occasion.  Various  Lodges  of  our  ancient  and  honorable  Order  are 
congregated  here  by  their  respective  delegates,  representing,  it  is  presumed, 
the  collective  talents,  virtue,  and  information  of  the  Fraternity  throughout  this 
State  and  part  of  the  Territories  of  Wisconsin  and  Iowa.  We  have  come  up  to 
be  gratified  with  the  sight  of  each  other's  faces  once  more;  to  exchange  the  cor- 
dial and  friendly  greeting:  to  "take  sweet  counsel  together;"  to  draw  still 
tighter  the  cords  which  unite  us  as  a  band  of  brother?,  and  to  deliberate  upon 
and  finally  adopt  such  measures  as,  in  our  opinion  and  hope,  may  conduce  to 
the  prosperity  of  Masonry  within  our  borders,  and  perchance  have  a  collateral 


influence  upon  the  Fraternity  wheresoever  dispersed.  Knowing  somewhat  of 
Masonry,  and  acquainted  as  I  am  with  many  of  you,  I  feel  it  to  be  altogether 
unnecessary  to  remind  you  of  those  principles  of  our  order,  so  essential  to  he 
observed  in  the  prosecution  of  the  business  of  this  body;  essential  to  its  well- 
being  and  to  a  happy  termination  of  its  labors.  Masons  pre-eminently  love 
order  and  harmony;  and  I  doubt  not  you  will  enter  upon  the  accomplishment 
of  the  work  before  you,  with  a  prevailing  disposition  and  a  steady  determina- 
tion in  all  you  say  and  do,  to  have  regard  to  the  excellent  tenets  of  our  institu- 
tion: "to  love  as  brethren;  to  be  kindly  affectionate  one  to  another,  in  honor 
preferring  one  another."  Union  is  the  very  soul  of  our  associated  being ;  sel- 
fishness, at  war  and  incompatible  with  the  genius  and  spirit  of  Masonry.  Am- 
bition and  rivalry  we  know  not,  '-except  that  noble  emulation  of  who  can  best 
work  and  best  agree."  While  we  deliberate  a  few  days  together,  my  brethren, 
let  us  exemplify  in  our  conduct  these  interesting  traits  of  Masonry. 

"Your  officers,  however  deficient  they  may  be  in  Masonic  knowledge,  and  al- 
though aware  of  their  constant  liability  to  err,  being  those  of  your  own  choice, 
will  look  to  you  for  that  generous  confidence  which  Masons  only  know  how  to 
bestow ;  and  will  expect  your  aid  and  support  so  long  as  they  shall  evince  recti- 
tude of  intention,  and  a  sincere  desire  to  discharge  their  respective  duties  ac- 
cording to  their  best  abilities.  Happily,  experience  has  taught  us  not  to  expect 
this  in  vain. 

"Since  your  last  annual  meeting,  I  have  granted  dispensations  for  the  forma- 
tion of  new  Lodges  at  Warsaw,  Carthage,  Macomb,  Chicago,  Nauvoo  and  Pekin, 
in  this  State;  at  Keokuk,  Iowa;  and  Milwaukee,  Wisconsin  Territory.  The  pa- 
pers connected  with  these  proceedings  will  be  laid  before  you  by  the  G.  Sec- 
retary, for  your  inspection;  and  it  wilfbe  for  you  to  deteimin  e  whether  the 
authority  granted  by  either  of  these  dispensations  shall  now  cease,  or  be  con- 
firmed by  a  permanent  grant  in  the  nature  of  a  charter. 

"The  committee  appointed  by  you  to  visit  Xauvoo  for  the  purpose  of  inquir- 
ing into  certain  irregularities  alleged  to  have  been  committed  by  the  Lodge- 
there,  after  discharging  the  duty  assigned  them,  made  a  report  to  me,  conclud- 
ing with  a  recommendation  that  their  dispensation  be  continued.  Accordingly, 
in  compliance  with  what  appeared  to  me,  under  these  circumstances,  to  be  the 
wish  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  as  implied  in  the  resolution  appointing  said  com- 
mittee, I  restored  to  them  their  dispensation.  The  authority  therein  granted 
now  ceases,  and  the  whole  matter  is  again  before  the  Grand  Lodge,  upon  their 
application  for  acharter.  This  subject  has  heretofore  excited  no  little  discussion 
both  in  and  out  of  this  body,  and  the  action  of  the  Grand  Lodge  in  reference  to 
it  has  been  made  the  object  of  much  animadversion,  criticism,  and  remark. 
Several  communications  from  eminent  and  honored  names  in  Masonry,  have 
been  addressed  to  me,  calling  in  question  the  correctness  of  the  course  pursued 
by  you  in  relation  to  this  subject,  and  strongly  protesting  against  the  prudence 
and  propriety  of  allowing  a  Masonic  Lodge  to  exist  in  Nauvoo.  I  call  your  at- 
tention to  these  facts,  solely  for  the  purpose  of  suggesting  that  justice  to  our 
Xauvoo  brethren,  courtesy  and  respect  for  those  who  object  to  our  past  conduct 
towards  them,  and  a  proper  regard  for  the  good  opinion  and  welfare  of  the  Fra- 
ternity at  large,  alike  require  that  every  step  of  your  proceedings  in  this  matter 
should  be  marked  by  the  utmost  care,  caution,  and  deliberation.  Whatever 
may  be  your  decision,  be  entirely  satisfied  that  it  is  right  and  proper;  over- 
stepping no  ancient  landmark,  and  altogether  congenial  with  the  spirit,  and  con- 



formable  to  the  universally  acknowledged  principles  of  our  Order.  Should  you 
finally  determine  to  grant  a  charter  to  Nauvoo  Lodge,  and  thus  perpetuate  its 
existence,  I  would  suggest  the  propriety,  nay,  the  absolute  necessity,  of  dividing 
it  into  at  least  four,  if  not  more,  distinct  Lodges.  The  number  of  its  members 
is  entirely  too  large 'for  convenience  in  working,  and  is  otherwise  objection- 
able; a  fact  of  which  they  are  themselves  aware.  A  short time  ago  they  applied  to 
me  to  divide  them  into  several  distinct  Lodges;  but  as  this  application  was 
made  at  a  period  very  near  to  our  annual  meeting,  I  thought  it  proper  to  wait 
and  refer  the  whole  matter,  as  I  now  do,  to  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"  I  am  gratified  at  being  able  to  inform  you  that  the  Lodge  at  Vandalia,  avail- 
ing itself  of  the  invitation  extended  to  it  and  others  by  resolution  of  the  last 
session,  and  of  the  permission  granted  to  it  through  the  courtesy  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri,  has  accepted  a  charter  from  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  is  now 
working  under  our  authority.  It  is  hoped  that  the  time  is  not  distant,  when  the 
other -Lodges  in  this  State,  similarly  situated,  will  follow  her  example,  and  that 
thereby  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge  will  become,  as  of  right  it  ought 
to  be,  co-extensive  with  the  boundaries  of  the  State. 

"  I  would  direct  your  attention  in  an  especial  manner  to  the  doings  of  the  late 
Baltimore  National  Convention,  a  copy  of  whose  proceedings  are  in  the  posses- 
sion of  the  Grand  Secretary.  It  is  regretted  that  owing  to  the  comparatively 
recent  organization  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  our  consequent  inability  to  spare 
sufficient  funds  for  that  purpose,  we  were  unrepresented  in  that  convention. 
We  should  not  hesitate,  however,  to  avail  ourselves,  as  far  as  possible,  of  the 
benefits  to  accrue  from  their  valuable  labors;  particularly  such  as  were  directed 
to  the  establishing  a  uniform  mode  of  work.  In  no  State,  perhaps,  is  some 
authoritative  standard  and  exposition  of  the  lectures  and  work  more  needed 
than  this.  Coming  as  we  do  from  all  parts  of  the  United  States  and  of  Europe, 
each  bringing  with  him  his  peculiarity  of  mode,  and  a  strong  predilection  in  favor 
of  that  mode  to  which  he  has  been  accustomed,  we  necessarily  differ  among 
ourselves  in  many  things  unessential,  but  in  some  things  materially.  Even 
when  these  differences  are  not  essential,  and  refer  only  to  the  most  trifling 
minutise,  the  beauty,  regularity  and  harmony  of  the  work  are  marred,  audit.* 
facility  impeded  by  the  want  of  uniformity,  an  inconvenience  which  will  con- 
tinue to  be  seen  and  felt  until  the  defect,  slight  though  it  be,  shall  be  remedied. 
I  would,  therefore,  respectfully  recommend  that  you  appoint  at  your  present 
session  a  Grand  Lecturer,  whose  duty  it  shall  be,  as  soon  after  this  convocation 
as  may  be,  to  proceed,  at  the  expense  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  to  St.  Louis,  to  con- 
fer with  the  delegates  from  Missouri  to  the  Baltimore  Convention,  to  become 
thoroughly  instructed  by  them  in  the  lectures  and  work  as  adopted  by  said  con- 
vention, and  to  report  the  same  to  this  Grand  Lodge  at  its  next  annual  convo- 
cation, for  their  approval  or  rejection.  In  the  meantime,  presuming  that  the 
said  work  is  correct,  and  acting  upon  the  necessity  of  adopting  some  standard, 
the  Grand  Lodge  might  require  the  Grand  Lecturer,  after  having  been  instructed 
as  already  stated,  to  visit  and  instruct  such  of  the  Lodges,  subordinate  to  us,  as 
may  prefer  a  formal  request  to  him  for  that  purpose,  and  will  engage  to  defray 
his  expenses  while  on  his  mission  to  them. 

"  The  resolution  adopted  by  the  Baltimore  Convention,  recommending  the 
formation  of  triennial  National  Conventions,  together  with  the  rules  suggested 
for  the  organization  of  the  same,  are  recommended  to  your  careful  considera- 


"Another  resolution,  adopted  first  by  the  Convention  of  Washington,  and 
.reiterated  by  that  lately  held  at  Baltimore,  in  relation  to  requiring  from  breth- 
ren who  are  strangers,  certificates  of  good  standing,  emanating  from  the  Grand 
Lodge  from  the  jurisdiction  of  which  they  respectively  hail,  is  also  worthy  of 
your  serious  attention. 

"  Fearing  that  you  will  think  I  have  already  trespassed  upon  your  time,  I  shall 
leave  to  the  Committee  on  Foreign  Correspondence  the  task  of  bringing  before 
you  such  matter  from  abroad  as  may  be  deemed  worthy  of  your  notice,  and  close 
these  remarks  by  expressing  a  confident  hope  that  your  deliberations  during 
this  convocation  will  be  characterized,  in  a  peculiar  degree,  by  harmony  and 
love,  and  that  the  measures  you  may  see  proper  to  adopt  will  be  wise  in  their 
conception  and  design,  strong  and  enduring  in  their  results,  and  beautiful  as  a 
pillar  of  the  Corinthian  order,  enriched  by  the  graces  of  the  Ionic. 

The  standing  committees  were  then  announced,  viz. : 

On  Returns  and  Work,  Bros.  Lusk,  Hodge,  and  Conyers;  on  Petitions 
and  Grievances,  Scovill,  Prather,  and  Lusk;  on  Finance  and  Accounts, 
Putnam,  Doyle,  and  Dunlap;  on  Foreign  Communications,  Warren, 
Hodge,  and  McNeill;  to  Examine  Visiting  Brethren,  Hackett,  Bennett, 
and  Putnam. 

The  message  of  the  Grand  Master  was  referred  to  the  Committee  on 
Foreign  Communications. 

In  the  afternoon,  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  reported  Lodges 
Nos.  2,  4,  9,  and  16  correct,  and  recommended  the  granting  of  charters 
to  Macomb  Lodge  as  No.  17,  and  LaFayette  as  No.  18,  which  was  accord- 
ingly done,  and  Breth.  Chandler,  of  No.  17,  and  Kercheval,  of  No.  18, 
admitted  as  representatives  of  those  Lodges.  During  the  afternoon 
session,  Bro.  Gorin  appeared  as  the  representative  of  Macon  Lodge. 

In  the  evening,  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  reported  as 
follows : 

"The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges  beg  leave  farther  to  report 
that  they  have  examined  the  returns  of  Harmony  Lodge  No.  3,  and  Macon 
Lodge  No.  8,  and  find  them  correct  and  dues  paid. 

"They  have  examined  the  return  of  Bodley  Lodge  No.  1,  and  find  the  work 
regular  and  dues  paid. 

•  "Your  committee  also  report,  that  they  have  examined  the  records,  returns, 
and  by-laws  of  Carthage  Lodge,  U.  D.,  and  Clinton  Lodge,  U.  D.,  and  find  them 
correct,  dues  paid,  and  charter  desired. 

"  We  have  also  examined  the  abstract  return  and  by-laws  of  Warsaw  Lodge, 
U.  I).,  and  from  that  it  appears  the  work  is  correct,  dues  paid,  and  charter  de- 

"Your  committee  have  also  examined  the  work  and  return  of  Milwaukee 
Lodge  U.  D.,  which  appeared  to  be  correct,  dues  unpaid,  and  charter  desired. 

"They  have  also  examined  the  abstract  return  of  Eagle  Lodge,  U.  D.,  from 
which  it  appears  that  the  work  has  been  very  irregular  and  highly  censurable, 
in  that,  in  as  many  as  six  instances,  petitions  have  been  presented  and  acted 
on  in  a  shorter  period  than  one  lunar  month;  in  every  other  respect  the  work 
appears  to  have  been  correct,  so  far  as  we  can  judge  from  the  abstract  alone. 


"Your  committee  have  examined  the  abstract  returns  of  Rising  Sun  Lodge 
No.  12,  Nauvoo  Lodge,  (J.  D.,  Nye  Lodge,  U.  D.,  and  Helm  Lodge,  U.  D.,  but  are 
unable  to  report  thereupon  without  further  explanation  or  amendment  of  re- 

"Your  committee  offer  the  following  resolution  : 

"Sesolved,  That  charters  be  granted  to  Clinton  Lodge,  U.  D.,  as  Clinton  Lodge 
No.  19;  Hancock  Lodge,  U.  D.,  as  Hancock  Lodge  No.  20;  Warsaw  Lodge,  U.  D., 
as  Warsaw  Lodge  No.  21;  Milwaukee  Lodge,  U.  D.,  when  dues  are  paid,  as  Mil- 
waukee Lodge  No.  22. 

"  L.  LUSK. 

"On  motion  of  Bro.  Warren,  Bro.  John  Bennett  was  invited  to  take 
his  seat  as  representative  of  Clinton  Lodge  No.  19  ;  Bro.  Lewis  Evans  as 
representative  of  Hancock  Lodge  No.  20  ;  and  Bro.  A.  J.  Chittenden  as 
representative  of  Warsaw  Lodge  No.  21." 

So  much  of  the  Grand  Master's  address  as  related  to  Nauvoo  Lodge, 
was  referred  to  the  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work. 

The  following  action  was  had  : 

"  Bro.  Prather  moved  to  take  up  an  amendment  to  the  by-laws  pro- 
posed by  Bro.  Davis  at  the  last  annual  communication,  which  was 
agreed  to.  The  amendment  read  as  follows  : 

"  Each  subordinate  Lodge  shall  have  authority  to  fix  its  own  fees  for 
conferring  the  three  degrees  and  for  membership;  but  no  Lodge  shall 
charge  a  less  sum  than  twenty  dollars,  nor  more  than  thirty  for  the 
former,  and  not  less  than  two  nor  more  than  five  for  the  latter ;  pro- 
vided, that  no  charge  of  membership  be  made  against  those  who  have 
received  the  three  degrees  in  the  Lodge. 

"  Bro.  Prather  then  proposed  to  amend  said  resolution  by  striking  out 
the  word  'twenty'  and  inserting  the  word  fifteen,  and  by  striking  out  the 
word '  thirty.' 

"The  W.  G.  Master  decided  that  an  amendment  to  an  amendment  of 
the  by-laws,  which  had  laid  over  for  one  year,  was  out  of  order.  To 
this  decision  Bro.  Prather  excepted,  and  an  appeal  was  taken  to  the 
Grand  Lodge.  The  decision  of  the  W.  G.  Master  was  sustained  by  the 
Grand  Lodge — Ayes,  8;  noes,  4. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Hodge,  the  amendment  was  laid  over  for  the 

The  amendment  to  the  by-laws,  providing  for  the  substitution  of  the 
word  "Springfield"  in  place  of  "  Jacksonville,"  as  the  place  of  meet- 
ing, was  laid  over  to  the  next  day. 

The  amendment  of  Bro.  S.  H.  Davis  to  the  by-laws,  offered  the  year 
previous,  providing  that  whenever  the  average  attendance  at  Lodge 
meetings  shall  be  less  than  ten,  such  Lodge  should  surrender  its  charter, 
and  that  when  the  membership  of  a  Lodge  exceeded  fifty,  it  should  be 
divided,  was  taken  up  and  lost — "Ayes,  1 ;  nays,  15." 


The  Grand  Marshal  was  directed  to  make  arrangements  for  a  pro- 
cession on  the  next  day,  at  11  o'clock. 

Tuesday  morning,  the  Grand  Lodge  was  called  to  labor  at  8-V  o'clock. 

The  reports  of  the  Grand  Secretary  and  Treasurer  were  referred  to  the 
Committee  on  Finance. 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  went  into  an  election,  resulting  in  the  election 
of  M.  W.  Alexander  Dunlap,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  M. ;  R.  W.  Levi  Lusk, 
of  Rushville,  D.  G.  M.;  W.  William  Hodge,  of  Vandalia,  S.  G.  W.; 
Henry  Prather,  of  Decatur,  J.  G.  W. ;  Wm.  B.  Warren,  of  Jacksonville, 
G.  Sec. ;  Adams  Dunlap,  of  Rushville,  D.  G.  Sec. ;  P.  Coffman,  of  Jack- 
sonville, G.  Treas.j  H.  S.  Cooley,  of  Quincy,  G.  0.;  G.  A.  Patterson,  of 
Decatur,  G.  C.;  George  Hackett,  of  Jacksonvilla,  G.  Tyler. 

Appointment  as  follows  were  made :  J.  B.  Conyers,  of  Quincy, 
G.  S.  D. ;  John  Bennett,  of  Petersburg,  G.  J.  D. ;  P.  Underwood,  of  Vir- 
ginia, G.  Marshal ;  L.  C.  Kercheval,  of  Chicago,  G.  Steward  ,•  P.  J. 
Zwisler,  of  Springfield,  G.  S.  B. 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  Methodist  Church,  where  an 
oration  was  delivered  by  Bro.  Cooley,  and  upon  returning,  the  Grand 
Lodge  was  called  off  until  2  o'clock  P.  M.,  at  which  time  it  was  again 
called  to  labor,  when  the  officers  were  duly  installed. 

The  amendment  to  the  by-laws,  changing  the  place  of  meeting,  was 
taken  up  and  lost. 

On  motion  of  Bro.  Bennett,  the  Grand  Secretary  was  directed  to  dis- 
continue the  practice  of  publishing  in  the  proceedings  the  personal 
description  of  rejected  petitioners. 

The  Grand  Lodge  having  resolved  to  elect  a  Grand  Lecturer,  a  ballot 
for  that  purpose  was  had,  and  Levi  Lusk  was  elected. 

On  motion  of  P.  G.  Master  Helm,  the  Grand  Lecturer  was  directed  to 
proceed  to  St.  Louis,  and  there  meet  the  delegates  to  the  Baltimore  Con- 
vention, and  perfect  himself  in  the  work,  which  was  to  be  imparted  to 
the  Lodges  upon  their  request  and  at  their  expense.  The  Grand  Lodge 
was  then  called  from  labor. 

At  seven  o'clock,  the  Grand  Lodge  again  convened,  when  the  Com- 
mittee on  Returns  and  Work  reported  that  the  returns  of  Friendship 
Lodge  No.  8  were  correct,  also  Cass  Lodge  U.  D.,  to  which  latter  a  char- 
ter was  granted  as  Xo.  23. 

The  Committee  on  Finance  and  Accounts  made  their  report,  as  follows  : 

"The  committee  on  Finance  and  Accounts  have  examined  the  accounts  of 
the  Grand  Marshal,  Grand  Tyler,  and  the  report  of  the  Grand  Secretary  and 
Grand  Treasurer,  and  find  them  correct. 


"The  Grand  Treasurer  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  begs  leave  to  report, 
that  he  has  in  his  hands  twenty-eight  dollars  and  twenty-five  cents,  ill  good 


money;  that  he  received  from  the  Grand  Secretary  at  the  last  Annual  Commu- 
nication, in  State  Bank  paper..-. $240  00 

That  he  paid  to  Grand  Charity $5000 

For  printing 34  00 

84  00 

Balance  in  his  hands,  State  paper $156  00 

And  good  money 28  25 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 


"The  following  is  a  statement  of  the  finances  : 


In  hands  of  Treasurer,  State  Bank  paper,  $156,  equal  to _ $78  00 

In  hands  of  Treasurer,  par  funds ., • 28  CO 

In  hands  Grand  Secretary 318  00 

$424  65 


By  G.  Marshal,  as  per  bill  with  vouchers $20  00 

By  G.  Tyler 10  25 

Due  estate  of  General  Adams 121  84 

$152  50 

Balance  in  Treasury  after  paying  the  Adam's  debt $271  97 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

"A.  V.  PUTNAM, 
1843.]  In  account  with  Grand  Lodge,  III.: 

To  cash  on  hand,  $40  St.  Louis  scrip,  equal  to $32  25 

"    on  hand 14  62 

"    State  paper  of  Treas.,  $50,  equal  to 20  00 

"    rec'd  since  last  communication,  of  Nauvoo 92  00 

"    Warsaw,  for  dispensation  and  dues 22  75 

"    Hancock,  for  dispensation  and  dues 25  00 

"    Helm,  for  dispensation  and  dues 18  00 

"    Macomb,  for  dispensation  and  dues 25  75 

"    Nye,  for  dispensation  and  dues 25  00 

"    Pekin,  for  dispensation  and  dues 13  00 

'"    Eagle,  for  dispensation  and  dues 19  00 

"    Milwaukee,  for  dispensation  and  dues 13  00 

"    Lafayette,  for  dispensation  and  dues 29  50 

'    Rushville,  for  dispensation  and  dues 27  75 

"    Springfield,  for  dues 24  75 

"    Clinton,  for  dues 10  CO 

"     Equality,  for  dues 15  00 

"    Vandalia,  for  dues 13  50 

"    Peoria,  ($14  Shawneetown,  S6  State  Bank,) 10  00 

$454  12 



By  expenses,  self,  Bro.  Nye  and  Rodgers,  as  per  bill  rendered $50  12]4 

Paid  for  printing 28  31 

Paid  for  Magazine 2  00 

Paid  for  postage 1  88 

Paid  for  Stationery 1  15 

Services  as  Grand  Secretary 50  00 

133  56 

$308  56 

A  vote  of  thanks  (on  motion  of  Bro.  Hodge),  was  tendered  M.  W.  Bro. 
Helm,  for  the  "able,  dignified,  and  courteous  manner"  in  which  he 
presided  over  the  deliberations  of  the  Grand  Lodge. 

The  following  petition  from  Friendship  Lodge  was  rejected  : 

"  To  the  M.   W.  Grand  Master,  Wardens,  and  Brethren  of  the  M.   W.  Grand  Lodge 

of  Illinois : 

"  Your  petitioners,  the  officers  and  members  of  Friendship  Lodge  No.  7,  re- 
spectfully represent,  that  in  their  returns  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  they  have  report- 
ed a  brother  expelled  from  the  Lodge,  and  they  are  desirous  of  publishing  his 
name  and  description  to  the  world  themselves,  and  they  ask  leave  of  the  R. 
W.  Grand  Lodge  to  do  so." 

The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  made  an  additional  report,  as 
follows,  which  was  adopted  : 

"  The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges  beg  leave  to  report :  That 
they  have  examined  the  abstract  returns  from  Rising  Sun  Lodge  No.  12,  from 
which  it  appears  that  the  work  has  been  irregular,  and  that  the  return  is  alto- 
gether informal,  and  dues  unpaid. 

"They  have  also  examined  the  abstract  returns  of  Nauvoo  Lodge,  U.  D.,  and 
they  find  the  work  in  some  measure  correct,  but  in  many  instances  there  ap- 
pear irregularities,  and  matters  to  our  committee  inexplicable.  The  Lodge 
has  failed  to  bring  their  record  before  the  committee,  which  to  some  of  your 
committee,  at  least,  is  a  matter  of  surprise,  knowing,  as  they  do,  the  severe  les- 
son the  said  Lodge  was  taught  at  the  last  Grand  Communication.  The  greatest 
irregularitiy  of  which  your  committee  would  complain  is,  that  there  appears  to 
be  a  disposition  to  accumulate  and  gather  members  without  regard  to  character, 
and  to  push  them  on  through  the  second  and  third  degrees,  before  they  can  be 
possibly  skilled  in  the  first  and  second.  Your  committee  are  aware  that  there 
is  no  by-law  of  this  Grand  Lodge  to  prevent  this;  nor  are  they  sure  that  any 
length  of  probation  would  in  all  cases  insure  skill;  but  they  feel  certain  that 
the  ancient  landmarks  of  the  order  require  that  the  Lodge  should  know  that 
the  candidate  is  well  skilled  in  one  degree,  before  he  is  advanced  to  another. 
Your  committee  will  not  doubt  but  there  are  many  worthy  and  skillful  breth- 
ren in  Nauvoo  Lodge ;  brethren  who  would  under  other  circumstances  be  an 
ornament  to  the  institution  of  Masonry  ;  but  they  are  reassured  that  their  influ- 
ence is  entirely  lost  and  obscured  by  the  conduct  of  others  less  worthy;  nay,  of 
those  who  entirely  disregard  the  ties  that  should  bind  us  together  as  scared  a 
band  of  friends  and  brothers. 


"Your  committee  have  also  had  under  consideration  the  abstract  return  of 
Helm  Lodge,  U.  D.,  and  find  their  work  irregular  in  receiving  and  acting  on  four 
petitions  in  one  day;  and  imprudent  in  passing  and  raising  to  the  third  de- 
gree, often  times  within  two  days  after  initiation,  as  appears  from  the  abstract 
alone;  for  no  records  have  been  presented,  and  dues  in  part  unpaid. 

"The  returns  from  Nye  Lodge,  U.  D.,are  objectionable  in  the. same  points  that 
those  of  Helm  Lodge  are,  viz.:  in  receiving  petitions  on  one  day,  and  initiating 
on  the  next,  in  as  many  as  six  instances.  And  also  in  pushing  the  candidate 
through  the  second  and  third  degrees,  before  he  can  possibly  be  skilled  in  the 
preceding  degrees.  The  dues  appear  to  be  paid. 

"Your  committee  have  been  at  a  great  loss  to  know  what  course  to  recom- 
mend in  relation  to  the  above  named  Lodge;  and  also  to  Eagle  Lodge,  U.  D., 
heretofore  reported,  but  on  which  there  was  no  action. 

"That  their  work  is  highly  censurable,  there  is  no  doubt  in  the  mindset'  your 
committee;  but  whether  that  censure  should  extend  so  far  as  to  arrest  their 
charter,  or  suspend  their  dispensation,  is  a  matter  of  which  your  committee 
would  be  most  gladly  relieved;  were  this  all,  your  committee  would  be  inclined 
to  the  side  of  mercy;  but  from  facts  that  have  been  communicated  to  your  com- 
mittee through  various  channels,  and  particularly  through  Masons  of  eminence, 
who  have  visited  the  Lodge  at  Nauvoo,  your  committee  have  good  reason  to  be- 
lieve that  they  put  on  their  best  dress  when  they  appear  before  this  Grand 

"Your  committee  will  offer  the  following  resolutions: 

"Resolved,  That  the  charter  of  Rising  Sun  Lodge  No.  12,  be  suspended,  and 
that  the  Master  and  Wardens  be  cited  to  appear  at  the  next  grand  annual  com- 
munication of  this  Grand  Lodge,  to  show  cause,  if  any  they  have,  why  their 
charter  should  not  be  revoked. 

"Resolved,  That  in  the  opinion  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  it  is  inexpedient  and  pre- 
judicial to  the  interests  of  Freemasonry,  longer  to  sustain  H  Lodge  in  Nauvoo  ; 
and  for  the  disrespect  and  contempt  that  Nauvoo  Lodge  and  Helm  Lodge  have 
shown  in  refusing  to  present  the  records  of  their  work  to  this  Grand  Lodge, 

"Resolved,  That  their  dispensations  be  and  they  are  hereby  revoked  and  char- 
ters refused. 

"Resolved,  That  for  irregular  work  and  disregard  of  the  resolutions  and  in- 
structions of  this  Grand  Lodge,  the  dispensations  of  Eagle  Lodge  and  Nye 
Lodge  are  hereby  revoked  and  charters  refused. 

"Your  committee  further  report,  that  no  returns  have  been  received  from  the 
following  named  Lodges,  viz.:  Juliet  No.  10,  Warren  No.  14,  Peoria  No.  15,  Kas- 
kaskia,  U.  D.,  and  Ottawa,  U.  D. 

"Your  committee  offer  the  following  resolution: 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  directed  to  correspond  with  the  above 
named  Lodges,  and  ascertain  the  excuses  of  said  Lodges  for  not  making  their 
annual  returns,  and  report  the  same  to  the  next  annual  communication  of  this 
Grand  Lodge. 

"  L.  LUSK, 
W.  HODGE." 

Breth.  Helm  and  Chittenden  were  granted  leave  of  absence. 
The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  oft'  until  Wednesday  morning. 
Wednesday  the  Grand  Lodge  was  called  to  labor. 
The  Grand  Secretary  made  the  following  report : 

"The  undersigned,  having  been  appointed  a  special  delegate  by  this  Grand 
Lodge  to  visit  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  at  her  last  annual  communication, 


and  confer  with  her  on  the  subject  of  the  subordinate  Lodges  in  this  State 
working  under  her  jurisdiction,  performed  that  duty,  and  now  submits  to  this 
R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  the  action  of  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  on  that 

"  Your  delegate  can  not  take  leave  of  this  subject  without  expressing  the  pleas- 
ure he  received  from  the  kind  attention  which  was  paid  to  this  R.  W.  Grand 
Lodge  through  their  delegate — evincing  a  disposition  on  the  part  of  that  R.  W. 
Grand  Lodge,  cordially  to  reciprocate  those  fraternal  relations  which  do,  and  of 
right  should,  characterize  the  Masonic  family. 

"  W.  B.  WARREN." 

Bro.  Warren,  from  the  Committee  on  Foreign  Communications,  reported 
as  follows : 

"The  Chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Foreign  Communications  begs  leave  to 
report  that  he  had  indulged  a  hope  until  a  late  hour,  that  the  leport  would  have 
been  written  out  by  another  member  of  the  committee,  and  regrets  exceedingly 
that  he  can  not  spare  the  time  from  his  occupation,  as  Grand  Secretary,  to  take 
a  more  extended  view  of  the  very  interesting  correspondence  which  has  come 
under  his  notice.  Communications  and  printed  journals  have  been  received 
from  the  following  Grand  Lodges,  viz.:  Maine,  New  Hampshire,  Rhode  Island, 
New  York,  New  Jersey,  North  Carolina,  South  Carolina,  Georgia,  Tennessee, 
Connecticut,  Kentucky,  Ohio,  Indiana,  Alabama,  Missouri,  Mississippi,  Arkansas, 
Florida,  and  the  Republic  of  Texas. 

"  In  these  communications  very  many  things  of  interest  and  instruction  to 
the  Craft  are  noticed;  many  of  which  should,  if  time  permitted,  be  brought  be- 
fore this  Grand  Lodge  for  its  action. 

"  Your  committee  have  read  them  with  pride  and  pleasure,  evidencing  as  they 
do,  that  the  star  of  Masonry,  'that  star  which  guided  the  wise  men  of  the 
East,'  is  tending  upward  and  onward,  bright  and  brighter,  not  only  over  this 
Union,  but  throughout  the  habitable  globe ;  and  he  who  is  in  possesion  of  that 
universal  language,  is  hailed  and  embraced  as  a  brother,  whether  wandering 
through  the  green  forests  of  America,  over  the  burning  sands  of  Palestine,  or 
wending  his  way  along  the  gloomy  banks  of  the  Ganges.  The  increased  intel- 
ligence of  the  Craft,  together  with  the  very  increased  attention  to  the  various 
duties  of  the  Order,  give  earnest  that  a  spirit  of  peace  and  brotherly  love  is 
abroad  in  the  land. 

"At  a  time  when  the  embarrassments  of  the  country  stand  unparalleled  in  the 
history  of  our  republic,  it  might  have  been  expected  that  an  institution  whose 
basis  is  charity  and  the  practice  of  the  social  and  moral  relations  of  man,  would 
have  languished.  Its  failure  to  do  so,  is  another  and  an  unerring  testimony  that 
an  All-Seeing  Eye  is  in  a  peculiar  manner  overlooking  the  interest  of  the  Ma- 
sonic Fraternity. 

"Your  committee  beg  leave  to  call  the  attention  of  the.  Grand  Lodge  to  the 
very  able  address  of  Grand  Master  Helm,  as  embracing  most  of  the  subjects 
upon  which  your  committee  would  recommend  the  action  of  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"  W.  B.  WARREN." 

The  subject  of  Grand  Lodge  certificates,  alluded  to  in  the  address  of 
the  M.  "W.  G.  Master,  was  referred  to  Breth.  Conyers,  Prather,  and 


Resolutions  of  thanks  to  the  Grand  Orator  and  the  Methodist  Church 
were  passed. 

At  the  afternoon  session,  the  committee  to  •whom  was  referred  the 
matter  of  certificates,  reported  as  follows  : 

"The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  that  part  of  our  M.  \V.  Past  Grand 
Master  Helm's  message,  the  subject  of  Grand  Lodge  certificates,  have  had  the 
same  duly  under  consideration,  and  beg  leave  to  offer  the  following  resolutions : 

"1st.  Resolved,  That  this  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  recommend  to  the  subordinate 
Lodges  working  under  her  jurisdiction,  that  they  acknowledge  no  certificates 
presented  by  strange  brethren,  but  such  as  have  emanated  from  the  respective 
Grand  Lodge  from  which  they  hail;  and  further,  that  they  admit  no  strange 
brethren  within  their  charities  or  visitors  but  such  as  present  certificates  as 

"2d.  Resolved,  That  this  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge,  request  other  grand  and  subordi- 
nate Lodges  throughout  the  Globe,  to  pay  no  attention  to  certificates  purporting 
to  come  from  subordinate  Lodges  working  under  this  Grand  Lodge,  nor  permit 
any  Mason  hailing  from  under  their  jurisdiction,  to  visit  their  Lodges  or  partake 
«f  their  charities,  unless  they  present  a  certificate  from  this  Grand  Lodge,  signed 
by  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  "and  attested  by  the  Grand  Secretary,  and  the  seal 
of  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"3d.  Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  directed  to  furnish  subordinate 
Lodges  with  a  sufficient  number  of  blank  certificates  as  soon  as  practicable,  that 
the  subordinate  Lodges  may  be  prepared  to  furnish  their  members  without  de- 

"4th.  Resolved,  That  the  Secretaries  of  the  subordinate  Lodges  working  under 
the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  be  required  to  register  the  names  of  those 
to  whom  certificates  may  be  issued,  and  report  the  same  in  their  annual  returns 
to  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"J.  B.  CONYERS." 

The  first  resolution  was  laid  over  one  year,  and  the  remainder  adopted. 
The  following  was  passed  : 

"  Bro.  Putnam  offered  the  following  resolution,  which,  on  motion,  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  required  to  furnish  one  hundred  and 

fifty  certificates,  printed  on  parchment,  and  furnish  to  each  subordinate  Lodge 

such  a  number  as  they  may  order;    and  such  subordinate  Lodges  be  required 

to  pay  the  Grand  Secretary  fifty  cents  each  for  said  certificates." 

Bro.  Grand  Secretary  was  instructed  to  purchase  a  library  of  ancient 
authority,  for  the  use  of  this  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge;  also,  to  have  the  pro- 
ceedings of  this  Grand  Communication,  together  with  the  constitution 
and  by-laws,  printed  and  distributed  as  usual. 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  closed. 

Nauvoo,  Helm,  and  Nye  Lodges  were  located  at  Nauvoo,  and  were 
composed  mainly  of  Mormons.  Eagle  Lodge,  at  Keokuk,  was  of  the 
same  character.  These  Lodges  were  the  result  of  a  division  of  Nauvoo 
Lodge,  and  were  never  chartered.  /?*f3 

The  membership  of  the  Lodges  this  year  was  as  follows  :  Bodley  No. 
1,25;  Equality  No.  2,  22;  Harmony  No.  3,  17;  Springfield  No.  4,  41; 
Columbus  No.  6,13;  Friendship  No.  7,  22  ;  Macon  No.  8,  22  ;  Rushville 
No.  9,  26  ;  Juliet  No.  10,  14  :  Rising  Sun  No.  12,  45  ;  St.  John's  No.  13, 
13  ;  "Warren  No.  14,  32  :  Peoria  No.  15,  not  returned  ;  Temperance  No. 
16,  24  ;  Macomb  No.  17, 18:  LaFayette  No.  18,  21 ;  Clinton  No.  19, 14; 


Hancock  No.  20,  16  ;    Warsaw  No.  21, 14 ;    Milwaukee  No.  22, 17 ;    Cass, 
No.  23, 13  ;  Pekin,  U.  D.,  10.     Total  reported,  439. 


The  raisings  during  1843  were  as  follows  :  Robert  S.  Williams,  Feb. 

6:  J.  C.  Headley,  Feb.  20;  Van  Fleet,  Sept.  15;  John  B.  Young, 

Oct.  22 ;  J.  H.  Ralston,  Oct.  24 ;  Levi  Palmer,  Nov.  15. 

March  2,  charges  preferred  against  two  brethren  were  withdrawn,  the 
brethren  having  made  all  proper  confessions,  and  having  expressed 
their  sorrow  and  regret.  Intemperance  was  the  cause  assigned.  Mayl, 
among  the  visitors  we  find  the  name  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas.  June  6,  an 
invitation  from  St.  John's  Lodge,  at  Hannibal,  to  join  with  them  in 
celebrating  St.  John's  Day,  was  accepted,  twenty-five  brethren  having 
agreed  to  attend.  June  20,  the  committee  appointed  to  make  arrange- 
ments reported  that  they  had  secured  the  steamboat  "  Sarah  Ann  "  for 
the  trip.  July  11,  the  Lodge  interred  the  remains  of  Thomas  C.  Grant, 
a  "stranger  brother,"  who  died  July  10,  and  whose  residence  was  "  St. 
Mary's  Landing,  Arkansas,"  and  who  was  "  aged  about  42."  Sept.  29, 
the  following  action  was  had  : 

"Resolved,  That  we  respectfully  ask  the  attention  of  the  members  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  and  delegates  to  carefully  examine  into  and  consider  well  on  the  propriety 
of  granting  a  charter  to  Nauvoo  Lodge,  U.  D.,  and  that  it  is  our  decided  conviction 
that  said  dispensation  should  never  have  been  granted,  and  from  what  we  have 
seen  and  heard  from  sources  to  be  relied  on,  that  it  would  be  unwise  to  grant  a 
charter  or  continue  a  dispensation  longer  among  that  people." 

On  motion  of  E.  M.  Davis, 

"Resolved,  further,  That  the  delegates  from  this  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  be 
instructed  to  vote  against  the  granting  of  charter  to  any  Lodge  in  Nauvoo,  and 
use  all  their  endeavors  to  procure  a  withdrawal  of  the  dispensations  now 

Passed  unanimously. 

Oct.  30,  Bro.  John  Lee,  who  died  Oct.  28,  was  buried  with  Masonic 
honors.  No  administrator  of  the  property  of  Bro.  Lee  having  been 
designated,  Bro.  Asbury  was  requested  by  the  Lodge  to  act  as  such,  and 
it  was  resolved  that  "immediate  care"  should  be  taken  of  Bro.  Lee's 
orphan  children.  Deo.  26,  officers  were  elected  as  follows:  Josiah  B. 
Conyers,  W.  M.;  J.  Hedges,  S.  W. ;  J.  C.  Headley,  J.  W. ;  Damon 
Hauser,  Treasurer;  C.  Steinagle,  Secretary;  H.  S.  Cooley  and  Levi 
Palmer,  Deacons;  and  Abraham  Van  Fleet,  Tyler.  The  officers  were 
then  installed. 


This  Lodge  reported  the  following  raisings  during  the  year  1843: 
Benjamin  Irish,  April  1st;  William  Ellage,  July  1st. 


June  24th,  the  following  officers  were  elected :  J.  E.  Watkins,  W.  M.: 
A.  W.  Pool,  S.  W.;  John  R.  Smoot,  J.  W.:  R.  T.  Hopper,  Sec.;  J.  W.  Ham- 
ilton, Treas.;  John  M.  Leech,  S.  D.;  Benj.  Irish,  J.  D.;  John  Howard, 

Dec.  27th,  the  following  were  elected  :  John  M.  Leech,  W.  M.:  A.  W. 
Pool,  S.  W.:  J.  W.  Hamilton,  J.  W.:  R.  T.  Hopper,  Sec.:  Wm.  Siddall, 
Treas.;  Joa.  E.  Watkins  and  John  M.  Burnett,  Deacons;  William  Ellage, 
Tyler.  At  this  meeting  the  charter  of  the  Lodge  as  No.  2,  issued  by  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  was  received,  whereupon  Equality  Lodge  No. 
102  "adjourned  sine  die,"  and  "Equality  Lodge  No.  2  was  opened  on  the 
first,  second  and  third  degrees  of  Masonry." 


The  return  of  this  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  which  is  all  the  infor- 
mation concerning  the  Lodge  during  this  year  we  are  in  possession  of, 
is  as  follows : 


"  A.  V.  Putnam,  W.  M.;  W.  W.  Happy,  S.  W.;  J.  A.  McDougal,  J.  W.;  W. 
B.  Warren,  Sec.;  Matt.  Stacy,  Treas.;  J.  T.  Sigler,  S.  D. ;  J.  M.  Lucas,  J. 
D.:  A.  C.  Dickson,  Tyler. 

"  MASTER  MASONS. — (Including  above)  S.  W.  Lucas,  John  T.  Jones, 
Philip  Coffman,A.  Dunlap,  John  Gregory,  George  Hackett,  Dennis  Rock- 
well, James  T.  Holmes,  Clark  Roberts. 


The  Master's  degree  was  conferred  upon  the  following  brethren  during 
1843:  N.  W.  Matheny  and  William  Wilkey,  Jan.  19th;  N.  B.  Heath, 
Feb.  12th;  Eli  Cook,  Sep.  30th. 

Feb.  13th,  the  Lodge  resolved  to  celebrate  the  22d  February,  and  ap- 
pointed a  committee  of  arrangements  to  carry  the  resolution  into  effect. 
Invitations  were  ordered  to  issue  to  the  Lodges  at  Jacksonville,  Decatur, 
Petersburg,  and  Virginia.  Breth.  Weber,  Zwisler,  and  Harvey  were  ap- 
pointed a  committee  to  invite  P.  G.  M.  Jonas  to  deliver  an  oration  on 
the  occasion.  Feb.  17th,  the  committee  reported  that  Bro.  Jonas  had 
signified  his  acceptance  of  the  invitation  to  be  present  and  deliver  an 
oration  on  the  22d  instant.  The  Washingtonian  Temperance  Society 
were  invited  to  assist  in  the  celebration.  Feb.  22d,  the  day  was  duly 
celebrated,  an  oration  being  delivered  and  dinner  partaken  of,  at  which 
the  Governor,  Lieut.  Governor,  Judges  of  the  Supreme  Court,  and  the 
Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representatives  were  present  by  invitation.  On 
returning  to  the  hall,  a  vote  of  thanks  was  passed,  to  Bro.  Jonas  for  his 
oration,  and  to  the  "Military  Company  of  Cadets  for  their  handsome 
escoit,"  and  the  Secretary  ordered  to  send  copies  of  the  same  to  Bro. 
Jonas  and  "Captain  Johnson." 


Feb.  27th,  five  hundred  copies  of  Bro.  Jonas'  address  were  ordered 
printed,  and  on  motion  of  Bro.  S.  II.  Treat,  ordered  distributed  as  follows  : 
"Five  copies  to  each  of  the  Lodges  in  the  State:  five  copies  to  each  of 
the  Lodges  in  St.  Louis  :  one  copy  to  each  of  the  Grand  Lodg'es  in  the 
United  States,  and  twelve  copies  to  Bro.  Jonas."  On  motion  of  Bro. 
Shepherd,  each  member  of  the  Lodge  was  presented  with  five  copies, 
and  on  motion  of  Bro.  Treat,  25  copies  were  ordered  to  be  filed  "for  future 
use  and  reference." 

April  10th,  the  Lodge  decided  that  in  the  future  no  brother  should  be 
advanced  until  he  had  made  suitable  proficiency  in  the  preceding  de- 
gree, which  was  to  be  tested  by  au  examination  in  open  Lodge,  or  by  a 
committee  appointed  for  the  purpose. 

June  Cth,  the  Lodge  accepted  an  invitation  extended  by  Clinton 
Lodge,  at  Petersburg,  to  celebrate  St.  John's  Day.  June  26th,  an  invita- 
tion from  "the  Committee  of  Arrangements,  at  Rochester,  to  celebrate 
with  them  the  anniversary  of  American  Independence,  was  respectfully 
declined."  A  resolution  was  introduced  amending  the  by-laws,  inso- 
much as  they  required  elections  of  officers  semi-annually,  by  providing 
for  such  elections  annually,  on  the  27th  December.  Officers  for  the  six 
months  next  ensuing  were  then  elected,  with  the  following  result: 
Francis  A.  McNeil],  W.  M.:  James  Zwisler,  S.  W.;  George  R.  Weber,  J. 
"VV. ;  Maurice  Doyle,  Treasurer;  N.  W.  Matheny,  Secretary;  James 
Maxcy,  Tyler.  The  following  appointments  were  made  :  N.  A.  Gar- 
land and  C.  W.  Chatterton,  Deacons:  James  Shepherd,  Master  of 
Ceremonies.  The  Finance  Committee  reported  the  Lodge  indebted  to 
the  Treasurer  seventy-eight  dollars  and  twenty-six  cents.  Sept.  4th,  the 
Lodge  resolved  to  confer  the  degrees  of  Masonry  upon  ministers  free  of 
charge,  provided  they  devoted  their  whole  time  to  their  profession. 

Dec.  27th,  on  motion  of  Bro.  Helm,  the  following  was  adopted  : 

"1st.  Resolved,  JThat  hereafter  the  Lodge  shall  be  opened  punctually  at  the 
appointed  hour :  Provided,  that  sufficient  number' of  members  be  present. 

"  2d.  Resolved,  That  immediately  after  the  opening  of  the  Lodge  at  each  meet- 
ing, the  Secretary  shall  call  over  a  "list  of  the  members,  arranged  in  alphabetical 
order,  and  mark  the  absentees.  That  the  list  of  said  absentees  shall  again  be 
called  over  just  before  the  closing  of  the  Lodge.  That  each  absentee  at  the 
opening  of  the  Lodge,  if  then  present,  shall  rise  as  his  name  is  called  and  offer 
his  excuse  for  his  previous  absence,  the  sufficiency  or  insufficiency  of  which 
shall  be  determined  by  the  presiding  officer,  subject  to  an  appeal  to  the  Lodge, 
which  appeal  shall  be  decided  immediately  and  without  debate.  That  each 
absentee  who  shall  not  answer  to  his  name  on  the  second  calling  of  the  roll,  or 
whose  excuse  shall  not  be  deemed  sufficient,  shall  be  fined,  if  either  of  the  three 
first  officers,  the  Secretary  or  the  Tyler,  one  dollar;  if  any  other  officer,  fifty 
cents;  if  a  private  member,  twenty-five  cents,  which  shall  be  immediately 
charged  by  the  Secretary  to  the  aforesaid  absentee,  in  his  current  account  with 
the  Lodge. 

"3d.  Resolved,  That  if  at  any  subsequent  meeting  of  the  Lodge,  an  absentee 
shall  present  an  excuse  for  absence  from  a  previous  meeting  or  meetings,  which 
shall  be  deemed  sufficient  by  the  presiding  officer,  or  by  the  Lodge,  when  ap- 
pealed to,  the  Secretary  shalTthereupon  immediately  credit  the  said  absentee  to 
a  corresponding  amount  by  fine  or  fines  remitted, 'in  his  account  current  with 
the  Lodge. 


"4th.  Resolved,  That  no  excuse,  except  unavoidable  absence  from  the  town, 
sickness  of  self  or  family,  indispensable  engagements  in  our  usual  avocations, 
attendance  at  a  religious  meeting,  or  some  peculiar  emergency,  to  be  judged  of  by 
the  presiding  officer,  or  by  the  Lodge  as  aforesaid,  shall  be  deemed  sufficient  to 
justify  the  remission  of  a  fine. 

"5th.  Resolved,  That  any  member  who  shall  leave  the  Lodge  room  while  the 
Lodge  is  open  without  permission  first  obtained  of  the  presiding  officer,  shall  be 
fined  at  the  discretion  of  the  said  presiding  officer,  and  it  is  hereby  made  the 
imperative  duty  of  the  said  officer  thereby,  and  invariably  to  enforce  their  rules, 
subject  to  decision  of  the  Lodge. 

"  Oth.  Resolved,  That  in  addition  to  tyling  the  Lodge  faithfully,  it  is  the  duty 
of  the  Tyler  to  keep  the  lodge-room  and  furniture  clean,  neat,  and  in  good 
order,  to  go  on  messages,  serve  summons,  light  the  candles,  make  fires  and  pro- 
vide water,  fre»h  and  otherwise  suitable  to  drink,  punctually  by  the  appointed 
hour  of  meetings.  That  in  default  of  the  performance  of  either  or  all  the  duties, 
partially  or  wholly,  he  shall  be  fined  by  the  W.  Master,  to  an  amount  which  shall 
be  discretionary  with  the  said  Master,  subject  to  an  appeal  by  the  Tyler  from 
his  decision  to  that  of  the  Lodge. 

The  amendment  offered  by  Bro.  Shepherd,  June  26th,  changing  the 
duration  of  time  for  which  officers  were  elected,  must  have  been  adopted, 
although  no  record  appears  that  it  was,  for  on  the  27th  of  December 
officers  were  elected  for.  "twelve  months."  The  officers  elected  were  : 
James  Zwisler,  W.  M.;  George  R.  Weber,  S.  W.,-  N.  A.  Garland,  J.  \V.: 
Maurice  Doyle,  Treasurer ;  Edward  Jones,  Secretary.  The  Committee 
on  Finance  reported  that  the  Lodge  "stood  indebted  to  him  (Bro.  Doyle), 
in  the  sum  of  one  hundred  and  twenty-eight  dollars  and  fourteen  cents." 
A  letter  being  received  from  Bro.  Lusk,  the  Grand  Lecturer,  intimating 
that  he  would  visit  the  Lodge  on  January  12th  and  13th,  the  installation 
was  postponed  until  his  arrival. 


In  the  absence  of  any  other  information  regarding  this  Lodge,  we 
present  its  return  to  the  Grand  Lodge  : 


"  A.  Jonas,  W.  M. ;  Samuel  Smith,  S.  W. ,-  George  W.  Thompson,  J.  W. ; 
A.  Touzalin,  Treas. ;  W.  D.  McCann,  Sec.;  L.  Griffing,  S.  D. ;  D.  P. 
McNeill,  J.  D.j  William  Bayne  and  C.  N.  Williams,  Stewards,-  A.  J. 
Short,  Tyler. 

"Master  Masons. — A.  Jonas,  W.  D.  McCann,  Daniel  Harrison,  L. 
Griffing,  George  W.  Thompson,  M.  L.  Hudnall,  W.  II.  Chapman,  Thomas 
Durant,  M.  L.  Williams. 

"Fellow  Craft.— James  Baggs. 

"Entered,  Apprentices. — George  0.  Pond,  James  B.  Johnson." 


The  brethren  who  attained  to  the  Master's  degree  in  this  Lodge  during 
1843,  are  as  follows  :  Charles  T.  Chase,  Feb.  10 ;  G.  W.  Chase,  March  9  ; 
J.  Alfred  Helfenstein,  Dec.  14. 


Feb.  7,  "at  his  especial  request,'1  the  Lodge  buried  with  the  usual 
solemnities  the  remains  of  their  departed  brother,  Smith  Gilbreth. 

Feb.  9,  "the  two  Chases"  were  initiated.  April  13,  charges  having 
been  preferred  against  a  brother,  "  he  was  permitted  to  tell  his  story  in 
his  own  way  ;  this  story  having  been  heard  at  full  length,  and  he  having 
explained  the  matter  to  the  entire  satisfaction  of  the  Lodge,  motioned 

and  carried  in  the  affirmative,  that  Bro. be  fully  acquitted  of  the 

charges  made  against  him."  There  is  no  record  of  the  other  story  being 
heard.  June  8,  the  following  officers  were  elected  for  the  ensuing  twelve 
mouths:  Charles  T.  Chase,  W.  M. ;  James  Campbell,  S.  W. ;  Horace 
Preston,  J.  W. ;  D.  B.  McKenny,  Sec'y :  James  McKenny,  Treasurer : 
Nathan  Morehouse,  S.  D. :  Stephen  Fuller,  J.  D. ;  William  Rogers  and 
A.  Brown,  Stewards;  Joseph  Mason,  Tyler. 


The  only  member  added  to  this  Lodge  by  raising,  during  1843,  was 
E.  D.  Carter,  March  20. 

Feb.  21,  the  Lodge  addressed  an  invitation  to  the  "  Washingtonian 
Temperance  Society,"  to  join  in  the  celebration  of  "  the  birthday  of  the 
illustrious  father  of  the  country."  Feb.  22,  the  day  was  duly  celebrated, 
the  Lodge  proceeding  to  the  Court  House  in  procession,  where  an  oration 
was  delivered  by  Bro.  J.  H.  Matheny.  Upon  returning  to  the  hall,  an 
answer  to  their  invitation  extended  to  the  Temperance  Society  was  read, 
which  was  deemed  so  discourteous  that  it  was  ordered  to  be  returned 
"  without  note  or  comment."  A  vote  of  thanks  was  tendered  Bro. 
Matheny.  On  motion  of  Bro.  Gorin, 

"Ordered,  That  the  thanks  of  this  Lodge  be  returned  to  each  of  the  ladies 
composing  the  choir  of  the  Masonic  celebration  of  the  22d  inst." 

March  11,  a  resolution  was  passed  providing  that  the  officers  should  be 
elected  at  the  regular  meetings  preceding  the  anniversaries  of  the  Sts. 
John.  March  18,  a  resolution  providing  for  subscription  for  one  copy  of 
"  C.  W.  Moore's  magazine"  was  lost.  March  20,  the  financial  reports  to 
the  Lodge  showed  that  the  debts  due  to,  and  cash  in  the  treasury  of  the 
Lodge,  amounted  to  873.20;  debts  due  by  the  Lodge,  $91.48,  which  was 
818.28  more-  than  the  Lodge  owned.  May  30,  Bro.  Gorin  wanted  to  fine 
all  members  who  were  absent  three  regular  meetings  consecutively,  but 
the  Lodge  refused  to  sustain  him.  We  are  inclined  to  the  belief  that  he 
has  materially  changed  his  mind  since  that  time.  The  custom  of  fining 
members  for  non-attendance  was  at  that  time  almost  universally  prac- 
ticed, but  as  it  was  a  plain  violation  of  that  portion  of  the  charge  to  the 
E.  A.  where  he  is  told  that  on  no  account  should  he  neglect  his  business, 
the  custom  was  soon  dropped,  and  never  since  revived.  The  practice, 
too,  of  paying  dues,  in  those  days  was  somewhat  different  from  the 


present.  It  was  the  custom  at  that  time  to  charge  so  much  per  meeting, 
which  was  generally  paid  at  the  close  of  the  evening  session.  This, 
however,  soon  became  a  very  great  bother,  and  the  present  system  of 
annual  and  semi-annual  dues  was  adopted,  although  there  are  some 
Lodges  in  which  a  quarterly  payment  of  dues  is  still  exacted.  It  is  useless 
to  require  payment  of  dues  oftener  than  once  in  each  year,  at  the  time 
of  election.  It  simplifies  the  accounts  of  the  Lodge,  is  much  easier  on 
the  Secretaries,  who  have,  as  a  general  thing,  plenty  to  do,  and  gives 
less  room  for  mistakes,  and  sometimes  hard  feelings. 

May  28th,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  Joseph  King,  W.  M.; 
J.  E.  Gorin,  S.  W.;  J.  Y.  Braden,  J.  W.;  H.  J.  Armstrong,  Treas.;  W.  B. 
Bosworth,  Sec.;  James  Ashton,  Steward  and  Tyler. 

Sept.  2d,  charges  were  preferred  against  a  brother,  and  referred  to  a 
committee,  which  committee,  on  the  5th  of  September,  reported  the 
testimony  taken,  and  wound  up  their  report  by  a  resolution  declaring 
the  brother  expelled.  The  report  and  resolution  was  laid  upon  the  table 
until  the  next  regular  cymmunication;  but  on  the  6th  of  September,  the 
vote  laying  the  report  on  the  table  was  reconsidered,  and  the  report  put 
to  vote  and  lost.  One  would  naturally  suppose  that  that  ended  the  mat- 
ter; but  it  did  not,  for  on  the  7th  of  October  the  vote  on  the  adoption  of 
the  report,  by  which  it  was  lost,  was  reconsidered,  the  report  and  resolu- 
tion taken  up,  discussed,  put  to  vote,  and  carried,  and  the  brother  ex- 
pelled. Verily,  in  the  matter  of  trials,  our  forefathers  were  somewhat 
deficient.  Nov.  4th,  the  Building  Committee  reported  that  the  expenses 
of  the  building  had,  up  to  that  time,  amounted  to  $650.16,  of  which 
$354.47  had  been  paid,  leaving  a  balance  of  $303.69  unpaid  ;  that  the 
subscriptions  of  sundry  brethren  in  Decatur  and  Spriiigfield,  which  re- 
mained unpaid,  amounted  to  $98.25  ;  leaving  $205.44  to  be  provided  for. 
The  following  officers  were  elected  at  this  meeting:  Henry  Prather, 
W.  M.;  H.  J.  Armstrong,  S.  W.;  W.  B.  Bosworth,  J.  W.;  H.  Robinson, 
Treas.;  J.  J.  Peddicord,  Sec.;  Henry  Hummell,  Steward  and  Tyler. 


The  brethren  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  1843,  were  Andrew  LeCroix, 
Geo.  Edgar,  Wm.  A.  Richardson,  Peter  C.  Vance,  and  Edward  G.  Curtis. 
We  are  unable  to  give  the  date  of  these  raisings,  and,  in  fact,  nothing 
beyond  the  return,  which  is  here  given  : 


"James  L.  Anderson,  M.;  Wm.  A.  Richardson,  S.  W.;  Hart  Fellows, 
J.  W.;  James  McCrosky,  Treas.;  Adams  Dunlap,  Sec.;  John  B.  Seeley, 
S.  D.:  George  Edgar,  J.  D.;  T.  G.  Garrett,  S.  and  T. 

"Master  Masons. — James  L.  Anderson,  Levi  Lusk,  John  Todhunter, 
Alexander  Brazleton,  William  Edgar,  Marshall  Smith,  Nathan  Brooks, 


Peter  C.  Vance,  Edward  G.  Curtis,  Andrew  LeCroix,  William  Davis, 
Josiah  Parrott,  James  H.  Chick,  Louis  Horton,  Abner  McDowell,  Samuel 
McIIatton,  Henry  Murray,  Rensselaer  Wells. 

"Fellow  Crafts. — Isaac  Greer,  Joseph  Montgomery,  Isaac  Ewing,  A.  H. 

"Entered  Apprentices. — George  B.  Rogers,  Tydence  W.  Lane,  John 
Blackford,  Irwin  Lemaster,  Solomon  C.  Waid,  Wm.  II.  Crawford,  Louis 
Robertson,  Abraham  Tolles." 


We  are  unable  to  obtain  any  information  concerning  this  Lodge,  beyond 
its  return  to  the  Grand  Lodge  : 


"  Norman  Hawley,  W.  M.;  Elias  Havens,  S.  W.;  Joel  George,  J.  W.; 
James  Browdee,  Treas.;  Thomas  J.  Wade,  Sec.;  Jared  Runyan,  S.  D.; 
Thomas  J.  Thinney,  J.  D.;  William  E.  Little,  Steward;  Robert  G.  Cook, 

"Master  Masons. — Joel  A.  Matteson,  David  L.  Gregg,  Joshua  Rucker, 
Henry  G.  Brown,  Hiram  Blanchard,  Joshua  Smith. 

"Entered  Apprentice. — Lewis  Kerchival." 

The  return  of  this  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  is  here  given : 


"  Stephen  H.  Bennett,  W.  M.;  D.  C.  Davis,  S.  W.;  C.  Williams,  J.  W.; 
James  Anderson,  Treas.;  Samuel  Wood,  Sec.;  Wm.  Vanansdell,  S.  D.; 
D.  A.  Pettigrew,  J.  D.:  D.  P.  Fouts,  Hiram  Mott,  Stewards;  Elisha  Smith 
and  H.  Williams,  Tylers. 

"Master  Masons.  —  Thomas  King,  John  Patten,  David  Pettigrew, 
Joseph  A.  Swasey,  Luther  Fuller,  Chapman  Duncan,  Eli  Day,  Wheeler 
Baldwin,  Daniel  P.  Fouts,  Lewis  L.  Dalrymple,  Chas.  W.  Patten,  Wm. 
W.  Willis,  David  Jacobs,  William  Smith,  Daniel  R.  Williams,  Truman 
Trion,  Charles  B.  Swasey,  Samuel  Conrad,  John  Killiam,  Gabriel  N. 
Taylor,  Ephraim  Meckam,  Samuel  Wood,  Isaac  Paschal,  John  L.  Hun- 
saker,  Wm.  Eaton,  Nathaniel  Lacroe,  Charles  Hunt,  Abram  Day,  Isaac 
Harrison,  Samuel  M.  Hough,  D.  U.  H.  Spinning,  Russell  P.  Baldwin, 
Emanuel  Hickcock. 

"Fellow  Crafts. — John  Spain,  Abel  Mott. 

"Entered  Apprentices.  —  James  Letnmon,  Samuel  Brierly,  Wm.  R. 

ST.  JOHN'S  LODGE,  NO.  13. 

The  following  brethren  received  the  Master's  degree  in  this  Lodge 
during  1843:  W.  J.  Cox,  May  11 :  E.  M.  Moore,  June  7:  G.  W.  Gilson, 
Aug.  3. 



On  the  7th  of  June  the  Lodge  elected  officers  as  follows  :  Warren 
Brown,  W.  M.;  Herman  Whitehead,  S.  W. ;  A.  O'Connor,  J.  W.;  E.  M. 
Moore,  Sec.;  Asa  Holdridge,  Treas. ;  Samuel  Norton,  S.  D. ;  \V.  J.  Cox, 
J.  D. ;  L.  Woodward,  Tyler. 

On  the  minutes  of  July  6  we  find  the  following  entry  :  "  The  charter 
was  received  from  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  by  a  vote  of  the  Lodge  accepted, 
and  voted,  that  the  blank  for  J.  W.,  that  became  vacant  by  the  decease 
of  our  lamented  brother,  M.  J.  Ross,  be  filled  by  Bro.  Ambrose  O'Connor." 

Nov.  30,  the  Lodge  again  held  an  election.  Bro.  Brown  was  re-elected 
W.  M.  Bro.  Norton  was  promoted  from  S.  D.  to  S.  W.  Bro.  Holdridge 
from  Treas.  to  J.  W.  Bro.  Whitehead  exchanged  places  with  Bro. 
Holdridge,  and  became  Treasurer.  Bro.  O'Connor  was  relieved  from  the 
superintendency  of  the  Craft,  and  elected  to  take  charge  of  the  records. 
.Bro.  G.  W.  Gilson  made  his  first  official  appearance  as  S.  D.  Bro.  Moore 
was  relieved  of  the  records,  and  placed  as  J.  D.,  while  Bro.  Woodward 
still  held  the  post  of  Tyler. 


The  following  brethren  received  the  sublime  degree  of  Master  Mason 
in  this  Lodge  during  the  year  1843:  Ben.  Bruce,  Jan.  21 ;  William  N. 
Dobbins,  March  18;  J.  B.  Kelly,  March  25:  E.  J.  Nicholson,  April  14: 
Woods  M.  Hamilton,  Dec.  9. 

The  record  of  the  meeting  of  the  16th  March  is  surrounded  by  heavy- 
black  lines,  and  records  the  fact  that  on  that  day  the  Lodge  interred  the 
remains  of  Bro.  William  Hillborn.  March  18,  a  petition  from  sundry 
brethren  at  New  Haven,  praying  for  a  recommendation  to  their  petition 
for  a  new  Lodge,  was  "  received  and  placed  on  file."  April  15,  "  it  was 
moved  and  seconded  that  the  New  Haven  brethren  re-consider  their 
petition  to  this  Lodge  praying  to  be  recommended  to  the  Grand  Lodge.'' 
This  we  presume  was  done,  as  it  was  a  great  many  years  afterwards 
that  New  Haven  Lodge  was  set  to  work.  May  22  is  another  mourning 
record  ;  this  time  for  "  Bro.  John  M.  Robinson,  who  departed  this  life  in 
his  50th  year,  at  Ottaway,  in  this  State,  on  the  26th  day  of  April,  1843, 
and  taken  to  Carmi,  his  place  of  residence,  by  E.  B.  Webb."  After 
making  suitable  arrangements,  the  Lodge  called  off  to  meet  "  at  Carmi, 
at  the  Court  House,"  which  was  done,  and  the  funeral  service  properly 
attended  to.  On  the  24th  June,  officers  as  follows  were  elected:  E.  H. 
Gatewood,  W.  M.;  Edward  Bogardus,  S.  W. ;  T.  G.  S.  Herod,  J.  W. ; 
Alex.  Kirkpatrick,  Treas. ;  M.  Y.  Johnson,  Sec. ;  and  the  following 
appointments  made:  J.  W.  Tunnell,  S.  D. ;  J.  S.  Roberts,  J.  D. ;  J.  M. 
Burnett,  Tyler.  July  22,  the  records  are  again  in  mourning.  Bro.  John 
Campbell,  who  died  on  July  21,  at  12  o'clock  midnight,  was  buried  with 
the  honors  of  the  Fraternity.  In  order  to  do  this  the  Lodge  proceeded 
to  New  Haven,  where  Bro.  Campbell  resided.  August  19,  Bro.  Warren, 


the  Grand  Secretary,  was  present  and  presided,  a  called  meeting  having 
been  convened  to  do  honor  to  the  brother  for  whom  their  Lodge  was 
named.  The  Lodge  was  destined  to  mourn  during  1843,  for  around  the 
records  of  the  meeting  of  Nov.  3d  we  find  the  heavy  black  lines  which 
indicate  on  the  book  before  us  that  another  had  departed  "to  that  un- 
discovered country  from  whose  bourne  no  traveler  returns."  This  time 
the  Lodge  was  called  upon  to  mourn  the  departure  of  Bro.  J.  D.  Hughson. 
The  record  informs  us  that  Bro.  Hughson  died  on  Nov.  1,  that  he  was 
about  forty  years  old,  and  a  native  of  New  York.  The  body  was  buried 
with  the  ritualistic  forms  and  ceremonies. 

St.  John's  Day  (Dec.  27)  was  duly  observed  by  the  Lodge,  an  oration 
being  delivered  at  the  Methodist  Church  by  Bro.  lingerer,  for  which 
oration  and  the  use  of  the  church,  thanks  were  returned,  and  the  oration 
directed  to  be  published  in  the  "Illinois  Republican,"  and  "Illinois 
State  Gazette." 

There  is  one  matter  of  record  in  the  proceedings  of  this  Lodge  which 
we  transfer  to  this  page.  It  occurs  in  the  minutes  of  the  meeting  of 
April  15 : 

"The  Lodge  was  then  closed  in  harmony,  in  due  and  ancient  form, 
after  which  several  brethren  were  complimented  with  the  degree  of 
Knight  of  Constantinople,  in  form  and  harmony." 

Think  of  that!  ye  who  have  seen  the  shoemaker,  the  blacksmith,  the 
baker,  and  the  candle-stick  maker,  to  say  nothing  of  the  weaver  and 
his  shuttle.  Complimented!  We  should  say  so. 


The  following  named  brethren  received  the  third  degree  in  this  Lodge 
during  1843  :  Irwin  B.  Doolittle,  Jan.  28;  William  B.  Doolittle,  Feb.  2  ; 
John  Adams,  Feb.  11;  James  F.  Wilkins  and  John  C.  Heyl,  Aug.  19; 
Samuel  S.  Guyer,  Nov.  18. 

January  28,  the  charter  was  received  and  accepted.  Accompanying 
the  charter  was  a  proxy  to  Bro.  William  Henderson,  "or  any  other 
Past  Master,"  conferring  authority  to  constitute  the  Lodge  and  install 
its  officers.  Bro.  Henderson  not  being  present,  Bro.  Simeon  DeWitt 
Drown  was  appointed  to  perform  that  duty.  The  Lodge  was  then  con- 
stituted, and  Bro.  Samuel  H.  Davis  installed  as  Master;  Augustus  0. 
Garrett,  as  Senior  Warden;  Andrew  M.  Hunt,  as  J.  W. ;  George  Met- 
•calfe,  Treasurer;  William  Mitchell,  Secretary;  Peter  Sweat,  Senior 
Deacon;  Ralph  Hamlin,  Junior  Deacon;  and  Chester  Hamlin,  Tyler. 
Bro.  Drown,  who  hailed  from  Chester  Lodge  No.  71,  Ohio,  was  elected  an 
honorary  member.  July  8,  a  committee  was  appointed  to  ascertain  why 
some  of  the  officers  and  brethren  of  the  Lodge  had  not  been  present  for 
several  meetings  past,  and  on  August  5th  the  committee  reported  as 
follows  : 


"The  committee  appointed  to  call  on  absenting  brethren  for  the  reasons  of 
their  non-attendance,  respectfully  report  that  most  of  the  absenting  brethren 
have  been  called  upon,  and  that  various  reasons  have  been  assigned  for  absence 
and  irregular  attendance.  Several  of  the  brethren  have  excuses,  which,  to  the 
committee,  appear  satisfactory ;  some  of  them  have  since  attended,  or  are  now 
present  and  ready  to  explain  in  person  better  than  can  be  done  by  this  commit- 
tee. Your  committee,  however,  would  state  that  several  of  the  absentees  have 
assigned  as  a  reason  for  their  non-attendance,  the  unsatisfactory  manner  in 
which  the  work  and  business  of  the  Lodge  have  of  late  been  conducted;  and 
more  than  one  have  stated  their  unwillingness  or  reluctance  to  sit  in  a  Lodge 
unless  its  proceedings  can  be  conducted  in  a  manner  more  Masonic,  and  less 
irksome  and  unpleasant  to  the  feelings  of  those  who  have  the  love  of  the  Order 
and  the  good  of  Masonry  at  heart.  But  that  part  of  the  business  of  your  com- 
mittee, which  is,  therefore,  particularly  interesting  to  the  Lodge,  was  with  our 
Worshipful  Master,  for  to  his  frequent  non-attendance  is  in  a  great  measure 
attributed  the  unsatisfactory  manner  in  which  the  Lodge  of  late  has  been  con- 
ducted. The  reasons  for  his  withdrawal  appear  to  be  no  other  than  those  stated 
by  him  to  the  Lodge  at  a  former  communication.  They  appear  to  be  founded 
on  the  participation  of  several  of  the  brethren  in  some  public  proceedings  in 
relation  to  an  attempted  organization  of  a  certain  association  in  the  town  of 
Peoria,  whereby,  as  he  alleges,  some  of  his  family  and  his  Gospel  minister  were 
disrespectfully  interfered  with  and  unjustly  deprived  and  hindered  of  their  un- 
doubted rights  and  privileges.  Your  committee  have  endeavored  seriously  and 
impartially  to  weigh  this  matter  with  the  consideration  it  seems  to  deserve,  and 
in  the  spirit  of  conciliation,  peace,  and  harmony— being  the  beauty  of  our  Order; 
and,  moreover,  that  the  Lodge  may  not  appear  to  sanction  disturbance  and  dis- 
order out  of  its  sacred  precincts,  nor  countenance  disrespectful  or  unmasonic 
conduct  between  its  members,  beg  leave  to  submit  the  following  preamble  and 
resolutions : 

"  WHEREAS.  On  the  afternoon  of  the  13th  of  February  last,  a  number  of  persons 
met  in  the  Court  House,  in  this  town,  to  take  measures  to  prevent  the  public 
organization  of  an  anti-slavery  society,  appointed  to  take  place  in  one  of  the 
churches  of  the  town,  on  the  evening  of  that  day;  and, 

"  WHEREAS,  At  the  meeting  spoken  of,  several  resolutions  were  adopted,  two  of 
which  were  as  follows: 

"  'Resolved,  That  we  will  oppose  the  organization  of  any  anti-slavery  society  in 
the  town  of  Peoria,  and  that  however  desirous  we  may  be  that  this  our  opposition 
should  be  confined  to  reason  and  argument  alone,  yet,  in  case  it  should  become 
necessary,  in  order  to  prevent  the  catastrophe,  that  force  should  be  used  (how 
much  soever  we  may  regret  the  necessity),  we  shall  feel  ourselves  bound  to  resort 
thereto,  when  all  others  have  proved  unsuccessful. 

"'Resolced,  That  the  citizens  of  Peoria  will  attend  en  masse  at  the  Main  Street 
Presbyterian  Church,  this  evening,  and  aid  the  committee  to  enforce  the  resolu- 
tions of  this  meeting.' 

"AND,  WHEREAS,  Two  members  of  this  Lodge  were  appointed  on  the  committee 
to  present  said  resolutions  at  the  anti-siavery  meeting,  which  duty  they  per- 
formed; and, 

•' WHEREAS,  Said  meeting  in  the  church  was  thus  interrupted  and  prevented, 
by  the  threats  of  physical  force  contained  in  the  resolutions,  from  carrying  into 
effect  the  object  for  which  it  had  met;  and, 

"  WHEREAS,  Five  or  six  other  members  of  this  Lodge  were  at  the  said  meeting, 
some  of  them  countenancing  the  scenes  of  disorder  which  were  there  acted; 

"Resolved,  That  without  expressing  any  opinion  on  the  subject  of  slavery  or 
anti-slavery,  we  admit,  in  its  full  sense,  the  constitutional  right  of  the  people 


peaceably  to  assemble  for  any  purpose  not  forbidden  by  the  laws  of  the  land, 
and  that  the  interference  of  the  members  of  this  Lodge  at  the  anti-slavery  meet- 
ing alluded  to,  was  incompatible  with  their  duty  as  friends  of  the  \F\V-  •  good 
citizens,  and  as  Masons." 

June  24,  a  recommendation  was  granted  to  the  petition  of  certain 
brethren,  residing  in  and  near  Pekin,  for  a  new  Lodge.  September  23, 
a  like  recommendation  was  granted  certain  brethren  at  Farmington, 
Fulton  county,  and  on  October  7th,  to  certain  brethren  in  and  near 
Henderson,  in  Knox  county.  The  names  of  the  petitioners  are  not  gi^en. 

On  the  31st  of  July,  Bro.  George  Farrell  was  buried  with  the  usual 
forms  and  ceremonies.  On  December  27,  officers  as  follows  were  elected  : 
Samuel  H.  Davis,  W.  M.j  Augustus  0.  Garrett,  S.  W.;  Geo.  T.  Metcalfe, 
J.  W.;  William  E.  Mason,  Treas.;  Simeon  D.  W.  Drown,  Sec.;  Chester 
Hamlin,  Tyler.  At  this  meeting  a  resolution  was  introduced  providing 
for  the  celebration  of  St.  John's  Day,  on  the  24th  of  June  next,  wbich 
was  laid  over  until  the  regular  meeting  in  January.  The  brethren  were 
certainly  taking  time  by  the  forelock. 


Five  brethren  received  the  Master's  degree  in  this  Lodge  this  year, 
viz.:  William  Black,  February  22;  G".  C.  Wood  and  M.  Scott,  May  15; 
J.  T,  B.  Stapp,  June  16 ;  G.  G.  Guthrie,  June  22. 

February  13,  a  brother  of  the  Lodge  presented  charges  and  specifica-. 
tions  against  the  Worshipful  Master.  Bro.  William  Hodge  having  taken, 
the  East,  the  charges  (which  did  not  amount  to  much)  were  received  and 
referred  to  a  committee,  and  on  the  21st  of  February  the  committee  re- 
ported that  they  had  heard  the  evidence,  but  asked  until  the  next 
regular  meeting  to  make  out  their  report,  which  was  granted.  It  was 
resolved  that  the  Lodge  would  on  the  next  day  accept  the  invitation  of 
the  Washingtonian  Temperance  Society,  which  was  accordingly  done, 
and  as  the  record  of  February  22d  informs  us,  "  the  day  was  spent  pleas- 
antly and  satisfactorily  to  all."  On  March  13,  the  committee  to  whom 
was  referred  the  charges  against  the  W.  M.,  reported,  the  Master  first 
placing  Bro.  D.  B.  Hodge  in  the  chair.  The  report  covers  four,  and 
nearly  a  half  of  the  fifth,  closely  written  pages  of  an  ordinary  sized 
record  book.  There  were  four  resolutions  reported,  the  first  of  which 
went  on  to  recite  that  the  brother  was  guilty  of  unmasonic  conduct, 
although  without  intention.  The  second  required  him  to  acknowledge 
his  error  in  open  Lodge;  the  third  provided  that  he  should  be  "ad- 
monished" by  some  brother  selected  by  the  Lodge,  and  in  case  of  refusal 
to  submit  to  the  penalty,  he  should  stand  suspended  during  the  pleasure 
of  the  Lodge;  and  finally,  not  content  with  finding  the  defendant  guilty, 
and  sentencing  him  to  be  "admonished,"  they  inllict  the  same  penalty 
upon  the  plaintiff  for  the  "impropriety  of  his  conduct  in  the  Lodge  at 
the  time  he  laid  his  grievance  before  that  body."  The  W.  M.  having 


acquiesced  in  the  decision  of  the  Lodge,  Bro.  William  Hodge  was  selected 
to  "admonish"  him,  which  duty  was  performed,  the  W.  M.  having  first 
acknowledged  his  error.  The  plaintiff  "  failed  to  come  to  time." 

This  case  has  been  cited  because  we  having  relied  upon  the  superior 
wisdom  of  those  above  us — have  been  led  to  believe  that  a  "  W.  M.  can 
not  be  tried  by  his  Lodge;"  but  here  is  an  instance  where  the  Lodge 
could  and  did  try  their  Master.  Everything  was  done  in  order  and 
decorum;  nevertheless,  we  believe  there  are  very  few  Lodges  in  these 
da;  ^  that  would  attempt  to  try  their  Master,  and  Temperance  Lodge 
would  probably  be  the  last  to  try  the  experiment  over  again. 

On  the  5th  of  June,  Bro.  Warren  visited  the  Lodge,  and  lectured  the 

June  12,  the  semi-annual  election  was  held.  Bro.  Eemann  was  re- 
elected  W.  M. ;  D.  B.  Hodge  was  taken  from  the  South-east  corner  and 
placed  in  the  West;  J.  E.  Hall  was  continued  as  the  pillar  of  Beauty; 
Abner  Johnson  was  selected  to  take  charge  of  the  Treasury ;  and  Wm. 
Black  to  keep  the  records  and  archives ;  Bro.  Q.  C.  Alexander  was 
selected  to  sit  between  the  W.  M.  and  the  Treasurer;  while  J.  M.  Scott 
became  the  medium  of  communication  with  the  outer  world;  and,  as 
usual,  Bro.  Moses  Phillips  was  selected  to  sit  outside  and  guard  the 
entrance,  and  at  the  same  time  expected  to  know  more  about  the  Lodge 
and  its  workings  than  any  other  brother. 

June  16,  the  committee  on  celebration  of  St.  John's  Day  reported  that 
they  had  made  arrangements  with  Brother  Thomas  Bayse  to  furnish 
dinner  for  one  hundred  persons  for  forty  dollars,  which  amount  they  had 
pledged  themselves  to  raise;  that  they  had  "  procured  an  orator  in  the 
person  of  W.  B.  Herrick,  of  Moriah  Lodge ;"  that  the  Lodge  of  I.  0.  0.  F., 
of  Greenville,  desired  to  celebrate  with  them,  and  to  have  an  oration 
from  one  of  their  number,  which  was  acceded  to.  They  further  reported 
that  they  had  invited  the  neighboring  Lodges,  and  had  prepared  a  "  pro- 
gramme of  exercises." 

June  24,  the  Lodge  assembled,  there  being  quite  a  number  of  visitors, 
among  whom  were  Breth.  Warren  and  J.  R.  Gorin,  both  future  Grand 
Masters,  although  the  probability  is  that  neither  one  of  them  thought  so 
at  the  time.  The  Lodge  formed  in  procession  under  the  marshaling  of 
Bro.  Alexander,  and  "left  the  hall  preceded  by  a  band  of  music."  At 
Galiatin  Street  the  procession  was  joined  by  Clark  Lodge  I.  0.  0.  F.,  and 
at  the  residence  of  "  Col.  Black,"  by  "  a  large  number  of  ladies."  The 
procession  proceeded  to  the  M.  E.  Church,  where  J.  M.  Davis  delivered 
an  address  on  behalf  of  the  Odd  Fellows.  Bro.  Warren  then  installed 
the  officers  of  the  Lodge,  when  another  address  was  delivered  by  Bro. 
Herrick.  June  10,  a  committee  appointed  at  a  previous  meeting  to 
procure  a  hall,  reported  that  they  "had  procured  from  the  Trustees  of 
the  tovvn  of  Vandalia,  the  perpetual  lease  of  the  old  Representatives  Hall, 


rent  free."  October  11,  the  Lodge  buried  the  remains  of  Bro.  Erastus 
Todd,  "  late  of  Oswego  Lodge  No.  232,  New  York."  Nov.  13,  sundry 
brethren  at  Greenville  were  recommended  to  the  Grand  Master  for  a 
dispensation  for  a  new  Lodge. 

December  13,  the  following  election  was  had  :  J.  T.  B.  Stapp>  W.  M.; 
Q.  C.  Alexander,  S.  W.;  C.  II.  Hodge,  J.  W.;  G.  C.  Wood,  Treas.;  W.  M. 
Black,  Sec.;  Moses  Philips,  Tyler.  H.  C.  Remann  was  appointed  S.  D.; 
James  M.  Scott,  J.  D.  This  election  entirely  revolutionized  the  Lodge — 
neither  the  Master  or  Wardens  had  ever  held  either  of  the  offices  to 
which  they  were  elected.  We  notice  that  in  the  earlier  days  very  little 
attention  was  paid  to  the  law  requiring  the  Master  elect  to  serve  as 
a  Warden  previous  to  his  election.  Dec.  27,  the  officers  were  installed. 


The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  January  30th,  1843,  by 
Grand  Master  Helm,  to  Charles  Hays,  Rezin  Naylor,  Jas.  Chandler,  Jr., 
John  Anderson,  Thomas  T.  Smithers,  Alex.  Simpson,  0.  M.  Hoagland, 
"  and  several  other  brethren."  We  are  not  informed  as  to  the  Lodge  that 
recommended  the  petitioners,  but  presume  it  was  Rushville. 

The  record  of  the  first  meeting  reads  as  follows  : 

'•MACOMB,  ILL.,  Feb.  24,  A.  L.  5843,  A.  D.  1813. 

"  The  following  named  Past  Master  Masons,  viz.:  Charles  Hays, 
Rezin  Naylor,  James  Chandler,  Jr.,  John  Anderson,  Thomas  T.  Smithers, 
Alexander  Simpson,  0.  M.  Hoagland,  and  others,  having  received  a  dis- 
pensation from  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  to  form 
a  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons  in  the  town  of  Macomb,  county  of 
McDonough,  and  State  of  Illinois,  congregated  together  on  the  date 
as  above  written,  viz.: 

"Present:  W.  Levi  Lusk,  S.  G.  W.,  W.  M.,  p.  t.;  Charles  Hays, 
S.  W., p.  t.:  James  Chandler,  Jr.,  J.  Vf.,p.  t.;  Joseph  M.  Walker,  Treas., 
p.  t.;  John  Anderson,  Sec., p.  t.;  Rezin  Naylor,  S.  D  ,p.  t.;  Thos.  Smithers, 
J.  T>.,p.  t.;  Geo.  H.  Rice,  S.  and  Tyler,  p.  t.;  Master  Mason,  Thos.  A. 
Brooking ;  and  proceeded  to  open  a  Lodge  in  the  third  degree  of  Masonry, 
according  to  ancient  form. 

"  Whereupon,  the  aforesaid  dispensation  is  ordered  to  be  recorded,  and 
is  in  the  words  and  figures  folllowing,  to  wit: 

(The  dispensation,  which  was  of  the  usual  form,  is  omitted.) 

"And,  thereupon,  all  but  Past  Master  Masons  having  retired,  Rezin 
Naylor  was  presented,  and  duly  installed  Master  of  the  Macomb  Lodge, 
under  dispensation,  and  received  the  degree  of  Past  Master.  Bro.  Chas. 
Hays  was  then  introduced  and  installed  Senior  Warden,  and  Bro.  James 
Chandler,  Jr.,  was  also  introduced  and  installed  Junior  Warden.  No 
further  business  appearing,  the  Master  Mason's  Lodge  was  closed  in  due 
form,  and  the  Lodge  of  Entered  Apprentices  was  opened  according  to 


ancient  form.  Same  officers  as  before.  Bro.  Hays  then  reported  the 
the  following  code  of  by-laws  for  the  government  of  the  Lodge,  which 
are  as  follows : 

(They  being  much  the  same  as  now,  are  here  omitted.  The  names 
signed  to  the  by-laws  are  the  same  as  in  the  dispensation,  with  the  ad- 
dition of  Joseph  G.  Walker,  Thomas  A.  Brooking,  and  Preston  Eyre.) 

"  The  petition  of  Cyrus  A.  Lawson  was  then  received,  and  in  pursuance 
of  a  dispensation  of  the  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master,  which  is  in  the  words 
and  figures,  to-wit : 

"WHEREAS,  the  brethren  of  Macomb  Lodge  desire  to  avail  themselves  of  the 
skill  and  experience  of  Bro.  L.  Lusk,  appointed  to  install  the  officers  of  said 
Lodge,  by  witnessing  his  mode  of  work,  now  therefore  I,  M.  Helm,  by  virtue  of 
the  authority  vested  in  me  as  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of 
Illinois,  do  hereby  grant  this  my  dispensation,  authorizing  the  said  Macomb 
Lodge  at  the  first  meeting  thereof,  to  initiate,  pass  and  raise  one  candidate  (the 
usual  rule  requiring  petitions  to  lie  over  one  month  for  consideration,  for  one 
lunar  month)  being  for  that  occasion  and  in  that  one  instance  only,  dispensed 
with,  provided,  the  candidate  so  to  be  initiated,  shall  be  well  known  as  a  man  of 
unexceptionable  moral  character,  and  provided  every  member  of  said  Lodge 
has  due  notice  of  the  time,  place  and  object  of  said  meeting,  and  provided  also, 
as  in  all  other  cases,  the  ballot  shall  be  unanimously  in  favor  of  said  candidate. 

."Given  at  Springfield,  Illinois,  under  my  hand  and  private  seal,  this  23th  day 
of  January,  A.  D.  1813. 

"MEREDITH  HELM,  G.  M.  G.  L.  7." 

•SEAL.  • 

"  Whereupon,  on  motion,  the  Lodge  proceeded  to  ballot  upon  the  peti- 
tion of  Cyrus  A.  Lawson,  which  was  found  unanimously  in  his  favor.  On 
motion,  Cyrus  A.  Lawson  was  introduced  and  initiated  an  Entered  Ap- 
prentice Mason,  according  to  ancient  form,  and  received  a  lecture  and 
charge  from  the  Worshipful  Master.  The  Lodge  was  then  called  from 
labor  until  to-morrow  morning  at  10  o'clock." 

The  brethren  who  received  the  degree  of  Master  Mason  in  this  Lodge 
are  as  follows  :  Cyrus  A.  Lawson,  Feb.  25;  Henry  L.  Bryant,  William 
Ervin,  J.  E.  Wyne,  April  14;  William  T.  Head,  September  2  ;  Pinckney 
H.  Walker,  December  26;  N.  Montgomery,  December  27.  April  14, 
George  H.  Rice,  late  of  Xenia  Lodge  No.  49,  Ohio,  Thomas  A.  Brook- 
ing, of  Mansfield  Lodge  No.  66,  Kentucky,  Charles  M.  Bartleson,  Lodge 
No.  3,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  and  Alfred  Loomis,  Whitestown  Lodge  No.  — , 
New  York,  were  admitted  as  members.  The  following  "subordinate  offi- 
cers" were  elected  :  Henry  L.  Bryant,  Secretary  :  Charles  M.  Bartleson, 
Treasurer;  John  Anderson,  Steward;  George  H.  Rice,  Tyler;  and  Breth. 
Wyne  and  Ervin  were  appointed  Deacons. 

On  September  2d,  the  Lodge  decided  to  apply  to  the  Grand  Lodge  for 

a    charter,  and  named  Bro.  James  Chandler,  Jr.,  as  W.  M.;    Joseph  E. 

y   lie     as  S.  W.,  and  William  Ervin  as  J.  W.      On  the   7th  October,  the 


charter  granted  by  the  Grand  Lodge  was  read  and  accepted,  whereupon 
the  Lodge  proceeded  to  install  the  officers  named  in  the  charter.  As 
at  the  next  meeting  the  old  officers  appeared  in  their  places,  we  are  in- 
clined to  believe  that  the  officers  named  in  the  resolution  of  the  Lodge 
were  not  named  in  the  charter.  December  2,  another  election  was  had, 
which  resulted  as  follows  :  James  Chandler,  Jr.,  W.  M.;  Joseph  E. 
Wyne,  S.  W.;  William  T.  Head,  J.  W.;  Charles  M.  Bartleson,  Treasurer; 
Henry  L.  Bryant,  Secretary ;  Alfred  Loomis  and  Cyrus  A.  Lawson,  Dea- 
cons ;  George  H.  Rice,  Steward  and  Tyler. 


The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  in  1842,  but  for  some 
reason  the  Lodge  did  not  meet  until  the  13th  day  of  January,  1843.  The 
petition  for  dispensation  was  recommended  by  Juliet  Lodge  No.  10  ;  but 
who  the  petitioners  were  is  to  us  unknown,  or  at  least  the  majority  of 

The  record  of  the  first  meeting  reads  as  follows  : 

"  CHICAGO,  ILL.,  June  13,  A.  D.  1843,  A.  L.  5843. 

"LaFayette  Lodge,  U.  D.,  met  agreeable  to  agreement,  for  the  purpose 
of  organizing  the  same,  by  the  installation  of  officers.  Present,  the 
Worshipful  N.  Hawley,  Master  of  Juliet  Lodge  No.  10,  and  the  W. 
Samuel  H.  Gilbert,  Master  of  the  Lodge;  T.  W.  Smith,  Senior  Warden; 
Carding  Jackson,  Junior  Warden;  L.  C.  Kercheval,  Sec.,  p.  t.;  Isaac 
Haight,  Treas.,  p.  t.,  John  Davis,  S.  D.,p.  t.;  Joseph  Fischbene,  J.  D.; 
F.  A.  Howe,  Tyler,  and  Breth.  J.  H.  Sullivan  and  William  Harman, 
Master  Masons,  and  the  Lodge  was  opened  in  the  3d  degree  of  Masonry. 
The  Worshipful  Master  of  Juliet  Lodge  proceeded  to  the  installation  of 
officers  of  this  Lodge,  and  delivered  the  charge  to  the  W.  M.  and  other 
officers,  and  then  declared  the  Lodge  duly  organized.  And  on  motion 
and  second,  Bros.  Smith,  Howe,  and  Kercheval  were  appointed  a  com- 
mittee to  prepare  by-laws  and  rules  for  the  government  of  this  Lodge. 

There  being  no  further  business,  the  Lodge  was  called  from  labor  to 
refreshment  until  half-past  7  o'clock,  to-morrow." 

The  raisings  reported  by  this  Lodge  are  as  follows  :  •  P.  T.  McMahan, 

— ;  W.  H.  Davis,  Oct.  16;  John  Blackstone,  Oct.  23  ;  George  B.  Fear- 
ing, Xov.  6;  Joseph  Filkins  and  Samuel  McKay,  Nov.  27 ;  H.  Hatch, 
Dec.  4;  J.  R.  Malony  and  Florence  Mahoney,  Dec.  22.  The  names 
signed  to  the  by-laws  previous  to  the  raising  of  Bro.  McMahan,  were 
S.  H.  Gilbert,  Carding  Jackson,  II.  W.  Bigelow,  Samuel  J.  Lowe,  L.  C. 
Kercheval,  John  Davis,  J.  Fischbene,  F.  A.  Howe,  Barnabas  Hinton, 
William  Harman,  John  Ferns.  Oct.  16,  John  Ferns  was  elected  Tyler 
until  the  next  regular  communication.  Dec.  18,  the  following  officers 
were  elected  :  Carding  Jackson,  W.  M.;  II.  W.  Bigelow,  S.  W.;  Mathias 
Taylor,  J.  W.;  Samuel  J.  Lowe,  Treas.;  L.  C.  Kercheval,  Sec.;  John 


Davis,  S.  D.;  Joseph  Fishbone,  J.  D.;  F.  A.  Howe  and  "  Barney  Horton," 
Stewards;  John  Ferns,  Tyler. 

The  visitors  to  this  Lodge  were  numerous,  and  among  them  we  notice 
the  following  :  Mathias  Taylor,  of  Essex  Lodge  No.  48,  New  Jersey ;  R. 

L.  Baker,  St.  Joseph's,  Michigan ; Sampson,  Ancient  Lodge,  and 

George  K.  Cooley,  Moriah  Lodge,  both  of  New  York  ;  Joseph  A.  Atkin- 
son, St.  Stephens,  Edinburg  ;  E.  "Whetherby  and  E.  W.  Herrick,  Juliet 
No.  10 ;  John  R.  Case,  Apollo  Lodge,  Troy,  N.  Y.;  Augustus  0.  Garrett, 
Peoria  No.  15 ;  M.  Mcllvaine,  St.  John's  No.  9,  N.  Y.,  and  W.  F.  Walker, 
Apollo  Lodge,  N.  Y.,  nearly  all  of  whom  subsequently  became  members 
of  the  Lodge. 


The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  by  W.  M.  Bro.  Helm,  but 
at  what  time  we  do  not  know.  We  are  unable  to  extend  any  informa- 
tion concerning  this  Lodge,  other  than  its  returns,  from  the  fact  that  its 
early  records  were  destroyed  by  fire.  The  first  return  of  this  Lodge  was 
made  to  the  Grand  Lodge  in  1843,  at  which  time  it  was  chartered. 

This  return  we  here  give : 


"Lewis  Evans,  W.  M.;  Benj.  A.  Gallop,  S.  W.;  Benjamin  Avise,  J.  W.; 
Chancey  Robinson,  Sec.;  Samuel  Comer,  Treas.;  E.  S.  Freeman,  S.  D.; 
William  Darnall,  J.  D.;  Wm.  G.  Yetter,  Tyler. 

"MASTER  MASONS. — David  Baldwin,  J.  Berry,  Daniel  Prentis,  E.  B. 
Baldwin,  F.  J.  Bartlett,  Ellis  Hughes,  George  Buckraan,  Thomas  Ben- 

The  Lodge  was  chartered  at  the  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
in  1842.  The  hall  of  this  Lodge  was  destroyed  by  fire  in  1856,  in  which 
fire  all  the  books,  papers,  and  matters  of  record  were  consumed. 


The  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  was  held  January  9, 1843,  under  a 
dispensation  granted  by  Meredith  Helm,  Grand  Master,  at  Warsaw, 
Hancock  county.  The  following  brethren  were  present:  A.  J.  Chitten- 
den,  W.  M.;  John  Montague,  S.  W.;  James  Moss,  J.  W.;  Mark  Aldrich, 
Sec.;  M.  Plumb,  S.  D.;  L.  B.  Adams,  J.  D.;  German  Andrews,  Tyler. 

The  Lodge  being  opened  on  the  third  degree,  was  "duly  constituted" 
and  the  officers  installed,  the  following  brethren  officiating  as  grand 
officers  :  Louis  Ervin,  D.  G.  M.,  p.  L:  L.  N.  Scovill,  S.  G.  W., p.  t.;  D.  S. 
Hollister,  J.  G.  W.,p.  t.;  S.  Comer,  G.  Treas. ,p.  t.:  C.  Robinson,  G.  Sec., 
p.  t.;  B.  L.  Gallup,  S.  G.  ~D.,p.  t.;  W.  Folshaw,  J.  G.  D.,p.  t.;  E.  H.  Spin- 
ning, G.  S.  E.,p.  t.;  J.  A.  Forgis,  G.  M.,p.  t.;  E.  B.  Baldwin,  G.  T.,p.  t. 


The  following  additional  brethren  were  present :  L.  B.  Stoddard,  J. 
W.  Collidge,  J.  B.  Nobles,  and  Benjamin  Avise.  Of  these,  all  except 
Ervin  and  Avise  were  members  of  the  Mormon  Lodges  at  Nauvoo. 

The  petitions  of  Joseph  Wilkinson  and  H.  G.  Keynolds  were  received, 
referred,  and  by  authority  of  a  dispensation  from  Grand  Master  Helm, 
acted  on  instanter,  and  the  petitioners  elected.  January  10.  Joseph 
Wilkinson  and  H.  G.  Reynolds  were  initiated,  passed  and  raised,  Past 
Grand  Master  Jonathan  Nye  presiding. 

The  additional  raisings  during  the  year  1843,  were  as  follows:  II.  G. 
Stephens,  Jan.  27  ;  William  A.  Bacon,  Aug.  21 ;  C.  E.  Dodge  and  J.  Coch- 
ran,  Nov.  7;  E.  E.  Hill  and  William  A.  Baker,  Nov.  20. 

January  27,  on  motion  of  H.  G.  Reynolds,  the  Grand  Lodge  was  re- 
quested to  appoint  Bro.  Nye  as  a  delegate  to  the  Baltimore  convention. 
July  4,  the  Lodge  "  formed  a  procession  and  marched  to  the  bower  pre- 
pared for  the  occasion,  where  Bro  II.  Stevens  delivered  an  oration  suit- 
able to  the  occasion,  after  which  the  brethren  partook  of  a  sumptuous 
repast  prepared  by  the  citizens."  Sept.  1st,  the  Lodge  buried  with  the 
usual  honors,  Brio.  Joseph  Wilkinson,  the  first  brother  upon  whom  the 
Lodge  conferred  the  Master's  degree.  Oct.  12,  the  following  officers  were 
elected:  A.  J.  Chittenden,  W.  M.;  John  Montague,  S.  W.;  James  Moss, 
J.  W.;  L.  B.  Mitchell,  Treas.;  H.  Stevens,  Sec.;  L.  B.  Adams,  S.  D.;  Wil- 
liam Bacon,  J.  D.;  B.  F.  Marsh  and  M.  Aldrich,  Stewards;  German 
Andrews,  Tyler. 

Nov.  20,  Breth.  Wm.  A.  Baker,  William  Bacon  and  R.  E.  Hill  were 
demitted  in  order  to  assist  in  the  formation  of  a  new  Lodge  at  Alex- 
andria, Clark  county,  Missouri. 


The  dispensation  for  this  Lodge  was  granted  during  the  year  1842,  by 
Grand  Master  Helm,  and  made  its  first  return  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Illinois,  at  the  communication  of  1843,  We  are  unable  to  present  any 
further  information  regarding  this  Lodge  than  its  returns  from  year  to 

The  first  return  is  as  follows: 


"Lemuel  B.  Hull,  W.  M.;  Abram  B.  Smith,  S.  W.;  David  Merrill,  J. 
W.;  W.  W.  Kellogg,  Treas.;  Charles  S.  Hurley,  Sec.;  D.  F.  Lawton,  S.  D.; 
T.  Wainwright,  J.  D.;  W.  Farnsworth  and  Owen  Aldrich,  Stewards. 

"  MASTER  MASONS. — James  Sanderson,  William  M.  Card,  Henry  C. 
West,  John  Waters,  William  C.  Wartons,  David  Kerser,  Alanson  Sweet, 
Isaac  C.  Loomis. 

"  ENTERED  APPRENTICES. — Edward  Staals,  Edward  Wrisner. 


CASS  LODGE  NO.  23. 

This  Lodge  was  instituted  under  a  dispensation  granted  by  Grand 
Master  Helm,  in  the  year  1842,  made  its  first  returns  to  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  1842,  at  which  time  it  was  granted  a  charter  as  No.  11,  but  owing  to  cer- 
tain irregularities  the  vote  was  reconsidered  and  the  dispensation  con- 
tinued. In  1843  the  Lodge  was  chartered  as  No.  23.  The  number  11 
has  never  been  filled,  but  has  remained  vacant  from  that  day  to  this. 

Since  the  remarks  concerning  Cass  Lodge,  under  the  head  of  1842,  were 
written,  we  have  been  placed  in  possession  of  the  records  of  the  Lodge 
from  its  organization.  The  first  meeting  was  held  January  1st,  1842, 
when  the  following  brethren  were  present:  P.  Underwood,  A.  Bonney, 
E.  Rew,  A.  Dutch,  A.  Lyons.  In  addition  to  these  were  Breth.  Alex- 
ander Dunlap,  D.  G.  M.,  who  presided  ;  Wm.  B.  Warren,  G.  Sec.,  who 
acted  as  Senior  Warden,  and  Bro. Robinson,  of  Harmony  Lodge. 

The  officers  were  duly  installed  as  follows :  P.  Underwood,  W.  M.;  A. 
Bonney,  S.  W.;  E.  Rew,  J.  W.,  and  the  Lodge  set  to  work.  The  raisings 
during  1842  were  as  follows:  C.  S.  VanAlstine,  March  26;  Thomas 
Eyre,  April  23;  James  Logan  and  N.  B.  Thompson,  June  18;  John 
Daley,  Aug.  20. 

In  the  record  of  June  18,  we  find  the  following  entry  : 

"  Oil  motion  of  Bro.  A.  Bonne3T, 

"Resolved,  That  the  brethren  of  this  Lodge  each  wear  a  badge  of  mourning  in 
memory  of  our  deceased  Bro.  Ephraim  Rew,  for  three  months." 

This  is  the  only  allusion  to  the  death  of  this  brother. 

Sept.  18th  was  the  last  meeting  held  in  1842.  The  Lodge  did  not 
again  meet  until  May  13th,  1843.  But  one  raising  was  reported  in  1843, 
viz.:  W.  J.  DeHaven,  Sept.  2d.  On  the  20th  November,  1843, the  Lodge 
was  duly  constituted  as  Cass  Lodge  No.  23,  by  Alexander  Dunlap, Grand 


Made  the  following  return,  at  this  session  of  the  Grand  Lodge  :  Leon- 
ard Knott,  W.  M.;  Daniel  Fancy,  S.  W.;  Samuel  P.  Baily,  J.  W.;  Wm. 
B.  Doolittle,  Treas.;  I.  B.  Doolittle,  Sec.;  E.  S.  Marks,  S.  D.;  F.  Fitch,  J. 
D.;  Francis  Johnson,  Tyler. 




Raisings  reported  :  J.  C.  Mooe,  April  8th  ;  VanTramp  Turner,  August 
5th.  Jan.  9th,  the  Lodge  met,  but  was  not  opened,  owing  to  its  "being 
a  very  cold  night,  and  no  fire  conveniences." 

At  the  meeting  of  February  13th,  Bro.  Hervey,  who  had  absented  him- 
self from  several  of  the  meetings  of  the  Lodge,  moved  "that  the  3d  section 
of  the  15th  article  be  put  in  force  against  himself,  without  excuse  from 
beginning,  in  consequence  of  his  own  neglect.  Adopted,  nem  con." 
Whereupon  Bro.  H.  presented  a  bill  to  the  Lodge  for  $3.50,  which  was 
allowed,  and  the  amount  credited  to  his  account.  It  is  possible  that  Bro. 
H.  thought  the  Lodge  would  fine  him  for  absence,  and  he  having  a  bill 
against  the  Lodge,  which  had  just  before  refused  to  allow  a  number  of 
bills  for  want  of  authority  on  the  part  of  the  persons  who  contracted  the 
debts,  was  in  all  probability  fearful  his  bill  would  share  a  like  fate,  and 
accordingly  presented  it  as  a  "set  off"  against  his  fines. 

May  6th,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  Joshua  T.  Bradley,  W. 
M.;  Henry  Scott,  8.  W.;  Joseph  C.  Moore,  J.  W.;  0.  IT.  P.  Maxey,  Treas.; 
Christopher  N.  Halstead,  Sec  ;  Wingate  H.  Maddux,  Tyler.  The  follow- 
ing were  appointed  :  William  Wilcox,  and  William  Morton,  Deacons. 

It  appears  from  the  following  entry  in  the  records  of  October  7th,  that 
Bro.  Bradley  was  District  Deputy  Grand  Master  for  the  Missouri  Lodges 
in  Illinois  : 

"  Ordered,  That  the  Secretary  draw  his  order  on  the  Treasury  for  the  sum  of 
eighteen  dollars,  in  favor  of  J.  T.  Bradley,  Dist.  Dep.  Gr'd  Master,  for  dues  from 
this  Lodge  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri." 


Raisings  reported:  Caleb  K.  Burgoyne,  and  Isham  Hardy,  March 
llth  ;  Elias  Hibbard,  April  15th  ;  George  Lebold,  July  8th. 

June  3d,  we  find  the  following  record:  "Lodge  met  pursuant  to 
special  call.  Opened  on  8d  degree.  Called  off  to  attend  the  funeral  of 
Bro.  J.  C.  Bruner.  Lodge  called  on  and  passed  resolutions  appropriate  to 
the  mournful  occasion." 

Oct.  7th,  the  following  resolutions  were  passed : 

"  1st.  Resolved,  That  our  delegation  to  the  grand  annual  communication  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  to  be  holden  on  the  second  Monday  in  October  next, 
are  hereby  instructed  to  apply  to  said  Grand  Lodge  for  permission  for  this  Lodge 
to  report  to,  and  join  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  at  its  grand  annual  communi- 
cation in  A.  L.58il. 


"2d.  Resolved,  That  we  feel  grateful  to  the  officers  and  members  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri  for  the  many  aots  of  kindness  which  they  have  conferred  up- 
on us,  and  that  we  tender  them  our  fraternal  acknowledgements  for  the  same." 


This  Lodge  did  but  little  work  during  the  year,  and  that  in  the  first 
degree  only.  The  only  act  of  importance  was  the  recommendation,  on 
the  14th  of  January,  of  a  petition  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri  of 
certain  brethren  at  Platteville,  Wisconsin  Territory,  for  a  Lodge  at  that 


Raising  reported,  Nathaniel  Maddux,  February  6th. 

At  the  meeting  of  February  9th,  the  following  entry  was  made: 

"  Notice  was  given  that  at  our  next  regular  meeting  there  would  be  a 
resolution  offered  to  demit  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri." 

March  16,  the  following  record  appears  : 

"The  last  proceedings  read  and  appoved.  A  debate  sprang  up  in 
reference  to  the  resolution  to  demit  from  tbe  Grand  Lodge.  After  which, 
it  was 

"Resolved,  That  with  the  consent  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Misouri,  and  the  grant 
of  our  petition,  we  will  demit  from  her,  and  attach  ourselves  to  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Illinois." 

August  3d,  we  find  the  following: 

"  Notice  was  given  that  there  would  be  a  resolution  offered  at  the  next 
regular  meeting  to  remain  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 

And  on  September  16th,  the  following  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  That  it  is  not  the  wish  of  this  Lodge  to  demit  from  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri,  but  that  with  her  consent,  we  will  remain  under  her  jurisdiction." 

The  visit  of  Bro.  Bradley,  D.  D.  G.  M.,  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  just 
about  this  time,  may  account  for  this  action. 

February  21,  the  following  resolution  was  passed: 

"Resolved,  That  no  brother  Mason  ought  to  sue  another  brother  in  a  court  of 

September  19,  the  following  preamble  and  resolution  were  adopted  : 

"  WHEREAS,  St.  Clair  Lodge  No.  60  is  located  within  the  limits  of  the  State  of 
Illinois,  and  the  Grand  Lodge  to  which  she  owes  her  jurisdiction  is  situated  in 
another  State;  and, 

"  WHEREAS,  Every  interest  and  inducement,  as  well  as  fraternal  feeling,  prompts 
this  Lodge  to  withdraw  from  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri, 
and  become  subject  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  our  own  State;  therefore,  be  it 

"•Resolved,  That  St.  Clair  Lodge  No.  60  respectfully  intimate  to  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Missouri  their  wish  to  withdraw  from  her  jurisdiction,  for  the  purpose  of 
becoming  subject  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois." 

This  preamble  and  resolution  were  presented  by  Bro.  C.  G.  Y.  Taylor. 


The  returns  of  this  Lodge  have  the  seal  of  the  Lodge  attached,  which 
is  the  only  Lodge  that  we  have  yet  observed  which  placed  their  seal 
upon  their  returns. 

December  26,  the  "W.  M.  presented  a  "  new  charter  from  the  M.  W. 
Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  giving  the  Lodge  authority  to  work  under  the 
name  and  style  of  St.  Clair  Lodge  No.  24,  which  was  read." 

The  Lodge  then  proceeded  to  the  election  of  officers,  which  resulted  as 
follows :  "  P.  W.  Handle,  W.  M.;  Alex.  Reany,  S.  W.}  Seth  Catlin,  J.  W.; 
G.  W.  Hook,  S.  D.;  W.  G.  Goforth,  J.  D.;  C.  G.  Y.  Taylor,  Sec.;  L.  D. 
Turner,  Treas  ;  C.  H.  Kettler,  Marshal ;  D.  Wilver,  Tyler.  The  officers 
were  then  installed,  and  the  Lodge  constituted. 


Raisings  reported,  Ira  Potter  and  M.  Pendenski,  Jan.  25;  Amaziah 
Pilcher,  July  10;  J.  W.  McMurty,  Sept.  11. 

February  6,  the  following  officers  were  elected :  John  A.  Goudy,  W.  M.: 
W.  H.  H.  Barnes,  S.  W.;  A.  H.  Barnes,  J.  W.;  A.  K.  King,  Treas.;  H.  S. 
Mills,  Sec.;  M.  W.  Hall,  S.  D.;  H.  P.  Boyakin,  J.  D.;  James  Cooper, 
Steward ;  Justice  R.  Ryman,  Tyler. 

August  14,  Bro.  Bradley  Dist.  Dep.  Grand  Master,  presided.  The 
semi-annual  election  was  held.  The  gavel  was  placed  in  the  hands 
of  Bro.  H.  P.  Boyaken.  Bro.  A.  H.  Barnes  was  commanded  to  "look 
well  to  the  West,"  and  Bro.  M.  W.  Hall  received  a  like  command  as 
regarded  the  South.  The  keys  were  intrusted  to  Bro.  W.  H.  H.  Barnes, 
while  Bro.  H.  S.  Mills  was  condemned  to  another  six  months  of  "caco- 
thes  scribendi."  Justice  R.  Ryman  was  placed  between  the  Master  and 
Treasurer,  and  Ira  Potter  placed  at  the  elbow  of  the  "  Pillar  of  Strength." 
J.  Cooper  was  placed  outside  the  door,  and  A.  K.  King  appointed  to  con- 
duct the  devotional  exercises  of  the  Lodge. 

In  the  record  of  November  11,  we  find  the  following: 

"  Breth.  King,  W.  H.  H.  Barnes,  and  Hall,  were  appointed  a  committee 
to  inquire  into  and  report  to  this  Lodge  on  the  expediency  of  this  Lodge 
demitting  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  and  joining  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Illinois." 

December  11,  the  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  question  of 
severing  the  connection  of  the  Lodge  with  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri, 
asked  and  obtained  further  time  to  report. 

In  regard  to  the  Lodges  at  Ottawa  and  Kaskaskia,  we  have  no  infor- 
mation whatever. 




The  fourth  grand  annual  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge  was  held 
at  Jacksonville,  commencing  October  7th,  A.  D.  1844. 

Present :    M.  W.  ALEXANDER  DUNLAP,  G.  M., 
R.  W.  LEVI  LUSK,  D.  G.  M., 

W.  CARDING  JACKSON,  G.  S.  W.,  pro  tern., 
PETER  SWEAT,  G.  J.  W.,  pro  tern., 
WM.  B.  WARREN,  G.  Secretary, 
PHILIP  COFFMAN,  G.  Treasurer, 
CHAS.  HOWARD,  G.  8.  D.,  pro  tern., 
N.  D.  MORSE,  G.  J.  D.,  pro  tern., 
A.  V.  PUTNAM,  G.  Pursuivant, 
GEO.  HACKETT,  G.  Tyler. 


No.  3.— A.  Dunlap. 

No.  8.— Chas.  H.  Pringle. 

No.  9. — L.  Lusk. 

No.  15. — P.  Sweat. 

No.  18. — Carding  Jackson. 

No.  24.— Geo.  Kelly,  W.  G.  Goforth,  E.  H.  Talbot. 

No.  25.— Chas.  Howard,  David  Allen,  N.  D.  Morse. 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  opened  in  ample  form,  and  with  prayer  by 
the  M.  W.  Grand  Master. 

The  M.  W.  Grand  Master  then  announced  that  since  the  last  annual 
communication  he  had  granted  dispensations: 

"1st.  To  Bros.  J.  W.  Edmondson,  as  Master;  Benj.  Hibbard,  as  Sr. 
"Warden;  and  Jno.  Miles  as  Jr.  Warden,  to  hold  a  Lodge  at  Monmouth, 
Warren  county. 

"2d.  To  Bros.  N.  D.  Morse,  Master;  Jno.  A.  Wiley,  Sr.  Warden; 
E.  King,  Jr.  Warden,  to  hold  a  Lodge  in  Henderson,  Knox  county. 


"3d.  Bros.  Jacob  Hardman,  Master;  Jonathan  Miner,  Sr.  Warden: 
8  amuel  L.  Baily,  Jr.  Warden,  to  hold  a  Lodge  in  Greenville,  Bond  county. 

"  4th.  Alex.  H.  Barnes,  Master ;  W.  II.  Burnet,  Senior  Warden  ; 
Noah  Johnson,  Junior  Warden,  to  hold  a  Lodge  in  Mount  Vernon, 
Jefferson  county. 

"5th.  Aaron  Kinney,  Master:  Samuel  Gould,  Senior  Warden;  and 
Harvey  Smith,  Junior  WTarden,  to  hold  a  Lodge  in  the  town  of  Farm- 

"6th.  David  Allen,  Master:  Timothy  Souther,  Senior  Warden;  and 
Sam.  S.  Bailey,  Junior  Warden,  to  hold  a  Lodge  in  the  city  of  Alton. 

"7th.  W.  H.  Gayle,  Master:  Emery  P.  Eodgers,  Senior  Warden: 
Jno.  A.  Frank,  Junior  Warden,  to  hold  a  Lodge  in  Waterloo,  Monroe^ 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  adjourned  until  2  o'clock  P.  M. 

At  2  o'clock  the  Grand  Lodge  was  called  to  labor.  The  following 
additional  representatives  were  present :  No.  17,  C.  M.  Bartleson;  No. 
19,  John  McNeal :  No.  20,  John  Montague. 

The  Grand  Master  announced  the  following  committees  : 

Returns  and  Work. — Bros.  Jackson,  Sweat,  and  Howard. 

Petitions  and  Grievances. — Pringle,  Bartleson,  and  Kelly. 

finance  and  Accounts. — Morse,  Allen,  and  McNeal. 

Foreign  Correspondence. — Warren,  Lusk,  and  Montague. 

To  Examine  Visiting  Brethren. — Goforth,  Coffman,  and  Pringle. 

The  Grand  Lecturer  reported  as  follows  : 

"  The  G.  Lecturer  bogs  leave  to  report  that  in  obedience  to  a  resolution  adopted 
at  the  last  grand  annual  communication,  he  proceeded  to  St.  Louis,  where  he 
found  Bros.  Carnegy  and  Foster,  delegates  from  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri 
to  the  National  Convention  at  Baltimore,  and  from  them  he  obtained  the  lectures 
as  adopted  by  said  Convention,  and  is  now  ready  to  report  at  any  time  to  suit 
the  convenience  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  L.  LUSK,  G.  L. 

"  October  7th,  1844." 

The  Grand  Lodge  having  been  requested  to  exemplify  the  work  before 
Harmony  Lodge,  acceded  to  the  request. 

On  motion  of  Bro.  Lusk,  "a  committee  was  appointed  to  inquire  into 
the  expediency  of  having  a  public  procession  on  to-morrow,  and  to 
report  to-morrow  morning." 

"  The  committee  appointed  at  the  last  annual  communication  to  inquire 
into  the  amount  of  funds  belonging  to  the  Grand  Charity  Fund,  offered 
the  following  report,  which  was  received  : 


If  il.  In  account  with  the  Grand  Charity  Fund. 

Oct.  Received  of  No.  1 $7  50 

Received  of  No.  3 6  50 

Received  of  No.  4 9  75 

1  *» 

1  <J 



Received  of  No.  6 $4  25 

Oct.  5.    Received  of  No.  1 6  25 

Received  of  No.  4 11  00 

Received  of  No.  3 3  50 

Received  of  No.  C 4  00 

Received  of  No.  8 3  75 

Received  of  No.  9 7  50 

Received  of  No.  12 3  75 

Received  of  No.  23 .«...'.. 3  00 

Nauvoo 33  33 

J843  "      30  65 

Warsaw 2  50 

Hancock 3  53 

Macomb 2  50 

Nye 2  50 

l,aFayet.;e 5  25 

Rushville 9  25 

^Springfield 8'25 

Clinton 3  33 

Equality 3  00 

Vandalia '. 4  50 

Peoria 3  33 

$181  6? 
!By  cash  to  Bro.  Nye $50  00 

The  following  petition  from  Keokuk  (Eagle)  Lodge  was  received  and 
referred  to  the  Committee  on  Petitions  and  Grievances  : 

"  KEOKDK,  September  24, 1844. 
"  To  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons  of  the  State  of  Illinois : 

"Your  petitioners  beg  leave  to  state  that  they  had  letters  of  dispensation 
granted  to  them  by  our  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master,  Meredith  Helm,  bearing 
date  the  28th  day  of  December,  A.  L.  5842,  A.  D.  1842,  in  which  dispensation 
Henry  King  was  our  first  Master;  Moses  Gray,  Senior  Warden;  and  Edward  H. 
Spinning,  Junior  Warden.  Said  Lodge  was  installed  on  the  17th  day  of  January 
following,  by  Past  Grand  Master  Jonathan  Nye;  and  from  the  time  this  Keokuk 
Lodge  was  installed,  to  the  26th  of  September,  A.  L.  5843,  A.  D.  1843,  there  were 
four  persons  initiated,  passed,  and  raised,  two  others  raised,  seven  initiated,  and 
one  initiated  and  passed,  being  all  the  business  that  we  had  done  up  to  the 
above  date  of  September  20th.  We  then  made  our  report  to  the  Grand  Lodge, 
and  sent  our  book  and  work  by  L.  Scovil,  of  Nauvoo  Lodge  (our  delegate  being 
unwell  and  not  able  to  attend  the  sitting  of  the  Grand  Lodge).  Whether  said 
••Scovil  gave  us  a  fair  representation  or  not,  we  have  never  known,  but  presume 
he  did  not,  as  he  has  never  given  us  a  fair  representation  of  the  proceedings  of 
<he  Grand  Lodge;  and  we  have  known  nothing,  nor  heard  from  the  Grand 
Lodge,  only  by  common  report.  We  have  written  twice  to  the  Grand  Secretary, 
•und  received  no  answer,  and  for  what  reason  we  know  not,  but  presume  that 
he  (the  G.  S.),  did  not  get  our  communications,  otherwise  he  would  have 
answered  them.  We  further  state  that  since  we  have  heard  these  reports  that 
we  were  suspended,  we  have  ceased  to  meet  and  work  as  a  Lodge  of  Masons, 


wishing  to  conform  at  all  times  to  the  long  established  usages  of  Masonry.  We 
are  not  aware  of  any  wrong  that  we  have  done,  and  can  not  make  any  excuse  ; 
but  we  would  say  that  it  is  more  than  probable  that  we  had  committed  errors, 
as  we  had  not  the  constitution  and  by-laws  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  and 
we  had  to  be  governed  by  old  Masons  instead  of  the  by-laws  of  the  Grand 
Lodge.  We  would  further  say,  that  if  we  had  committed  errors,  they  were  of 
the  hi  ad  and  not  of  the  heart,  and  if  they  had  been  pointed  out  to  us,  we  would 
most  cheerfully  abandoned  them.  We  now  ask  the  Grand  Lodge  to  take  our 
case  under  consideration,  and  either  renew  our  dispensation  or  grant  us  a 
charter,  and  send  some  suitable  person  to  this  place  to  set  us  to  work  and  give 
us  the  necessary  instruction,  and  we  pledge  ourselves  as  Masons  to  abide  the 
same.  The  reason  we  can  not  send  a  delegate  to  the  Grand  Lodge  is,  that  almost 
every  Mason  in  this  place  is  obliged  to  attend  our  next  court  (either  as  juror?, 
parties,  or  witnesses),  which  sets  the  same  week  that  the  Grand  Lodge  holds  its 
session.  We  also  wish,  if  there  has  been  any  charges  preferred  against  us, 
either  as  men  or  Masons,  that  the  Grand  Lodge  will  send  a  committee  to  this 
place  and  inquire  into  our  character,  either  as  men  or  Masons.  By  so  doing  you 
will  confer  a  great  favor  on  your  petitioners,  and  as  in  duty  bound,  etc. 

CHAS.  8.  MOORE, 
D.  HINE,  f 
C.  E.  JOHNSON." 

Bro.  Sweat  offered  an  amendment  to  the  5th  section  of  the  by-laws, 
which  was  to  strike  out  the  words  "and  rejections  of  candidates."  The 
section  provided  that  rejections,  among  other  matters,  should  be  reported 
to  the  Grand  Secretary. 

The  Grand  Secretary  and  Treasurer  reported,  which  reports  were 
referred  to  the  Committee  on  Finance  and  Accounts. 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  adjourned  until  9  o'clock  of  next  morning, 
at  which  time  it  was  again  called  on.  The  following  additional  repre- 
sentatives were  present:  No.  ],  H.  S.  Cooley ;  No.  4,  William  Lavely  ; 
Xo.  7,  D.  B.  McKcnny. 

The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  reported  as  follows  : 

"The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges  beg  leave  to  report  in  part, 
that  they  have  examined  the  returns  of  Franklin  Lodge  No.  25,  at  Upper  Alton, 
Illinois,  and  find  said  returns  correct  and  dues  paid. 

'•Return  of  Maeomb  Lodge  No.  17,  at  Maeomb,  Illinois,  examined  and  found 
correct,  and  dues  paid. 

"  Return  of  Clinton  Lodge  No.  19,  at  Petersburg,  Illinois,  examined  and  found 
correct,  and  dues  paid. 

"Return  of  Rushville  Lodge  No.  9,  at  Rushville,  Illinois,  examined  and  found 
correct,  and  dues  paid. 

"  Return  of  LaFayette  Lodge  No.  18,  at  Chicago,  Illinois,  examined  and  found 
correct,  and  dues  paid. 

f  Commit 


"Return  of  Peoria  Lodge,  at  Peoria,  Illinois,  No.  15,  for  the  year  ISliJ,  exam- 
ined and  found  correct,  and  dues  paid  for  that  year. 

"Return  of  Peoria  Lodge,  at  Peoria,  Illinois,  No.  15,  for  the  year  18-U,  exam- 
ined and  found  correct,  and  dues  paid. 

"They  further  report,  that  they  have  examined  the  work,  return,  and  by-laws, 
of  Hiram  Lodge,  at  Henderson,  Illinois,  and  find  them  correct,  and  dues  paid, 
which  Lodge  is  working  under  dispensation,  and  now  prays  a  charter. 

"They  have  examined  the  work,  returns,  and  by-laws  of  Piasaw  Lodge,  at 
Alton  City,  Illinois,  U.  D.,  and  find  their  returns  correct,  dues  paid,  and  charter 
prayed  for. 

"They  have  examined  the  work,  returns,  and  by-laws  of  Monroe  Lodge, 
U.  D.,  at  Waterloo,  111.,  and  find  them  correct,  dues  paid,  charter  prayed  for.  We 
would  advise  that  said  Lodge  revise,  condense,  and  adopt  a  new  set  of  by-laws. 

"Your  committee  recommend  the  following  resolution: 

"Resolved,  That  a  charter  issue  to  Hiram  Lodge,  as  Hiram  Lodge  No.  26;  that 
a  charter  issue  to  Piasaw  Lodge,  as  Piasaw  Lodge  No.  27;  that  a  charter  issue  to 
Monroe  Lodge,  as  Monroe  Lodge  No.  28. 

PETER  SWEAT,          }- Committee:' 

The  Committee  on  Petitions  and  Grievances  presented  the  following 
report,  which  was  adopted  : 

"  The  committee  to  whom  the  petition  of  Eagle  Lodge  was  referred,  beg  leave 
to  report,  that  they  have  collected  all  the  information  within  their  reach,  touch- 
ing the  premises;  and  would  recommend  that  a  committee  be  appointed  to  re- 
pair to  Keokuk,  and  examine  the  subject  more  fully — and  if  said  committee 
should  report  favorably  to  the  Grand  Master,  that  the  dispensation  be  renewed, 
by  said  Lodge  paying  up  all  dues,  and  the  expenses  accruing  from  said  investi- 

"  GEORGE  KELLY,  .") 

C.  H.  PRINGLE,  }- Committee." 

CHAS.  M.  BARTLESON.       j 

The  committee  appointed  to  inquire  into/#nd  report  as  to  the  expedi- 
ency of  a  public  procession,  reported  adversely  to  any  public  demonstra- 
tion, and  offered  the  following  resolution  : 

"  Resolved,  That  Bro.  Grand  Orator,  he  requested  to  deliver  an  address  in  the 
Grand  (Lodge)  Hall  this  evening,  at  7  o'clock." 

The  resolution  was  adopted. 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  went  into  an  election,  resulting  as  follows  : 

M.  W.  LEV!  LUSK,  of  Rushville,  G.  M. 

R.  W.  CARDING  JACKSON,  of  Chicago,  D.  G.  M. 

W.  D.  ALLEN,  of  Alton,  G.  S.  W. 

W.  N.  D.  MORSE,  of  Henderson,  G.  J.  W. 

W.  W.  B.  WARREN,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  Sec. 

W.  P.  COFFMAN,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  Treas. 

W.  R.  E.  SMITH,  of  Quincy,  G.  O. 
REV.  CHAS.  HOWARD,  of  Alton,  G.  C. 

W.  GEO.  HACKETT,  of  Jacksonville,  G.  T. 


The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  oft'  until  2  o'clock  P.  M.,  when  it 
again  met  and  was  called  to  labor.  Present:  Same  officers  and  mem- 
bers as  in  the  morning.  Bro.  Lusk,  who  had  been  appointed  special 
delegate  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  reported  as  follows: 

"The  undersigned,  who  was  at  the  Grand  Annual  Communication  of  this 
Grand  Lodge  appointed  a  delegate  to  the  M.  \V.  G.  L.  of  Missouri,  begs  leave  to 
report,  that  in  obedience  to  the  resolution  appointing  him,  he  visited  said  Grand 
Lodge  at  its  annual  convention.  He  had  nothing  specially  committed  to  his 
charge  to  communicate  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  but  the  courtesies  of 
this  Grand  Lodge. 

"  It  is  with  great  pleasure  that  he  announces  to  this  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  that 
his  reception  as  your  delegate  was  every  way  worthy  of  the  M.  W.  G.  Lodge  of 
Missouri,  and  evinced  a  disposition  on  the  part  of  that  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  to 
cultivate  and  reciprocate  the  relations  which  should  ever  characterize  the  mem- 
bers of  the  Masonic  family. 

"  L.  LUSK." 

The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  made  the  following  additional 
report : 

"  The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges  beg  leave  further  to  report 
that  they  have  examined  the  returns  of  Harmony  Lodge  No.  3,  and  find  them 
correct  and  dues  paid. 

"  They  have  examined  the  returns  of  Macon  Lodge  No.  8,  and  find  them  cor- 
rect and  dues  paid. 

"They  have  examined  the  returns  of  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4,  and  find  them 
correct  and  dues  paid. 

"They  have  examined  the  returns  of  Friendship  Lodge  No.  7,  and  find  them 
correct  and  dues  paid. 

"They  have  examined  the  returns  of  Hancock  Lodge  No.  20,  and  find  them 
correct  and  dues  paid. 


Bro.  R.  M.  Young  offered  the  following  : 

"  Resolved,  That  we  esteem  the  'Masonic  College  of  Missouri,'  recently  estab- 
lished in  Monroe  county,  Missouri,  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  that  State,  an  insti- 
tution worthy  of  our  highest  regard,  aiid  claiming  our  deep  interest  and  solicitude 
for  its  success. 

••  A''  .-:ii!cdl,  That  we  recommend  the  attention  of  every  brother  of  the  Fraterni- 
ty, and  of  the  friends  of  education  generally,  to  the  facility  which  the  institution 
affords  for  the  acquisition  of  a  thorough  education. 

"Resolved,  That  a  committee  of  three  be  appointed  by  the  Grand  Lodge,  to 
ascertain  whether  beneficiaries  will  be  received  into  the  institution  from  this 
State,  and  also  to  recommend  what  further  action,  if  any,  shall  be  taken  by  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  this  State,  for  the  purpose  of  advancing  the  cause  of,  and  facil- 
itating the  means  of  acquiringan  education,  and  that  said  committee  make  their 
report  to  this  Grand  Lodge  at  the  next  annual  communication." 

Which,  on  motion,  was  adopted,  and  Bro.  Grand  Orator,  R.  M.  Young, 
appointed  a  committee  to  carry  the  same  into  effect. 


Bro.  Lavely  moved  to  amend  the  by-laws,  by  striking  out  the  word 
"Jacksonville"  and  inserting  the  word  "Springfield."  Which  amend- 
ment Bro.  Young  amended  by  moving  to  strike  out  "Springfield"  and 
inserting  "Quincy." 

The  Grand  Secretary  offered  the  following  resolution  : 

"  Resolved,  That  hereafter  no  subordinate  Lodge  will  be  required  to  pay  Grand 
Lodge  dues  for  any  members  under  the  degree  of  Master  Mason,  and  that  alf 
moneys  paid  during  the  present  communication  upon  E.  A.  and  Fellow  Craft, 
be  refunded." 

Which  was  adopted. 

The  Grand  Master  elect  announced  the  following  appointments : 

ADAMS  DUNLAP,  Rushville,  Deputy  G.  Secretary. 
PETER  SWEAT,  Peoria,  S.  G.  D. 
CHAS.  H.  PRINGLE,  Deeatur,  J.  G.  D. 
MATTHEW  STACY,  Jacksonville,  G.  Marshal.   ' 
H.  C.  RBMANN,  Vandalia,  G.  Steward. 
WILLIAM  LAVELY,  Springfield,  G.  S.  B. 

In  this  list  of  elected  and  appointed  grand  officers,  were  three  future 
Grand  Masters,  viz.:  William  B.  Warren,  Nelson  D.  Morse,  and  William 
Lavely.  The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  off  until  7  o'clock. 

At  7  o'clock  in  the  evening  of  Tuesday,  the  Grand  Lodge  was  called 
to  labor.  An  oration  was  delivered  by  Bro.  Cooley. 

On  motion  of  Bro.  McKenney,  the  Grand  Secretary  and  Treasurer 
were  directed  to  purchase  a  set  of  jewels  and  collars,  not  to  cost  exceed- 
ing $100. 

A  vote  of  thanks  was  tendered  Bro.  Cooley  for  his  "eloquent  and  able 
address,"  and  a  copy  requested  for  publication.  After  granting  Bro. 
Lavely  leave  of  absence  for  the  remainder  of  the  session,  the  Grand 
Lodge  called  off  until  Wednesday  morning. 

Wednesday  morning  the  Grand  Lodge  was  called  to  labor — the  same 
officers  and  members  present  as  the  proceeding  day.  Bro.  Carding  Jack- 
son offered  the  following,  which  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  That  at  the  Annual  Communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  each 
member  thereof  appear  with  his  appropriate  jewel." 

Bro.  Nelson  D.  Morse  moved  to  amend  the  by-laws,  by  striking  out 
the  word  "Jacksonville"  and  inserting  the  word  "  Peoria,"  which  was 
laid  over  one  year. 

Bro.  Warren  offered  a  resolution  (which  was  adopted,)  providing  for 
the  appointment,  on  the  first  day  of  each  session,  of  a  Committee  on 
Lodges  U.  D. 

The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  made  an  additional  report,  as 


"The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  mad  on  report,  accompanied  with  two 
resolutions,  which  on  motion  were  adopted,  as  follows, 

"  The  Committee  on  Returns  and  Work  of  Lodges  beg  leave  to  further  report, 
that  they  have  examined  the  returns  of  Bodley  Lodge  No.  1,  and  rind  that  in 
several  instances  several  Lodges  initiated  candidates  where  their  petitions  had 
not  been  twenty  days;  otherwise  they  find  returns  of  said  Lodge  correct,  with 
the  exception  of  the  want  of  an  account  current. 

"They  have  examined  the  work  of  Pekin  Lodge,  U.  D.,  and  find  it  correct 
and  dues  paid  ;  no  by-laws  presented  to  your  committee  ;  said  Lodge  praying  a 

"Resolved,  That  your  committee  recommend  that  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  be 
authorized  to  grant  said  Pekin  Lodge  a  charter,  whenever  said  Lodge  shall  have 
for  the  same,  and  send  into  the  M.  W.  G.  Master,  a  copy  of  their  by-laws,  if  said 
by-laws  are  correct. 

"They  further  report  that  no  returns  have  been  made  from  the  following 
Lodges  :  Nos.  2,  6,  10, 13, 14,  16,  21,  22,  and  23;  Lodges  U.  D.,  Monmouth,  Farm- 
ington,  Mt.  Vernon,  and  Kaskaskia. 

"  In  closing  this  Deport,  your  committee  would  say  that  from  the  returns  and 
papers  presented  from  different  Lodges,  they  find  them  in  a  prosperous  condi- 
tion— yet  your  committee  are  of  the  opinion  that  some  Lodges  work-too  rapidly, 
inasmuch  as  they  initiate  a  candidate  at  a  regular  communication;  then  the 
Lodge  adjourns  over  for  a  day  or  two,  then  raises  the  same  candidate. 

"  Your  committee  would  recommend  the  following  resolution  : 

"Retolved,  That  this  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  would  recommend  to  the  Lodge* 
under  their  jurisdictions  to  do  all  their  business  in  a  Lodge  of  Master  Masons,  ex- 
cept conferring  the  first  and  second  degrees.  They  would  further  recommend 
that  all  balloting  for  candidates  for  initiation  be  ta'ken  at  a  regular  communica- 
tion, and  that  no  ballot  for  a  candidate  for  initiation  be  taken  at  an  adjourned 
Lodge,  unless  it  be  in  case  of  emergency,  which  should  be  so  stated. 


Bro.  D.  Allen,  (S.  G.  W.)  of  Alton,  moved  to  amend  the  by-laws  by 
striking  out  the  word  "Jacksonville"  and  inserting  "the  City  of  Alton" 
— which  was  laid  over  one  year. 

Communications  from  the  Grand  Lodges  of  Virginia,  Mississippi,  and 
Pennsylvania  were  presented  by  the  Grand  Secretary,  and  referred  to 
the  Committee  on  Foreign  Correspondence.  The  Grand  Secretary  waa 
directed  to  call  upon  Milwaukee  Lodge  for  its  returns  and  duef. 

On  motion  of  Bro.  Goforth,  of  Belleville,  the  following  was  adopted: 

"Resolved,  That  the  Committee  on  Finance  and  Accounts,  in  connection  with 
the  Grand  Secretary,  be  required  to  make,  a  general  report  of  the  receipts  nnd 
expenditures  of  this  Grand  Lodge  since,  its  formation,  stating  the  amount  re- 
ceived for  dispensation*,  charters,  and  dues,  separately  and  distinctly,  and 
from  whom  received  ;  also  the  amount  expended,  and  for  what  purpose." 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  from  labor  until  2  o'clock,  at  which 
time  it  was  again  called  on.  The  grand  officers  were  then  installed. 

Bro.  Coffmau  moved  that  a  delegate  be  appointed  to  attend  the  next 
communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  which  was  lost.  The 
dues  of  Monroe  Lodge  were  remitted. 


On  motion  of  Bro.  Sweat,  of  Peoria,  a  vote  of  thanks  was  tendered  to 
Bro.  Dunlap,  P.  G.  M.,  "  for  the  able,  dignified,  and  courteous  manner  " 
in  which  he  had  discharged  his  duties  as  Grand  Master. 

The  Committeeon  Returns  and  Work  reported  adversely  to  the  grant- 
ing of  the  petition  contained  in  certain  resolutions  of  Warsaw  Lodge 
^o.  21.  This  resolution  of  Warsaw  Lodge  does  not  appear  in  the  pro- 
ceedings, neither  is  there  any  mention  of  the  same  in  the  records  of  War- 
saw Lodge — consequently  we  are  unable  to  present  them. 

The  oration  of  Bro.  Cooley  was  ordered  to  be  printed  with  the  pro- 
ceedings, and  two  hundred  copies  additional  for  distribution.  The 
Grand  Master  was  authorized  to  grant  charters  during  vacation,  to  such 
Lodges  under  dispensation  as  in  his  opinion  were  entitled  to  the  same. 

On  motion  of  Bro.  Lusk,  the  following  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  By  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  that  "the  rules  for  the 
organization  and  establishing  a  Grand  Convention  of  Ancient,  Free,  and  Ac- 
cepted Masons,  as  passed  by  the  convention  of  Masons,  at  the  meeting  in  May, 
in  the  year  1843,  in  the  city  of  Baltimore,  composed  of  eight  sections,  as  the 
same  are  set  forth  in  the  printed  proceedings  thereof,  be  and  the  same  are 
hereby  adopted  by  this  Grand  Lodge." 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  called  off  until  7  o'clock  P.  M.,  at  which 
time  it  again  assembled  and  was  called  to  labor. 
The  following  was  adopted  : 

"WHEREAS,  The  M.  W.  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  at  their  last  communication, 
thought  proper  to  withdraw  from  Nauvoo,  Helm,  and  Nye  Lodges,  the  dispensa- 
tions which  had  been  granted  them,  for  gross  unmasonic  conduct ;  and  whereat 
the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  did  during  vacation  send  a  .special  messenger  to 
Nauvoo,  and  demand  the  dispensation  aforesaid,  which  command  was  treated 
with  contempt,  and  not  only  a  positive  refusal  given  by  said  Lodge,  but  a  deter- 
mination expressed  to  continue  their  work  : 

"Now  Resolved,  By  this  Grand  Lodge,  that  all  fellowship  with  said  Lodges,  and 
members  thereof,  be  withdrawn,  and  the  associations  of  Masons  working  these 
Lodges  are  hereby  declared  clandestine,  and  all  the  members  hailing  therefrom 
suspended  from  all  the  privileges  of  Masonry  within  the  jurisdiction  of  this 
Grand  Lodge,  and  that  our  sister  Grand  Lodges  be  requested  to  deny  them  the 
same  privileges. 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  be  directed  to  address  a  circular  on  the 
subject  to  all  the  Grand  Lodges  in  correspondence  with  this  Grand  Lodge,  and 
request  the  same  to  be  published  in  all  Masonic  Periodicals." 

On  motion  of  Bro.  Howard,  the  work  as  reported  by  Bro.  Lusk  was 

The  Committee  on  Foreign  Correspondence  reported  as  follows  : 

"The  Committee  on  Foreign  Correspondence. beg  leave  respectfully  to  report, 
that  they  have  examined  the  Journals  of  Proceedings  from  the  following  Grand 
Lodges,  viz. :  New  York,  Maine,  Maryland,  District  of  Columbia,  New  Hampshire, 
Ohio,  Alabama,  South  Carolina.  Pennsylvania,  Indiana,  Kentucky,  Rhode  Island, 
Virginia,  Georgia,  Missouri,  Florida,  Connecticut,  Iowa,  Wisconsin,  North  Caro- 
lina, Massachusetts,  Louisiana,  and  Mississippi.  In  all  of  which  they  find  much 
of  interest  and  instruction  to  the  Masonic  family — much  which  our  limited 
time  alone  prevents  us  from  noticing  and  bringing  before  your  body  for  action, 
or  at  least  encouragement,  evidencing  as  they  all  do,  that  the  sunshine  of  peace 


and  prosperity  is  shedding  its  benign  influence  around  our  time-honored  insti- 
tution— that  the  cloud  of  ignorance  and  prejudice  which  has  for  a  time  lowered 
over  us,  is  passing  away,  and  that  Masonry,  having  out-lived  the  slander  and 
detraction  of  ignorance,  is  now  moving  hand  in  hand  with  the  intelligence  of 
the  age,  and  with  the  worthy  and  the  good  of  every  clime  has  an  advocate  and 
n  friend. 

"  Your  committee  unfeignedly  regret  that  time  will  not  allow  them  to  do  jus- 
tice to  the  matters  contained  in  the  journals  before  them;  and  that  the  object 
and  the  end  of  their  appointment  is  thereby  in  a  ;-zreat  measure  lost  to  the  Fra- 
ternity; believing  that  annual  statement  of  the  progress,  history,  prospect  and 
condition  of  the  several  Grand  Lodges  throughout  the  world,  together  with 
their  decisions  upon  questions  of  importance  to  the  Craft,  would  do  much  to  call 
forth  that  emulation  of  "who  can  best  work  and  who  can  best  agree."  The 
principles  of  our  Order  are  the  same.  The  interests  of  our  Order  are  identical, 
hence,  whatever  of  good  or  evil  pertains  to  one,  call  forth  the  sympathy  of  all. 

'•Your  committee  beg  leave  to  submit  a  summary  of  such  matters,  as  they 
think  most  worthy  of  your  consideration. 

"And  first,  from  that  text-book  of  Masonry,  the  transactions  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  New  York,  we  beg  leave  to  extract  the  following  notice  of  her  Euro- 
pean correspondence: 

"The  Committee  on  Foreign  Correspondence  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Maine, 
have  prepared  and  published  an  eloquent  address  on  the  institution  and  princi- 
ples inculcated  by  Masonry,  which  every  member  of  our  Ortjjer  might  read  with 

"And  now  we  come  to  notice  the  most  important  and  interesting  part  of  our 
duty,  which  is  a  review  of  the  documents  received  from  Switzerland.  To  do 
justice  to  this  part  of  our  report,  we  should  have  to  transcribe  those  interesting 
documents  entire.  They  are  rich  in  Masonic  lore,  and,  indeed,  are  the  embodi- 
ment of  every  thing  that  is  great  and  good,  and  valuable  in  our  venerable  and 
illustrious  Order. 

"  We  are  indebted  to  Bro.  Constantine  Sargint,  for  an  elegant  translation  of 
these  valuable  documents  from  the  French,  and  for  the  loan  of  his  translation, 
which  was  made  by  him  for  the  Lodge  of  Strict  Observance,  of  which  he  is  a 

"These  documents  comprise : 

"1st.  The  general  statutes  and  regulations  of  the  National  Grand  Lodge  of 

"  2d.    Instructions  and  directions  for  the  use  of  the  Lodge?. 

"3d.    Installation  of  the  National  Grand  Lodge. 

"4th.    Extracts  from  the  annual  report  of  the  Grand  Master. 

••  5th.    State  and  condition  of  Masonry  in  the  years  5840  and  5841. 

"  6th.    Report  of  the  National  Grand  Master  of  Switzerland  for  the  year  5842. 

"  We  would  respectfully  recommend  that  all  these  documents  be  published 
for  the  use  of  the  American  Fraternity,  and,  instead  of  being  distributed  gratu- 
itously, sold  at  a  moderate  price,  by  the  authority  and  under  the  direction  of 
this  Grand  Body,  which  would  relieve  it  of  any  expense,  while  it  would  contrib- 
ute to  the  diffusion  of  a  vast  amount  of  Masonic  light  and  knowledge. 

"We  now  proceed  to  give  a  few  extracts  from  these  papers.  In  the  circular 
of  the  National  Grand  Master,  he  thus  speaks: 


"'Masonry  relies  in  the  quality  and  not  in  the  quantity  of  the  brotherhood, 
and  its  firmest  support  is  to  be  found  in  the  happy  choice  of  its  initiates,  and 
not  in  the  frequency  of  its  institutions.'  In  another  place  he  says,  'the  evil 
lays  in  the  unfortunate  facility  of  initiations.  If  faithful  to  the  principles  of 
Freemasonry,  we  would  exact  from  candidates  a  certain  degiee  of  education,  easi- 
ness of  circumstances,  honor,  morals,  etc.  There  would  be  no  Mason  unworthy 
of  our  benevolence,  as  no  one  would  make  of  this  title  an  object  of  speculation.' 
And  in  another  place  :  'Avoid  above  all  the  fatal  error  which  makes  the  strength 
of  a  Lodge  consist  in  the  number  of  its  members.  Every  virtuous  man  is  our 
brother,  but  unfortunately  every  brother  is  not  a  true  Mason.  Should  there  be 
found  among  you  seven  brothers  animated  by  the  same  zeal  for  the  perfection 
of  humanity,  and  who  should  actively  work,  be  assured  that  such  alliance  would 
not  the  less  be  cherished  by  the  entire  Fraternity  as  just  and  perfect,  and  you 
would  the  more  surely  find  in  it  the  happiness  of  an  intimate  union.' 

"  The  following  is  an  extract  from  the  report  of  the  Grand  Council  of  Admin- 
istration, dated  10th  of  June,  5837. 

" '  We  will  call  to  the  recollection  of  the  Lodges  that  they  are  formally  engaged 
to  perform  the  obligations  presented  by  the  general  rules  of  the  Grand  Lodge, 
and  which  impose  upon  them  the  duty  (so  easily  fulfilled)  of  sending  annually 
to  the  National  Grand  Master  a  report  of  the  work  of  the  year  past,  together 
with  a  register  of  their  members.  We  fervently  solicit  them  to  pay  attention  to 
the  troubles  to  which  those  Lodges  expose  themselves  which  remain  inactive 
for  twelve  months,  or  who  allow  that  term  to  pass  without  sending  either  reports 
or  register;  and  we  should  be  excessively  pained,  if  either  the  one  or  the 
other  cause  should  compel  us  to  apply  the  penalties  of  the  General  Statutes  as 
provided  in  such  cases.  If  the  reports  and  registers  arenot  regularly  forwarded 
every  year,  gaps  would  unavoidably  result  in  the  archives  of  the  Grand  Lodge, 
which  might  become  very  hurtful  should  there  be  at  any  time  a  necessity  of 
consulting  them.' 

"In  another  place:  'Orations,' delivered  in  Lodges,  are  recommended,  'as  a 
good  school  for  every  brother,  who,  in  the  profane  world  is  called  upon  to  speaK 
in  public,  or  to  enlighten  his  fellow-citizens.  We  do  not  pay  sufficient  attention 
to  the  fact,  that  the  Masonic  virtues  exercise  a  marked  influence  in  the  profane 

"  In  another  place :  '  To  act  in  accordance  with  the  meaning  of  the  Institution, 
it  is  indispensably  requisite  that  you  should  be  Masons,  and  nothing  but  Masons, 
You  should  endeavor  to  get  rid  of  all  prejudices  and  of  all  preferences  of  per- 
sons, place  and  circumstances.  It  is  precisely  one  of  the  bad  features  of  the 
character  of  our  times,  that  we  do  not  appreciate  the  intrinsic  value  of  a  man, 
but  by  his  political  coloring,  a  reproach  deserved  by  all  parties  without  distinc- 
tion. If  the  Lodges  and  their  members  engage  in  these  fatal  views,  they  trans- 
form themselves  into  parties;  they  become  clubs, arenas  of  bitter  and  irritating 
discussions,  and  ruin  themselves  and  our  association  ;  as  in  political  and  reli- 
gious matters,  men  do  not  listen  to  reason.  Thus  the  principal  Masonic  statutes 
which  forbid  us  to  speak  of  these  matters,  either  in  the  Lodge  or  in  committee, 
are  as  ancient  as  they  nre  wise ;  we,  therefore,  forcibly  insist  that  they  be  strictly 
observed,  because,  as  it  is  said  with  so  much  justice  in  one  of  the  articles  of  gene- 
ral duties,  it  is  by  these  means  only  that  Freemasonry  becomes  a  union  for  all 
men,  draws  together  and  binds  with  a  faithful  friendship,  persons  who  without 
them  would  continually  remain  apart.' 

"At  a  session  of  the  National  Grand  Lodge  of  the  24th  of  June,  5842,  Bro. 
Mieville,  Venerable  of  the  Lodge  of  Lausanne,  on  the  occasion  of  the  installa- 
tion of  officers,  addressed  the  assembly — from  which  we  make  a  few  extracts .- 


•  We  are  all  employed  in  the  raising  of  a  Temple  to  Solomon!  Every  day  we 
bear  to  it  a  stone ;  but  our  efforts  not  being  sufficiently  united,  and  from  their 
deplorable  isolations,  were  hurtful  in  their  effects.  Let  us  congratulate  our- 
*elve»,  R.  W.  brethren,  that  we  now  belong  to  a  national  Institution,  which  by 
Masonic  ties  will  bind  still  more  closely  our  social  ones,  and  which  offers  to  us 
in  all  the  members  of  the  alliance,  friends  and  brothers,  all  of  us  zealous  to  dis- 
charge the  double  debt  imposed  upon  us  by  the  touching  voice  of  our  country, 
and  the  sacred  appeal  of  Masonry. 

"  '  A  good  Mason  is  always  a  good  citizen,  a  just  magistrate,  a  good  son,  and  a 
faithful  husband.'  * 

*  *  'We  establish  well  organized  societies.  Nay  more,  societies  which  bear 
an  ardent  love  for  their  country,  a  respect  for  religion,  obedience  to  the  laws 
which  govern  us,  and  an  unextinguishable  love  for  good  order  and  virtue.' 

"'When  modern  Masonry  made  its  appearance  with  its  systems,  its  innova- 
tions and  its  abuses,  it  necessarily  opposed  the  natural  tendency  of  Masonry  and 
introduced  into  it  hurtful  changes.' 

"  '  Far  be  from  us,  all  subjection  of  conscience,  and  all  hierarchial  despotism  ; 
they  are  both  in  contradiction  to  true  Masonry.  An  association  of  enlightened 
men  and  free  from  prejudices,  demands  in  this  age,  with  great  outcry,  for  a  con- 
cordance of  sentiments  and  action.  But  a  society  can  never  prosper  if  she  acts 
arbitrarily  or  in  the  absence  of  laws.  A  legislative  and  executive  force  had  to  be 
formed  as  a  basis  of  our  alliance  ;  every  one  should  submit  to  it,  as  they  have  all 
freely  voted  for  its  adoption.' 

"  'The  most  ancient  Masonic  documents,  the  most  remote  traditions,  and  the 
reiterated  declarations  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  England  (which  is  acknowledged 
by  all  Orients  as  the  mother  Lodge  of  the  ancient  Fraternity  of  Free  and  Accept- 
ed Masons)  prove  that  ancient  and  true  Free  Masonry  consists  in  the  three  de- 
grees of  St.  John. 

"'All  Lodges,  even  those  of  modern  Masonry,  agree  to  it,  by  giving  to  them- 
selves the  name  of  St.  John,  but  above  all  by  celebrating  the  festival  of  St.  John 
the  Baptist,  the  patron  of  the  Ancient  Fraternity. 

"'  Nevertheless,  it  is  requisite  and  prudent  not  to  precipitate  that  which  may 
be  an  affair  of  belief  or  even  of  opinion,  and  the  adage  of  our  Grand  Mother 
Lodge  leaves  us  to  hope  that  Masonry  will,  little  by  little,  reunite  that  which  is 
divided  by  opinion  and  prejudices.' 

"  Next  follows, '  The  general  duties  of  Ancient,  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  and 
Masonic  regulations,'  which  is  a  complete  body  of  Ethics  ;  and  being  a  com- 
pound of  beauties  from  beginning  to  end,  in  order  to  do  justice  to  any  part,  we 
should  have  transcribed  the  whole.  We  are  reluctantly  compelled  to  content 
ourselves  with  this  bare  notice  of  it,  trusting  that  the  whole  of  these  invaluable 
documents  will  speedily  be  published,  and  thus  afford  the  Craft  an  opportunity 
of  feasting  upon  their  delightful  contents. 

"The  following  extracts  are  from  the  report  of  the  Grand  Master  of  the  National 
Grand  Lodge,  in  the  year  5840  :  '  The  prosperity  of  all  associations,  and  more 
especially  a  Masonic  one,  essentially  depends  on  the  matter  in  which  it  is  com- 
posed. Unfortunately,  (and  experience  proves  it  every  day)  we  see  that  in  all 
countries  there  are  Lodges  which  are  but  just  established,  and  frequently  not 
without  great  effort,  where  we  find  arising  among  them  frightful  dissensions, 
which  soon  lead  to  suspension  of  work,  and  even  to  a  dissolution  of  the  Lodge 
itself,  and  if  this  result  docs  not  always  happen,  it  is  because  sometimes  there 
are  found  a  clique  of  members  who  are  bound  together  merely  by  interested 
motives,  who  endeavor  by  means  of  numerous  initiations  to  fill  the  vacuum  which 
a  bad  administration  had  produced  in  the  funds  of  their  Lodges.  Deplorable 
examples  might  be  adduced  in  support  of  these  considerations.' 

"  '  It  is  something  in  this  world  not  to  make  ourselves  remarkable  by  our  vices, 
but  that  we  may  become  true  Masons  we  should  render  ourselves  dis'tinguished 
by  our  real  virtues.' 


'"The  ritual  requires  an  interval  of  thirty  days  between  the  time  of  proposing 
a  candidate  and  his  initiation,  during  which  time, 'his  name  must  remain  affixed 
to  the  door  of  the  Lodge  in  order  that  the  members  may  have  a  knowledge  of 
the  same,  and  that  they  may  oppose  him  if  necessary,  and"  at  all  events,  that  they 
may  make  inquiries  on  the  candidate,  especially  if  it  is  for  initiation  or  aggre- 
gation. In  departing  from  this  wise  prescription,  the  Lodges  deprive  themselves 
of  the  means  of  information  in  regard  to  the  candidates,  and  expose  themselves 
to  the  danger  of  initiating  or  affiliating  in  a  careless  manner,  of  which  they  may 
afterwards  have  reason  to  repent.'  There  is  another  regulation  of  the  ritual 
which  we  see  sometimes  eluded.  It  is  that  which  requires  an  interval  of  one 
year  between  the  1st  and  2d  degrees,  and  the  same  between  the  2d  and  3d.  It 
has  this  bad  effect,  that  notwithstanding  the  assertion  to  the  contrary,  it  is  ab- 
solutely impossible  for  a  brother,  let  his  capacity  or  assiduity  be  what  it  may.  to 
acquire  in  a  shorter  space,  the  knowledge  of  his  degree,  even  in  regard  to  its 
forms  and  customs.  To  neglect  this  regulation,  and  advance  at  the  expiration 
of  a  few  months,  nay,  sometimes  a  few  days,  a  newly  initiated  member  to  the 
Master's  Degree,  is  an  intolerable  abuse,  and  it  has  likewise  this  fault  also,  that 
it  strips  all  the  merit  from  that  degree,  which  is  the  most  sublime  one,  and  ought 
never  to  be  attained,  but  as  a  reward  of  zeal,  aptness  and  perseverance.' 

"The  next  document  that  we  come  to,  is  on  the  'state  and  condition  of  Mason- 
ry in  the  years  5840  and  5841,  extracted  from  the  annual  report  of  the  Giand 
Council  of  Administration  of  the  National  Grand  Lodge  of  Switzerland  for  1841.' 
"  In  this  paper  are  notices  of  Grand  Orients  beyond  the  Sea,  embracing  Africa, 
America,  Great  Britain,  with  the  continental  Lodges  of  Belgium,  Bavaria,  Den- 
mark, and  Holstein,  France,  Frankfort  on  the  Main,  Hamburg,  Hanover,  Holland 
Prussia,  Saxony  and  Sweden.  At  the  close  of  this  summary  it  is  remarked,  that, 
'  In  Austria,  Russia,  Italy,  Spain,  and  Portugal,  Masonry  was  heretofore  tolerated  ; 
it  is  at  present  prohibited.  This  result  may  be  attributed  in  a  great  measure  to 
the  influence  of  bigotry,  but  it  may  also  be  to  the  circumstance,  that  they  abused 
the  signs  of  Masonry.  That  under  cloak  of  this  institution,  they  organized 
secret  societies  with  political  ends  in  view,  and,  in  opposition  to  their  solemn 
obligations,  there  were  some  Masons  who  assisted  in  it.' 

"  We  have  had  occasion  before,  to  remark  on  the  illiberal  conduct  observed 
towards  the  Jews  in  some  of  the  German  Lodges,  and  extract  the  following  ac- 
count of  a  transaction  which  took  place  in  the  Lodge  de  St.  George  in  Pin  Ver- 
doyant,  at  Hamburg: 

'"On  balloting  for  an  Israelite  brother  in  this  Lodge,  the  ballot  box  showed  in 
a  vote  of  8(5,  twenty  negative  ballots.  From  this  there  resulted  a  difficulty  which 
was  got  over  in  a  manner  answering  to  the  spirit  of  Masonic  toleration;  and 
which  did  honor  to  the  Lodge.  In  short,  after  having  maturely  examined 
motives  which  had  actuated  the  rejection,  and  which  consisted  only  in  the  dif- 
ference of  religious  belief,  she  declared  them  inadmissable,  and  rested  on  the 
following  reasons  :  ''Fora  long  time  past,  the  Grand  Orients  of  England,  France, 
Holland,  and  North  America,  have  admitted  Israelites  into  the  bosom  of  their 
Lodges.  To  refuse  a  Mason  merely  because  he  is  not  a  Christian,  would  be  con- 
trary to  the  ancient  statutes  of  the  Fraternity.  According  to  the  most  ancient 
documents  of  Free  Masonry,  regarding  the  initiation  of  a  profane,  or  the  aggre- 
gation of  a  brother,  they  simply  require,  that  he  should  be  no  Atheist,  and  that 
he  should  profess  the  religion  upon  which  oilmen  agree ;"  in  other  words,  that  ho 
should  be  a  good  and  faithful  citizen,  and  a  man  of  honor  and  probity.' 
"The  following  notice  is  taken  of  the  United  States  : 

"'The  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  New  York  is  in  a  flourishing  condition. 
She  sends  representatives  to  several  Grand  Orients. 

'"The  emigration  to  that  country  of  so  many  Europeans,  has  given  rise  to  a 
diversity  of  rites,  hurtful  to  the  simplicity  of  the  ancient  and  respectable  fra- 
ternity. To  remedy  the  confusion  arising  from  it,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Alabama 
deemed  it  necessary  to  invite  all  the  Grand  Lodges  of  the  Union  to  meet  in  con- 
vention at  Washington,  in  March,  1842,  in  order  to  deliberate  on  a  uniform  ritual 
to  be  introduced  in  all  the  Lodges  of  the  United  States. 

"'This  convention  will  present  an  opportunity  for  the  establishment  of  a 
General  Grand  Lodge  for  the  vast  Empire  of  the  United  States. 


'•  •  From  information  received  of  the  Lodge."  in  North  America,  we  learn  that 
many  of  them  have  so  changed  and  augmented  the  signs  of  recognition,  pass- 
words and  grips,  that  a  foreign  brother,  wishing  to  visit  those  Lodges,  can  with 
great  difficulty  gain  access  to  them.  Simple  certificates  are  no  longer  sufficient. 
In  Germany,  persons  wishing  to  visit  the  United  States  are  recommended  to 
furnish  themselves  with  special  letters  of  recommendation  to  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  New  York.' 

"  In  the  report  of  the  National  Grand  Master  of  Switzerland,  for  the  year  5842, 
in  sneaking  of  the  United  Grand  Lodge  of  England,  and  in  which  is  quoted  the 
report  from  Hamburg,  we  have  the  opinion  of  the  late  lamented  and  most  illus- 
trious Grand  Master  of  England,  the  Duke  of  Sussex,  in  relation  to  recent  move- 
ments as  to  our  Israelitish  brethren,  brought  in  incidentally  with  other  matters, 
and  we  transcribe  the  whole,  as  no  part  can  be  well  severed  from  the  other: 

'• '  If  the  Grand  Lodge  of  England  (says  the  report,  from  Hamburg) attracts  the 
special  attention  of  the  Masonic  world,  it  is  very  natural,  as  we  look  upon  her  as 
the  mother  Lodge  of  Masonry,  and  more  particularly  as  she  has  extended  her 
relations  and  counts  affiliated  Lodges  in  the  most  distant  parts  of  the  globe. 

•"  The  Grand  Lodge  has  revised  and  published  in  1841,  her  general  statutes; 
she  has  increased  her  establishments  of  benevolence  by  founding  a  school  for 
both  sexes,  and  opened,  under  the  direction  of  the.  illustrious  brother,  the  Duke 
of  Sussex,  an  asylum  fur  poor,  aged,  and  infirm  Free  Masons. 

'•'  In  the  session  of  the  2d  of  March  1842,  R.  H.  Augustus  Frederick,  Duke  of 
Sussex,  was  unanimously  re-elected  to  the  duties  of  Grand  Master.  The  same 
year  the  Grand  Master,  aided  by  his  Grand  Dignitaries,  did,  according  to  ancient 
Masonic  custom,  lay  at  Sunderland  the  foundation  of  a  building  intended  for 
scientific  purposes,  under  the  name  of  "Atheneum." 

'"  Apropos  to  the  admission  into  our  alliance  of  men  professing  the  religion  of 
Moses,  this  Grand  Master  has  expressed  himself  in  the  following  terms :  "Among 
Free  Masons,  all  differences  of  opinion  in  political  matters  or  religious  belief  ap- 
pears to  me  a  matter  of  no  importance,  of  whatever  side,  party,  climate,  or  affinity 
they  may  be.  These  Masonic  principles  are  those  of  all  my  life,  and  I  can  truly  * 
say  that  I  have  grown  old  in  the  exercise  of  the  Royal  Art  of  Free  Masonry. 
They  are  my  glory.  They  have  procured  me  true  relief  in  my  troubles,  a  con- 
solation in  my  afflictions,  and  when  I  turn  my  thoughts  upon  them,  I  feel  grow- 
ing young  again  by  their  sweet  influence." 

•'  •  In  a  fraternal  audience  lately  given  by  H.  R.  H.  to  a  brother  at  Berlin,  and 
in  the  course  of  a  long  conversation,  he  expressed  himself  in  the  following 
terms;  "I  recollect  still  with  pleasure,  the  time  (1800)  when  I  was  Junior  and 
Senior  Warden  and  afterwards  Master  of  the  Lodge,  the  Triumph  of  Truth"  (proba- 
bly at  Berlin).  "Yes,  my  friend,"  added  he,  "Masonry  is  a  universal  good,  which 
embraces  and  unites  together  men  of  every  belief.  Although  this  principle  is 
not  universally  recognized,  the  time  will  come,  and  that  soon,  when  it  will  be. 
We  are  marching  towards  this  noble  end,  and  our  united  efforts  should  be  em- 
ployed to  arrive  at  it  as  speedily  as  possible.  I  am  altogether  in  favor  of  the  eman- 
cipation of  the  Israelites— and  it  is  to  be  regretted  that  a  number  of  Lodges  in 
Germany  are  closed  against  them.  Masonry  should  never  close  her  portals  to 
any  enlightened  man,  let  his  religion  be  what  it  may,  if  he  has  been  thought 
worthy  of  being  admitted  into  the  alliance.  Although  some  contend  that  Mason- 
ry is  a  Christian  institution,  and  that  some  of  her  details  do  not  accord  with 
other  creeds,  yet  religion  teaches  us  to  love  our  neighbor,  and  that  men  are 
equal  in  the  eyes  of  the  Almighty.  The  Creator  embraces  all  his  creatures  with 
the  same  love.  Let  the  form  in  which  others  serve  and  adore  God  be  what  it 
may ;  let  them  swear  on  the  Al  Koran  or  on  the  Bible,  the  thought  is  always 
fixed  on  God; — and  it  is  a  weakness  on  our  part  to  believe  ourselves  better  than 
others.  My  zeal  towards  Masonry  will  never  slacken.  I  belong  to  the  Fraternity 
to  the.  last  breath  of  my  life  ;  anil  I  will  dedicate  to  her,  with  pleasure,  all  my 

"  'This  excellent  Mason  is  no  more.  On  the  21st  of  April  last  he  was  called  to 
that  Celestial  Lodge,  where  he  will  receive  the  recompense  of  his  Masonic  virtues 
ami  his  numberless  services.  We  also,  dear  brethren,  deplore  this  painful  loss; 
for  it  was  from  his  hands  that  we  received  the  constitutional  patent  of  the 
English  provincial  Grand  Mastership  for  Switzerland,  it  was  to  his  encourage- 
ment that  we  owe  our  constitution  as  an  independent  Grand  Lodge  ;  it  was  him 
in  whom  we  were  always  sure  to  find  under  all  circumstances  a  powerful  and  de- 
v.itod  protector.  May  yon,  dear  brethren,  as  well  as  ourselves,  guard  in  your 


hearts  the  memory  of  the  illustrious  defunct,  and  his  Masonic  principles  such 
HS  we  have  communicated  them  to  you,  as  a  species  of  testament  from  him  ' 

"'The  last  article  which  we  shall  notice  in  these  interesting  papers,  is  that  in 
relation  to  our  own  Grand  Lodge.  It  commences  with  this  caption :' 

"  'GRAND  LODGE  OF  NEW  YORK,  NORTH  AMERICA. — This  Grand  Lodge  has  re-elected 
as -her  Grand  Master  the  It.  W.  Bro.  General  Morgan  Lewis.  This  Grand  Lodge 
owes  the  distinguished  and  indefatigable  activity  of  her  Grand  Secretary.  R.  W. 
Bro.  James  Herring,  several  new  relations  with  the  Grand  Orients  of  Europe. 
Our  National -Grand  Lodge  will  place  herself  in  a  more  intimate  fraternal  corres- 
pondence with  her,  by  means  of  a  reciprocal  system  of  representation. 

"'The  Masonic  Congress  convoked  at  Washington  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  New 
York,  met  on  the  7th  of  March,  1842.  There  were  present  delegates  from  the 
Grand  Lodges,  viz.:  Rhode  Island.  Virginia,  New  Hampshire,  Massachusetts, 
New  York,  Maryland,  Connecticut,  District  of  Columbia,  South  Carolina,  Alabama. 

'"They  nominated  two  committees — one  for  &  convention  on  the  direction  of 
the  work  of  the  three  degrees  for  all  the  States  in  the  Union,  the  other  for  the 
establishment  of  a  regulating  code  (constitution  of  Lodges);  but  the  Grand  Lodges 
of  the  West  not  being  represented,  and  that  of  Alabama  not  producing  sufficient 
vouchers,  they  agreed  to  the  proposition  of  nominating  by  each  Grand  Lodge 
•one  or  more  brethren,  with  the  title  of  Grand  Lecturers,  "who  sho'uld  adopt  a 
project  on  the  mode  of  instruction,  and  who  should  meet  at  least  once  in  three 
years,  for  the  purpose  of  comparing  the  work  and  rectifying  anything  which 
might  require  alteration.  The  General  Congress  has  unanimously  adopted  this 

"We  have  now  gone  through  with  what  we  consider  to  be  among  the  most  im- 
portant of  these  highly  interesting  documents,  and  have  not  made  an  extract 
from  or  allusion  to  them  which  we  did  not  consider  of  momentous  import  to  the 
Fraternity.  These  excellent  papers  remind  your  committee  that  it  is  a  part  of 
their  duty  earnestly  but  respectfully  to  impress  on  this  Grand  Lodge  the  im- 
portance of  regulating  the  system  of  initiating  and  raising  candidates  to  the 
mysteries  of  our  Order.  Many  causes  might  be  assigned  for  the  low  estimate  in 
which  we  are  often  held  by  the  profane,  and  the  cold  and  chilling  apathy  which 
often  marks  the  footsteps  of  the  Masonic  brother;  but  to  nothing  does  she  owe 
her  misfortunes  more  than  that  of  the  ignorance  of  her  members  as  to  the  true 
knowledge  of  the  art. 

"  We,  as  a  body,  appear  to  be  content  with  the  word,  only,  of  her  law— the  spirit 
of  her  institutions  we  know  but  little  of.  We  are  content  with  the  knowledge  of 
a  few  of  her  signs  and  symbols,  the  attainment  of  which  invite  us  to  repose. 
Wearied  with  our  great  zeal  and  labor  in  her  luxuriant  fields,  we  relax  from  the 
operative  part,  and  with  a  superficial  knowledge  thus  obtained,  we  commence 
the  speculative,  and  ultimately  receive  that  portion  for  our  reward  which  is 
meted  out  to  those  only  who  never  turn  up  but  the  first  strata  of  the  soil.  Then 
follows  suddenly  in  its  train  dissention  and  want  of  brotherly  love. 

"We  have  also  before  us  extracts  from  the  proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Saxony,  from  the  8th  of  April,  1812,  to  the  15th  of  June,  1843,  the  whole  of  which 
ought  to  be  spread  before  the  Fraternity  on  this  side  of  the  Atlantic ;  but  in  what 
way  to  do  it,  your  committee  are  at  a  loss,  as  the  mass  of  these  papers  contain 
matter  which,  in  our  opinion,  are  not  proper  to  be  committed  to  paper.  Things 
are  unfolded  in  these  documents  which  strike  us  with  surprise.  It  appears  that 
the  G.  H.  S.  of  the  third  degree  is  proposed,  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Hamburg, 
to  be  given  to  a  candidate  at  his  initiation  in  the  first;  and  the  Grand  Master  of 
Saxony  recommends  the  adoption  of  the  same  course,  and  states  that  it  is  already 
done  by  some  Grand  Lodges.  Subsequent,  to-wit,  on  the  22d  of  March,  1843,  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Hamburg  actu?lly  adopted  this  innovation.  This  grave  question 
was  at  that  time  again  brought  up  in  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Saxony,  but  it  does  not 
appear  whether  it  was  finally  settled  or  not. 


"  On  the  8th  of  April,  1842,  a  reciprocal  representation  and  correspondence  with 
this  Grand  Lodge  was  agreed  upon;but'the  proposition  of  a  representation  from 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  Texas  was  adjourned,  having  heard  that  a  change  was  to 
take  place  soon  in  the  southern  part  of  America  in  the  Masonic  line.' 

"On  the  18th  January,  1843,  Bro.  Mensch,  member  of  the  United  Lodges  Three 
Schwerten  and  Astrea  zum  Graenendem  Raute,  in  Dresden,  who  was  formerly  a 
resident  of  the  city  of  New  York,  and  a  member  of  Albion  Lodge  No.  107,  of  said 
city,  was  proposed  as  representative  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  New  York;  also  the 
Breth.  Von  Lindt  and  Schwarze,  both  members  of  the  Lodge  Zum  Golden  Apfel, 
in  Dresden. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Hamburg,  on  the  30th  of  July,  1840,  concluded  that  in 
future  the  G.  H.  S.  shall  be  communicated  in  the  first  degree. 

"An  anecdote  is  related  of  a  soldier  having  saved  his  life  at  the  battle  of 
Wagram,  in  1812,  by  being  possessed  of  this  sign.  It  was  permitted  to  be  com- 
municated to  an  A.  E.  in  private,  but  in  open  Lodge,  in  case  the  Worshipful 
Master,  under  certain  circumstances,  thought  proper  to  do  so.  The  Bro.  Grand 
Orator,  in  stating  these  matters,  observed,  "that  the  three  Grand  Lodges  in 
Berlin,  and  the  Grand  Eclectic  Lodge  in  Frankfort  on  the  Main,  admitted  a  very 
similar  proceeding,  and  he  wished  it  might  be  uniformly  adopted.  Whereupon, 
the  Worshipful  Breth.  Starke,  Lucius,  and  the  R.  W.  Dep.  Grand  Master,  ascer- 
tained that  a  similar  manner  of  proceeding  in  this  matter  Is  already  used  by 
some  of  the  subordinate  Lodges  in  Saxony. 

"  The  R.  W.  Grand  Master  brought  this  subject  before  the  representatives  of  the 
Lodges  in  order  to  obtain  their  instructions  and  opinions  thereon. 

"  The  letter  to  the  R.  W.  Grand  Lodge  in  New  York,  North  America,  and  the 
R.  W.  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  Republic  of  Texas,  had  been  read  and  adopted. 
They  were  to  be  translated  into  English  before  being  directed  to  their  destina- 

"The  R.  W.  Bro.  Zacharius  informed  the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  appearance  of 
an  adventurer  by  the  name  of  Sivery.  Also,  that  a  certain  brother  has  false 
certificates  in  his  possession. 

"Amas  de  Swiry  (or  Si  wry),  as  he  declares,  is  a  painter  and  Grecian  Colonel, 
born  in  Athens,  and  educated  in  Alexandria.  He  was  arrested  on  the  llth  of 
April,  1844,  at  Gernsback,  for  bad  behavior,  drunkenness,  and  vagrancy.  He 
produced  a  French  passport  dated  d'Espinal,  6th  June,  1841,  and  made  out  the 
following  story  of  his  life: 

'"I  served  under  Napoleon  in  the  army  as  Mameluke,  and  afterwards  with  the 
Pasha  Soliman,  of  Egypt,  as  Colonel.  I  don't  know,  myself,  to  what  religion  I 
belong;  I  speak  all  languages.  I  come  from  France,  Italy,  and  Switzerland,  and 
I  intend  to  go  to  Hungary.  I  can  not  remember  that  I  said  yesterday  evening, 
the  German  Princes  should  all  tremble  if  my  plan  should  succeed,  because  I  was 
drunk.  I  got  once  a  heavy  blow  on  my  head,  and  if  I  drink  some  wine,  I  am 
ever  troubled  in  my  mind,  and  don't  know  what  I  say.' 

"Among  his  papers  were  found  some  Masonic  documents,  which  left  no  doubt 
that  he  was  recommended  for  charity  by  Freemasons  in  Strasburg  and  Baden, 
and  a  certificate  with  the  signature  of  Soliman  Pascha.  He  was  obliged  to  leave 
the  territory  of  Baden  and  Wirtemburg,  and  afterwards  he  was  arrested  again 
in  Elberfield  and  Cologne. 

"This  information  led  to  the  supposition  that  he  wasn't  at  all  the  man  that 
he  pretended  to  be,  but  rather  it  is  probable  that  he  was  formerly  a  Mason  by 
profession,  and  the  name  seems  to  be  Emerick  Wenzel,  from  Landenburg,  iu 


the  Grand  Duchy  of  Baden,  who  deserted  the  military  service  of  Ins  country, 
and  then  became  a  vagrant  in  Italy,  Spain,  Egypt,  and  Greece,  and  afterwards 
returning  to  Germany,  that  he  adopted  the  name  of  Count  Nicholas  Leonidas, 
and  styled  himself  a  Captain  in  the  service  of  the  King  of  Greece.  He  spied  out 
the  credulity  of  people  of  rank  and  distinction,  and  embraced  this  opportunity 
to  his  profit;  but  particularly  in  Lodges  of  Freemasons,  he  found  every  where 
an  easy  admission,  because  he  unfortunately  understands  too  well  how  to  give 
the  evidence  required  for  that  purpose. 

"The  description  communicated  to  us  is  as  follows:  Age  4ii  years,  black  hair, 
upon  the  crown  of  his  head  somewhat  thin;  particular  marks,  pitted  with  the 
small-pox,  and  a  perceptible  cicatrice  on  the  head.  He  speaks  very  fluently 
German  and  French  ;  his  deportment  is  vulgar,  and  somewhat  affected. 

"The  proceedings  of  the  15th  of  June,  1843,  contain  extracts  from  the  consti- 
tution of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Hanover,  which  we  insert,  as  some  useful  hints 
may  be  taken  from  them  : 

"'No  brother  can  be  elected  an  officer  of  a  Lodge  until  he  has  been  three  years 
a  ^faster  Mason.  > 

"'A  Fellow  has  to  work  at  least  one  year  in  that  degree  before  he  can  b» 
admitted  to  the  3d  degree. 

"'An  Apprentice  has  to  remain  at  least  two  years  in  that  degree. 

"  'Any  Lodge  that  does  not  work  for  three  years  forfeits  its  charter.  To  revive 
the  Lodge,  she  is  obliged  to  take  a  new  charter.  Any  dormant  Lodge  shall 
deposit  all  its  documents,  charter,  minutes,  etc.,  with  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"'A  candidate  who  is  black-balled  three  times,  can  never  be  proposed  again. 

"'In  balloting  for  a  candidate  for  initiation,  every  visiting  brother  shall  have  a 
right  to  vote,  because  the  candidate  becomes  a  member  of  the  Craft  in  general. 

"'No  Mason  initiated  in  a  clandestine  Lodge  can  be  admitted  ;  but  each  Free- 
mason in  good  standing,  of  any  nation  and  profession  of  faith,  shall  be  admitted. 
However,  every  Lodge  may,  in  individual  cases,  proceed  according  to  its  by-laws.' 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Saxony  elected  three  Censors,  whose  duty  it  is  to  watch 
over  every  Masonic  work  intended  for  publication  by  any  brother  of  a  subor- 
dinate Lodge. 

"Since  closing  this  report,  and  only  on  the  day  previous  to  our  present  session, 
we  have  received  voluminous  documents  from  Hamburg  and  Holland,  the  latter 
of  which  it  will  not  be  in  our  power  to  notice  at  all,  as  they  are  now  in  the  hands 
of  the  translator,  with  the  exception  of  two  dispatches  from  the  Low  Countries, 
one  directed  to  this  Grand  Lodge  as  a  body,  and  the  other  to  our  Grand  Secretary. 

"The  former  we  can  but  glance  at,  and  extract  such  matters  as  more  immedi- 
ately concerns  us. 

"At  the  quarterly  communication  of  January  31st,  1840,  a  proposition  was  made 
to  establish  a  society  in  connection  with  the  mercantile  branch  of  the  Ship- 
brokers'  Union,  for  the  assistance  of  those  needy  brothers  about  to  embark  for 
America,  and  a  very  lengthy  report  was  drawn  up.  A  counter  report  was  drawn 
up,  stating  some  political  difficulties,  and  there  the  matter  appears  to  rest. 

"A  candidate  must  be  twenty  years  and  five  months  old  before  he  can  be  in- 

"There  is  an  Order  in  France  called  the  Ordrede  Temps,  who  hold  no  com- 
7iiunion  either  with  the  Grand  Orient  or  the  Supreme  Council,  and  whose  rites 
are  nearly  similar  to  the  Knights  Templar  of  Germany,  Sweden,  England,  and 
America,  which  in  1804  was  constituted  into  a  Lodge  by  the  Grand  Orient,  by  the 
title  La  Loge  et  Chnpitre  des  Chevaliers  dc  la  Crnis. 

":  It  is  stated  in  the  quarterly  communication  of  April  24th,  1841,  among  the 
reports  of  other  Grand  Lodtres.  that  the  annual  expenses  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of 


England  was  about  £3000  sterling;  that  the  Grand  Secretary  receives  a  pension 
of  £80  sterling. 

"St.  John's  Day,  June  24,  1841,  a  report  was  presented  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Hamburg,  of  the  state  of  the  Fraternity  over  the  whole  globe.  At  the  same  time, 
Bro.  Phemoller  was  introduced  as  the  representative  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  New 
York,  with  a  warm  address  from  the  Grand  Master,  which  was  responded  to  by 
one  of  equal  warmth.  The  M.  W.  Lodge  was  then  closed,  and  an  E.  A.  opened, 
when  brethren  not  members  of  the  Grand  Lodge  were  admitted.  Refreshments 
were  served  up,  after  which  a  cantata  was  sung,  composed  by  Bro.  Peasy,  a 
poetical  address  was  then  delivered  by  the  Grand  Orator,  Mr.  Baetzel,  and  at  G 
o'clock  a  procession  was  formed,  accompanied  by  music,  to  the  banqueting  hall, 
which  was  splendidly  ornamented  for  the  occasion. 

"  Regular  quarterly  session  of  August  17th,  1841.  The  transactions  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  New  York  was  received  of  its  annual  communications  of  1839  and  1840, 
and  to  March,  1841,  with  a  great  variety  of  interesting  matter. 

"At  the  regular  quarterly  session,  held  November  13th,  1841,  a  decision  was 
given  against  the  project  of  establishing  a  society  for  the  protection  of  emigrants 
into  foreign  countries. 

"At  an  emergent  meeting,  held  December  4th,  1841,  it  was  stated  that  the 
Supreme  Council  of  France  had,  in  1834,  entered  into  a  confederacy  with  the 
Supreme  Council  of  New  York. 

"Regular  session  of  September  4th,  1842,  contains  the  annual  proceedings,, 
which  should  have  taken  place  on  St.  John's  Day,  and  was  postponed  on  account 
of  the  great  fire.  The  day  was  kept  as  a  day  of  thanksgiving  and  prayer,  for 
having  been  preserved  from  that  awful  conflagration. 

"  We  now  come  to  notice  the  communication  from  the  National  Grand  Master 
of  Holland  to  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  also  that  of  the  R.  W.  F.  A.  Van  Rappard, 
the  Grand  Secretary  of  that  Grand  Lodge,  to  the  R.  W.  Bro.  Herring,  our  Grand 
Secretary,  in  both  of  which  a  direct  and  permanent  correspondence  between  the 
two  grand  bodies  is  urged  and  solicited. 
"These  documents  are  accompanied  by — 
"  1st.    A  copy  of  the  code  of  laws  of  that  Grand  Orient. 
"2d.    A  copy  of  all  the  annual  reports. 
"3d.    The  Rules  of  Order  for  the  grand  officers,  etc. 
"4th.    The  list  of  Lodges  which  work  under  that  jurisdiction. 
"  Having  already  stated  that  these  documents  are  now  in  the  hands  of  a  trans- 
lator, and  that  they  have  just  come  to  hand,  we  shall  defer  any  further  notice  of 
them  until  our  next  quarterly  communication. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Maryland  approves  of  the  system  of  lectures  adopted 
and  agreed  upon  by  the  convention  of  Masons  at  Baltimore,  in  May,  1843,  and 
has  directed  that  the  same  be  adopted  by  all  the  Lodges  under  her  jurisdiction. 
She  refuses  her  assent  to  the  sending  of  a  delegate  to  Europe.  She  has  for- 
bidden the  subordinate  Lodges  under  her  jurisdiction  to  confer  the  degree  of 
Past  Master  upon  any  one  who  has  not  been  duly  elected  to  preside  in  the  chair 
(a  practice  we  did  not  suppose  had  ever  obtained  under  the  jurisdiction  of  any 
Grand  Lodge).  She  is  also  in  favor  of  the  establishment  of  a  grand  Masonic 
< ''invention,  to  meet  triennially,  possessing  certain  specified  powers. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Indiana  is  now  in  a  flourishing  condition.  The  subor- 
dinate Lodges  are  all  doing  well,  and  the  Fraternity  is  prosperous.  She  has 
been  somewhat  embarrassed  in  consequence  of  the  subordinate  Lodges  taking 
r.otes  of  hand  in  payment  for  degrees  and  dues.  This  is  a  practice  which  can 



not  meet  with  too  much  condemnation;  one  which  should  never  be  indulged 
in;  much  better  forgive  the  debt  than  settle  it  by  note.  The  Grand  Master  in 
his  address  recommends  that  '  to  improve  the  leisure  hours  that  frequently 
occur  in  a  lodge-room,  lectures  on  the  several  degrees  of  Masonry,  or  on  some 
useful  branch  of  science,  can  not  be  too  strongly  recommended.'  With  the 
refinement  of  the  age  in  which  we  live,  and  the  great  advancement  of  the  arts, 
it  must  be  conceded  that  these  advantages  are  only  enjoyed  by  the  few,  whilst 
the  many  remain  untaught. 

"'In  an  association  like  ours,  embracing  every  class  of  good  citizens,  it  would 
seem  110  difficult  matter,  with  a  small  amount  of  funds,  to  collect  a  large  amount 
of  that  which  would  be  useful  to  all — specimens  in  botany,  geology,  mineralogy, 
to  which  may  be  added,  by  some  ingenious  mechanic,  directed  by  scientific 
men,  apparatus  in  hydraulics,  mechanics,  and  specimens  in  architecture. 
These,  with  weekly  lectures  during  the  long  winter  evenings  on  those  subjects, 
with  chemistry  as  connected  with  the  arts  and  agriculture,  it  seems  to  me  would 
do  more  in  one  year  to  elevate  the  Masonic  standing  and  cultivate  the  human 
^nind,  than  has  been  achieved  by  the  Craft  in  the  last  forty  years.  The  acquisi- 
tion of  knowledge  by  abstract  instruction  is  hardly  obtained  by  the  many,  hence 
the  reason  why  but  few  are  learned,  and  that  villages  are  better  informed  than 
those  living  in  the  country.  In  some  of  the  eastern  Lodges  in  this  State, 
lectures  within  the  last  year  have  been  delivered  with  highly  beneficial  results.' 
This  Lodge  also  recommends  a  Manual  Labor  School,  for  the  benefit  of  the 
orphans  of  Masons.  She  does  not  approve  the  system  of  Grand  Lodge  certifi- 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Alabama  appears  to  be  in  an  improving  and  flourishing 
state.  She  recommends  highly  the  policy  of  appointing  representatives  to  the 
different  Grand  Lodges — a  policy  which  we  beg  leave  to  recommend  to  the 
early  attention  of  this  Grand  Lodge.  She  also  reprobates  the  practice  of  confer- 
ring degrees  until  the  fees  are  paid,  as  one  fraught  with  danger  to  the  Masonic 

"The  Grand  Master  of  Maine  speaks  highly  of  'a  re-print  of  Masonic  papers," 
originally  printed  at  Madras,  in  the  East  Indies,  which  they  say  they  have 
•examined  with  much  interest,  and  recommend  it  as  being  worthy  the  careful 
perusal  of  all  Masons  who  are  in  pursuit  of  more  light.  This  report  on  foreign 
correspondence,  next  to  that  of  New  York,  we  consider  the  best  and  most  worthy 
Attention  of  any  we  have  had  the  pleasure  of  examining.  From  the  able  and 
•eloquent  exposition  of  the  Masonic  Institution  and  principles  of  our  Order,  we 
.are  satisfied  that  it  was  prepared  by  a  committee  who  perfectly  understand  the 
work,  and  are  fully  able  to  lay  down  designs  upon  the  trestle-board  for  the  in- 
struction of  their  brethren.  They  notice  circulars  received  from  Breth.  Chas.  W. 
Moore  and  John  Dove,  in  relation  to  the  trestle-board,  which  letters  have  also 
been  read  to  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  New  Hampshire  approves  of  the  plan  of  a  triennial 
convention,  and  also  of  the  lectures  and  work  adopted  by  the  Masonic  Conven- 
tion at  Baltimore. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Virginia  dissents  from  the  work  published  by  Bro. 
Moore,  of  Massachusetts,  and  declares  by  resolution  that  it  is  not  a  true  expo- 
sition of  the  work  as  adopted  by  the  Masonic  Convention  at  Baltimore. 

"We  regret  exceedingly  the  difficulty  which  has  arisen  between  Beth.  Moore 
and  Dove — it  has  already  been  productive  of  much  feeling,  and  will  ultimately 
work  much  injury  to  the  Masonic  Institution,  and  your  committee  recommend 


that  it  is  unadvisable  at  this  time  for  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  to  take  any  other 
part  in  the  controversy  than  to  sincerely  express  their  regrets  that  in  the 
Masonic  family  such  difficulties  should  arise. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Georgia  is  in  a  highly  flourishing  condition.  The 
Fraternity  generally  throughout  her  jurisdiction  are  increasing  in  numbers  and 
respectability.  She  speaks  thus  of  the  representative  system:  'We  can  not 
too  highly  approve  of  the  representative  system  now  existing  to  some  extent 
with  the  various  Grand  Lodges  throughout  the  world,  and  urgently  recommend 
that  arrangements  be  forthwith  made  to  insure  the  representation  of  this  Grand 
Lodge  at  as  many  other  Grand  Lodges  as  possible.' 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  of  Arkansas  also  highly  approves  of  the  representative 
system,  and  of  the  proposed  triennial  convention  system. 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  New  Hampshire  is  also  in  a  flourishing  condition  The 
several  reports  of  her  District  Deputy  Grand  Masters  are  full  of  interest,  and 
manifest  much  attachment  to  the  interest  of  Masonry.  In  relation  to  the 
trestle-board,  they  unanimously  say  by  resolution:  'That  the  Masonic  trestle- 
board,  by  R.  W.  Breth.  Chas.  W.  Moore  and  S.  W.  B.  Carnegy,  adapted  to  the 
National  system  of  work  and  lectures,  &s  revised  and  perfected  by  the  late  U.  S. 
Masonic  Convention,  be  and  the  same  is  hereby  approved,  and  it  is  hereby 
ordered  that  the  same  be  used  by  the  several  Lodges  under  this  jurisdiction 
as  a  guide  and  text-book  in  their  labors.' 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  had  a  very  interesting  meeting.  The  brethren 
there,  never  wearying  in  good  works,  are  industriously  engaged  in  establishing  a 
high  school  for  the  education  of  the  orphan  children  of  Masons.  This  is  a  subject 
of  intense  interest  to  the  Masonic  family — one  which  would  do  more  to  insure 
the  perpetuity  of  human  liberty,  free  institutions,  and  the  principles  which  have 
ever  been  taught  in  the  Masonic  sanctuary,  than  anything  else — for  Masonry 
and  the  cultivation  of  the  human  intellect  have  ever  gone  hand  in  hand,  and 
when  the  latter  has  been  developed,  the  former  has  always  been  disseminated. 
To  our  brethren,  therefore,  who  are  engaged  in  this  good  cause  in  Kentucky, 
Missouri,  and  elsewhere,  God  speed  you;  and  we  indulge  an  abiding  hope  that  the 
day  is  not  far  distant  when  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois,  now  in  its  infancy,  will 
do  likewise. 

"Brethren,  if  time  permitted,  we  might  extend  this  report  much  further,  I  nit 
we  must  here  come  to  a  clese,  regretting  that  all  of  you  could  not  have  the 
pleasure  of  examining  the  returns  which  have  been  laid  before  us;  if  you  had, 
you  would  have  been  satisfied,  beyond  the  possibility  of  a  doubt,  that  the  pillars 
of  Masonry  stand  erect  and  unleaning,  and  give  earnest  to  the  world  that  the 
edifice  which  they  support  has  stood,  and  will  stand,  throughout  all  time,  the 
buffetings  of  prejudice  and  ignorance,  an  asylum  for  the  virtuous  and  the  good 
of  every  nation  and  of  every  clime. 

"  Respectfully  and  fraternally  submitted. 

"W.  B.  WARREN, 
L.  LUSK.'! 

The  Committee  on  Finance  and  Accounts  reported  that  they  had  found 
the  reports  of  the  Grand  Secretary  and  Treasurer  correct,  and  that  there 
was  in  the  hands  of  the  Grand  Treasurer,  $207.58,  and  in  the  hands  of  the 
Grand  Secretary,  $402.35,  making  the  whole  amount  of  funds  8609  93. 
The  Grand  Treasurer  was  authorized  to  use  the  funds  in  the  treasury 
until  the  next  annual  communication,  as  a  compensation  for  his  services. 


The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  closed. 

The  membership  reported  by  the  several  Lodges  is  as  follows :  Bodley, 
No.  1,  35;  Equality,  No.  2, 17;  Harmony,  No.  3,  22;  Springfield,  No.  4, 
33;  Macon,  No.  8,  24;  Friendship,  No.  7,  31;  St.  John's,  No.  13,  IS; 
Warren,  No.  14, 37;  Peoria,  No.  15,  34 ;  Temperance,  No.  16, — ;  Macomb, 
No.  17, 16 ;  LaFayette,  No.  18,  65 ;  Hancock,  No.  20, 16 ;  Warsaw  No.  21, 
13;  Franklin,  No.  25,  8;  Hiram,  No.  26, 15;  Piasa,  No.  27, 12 ;  Monroe, 
No.  28,  7.  Temperance,  No.  16;  Clinton,  No.  19;  Milwaukee,  No.  22; 
and  Cass,  No.  23,  made  no  returns.  The  membership  of  these  Lodges  is 
estimated  to  be  twenty  each.  Total  membership  reported,  403 ;  estimated, 
{•0;  total,  483.  There  were  also  reported  eighteen  Fellow  Crafts,  one 
Entered  Apprentice,  and  five  deaths. 


The  brethren  reported  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  1844,  are  as  follows  : 
J.  Rossel,  Feb.  2;  R.  E.  Smith,  March  22;  A.  McKee,  April  9  ;  M.  Keis, 
April  12;  J.  Rentz  and  J.  Keis,  May  10;  R.  Naylor,  May  17;  E.  C. 
Davis,  May  24;  J.  P.  Kryder,  Aug.  8;  V.  Zimmermann,  Sept.  5;  Wil- 
liam F.  Bauermeister,  Nov.  4;  C.  McVay  and  Samuel  Hutton,  Nov.  24; 
William  H.  Gather,  Dec.  10. 

On  the  first  of  April  the  following  action,  relating  to  the  Ledges  at 
Nauvoo,  was  taken : 

"The  W.  Master  remarked  that  the  Nauvoo  Lodges  were  working 
and  finishing  their  hall,  notwithstanding  their  dispensation  had  been 
withdrawn  by  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"  Bro.  Freeman  was  called  upon',  and  stated  that  he  had  learned  that 
the  Nauvoo  Lodges  were  still  at  work,  receiving,  passing,  and  raising 
Masons,  and  that  the  brethren  of  Warsaw  Lodge  had  notified  the  grand 
officers  on  the  subject. 

"  On  motion  of  Bro.  Stahl, 

"Resolved,  That  the  Secretary  be  instructed  to  inform  the  Grand  Master  of 
this  State,  that  the  Nauvoo,  Keokuk,  and  the[other]  Lodges  in  and  about  Xauvoo 
continue  to  work,  and  that  they  having  given  notice  in  a  public  paper  of  their 
intention  to  consecrate  their  Masonic  Hall,  on  the  5th  inst,  and  that  the  said 
Masons  pretend  not  to  be  in^ossession  of  official  notice  that  they  were  de- 
prived of  their  charter  and  dispensation." 

May  3,  we  find  the  following  on  record  :  "A  bill  was  presented  by 
the  German  band  of  musicians,  for  services  rendered  at  the  funeral  of 
Bro.  J.  B.  Ijahms."  This  is  the  only  notice  of  the  decease  of  that 
brother.  May  17,  the  Lodge  received  a  notice  from  Peoria  Lodge  No. 
15,  that  that  Lodge  purposed  to  celebrate  the  anniversary  of  the  battle  of 
Bunker  Hill,  and  the  death  of  General  Warren,  first  Grand  Master  of 
North  America,  and  invited  Quincy  Lodge  to  join  in  the  ceremonies  on 
Tuesday,  June  18. 


On  this  invitation  the  following  action  was  taken : 
"  After  due  deliberation,  the  Lodge 

"  Resolved,  That  the  Secretary  be  instructed  to  strike  out  that  part  of  the  in- 
vitation relative  to  the  political  meeting,  and  send  it  back  to  our  brethren  at 

The  obnoxious  political  allusion  contained  in  the  invitation  was  to  the 
effect  that  in  addition  to  certain  attractions  therein  set  forth,  a  political 
assemblage  would  be  held  in  Peoria  on  the  day  following,  "  to  which 
the  most  eminent  orators  and  statesmen  in  the  Union  had  been  invited, 
and  which  its  friends  expect  to  be  the  largest  that  ever  met  in  the  State." 

The  committee  on  arrangements  for  St.  John's  Day,  reported  the  fol- 
lowing correspondence,  which  explains  itself: 

'*'  To  the  Trustees  of  the  Congregational  Church  at  Quincy: 

"  The  undersigned  committee  appointed  by  the  Bodley  Lodge  of  Quinoy, 
respectfully  ask  the  permission  of  the  trustees  and  of  the  people  of  said  church, 
for  the  public  use  of  their  edifice,  on  Monday,  the  24th  day  of  June  next,  for  the 
religious  exercises  of  the  institution. 

"  In  behalf  of  the  Masonic  Fraternity, 

(Signed)  ".T.  H.  HOLTON^ 

H.  S.  COOLEY,  I  Committee." 
R.  E.  SMITH.     ) 

To  this  request  the  following  reply  was  made: 

•"  To  the  Committee  of  the  Bodley  Lodge  at  Quincy  : 

"  In  reply  to  your  request  for  the  use  of  the  Congregational  edifice  for  the 
religious  exercises  of  the  Masonic  Fraternity,  on  the  24th  of  June  next,  we  must 
plead  ignorance  as  to  the  nature  of  the  institution,  and  its  religious  worship, 
and  as  said  church  is  nominally  dedicated  to  the  worship  of  Almighty  God,  the 
Father,  Son  and  Holy  Ghost,  we  feel  compelled  to  withhold  our  assent. 

"In  behalf  of  the  First  Congregational  Church, 

(Signed)  "  A.  COMSTOCK,  Trustee. 

"  QUINCY,  May  2d,  1844." 

Ah!  indeed? 

June  24,  the  Lodge  celebrated  St.  John's  Day.  Thirty-four  members 
of  the  Lodge  and  seventeen  "visitors  to  Bodley  Lodge,"  twenty-eight 
members  and  visitors  of  Palmyra  Lodge,  twenty-nine  members  and 
vistors  of  Hannibal  Lodge,  three  from  New  London  Lodge,  eleven  mem- 
bers of  Columbus  Lodge  No.  5,  one  from  Hiram,  No.  26,  were  present. 
Among  those  from  Palmyra  were  P.  H.  McBride,  Grand  Master  of  Mis- 
souri, Stephen  W.  B.  Carnegy,  P.  G.  Master  same  State.  Past  Grand 
Master  Jonas  was  also  present.  The  Lodge  having  formed  a  procession, 
preceded  by  the  Quincy  band,  "  marched  through  several  streets  of  the 
city  "  to  the  Baptist  church,  where,  after  prayer  by  the  Rev.  Bro.  Best, 
of  Palmyra,  an  oration  was  delivered  by  Brother  Creath,  which  was 
followed  up  by  an  appeal  on  behalf  of  the  Masonic  College  of  Missouri, 


by  Bro.  R.  E.  Smith.  The  Lodge  and  its  visitors,  "  accompanied  by 
about  one  hundred  Masons'  wives,  widows,  and  orphans,"  proceeded  to- 
the  Quincy  House  and  partook  of  a  "  most  excellent  dinner." 

Oct.  7,  Bro.  Hedges,  an  officer  of  the  Lodge,  asked  leave  to  demit, 
which  was  denied,  on  the  ground  that  he  being  an  officer  could  not 
resign  or  demit. 

Oct.  20,  the  Lodge  buried  the  remains  of  Bro.  D.  Nelson.  "At  the 
appointed  hour,  clothed  in  white  aprons  and  gloves,  they  proceeded  to 
the  Congregational  Church,  and  thence  to  the  burying  ground,  where  the 
usual  ceremonies  were  performed." 

Nov.  4,  Breth.  Cooley,  Harris,  and  Headley  were  appointed  a  commit- 
tee to  select  some  orphan  boy,  to  be  by  the  Lodge  sent  to  the  Masonic 
College  of  .Missouri.  In  the  record  of  Dec.  10,  we  find  the  following: 
'•  The  question  came  now  before  the  brethren,  whether  the  Lodge  give 
up  its  charter  or  not,  whereupon  a  motion  was  made  to  surrender  the 
charter,  which  motion  was  lost."  This  action  appears  to  have  been 
taken  in  consequence  of  the  numerous  demissions — most  of  the  German 
brethren  having  withdrawn. 

Dec.  26,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  F.  G.  Johnston,  W.  M.  ,- 
J.  II.  Ralston,  S.  W. ;  H.  S.  Simmons,  J.  W. ;  Enoch  Conyers,  Treasurer; 
S.  Hutton,  Secretary. 

Dec.  28,  the  following  appointments  were  made:  L.  Palmer,  S.  D. ; 
A.  Van  Fleet,  J.  D. ;  M.  Keiss,  Tyler. 


This  Lodge  did  no  work  beyond  two  initiations  and  one  passing  during 
the  year  1844.  At  the  January  meeting  (6th),  the  officers  elected  in  De- 
cember, 1843,  were  installed.  June  24,  the  following  were  elected  :  A.  W. 
Pool,  W.  M.;  J.  W.  Hamilton,  S.  W.;  Valentine  F.  Evans,  J.  W.;  Wm. 
Siddall,  Treasurer;  J.  R.  Smoot,  Secretary;  Joseph  E.  Watkins,  S.  D. ; 
John  Howard,  J.  D. ;  "William  Ellage,  Tyler. 


In  the  absence  of  any  other  information,  the  return  of  this  Lodge  for 
1844  is  here  given  : 

"  A.  C.  Dickson,  W.  M. ;  J.  Hickman,  S.  W. ;  J.  T.  Sigler,  J.  W.,-  Mat. 
Stacey,  Sec.;  J.  M.  Lucas,  Treas.:  W.  B.  Warren,  S.  D.;  A.  Dunlap, 
J.  D. :  W.  S.  Hurst,  Tyler. 

"Past  Masters. — William  B.  Warren,  S.  W.  Lucas,  John  T.  Jones, 
P.  Coffman,  John  Gregory,  Mat.  Stacey,  George  Hackett,  A.  V.  Putnam. 

"Master  Masons. — Dennis  Rockwell,  Jas.  T.  Holmes,  C.  Ludlum, 
W.  W.  Happy,  J.  A.  McDougal,  A.  Dickerson,  W.  II.  Delph,  E.  J. 



This  Lodge  reported  the  following  brethren  raised  during  1844  :  Arnold 
R.  Robinson  and  James  Leaton,  June  5;  Balsar  Ilicki  and  D.  B.  Campbell, 
Sept.  23;  William  B.  Fonda,  Nov.  18;  Benjamin  Mordecai  Moses,  Dec.  3. 

January  12,  Bro.  Lusk  presided  and  lectured  the  Lodge,  and  also  on 
Jan.  13.  July  29,  Bro.  Zwisler  resigned  as  W.  M.,  and  the  following 
resolution  was  passed : 

"Resolved,  That  we  tender  to  our  highly  esteemed  Bro.  .Tames  Zwisler,  late 
W.  M.  of  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4,  our  sincere  expressions  of  Masonic  friendship; 
and  that  as  a  brother  among  us.  we  hold  him  in  high  esteem." 

The  election  of  a  Master  to  fill  the  vacancy  was  deferred  until  next 
regular  meeting. 

Bro.  Helm  having  resigned  his  membership,  was  created  an  honorary 
member  for  life. 

August  24,  Bro.  William  Lavely  was  elected  Master,  to  fill  the  vacancy 
caused  by  the  resignation  of  Bro.  Zwisler. 

November  18,  Bro.  James  Shepherd,  the  Secretary,  having  demitted, 
Bro.  N.  W.  Matheny  was  appointed  in  his  stead.  At  this  meeting  Bro. 
Lavely  ordered  a  fine^of  twenty-five  cents  each  assessed  against  eighteen 
absent  members. 

December  27,  officers  as  follows  were  elected  :  William  Lavely,  W.  M.; 
George  R.  Weber,  S.  W.;  N.  A.  Garland,  J.  W.;  Maurice  Doyle,  Treas.; 
A.  R.  Robinson,  Sec.;  James  Leggott,  Tyler.  The  following  appoint- 
ments were  made:  Z.  P.  Cabanis,  S.  D.;  John  Uhler,  J.  D.;  Francis  A. 
McNeill,  Master  of  Ceremonies.  The  Finance  Committee  reported  that 
the  Lodge  was  indebted  to  the  Treasurer  in  the  sum  of  $84.70. 

Far  West  Lodge  No.  5,  still  continuing  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri,  made  no  returns  to  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illi- 
nois, and  no  returns  were  received  from  Columbus  Lodge  No.  6. 


H.  B.  McKenney,  N.  G.  H.  Morrill,  and  Isaac  Means,  Feb.  1 ;  S.  A. 
Mason,  Jacob  M.  Morrill,  and  William  P.  Burroughs,  Feb.  29 ;  J.  B. 
Nash,  Oct.  24;  F.  II.  Burrows  and  Le  Grand  Wynkoop,  Dec.  19,  were 
raised  by  this  Lodge  in  the  year  1844.  March  9,  it  was  voted  to  celebrate 
St.  John's  Day,  and  a  committee  of  ten  appointed  to  make  arrange- 
ments. April  25,  this  order  was  re-considered,  in  consequence  of  the 
inability  of  tfie  Lodge  to  defray  the  necessary  expenses.  May  30,  the 
following  officers  were  elected  :  Horace  Preston,  W.  M. ;  James  Camp- 
bell, S.  W. ;  D.  B.  McKenney,  J.  W. ;  James  McKenney,  Treasurer; 
Jacob  M.  Morrill,  Secretary;  Nathan  Morehouse,  S.  D. :  Stephen  Fuller, 
J.  D. ;  Joseph  Mason,  Tyler. 



This  Lodge  raised  in  the  year  1844,  Brethren  J.  J.  Patterson,  March 
2;  William  Stamper,  March  15;  B.  Y.  Hooper,  March  17;  William  J. 
Condell,  April  22;  George  Goodman,  April  29. 

May  25,  upon  motion  of  Bro.  Gorin,  it  was  ordered  that  the  business 
of  the  Lodge  should  be  transacted  in  the  Master's  degree,  except  ihe 
initiating  of  candidates  and  passing  to  the  second  degree.  An  invitation 
was  received  from  Peoria  Lodge  No.  15,  inviting  the  Lodge  to  attend  the 
celebration  of  the  anniversary  of  the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill,  which  was 
declined  with  thanks. 

The  semi-annual  election  was  then  held,  resulting  as  follows  :  Charles 
II.  Pringle,  W.  M.;  J.  E.  Gorin,  S.  W.;  William  Stamper,  J.  W. ;  H. 
Eobinson,  Treas.;  Jasper  J.  Peddicord,  Sec'y ;  James  Ashton,  Tyler. 
June  24th,  the  Treasurer  reported  $1.87-J  in  the  treasury.  Sept.  14,  the 
Lodge  interred  the  remains  of  Bro.  William  Bosworth.  Oct.  19,  the  by- 
laws were  so  amended  as  to  provide  for  election  of  officers  annu- 
ally, before  24th  of  June,  instead  of  twice  each  year  as  heretofore, 
yet  on  the  24th  November  the  following  officers  were  elected  for  the 
ensuing  twelve  months:  Charles  H.  Pringle,  W.  M.;  William  Stamper, 
S.  W.;  Preston  Butler,  J.  W. ;  Henry  Prather,  Treas. ;  W.  J.  Condell, 
Sec.;  James  Ashton,  Tyler.  George  Goodman  and  J.  Y.  Braden  were 
appointed  Deacons. 

These  Lodges  made  no  returns  to  the  Grand  Lodge  in  1844. 

ST.  JOHN'S  LODGE  NO.  13. 

The  following  raisings  were  reported  by  this  Lodge  for  the  year  1844: 
Wm.  Paul,  J.  Baxley,  Mar.  28;  T.B.Elliott,  May  30; Cook,  June  25. 

March  28,  the  Lodge  invited  Bro.  Lusk  to  be  present  at  his  earliest 
convenience  and  lecture  the  Lodge.  May  30,  the  Lodge  held  its  semi- 
annual election,  at  which  Bro.  A.  Kirkpatrick  was  elected  W.  M.;  Asa 
Holdredge,  S.  W.;  W.  J.  Cox,  J.  W.;  Ambrose  O'Connor,  Sec.;  Win.  Paul, 
Treas.;  E.  M.  Moore,  S.  D.;  J.  Baxley,  J.  D  ;  T.  B.  Elliott,  Steward  and 
Tyler.  Dec.  19,  an  election  was  held,  which  resulted  in  transferring 
Bro.  Holdredge  from  the  West  to  the  East;  G.  W.  Gilson  was  elected  S.  W.; 
T.  B.  Elliott  was  taken  from  the  ante-room  and  placed  in  the  South; 
Wm.  A.  Merritt  was  elected  Treasurer;  Wm.  Paul,  Secretary  ;  J.  Baxley, 
S.  D.;  Hennessy,  J.  D.;  and Cook,  Tyler. 


The  following  named  brethren  were  added  to  this  Lodge  by  raising 
during  1844:  II.  H.  M.  Butt  and  William  Banks,  Feb.  10;  James  S. 


Alexander,  Feb.  26;  M.  J.  Pearce,  Mar.  9 ;  Frederick  Wolfflin,  Mar.  23  : 
Norris  Hobart,  July  30;  Joseph  B.  Cockrell,  Sept.  30;  E.  J.  Reardou, 
Nov.  30.  March  9,  the  Treasurer  having  failed  to  settle,  the  Secretary 
was  ordered  to  hold  in  his  possession  all  funds  thereafter  coming  into 
his  hands.  May  28,  the  Lodge  accepted  an  invitation  to  celebrate  St. 
John's  Day  with  the  brethren  of  Smithland,  Kentucky. 

June  24,  officers  were  elected  for  the  "  twelve  months  ensuing,"  the 
by-laws  relating  to  elections  having  been  amended.  This  election 
resulted  in  the  choice  of  E.  H.  Gatewood,  W.  M.;  E.  Bogardus,  8.  W.; 
E.  R.  Roe,  J.  W.;  John  L.  Campbell,  Treas.;  T.  C.  Buntin,  Sec.;  C.  Gold, 
S.  D.;  E.  J.  Nicholson,  J.  D.;  James  M.  Jones,  Tyler.  Bro.  Bogardus 
•"  feeling  unwilling  to  act  any  longer  in  the  office  of  S.  W.,  resigned,  and 
Bro.  J.  S.  Roberts  was  chosen  in  his  place."  Whereupon,  Bro.  Bogardus 
was  appointed  "  Conductor,"  and  Bro.  Hobart,  Chaplain.  The  Lodge 
then  proceeded  to  the  Presbyterian  Church,  where  the  officers  were 
installed,  an  oration  being  delivered  by  Bro.  Roe.  Upon  their  return  to 
the  lodge-room,  the  following  resolution  was  passed: 

"Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  this  Fraternity  be  tendered  to  the  ladies  of Shaw- 
neetown,  for  their  liberality,  kindness,  and  sumptuousness  in  having  a  dinner 
provided  for  the  occasion." 


Raisings  as  follows  :  A.  Wren,  Feb.  3 ;  Martin  L.  Tucker,  April  13  ; 
Vivaldi  W.  Potter,  May  11;  John  H.  Rankin,  May  14;  W.  F.  Bryan, 
June  1;  William  H.  Fessenden  and  William  Compher,  June  3;  Clark 
Cleveland  and  Charles  W.  Hall,  June  6;  Moritz  Brey  and  M.  M.  Webb, 
June  8;  M.  L.  Leopold,  Aug.  23. 

On  the  3d  of  February,  the  officers  elect  were  installed,  Breth.  Heyl 
and  Hurd  having  been  appointed  Deacons.  The  financial  condition  of 
the  Lodge  did  not  appear  good,  as  there  was  in  the  treasury  but  $9.65. 
The  Lodge  had  in  addition  to  this,  one  hundred  dollars  loaned  out, 
which,  as  the  record  informs  us,  "  was  in  process  of  collection  in  the 
Peoria  Circuit  Court."  The  Finance  Committee  reported  $56  due  the  . 
Lodge  from  its  members. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  at  the  December  meeting  (1843),  Bro. 
Heyl  offered  a  resolution  providing  for  the  celebration  of  St.  John's  Day. 
At  the  meeting  of  March  2,  this  resolution  was  taken  up,  when  it  was 
decided  "  that  the  Lodge  celebrate  a  day  in  June  next,"  and  appoint  a 
committee  of  arrangements,  who,  on  the  6th  of  March,  published  the 
following  notice : 


"  Peoria  Lodge  IS'o.  15,  will  celebrate  the  anniversary  of  the  battle  of  Bunker 
Hill,  and  the  death  of  Gen.  Warren,  first  Grand  Master  of  North  America,  in  the 


town  of  Peoria,  on  Tuesday,  the  18th  day  of  June  next.  Neighboring  Lodges  are 
invited  to  attend  as  such,  and  all  transient  brethren  in  good  standing  will  be 
cordially  welcomed. 

"  Committee  of  Arrangement,  "  J.  C.  HEYLE, 

A.  M.  HUNT." 

"P.  S. — A  large  political  assemblage  is  to  convene  in  Peoria  on  the  day  follow- 
ing, (19th).    Should  any  of  the  delegates  to  said  convention  belong  to  our  Fra- 
ternity, it  is  presumed  they  would  be  gratified  in  participating  with  us  in  the 
celebration,  as  it  is  expected  the  exercises  of  the  day  will  be  imposing. 
"PEORIA,  March  6th,  1844." 

It  was  the  political  allusions  contained  in  this  notice  and  the  letter  of 
invitation  sent  Bodley  Lodge,  to  which  that  Lodge  objected. 

On  the  30th  of  March,  Bro..Metcalfe  introduced  a  resolution  providing 
that  every  candidate  should  state  on  his  petition  "  that  he  has  read  and 
approved  our  by-laws."  This  is  a  good  practice,  and  should  be  required 
of  all  Lodges. 

June  18,  the  celebration  took  place  as  intended.  A  copy  of  the  pro- 
gramme of  the  occasion  is  pasted  in  the  record  before  us.  One  hundred 
and  one  brethren  were  present.  The  procession  left  the  hall  at  10 
o'clock,  and  proceeded  to  the  Methodist  Church,  where  an  oration  was 
delivered  by  "  Bro.  Henderson,  of  Stark  county,"  followed  by  an  address 
from  Bro.  Sam'l  H.  Davis,  "  on  the  beauties  of  the  Fellow  Craft's 
degree."  The  Lodge  and  its  visitors  then  returned  to  "  Bro.  Garrett's  " 
(the  Planter's  House),  where  one  hundred  and  thirteen  were  entertained. 

The  ode  used  on  this  occasion  we  re-produce  : 


"  Sacred  to  Heaven,  behold  the  dome  appears ! 
Lo,  what  august  solemnity  it  wears ! 
Angels  themselves  have  deigned  to  deck  the  frame, 
And  beauteous  Sheba  shall  report  its  fame. 

'When  the  Queen  of  the  South  shall  return 
To  the  climes  which  acknowledge  her  sway ; 
\Vhere  the  sun's  warmer  beams  fiercely  burn, 
The  Princess  with  transport  shall  say, 
Well  worth  my  journey,  I've  seen 
A  Monarch  both  graceful  and  wise, 
Deserving  the  love  of  a  Queen, 
And  a  Temple  well  worth  the  skies. 

"Open  ye  gates,  receive  a  Queen  who  shares 
With  equal  sense  your  happiness  and  cares; 
Of  riches  much,  but  more  of  wisdom  see, 
Proportion'd  workmanship  and  Masonry. 



"O!  charming  Sheba,  here  behold 
What  massy  stores  of  burnished  gold ! 
Yet  richer  is  our  art! 
Wisdom  and  beauty  both  combine, 
Our  art  to  raise,  our  hearts  to  join! 
Give  to  Masonry  the  prize, 
Where  the  fairest  choose  the  wise ; 
Beauty  still  shall  wisdom  love, 
Beauty  and  order  reign  above." 

August  17,  the  remains  of  Bro.  Aquilla  "Wren  (raised  Feb.  3),  were 
interred  with  the  honors  of  Masonic  burial,  in  the  "new  Masonic  burial 
ground."  Thirty-three  brethren  were  present  at  this  funeral — nearly 
the  whole  membership.  On  returning  to  the  Lodge  room,  the  following 
resolution  was  passed : 

"Resolved,  That  the  thanks  of  this  Lodge  be  tendered  to  Bro.  William  JTale 
for  his  liberal  donation  to  the  members  and  friends  of  Peoria  Lodge  No.  15,  of 
the  block  on  Jackson  and  Perry  Streets." 

Broth.  Eouse,  Underbill,  and  Sweat  were  appointed  a  committee  to 
see  that  the  lot  was  properly  surveyed,  fenced,  and  otherwise  taken 
care  of. 

Sept.  28,  Bro.  Davis  resigned,  as  Master,  and  Bro.  Peter  Sweat  was 
elected,  "  he  having  passed  the  Oriental  chair  in  a  regular  Lodge 
of  Past  Masters."  The  Lodge  had  up  to  this  time  been  holding  its 
meetings  at  Bro.  Garrett's  Hotel  (the  Planters  House),  but  the  meeting 
just  referred  to  was  held  "over  Bro.  P.  Sweat's  store," 

Oct.  5,  the  Lodge  met  in  its  "new  hall,  corner  of  Washington  and  Ful- 
ton streets." 

The  record  of  Oct.  26,  bears  upon  it  a  plat  of  the  block  presented  by 
Bro.  Wm.  Hale,  for  a  burying  ground  (for  which  donation  he  was  created 
an  honorary  member),  by  which  it  appears  that  it  had  been  surveyed 
and  laid  off  in  lots,  numbering  in  all  163.  The  plat  was  (or  is)  nearly 
square,  one  corner  being  cut  off  by  "Isaac  Underbill's  Lane."  But  three 
of  these  lots  are  marked  as  being  occupied,  or  owned. 

Dec.  27,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  Geo.  T.  Metcalfe,  W.  M.; 
John  C.  Heyl,  S.  W.;  William  Darst,  J.  W.;  William  E.  Mason,  Treas,; 
John  H.  Rankin,  Sec.;  George  W.  Rodecker,  Tyler. 

The  attendance  upon  the  Lodge  during  the  year  averaged  twenty-nine. 


But  one  brother  was  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  1844,  viz.:  Charles 
Kinsey,  Jan.  4. 

May  21,  an  invitation  was  received  from  Peoria  Lodge  No.  15,  to  join 
with  that  Lodge  in  celebrating  the  anniversary  of  the  battle  of  Bunker 
Hill,  which  was  declined,  owing  to  the  distance  of  Vandalia  from  Peoria. 


June  19,  semi-annual  election.  William  Hodge  "was  elected  W.  M. 
by  acclamation;"  Quintus  C.  Alexander,  S.  W.;  C.  H.  Hodge,  J.  W.; 
G.  C.  Wood,  Treasurer;  Wm.  M.  Black,  Secretary;  D.  B.  Hodge  and 
J.  T.  B.  Stapp,  Deacons;  Moses  Phillips,  Tyler.  All  these  officers  were 
elected  unanimously,  save  the  Treasurer.  June  24,  these  officers  were  in- 
stalled. Dec.  9,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  Quintus  C.  Alex- 
ander, W.  M.;  C.  H.  Hodge,  S.  W.;  G.  C.  Wood,  J.  W.;  Abner  Johnston, 
Treas.;  William  M.  Black,  Sec'y;  Moses  Phillips,  Tyler. 

Dec.  16,  the  Lodge  buried,  with  the  usual  ceremonies,  Bro.  William 
Hodge,  late  W.  M.  Dec.  27,  the  same  sad  rites  were  had  over  the  mortal 
remains  of  Quintus  C.  Alexander,  the  Master  of  the  Lodge. 


Bro.  James  W.  Bailey,  July  13,  was  the  only  brother  upon  whom  the 
Master's  degree  was  conferred  during  the  year. 

July  13,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  Joseph  E.  Wyne,  W.  M.; 
Thomas  A.  Brooking,  S.  W.;  Cyrus  A.  Lawson,  J.  W.;  Charles  M.  Bar- 
tleson,  Treas.;  Pinckney  H.  Walker,  Sec'y;  William  Ervin,  S. D.;  Nelson 
Montgomery,  J.  D.;  and  George  H.  Eice,  Tyler.  These  officers  were  not 
installed  until  Oct.  4,  owing  to  the  inability  of  Bro.  Wyne  to  procure  the 
Past  Master's  degree,  which  was  finally  done,  and  the  officers  installed. 

Dec.  26,  another  election  was  had,  Grand  Master  Lusk  presiding. 
Pinckney  H.  Walker  was  elected  W.  M.;  William  Ervin,  S.  W.;  Joseph 
E.  Wyne,  J.  W.;  C.  M.  Bartleson,  Treas.;  Nelson  Montgomery,  Sec'y; 
John  Anderson,  Steward  and  Tyler. 

Dec.  27,  Grand  Master  Lusk  installed  the  officers,  having  conferred 
the  Past  Master's  degree  upon  Bro.  Walker.  Ten  dollars  was  voted  to 
the  subscription  to  compensate  Bro.  Wm.  K.  Stewart,  for  his  services  in 
the  town  of  Macomb  as  "  Preacher." 


This  Lodge  raised  the  following  brethren  during  the  year:  W.  B. 
Snowhook  and  J.  L.  Howe,  "3d  Monday  in  January";  E.  L.  Sherman 
and  William  Sheer,  Feb.  17;  D.  J.  Surdam,  Feb.  20;  J.  J.  Huntley,  A. 
C.  Taylor,  P.  P.  Eobinson,  and  V.  A.  Boyer,  March  18;  Cornelius  Lan- 
sing, March  25  ;  Thomas  Brooks,  April  1 ;  Getzler,  June  3  ;  Isaac  N. 

Arnold,  June  17;  John  J.  Jackson,  Aug.  20  ;  Joshua  Bell,  Sept.  2;  Isaac 
P.  Hatfield,  Oct.  1;  John  B.  Irvin,  Nov.  4;  Charles  R.  Starkweather  and 
W.  S.  Brown,  Dec.  2  ;  Lot  Whitcomb,  Dec.  3  ;  Virgil  H.  Eachus,  Dec.  11. 

On  the  20th  of  May  the  Lodge  was  notified  of  the  death  of  Bro.  H.  L. 
Gibson,  a  Fellow  Craft.  At  this  meeting  it  was 

"Resolved,  That  this  Lodge  is  not  furnished  with  the  constitution  (of  the  Grand 
Lodge);  we  will  delay  paying  any  more  dues  until  they  are  furnished ; 

And  the  Secretary  was  directed  to  inform  the  Grand  Master  of  the  fact. 


On  the  17th  of  June  the  semi-annual  election  was  held,  resulting  as 
follows:  Carding  Jackson  was  elected  W.  M.;  H.  W.  Bigelow,  S.  W.; 
M.  Taylor,  J.  W. ;  Samuel  J.  Lowe,  Treas. ;  L.  C.  Kercheval,  Sec. ;  John 
Davis,  S.  D.;  Alfred  C.Taylor,  J.  D.;  John  Ferns, Tyler;  R.  Chester  and 
R.  J.  Hamilton,  Stewards.  The  Lodge  refused  to  celebrate  St.  John's 
Day  in  a  public  manner,  and  ordered  the  installation  of  officers  (which 
was  June  24th)  to  be  performed  "  with  closed  doors."  At  this  meeting 
the  petition  for  Belvidere  Lodge  was  recommended.  Sept.  2,  Bro.  Ker- 
cheval resigned  his  office  as  Secretary,  when  Bro.  V.  A.  Boyer  was 
elected  to  fill  the  vacancy,  and  on  motion  of  Bro.  W.  F.  Walker,  a  vote 
of  thanks  was  tendered  Bro.  Kercheval.  Nov..  18,  Bro.  William  Jack- 
son was  initiated,  the  Lodge  voting  to  charge  no  fee  for  his  initiation,  on 
account  of  services  rendered  the  Lodge  by  his  father,  Carding  Jackson. 

Dec.  2,  Bro.  Florence  Mahoney  presented  the  Lodge  with  a  "  Master's 
Carpet"  for  which  a  vote  of  thanks  "  was  unanimously  passed."  At  this 
meeting  a  "  petition  of  sundry  persons  to  form  a  new  Lodge  was  pre- 
sented and  acted  upon,  and  petitioners  recommended  to  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Illinois."  We  have  no  knowledge  as  to  what  Lodge  this  record 
alludes  to,  but  presume  it  was  Apollo  No.  32.  Dec.  16,  another  election 
was  had,  when  Bro.  Carding  Jackson  was  elected  W.  M. ;  M.  Taylor,  S. 
W. :  Samuel  J.Lowe,  J.  W. ;  H.  W.  Bigelow,  Treasurer;  William  S. 
Brown,  Secretary ;  Thomas  Brooks  and  George  B.  Fearing,  Deacons; 
Capt.  J.  Jackson  and  I.  P.  Hatfield,  Stewards;  I.  P.  Hatfield,  Tyler. 


As  this  Lodge  made  no  returns  in  1844,  and  we  are  not  in  possession  of 
its  records,  we  are  at  this  time  unable  to  give  any  information  concern- 
ing it. 


This  Lodge  made  the  following  return  in  1844:  Lewis  Evans,  W.  M.; 
Benjamin  Avise,  S.  W. ;  Alexander  Sympson,  J.  W. ;  George  Bailman, 
Sec.;  Chauncey  Robinson,  Treas.;  E.  S.  Freeman  and  Samuel  Comer, 
Deacons  ;  Franklin  J.  Bartlett,  Steward;  Wm.  G.  Yetter,  Tyler. 

Past  Masters. — Lewis  Evans,  B.  A.  Gallup,  B.  Avise. 

Master  Masons. — Thomas  Burnett,  William  Daniel,  Wesley  Williams, 
R.  T.  Smith,  0.  C.  Skinner,  David  E.  Head,  George  W.  Thatcher,  Har- 
ney  L.  Summers. 

Fellow  Craft. — Elihu  Pembroke. 

Died. — Andrew  D.  Bogua,  August  14,  1844. 



Three  brethren  were  raised  by  this  Lodge  during  1844,  viz. :  William 
YJ>r_T.)_Head,  July  22;  J.  C.  Davis,  Nov.  18;  W.  H.  Roosevelt,  Dec.  2. 
Dec.  19,  the  Lodge  elected  the  following  officers  :  A.  J.  Chittenden,  W. 
M.;  John  Montague,  S.  W. ;  J.  Berry,  J.  W. ;  Wm.  H.  Roosevelt,  Treas.; 
H.  Stephens,  Sec.;  Mark  Aldrich,  S.  D.;  Isham  Cochran,  J.  D. ;  German 
Andrews,  Tyler. 

We  are  unable  to  afford  any  information  regarding  this  Lodge. 

CASS  LODGE  NO.  23. 

This  Lodge  did  not  confer  the  third  degree  during  the  year  1844.  No 
meetings  were  held  in  the  months  of  December  1843,  and  January  1844. 
February  3,  the  following  action  was  taken  : 

"  Bro.  William  Bassett  moved  that  Cass  Lodge  No.  23  be  removed  to 
Beardstown,  Cass  county,  Illinois,  and  that  its  regular  meetings  be  here- 
after held  at  that  place.  The  motion  was  seconded  and  thirded." 

On  February  22,  the  motion  was  adopted,  and  the  next  meeting, 
(March  28)  was  held  at  Beardstown,  where  the  Lodge  has  continued  to 
meet  up  to  the  present  time.  No  meetings  held  in  April,  June,  Septem- 
ber, October,  November  and  December.  / 

ST.  GLAIR  LODGE  NO.  24. 

The  raisings  reported  by  this  Lodge  during  1844  are:  Moses  Hart, 
Feb.  13 ;  E.  H.  Talbot,  April  2 ;  Ausby  Fike,  Aug.  37;  Timothy  Hinck- 
ley,  Sept.  3.  April  2d,  "a  communication  was  received  from  the  St. 
Louis  Lodge  of  Secret  Monitors,  which  was  upon  motion  laid  on  the 
table."  May  14,  the  Lodge  decided  that  no  brother  should  advance 
until  proficient  on  the  preceding  degree.  May  28,  the  petition  for  Mon- 
roe Lodge  (28)  was  recommended.  Bro.  Taylor  resigned  as  Secretary. 
June  11,  we  find  the  following  recorded  : 

"A  communication  was  received  from  the  Secretary  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Illinois,  acknowledging  the  receipt  of  four  dollars  from  St.  Clair 
Lodge  No.  24,  by  the  hands  of  C.  G.  Y.  Taylor,  the  Secretary,  also  notic- 
ing the  conduct  of  Bro. ,  in  participating  in  the  procession  had  by 

the  Lodges  at  Nauvoo,  at  the  time  their  hall  was  dedicated.  *  *  * 
On  motion,  a  committee  was  appointed  to  investigate  and  collate  the 
particulars  in  relation  to  Bro. 's  conduct  while  at  Nauvoo,  in  partici- 
pating in  their  Masonic  procession.  Bros.  Taylor,  Hook,  and  Mace 
were  appointed  said  committee."  An  invitation  was  received  from  the 


Lodge  at  Alton,  requesting  St.  Clair  Lodge  to  assist  them  in  celebrating 
the  24th  June,  which  was  declined  because  the  election  of  officers  took 
place  on  the  25th.  June  15,  a  like  invitation  was  received  from  the 
Lodges  at  St.  Louis,  and  disposed  of  in  the  same  manner.  June  25,  the 
following  officers  were  elected  :  George  Kelly,  W.  M. ;  Seth  Catlin,  S. 
W. ;  George  W.  Hook,  J.  W. ;  David  Wilver, Treas.j  J.  Mace,  Sec.;  Julius 
Raith,  S.  D. ;  J.  L.  D.  Morrison,  J.  D.  The  election  of  Tyler  was  held 
over  until  the  next  meeting.  An  invitation  extended  by  Monroe  Lodge 
to  celebrate  the  fourth  of  July  on  the  6th,  was  accepted.  The  case  of  the 
brother  charged  with  associating  with  clandestine  Masons  of  Nauvoo', 
was  taken  up  and  postponed  indefinitely.  July  9,  the  officers  were  in- 
stalled, and  the  committee  on  the  K"auvoo  matter  reported  as  follows  : 

"  The  committee  appointed  to  investigate  Bro. 's  conduct  while  at  Nauvoo, 

on  a  late  excursion  in  an  alleged  participation  in  Masonic  ceremonies  with  indi- 
viduals who  were  members  of  Masonic  Lodges  under  arrest,  and  in  fact,  whose 
charter  had  been  demanded,  but  which  said  Lodge  very  improperly  refused  to 
surrender  to  the  authorities  appointed  to  receive  them,  would  most  respect- 
fully state  that  it  is  a  matter  of  great  delicacy  with  them  to  report  upon  the 
conduct  of  one  with  whom  they  have  been  so  long  and  favorably  connected  in  Ma- 
sonic privileges,  nevertheless  they  feel  their  paramount  obligation  to  the  Order 
whose  honor  has  on  this  occasion  been  more  particularly  intrusted  to  their 
care,  the  ancient  landmarks  and  usages  of  which  it  is  the  duty  of  all  true  Ma- 
sons to  cultivate  and  perpetuate;  therefore  they  hope  no  exceptions  will  be  taken 
should  the  committee  speak  with  that  frankness,  candor,  and  severity  which 
the  importance  of  the  subject  demands.  First,  then,  it  is  evident  that  a  principle 
which  all  true  Masons  recognize  as  a  fundamental  principle,  the  violation  of 
which  is  most  solemly  interdicted,  has  by  Bro. been  violated,  viz. :  Hold- 
ing Masonic  communion  with  clandestine  Masons,  which  fact  is  received  from 

Bro. 's  letter  to  Bro.  Helm  of  Springfield  and  to  the  G.  S.  at  Jacksonville, 

which  reads  as  follows: 

"'With  the  Masons  at  Nauvoo  I  associated  in  procession  (not  in  work)  attended 
their  dedication  ceremonies  of  the  Masonic  hall  of  Nauvoo  as  a  Mason.'  Bro. 

should  have  known  that  there  is  probably  not  an  instance  in  the  annals  of 

the  Order  where  a  Masonic  procession  was  had  without  the  Lodge  or  Lodges 
being  opened  in  some  of  the  degrees,  in  fact  it  could  not  have  been  a  Masonic 
procession  otherwise.  If  otherwise  it  would  have  been  a  procession  of  Masons, 
which  in  regular  Masonry  is  a  very  different  thing. 

"  If  the  above  reasoning  be.  correct,  and  we  think  it  is,  then  it  follows  that 

Bro. associated  with  those  individuals  in  their  Lodge  capacity,  and  of  course 

involved  himself  in  their  pretended  Masonic  labor,  of  whatsoever  character  it 
was,  and  also  by  his  presence  and  association  gave  countenance  to  their  illegal 
and  contumelious  operations.  The  above  facts  necessarily  present  the  following 
inquiry  to  the  mind:  Did  Bro. knowingly  commit  the  above  named  viola- 
tion ?  Bro.  -> —  states  in  his  letter  '  having  heard  previous  to  my  visit  there,  that 
they  labored  under  the  disagreeable  sentence  of  suspension  from  the  G.  L.  of 
Ills,  <tc.,  I  cautiously  approached  there  any  association.  Inquiry  was  made  if 
they  labored  under  the  sentence,  the  answer  was  positively  no  !  producing  the 
dispensation  and  declaring  it  had  not  been  demanded  by  proper  authority,  and 


lurther  stated  that  no  cause  existed  for  suspension.  Under  those  assertions,  1 
felt  at  ease.' 

"  Our  first  business  is  with  the  first  part  of  the  above  extract,  viz. :  '  Having 
heard  previous  to  my  visit  there  that  they  labored  under  the  disagreeable  sen- 
tence of  suspension  from  the  G.  L.  of  Ills.'  Now  the  proof  is  clear  that  Bro. 

knew  as  well  as  he  ever  knew  any  historic  fact,  that  their  operations  had  been 
by  the  authority  of  the  Grand  Lodge  interdicted.  It  is  worse  than  useless  on 
his  part  to  plead  ignorance  or  any  other  circumstance  as  a  refuge.  The  subter- 
fuge is  too  weak  to  receive  attention  for  a  moment.  The  committee  will,  however, 
give  the  facts  which  prove  his  knowledge  in  relation  to  the  disability  under 
which  those  Lodges  labored.  First,  our  W.  M.  had  received  the  information 
from  the  officers  of  the  Grand  Lodge  personally,  and  had  communicated  it  to 

our  Lodge.    Secondly,  Bro. endeavored  to  vouch  for  the  admission  of  a  Mr. 

Younger  into  our  Lodge,  which  the  Lodge  refused  to  admit  because  he  was 

a  member  of  one    of  those   Lodges  which  were  illegally  working.     Bro. 

stoutly  contended  for  the  admission  of  his  friend,  but  was  peremptorily  denied 

because  the  individual  occupied  the  position  of  a  clandestine  Mason.    Bro. 

is  well  aprised  of  every  fact  urged  in  the  premises  at  the  time.  Thirdly,  the 
Secretary  of  his  own  Lodge  cautioned  him  particularly  the  day  before  he  start- 
ed for  Nauvoo,  not  to  have  any  Masonic  connection  with  the  Nauvoo  Masons, 
reminding  Bro. of  the  interdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge  in  their  case. 

"  Next  we  come  to  the  second  clause  of  the  above  extract,  which  reads  thus :  '  I 
cautiously  approached  there,  any  association.  Inquiry  was  made  if  they  labored 
under  this  sentence.  The.answer  was  positively  no!  producing  the  dispensation 
and  declaring  it  had  not  been  demanded  by  proper  authority.' 

"Bro. also  states  in  his  letter  to  Dr.  Helm  and  the  Grand  Secretary,  that 

he  read  a  copy  of  a  letter  detained  in  Helm  Lodge  (Nauvoo)  responsive  to  the 
demand  of  the  G.  L.  of  111.  for  their  dispensation.  Your  committee  can  not  see 
that  Bro. evinced  much  caution  in  the  matter;  if  he  had,  certainly  the  re- 
sponse of  Helm  Lodge  to  the  G.  L.,  as  well  in  fact  as  in  tone,  together  with  the 
facts  he  received  from  his  own  immediate  brethren,  should  have  convinced  him 
there  was  something  wrong,  and  of  necessity  that  wrong  must  be  with  the  sub- 
ordinate Lodges,  as  their  life  and  existence  depended  upon  the  G.  Lodge,  from 
from  which  all  legal  authority  emanates,  the  mere  intimation  from  the  G.  Ledge 
for  her  subordinates  to  suspend  or  deliver  their  warrants  on  the  part  of  the  sub- 
ordinate Lodges,  should  be  met  with  courtesy  and  obedience,  and  by  individual 
Masons  respected  and  honored. 

"After  the  officers  of  the  Grand  Lodge  had  demanded  their  dispensation,  it 
was  an  insult  on  the  part  of  Helm  Lodge,  still  to  call  upon  the  Grand  Lodge 
for  authority  to  stop  them  in  their  work.  And  it  is  heaping  insult  upon  insult 
for  an  individual  Mason,  after  having  set  at  naught  the  will  of  the  G.  Lodge,  to 
reiterate  the  call  for  proper  authority  to  investigate  the  Nauvoo  difficulties.  The 
committee  have  indulged  in  this  seeming  digression  to  show  that  in  the  faco  of 

the  clearest  facts  proving  the  illegal  operations  of  the  Nauvoo  Lodges,  Bro. 

wishes  to  justify  and  exonerate  himself  by  taking  the  position  of  a  mediator 
calling  for  investigation  by  the  G.  Lodge,  as  though  she  had  acted  arbitrarily 
and  ignorantly  in  the  premises. 

"The  committee  do  not  wish  to  indulge  in  mere  conjectures,  but  it  does  seern 

that  Bro. was  determined  to  participate  in  the  Nauvoo  display,  though  he 

should  do  it  in  contravention  of  the  usages  of  Masonry,  if  so  he  could  but  es- 


cape  the  expressed  condemnation  of  the  Order.  We  think  this  is  evident  from 
the  fact  that  he  stated  to  several  before  he  left  Belleville  that  he  proposed  going 
to  Nauvoo  to  participate  in  the  dedication  of  the  Masonic  hall  erecting  there, 
and  also  from  the  fact  that  he  took  his  Masonic  regalia  with  him  for  the  occa- 
sion. Your  committee  are  aware  that  no  good  end  would  be  answered  by  in- 
flicting punishment  upon  an  individual  who  had  acted  innocently  or  ignorantly 
in  the  premises,  yet  where  there  is  a  flagrant  violation  of  the  principles  of  the 
Institution,  it  should  be  met  with  rigor  and  severity.  We  feel,  from  the  facts 

which  have  been  stated,  that  Bro. acted  knowingly  in   the  case,  and  most 

willfully  violated  Ancient  Masonic  usage. 

"  In  view  of  the  above,  your  committee  feel  it  their  duty  to  offer  the  following 
resolutions : 

"1st.    Resolved,   That  Bro. ,  by  participating  with  the  Nauvoo  Lodges  in 

procession,  4c.,  treated  the  authorities  of  the  G.  Lodge  with  contempt  and  vio- 
lated an  ancient  established  principle  of  the  Fraternity. 

"2d.    Resolved,    That  as  Bro.  has  acted  unmasonically   as  is  shown,  by 

the  above  report,  and  expressed  in  tlie  resolution  preceding  this,  the  Lodge 
deal  with  him  according  to  Masonic  usages  in  the  Fraternity. 
Dated  June  14th,  1844.  "  C.  G.  Y.  TAYLOR, 

G.  W.  HOOK, 
J.  MACE. 

|-  Committee." 

The  sentence,  as  assessed,  was  then  carried  into  execution.  Oct.  2, 
the  delegates  to  the  Grand  Lodge  were  directed  to  vote  for  the  removal 
of  the  Grand  Lodge  to  Springfield. 


The  first  meeting  of  this  Lodge  of  which  we  have  any  record,  was  held 
October  15th,  1844,  at  which  time  the  following  brethren  were  present: 

"DAVID  ALLEN,  Worshipful  Master. 
TIMOTHY  SOUTHER,  Senior  Warden. 
SAM'L  G.  BALEY,  Junior  Warden. 
J.  C.  KETCHAM,  Secretary. 
ISHAM  HARDY,  Treasurer. 
J.  W.  SCHWEPPE,  Senior  Deacon. 
S.  R.  DOLBEE,  Junior  Warden. 





All  the  visiting  brethren  were  from  Franklin  Lodge  No.  22. 

No  formal  organization  was  had,  the  Lodge  going  right  to  work  by  con- 
ferring the  Master's  degree  upon  N.  G.  Edwards.  The  Master's  degree 
was  conferred  upon  Breth.  L.  F.  Morin,  Nov.  5;  J.  D.  Pearce,  Nov.  14; 
Edward  Keating,  Dec.  24. 

November  21,  Bro.  Charles  Howard  dedicated  the  hall,  constituted  the 
Lodge,  and  installed  the  officers.  St.  John's  Day  (Dec.  27)  was  appro- 
priately celebrated  by  Piasa  and  Franklin  Lodges. 




FAR  WEST,  NO.  29,  AT  GALENA. 

Raisings  reported, Myetr,  April  27; Oliver,  May  25. 

Dec.  26,  the  following  officers  were  elected  :  H.  H.  Gear,  W.  M.;  Robert 
Thompson,  S.  W.;  Mathew  Fawcett,  J.  W.;  John  E.  Smith,  Treas.: 
M.  Y.  Johnson,  Sec.;  Wm.  B.  Whiteside,  S.  D.;  James  Armon,  J.  D.; 
J.  P.  De Zoya  and Hoack,  Stewards;  Wm.  M.  Campbell,  Tyler. 

On  the  13th  December,  the  following  letter  was  written  : 

"  GALENA,  December  13th,  1844. 
""To  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Missouri: 

"The  undersigned,  appointed  a  committee  at  a  regular  meeting  of  Far  West 
ILodge  29,  held  in  the  city  of  Galena,  on  the  23d  of  November,  A.  L.  5844,  to  collect 
the  dues  of  the  members  and  remit  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  would  respectfully 
^represent  unto  your  Ancient  Order  that,  owing  to  many  causes,  this  Lodge  has  not 
.prospered,  but  regular  meetings  have  been  held,  at  which  little  or  no  business 
•has  been  done;  that  the  records  of  the  Lodge  have  been  indifferently  kept;  that 
it  is  now  next  to  impossible  to  determine  who  are  the  members  at  this  time, 
some  having  demitted,  and  others  removed  from  the  State,  with  very  many 
having  joined  the  Dubuque  and  Platteville  Lodges,  where  they  are  now  paying 
dues.  They  have  thought  proper,  with  the  abstract  of  the  proceedings  herewith 
sent,  to  send  the  names  of  those  belonging  to  the  Lodge  whose  names  are  sub- 
scribed to  the  constitution,  and  with  their  names,  the  dues  for  two  years  of  the 
members  in  arrears.  By  so  doing,  we  will  be  rendering  to  the  Grand  Lodge  an  act 
of  justice,  and  placing  ourselves  in  a  situation  to  exert  an  influence  in  carrying 
out  the  object  of  the  Order: 

"  The  names  of  members— Charles  Gear,  A.  T.  Crow,  Geo.  M.  Mitchell,  William 
B.  Whiteside,  Joseph  Doplar,  M.  Fawcett,  Daniel  Wann,  T.  B.  Farnsworth, 
William  M.  Campbell,  John  McNulty,  J.  B.  Latham,  Richard  Patterson,  Robert 
Thomson,  A.  C.  Davis,  Hezekiah  H.  Gear,  Edward  W.  Turner,  E.  F.  Ogden,  T.  C. 
Legate,  and  Nicholas  Wall;  being  $26.50  due  the  Grand  Lodge,  at  seventy-five 
cents  a  year.  We  herewith  enclose  you  a  draft  for  the  amount,  which  you  will 
please  accept,  and  credit  this  Lodge  with  the  amount. 

"  We  are  also  directed  to  request  of  the  Grand  Lodge  an  acquittance,  so  we  can 
join  the  Grand  Lodge  of  this  State,  or  Wisconsin,  they  being  much  more  con- 
venient to  this  Lodge. 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

'•  Yours  fraternally, 
(Signed.)  "M.  V.  JOHNSON, 



MARION,  NO.  59,  AT  SALEM. 

Raisings  reported,  Franklin  Conant,  S.  Joseph  Wronowski,  and  W.  A. 
Thomas,  April  9  ;  Abner  F.  Haynie  and  II.  M.  Grant,  July  8;  Samuel  J. 
Hunn,  Dec.  24;  Wm.  J.  Stephenson,  Dec.  27. 

March  11,  the  following  election  was  had:  W.  II.  H.  Barnes,  W.  M.; 
H.  P.  Boyakin,  S.  W.;  J.  A.  Goudy,  J.  W.;  Van  Tramp  Turner,  Treas.; 
H.  S.  Mills,  Sec.  At  the  meeting  of  June  10,  Stephen  "W.  B.  Carnegy, 
Grand  Master  of  Missouri,  presided. 

July  8,  the  Lodge  held  another  election,  resulting  as  follows: 
Henderson  P.  Boyakin,  W.  M.;  A.  F.  King,  S.  W.;  Ira  Potter,  J.  W.; 
S.  J.  Wronowski,  Treas.;  H.  S.  Mills,  Secretary.  On  August  27,  Isaac  G. 
Barr  was  initiated,  and  Sept.  12,  the  Lodge  performed  the  melancholy 
duty  of  interring  his  remains.  The  usual  resolutions  of  sorrow  and 
respect  were  passed,  also  the  following : 

"It  was  unanimoutly  resolved,  That  we  do  believe  it  to  be  the  duty  of  this 
Lodge  to  guard  especially  the  minor  children  of  deceased  Bro.  Isaac  G.  Barr, 
and  to  see  that  they  are  properly  educated." 

Nov.  11,  the  Lodge  held  another  election,  making  the  third  in  one 
year.  The  officers,  with  the  exception  of  Master  and  Senior  Warden, 
were  re-elected — Breth.  Barnes  and  King  exchanging  stations. 

Franklin  and  Hillsboro  Lodges  made  no  return  to  the  Grand  Lodge  in 
1844,  consequently  we  are  unable  to  extend  any  information  concerning 




The  sixth  annual  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge  was  held  at 
Jacksonville,  on  Monday,  October  6th,  1845. 


"M.  W.  LEVI  LUSK,  Grand  Master. 
R.  W.  NELSON  D.  MORSE,  Sr.  Gr.  Warden,  p.  t. 
"     "    WILLIAM  LAV  ELY,  Jr.  Gr.  Warden,  p.  t. 
"     "    and  Rev.  W.  F.  WALKER,  Gr.  Chaplain,  p.  t. 
"     "    PHILIP  COPFMAN,  Gr.  Treasurer. 
"     "    A.  C.  DICKSON,  Gr.  Secretary,  p.  t. 

"    JAMES  L.  ANDERSON,  Sr.  G.  Deacon. 

"    NATHAN  DRESSER,  Jr.  Gr.  Deacon,  p.  t. 

"    EDGAR  BOGARDUS,  Gr.  Sw.  Bearer,  p.  t. 

"    WILLIAM  ERVIN,  Gr.  Pursuivant,  p.  t. 

"    JOHN  GREGORY,  Gr.  Tyler. 
M.  W.  ALEX.  DUNLAP,  Past  Gr.  Master. 


"  WILLIAM  S.  HURST,  J.  W.,  Harmony  Lodge  No.  3, 
Z.  P.  CABANIS,  proxy,  J.  W.,  Springfield  Lodge  No.  4. 
WILLIAM  LAVELY,  W.  M.  No.  4,  and  proxy  for  Macon  Lodge  No.  &. 
JAMES  L.  ANDERSON,  W.  M.  No.  9. 

Rev.  W.  F.  WALKER,  proxy,  S.  W.,  Joliet,  No.  10,  and  W.  M.  St.  John's,  No.  13. 
AVILLIAM  STUART,  proxy,  8.  W.,  Joliet,  No.  10. 
JOHN  GREGORY,  proxy,  S.  W.,  St.  John's,  No.  13. 
EDGAR  BOGARDUS,  W.  M.,  No.  13. 
WILLIAM  ERVIN,  W.  M.,  No.  17. 
NATHAN  DRESSER,  proxy,  S.  W.,  No.  17. 
LEMUEL  SMITH,  J.  W.,  No.  17. 
NELSON  D.  MORSE,  W.  M.,  No.  26. 


"SAMUEL  STONE  and  JOSEPH  G.  CASSELL,  of  No.  3. 
CHARLES  W.  CHATTERTON  and  DAVID  LOGAN,  of  No.  4." 


Of  these  representatives,  Breth.  Walker  and  Stuart,  who  represented 
No.  10,  were  members  of  0/iental  and  Apollo  Lodges,  U.  D.,  at  Chicago; 
John  Gregory,  who  represented  No.  13,  was  a  member  of  No.  3;  and 
Wm.  Lavely,  who  represented  No.  8,  was  a  member  of  No.  4. 

The  Grand  Lodge  being  opened,  and  the  reading  of  the  minutes  of  the 
last  communication  dispensed  with,  the  Grand  Master  delivered  the 
following  address : 

"BRETHREN: — I  regret  very  much  that  circumstances  over  which  I  had  no 
control  were  such  that  I  was  not  able  to  collate  and  throw  into  form  some  of  the 
most  important  portions  of  our  foreign  correspondence,  together  with  a  report 
of  my  own  actings  and  doings  as  Grand  Master,  as  a  kind  of  annual  communica- 
tion from  the  Chair,  for  the  action  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  I  am,  however,  con- 
strained, under  the  circumstances,  to  content  myself  with  selecting  but  one  or 
two  of  my  acts,  in  which  I  conceive  are  embraced  vital  principles,  for  the  approval 
or  disapproval  of  this  Grand  Lodge  in  similar  cases  that  may  hereafter  arise. 

"I  received  a  communication  a  few  weeks  ago  from  a  worthy  brother,  pro- 
pounding several  queries  upon  the  following  premises,  viz.:  A  man  had  been 
initiated  and  passed  to  the  second  degree,  and  upon  application  to  be  raised, 
was  rejected.  Query:  Can  he  take  the  degree  in  any  Lodge  without  the  unani- 
mous consent  of  this  Lodge  ?  Until  after  twelve  months,  can  he  be  ballotted  for 
in  this?  To  which  I  answered,  in  substance,  that  a  rejection  upon  a  ballot  for  a 
degree  did  not  amount  to  a  suspension  or  expulsion  from  a  Lodge,  nor  did  it 
divest  the  applicant  of  the  rights,  privileges,  or  benefits  of  the  degree  or  degrees 
which  he  might  have  taken;  that  if  he  was  rejected  for  want  of  skill,  whenever 
he  perfected  himself  in  the  degree  or  degrees  he  had  taken,  he  had  a  right  to 
demand  and  receive  a  higher  degree,  unless  there  were  other  objections;  in 
that  case,  the  objections  should  be  embodied  in  the  form  of  charges,  to  which 
he  should  be  required  to  answer.  I  also  decided  that  it  would  be  highly  improper 
for  another  Lodge  to  confer  the  degree,  without  the  consent  of  the  Lodge  which 
had  rejected  him. 

"  One  other  matter  I  will  lay  before  the  Grand  Lodge.  At  the  last  grand  com- 
munication a  committee  was  appointed,  at  the  suggestion  of  the  Committee  on 
Petitions  and  Grievances,  to  repair  to  Keokuk  and  make  certain  investigations, 
and  report  to  the  Grand  Master.  Bro.  Montague,  of  Warsaw,  and  two  others 
were  appointed.  Some  time  after,  Bro.  Montague  informed  me  that  it  was  not 
convenient  for  them  to  act,  and  requested  me  to  appoint  others.  I  named  to 
him  several  brothers  in  that  neighborhood,  and  authorized  him  to  select  and 
appoint  two  to  act  with  him,  and  report  to  me.  I  do  not  know  what  his  action 
has  been.  I  submit  the  foregoing  for  the  action  of  the  Grand  Lodge." 

He  then  reported  granting  four  dispensations  for  new  Lodges — one  at 
Barry,  Pike  county;  two  at  Chicago  (Apollo  and  Oriental);  and  one  at 
"  Charleston,  Coles  county,  by  the  name  of  Morning  Star." 

So  much  of  the  address  as  related  to  decisions,  was  referred  to  Breth 
Walker  (33),  Anderson  (9),  and  Bogardus  (14). 

The  following  committees  were  then  appointed  : 

To  Examine  Visitors. — Bogardus  (14),  Hurst  (3),  and  Stuart  (32). 

On  Lodges  U.  D. — Morse  (26),  Anderson  (9),  and  Lavely  (4). 


The  latter  committee  were  enjoined  by  the  Grand  Master  to  report  in 
the  afternoon,  so  that  the  Lodges  reported  upon  by  them  might  be  ad- 
mitted to  representation  by  their  delegates. 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  until  2  o'clock  P.  M. 

MONDAY  AFTERNOON,  Oct.  6th,  1845. 
The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.     Present,  as  in  the 

morning,  with  the  addition  of: 

"  JOHN  C.  HEYLE,  S.  W.,  Peoria  No.  15. 

GEORGE  T.  BROWN,  proxy  for  W.  M.,  No.  25,  (Franklin),  and  8.  W.  of  No  27. 

W.  H.  GAYLE,  proxy  W.  M.,  No.  28. 
JOHNR.  CRANDALL,  W.  M.,  No.  29. 
JOSEPH  JACKSON,  S.  W.,  Barry  U.  D. 
FRANCIS  A.  McNEILL,  P.  M.,  No.  4." 

The  Committee  on  Lodges  U.  D.  made  report  recommending  the 
granting  of  charters  to  Morning  Star  Lodge  No.  30,  Jefferson  Lodge  as 
Mt.  Vernon  No.  31,  Apollo  Lodge  No.  32,  and  Oriental  Lodge  No.  33, 
when  Adam  Brewer  was  admitted  as  the  representative  of  No.  30,  Wil- 
liam W.  Bennett  No  31,  William  Stuart  No.  32,  and  W.  F.  Walker 
No.  33. 

The  following  standing  commit  ees  were  appointed  : 

On  Chartered  Lodges. — Cabauis  (4),  Ervin  (17),  and  Hurst  (3). 

On  Petitions  and  Grievances. — Heyl(15),  Ervin  (17),  and  Gayle  (28). 

On  Finances  and  Accounts. — Dresser  (17),  Morse  (26),  and  Stuart 

On  Foreign  Communications. — Walker  (33),  Crandall  (29),  and  Dunlap 

At  Bro.  Dunlap's  request,  he  was  excused  from  attending  the  last 
named  committee,  whereupon  the  Grand  Lodge  substituted  the  Grand 
Master  in  his  place. 

Bro.  McNeill  offered  the  following  resolutions,  which  were  tabled: 

"Resolved,  That  in  the  judgment  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  there  may  occur  cases 
of  emergency,  in  which  the  degrees  of  Entered  Apprentice,  Fellow  Craft,  and 
Master  Mason,  may  be  conferred  without  requiring  the  petition  of  the  applicant 
to  lie  over  the  usual  time;  and  that  the  several  Lodges,  working  under  the 
jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  are  hereby  authorized  to  exercise  their  dis- 
cretion in  reference  to  such  cases,  observing,  at  the  same  time,  the  utmost 
caution  and  prudence,  so  that  the  ancient  regulations  of  the  Order,  requiring 
petitions  for  initiation  to  lie  over  one  month,  be  not  set  aside  for  light  or  trivial 

"Resolved,  That  any  resolution  of  this  Grand  Lodge  contrary  to  the  above  is 
hereby  jepealed." 

Bro.  Walker  offered  the  following  resolution,  which  was  laid  over  for 
consideration  : 

"Resolved,  That  thfl  Lodges  under  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge  be  and 
are  herebv  instructed  to  require  of  every  candidate  initiated,  that  he  perfect 
himself  in  the  lecture  appertaining  to  the  First  Degree,  before  being  passed  to  the 


Second  ;  and  in  that  of  the  Second  before  being  raised  to  the  Third  ;  and  in  (hat 
of  the  Third  Degree  within  one  year  from  the  time  of  his  being  rais&l;  and  that 
he  satisfy  the  brethren  by  examination  in  open  Lodge,  of  his  being  so  pn-fected  ; 
and  that  the  Worshipful  Master  of  each  Lodge  is  expected  to  provide  for  such 
instruction  being  given  in  each  case  as  is  contemplated  by  this  resolution." 

The  following  preamble  and  resolution,  offered  by  Bro.  Lavely,  were 
adopted  : 

"WHEREAS,  The  constitution  of  this  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge  declares 
that  'all  questions  and  elections  shall  be  decided  by  a  majority  of  the  votes 
given,'  and  does  not  authorize  the  passage  of  any  by-laws  inconsistent  there- 
with ;  therefore  be  it. 

"Resolved,  That  so  much  of  the  ICth  section  of  the  By-Laws  adopted  by  this 
Grand  Lodge  as  requires  'a  majority  of  two-thirds  of  the  votes  present'  to  adopt 
any  proposed  amendment  thereto,  is  inconsistent  with,  and  in  violation  of,  the 
constitution  of  this  Most  Worshipful  Grand  Lodge,  and  is  hereby  declared  to  be 
null  and  void." 

The  following,  on  motion  of  Bro.  Walker,  was  adopted: 

"Resolved,  As  the  sense  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  that  in  conferring  the  First  and 
Third  Degrees,  it  is  not  proper  to  introduce  more  than  one  candidate  at  one  and 
the  same  time." 

There  seems  to  have  been  some  difficulty  regarding  charter  fees,  for 
in  the  record  appears  the  following,  which  was  laid  ov«r  for  considera- 
tion : 

"Resolved,  That  it  is  the  sense  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  that  fifteen  dollars  only  is 
required  by  Sec.  7,  of  the  By-Laws,  for  a  dispensation,  and  seven  dollars  only, 
additional  for  a  charter,  including  Grand  Secretary's  fee,  and  that  in  all  cases 
where  a  greater  sum  has  been  paid,  the  Grand  Treasurer  be,  and  he  is  hereby 
instructed  to  refund  such  surplus,  and  to  call  on  the  Grand  Secretary  for  an 
adjustment  of  the  same  with  the  Grand  Lodge." 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  to  seven  o'clock. 

MONDAY  EVENING,  Oct.  6th,  1845. 

The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.  Present,  as  in  the 
morning,  with  the  addition  of  a  "great  many  visitors,  residents  of  Jack- 
sonville, together  with  J.  R.  Fayerweather,  of  Des  Moines  Lodge  No.  1, 
Dubuque,  Iowa." 

The  Grand  Lodge  having  resumed  its  labors,  Breth.  Walker  and  Stuart 
were  invited  to  rehearse  the  lectures  in  the  first,  second  and  third  degrees. 
Those  of  the  first  and  second  were  rehearsed,  but  a  want  of  time  pre- 
vented the  recital  of  those  of  the  third. 

"  The  lectures,  as  rehearsed  by  these  brethren,  were  commended  by 
the  Grand  Master,  and  unanimously  adopted  by  the  Grand  Lodge." 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  adjourned  to  8  o'clock  Tuesday  morning. 

TUESDAY  MORNING,  Oct  7th,  1845. 
The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment,  with  the  addition  of 


"JAMES  H.  RALSTON,  S.  W.,  No.  1. 
LOUIS  WATSON,  proxy  J.  W.,  No.  1. 
\V.  J.  DEHAVEN,  proxy  W.  M.,  No.  23. 
R.  F.  KIPPEN BURG,  proxy  S.  W.,  No  23. 
WILLIAM  S.  HURST,  proxy  for  No.  16." 

The  Grand  Lodge  having  resumed  its  labors,  Bro.  Ralston  presented  a 
petition  from  Bro.  Charles  Steinagle,  and  others,  of  Quincy,  asking  for  a 
dispensation  for  a  new  Lodge,  to  work  in  the  German  language,  which 
was  referred  to  the  Committee  on  Petitions  and  Grievances 

The  resolutions  offered  by  Bro.  Walker,  on  the  day  previous,  were 
taken  up  and  adopted. 

The  report  of  the  Grand  Treasurer,  (which  we  here  give)  was  pre- 
sented and  referred  to  the  Committee  on  Finance  : 

"  P.  COFFMAN,  Treasurer,  <tc.,  in  account  with 

the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  Illinois :        Dr. 

"Oct.  5th,  1841,  to  this  amount  of  cash  of  Grand  Secretary $129  00 

"      "     1842,        "  "  "        "  "  "          120  00 

"      "     1843,        "  "  "        "  "  "          318  66 

"  10th,  1844,        "  "  "        "  "  " 282  35 

Total $819  91 


'Oct.  4th,  1841,  by  amount  paid  to  Bro.  Adams $  50  00 

"     1842,  "         "  "     for  printing 5075 

"      "     1843,  "         "  "     Bro.  Nye,  charity  fund 25  (0 

"      "        "      "         "  "     for  printing 17  00 

"      "     1844,  "         "  "     Grand  Lecturer 25  00 

"Jan.  9th,     "      "         "  "     Bro.  Putnam  for  printingconstitutions....    1000 

"     Bro.  Hodge  for  printing  proceedings 4068 

"Sept.  3d,     "      "         "  "     James  Adams  in  full  account 11080 

"       "       "      "         "  "     Grand  Marshal 20  50 

"       "       "      "         "  "     Grand  Tyler 10  25 

'Oct.lOth,    "      "         "  "     Grand  Tyler  for  services 917 

Dec.  4th,     "      "         "  "     charity  to  Bro.  Semerville 1000 

'  Jan.  10th,  1845,  "         "  "     Geo.  Henry,  charity 3000 

"Feb. llth,  "       "         "  "     for  printing  oration 22  00 

"Mc'h.  4th,  "       "         "  "     Henry's  bill  for  work 750 

"    10th,  "       "         "  "     Sweet  for  printing 49  00 

"  By  balance  in  my  hands 362  2G 

"Total $849  91 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted, 

"  P.  COFFMAN,  Grand  Treas. 
"  October  6th  1845." 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  went  into  an  election  of  officers,  resulting  as 
follows  : 


"REV.  WILLIAM  F.  WALKER,  Chicago,  M.  W.  Grand  Master. 
NELSON  D.  MORSE,  Henderson,  R.  W.  Dep.  Grand  Master. 
EDGAR  BOGARDUS,  Shawneetown,  R.  W.  Sr.  Grand  Warden. 
JOHN  R.  CRANDALL,  Pekin,  R.  W.  Jr.  Grand  Warden." 

At  this  point  the  election  was  suspended,  in  order  to  take  up  amend- 
ments of  by-laws. 

The  amendment  in  relation  to  the  striking  out  of  the  first  section  the 
word  "Jacksonville,"  and  to  insert  "Alton,"  and  the  same  amendment 
in  regard  to  Peoria  were  tabled  temporarily. 

The  amendment  to  strikeout  '-Jacksonville"  and  insert  "  Quincy," 
and  the  amendment  to  the  amendment  to  strike  out  "Jacksonville" 
and  insert  "  Springfield,"  were  put  to  vote  and  lost. 

The  amendment  to  strike  out  "Jacksonville"  and  insert  "Spring- 
field," was  taken  up,  pending  the  consideration  of  which  the  Grand 
Lodge  adjourned  to  two  o'clock. 

TUESDAY  AFTERNOON,  Oct.  7,  1845. 

The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.  Present :  As  in  the 
morning,  with  the  addition  of 

Carding  Jackson,  D.  G.  M.,  and  W.  M.  No.  18 ;  John  Bailhache,  proxy,  J.  W. 
No.  27. 

The  Committee  on  Lodges  TJ.  D.  made  an  additional  report,  recom- 
mending the  granting  of  a  charter  to  Barry  Lodge  as  No.  34,  and  recom- 
mending that  so  much  of  their  by-laws  as  permitted  the  Lodge  to  receive 
petitions  from  persons  rejected  in  other  Lodges,  after  a  lapse  of  twelve 
months  from  said  rejection,  be  amended  so  as  to  require  permission  from 
the  Grand  Master  or  the  Lodge  that  rejected  the  applicant. 

The  report  was  adopted,  and  Bro.  Joseph  Jackson.  S.  W.  of  No.  34, 
admitted  as  its  representative. 

The  amendment  to  the  by-laws  to  strike  out  "Jacksonville"  and  in- 
sert "  Springfield,"  was  taken  up  and  lost. 

The  cities  of  Alton  and  Peoria  shared  the  same  fate.  A  motion  to 
reconsider  as  regarded  Peoria,  was  also  lost. 

The  Committee  on  the  Grand  Master's  Address  made  report  as  follows  : 

"  The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  so  much  of  the  Grand  Master's  ad- 
dress, as  relates  to  certain  queries  propounded  to  him,  regarding  the  refusal  to 
an  applicant,  by  a  subordinate  Lodge,  of  a  subsequent  degree,  after  such  Lodge 
has  conferred  upon  him  the  First  or  Second,  beg  leave  respectfully  to  report : 

'•That  they  have  had  the  subject  referred  to  them  under  consideration,  and 
would  submit  as  follows: 

•'  In  the  opinion  of  your  committee,  the  views  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  are 
strictly  Masonic  and  just.  The  rule  of  this  Grand  Lodge  requires  that  every 
petition  for  admission  to  our  Masonic  institution,  before  being  acted  upon,  shall 
have  been  in  possession  of  the  subordinate  Lodge  to  which  it  maybe  addressed, 
at  least  one  month. 


"This  rule,  adhered  to,  effectually  guards  such  Lodge  against  being  at  any 
time  surprised  into  an  election  before  due  opportunity  shall  have  been  afforded 
to  investigate  the  character  and  standing  of  the  petitioner,  and  all  its  members 
have  been  notified  of  the  application.  For,  if  the  petition  be  not  presented,  as  it 
should  be,  at  a  regular  meeting  of  the  Lodge,  such  a  meeting  must  inevitably 
occur  between  its  reception  and  the  balloting,  i.  e.:  Where  the  regular  meetings 
are  not  held  less  seldom  than  once  a  month,  which  is  no  where  the  case,  it  is 
believed,  in  this  jurisdiction;  and  as  every  member  of  a  Lodge  is  supposed  to 
be  in  his  place  at  the  regular  meetings,  as  required  by  the  constitutions,  every 
member  is  thus  fully  and  duly  notified  of  all  applications,  and  warned  that  his 
action  will  be  permitted  on  them.  If,  then,  when  the  ballot  is  ordered  in  a 
certain  case,  it  be  found  clear  in  favor  of  the  applicant,  he  is,  and  is  to  be  de- 
clared to  be  elected,  and  entitled  to  the  degrees  and  mysteries  of  Freemasonry, 
as  he  shall  qualify  himself  to  receive  them,  unless  by  after  apostacy  from  duty 
he  should  subject  himself  to  censure  and  discipline.  From  the  time  of  the 
candidates  initiation,  every  Mason  is  bound  to  hold  his  peace  in  regard  to  ob- 
jections which  might  have  previously  been  urged  against  him.  He  may,  and 
should  be  stayed  upon  either  degree  until  his  proficiency  therein  qualifies  him 
for  being  passed  or  raised,  as  the  case  may  be,  but  not  stopped,  except  for 
dereliction  in  duty,  subsequent  to  his  admission  to  the  Order,  or  to  the  degree 
last  taken :  in  which  case  it  is  the  duty  of  the  Lodge  to  see  that  charges  em- 
bracing the  same  are  preferred,  the  matter  investigated,  and  action  had  in  ac- 
cordance with  the  result.  In  no  case  may  a  subordinate  Lodge  justly  or  Mason- 
icly  refuse  the  subsequent  degrees  to  any  one  whom  it  has  initiated,  for  causes 
alleged  to  have  existed  prior  to  initiation." 

"It  is  almost  needless  for  your  committee  to  observe  that  private  or  personal 
feeling  should  never  be  allowed  to  influence  in  the  discharge  of  the  solemn  duty 
of  voting  on  a  question  regarding  the  conferring  of  degrees.  It  being  the  internal 
qualifications  of  a  man  that  recommend  him  to  be  a  Mason,  the  inquiry  should 
always  be  as  to  such  qualifications,  without  respect  to  other  and  adventitious 
circumstances  which  may  have  excited  feelings  or  enlisted  prejudices.  If  tried 
by  the  'Great  Light'  in  our  profession,  the  candidate  be  found  to  be  of  good 
report,  the  duty  of  all  true  Masons  is  clear  in  the  case;  and  when  his  prayer  has 
been  once  answered  affirmatively,  and  steps  have  been  taken  in  accordance 
therewith,  there  may,  as  already  stated,  in  the  opinion  of  your  committee, 
thereafter  be  no  arrest,  but  for  causes  which  may  have  sprung  into  existence 

"Those  Lodges  which  have  provided  in  their  by-laws  that  'an  unanimous 
ballot  shall  be  necessary  for  each  degree,'  should,  in  the  opinion  of  your  com- 
mittee, interpret  said  provisions  in  accordance  therewith,  or  alter  the  same  so 
as  to  require  a  vote  instead  of  a  ballot  for  the  second  and  third  degrees,  in  order 
that  the  cause  of  objections  at  any  time  arising  to  a  candidate,  may  be  at  once 
arrived  at;  that  if  it  be  for  the  want  of  suitable  proficiency,  it  may  be  removed 
by  further  instruction ;  if  for  dereliction  in  duty,  that  charges  may  be  preferred 
and  an  investigation  be  had. 

"  Your  committee  are  of  the  opinion  that  it  would  be  a  wholesome  rule  for  this 
Grand  Lodge  to  observe,  that  no  candidate  who  has  once  been  rejected  shall  be 
balloted  for  again  in  the  same  Lodge,  unless  there  be  present  all  who  were 
present  at  the  time  of  his  rejection;  and  not  in  another  Lodge  within  this  juris- 
diction in  less  than  twelve  months,  and  not  thereafter  without  permission  of  the 
Grand  Master,  and  of  the  Lodge  which  rejected  him. 


"Such  are  the  views  of  your  committee,  sustaining  entirely  the  opinion  of  the 
51.  W.  Grand  Master,  embraced  in  the  portion  of  his  address  referred  to  them. 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted,  with  the  following  resolution,  which  is 
recommended  for  adoption : 

"Resolved,  That  the  privileges  of  our  Institution  are  embraced  in  the  three 
degrees  of  Entered  Apprentice,  Fellow  Craft,  and  Master  Mason,  to  which  a. 
single  ballot  in  favor  of  a  candidate  fully  entitles  him,  and  the  last  two  of  which 
he  may  receive  when  qualified  by  suitable  proficiency,  unless  by  apostacy  from 
duty  after  the  degree  last  taken, "he  be  proved  unworthy. 

"W.  F.  WALKER, 

,  >  Committee." 

The  report  was  accepted,  and  together  with  the  resolution  adopted. 

This  was  good  law,  when  the  "one  ballot  system"  prevailed,  but 
now  that  three  separate  and  distinct  elections,  or  a  ballot  for  each 
degree,  is  the  law,  the  report  just  quoted  would  hardly  stand  as  law. 
So  much  of  it,  however,  as  states  that  advancement  should  not  be 
denied  for  causes  which  existed  prior  to  initiation,  has  been  greatly  modi- 
fied. An  E.  A.  or  F.  C.  may  be  denied  advancement,  and  if  the  Lodge 
choose,  tried  and  punished,  for  offenses  committed  prior  to  initiation  or 
passing,  but  which  did  not  come  to  the  knowledge  of  the  Lodge  until 
after  the  conferring  of  the  degree  or  degrees.  The  Lodges,  under  the 
ruling  just  given,  were  required  to  ascertain  the  objection  existing 
against  the  candidate,  and  take  steps  accordingly.  There  has  been,  in 
this,  a  radical  change.  An  objection  now,  is  as  sacred,  and  is  to  be  kept 
as  secret,  as  the  ballot,  and  a  mason  has  no  more  right  to  ask  the  reasons 
for  the  objection  than  he  has  to  ask  who  cast  a  black-ball,  or  for  what  cause 
it  was  cast. 

After  the  adoption  of  this  report,  the  Grand  Lodge  resumed  the  elec- 
tion of  officers : 

JAMES  L.  ANDERSON,  Rushville,  R.  W.  Grand  Treasurer. 
LEVI  LUSK,  Rushville,  R.  W.  Grand  Secretary. 
WILLIAM  STUART,  Chicago,  R,  W.  Grand  Orator. 
Rev.  CHARLES  V.  KELLY,  Ottawa,  R.  W.  Grand  Chaplain. 
JOHN  GREGORY,  Jacksonville,  W.  Grand  Tyler. 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  to  seven  o'clock  P.  M. 

TUESDAY  EVENING,  Oct.  7,  1845. 

The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.  The  same  officers,, 
members,  and  visitors  were  present  as  in  the  morning  and  afternoon. 

Bro.  Stuart  moved  to  amend  the  by-laws  by  striking  out  Monday  as  the 
day  of  meeting,  and  inserting  Wednesday. 

An  amendment  to  change  the  time  of  meeting  from  October  to  June- 
was  also  introduced. 

These  amendments  were  laid  over  for  one  year. 


"The  M.  W.  Grand  Master,  by  request  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  gave  a 
lecture  on  the  third  degree,  and  exemplified  the  same  with  work." 

This  record  is  such  as  would  mislead  the  reader.  The  degree  was  con- 
ferred by  the  Grand  Master  at  the  time,  Bro.  Lusk,  and  not  the  Grand 
Master  elect,  as  it  would  seem  to  imply.  In  the  conferring  of  this 
degree  he  was  assisted  by  Breth.  Walker  and  Stuart. 

The  Grand  Lodge  then  adjourned  to  eight  o'clock  Wednesday  morning. 

WEDNESDAY  MORNING,  Oct.  8, 1845. 

The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.  Present :  Officers, 
members,  and  visitors  as  on  the  day  previous. 

The  Committee  on  Lodges  U.  D.  made  an  additional  report,  recom- 
mending the  granting  of  a  charter  to  Morning  Star  Lodge,  as  Charleston 
Lodge  No.  35.  The  reason  for  the  change  of  name  in  this  instance, 
was  owing  to  the  fact  that  Lodge  No.  30  bore  the  name  of  Morning  Star. 

The  Committee  on  Chartered  Lodges  reported  the  returns  of  Lodges 
Nos.  3,  4,  8,  9,  10, 13, 14,  15, 17, 19,  23,  25,  26,  27,  28,  correct.  Those  of 
N"o.  29  were  reported  as  being  irregular. 

The  Committee  on  Petitions  and  Grievances  reported  favorably  upon 
the  petition  of  certain  brethren  at  Quincy,  asking  for  a  dispensation  for 
a  new  Lodge  at  Quincy,  to  work  in  the  German  language,  which  dispen- 
sation was  accordingly  granted. 

On  motion  of  Bro.  McNeill,  the  Grand  Master  elect  was  constituted  a 
committee  to  revise  the  constitution  and  by-laws  of  the  Grand  Lodge, 
and  report  at  the  next  annual  communication. 

Bro.  Lavely  offered  the  following: 

"Resolved,  That  the  Constitution  of  this  Grand  Lodge  be  so  amended  as  to 
strike  out  the  following:  'No  alteration  shall  take  place  in  this  Constitution, 
except  in  the  manner  following:  Every  amendment  shall  be  proposed  in  writ- 
ing, at  a  regular  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  a  fair  copy  of  which  shall 
be  sent  by  the  Grand  Secretary  to  each  of  the  subordinate  Lodges,  who  shall 
pass  or  reject  the  same,  and  certify  their  proceedings  at  the  next  regular  com- 
munication, when,  if  it  appear  that  two-thirds  of  the  subordinate  Lodges  have 
agreed  to  pass  the  same,  it  shall  become  a  part  of  this  Constitution.' " 

The  object  of  Bro.  Lavely  in  moving  the  above  alteration,  as  stated, 
was  to  effect  the  repeal  of  the  article  embraced  in  his  proposed  altera- 
tion by  the  next  annual  commuication  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  in  order 
thereby  to  throw  open  the  constitution  for  such  alterations  as  the  Grand 
Lodge  might  then  see  fit  to  adopt  on  the  report  of  the  Committee  on  Con- 
stitution and  By-Laws,  without  that  farther  delay  which  would  be 
necessary,  if  the  proposed  alteration  was  not  made,  in  order  to  submit 
each  proposed  amendment  thereafter  to  the  several  subordinate  Lodges. 

The  elected  grand  officers  were  then  installed. 

A  bill  of  $102.25,  for  jewels,  was  allowed  and  ordered  paid. 


Bro.  Brown  moved  to  change  the  time  of  meeting  from  first  Monday 
in  October  to  the  fourth  Wednesday  in  June,  which  was  laid  over  one 

Bro.  Stewart  (32)    offered   the  following,  which  was  adopted  : 

"Resolved,  That  no  Lodge  under  this  jurisdiction  shall  initiate  any  candidate 
for  a  less  sum  than  $7;  nor  pass  to  the  degree  of  Fellow  Craft,  for  a  less  sum 
than  $3  ;  nor  raise  to  the  sublime  degree  of  Master  Mason,  for  a  less  sum  than 
$5 ;  and  that  the  three  degrees  shall  in  no  case  be  conferred  upon  any  one  for  a 
less  sum  than  $15:  Provided,  That  any  Lodge  may  confer  the  degrees  without 
fees  upon  any  acknowledged  minister  of  the  Gospel ;  and  in  no  case  shall  a  de- 
gree be  conferred  by  any  Lodge  upon  credit,  but  the  fees  must  be  actually  paid 
at  or  before  the  time  of  admission  to  any  degree." 

An  amendment  to  the  by-laws  was  also  introduced,  providing  that  $2 
should  be  paid  for  each  brother  raised,  and  to  strike  out  so  much  relat- 
ing to  proxies  as  required  the  brother  receiving  the  proxy  to  be  equal 
or  superior  rank  to  the  brother  granting  the  same,  and  insert  the  words 
"  Master  Mason." 

The  following  amendment  was  offered  by  Bro.  Lavely  : 

"Resolved,  That  the  first  section  of  the  by-laws  be  so  amended  as  to  read  that 
from  and  after  the  adoption  of  this  resolution,  the  Grand  Lodge  at  each  annual 
communication,  shall  fix  the  place  of  holding  its  annual  communication." 

And,  as  representative  of  Macon  Lodge  No.  8,  he  offered  the  following: 

"Resolved,  That  the  llth  section  of  the  by-laws  be  amended  by  striking  out 
Jacksonville  and  inserting  Decatur." 

Bro.  Carding  Jackson  moved  to  amend  Sec.  11  of  the  by-laws  by 
striking  out  all  after  the  word  "  convenient."  The  portion  sought  to  be 
stricken  out  was  that  prohibiting  Lodges  from  making  public  suspen- 
sions and  expulsions. 

These  amendments  were  laid  over  for  one  year. 

The  Committee  on  Chartered  Lodges  was  directed  to  investigate  a 
report  that  Warsaw  Lodge  No.  21  had  conferred  the  three  degrees  upon 
certain  persons  under  indictment  for  crime  at  the  time  of  such  con- 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  adjourned  to  2  o'clock  P.  M. 

WEDNESDAY  AFTERNOON,  Oct.  8, 1845. 

The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.  Present,  as  in  the 

The  following  appointments  were  made: 

CHARLES  H.  LARRABEE,  Chicago,  Deputy  Grand  Secretary. 

WILLIAM  LAVELY.  Springfield,  Senior  Grand  Deacon. 

NATHAN  DRESSER,  Petersburg,  Junior  Grand  Deacon. 

JOHN  H.  HOLTON,  Quincy,  Grand  Marshal. 

JOHN  C.  HEYL,  Peoria,  Grand  Steward. 

SAMUEL  H.  DAVIS,  Peoria,  Grand  Steward. 

WILLIAM  IRVLV,  Macomb,  Grand  Sword  Bearer.1! 

R.  F.  KIPPINBURG,  Beardstown,  Grand  Pursuivant. 

JOHN  BARNEY,  Chicago,  Grand  Lecturer. 


The  Committee  on  Chartered  Lodges  reported  the  returns  of  No.  7 

The  following,  offered  by  Bro.  Anderson,  was  adopted: 

"Resolved,  That  the  resolution  adopted  by  this  Grand  Lodge  relative  to  fees 
-does  not  apply  to  Lodges  whose  by-laws  are  already  adopted  and  published,  and 
who  charge  in  the  aggregate  for  the  three  degrees  more  than  $15." 

The  Committee  on  Chartered  Lodges  made  a  supplemental  report, 
excusing  the  irregularities  in  the  return  of  LaFayette  Lodge  No.  18. 

Bro.  W.  S.  Brown  (33),  moved  to  reconsider  the  vote  of  the  day  before 
to  amend  the  by-laws,  by  striking  out  Jacksonville  and  inserting  the 
city  of  Alton,  which  was  carried,  when  it  was  moved  that  the  word 
Peoria  be  inserted  in  the  place  of  Alton. 

Bro.  Ralston  (1),  offered  the  following  : 

"Strike  out  all  after  'resolved,'  and  insert  the  following,  to-wit:  That  the  first 
section  of  the  by-laws  be  stricken  out  and  the  following  inserted :  That  the 
next  regular  communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge  shall  be  held  at  Peoria,  and 
thereafter  its  communications  shall  be  held  at  such  place  in  the  State  as  the 
Grand  Lodge  may  desigdate." 

This  amendment  was  adopted.     Yeas,  26  ;  nays,  4. 
The  following  was  offered  by  Bro.  Dunlap,  P.  G.  M.,  (3),  as  supple- 
mental, and  accepted : 

"  Provided,  That  the  same  shall  remain  not  more  than  one  annual  communi- 
•cation  at  the  same  place." 

The  representative  of  Barry  Lodge  was  granted  leave  of  absence  for 
the  remainder  of  the  session. 

The  Grand  Master  offered  the  following,  which  was  adopted : 

"Resolved,  That  in  the  opinion  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  its  certificates  are  to  be 
regarded,  not  as  evidence  of  their  bearers  being  Masons,  but  simply,  if  by  other 
means  they  shall  give  satisfaction  of  their  being  such,  as  evidence  collateral  of 
their  being  in  good  standing,  which  evidence  may  be  required  or  waived  at  the 
pleasure  of  any  Mason,  01  body  of  Masons  to  whom  they  may  be  preferred;  and 
that  all  former  resolutions  and  regulations  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  which  are  in- 
consistent herewith,  be  and  are  hereby  repealed." 

Bro.  Watson  (1),  offered  the  following  resolution,  which  was  laid 
over  until  the  next  annual  communication: 

"  Resolved,  That  the  two  following  sections  be  added  to  the  by-laws  of  this 
Grand  Lodge: 

"  I.  Kach  subordinate  Lodge  shall  report  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  at  each  annual 
communication,  all  Master  Masons  that  may  be  under  its  jurisdiction,  and  are 
not  members  of  any  Lodge,  and  shall  pay  dues  for  the  same. 

"  If.  Each  subordinate  Lodge  shall  collect  of  all  Master  Masons  that  may  be 
under  its  jurisdiction,  and  are  not  members  of  any  Lodge,  the  dues  its  by-laws 
require  of  its  members,  and  shall,  at  its  discretion,  suspend  from  Masonic  privi- 
leges, all  such  as  neglect  or  refuse  to  pay  the  same:  Prooideii,  That  where  two  or 
more  Lodges  exist  in  the  same  city  or  county,  the  oldest  Lodge  shall  have  ju- 


The  Committee  on  Finance  and  Accounts  reported  as  follows  : 

"  The  Committee  on  Finances  and  Accounts  beg  leave  to  report :  That  they 
have  examined  the  accounts  of  Bro.  A.  C.  Dickson,  Grand  Secretary  pro  tern., 
and  those  of  the  Grand  Treasurer,  and  believe  them  to  be  correct.' 

'•  It  appears  that  there  was  in  the  hands  of  the  Grand  Treasurer,  at  the  last 
annual  communication,  the  sum  of  $207.58;  that  he  has  since  that  time  received 
of  the  Grand  Secretary  the  sum  of  $282.35;  and  paid  out  the  sum  of  $127.67; 
leaving  in  his  hands  a  balance  of  $3G2.26  of  the  funds  of  the  Grand  Lodge. 
The  committee  further  state,  that  owing  to  the  absence  of  the  Grand  Secretary, 
they  have  been  unable  to  obtain  access  to  his  books  and  accounts,  and  that  they 
can  not  therefore  report  thereon,  nor  ascertain  the  total  amount  of  funds  belong- 
ing to  the  Grand  Lodge  now  hand. 

"In  examining  the  papers  of  the  Grand  Treasurer,  several  ^questions  have 
occurred  in  relation  to  the  acts  of  the  Grand  Treasurer  and  Grand  Secretary, 
which  the  committee  have  considered  of  sufficient  importance  to  bring  to  the 
notice  of  the  Grand  Lodge. 

"It  appears  that  a  resolution  was  adopted  by  the  Grand  Lodge,  at  Its  annual 
communication  in  1813,  requiring  the  Grand  Secretary  to  procure  one  hundred 
and  fifty  certificates  printed  on  parchment,  and  to  furnish  each  subordinate 
Lodge  such  a  number  as  it  might  order;  and  that  such  Lodge  be  required  to 
pay 'the  Grand  Secretary  fifty  cents  each  for. said  certificates.  The  committee 
do  not  conceive  that  this  resolution  confers  on  the  Grand  Secretary  any  au- 
thority to  use  the  funds  of  the  Grand  Lodge;  they  believe,  from  all  the  infor- 
mation they  can  obtain,  that  it  was  the  understanding  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  at 
the  time  the  resolution  was  adopted,  that  the  fifty  cents  required  to  be  paid  by 
the  subordinate  Lodges  for  each  certificate,  would  constitute  a  fund  sufficient  to 
pay  the  expense  of  obtaining  the  blank  certificates,  and  compensate  the  Grand 
Secretary  for  his  trouble.  Yet  in  one  of  the  bills  approved  by  the  Grand  Sec- 
retary, and  paid  by  the  Grand  Treasurer,  is  an  item  of  $3.00  for  printing  certifi- 
cates. This  the  committee  believe  to  be  wrong,  and  the  Grand  Secretary  ought, 
they  think,  to  be  required  to  refund  the  $3.00  to  the  Grand  Treasurer,  from  the 
proceeds  of  the  certificates  distributed  among  the  subordinate  Lodges. 

"Another  question  that  occurred  to  the  committee,  was  in  relation  to  the  au- 
thority of  the  Grand  Treasurer  to  pay  money  out  of  the  Treasury.  The  general 
rule  in  subordinate  Lodges  is,  that  the  Treasurer  pay  out  no  money  except  by 
order  of  the  W.  Master  with  the  consent  of  the  Lodge.  This  rule  the  committee 
suppose  is,  or  ought  to  be,  observed  in  the  Grand  Lodge  ;  if  any  other  obtains, 
the  committee  are  not  aware  of  it.  Yet  they  find  that  certain  bills  have  been 
presented  and  paid  by  the  Grand  Treasurer,  for  which  they  find  no  order  of  the 
Grand  Master,  nor  any  action  of  the  Grand  Lodge  in  the  record  of  its  proceed- 
ings. The  committee  do  not  intend  by  this  remark  to  question  the  integrity  of 
the  Grand  Treasurer,  or  to  blame  him  for  his  acts.  The  bills  alluded  to  were,  as 
(hey  believe,  for  labor,  or  goods  had  by  the  Grand  Lodge,  and  which  ought  to 
be  paid.  Yet  they  believe  that  the  practice  heretofore  has  been  too  loose,  that 
the  Grand  Treasurer  ought  to  be  able  to  show  in  every  case  some  order  of  the 
Grand  Master,  or  some  action  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  as  his  authority  for  paying 
out  money.  The  committee  would  recommend  that  the  Grand  Lodge,  before 
the  close  of  each  communication,  make  appropriations  for  the  payment  of  all 
sums  due  from  said  Lodge,  and  require  the  Grand  Treasurer  to  pay  out  no 
money  except  upon  the  written  order  of  the  Grand  Master,  or  the  approval  of  the 


Grand  Lodge,  signified  by  the  Grand  Secretary's  endorsement  upon  eaeh  account 
or  bill  presented  to  him  for  payment. 

"The  committee  also  discover  from  an  examination  of  the  Grand  Treasurer's 
account,  that  the  Grand  Charity  Fund  has  not  been  kept  distinct  from  the  other 
funds  of  the  Grand  Lodge.  This  they  believe  to  be  incorrect;  and  the  com- 
mittee would  recommend  that  the  Grand  Treasurer  be  required  to  keep  the 
Grand  Charity  Fund  account  distinct  from  the  other  accounts  of  the  Grand 
Lodge,  and  that  he  report  annually  the  receipts  and  disbursements  of  each  fund 
by  itself. 

"At  the  last  annual  communication  of  the  Grand  Lodge,  a  resolution  was  adopt- 
ed requiring  the  Committee  on  Finances  and  Accounts,  in  connection  with  the 
Grand  Secretary,  to  make  a  general  report  of  the  receipts  and  expenditures  of  the 
Grand  Lodge  since  its  formation,  stating  the  amounts  received  for  dispensa- 
tions, charters,  and  dues,  separately  and  distinctly,  and  from  whom  received  ; 
also  the  amount  expended,  and  for  what  purpose.  It  appears  from  the  report 
of  that  committee,  that  the  resolution  was  not  acted  upon  ;  why,  no  reasons  are 
given  by  that  committee.  The  present  Committee  on  Finances  and  Accounts 
believe  that  there  is  a  general  desire  among  the  members  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
that  the  information  sought  to  be  obtained  by  that  resolution  should  yet  be 
obtained  and  laid  before  the  Grand  Lodge.  Your  committee  would  therefore 
recommend  the  adoption  of  the  following  resolution : 

"Resolved,  That  the  Grand  Secretary  and  Grand  Treasurer  be  required  to  make, 
conjointly,  a  general  report  to  the  Grand  Lodge,  at  its  next  annual  communica- 
tion, of  afl  the  receipts  and  expenditures  of  the  Grand  Lodge  since  its  formation, 
stating  the  amounts  received  for  dispensations,  charters,  dues,  and  contribu- 
tions to  the  Grand  Charity  Fund,  separately  and  distinctly,  and  from  whom  re- 
ceived; also,  the  amount  expended,  for  what  purpose,  and  to  whom  paid." 

"All  of  which  is  respectfully  submitted. 

NELSON  D.  MORSE,  ^Committee." 

The  Grand  Lodge  was  then  adjourned  to  8  o'clock  Thursday  morning. 

THURSDAY  MOUSING,  Oct.  9, 1845. 

The  Grand  Lodge  met  pursuant  to  adjournment.     Present,  as  on  the 
preceding  day. 
The  Committee  on  Foreign  Correspondence  reported  as  follows: 

"  To  the  Mont  Worshipful,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois : 

"The  Committee  on  Foreign  Correspondence  beg  leave  respectfully  to  report: 
That  since  the  last  annual  communication  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  documents 
have  been  received  from  the  Grand  Lodges  of  Maine,  New  Hampshire,  Con- 
necticut, Maryland,  Mississippi,  Florida,  Louisiana,  Arkansas,  Missouri,  Texas, 
Iowa,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,  and  Michigan;  together  with  a  beautiful  copy  of  elo- 
quent Masonic  addresses,  by  P.  G.  M.  Joseph  R.  Chandler,  from  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Pennsylvania,  for  which  especial  thanks  are  due. 

"It  is  regretted  by  your  committee,  that  the  proceedings  of  other  Grand 
Lodges  have  not  been  received  ;  those  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  New  York  may 
be  particularly  mentioned,  whose  absence  from  our  files  has  occasioned,  on 
many  distinct  accounts,  especial  regret.  It  has  come  to  be  regarded  as  well 
nigh  the  right  of  each  Grand  Lodge,  to  be  put  in  possession  of  the  doings  of 


sigter  Grand  Lodges,  as  it  confessedly  is  of  subordinate  Lodges  to  be  furnished 
with  the  proceedings  of  the  particular  Grand  Lodge  under  whose  authority  they 
severally  convene.  In  no  other  way,  indeed,  than  by  such  an  interchange  of 
proceedings,  can  the  manifold  evils  consequent  upon  the  isolation  and  relative 
independence,  in  which  our  several  Grand  Lodges  at  present  are,  be  in  any 
tolerable  degree  mitigated  or  overcome.  Until  provision  be  made  for  uniting  all 
under  one  general  head,  whose  office  it  shall  be  to  inform,  direct,  and  quicken 
the  various  members,  it  is  hoped  that  a  freer  interchange  of  communication  will 
be  made  between  the  several  Grand  Lodges. 

"  In  the  various  documents  referred  to  your  committee,  are  presented  mat- 
ters of  greatest  interest  and  importance  to  the  whole  Fraternity.  All  give  evi- 
dence that  increased  attention  is  everywhere  paid  to  the  Masonic  Institution; 
that  its  principles  are  rapidly  becoming  more  widely  diffused ;  its  landmarks 
more  thoroughly  studied  and  understood;  its  spirit  more  sedulously  culti- 
vated, and  more  consistently  exemplified;  whilst,  on  all  sides,  its  borders  are 
extending,  by  the  admission  of  approved  candidates  within  its  fold.  The  dark 
cloud  of  oppression  and  persecution  has  rolled  away  from  above  it,  and  revealed 
n  brighter  and  more  cheering  light  than  any  in  which,  for  long  years,  the  Insti- 
tution has  been  permitted  to  rejoice.  Its  beautiful  morality  is  now  everywhere 
earnestly  sought  to  be  developed;  and  it  shines  forth  conspicuously,  on  all 
sides,  comparatively  unobscured  by  abuses,  in  such  works  of  faith  and  labors  of 
love  as  can  not  fail  to  silence  gainsayers,  by  the  practicable  and  incontrovert- 
ible proof  thus  exhibited,  that  the  foundation  of  our  ancient  Masonic  Institu- 
tion, is  "  upon  the  holy. hills," — that  it  is  on  truth  and  goodness.  Yery  excellent 
things,  therefore,  must  be  spoken  of  her. 

"  Upon  the  true  standard  of  Masonic  morality,  the  Holy  Scriptures — the  great 
light  in  Masonry — such  expression  has  been  made  by  many  Grand  Lodges,  as 
to  show  to  those  who  are  within,  and  convince  those  who  are  without,  that  it  is 
not  the  lower  nature  of  man  alone  that  the  Masonic  Institution  legitimately  re- 
gards; but  that  she  takes  cognizance,  also,  of  the  immortal  part,  by  imposing, 
not  in  name  only,  but  in  deed,  and  in  truth,  that  blessed  book,  as  the  divinely 
authentic  rule  and  guide  of  a  Mason's  faith. 

"Through  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Indiana,  we  have  been  furnished  the  testimony 
of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Ohio  on  this  subject,  which  your  committee  deem  too 
eloquent,  just  and  beautiful,  not  to  be  here  presented.  The  want  of  the  pro- 
ceedings of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Ohio,  furnishing  this  testimony  directly,  is  sin- 
cerely deplored  as  a  loss.  It  is  hoped  we  shall  not  be  thought  presuming,  if  we 
adduce  it  from  the  source  to  which  acknowledgemenl  is  made.  It  proceeds 
thus,  in  the  address  of  the  Grand  Master,  M.  W.  Wm.  B.  Thrall : 

"  '  I  deem  it  not  inappropriate,  in  this  connection,  to  bring  to  the  notice  of  the 
Grand  Lodge,  a  question  of  authority  and  discipline,  mooted  in  a  subordinate 
Lodge,  and  on  which  the  opinion  of  the  Grand  Master,  as  the  representative  of 
this  body  during  its  interval  of  recess,  was  solicited.  It  was  asked  l>y  a  respect- 
able Lodge,  whether  "the  denying  the  divine  authenticity  of  the  Holy  Bible  be 
an  offence  against  the  Institution  of  Masonry;  and  if  so,  what  are  the  preroga- 
tives of  the  Lodge,  in  such  cases  ?"  While  it  is  true  that  Masonry  is  not  sectarian 
in  its  character,  and  that  the  established  rules  and  regulations  of  our  Grand 
Lodge  positively  inhibit  all  religious  tests,  as  a  prerequisite  to  initiation,  save 
only  the  acknowledgment  of  "  a  steadfast  belief  in  the  existence  and  perfections 
of  Deitv,''  it  is  equally  true  that,  were  it  possible  to  wrest  from  the  "  first  great 




light"  in  Masonry  its  attribute  of  divine  authenticity,  the  very  act  would  over- 
whelm the  Order  with  a  visible  and  tangible  darkness,  equalled  only  by  that  which 
existed  ere  "the  Spirit  of  God  moved  upon  the  lace  of  the  waters."  It  is  impos- 
sible to  despoil  our  great  moral  and  Masonic  Trestle-Board  of  its  distinctive 
characteristic,  without,  at  the  same  time,  rifling  the  work  of  our  Lodges,  our 
charges  and  our  lectures,  of  every  conservative  and  life-giving  principle.  If  the 
Bible  be  not  indeed  an  emanation  from  Deity,  then  is  Freemasonry  an  empty 
cheat,  and  those  who  minister  at  her  altars  accessories  to  fraud  and  vile  delusion. 
True,  we  have,  among  Lodges  exclusively  Christian;  for  the  reason  that 
Masonry  dates  anterior  to  the  Christian  era;  and  because  her  charity  is  suffi- 
ciently expansive  to  embrace  within  its  ample  folds,  in  fraternal  unison,  the 
good  and  true  of  whatever  name  or  nation.  While,  therefore,  all  Christian  Ma- 
sons dedicate  their  Lodges  to  those  two  eminent  and  sainted  Christian  patrons, 
who  are  always  represented  in  every  regular  and  well  directed  Lodge  by  most 
attractive  and  peculiar  hieroglyphics,  our  Jewish  brethren  may,  at  the  same 
time,  without  let  or  hindrance,  and  without  the  most  remote  cause  of  offence  to 
any,  still  commemorate  in  their  Lodges,  him  whose  name  is  the  synonym  of  wis- 
dom, and  whose  virtues  are  embalmed  aliue  in  the  hearts  of  all  good  Masons, 
whether  Christians  or  the  lineal  descendants  of  the  twelve  tribes  of  Israel.  But, 
surely,  it  could  not  have  been  the  purpose  of  those  great  and  good  men  of  old, 
in  laying  thus  broad  the  foundations  of  our  Order,  to  provide  in  it  a  eovei  t  for 
the  deriding  infidel,  or  an  asylum  for  the  dissembling  hypocrite.  And  if  by  any 
means,  such  have  found  their  way  into  our  midst,  it  is  the  first  duty  of  the 
Lodge  so  invaded,  "by  well  doing  to  put  to  silence  the  ignorance  of  foolish  men  ;" 
and  to  teach  them  that,  though  free,  they  may  not  "  use  their  liberty  for  a  cloak 
of  licentiousness."  And  if,  thus  admonished,  they  refuse  to  be  restrained,  let 
them  be  regarded  as  "  walking  disorderly,  and  not  after  the  tradition  they  have 
received  of  us.  And,  if  any  man  obey  not  our  word,  note  that  man.  and  have 
no  company  with  him,  that  he  may  be  ashamed."  ' 

'•Through  a  committee  to  whom  was  referred  this  portion  of  the  M.  W.  Grand 
Master's  address,  the  Grand  Lodge  thus  sustained  the  position  therein  assumed  : 

" 'After  looking  at  the  foundations  on  which  all  our  work  is  constructed,  and 
contemplating  the  teachings  of  Masonry  in  her  Lectures,  Charges,  &c.,  your 
committee  can  come  to  but  one  conclusion  on  the  subject,  viz.:  that  the  Holy 
Bible  is  the  great  standard  of  truth  and  duty  in  Masonry,  and,  consequently, 
that  a  humble  and  sincere  acknowledgment  of  its  divine  origin  is  indispens- 
able, in  the  very  nature  of  the  case,  on  the  part  of  all  who  come  to  seek  or  dis- 
pense light  among  us. 

"'It  is  one  of  the  oldest  requisitions  of  the  Fraternity  that  no  regular  and 
well  governed  Lodge  can  be  without  its  Bible.  The  Bible  is  held  up  to  the  can- 
didate on  his  initiation  as  the  first  great  light  in  Masonry.  He  is  told  that  it  is 
the  inestimable  gift  of  God  to  Man.  His  onward  pathway,  in  its  entire  extent,  is 
lighted  up  by  its  blessed  precepts.  The  faith,  the  hope,  the  charity,  in  which  he 
is  admonished  to  abound,  is  the  faith,  the  hope,  the  charity  of  the  Bible.  The 
star  which  shines  from  the  center  of  one  of  the  three  ornaments  of  the  Lodge,  i.s 
the  star  which  appeared  to  guide  the  wise  men  in  the  East  to  the  place  of  the 
Saviour's  nativity.  The  two  eminent  patrons  of  the  Order,  to  whom  Christian 
Masons  dedicate  their  Lodges,  are  the  Sts.  John  of  the  Bible,  the  precepts  of 
which,  they  present  as  a  wall  of  defence  round  about  every  brother,  within  which 
he  may  walk  securely  and  never  materially  err.  No  station  in  the  Lodge  is  too 


high  for  the  reach  of  the  duties  which  the  Bible  enjoins.  The  Worshipful  Master 
must  humbly  bow  to  its  authority.  On  him,  as  he  is  about  to  enter  upon  his 
arduous  labors,  is  laid  the  obligation,  weighty  above  all  others,  of  a  diligent  ob- 
servance of  the  Holy  Scriptures,  which,  he  is  instructed,  is  to  be  a  rule  and  a  guide 
to  his  faith.  And,  when  sorrowing  brethren  gather  around  the  final  resting 
place  of  the  departed,  they  mourn  not  as  those  who  are  without  hope;  the  sprig 
of  acacia  tells  of  an  ever  verdant  and  bright  land  beyond  the  grave.  The  Lion 
of  the  tribe  of  Judah  has  vanquished  the  foe,  and  hope  and  consolation  are  im- 
parted by  the  thoughts  of  that  life  and  immortality  which  the  Bible,  and  the  Bible 
only,  has  brought  to  light. 

'"These  are  but  few  of  the  many  evidences  that  might  be  presented  to  show 
how  essential  is  the  Bible  to  the  existence  of  Masonry.  What  then  is  Masonry 
without  the  Bible — the  Bible  acknowledged  in  the  truth  of  its  divine  inspira- 
tion? It  is  the  casket  without  the  jewel.  It  is  the  body  without  the  soul.  It 
is  the  world  without  the  sun ;  and  what  might  be  its  value  despoiled  of  this,  its 
richest  treasure  and  brightest  ornament,  would  not  be  worth  the  trouble  of  a 

"'Your  committee,  in  their  search  for  grounds  on  which  to  sustain  an  opposite 
opinion,  have  found  nothing  meriting  that  name,  unless  it  be  a  single  Regula- 
tion ;  the  language  of  which  is,  "that  no  religious  test  shall  be  required  of  any 
applicant  for  the  benefits  of  Masonry,  other  than  a  steadfast  belief  in  the  exist- 
ence and  perfections  of  Deity."  In  regard  to  this  provision,  it  is  respectfully 
submitted,  whether  a  proper  belief  in  [the  existence  and  perfections  of  Deity 
does  not  of  necessity  imply  a  belief  in  the  divine  authenticity  of  the  Bible, 
since  from  that  book  we  derive  the  only  intelligent  and  satisfactory  knowledge 
of  Deity;  and  whether,  therefore,  said  clause  was  not  predicated  upon  this  hy- 

"'This,'  say  our  brethren  of  Indiana,  'ought  to  settle  all  controversy,  if  ever 
any  existed  among  Masons  on  this  subject.'  Your  committee  are  of  the  same 
opinion;  and  would  be  happy  to  have  this  Grand  Lodge,  by  formal  action, 
place  herself  unequivocally  upon  this  high,  but  truly  Masonic  ground. 

"  In  view  of  such  principles,  it  can  excite  |no  surprise  that  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Indiana  expressed  its  entire  disapprobation  of  the  course  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  Texas,  in  working  in  Lodge  on  the  Sabbath  day,  and  that  your  committee 
concur  in  such  disapprobation,  and  would  extend  the  same  to  a  similar  practice 
prevailing  among  the  Lodges  in  New  Orleans. 

"  The  subject  of  the  pre-requisite  physical  and  mental  qualifications  of  candi- 
dates for  initiation  has  been  widely  discussed  within  the  past  year. 

"The  views  of  the  Deputy  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mississippi, 
R.  VV.  Harvey  W.  Walter,  upon  this  subject,  are  so  in  harmony  with  those  enter- 
tained by  your  committee,  that  leave  is  begged  to  present  them  at  length.  The 
following  question  elicited  the  expression  intended  to  be  submitted : 

"'Would  the  loss  of  either  of  the  three  senses,  feeling,  seeing,  or  hearing,  biir 
a  candidate  from  the  degrees,  or  would  the  loss  of  sight  prevent  his  initiation  y 

'• '  I  think,  brethren,'  is  the  reply, '  this  question  may  be  stript  of  all  difficulties, 
by  reference  to  the  character  of  our  work  as  Masons.  Originally,  it  was  strictly 
operative,  and  more  attention  was  paid  to  the  physical  than  mental  condition  of 
the  candidate.  In  reference  to  this  point,  the  old  constitutions  provide,  that, 
"every  candidate  for  the  mysteries  of  Masonry  shall  be  upright  in  body,  not 
deformed  or  dismembered  at  the  time  of  making,  but  of  hale  and  entire  limbs." 


The  Grand  Lodge  of  Kentucky  has  adopted  a  rule  more  congenial  to  the  present 
spirit  of  Masonry,  where  it  dec-lares,  that,  "if  the  deformity  of  a  candidate  for 
initiation  is  not  such  as  to  prevent  him  from  being  instructed  in  the  arts  and 
mysteries  of  Freemasonry,  his  admission  will  not  be  an  infringement  upon  the 
landmarks,  but  will  be  perfectly  consistent  with  the  spirit  of  our  Institution." 
Such,  I  conceive,  will  also  be  the  opinion  of  every  intelligent  Mason,  who  re- 
flects upon  the  great  change  which  has  taken-place  in  the  character  of  our  work 
within  the  last  two  centuries.  Physical  labor  has  been  superseded  by  men- 
tal action  ;  and  the  man  who  retains  these  external  senses,  and  is  possessed  of 
a  good  mental  capacity,  but  of  a  weak  and  emaciated  or  even  maimed  body, 
would  now  be  considered  an  eligible  candidate,  whereas  he  would  formerly  have 
been  rejected, — in  other  words,  Masonry  now  requires  of  its  votaries  more  of 
mind,  and  less  of  flesh  and  form,  than  it  originally  did.  I  think,  brethren,  that 
we  may  safely  conclude  that,  a  loss  or  partial  deprivation  of  those  physical  organs 
which  minister  ALONE  to  the  action  of  the  BODY,  do  not  disqualify, — but  that  the  loss 
of  those  upon  ivhich  the  MIND  depends  for  its  ideas  of  external  objects,  certainly  would. 
We  have  then  only  to  determine  to  which  of  these  classes  the  eye,  the  ear,  and 
the  nerves  belong,  to  settle  this  difficulty.  I  can  not  conceive  how  the  mind 
could  be  very  sanitive,  deprived  of  all  these,  or  how  it  could  attain  perfection 
with  the  loss  of  either  of  the  first  two.  They  are  all  its  obedient  slaves,  and 
minister  to  it  all  the  information  upon  which  it  depends  for  vigorous  or  healthy 
action.  They  are  called,  by  way  of  eminence,  the  three  Masonic  senses,  for  rea- 
sons that  will  readily  suggest  themselves  to  the  mind  of  every  brother  familiar 
with  our  work.  Indeed,  brethren,  I  can  not  conceive  how  a  person  deprived  of 
them,  or  either  of  them,  would  efficiently  discharge  the  duties,  or  perform  the 
labor  required  at  his  hands.  Intricate  and  embarrassing  as  the  subject  confess- 
edly is,  I  have  no  doubt  but  that  calm  and  serious  reflection  will  enable  you  to 
adjudicate  it  correctly.' 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Wisconsin  had  embodied  nearly  the  same  views,  and 
quite  the  same  principles,  in  her  constitution,  some  time  previous.  'By  the 
ancient  regulations,'  says  the  article,  'the  physical  deformity  of  an  individual 
operates  as  a  bar  to  his  admission  into  the  Fraternity;  but  in  view  of  the  fact 
that  this  regulation  was  adopted  for  the  government  of  the  Craft  at  a  period  when 
they  united  the  character  of  operative  with  that  of  speculative  Masons,  this  Grand 
Lodge,  in  common,  it  is  believed,  with  most  of  her  sister  Grand  Lodges  in  this 
country  and  in  Europe,  has  authorized  such  a  construction  of  the  regulation  as 
that,  where  the  deformity  does  not  amount  to  an  inability  honestly  to  acquire 
the  means  of  subsistence,  it  constitutes  no  hindrance  to  initiation.' 

"Your  committee  learn  from  the  Committee  on  Correspondence  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Maryland,  that  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Alabama  has  adopted  as  a  resolu- 
tion, 'That  being  maimed,  as  by  the  loss  of  a  leg  or  an  arm,  does  not  disqualify 
a  man  from  receiving  the  degrees  in  Masonry,  when  there  is  no  other  objection 
except  that  of  being  maimed.'  Upon  which  the  committee  remarks: 

"'This  has  been,  and  still  is,  a  matter  of  controversy  among  the  Fraternity, 
and  is  one  which  the  Grand  Lodges  should  decide,  so  that  uniformity  of  practice 
may  prevail  among  the  Lodges.  This  question  affords  arguments  worthy  of 
consideration  for  and  against  justifying  the  difference  of  opinion  prevailing 
among  the  Fraternity,  and  from  this  division  your  committee  are  not  exempt. 
In  opposition  to  this  resolution  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Alabama,  we  have  an 
ancient  regulation  couched  in  language  positive  and  unequivocal.  In  answer 
to  this  objection,  or  as  a  reason  why  it  should  not  be  rigidly  observed,  it  is,  and 


may  with  force  be  urged,  that  a  subsequent  part  of  the  same  regulation,  couched 
in  language  equally  clear  and  unequivocal,  is  not  observed,  nor  has  its  observance 
been  advocated  within  our  knowledge — that  is,  to  keep  an  apprentice  seven  years. 
Many  more  reasons  might  be  urged  against  this  law,  did  the  nature  of  this  report 
admit  of  such  discussion.  Your  committee  will  merely  give  the  general  decla- 
ration, that  the  philanthropic  principles  inculcated  by  the  Institution  are  at 
variance,  and  seem  to  forbid  the  rigid  observance  of  this  rule.  They  are  not 
unanimous  in  the  opinion  that  the  language  of  the  Alabama  resolution  is  fully 
admissable;  although  Masonry  has  assumed  the  speculative  character,  they  are 
not  certain  that  the  operative  should  be  entirely  discarded.' 

"  Your  committee  will  take  leave  of  this  subject  by  repeating  that  their  views 
are  in  coincidence  with  those  which  have,  been  thus  adduced,  and  notifying 
that  they  intend  to  submit  a  resolution  embracing  the  same,  which  was  adopted 
by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mississippi,  and  ask  for  its  adoption  by  this  Grand  Lodge. 

"The  qualifications  of  citizenship  on  the  part  of  applicants  in  the  place  in 
which  their  application  for  admission  into  the  Institution  is  made,  is  another 
topic  which  has  lately  undergone  a  most  free  and  thorough  discussion.  A  sin- 
gular disregard  of  rights  of  jurisdiction,  which,  from  the  very  nature  of  things, 
must  be  considered  as  well  nigh  inherent  in  each  particular  Grand  Lodge,  which 
are  recognized  in  the  superior  Masonic  bodies,  and  which  analogy,  derived  from 
civil  usage,  should  be  regarded  as  determining  past  controversy,  has  prevailed 
in  certain  quarters,  and  given  rise  to  such  complaints  as  have  elicited  a  very 
general  expression  on  this  subject.  Among  the  Grand  Lodges  which  have  been 
forward  in  t>uch  expression,  and  whose  decisions  are  believed  to  be  eminently 
Masonic  and  just,  those  of  New  Hampshire,  Maryland,  Arkansas  and  Indiana, 
have  been  noticed  with  peculiar  pleasure. 

"The  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Maryland,  M.  W.  Charles  Oilman, 
brought  the  subject  to  the  notice  of  his  Grand  Lodge  as  follows: 

'"A  practice  has  obtained  among  many  Lodges  in  different  parts  of  the  country 
of  admitting  temporary  residents  to  the  Order,  and  that,  too,  without  inquiring 
into  the  character  of  the  applicants,  further  than  it  may  happen  to  be  known  at 
the  place  of  such  temporary  residence.  And  it  is  believed  that  some  of  our  own 
Lodges  have  been  indiscreet  in  this  same  particular.  The  practice  is  exceed- 
ingly reprehensible,  and  ought  to  be  discontinued.  In  the  first  place,  if  the 
applicant  be  worthy  of  the  distinction,  that  fact  can  be  no  where  so  well  known  as 
at  the  place  of  his  permanent  abode;  and  in  the  next  place,  the  brethren  at  the 
place  where  the  new  made  Mason  is  to  enjoy  this  special  privilege,  should  cer- 
tainly be  consulted  whether  they  are  willing  to  accept  him  as  an  associate,  whilst 
they  are  also  entitled  to  the  emoluments  arising  from  the  conferring  of  the  de- 
grees. For  the  sake  of  that  universal  harmony  which  we  all  profess  to  seek, 
and  to  set  an  example  to  our  brethren  abroad,  I  would  earnestly  recommend  that 
you  pass  an  order  forbidding  the  practice  in  all  the  Lodges  under  this  jurisdic- 
tion; and  at  the  same  time,  that  you  invite  the  co-operation  of  our  sister  Grand 
Lodges  in  the  measure.' 

"This  just  and  earnest  recommendation  was  so  heeded  as  to  call  forth  a  re- 
enforcement  of  the  same  views  by  the  Committee  on  Correspondence. 

"'Harmony,'  reported  that  committee,  'is  essential  to  the  well  being  and 
perpetuity  of  our  Institution,  and  it  can  not  be  but  that  complaints,  when  well 
founded,  will  destroy  this  essential  constituent  of  Masonry.  Every  Masonic 
act  should  tend  to  strengthen  the  bands  of  brotherly  love,  and  have  this  for  its 
primary  object.  Should  the  practices  above  named  be  countenanced  or  passed 


over  without  notice,  they  will  be  continued— ill  feeling  will  be  engendered, 
instead  of  brotherly  love:  discord,  jealousy,  and  distrust  will  take  the  place  of 
peace  and  unity;  harmony  will  be  unknown  among  us  for  lack  of  wisdom; 
strength  and  beauty  will  leave  our  walls  to  be  replaced  by  chaos.  It  becomes  us 
to  practice  the  precepts  taught  us  by  the  square,  level,  and  plumb;  to  guard  in 
:ill  kindness,  yet  firmly,  our  own  rights,  and  at  the  same  time  the  rights  of  our 
brethren — we  should  not  invade  their  territory,  nor  they  ours.  The  several 
Grand  Lodges,  as  the  conservators  of  the  rights  and  privileges  of  their  subordi- 
nate Lodges,  should  act  energetically  and  decidedly  in  this  matter.' 

"The  Grand  Lodge  confirmed  the  views  of  the  Grand  Master  and  of  its  com- 
mittee by  correspondent  action. 

"Upon  the  same  subject,  the  Committee  on  Correspondence  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Arkansas  submitted  as  follows: 

•"In  regard  to  Grand  Lodge  jurisdiction,  your  committee  regret  to  see  so 
many  instances  of  its  violation,  with  a  high  degree  of  disrespect.  Of  the  many 
instances,  your  committee  will  refer  to  only  one.  A  citizen  of  this  State,  residing 
in  the  vicinity  of  Little  Rock,  petitioned  "Western  Star  Lodge"  for  initiation, 
and  was  rejected.  Soon  after  he  made  a  visit  to  North  Alabama,  and  in  a  few 
weeks  returned,  having  received  the  three  degrees  in  a  Lodge  under  the  juris- 
diction of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  that  State.  Under  ordinary  circumstances  this  vio- 
lation would  not  perhaps  have  been  noticed;  but  the  individual  alluded  to  having 
since  been  excluded  from  the  benefits  of  our  Order,  admonishes  your  committee 
of  the  necessity  of  suggesting  some  mode  of  arrangement  by  which  the  Craft 
may  be  protected  from  the  admission  of  unworthy  members— and  who  are  more 
capable  of  judging  of  the  worth  and  character  of  applicants  than  the  brethren 
residing  in  the  vicinity  of  the  applicant,  who  are  his  neighbors  and  acquaint- 

"The  ground  thus  assumed  by  our  brethren  of  Maryland  and  Arkansas  is 
.Masonic;,  to  say  the  least.  They  rest  the  claim  for  respect  for  the  jurisdiction 
of  a  Grand  Lodge,  in  the  regard  under  consideration,  by  sister  Grand  Lodges 
and  their  subordinates,  upon  its  necessity  to  the  preservation  of  that  'harmony' 
which  is  at  once  the  'beauty  and  strength'  of  our  'Ancient  Masonic  Institu- 
tion;' and  it  were  fair  to  presume  that  such  a  plea  will  avail  to  secure  the  end 
desired.  Still,  your  committee  would  proceed  somewhat  further,  deeming  that 
they  may,  perhaps,  in  some  degree,  contribute  to  a  cause  of  real  magnitude  and 

"  To  your  committee  it  seems  clear  that,  under  our  circumstances,  the  very 
notion  of  Grand  Lodge  jurisdiction,  in  any  sense,  carries  with  it  that  of  a  specific 
territory  within  which  such  jurisdiction  may  be  exercised.  What,  indeed, 
signifies  the  title  by  which  this  or  that  particular  Grand  Lodge  is  designated  ? 
What  is  denoted  by  'The  Grand  Lodge  of  Maryland,'  'The  Grand  Lodge  of  New 
York,'  'The  Grand  Lodge  of  Ohio,'  'The  Grand  Lodge  of  Wisconsin.'  What, 
but  that  each  is  a  Grand  Lodge  for  the  State  whose  name  distinguishes  it '!  Is 
not  this  idea  inherent  in  every  such  organization?  It  is  submitted,  whether, 
when  a  Grand  Lodge  is  organized,  it  be  not  emphatically  and  expressly  to  take 
cognizance  of  the  interests  of  Freemasonry  in  a  given  district — to  exercise  ju- 
risdiction in  the  State  or  Territory  in  which  it  is  formed,  and  whose  name  it 
assumes.  If  this  be  not  so.  then  is  each  Grand  Lodge  an  organization  having  a 
name  simply  to  denote  its  locality,  with  powers  at  large,  and  the  free  right  to 
exercise  its  functions  in  every  Territory,  State,  county,  city,  town,  or  village 


throughout  the  land,  without  let  or  hindrance  from  opposing  principle,  and 
candidates  in  any  community  are,  by  consequence,  free  to  choose  the  superior 
body,  under  whose  cognizance  they  will  severally  come.  Each  particular  com- 
munity might  thus  have  established,  and  in  exercise,  within  it,  several  concur- 
rent Masonic  governments,  as  many  as  there  are  or  may  be  Grand  Lodges  in  the 
Union,  or  in  the  world.  And  what,  in  this  case,  would  be  the  limit  for  the  forma 
tion  of  Grand  Lodges?  If  aGrand  Lodge,  when  formed,  be  not  for  a  specific  Slate 
or  Territory,  what  shall  prevent  the  formation  of  an  indefinite  number  of  Grand 
Lodges;  as  many  as  fancy  or  caprice  may  suggest?  And  thus  we  should  be 
thrown  back  upon  the  early  principle  of  the  independence  of  each  particular 
Lodge,  derived  through  the  inherent  rights  vested  in  the  Fraternity  at  large,  to 
meet,  act,  and  work,  as  to  them  should  seem  good  and  proper  within  the  limits 
of  the  'Ancient  Charges*.' 

"  This,  then  is  the  ultimate  ground  to  be  rechosen;  or  we  must  stand  firmly 
by  the  principle  of  confederation,  for  which  it  has  been  long  abandoned.  There 
is,  there  can  be,  no  middle  way;  either  the  principle  of  confederation,  which  we 
have  professedly  chosen,  must  be  rigidly  adhered  to,  or  we  must  go  back  upon 
the  ancient  ground,  long  since  practically  yielded.  This,  it  is  believed,  is  no- 
where meditated;  and  if  it  were,  would  be  found  impracticable.  By  the  princi- 
ple we  have  professed  to  adopt,  must  we  therefore  be  governed;  by  this  princi- 
ple interpreted  in  its  application,  by  the  very  notion  of  a  Grand  Lodge,  by  the 
name  it  bears,  by  practical  results,  by  eccelesiastical,  civil,  and  all  sorts  of  usage, 
and  by  common  sense — by  this  principle,  in  the  length  of  it,  and  in  the  breadth 
of  it,  do  your  committee  recommend  that  this  Grand  Lodge  take  her  stand,  and 
insist  that  her  territorial  jurisdiction  is  co-extensive  with  the  civil  jurisdiction 
of  the  State  of  Illinois  ;  beyond  which,  in  any  State  or  Territory  in  which  there 
may  be  a  Grand  Lodge  established,  she  will  not  exercise  her  powers  or  privileges; 
within  which,  she  will  not  patiently  endure  that  another  Grand  Lodge  shall 
establish,  exercise,  and  maintain  jurisdiction. 

"  In  this,  there  would  be  a  concurrence  with  our  brethren  of  Indiana,  who 
'think  it  most  consonant  with  the  principles  of  our  Order  that  applications  for 
membership  should  be  made  to  the  Lodge  nearest  to  the  residence  of  the  ap- 
plicant, and,  so  far  as  the  Lodges  of  different  Slates  are  concerned,  in  this 
question,  that  the  State  line  should  be  the  boundary  of  their  jurisdiction;'  and, 
with  those  of  Ohio,  in  addition  to  the  Grand  Lodges  before  noticed,  as  we  learn 
through  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Maryland :  'A  gentleman  residing  in  the  city  of 
Cincinnati  became  a  petitioner  to  Lafayette  Lodge,  of  that  city,  for  initiation 
into  the  mysteries  of  Freemasonry;  before  the  constitutional  time  for  action  on 
his  petition  had  arrived,  lie  visited  New  York  city, and  was  there  initiated, passed 
and  raised  to  the  S.  degree  of  Master  Mason.  On  his  return  home,  he  attempted 
to  visit  Lafayette  Lodge  as  a  M.  M.,  and  was  refused  admittance  on  the  ground 
that  he  did  not  receive  his  degrees  legally.  The  subject  was  submitted  to  the 
Grand  Lodge,  who,  while  they  justly  censure  this  invasion  of  their  jurisdiction, 
decide  that  persons  residing  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Ohio,  who 
wilfully  and  knowingly  obtain  the  degrees  of  Masonry  in  a  foreign  jurisdiction,  shall 
not  be  i  egardcd  as  Masons  :  if,  however,  they  pursue  this  course  ignorantly,  and 
the  person  is  worthy,  he  shall  be  "recognized  as  a  brother.'" 

"The  brethren  of  Maryland,  in  support  of  this  decision,  rise  to  the  high  ground 
assumed  by  your  committee,  and  say:  'If  from  selfish  motives,  from  distrust 

*An  example  of  this  kind  is  the  Lodge  of  Antiquity,  in  London. 


of  his  acceptance,  or  other  cause,  originating  with  and  existing  in  himself,  an 
individual,  wilfully  and  knowingly,  travel  into  foreign  jurisdiction  and  takes 
the  Masonic  degree*,  they  believe  that  "clandestine"  is  stamped  in  legible  char- 
acters on  the  transaction;  and  that  he  has  not  regularly  received  the  decree*, 
and,  therefore,  is  not  entitled  to  recognition.'  And  as  to  'the  Lodge  conferring 
the  degrees,"  say  they,  it  'does,  or  should  know  the  law,  any  violation  of  which 
i-»  irregular  and  a  nullity.'  If  this  proceeding  is  regular,  why  may  not  the  Lodge 
:ie  State  line,  as  did  \Vhite«ide  Lodge,  and  there  make  him  a  Mr  son? 
The  Lodge  would,  it  is  perfumed,  be  considered  clandestine,  as  also  its  acu>. 

'•  If  this  opinion,  and  the  general  views  presented  by  your  committee,  be  cor- 
rect, how  stands  it  between  us  and  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Wiscons-in?  The  facts 
hare  come  to  the  knowledge  of  your  committee,  that  that  Grand  Lodge  has 
assented  to  a  proposal  to  take  'Far  West  Lodge,'  of  Galena,  in  this  State,  under 
her  jurisdiction — that  Lodge  having  been  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Grand 
Lodge  of  Missouri,  as  were  other  of  the  Lodges  in  this  State,  until  the  formation 
of  this  Grand  Lodge — and  that  the  31.  W.  Grand  Master  of  that  Grand  Lodjre  lias 
granted  a  dispensation  to  certain  Masons  residing  in  Elizabeth,  in  this  State,  to 
form  and  open  a  Lodge  at  that  place.  It  is  submitted,  whether  the  latter  be  not 
an  infraction  of  the  rights  of  a  sister  Grand  Lodge  without  a  parallel  in  the  history 
of  Freemasonry  in  this  country;  and  too  great  to  be  borne  without  an  exceed- 
ing trial  of  the  bonds  of  our  covenant, — a  trial  which,  if  persisted  in.  will  be 
likely  to  weaken  the  ties  by  which  we  are  now  held  in  one,  if  not  to  make  »n 
utter  schism  between  us.  It  is  believed,  that  by  nothing  in  the  recorded  annal* 
of  our  Institution  can  that  step  be  justified;  by  nothing  in  its  domestic  or  private 
teachings  can  this  Grand  Lodge  be  bound  to  tolerate  an  abuse  so  fraught  with 
mischief  to  the  entire  family  of  Freemasons. 

••  The  Freemason's  logic,  it  is  thought  by  your  committee,  should  hare  led  the 
(.rand  Lodge  of  Wisconsin  to  say  to  'Far  west  Ixxlge,'  "There  is  a  Grand  Lodge 
in  Illinois;  yon  are  within  its  jurisdiction;  go  to  that  body  and  own  and  fulfill 
your  allegiance.'  All  special  pleadings  it  should  hare  caused  to  have  been  met 
by  a  declaration  of  the  rights  of  this  Grand  Lodge,  and  of  the  necessity  of  their 
observance  to  the  preservation  of  that  harmony  and  comity  which  should  dis- 
tinguish two  bodies  so  peculiarly  allied.  But  the  answer  really  made  to  the  ap- 
plication was  as  follows : 

"•  Resoftred,  That  a  charter  be  issued  to  the  "Far  West  Lodge."  of  Galena,  under 
and  by  the  name  of  the  "Galena  Lodge,"  as  prayed  for.  That  the  said  charter  be 
issued  with  it.»  date  and  number  blank,  and  kept  by  the  Grand  Secretary  of  this 
Lodge,  until  the  said  "Far  West  Lodge"  ."hall  place  in  the  hands  of  the  Grand 
Secretary  the  proper  legal  evidence  of  its  demission  fix m  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Missouri:  when  he  shall  date,  number,  and  deliver  said  charter  to  raid  Lodge, 
from  and  after  which  time,  if  accepted  by  the  -Galena  Lodge,*"  it  shall  be  taken 
and  remain  under  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Grand  Lodge. 

" '  Revolted,  That  no  other  fee  shall  be  demanded  for  said  charter  than  the 
regular  fees  of  the  Grand  Secretary.' 

^  Your  committee  recommend  that  this  Grand  Lodge  enter  its  protest  to  these 
banns,  and  ask  at  the  hands  of  our  brethren  in  Wisconsin  that,  in  this  particu- 
lar, they  will  do  as  they  would  be  done  by.  It  is  believed  that  such  remon- 
strance would  be  beard,  and  such  request  granted.  The  intelligence,  the 
well  known  Masonic  character  and  standing  of  our  brethren  in  Wisconsin,  are 
*  sufficient  guarantee  for  this.  The  magnitude  of  his  departure  from  ri>rht 
principle  and  right  practice  r-ould  not  hare  been  realized  by  the  M.  W.  Grand 
Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Wisconsin  when  be  granted  the  dispensation  to 


Elizabeth :  nor  that  of  his  Grand  Lodge,  when  Galena  was  bidden  a  wel- 
e.ime  within  her  jurisdiction. 

"  Blame  is  not,  therefore,  east  as  though  the  faults  were  intentional.  In  the 
one  cnte.  and  in  the  other,  your  committee  alike  see  M  zeal  lor  the  Institution 
prompting  the  excesses  eoniplained  of.  Still,  the  errors  are  no  less,  and  no  less 
imperiously  call  for  correction.  If  in  this  we  be  not  heard,  shall  the  Lodge  at 
Kli/.aheth  be  considered  MS  rlantltstinf .'  Shall  "l-'ar  West  Lodge,"  at  Galena,  be 
considered  the  same?  And  then,  how  shall  the  Grand  L«dge of  \Visconsinbe 
considered,  through  which  it  has  come  to  pa«s  that  this  (.rand  Lodge  is  refused 
to  be  owned  and  submitted  to  at  those  two  points  within  her  jurisdiction  ?  Must 
the  end  be,  schism,  and  a  cessation  of  communion  ? 

"In  view  of  what  has  been  thus  presented  on  this  subject,  your  committee 
would  express  the  ardent  hope,  that  this  Grand  Lodge  will  abide  within  the 
•landmarks,'  whicli 'our  fathers,' in  the  State,  have  set;  and  require  the  qualifi- 
cation of  citi/enship.  on  the  part  of  all  who  are  admitted  into  the  Institution 
within  her  jurisdiction,  and  refuse  Masonic  intercourse  to  every  citizen  of  this 
s-.-i'c.  who  shall  he  made  a  Mason  in  contravention  to  these  principles. 

"  In  regard  to  the  work  of  Lodges,  great  interest  is  every  where  felt  and  ex- 
pressed,  and  elt'orts  are  making  universally  to  secure  propriety,  uniformity,  and 
harmony  therein.  Various  are  the  modes  proposed  to  accomplish  these  most 
desirable  ends.  Prominent  among  them,  is  that  <>f  a  system  of  triennial  con- 
ventions of  representatives  from  the  several  Grand  Lodges  in  the  1'nion,  tobe 
holden  at  some  accessible  point,  under  certain  rules  and  restrictions  which 
have  been  already  submitted. 

"To  this  plan  your  committee  entertain  a  decided  aversion.  They  have  too 
distinctly  in  remembrance  the  convention  at  Baltimore,  with  all  its  bitter  fruits, 
— the  jealousie^,  the  disputing*,  the  rancors,  and  the  schisms  which  have  been 
its  consequent, — to  hope  for  anything  better  from  a  repetition  of  the  same  means. 
Not  that  your  committee  fail  to  recognize  much  good  that  has  accrued  to  a  large 
port  ion  of  the  Craft  through  the  instrumentality  of  the  convention  to  which  refer- 
ence is  now  made.  It  is  thankfully  admitted,  that,  directly  and  indirectly,  it 
has  wrought  for  us  much  that  was  desirable;  more,  it  is  belitved,  indirectly 
than  otherwise:  and,  on  the  principle  that  the  wrath  of  man  is  often  turned  to 
the  help  and  praise  of  that  which  is  good.  It  must  be  conceded,  that  on  the. 
whole,  it  has  been  quite  ctlective  in  directing  the  attention  of  the  Fraternity 
generally  to  the  subjects  of  propriety,  uniformity  and  harmony  in  the  work:  and 
in  prompting  desire  and  effort  with  regard  to  these  important  ends.  Hut  that 
anything  has  been  detcrminately  settled  by  it.  or  discrepancies  in  any  consid- 
erable degree  diminished,  cannot  he  justly  claimed;  for  a  fair  observation  has 
guen  abundant  evidence  that  the  sum  total  of  discrepancies  and  disagreements 
in  work,  on  all  si.i.  .  MhMOTWT  existed  among  us.  That  they  are 

the  same  is  not  asserted  :  but  as  numerous.  They  now  exist  under  greatly  im- 
proved circumstances;  for  the  desire  and  effort  which  have  been  elicited  to 
secure  uniformity  and  harmony  she  promise  of  happy  results  eventually.  In 
the  eomliet  lor  these  ends  at  present,  appeal  to  thederisions  at  Baltimore  is  well 
nigh  useless:  for,  lirst,  where  those  decisions  can  he  ascertained,  they  are  re- 
garded as  wanting  in  authority;  and.  second,  because  of  the  confessed  difficulty 
<>f  ascertaining  what  was  agreed  upon  at  Baltimore.  Owing  to  the  varied  asser- 
tions of  those  who  have  been  looked  to  as  reporters  of  the  doings  of  that  con- 
vention, and  the  disagreements  among  them,  little  satisfaction  can  be  obtained 



regarding  them;  and  so,  of  necessity,  private  judgment  must  finally  determine 
every  question  at  issue.  And  thus,  it  is  believed  by  your  committee,  will  it  ever 
be  with  regard  to  any  and  every  such  plan  for  attaining  the  ends  sought  to  be 
answered  by  means  of  conventions.  Moreover,  the  conventional  system,  of 
necessity,  almost,  permits  the  several  Grand  Lodges  to  be  so  independent  of  it 
and  of  one  another  as  to  leave  them  open  to  all  the  evils  of  jealousy ;  and  es- 
pecially to  the  curse  of  a  striving  on  the  part  of  one  or  more  for  the  mastery  in 
all  things,  that  by  some  means  pre-eminence  may  be  obtained.  It  can  not  have 
escaped  the  observation  of  the  most  casual  observer,  that  wealth,  with  associa. 
tions  as  with  individuals,  is  regarded  as  power;  and,  in  the  one  case  as  in  the 
other,  tends  to  beget  haughtiness  and  love  of  domination.  Where  these  shall 
have  become  combined  in  a  Grand  Lodge,  it  will  speedily  put  itself  forward  as 
chief  or  head,  claim  to  be  the  exponent  of  principles,  the  center  of  unity,  the 
organ  of  correspondence,  and  the  body  in  whose  adjudications  there  should  be 
universal  acquiescence.  It  will  expect  its  dictum  to  be  obeyed,  and  its  super- 
cilious bearing  to  overawe  and  overmaster.  The  tone  already  observed  in 
certain  quarters  warns  your  committee,  and  causes  them  to  desire  a  speedy 
exchange  of  isolation  and  independence  for  a  confederacy  under  one  general 
Masonic  government. 

"Your  committee  desire  not  to  conceal,  that  the  workings  of  the  General  Grand 
Masonic  bodies  already  in  existence  in  the  United  States,  have  come  before  them 
in  this  connection,  and  delighted  them  with  the  agreeable  contrast  which  they 
have  presented  to  all  that  is  here  set  forth. 

"'To  your  committee,  therefore,  it  appears,  that  the  organization  of  some 
similar  tribunal,  with  carefully  guarded  powers — having  authority  to  decide 
upjn  and  provide  for  the  means  of  instruction  in  the  mystic  wort  and  ceremo- 
nies of  Masonry— is  probably  the  best,  if  not  the  only,  means,  now  remaining  to 
us,  whereby  the  necessary  and  indispensable  uniformity  among  us  can  be  main- 
tained and  perpetuated  ;  whereby  our  mystic  rites  and  universal  language  may 
be  freed  from  hurtful  interpretations,  and  be  continued  to  us,  and  ours,  pure 
and  uncontaminated.  To  your  committee,  it  is  obvious,  that  unless  a  supreme 
authority  shall  be  established,  to  whose  decision  questions  respecting  our 
mysteries  and  traditions,  our  constitutions  and  our  principles,  may  be  referred 
and  whose  final  judgment  shall  be  obligatory  upon  all,  the  greatest  and  most 
ruinous  disparity  must  continue  to  prevail.  One  form  will  be  adopted  and  taught 
here— another,  and  different  one,  there  ;  each  refusing  to  yield  to  either  of  those 
differing  from  him— each  claiming  to  "possess  the  true  light,"  will  set  forth,  and 
contend  for  his  long  cherished  system;  and  thus,  at  no  distant  period,  we  shall 
hear  of,  not  only  ''York  and  English— French  and  Scotch  rites,"  but  of  New 
England  Masonry,  Missouri  Masonry,  and  Pennsylvania  Masonry ;  of  Kentucky, 
Ohio,  and  Virginia  "rites" — thus  rendering  that  which  should  be  now,  and  which 
might  be  continued  to  us  and  our  descendants,  for  all  time  to  come,  one  in  form 
and  precisely  similar  in  expression,  as  variant  in  both  as  are  the  features  of  those 
that  constitute  the  several  Grand  Lodges.  It  is  time  that  we  should  surrender 
our  claim  to  absolute  infallibility,  and  constitute  one  supreme  power,  with 
adequate  authority  to  decide  for  all.  This,  doubtless,  constituted  a  principle 
reason  for  the  organization  of  the  two  Grand  Lodges  of  England,  and  was  after- 
wards the  cause  of  merging  those  into  one  Grand  Lodge.' 

"In  short,  the  opinion  is,  that  this  Grand  Lodge  should  not  contribute  towards 
the  proposed  system  of  triennial  conventions,  but  follow  out  to  a  consistant  re- 


Kult  the  able  argument  of  our  brethren  of  Missouri,  quoted  above  at  such  length, 
by  doing  what  it  mny  to  secure  the  formation  of  a  General  Grand  Lodge,  on 
principles  similar  to  those  on  which  the  General  Grand  Chapter  and  the  General 
Grand  Encampment  of  the  United  States  are  based,  to  exercise  powers  and  to 
perform  offices  relative  to  Ancient  Craft  Masonry,  corresponding  with  those  ex- 
ercised and  pei  formed  by  those  General  Grand  Bodies  with  regard  to  their 
respective  subordinate  bodies.  This  General  Grand  Lodge  would  be  the  organ 
of  foreign  correspondence,  the  body  to  be  represented  and  to  receive  representa- 
tives, to  correct  abuses  and  irregularities,  to  hear  and  determine  appeals,  and  to 
provide  for  the  supply  of  all  the  wants  of  the  several  departments  of  the  Institu- 
tution.  It  'appears,  therefore,  to  be  imperiously  demanded,  not  merely  for  the 
welfare  of  the  Craft,  but  for  the  preservation  of  our  very  existence,  as  a  Fraterni- 
ty.' It  is  a  measure  fraught  with  no  horror,  in  the  minds  of  your  committee; 
would  be  submitted  to  most  cheerfully,  and  its  good,  it  is  believed,  would  large- 
ly overbalance  all  the  evil  that  can  be  anticipated  to  result  from  it. 

"  The  M.  W.  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Maryland  has  been  before 
us  in  the  expression  of  similar  views ;  and  so  clearly  and  ably  that  your  com- 
mittee cannot  forbear  to  quote  him  : 

"  'Much  has  been  said  within  the  last  few  years  upon  the  subject  of  establish- 
ing a  General  Grand  Lodge  for  the  United  States.  And  although  it  is  well  known 
that  there  are  those  who  think  such  a  measure  unnecessary  and  inexpedient, 
yet  it  is  equally  well  known  that  many  distinguished  Masons,  in  different  parts 
of  the  country,  favor  the  scheme,  and  would  be  glad  to  see  it  perfected.  From 
indications,  scarcely  to  be  mistaken,  it  is  doubtful  whether  the  contemplated 
meeting  of  a  convention  of  Grand  Lodges  at  Winchester,  in  May  next,  will  ever 
be  held.  Yet  it  seems  desirable  that  there  should  be  a  body,  with  limited  juris- 
diction, deriving  its  existence  from  the  several  Grand  Lodges,  which,  meeting 
periodically,  might  satisfactorily  determine  matters  of  general  policy,  and  pre- 
vent innovation  upon  the  ancient  usages  of  the  Order.  This  body,  having 
original  jurisdiction  over  all  such  territory  as  is  now  occupied  by  Grand  Lodges, 
would  grant  dispensations  and  charters  for  new  Lodges,  and  thereby  prevent  all 
collision  amongst  Lodges,  otherwise,  perhaps,  deriving  their  existence  from 
different  Grand  Lodges.  I  would  suggest  for  your  consideration,  whether  it 
would  not  be  judicious  to  take  some  action  on  this  subject;  and,  if  your  wisdom 
shall  advise  the  measure,  that  you  appoint  a  time  and  place  for  the  meeting  of 
delegates,  to  be  by  you  appointed:  providing,  a  majority  of  the  Grand  Lodges  of 
the  different  States  shall  concur  in  the  measure,  and  appoint  delegates.  In  this 
way  the  General  Grand  Chapter  of  Royal  Arch  Masons  for  the  United  States  was 
formed  in  1798,  which,  since  that  time,  has  held  its  regular  meetings,  and  from 
which  much  good  to  the  Order  has  been  derived.  And  I  have  yet  to  learn  th«t 
any  grand  or  subordinate  chapter  under  its  jurisdiction  has  had  cause  to  com- 
plain of  injury,  or  of  usurpation  of  power  not  delegated  to  it  in  the  outset.  The 
next  triennial  meeting  of  the  General  Grand  Chapter  and  General  Grand  Kn- 
campment  for  the  United  States  will  be  held  in  the  city  of  Columbus,  in  the 
State  of  Ohio,  on  the  second  Tuesday  in  September,  1847;  at  which  time,  should 
the  proposed  measure  meet  your  approbation,  and  that  of  other  Grand  Lodges, 
a  convention  might  be  held,  with  but  little  inconvenience,  to  form  a  constitution 
to  be  submitted  to  the  several  Grand  Lodges  fur  their  consideration.' 

"  The  Grand  Lodge  supported  these  views  of  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  by  the 
adoption  of  a  resolution,  which  your  committee  intend  to  submit  for  your  adop- 


"Several  other  Grand  Lodges  entertain  similar  views. 

"  From  what  has  been  thus  submitted,  it  will  at  once  be  seen  that  the  plan  of 
sending  a  delegate  abroad  'for  the  purpose  of  examining  the  mode  and  man- 
ner of  Masonic  work  in  foreign  countries,  and  to  publish  a  treatise  on  his  return, 
for  the  benefit  of  the  Fraternity,  to  harmonize  and  furnish  some  plan  of  union, 
whereby  the  work  in  this  and  other  countries  may  be  the  same,'  as  has  been 
proposed  by  Mississippi,  and  approved  by  some  other  Grand  Lodges,  is  not 
concurred  in,  under  present  circumstances  ;  though  admitted  to  be  a  measure 
which  a  General  Grand  Lodge  might  adopt  with  great  propriety  and  usefulness 
if  it  should  so  please. 

"Your  committee  have  had  great  happiness  in  observing  that  thoroughness 
in  work  appears  now  to  be  sought  for  among  the  Lodges,  equally  with  uni- 
formity and  harmony.  A  disposition  is  beginning  to  be  manifested  every- 
where, rather  to  make  good  and  thorough,  than  to  make  many  Masons ;  it  is 
now  realized  that  the  strength  of  the  Institution  is  rather  in  the  quality  than 
the  quantity  of  its  members.  The  practice  of  hurrying  candidates  into  the 
Institution  after  they  have  petitioned,  and,  when  initiated,  of  carrying  them  on 
from  one  degree  to  another,  irrespective  of  proficiency  in  the  degree  or  degrees 
taken,  is  undergoing  correction  in  almost  every  quarter.  It  is  some  happiness 
to  know  that  this  comparatively  youthful  Grand  Lodge  has  been  forward  in  re- 
momsirances  against  such  haste.  In  1841— the  second  year  of  her  existence— 
the  instructed,  that  '  petitions  of  candidates  should  not  be  acted  on,  unless  the 
same  had  lain  over  at  least  [one  month ;'  and  in  1843,  pronounced  it  to  be  one 
of  the  greatest  irregularities  of  which  there  was  reason  to  complain  in  certain 
quarters,  that  there  was  'a  disposition  to  push  candidates  on  through  the  Sec- 
ond and  Third  Degrees,  before  they  could  possibly  be  skilled  in  the  First  or 
Second,'  and  declared,  that  'the  ancient  landmarks  of  the  Order  require,  that 
the  Lodge  should  know  that  the  candidate  is  well  skilled  in  one  degree,  before, 
he  is  advanced  to  another;'  and  in  1844,  gave  force  to  her  expressions  in  these 
regards,  by  exemplary  discipline  in  the  memorable  cases  at  Nauvoo.  Several 
Grand  Lodges  have  adopted  the  same  or  similar  rules.  That  of  New  Hampshire 
has  enacted,  that  'no  candidate  for  initiation,  can  be  proposed,  balloted  for, 
or  made  a  Mason,  at  a  special  Lodge,  nor  at  any  time,  unless  his  application  has 
laid  over  for  the  consideration  of  the  members,  at  least  four  weeks,  before  he 
can  be  balloted  for,  without  a  dispensation  for  that  purpose;'  and  that  'all 
Entered  Apprentices  must  work  five  months  as  such,  before  they  can  be  ad- 
mitted to  the  degree  of  Fellow  Craft.  All  Fellow  Crafts  must  work  in  a  Lodge 
of  Crafts  three  months,  before  they  can  be  raised  to  the  sublime  degree  of  Mas- 
ter Mason:  Provided,  nevertheless,  that  if  any  Entered  Apprentice  or  Fellow 
Craft  shall  make  himself  thoroughly  acquainted  with  ail  the  information  be- 
longing to  his  degree,  he  may  be  advanced  at  an  earlier  period,  at  the  discretion 
of  the  Lodge.' 

"A  foreign  Grand  Lodge,  that  of  Hanover,  has  ordained,  that  'an  Apprentice 
shall  remain  two  years  in  that  degree,  and  a  Fellow  Craft  one  year  in  that  de- 
gree;'  and  the  M.  W.  Grand  Master  decides  against  any  deviation  from  the 
rule,  on  the  ground,  that  'notwithstanding  any  assertion  to  the  contrary,  it  is 
absolutely  impossible  for  a  brother,  let  his  capacity  or  assiduity  be  what  it  may, 
to  acquire  in  a  shorter  space,  the  knowledge  of  his  degree,  even  in  regard  to  its 
forms  and  customs.  To  neglect  this  regulation,'  says  he,  'and  advance,  at  the 
expiration  of  a  few  months,  nay  sometimes  a  few  days,  a  newly  initiated  mem- 
ber to  the  Master's  degree,  is  an  intolerable  abuse;  and  it  has  likewise  this  fault, 


that  it  strips  away  all  the  merit  from  that  degree,  which  is  the  most  sublime 
one,  and  ought  never  to  be  attained,  but  as  a  reward  for  zeal,  aptness  and  perse- 

"The  Grand  Lodge  of  Indiana  provides  that  'a  candidate  shall  not  be  initiated 
in  less  than  one  month  from  the  time  of  the  filingof  his  petition;'  and  that 'more 
than  one  degree  s^iall  not  be  conferred  upon  the  same  candidate  in  less  than  one 
month.'  Our  youthful  sister  of  Iowa  has  decreed  that 'no  Lodge  shall  receive 
any  petition  for  initiation  or  admission,  except  on  the  day  of  a  stated  regular 
monthly  meeting  thereof;  and  no  ballot  shall  be  taken  upon  such  petition,  ex- 
cept seven  members  are  present,  nor  until  the  next  monthly  meeting  after  the 
date  of  its  presentation  ;  nor  shall  a  candidate  be  advanced  to  a  superior  degree 
without  satisfactory  examination  as  to  his  proficiency  in  the  last  degree  lie 
took.'  The  provisions  of  the  Grand  Lodges  of  Michigan  and  Wisconsin  are  in 
effect  the  same.  '  The  practice  of  examining  the  candidates  in  the  prior  de- 
grees before  admission  to  the  higher,'  says  an  able  Grand  Master,  the  want  of 
the  proceedings  of  whose  Grand  Lodge  has  already  been  noticed — M.  W.  Alex. 
II.  Robertson,  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  New  York — '  in  order  to 
ascertain  their  proficiency,  is  gaining  the  favorable  notice  of  Masters  of  Lodges, 
and  can  not  be  too  highly  valued,  nor  too  strongly  recommended  to  Lodges  in 
this  jurisdiction.  It  necessarily  requires  the  novitiate  to  reflect  upon  the  bear- 
ing of  all  that  has  been  so  far  taught  him,  and  consequently  to  impress  upon 
his  mind  the  benuty  and  utility  of  those  sublime  truths,  which  have  been  illus- 
trated in  the  course  of  the  ceremonies  he  has  witnessed  in  his  progress  in  the 
mystic  art.  In  a  word,  it  will  be  the  means  of  making  competent  overseers  of 
the  work — and  no  candidate  should  be  advanced  until  he  has  satisfied  the  Lodge 
by  such  an  examination,  that  he  has  made  the  necessary  proficiency  in  the 
lower  degree— those  made  under  dispensation  only  excepted. 

"These  views  formed  the  basis  of  the  resolution  already  adopted  by  this 
Grand  Lodge,— to  the  strict  observance  of  which  it  is  trusted  the  subordinate 
Lodges  will  be  held.  It  certainly  had  become  necessary  that  the  demand  of 
'suitable  proficiency' in  a  preceding  degree,  prior  to  further  promotion,  should 
Vie  authoritatively  defined;  for,  practically,  it  had  well  nigh  lost  all  signiticancy. 
The  definition  given  by  this  Grand  Lodge,  it  will  be  seen  from  the  above,  is  in 
accordance  with  the  formal  expressions  of  a  large  and  most  intelligent  portion 
of  the  Fraternity;  t.  e.,  that  perfection  in  the  preceding  degree  is  necessary  to 
satisfy  the  demand.  By  concurring  with  sister  Grand  Lodges  in  enforcing  this 
rule,  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Illinois  will  contribute  much  towards  raising  the 
standard  of  Masonry,  and  harmonizing  its  practice  with  its  theory  and  its  prin- 
ciples; for  she  will  make  Masons,  not  merely  ceremonially,  but  intellectually 
and  morally. 

"  The  matter  of  balloting  for  candidates,  the  question  whose  is  the  right  ?  has 
distinctly  engaged  the  attention  of  your  committee.  Their  views  on  the  sub- 
ject shall  be  briefly  given. 

"The  Masonic  Institution  is,  as  it  professes  to  be,  catholic  or  universal.  In- 
deed, catholicity  is  of  the  essence  of  its  character;  giving  it  a  feature  of  strik- 
ing and  almost  peculiar  interest,  beauty,  and  glory.  Therefore  it  is,  that  there 
is,  there  can  be,  properly  and  truly,  but  one  f.imily  of  Masons  on  the  wide  earth  ; 
that  the  '  Masonic  Fraternity  everywhere  is  one  band  of  brothers,  the  children 
of  one  father,  united  by  one  fundamental  constitution,  and  one  sacred  cove- 
nant.' Portions,  or  branches  of  the  family  exist  in  different  places,  under  local 


organizations,*  but  it  is  to  be  borne  in  mind,  that  all  are  or  should  be  governed 
by  the  same  common  principles,  speak  the  same  language,  work  for  the  same 
end,  and  enjoy  the  same  benefits.  Hence  it  is  often  seen,  that  if  one  mem- 
ber suffers  all  the  members  suffer  with  him,  and  if  one  member  rejoices  all  the 
members  rejoice  with  him.  The  Masonic  Institution  presents  in  theory,  and 
realizes  the  same  to  some  extent  practically,  the  beautiful  spectacle  of  a  univer- 
sal family,  the  throbbing  of  the  heart  of  every  member  of  which  is  but,  as  it 
were,  the  pulse  of  the  mighty  heart  of  the  whole,  beating  only  to  the  common 

"The  introduction  of  a  new  member  into  the  Institution,  is,  therefore,  a  mat- 
ter of  singular  interest  to  the  entire  Fraternity.  From  the  moment  of  initiation, 
H  new  heart  beats  with  the  family,  whose  claims  for  a  responsive  recognition  are 
founded  on  ties  which  are  the  same  the  world  over;  and  which  may  in  any  clime 
or  country,  thereafter,  demand  the  performance  of  the  vows  of  a  common  cove- 

"  In  accordance  herewith,  your  committee  deem  it  a  right  inherent  in  every 
member  of  the  Masonic  family  to  raise  his  voice  and  free  his  conscience  in  vievr 
of  such  an  introduction;  they  deem  it  the  inalienable  privilege  of  every  Mason 
present,  on  a  given  occasion,  when  a  candidate  is  balloted  for,  to  deposit  his 
ballot;  they  hold  to  be  most  strictly  true  the  language  of  a  former  committee 
of  this  Grand  Lodge,  that  '  the  privilege  of  balloting  for  or  against  an  applicant 
is  one  of  the  inalienable  rights  of  our  time-honored  Institution.' 

"  This  subject  has  been  brought  to  the  especial  notice  of  your  committee  in 
the  foreign  correspondence,  wherein  they  discover  that  the  Grand  Lodge  of 
Hanover  has  formally  recognized  the  great  principle  here  asserted,  by  enacting 
that  'In  balloting  for  a  candidate  for  initiation,  every  visiting  brother  shall 
have  a  right  to  vote,  because  the  candidate,  when  initiated,  becomes  a  member 
of  the  Craft  in  general.' 

"May  the  consistent  example  thus  set,  serve  as  an  incentive  to  this  Grand 
Lodge,  to  take  its  stand  upon  the  same  high,  catholic,  and  truly  Masonic  ground  ! 

"The  'general  rule  which  governs'  the  Fraternity  'in  the  admission  of  mem- 
bers,' that  'such  admission  shall  be  sanctioned  by  entire  unanimity,'  should,  in 
the  opinion  of  your  committee,  be  rigidly  adhered  to  by  this  Grand  Lodge.  It 
is  one  of  those  ancient  and  almost  universal  provisions,  which,  by  its  tender  and 
sacred  regard  for  the  conscience  of  every  brother,  proclaims  the  entire  freeness 
and  peculiar  beneficence  of  the  Institution  of  Freemasonry.  The  theory  is,  that 
every  member  of  the  entire  family  should  be  permitted  to  say,  in  view  of  a  given 
applicant,  whether  ho  can  fulfill  the  duties  and  obligations  of  a  brother  towards 
him;  and  that  if  any  brother  should  conscientiously  feel  (and  a  Mason  is  to  be 
supposed  to  act  at  all  such  times,  at  least,  conscientiously),  that  he  can  not  acquit 
himself  of  his  obligations  towards  the  applicant,  hisconsciencc  .«hall  not  be  forced 
by  having  that  individual  brought  into  such  relation  towards  him;  and  he,  in 
consequence,  be  constrained,  on  the  one  hand,  to  violate  conscience  in  the  per- 
formance of  duties  which,  in  that  particular  case,  would  be  against  its  convic- 

"  *  Such  organizations  are  of  comparatively  very  recent  date.  Previous  to  1717, 
Lodges  were  empowered  by  inherent  privileges  vested  in  the  Fraternity  at  large, 
to  meet  and  act  orcaMonally  under  the  direction  of  some  able  architect.  The 
:uicient  charges  were  the  only  standard  for  the  regulation  of  conduct,  and  no 
law  was  known  in  the  society  which  those  charges  did  not  inculcate. 

"  By  such  an  inherent  authority,  the  Lodge  of  Antiquity,  in  London,  lias  al- 
ways been,  and  still  continues  to  be  governed. — Preston's  III. 


tions;  or,  on  the  other,  in  the  non-fulfillment  of  positive  obligations  to  this  end. 
Sacred  and  fundamental,  therefore,  is  the  rule  conceived  to  be  which  requires 
that '  no  candidate  shall  be  initiated  in  any  Lodge  without  a  clear  and  unanimous 
ballot  in  his  favor.'  Such  has  ever  been  the  estimate  of  this  Grand  Lodge.  In 
the  year  1842,  its  declared  sentiments  on  this  subject  were  as  follows : 

'"The  privilege  of  balloting  for  or  against  an  applicant,  is  one  of  the  inalienable 
rights  of  our  time-honored  Institution.  The  Lodge  has  no  right  to  introduce 
within  its  walls  any  applicant  who  may  be